TIPS-JIM Meeting 16 September 2004, 10am, Auditorium 1. JWST NIRCam Calibration Peter McCullough 2. STIS Failure and Upcoming Tests Paul Goudfrooij 3. New Programs for Cycle 13 Duccio Macchetto Next TIPS Meeting will be held on 21 October 2004. JWST NIRCam Calibration Peter McCullough, Don Figer, James Rhoads 16 September 2004 9/16/2004 NIRCam Calibration, STScI TIPS 1 Presentation Outline • NIRCam Timeline • NIRCam Optical Layout • Three viewpoints – Requirements Trace – Analysis pipelines: CalNIRCamA, B – Comparison to NICMOS Goals & Plan for Commissioning • Plan Outline: from ETU tests to JWST’s EOL • Astronomical Sources for Photometry, Astrometry • Summary 9/16/2004 NIRCam Calibration, STScI TIPS 2 Not Addressed Here • Cross-calibrations (to JWST’s NIRSPEC, FGS; HST; Spitzer) • WFS, WaveFront Sensing Requirements – Because only recently completed – TBR, To Be Reviewed 9/16/2004 NIRCam Calibration, STScI TIPS 3 NIRCam Timeline Oct 20-21, 2004 NIRCam PDR NIRCam CDR Oct 13, 2005 2007 2008 2009 2010 Deliver GSW-01 GSW-02 Oct 20, 2005 Begin ETU I&T Sep 22, 2006 Begin FM I&T Launch 2011 Commissioning completed 6 months after launch PDR is Preliminary Design Review CDR is Critical Design Review GSW-01 defines reduction algorithms GSW-02 defines reference files and their format ETU is the Engineering Test Unit for NIRCam FM is the Flight Model for NIRCam 9/16/2004 NIRCam Calibration, STScI TIPS 4 Optical Layout From OTE 3 9 10 11 12 4 5 6 2 1 7 14 1 Pick-Off Mirror Assembly 2 Coronagraph 3 First Fold Mirror 4 Collimator Lens Group 5 Dichroic Beamsplitter 6 Long Wave Filter Wheel Assembly 7 Long Wave Camera Lens Group 8 Long Wave Focal Plane Housing 9 Short Wave Filter Wheel Assembly 13 10 8 15 Short Wave Camera Lens Group 11 Short Wave Fold Mirror 12 Pupil Imaging Lens 13 Short Wave Focal Plane Housing 14 ICE Interface Panel 15 FPE Interface Panel Light source 9/16/2004 NIRCam Calibration, STScI TIPS NIRCam Optics & Mounts PDR, September 8, 2004 5 Flat Field Sources are in Pupil Wheel Pupil Wheel Pinhole Integrating Cavity Assembly Thermal Radiant Source 9/16/2004 NIRCam Calibration, STScI TIPS NIRCam Optics & Mounts PDR, September 8, 2004 6 Flat Field Sources Design Concept Optical Integrating Cavity located on Pupil Wheel Radiant Source – Fixed to Bench Pinhole Aperture 9/16/2004 NIRCam Calibration, STScI TIPS NIRCam Optics & Mounts PDR, September 8, 2004 7 Pinhole Integrating Cavity Pinhole aperture (1 shown) Exiting light paths Incident light from radiant source 9/16/2004 NIRCam Calibration, STScI TIPS NIRCam Optics & Mounts PDR, September 8, 2004 8 Lyot Coronagraph Occulting Masks & Pinhole Sources Occulting Mask Substrate LED Source Calibration pinhole 9/16/2004 NIRCam Calibration, STScI TIPS NIRCam Optics & Mounts PDR, September 8, 2004 9 Three Viewpoints to Calibration Plan 1. JWST+NIRCam Requirements 2. Software Pipeline (IDTL, Calnica, …) 3. Prior Calibration Experience (NICMOS, WFC3, …) 9/16/2004 NIRCam Calibration, STScI TIPS 10 Requirements Trace to Calibration Plan 9/16/2004 NIRCam Calibration, STScI TIPS 11 Requirements: detector Pixel Operability SCA noise Read noise Electrical crosstalk between pixels Radiometric Stability Latent or Residual Images Radiation immunity 9/16/2004 While simultaneously meeting all requirements, the SCA operability shall be > 98% The total noise per pixel shall be < 9 e- (rms) in an integration period of 1000secs. This will be measured with two groups of 8 samples or Frames, The read noise for a single read shall be < 15 e(rms) The electrical crosstalk between pixels shall be < 5% The radiometric stability over 1000seconds shall be < 1% Latent or residual images when measured at the same integration time as was use for the near saturation image shall be <0.1% after the 2nd read following an exposure of > 80% of