Managing an Undergraduate Research Journal: Collaboration in Progress Introduction to the URJ‐UCCS ( Contact Me! The Undergraduate Research Journal at UCCS (URJ‐UCCS) is an online, open access journal that publishes high quality student research from the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. The URJ‐UCCS launched in 2008 as a library experiment that was solely maintained by the library, but has since evolved into a budding campus‐wide initiative and is jointly managed by the library and the UCCS Honors Program. Tabatha Farney Web Services Librarian University of Colorado at Colorado Springs Publishing the URJ‐UCCS: Roles and Collaborations The URJ‐UCCS is managed by undergraduates in the campus honors program with faculty and librarians serving as advisors and technical support in the publishing process. Students refer to faculty advisors about quality of submissions. Faculty assists students in the review process. Students - Serve as reviewers and editors of the journal - Manage marketing and call for papers - Redesign the journal's website Faculty - Serve as advisors and mentors to students - Provide expertise knowledge in their disciplines - Assist in maintaining journal's quality Students rely on the library for technical support, while the library relies on students to handle the daily management of the journal. Library - Serve as publishers - Maintain the journal management system - Assist in metadata and digital preservation best practices Library and faculty work together as advisors to ensure a pre-professional level publication. URJ‐UCCS’ Budget Need URJ‐UCCS Expenses Staffing Managing a journal requires several roles ranging from editor and reviewers to technical support and marketing managers. Many of these roles can be combined into one position. Total Budget: $0 The URJ‐UCCS is managed by students in the campus honors program. They receive credit for their work, but no financial incentives. Faculty volunteer their time as advisors. Librarians involved with the URJ‐UCCS do so as part of their librarian and research responsibilities. Technology A journal management system (JMS), web server space and technical support are ideal in publishing an online journal. JMSs range from commercial hosted systems to free locally hosted software. Total Budget: $0 The URJ‐UCCS runs on the Open Journal System, a free open source jms. Server space is provided by the university and technical support is provided by a tech savvy librarian. Marketing Just building a journal does not imply authors and readers will find it. Marketing is essential in soliciting manuscripts and gaining readership on and off campus. Total Budget: $0 The URJ‐UCCS uses free advertising on campus by hanging fliers (printed internally in the library) and placing notices in campus newsletters. Currently the only online advertisements is through the journal’s website and the library’s website. As more marketing strategies are implemented, this budget may require funding. Benefits of Collaboratively Publishing the URJ‐UCCS For Students For Faculty 9 Gain valuable skills by serving as editors and reviewers 9 Serve as mentors in the undergraduate research experience 9 Applicable experience in web design, marketing and more 9 Engage students outside the classroom 9 Collaborate with faculty 9 Provides a place to publish their research and receive feedback 9 Increase service to campus 9 Possibility of co‐authoring works with students in the future For the Library 9 Embedded into the undergraduate research experience 9 New service with potential to impact the entire campus 9 Engage students and faculty in a collaborative project 9 Excellent content for a digital repository 9 9 9 9 For the Institution Promotes undergraduate research on campus Makes undergraduate research output available beyond the university Possible marketing tool for prospective students Engages students and faculty outside the classroom