PHYSICS OF PLASMAS 21, 056312 (2014) Laser-driven, magnetized quasi-perpendicular collisionless shocks on the Large Plasma Devicea) D. B. Schaeffer,1,b),c) E. T. Everson,1 A. S. Bondarenko,1 S. E. Clark,1 C. G. Constantin,1 S. Vincena,1 B. Van Compernolle,1 S. K. P. Tripathi,1 D. Winske,2 W. Gekelman,1 and C. Niemann1 1 Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California - Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California 90095, USA 2 Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545, USA (Received 31 December 2013; accepted 14 March 2014; published online 21 May 2014) The interaction of a laser-driven super-Alfvenic magnetic piston with a large, preformed magnetized ambient plasma has been studied by utilizing a unique experimental platform that couples the Raptor kJ-class laser system [Niemann et al., J. Instrum. 7, P03010 (2012)] to the Large Plasma Device [Gekelman et al., Rev. Sci. Instrum. 62, 2875 (1991)] at the University of California, Los Angeles. This platform provides experimental conditions of relevance to space and astrophysical magnetic collisionless shocks and, in particular, allows a detailed study of the microphysics of shock formation, including piston-ambient ion collisionless coupling. An overview of the platform and its capabilities is given, and recent experimental results on the coupling of energy between piston and ambient ions and the formation of collisionless shocks are presented and compared to theoretical and computational work. In particular, a magnetosonic pulse consistent with a low-Mach number collisionless shock is observed in a quasi-perpendicular C 2014 AIP Publishing LLC. geometry in both experiments and simulations. V [] I. INTRODUCTION Collisionless shocks are prevalent in many astrophysical and terrestrial space environments, including supernovae remnants, coronal mass ejections, the solar wind, and ionospheric explosions.1 In many of these systems, the basic structure can be modeled as that of a magnetic piston driving a shock through magnetized ambient plasma.2 The shock is formed when accelerated plasma flows through the ambient plasma faster than the ambient magnetosonic speed, and functions to decelerate the ambient plasma in the shock frame while simultaneously increasing entropy through heating. Unlike hydrodynamic shocks that dissipate energy through classical collisions over scale lengths on the order of the classical mean free path, collisionless shock energy is dissipated through electromagnetic effects over far shorter length scales. While collisionless shocks have been studied remotely and in situ by spacecraft for decades, those systems are difficult to diagnose or largely steady-state. With appropriate dimensional scaling,3,4 laboratory experiments can thus contribute to an understanding of collisionless shock formation, while also providing greater control over relevant parameters and reproducibility. Moreover, experiments can help validate computational codes and complement spacecraft measurements. Much previous work has been and continues to be done on magnetized collisionless shocks in a wide variety of experimental configurations in the laboratory. Early work on a) Paper TI3 6, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 58, 284 (2013). Invited speaker. c) Electronic mail: b) 1070-664X/2014/21(5)/056312/8/$30.00 h-pinches successfully created quasi-perpendicular (shock normal perpendicular to the background magnetic field) shocks, but they did not separate from the piston.5–8 Later experiments that combined a laser-produced plasma with a h-pinch achieved some success in creating a shock-like structure that separated from the piston.9,10 Other experiments studied the diamagnetic cavity generated by a subAlfvenic (MA ¼ v=vA < 1, where vA is the Alfven speed) laser-driven plasma in an external magnetic field,11–15 while more recent work has focused on studying collisionless shocks by combining a laser-plasma with a Z-pinch16 or through field-reversed configuration (FRC) plasma guns.17 At the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), we utilize a unique experimental platform based on an earlier design study3 that combines a high-power, laser-driven superAlfvenic magnetic piston with a large preformed, magnetized ambient plasma. Though dimensionless parameters of relevance to magnetized space shocks, such as the Alfven Mach number MA or shock formation length scale, are only marginally satisfied experimentally, this has the advantage not readily accessible to spacecraft of providing a regime where the microphysics of shock formation can be studied in detail. In particular, how energy is coupled between the piston and ambient plasma and what dissipation mechanisms are important in shock formation can be investigated and used to benchmark relevant computational codes. Furthermore, the large scale of the ambient plasma (a few c=xpi across the background magnetic field, several hundred c=xpi along the field) is an ideal platform for comparing quasi-perpendicular and quasi-parallel shock geometries, which can be achieved by simply rotating the propagation direction of the piston relative to the background field. We have previously used this platform