full well No more than 4% of the pixels will be degraded from their original performance after 5.5 years at L2 within NIRCam. This may be verified with analysis and agreed upon assumptions of TID at L2. NIRCam Calibration, STScI TIPS 12 Requirements: coronagraphy 2.3 Coronagraphy 2.3.1 General Characteristics Little or no influence BTG2004 NSRD page 2 Coronagraph Capability 2.4.3 Coronagraphic Science We assume that the coronagraph will be allowed to have little or no influence on the design or operation of the telescope and minimal impact on design of NIRCAM. NIRCam shall provide a coronagraph capability in all four of the imaging channels. This will be enabled by the placement of coronagraph image masks at the edge of the telescope focal surface and selection of a coronagraph wedge in each of the filter wh NIRCam should be able to detect objects as small as 1 MJ located outside 10-20 AU of the star. For stars 5 Gyr old, Jupiter-mass objects are detectable to ~5 pc. 10 AU at 5 pc is 2 arcsec 5 AU at 10 pc is 0.5 arcsec MSRD BTG2004 6.5 Coronagraphic Science ND Filters on Coronagraphic Slide Coronagraphic mask stability Fig 15 Target Acquisition On-board centroiding Spacecraft Coarse Roll Control OBS-1621 Table 6-2 states that AB mag = 18, the bound planet brightness is based on a 2-Jupiter mass planet 5 AU from an M star 10 parsecs from Earth. Neutral Density filters of density n = 3 (TBR) and > 2arcseconds (TBR) diameter shall be utilized to allow for centroiding bright sources. Once NIRCam has reached it operating temperature, the coronagraphic occulting mask slide shall remain within 0.005 (TBR) arcseconds of its nominal position relative to the pixels on the FPAs over a timescale of 1 month (TBR). to 0.010 (TBR) arcseconds 1-sigma each axis To support coronagraphy, ISIM C&DH shall be capable of positioning a point source on a coronagraphic spot with an accuracy of 0.005 arcseconds (TBR). During a science target observation, the Spacecraft coarse roll control shall be less than or equal to 6.5 arcseconds RMS. Software Pipeline Trace to Calibration Plan 9/16/2004 NIRCam Calibration, STScI TIPS 14 CalNIRCamA Flowchart p_udgjcdpmk/QA?9 /pcqcrmdbcrcarmp9 KKSJRG?AASKÄ£q Dj_eqqcr_qDGRQ fc_bcpicwumpbq A_jLGPA_k? Pcdcpclacdgjcq sqcb`wngncjglc K?QIAMPP ?nnjwK_qi K?QIDGJC PCDAMPP PCDAMPPRWNC PcdNgvcjAmppcar LMGQA?JA A_jasj_rcLmgqc LMGQDGJC @BAMPP Qs`@g_q-B_pi @G?QB?PIDGJC LJGLAMPP Lml+jglAmppcar LJGLDGJC APGB APGbclrgdw QJMNCDGR QjmncDgr DJ?RAMPP Dj_rAmppcar DJ?RDGJC NFMRA?JA A_jasj_rcNfmr NFMRR?@ A_jg`p_rcb Gk_ecqcr 9/16/2004 NIRCam Calibration, STScI TIPS 15 HST Heritage Trace to Calibration Plan 9/16/2004 NIRCam Calibration, STScI TIPS 16 Trail Blazers NICMOS WFC3 NIRCam 9/16/2004 NIRCam Calibration, STScI TIPS 17 NICMOS Calibration Goals NIRCam will have similar goals, except no polarization and no grism, except WFS grism in the Dispersed Hartmann Sensor, which is only used in commissioning. 9/16/2004 NIRCam Calibration, STScI TIPS 18 NIRCam Calibration Plan duration in NICMOS SMOV NICMOS # NICMOS Name 1 2 3 4 SMR-2021/Rev A MacKenty, J. 1997.01.31 to HOLD Mode Internal parallel operation memory load and dump field offset mechanism 5 filter wheel mechanism 6 Electronic noise; SAA contour 7 Dewar heaters Setpoint adjustment 8 Transfer function 9 Target Acquisition 10 NICMOS to FGS Astrometric Calibration - aperture locations 11 Plate Scale and Astrometric Calibration 12 Coarse Optical Alignment 13 Fine Optical Alignment 14 Point Spread Function Characterization 15 Persistence 16 IntFlat Transfer and Stability 17 HST thermal background 18 Absolute photometry 19 Differential Photometry 20 Detector noise and Dark characterization Commissioning Maintenance CFT 0:02 3:00 1:30 10:00 CPT A* M B,L G V1 ISIM Plum A* A* E B,C,G F H H H? H . . E,R . . . G M n Y