to generate 21, 056312-1 C 2014 AIP Publishing LLC V This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 19:20:39 056312-2 Schaeffer et al. Phys. Plasmas 21, 056312 (2014) quasi-perpendicular shock-precursors,18 large-amplitude shear Alfven waves,19 and large-scale diamagnetic cavities.20 In this paper, we outline the above platform and report recent experimental and computational results that demonstrate the formation of a quasi-perpendicular collisionless shock, as well as the collisionless coupling of energy between a magnetic piston and a magnetized ambient plasma. We begin with an overview of the physics of pistonambient ion coupling and relevant computational simulations in Sec. II. We then describe the experimental platform and setup in Sec. III. In Sec. IV, we present experimental results and discussion before concluding in Sec. V. II. THEORY AND SIMULATIONS It is helpful to start with a simple overview of how a laser-ablated plasma can lead to collisionless shock formation (for reference to a typical simulation or experimental setup, see Figs. 1 and 2). Much computational work21,22 has been done that can provide a more thorough overview. We start with a preformed, magnetized ambient plasma. At initial time, a super-Alfvenic debris plasma shell moving radially is generated by ablating a target with a high-energy laser. As the debris expands, the higher electron density in the debris shell compared to the ambient plasma leads to a net azimuthal electron gyration in the shell that is manifested as a diamagnetic current. Additionally, at early times, the debris ions are unmagnetized and free-stream through the background field, while the debris electrons, being much less massive, are retarded. This sets up a radial electric field that in turn causes an azimuthal E B motion for (primarily) the electrons, reinforcing the diamagnetic current. At later times when the space-charge separation is negligible, this current is maintained in a similar manner by radial electron pressure FIG. 1. A 2D spatial contour plot at late time from a hybrid simulation initialized to representative experimental parameters, showing the basic features seen in experiments. Red and blue dots are debris and ambient ions, respectively, while the contour is the scaled magnetic field amplitude in ^ z. The target is represented by the solid gray box at (0,0) and is irradiated by a laser (not part of simulation) from þ^ x . Labeled in the figure are: (1) the formation of a magnetic cavity by debris ions; (2) the piston edge coming to a stop as debris energy is transferred to the ambient plasma; (3) fast debris ions decoupling and slipping through the background; (4) a low-Mach number quasi-perpendicular collisionless shock separating from the piston. FIG. 2. (a) Schematic layout of a representative experiment. (b) Cartoon cross-section of the LAPD plasma in a two-cathode configuration. (c) Coordinate system when viewed from the top of the LAPD. gradients. The current acts to expel the background field within the current layer while compressing the field at the layer’s edge.13,14 As a result, a diamagnetic cavity and magnetosonic pulse are formed as the debris plasma expands into the background field. This combination of debris plasma and diamagnetic cavity is the piston. At intermediate times, the piston couples energy and momentum to the ambient plasma, slowing down in the process. In turn, the ambient ions are accelerated to a drift speed on the order of the initial debris speed and eventually carry the magnetosonic pulse as they separate from the piston. At late times, provided enough energy has been transferred from the piston to the ambient plasma, the accelerated ambient ions will overrun stationary ambient ions, causing the magnetosonic pulse to steepen into a shock. It is worth pointing out that in this model, the shock only exists in the ambient plasma, with the piston solely providing a means to transfer laser energy to the ambient ions. The physics of wave steepening and dissipation necessary for collisionless shock formation, as well as the basic features of a formed shock, have been extensively studied.1 We focus here instead on how energy might be coupled between the piston and the ambient plasma, beginning with some general criteria for when that coupling is most effective. Since the diamagnetic cavity is simple to measure experimentally, we cast the following discussion in terms that relate to the cavity size.23 The initial kinetic energy Ed ¼ 12 md Nd v2d in a debris plasma of Nd ions in a sphere of radius R can be partitioned, ignoring energy sinks like shear Alfven waves, into two terms B20 1 4p 3 2 þ m a n a vd R ; (1) Ed ¼ 8p 2 3 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 19:20:39 056312-3 Schaeffer et al. where the first term is energy that is used to expel the background field B0, and the second is energy used to accelerate a mass density mana of ambient ions to speed vd. If all the energy goes into expelling the background field, the resulting cavity radius R ¼ RB ¼ ð3Nd md v2d =B20 Þ1=3 is known as the magnetic stopping radius. Conversely, if all the energy is used to accelerate ambient ions to the debris speed, the debris will expand