J L Y J K Y A,B n B,C B,I Y B J Y N F C,O,R C,S C,S . Y Y Y Y D Y E M Y D A,H,R ? I P,Q n Y n . I 6:00 24:00:00 0:05 0:40 5:00 5:00 1:30 J 11:00 J 16:00 E,F,H ,I 11:00 3:30 9:30 16:00 6:30 18:00 8:00 21 Coronagraphic Performance verification 22 Limb avoidance Determination 23 Thermal Check on COSTAR 9:00 15:00 deploy Grism Validation Focus Monitor Scattered Light Determination SI Parallel Operations 10:00 16:30 1:30 9:00 4:30 24 25 26 SI-1 Ground test Cycle 7 (hh:mm) C B D A B E E A I B C J F G H,I K D H C,D NIRCam Calibration Plan Outline Cold Functional Test (CFT) @ LMATC Comprehensive Performance Test (CPT) @ LMATC +V1 Down Test @ GSFC ISIM Test @ GSFC JWST Test @ Plum Brook or equivalent On Orbit Commissioning @ L2 Maintenance Calibration @ L2 9/16/2004 NIRCam Calibration, STScI TIPS Horner & Kelly, Jul 2004 20 Cold Functional Test A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. BiasDark & Readnoise Flats: lamp visible thru all filters Coronagraphic emitters PIL (Pupil Imaging Lens) – repeatability of PIL, PW WFE using NOTES (NIRCam OTE Simulator) WFE using Coronagraphic emitters DHS rotation FAM (Focus Adjust Mechanism, “pickoff mirror”) Confocality of LW and SW FPAs Alignment of LW and SW FPAs 9/16/2004 NIRCam Calibration, STScI TIPS Horner & Kelly, Jul 2004 21 Comprehensive Performance Test (1 of 2) A. Repeat CFT B. Explore behavior by varying 1. integration time 2. Source brightness 3. Sampling 4. Co-adding C. Subarrays D. FAM calibration using NOTES E. Linearity, Saturation, Latency F. Thermal tests (SCAs and mechanisms) 9/16/2004 NIRCam Calibration, STScI TIPS Horner & Kelly, Jul 2004 22 Comprehensive Performance Test (2 of 2) G. H. I. J. K. L. M. Flight-like scripts using SITS Ghosts, Glints, & Diffuse scattered light using NOTES Dark position is indeed dark Coronagraphic slide survey (mapping) DHS dispersion using NIRCam’s R=100 filters Data rate & volume stress test Fault protection test 9/16/2004 NIRCam Calibration, STScI TIPS Horner & Kelly, Jul 2004 23 +V1 Down Test A. WFE using NOTES B. Alignment of cubes (warm vs cold) 9/16/2004 NIRCam Calibration, STScI TIPS Horner & Kelly, Jul 2004 24 ISIM Test @ GSFC A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. Repeat CFT Readnoise thru flight (or flight-like) wiring EMI/EMC with parallel ops’ with FGS (& other SIs) Stray light with parallel ops’.. Fault protection Subarrays Data rate and volume stress test Flight-like scripts using ICDH 9/16/2004 NIRCam Calibration, STScI TIPS Horner & Kelly, Jul 2004 25 JWST Test @ Plumbrook A. B. C. D. E. F. Repeat CFT FAMs, confocality of modules PIL: OTE pupil shear compensation using FAMs WFS&C Subarrays Data rate & volume 9/16/2004 NIRCam Calibration, STScI TIPS Horner & Kelly, Jul 2004 26 On-Orbit Commissioning (1 of 2) A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. Alignment Pupil Shear Radiometric Calibration Dark current and read noise checks Internal throughput checks Flat field measurements FPA tune-up – biases, offset voltages, etc. Observing mode checkouts Focus confirmation on stellar sources Point spread function characterization Distortion mapping – confirming plate scales and distortions across the field of view 9/16/2004 NIRCam Calibration, STScI TIPS Horner & Kelly, Jul 2004 27 On-Orbit Commissioning (2 of 2) L. Focal plane survey – locations of the NIRCam fields of view relative to FGS M. Coronagraphic mode checkout – verifying emitters, ND spots, offsets to the coronagraphic masks, algorithms for centroiding, coronagraphic contrast N. Latent image verification O. Sensitivity/confusion limit checks P. Off-axis glint checks Q. Scattered light checks R. Routine calibration activities S. Checkout of candidate calibration sources 9/16/2004 NIRCam Calibration, STScI TIPS Horner & Kelly, Jul 2004 28 On-orbit Maintenance Programs for NIRcam, to date. SODRM # 421 NIRCam Flat Field Monitoring 422 423 NIRCam Dark Monitoring NIRCam Photometric Monitoring 424 NIRCam Short term Astrometric Monitoring NIRCam Long Term PSF Monitoring 425 9/16/2004 Title NIRCam Calibration, STScI TIPS 29 SODRM Program 423 Program No.: 423 As-of date: 2/23/04 Program title: NIRCam Photometric Monitoring Synopsis: The goal of this proposal is to monitor the stability of NIRCam’s photometric calibration. The observations will be carried out twice a year. It is assumed that the photometric standard stars (or even better two secondary calibrator fields) will have been observed during the commissioning. Sample and sky coverage: Two standard stars suitably positioned. Instruments and observing configurations: 60s in each filter. Scheduling requirements or constraints: These are primary external observations. Visit scenarios: 2000s visit plus overheads Total program time needed (days): 1 Program written by: Massimo Stiavelli and Peter McCullough Date first written: 2/23/2004 9/16/2004 NIRCam Calibration, STScI TIPS 30 NIRCam Photometric Calibration Clusters are chosen based upon suitability to solar-analog method of calibration (Campins, Rieke, Lebofsky 1985): –Solar –Color, B-V0 = 0.6 to 0.7 –Age < 8 Gyr (so solar-temperature dwarfs still exist) –Metallicity, Fe/H ~ 0 –Low extinction, E(B-V) < 0.2 –Rich and compact, in order to permit robust selection from multiple candidates in NIRCam FOV –Distance modulus, m-M > 11.7, d > 2200 pc presumes – Sun’s Mv = 4.8; V-K = 1.5 – K=15 stars don’t saturate in quickest MULTIACCUM (TBR) – Subarray use is TBD 9/16/2004 NIRCam Calibration, STScI TIPS 31 Stauffer, NIRCam Sci Team Meeting, May 2003 NIRCam cf. 2MASS 2MASS K-band image (SNR=10 at K=15) NGC 2420 NIRCam saturates at K~15 unless subarray is used. = solar type star = NIRCam FOV (location is TBD) Other open clusters that meet E(B-V), m-M, [Fe/H] criteria: NGC 2506, 6791, 2266, 2243, Mel 66, Berk 39 9/16/2004 NIRCam Calibration, STScI TIPS 32 NIRCam Astrometric Calibration We want to know how to do this: (x,y) (α,δ) • HST observations of globular clusters are ideal • A priori astrometry (easy way fewer NIRCam exposures) • High density of stars within NIRCam FOV (2’x4’) • 100,000 stars, not too bright (K > 15) 9/16/2004 NIRCam Calibration, STScI TIPS 33 NIRCam Calibration Summary • • • • Requirements traced to plan Heritage from NICMOS, WFC3, and ACS; IDTL Basic calibration steps planned out Calibration achievable on orbit – Lamps are inside NIRCam, also dark slide – Robust against changes to on-orbit environment • Need to consider – – – – WFS requirements Cross-calibrations (to NIRSPEC, FGS, HST, Spitzer) Saturation limit of NIRCam Commissioning schedule for arbitrary launch date 9/16/2004 NIRCam Calibration, STScI TIPS 34 Backup Slides 9/16/2004 NIRCam Calibration, STScI TIPS 35 NIRCam Cheat Sheet Cheat Sheet Pixel Formats and Scales Arm Short Long λ-range 0.6 - 2.3µm 2.4 - 5.0µm Pixel Format 4080x4080* 2040x2040 Pixel Scale 0.032“ 0.065" Long and short arms view same area on sky through a dichroic. Redundant A&B modules view adjacent areas on sky (separated by ~25") *Has ~6" gaps between SCAs. Detector Performance Requirements Total Read Noise Single Read Noise Dark Current QE Well depth Min. exposure time Pixel size Detector Max Op T ≤ 9e- in 1,000 secs ~14 e≤ 0.01 e/sec ≥ 80% ~90,000 e10.6 sec (full frame) 10µsec x No. of pixels (sub-array) 18µm x 18µm 80K, short-λ,42K, long-λ Flat field sources illuminate back half of NIRCam optical train only. Coronagraphy uses focal plane masks moved into detector FOV using wedge mounted with pupil wheel mask. Flux Conversion: 0.038 e-/sec/nJy for F200W Sensitivity: F200W 10,000secs 10-σ = 10.4 nJy, F444W , 10,000secs 10-σ = 24.5 nJy 9/16/2004 NIRCam Calibration, STScI TIPS Rieke, Feb 2004 36 Filters Revised Filter Set for Each Imaging Module (subject to further change) Short - λ Arm Long - λ Arm Filter Wheel Pupil Wheel Filter Wheel Pupil Wheel F070W Imaging pupil F270W Imaging pupil F090W Flat field source F357W Flat field source F110W Outward pinholes F444W Outward pinholes F150W Coronagraph pupil 1 F250M Coronagraph pupil 1 F200W Coronagraph pupil 2 F300M Coronagraph pupil 2 F140M WFS dispersive #1 F335M F241N F163M WFS dispersive #2 F430M F256N F183M WFS weak lens 1 F460M F469N F210M WFS weak lens 2 F405N TBD Filter F164N WFS weak lens 3 F480M TBD Filter F187N F212N F390M TBD Filter WFS Filter F108N F360M TBD Filter Filter Names: FXXXR XXX=Center λ in 100xµm R= (W for R=4, M for R~10, N for R=100) 9/16/2004 NIRCam Calibration, STScI TIPS Rieke, Feb 2004 37 CalNIRCamB Concepts A_jg`p_rcb Gk_ecqcr DGRQfc_bcpicwumpbq Pcdcpclacdgjcq8 ?qrpmkcrpw Xmbgkmbcj NQD A_jLGPA_k@ E_n+dpcc Gk_ecqcr Bcamltmjtcb Gk_ecqcr &gdpcosgpcbc,e,`wqrsai qcekclr&q'mdNK' A_r_jmemd Qr_pq*E_j_vgcq*cra 9/16/2004 Not included in current contract of S&OC. NIRCam Calibration, STScI TIPS 38 Solar Analog Method • Adopt V magnitude for Sun as V = -26.76 +/-0.02 (Hayes 1985; Campins et al 1985; Bessel et al 1998) • Convolve filter/detector/telescope response curves for NIRCAM with model (Kurucz) A0 star. Define colors of the A0 star to be 0.00. • Above 2 steps yield fluxes for zero mag for all NIRCAM filters. • Convolve filter/detector/telescope response curves for NIRCAM with solar spectrum; yields predicted NIRCAM fluxes for solar analogs (use Colina et al. 1996 solar spectrum) • Obtain NIRCAM observations of solar analogs in open clusters (e.g. NGC2420, NGC 6791) • Do LS fit of predictions vs. observations for AV and distance. If get good fit and small residuals, you are done. If not, attempt to determine if problem is with assumptions or with stars. 9/16/2004 NIRCam Calibration, STScI TIPS 39 Stauffer, NIRCam Sci Team Meeting, May 2003 Problems for NIRCAM Usage of Solar Analog Method • NIRCAM saturation at K ~ 15 mag • Traditional application of method relies on identifying (field) stars with spectra (or Teff/log g) approx. identical to Sun, using high resolution spectra and optical photometry. • K > 15 limit precludes traditional selection method. • Even with alternate selection technique, K > 15 limit very likely means standards will have non-zero reddening, poorly known distance and possibly poorly known metallicity • Proposed solution = use Solar Analogs in Open Clusters 9/16/2004 NIRCam Calibration, STScI TIPS 40 Stauffer, NIRCam Sci Team Meeting, May 2003 SPACE TELESCOPE SCIENCE INSTITUTE Operated for NASA by AURA The Aug 3rd STIS Failure and Upcoming Tests Paul Goudfrooij • Disclaimer: Only ‘Public Domain’ info shown here • FRB presentation to HSTP will occur 1:30 – 3:30 today – • STScI Members of FRB: Ron Pitts, Tom Wheeler; Tony Keyes ex officio Final info from FRB studies to be shown in later TIPS. FRB Charter 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Review Data: Review telemetry of the failure, and the record of events in the STIS microprocessor memory log, construct a detailed timeline/ reconfirm and/or update what has been learned since the August 3rd event; Identify Most Likely Cause: Develop a complete fault tree identifying potential causes of the August 3rd anomalies; if possible identify the root cause; Propose Test Plan/Establish if STIS can be returned to use: Develop a plan for diagnostic tests that will further characterize the problem and/or establish conclusively whether STIS can be returned to use or is unrecoverable; identify the risks presented by each test; Consider risk of identical failure in additional HST assets: Consider, and, if needed recommend a set of actions for assessing the susceptibility of other HST Science Instruments (SIs) to a similar root failure mechanism; Review thoroughness of SI safing routines: Review the self-checks and safing architectures of the other SIs for adequacy, and, if needed, recommend changes having high merit; Report findings and Recommendations: Document and report the Review Board’s conclusions. TIPS Presentation Sep 16, 2004 Paul Goudfrooij 2 “Home” Mechanism Configuration (situation prior to suspend event) Mechanism External Shutter Corrector Mechanism (Not initialized) Focus U Tip/Tilt V Tip/Tilt Slit wheel * Mode Select Mechanism Mode Isolation Shutter Echelle Blocker Calibration Insertion Mechanism CCD Shutter * Mnemonic OXSHP Position Closed OKMFOCP 0.1837134 mm OKUTILTP -900.0 a-s OKVTILTP -900.0 a-s OSWABSP 3824311 – 3824372# (MIRVIS, CCD imaging) OSMPOSX Closed OSEPOSX Block2 OCMMPOSX Insert OSCSHUTX Closed * All motors are stepper motors with magnetic detents except the slit wheel and CCD shutter. The latter two are brushless DC torque motors. # The slit wheel does not normally move unless commanded to do so. The loss of the +5V mech converter voltage affected the servo loop permitting drift. 3824311 was the value when the mech 5 V went to zero. 3824372 was the value at the suspend at 2004.216:16:38:58. TIPS Presentation Sep 16, 2004 Paul Goudfrooij 3 Observables during Anomaly • No STIS stored commanding during anomalous events. – OMBMC5V (STIS +5V Mechanism voltage) drops to 0V ÿ No suspend reaction, since no lower bound in FSW limit check ! – Increase in Current & Total Power ~43 minutes after OMBMC5V dropped to 0V – MCE1 and MCE2 serial communication with MEB halts resulting in execution of STIS suspend sequence • No evidence of outgassing or temp increase during event – No temp sensor on LVPS2, but MEB temp sensors did not show change between loss of +5V and suspend sequence – No rise in pressure measured by ESM pressure sensor TIPS Presentation Sep 16, 2004 Paul Goudfrooij 4 STIS Current around Anomaly NSSC-I Safing Limit set to 9.67 Amps TIPS Presentation Sep 16, 2004 Paul Goudfrooij 5 Overlay Current signatures taken 24 hours apart TIPS Presentation “normal” Sep 16, 2004 Paul Goudfrooij 6 Main Bus Current During Fault Main Bus Current during fault MAMAs, CEB, Mech and Cal OFF within 500ms 77 No large current spike captured at 100ms sample rate 76 MCE drops out CLDBUSCP 75 16:38:22.841 1 Amp +/- 0.6 Amp drop in current prior to Suspend Sequence Execution 74 73 16:38:21.341 72 SUSPEND sequence Starts 16:38:22.000 71 16:38:23.041 70 08/03/2004 16:38:12.480 TIPS Presentation 08/03/2004 16:38:15.072 08/03/2004 16:38:17.664 08/03/2004 16:38:20.256 Sep 16, 2004 08/03/2004 16:38:22.848 08/03/2004 16:38:25.440 Paul Goudfrooij 08/03/2004 16:38:28.032 7 Cause & Effect Theory 1. Interpoint +5V converter (MFL2805S) internally fails (at bus voltage < 28V) causing +5V output to fall to 0V – No observed change in current at time of failure (< 100 mA) 2. At bus voltage >28V, MFL2805S current input becomes increasingly exponential 3. Current in excess of 72 Amps in less than 40ms occurs, causing STIS bus voltage to drop to or beyond point required to reset MAMA electronics prior to fault clearing 4. Both MAMA electronics proceed through power on reset phase, halting communications with MEB in process 5. MEB requests Suspend activity; meanwhile, exponential current rise fault has already cleared in MFL2805S converter; likely component failure within MFL2805S 6. STIS Suspend is executed; MFL2805S is inhibited TIPS Presentation Sep 16, 2004 Paul Goudfrooij 8 Proposed On-Orbit Tests • Test #1: STIS Checkout – • Test #2: Attempt to Enable +5V Mechanism Converter – • Purpose: Determine if failure still exists Test #3: Attempt to reactivate Side-1 (“Hail Mary”) – • Purpose: Verify health & viability of STIS and its detectors Purpose: Determine whether short still exists Estimated development time needed before tests #1 and/or #2 can be executed: – 7-9 weeks after getting go-ahead TIPS Presentation Sep 16, 2004 Paul Goudfrooij 9 Test #1 (STIS Checkout) • Test #1 - STIS Checkout (verify health and viability) – – – – – – Transition from Safe mode to hybrid Operate Mode (no mechanism initialized) Enable each detector separately and take series of DARKs (+ BIASes for CCD) to assess detector performance. Enable each calibration lamp. Place STIS back in Safe Mode, and start analyzing data & telemetry Estimated execution time ~24 hours, no impact to other SI observing schedule Note: STIS was already in similar mode (suspend) for 4 days after failure without any noted anomalies. Hence extremely low risk of clearing fuse. TIPS Presentation Sep 16, 2004 Paul Goudfrooij 10 Test #2: Enable +5V Mech Converter • Test #2- Enable +5 volt Mechanism Converter – – Transition from Safe mode to hybrid Operate Mode (no mechanism initialized) in real-time commanding. Enable Side-2 Mech Power (similar test to STIS Side-1 failure). ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ – Activate HST486 ACR to monitor PDU current (shut off if current exceed expected value plus a delta). Start high-rate telemetry collection. Start internal STIS high rate diagnostic on +5volt, +30volt, +15volt, and other telemetry (TBD) of SES collected items. Enable STIS Side-2 mechanism relay Start series of Mechanism moves (clear optical path to enable observations). Disable STIS Side-2 mechanism relay. Dump diagnostic data and place STIS back in Safe Mode. Note: If bus A/B fuse already stressed, fault might clear fuse, leaving STIS unpowered. (Fuse stress rendered unlikely) TIPS Presentation Sep 16, 2004 Paul Goudfrooij 11 Impact of Fuse Clearing • • STIS Side 1 presently powered off at HOLD relay – Side-1 Survival Heaters can not be utilized If STIS Side-2 testing were to interrupt 20 Amp PDU#1 fuse – Isolation to side-2 Bus-C Fuse would be major impact to HST ÿ ÿ – Following STIS items would be at high risk ÿ ÿ ÿ – Other SIs would have to switch to side-2 as well, single-fused Bus-C only 35 Amps of fusing to PCU instead of 70 Amps MAMAs: Optical Bench: Mechanisms: Survival Limit –5C Survival Limit –10C Survival Limit –10C Hence any robotic STIS servicing may not be useful anymore TIPS Presentation Sep 16, 2004 Paul Goudfrooij 12 Test #3: Side-1 Reactivation • • Same test as during June 2001: Close Hold Relay (Fuses were replaced during SM3B) Why? – No comparable spectroscopic capability in space at present – STIS offers unique capabilities that will not be replaced by COS – HST is thinly instrumented now (before addition of WFC3 and COS), with minimal spectroscopic capability; – STIS was regularly scheduled for 25-30% of HST time – STIS performance would be better now than after SM4: ÿ ÿ ÿ ÿ Degradation of the CCD detector with radiation exposure Increasing throughput losses in the UV due to contamination Increases in the dark current levels of the MAMA detectors NOTE: these effects should not be drastic; definitely still worth repairing STIS in the robotic mission!! TIPS Presentation Sep 16, 2004 Paul Goudfrooij 13 Test Results Prediction • Test #1: STIS Side 2 except Mech power supply – – • Test #2: STIS Side 2 Mech supply – – • PDU fuse will remain intact All STIS side-2 systems tested will be 100% functional PDU fuse will remain intact +5V Mech voltage will not be present; no mechanism movement will be accomplished Test #3: STIS Side 1 Test – PDU STIS Side-1 20 Amp fuse (connected to HST A/B bus) will blow upon closure of STIS HOLD relay TIPS Presentation Sep 16, 2004 Paul Goudfrooij 14 TIPS Presentation Sep 16, 2004 Paul Goudfrooij 15 Fusing Lay-Out TIPS Presentation Sep 16, 2004 Paul Goudfrooij 16 Duccio Macchetto TIPS, September 2004 STIS PROGRAMS REVIEW • If STIS cannot be recovered, STIS programs cannot be executed. [!!!] • We have reviewed all the STIS programs – Can a substantial [~90%] fraction of the science as proposed be accomplished with another instrument [typically ACS imaging or grism spectroscopy]? • Three different groups looked at the programs – INS [Paul &Co] – Rodger – SPD [Bob, Mike, Claus, Neill & Duccio] 2 STIS PROGRAMS REVIEW • The reviews were done independently • We took a conservative approach but found only ~18 programs out of ~104 Cycle 10,11,12 &13 where, we believe, a switch would be successful 3 STIS LETTERS • Letters were sent to the affected PIs – Says that program cannot be executed – Tells PIs that they can request a change of SI if they can prove that the original scientific objectives can be met – The TTRB [suitably augmented] will review the change requests • For those programs that we believe can be switched, INS has sent an additional letter telling them to formally request the change • In all cases the burden of proof is with the Pis • The TTRB will review the request and make the recommendation in each case • The overall procedure has been discussed with STUC, STIC and TAC Chair 4 Replacement Programs • TAC Selected proposals with the explicit understanding that the scientific objectives were to be substantially accomplished with the instrument [s] identified in the proposal • To ensure that we would have a pool of good proposals to carry-out in case of an instrument malfunction, the TAC was instructed to grade proposals all the way down to the “triage’ line. • They were also asked to identify a line below which we should not implement proposals even if time was available 5 Replacement Programs • The STIS orbits that cannot be executed [Cycles 10-13] are ~ 1100 – Assuming that ~200 orbits can be switched • We have identified replacement Cycle 13 proposals [non STIS] following the already defined Panels/TAC ranking • The list [~40-45 programs] is being discussed with the TAC Chair • Proposals selected are still ~in the top quartile • Proposers will be informed by late September. 6 Original Cycle 13 Orbits by Sci Cat SS 2% SP 11% AGN 6% COS 14% SF 10% QAL 9% ISM 10% Final Mix of Proposals for Orbits by Sci Cat HS 11% CS 2% SS 2% GAL 25% AGN 8% SP 18% COS 25% SF 9% ISM 7% QAL 0% HS 7% 7 CS 1% GAL 23% Institutional Acceptance Rate 100% Cycle 13 90% W/O STIS New Props 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Yale UCLA U. of Washington U. of Texas at Austin U. of Pittsburgh U. of Pennsylvania U. of Michigan U. of Kentucky U. of Colorado at Boulder Caltech Carnegie Institution of Washington JHU JPL Northwestern Ohio State Penn State SAO Southwest Research Institute STScI U. of Arizona U. of California - Berkeley U. of California - San Diego 8 Orbit Increase/Decrease from Original Cycle 13 Allocation 250% 200% Yale UCLA U. of Washington U. of Texas at Austin U. of Pittsburgh U. of Pennsylvania U. of Michigan U. of Kentucky U. of Colorado at Boulder U. of California - San Diego U. of California - Berkeley U. of Arizona STScI 9 -100% -56% -56% -100% -13% Southwest Research Institute SAO Penn State Ohio State -56% Caltech Carnegie Institution of Washington JHU JPL Northwestern -53% -24% 0% 0% 0% 0% 8% 11% -54% -150% 78% 76% -100%-100% -100% 100% 100% -40% -50% 206% 191% 150% 50% Final Mix of Proposals by Orbit Bins 70 60 Cycle 13 Original Mix Gained Props Final Props 59 53 # of Proposals 50 46 43 40 30 27 21 20 14 11 10 10 5 5 7 8 7 4 1 3 3 3 4 2 0 1 - 10 11 - 20 21 - 30 31 - 40 Orbit Bins 41 - 50 51 - 99 >=100 10 Final Mix of Proposals by Orbit Bins 1200 Cycle 13 Original Mix Gained Orbits Final Orbits 1000 Orbits 800 600 400 200 0 1 - 10 11 - 20 21 - 30 31 - 40 Orbit Bins 41 - 50 51 - 99 >=100 11