to the equal mass radius R ¼ RM ð2=3Þ ¼ ð3Nd md =4pma na Þ1=3 . Note that the ratio RB =RM ¼ MA , so that if we want energy to be coupled to the ambient plasma, we require that RM < RB or MA > 1, i.e., that the debris ions be super-Alfvenic. Since it can also be shown24 that debris ions traveling too fast will slip through the ambient plasma without coupling, it is necessary to have a further constraint on the debris ions. We have shown previously in simulations25 that for a debris plasma dominated by a single ion species (see Sec. IV A for further discussion), the condition RM =qd > 0:7, where qd is the debris ion gyroradius, must be satisfied for a shock to form. A comparable (though more stringent) criterion is that R=qd > 1, i.e., the cavity size is large enough that the debris ions stop within the cavity. How energy is actually coupled between the piston and ambient plasma has been detailed elsewhere,23,24 and we summarize it here for completeness. It can be shown26 that for the super-Alfvenic, low be plasmas of interest here, the dominant coupling mechanism is due to laminar instead of turbulent electromagnetic fields. The laminar electric field Elam can be derived from the electron momentum equation and Ampere’s law X Ji B rp 1 B ðr B Þ i ; (2) Elam ¼ e ene 4pene cene where the first term is the electron pressure gradient, the second term is the magnetic pressure and curvature, and the third is the ion current or Larmor term. It can be further shown that as MA increases, the Larmor term, and hence Larmor coupling, becomes increasingly dominant over the other two. This Larmor electric field is induced by the changing magnetic field as the debris ions move past (Elarmor / Jd B0 ), and in turn causes a Elarmor B0 drift-like motion of the ambient ions in the same direction as Jd . We use 2D hybrid simulations to study the process of piston-ambient coupling and subsequent shock formation. The simulations utilize a 2D3V collisionless Darwin hybrid code in two Cartesian spatial dimensions with threedimensional fields and velocities.22 The ions are simulated kinetically using the particle-in-cell technique, while the electrons are treated as an inertial-less, charge-neutralizing fluid. The simulations do not include the laser-target interaction, but focus on a plasma expanding out from a planar target perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field into an ambient plasma at experimental conditions. In Fig. 1, a simulation under representative plasma conditions illustrates the main features outlined above, including the formation of a magnetic cavity and sweeping out of ambient ions, the coupling and stagnation of debris ions at the cavity edge, the decoupling of faster debris ions, and the formation of a low Phys. Plasmas 21, 056312 (2014) Mach number collisionless shock. Simulations for specific experimental parameters are presented in Sec. IV C. III. EXPERIMENTAL PLATFORM To study magnetized collisionless shocks, we use an experimental platform comprised of two facilities at UCLA. The first is the Phoenix Laser Laboratory,27 run by the HighEnergy Density Physics (HEDP) plasma group, which consists of two laser systems. Raptor, a high-energy kJ-class laser (1053 nm, 25 ns, 1012 W/cm2), is used to drive the magnetic piston. A smaller laser, Phoenix (1064 nm, 5 ns, 20 J, 1011 W/cm2), can be used for diagnostic measurements such as Thomson scattering. The second facility is the Large Plasma Device (LAPD),28 run by the Basic Plasma Science Facility (BASPF). The LAPD provides a well-characterized and highly reproducible magnetized ambient plasma. This plasma is well-suited for laser shock experiments because it is large scale (10.6 m perpendicular to the background field, 18 m parallel), steady-state (10 ms), quiescent and current-free, and customizable in both background field (0.2–1.8 kG) and ambient gas fill (H2, He, Ne, Ar, etc.). We utilize the LAPD in a two-cathode configuration. A BaO-coated Ni cathode generates a 160 cm, lower-density (na 2 1012 cm3 ) main plasma, while a LaB6 (lanthanum hexaboride) cathode generates a smaller 140 cm, higher-density (na 2 1013 cm3 ) core plasma roughly centered on the main one (see Fig. 2(b)). The ambient plasma has a typical electron temperature Te ¼ 6 eV and ion temperature Ti ¼ 1 eV. The background field is oriented axially (^z ) along the machine, with x^ oriented horizontally perpendicular to the field and y^ oriented vertically (see Fig. 2(c)). A typical experimental setup utilizing this platform is shown in Fig. 2. A rectangular carbon target of either graphite or HDPE (high-density polyethylene C2H4) is embedded within the LAPD ambient plasma 30 cm from the machine center axis. To study quasi-perpendicular shocks, the target normal is oriented across the background field along x^ (the laser-plasma is ablated normal to the target surface, regardless of the laser’s angle of incidence). Coordinates are defined such that z ¼ 0 corresponds to the plane of the target normal, y ¼ 0 corresponds to the target normal axis, and x ¼ 0 corresponds to the target position (i.e., x ¼ 30 cm is the center axis of the machine). The Raptor laser (250 J), focused with a 1.8 m focal length lens to a 0.8–2 mm2 spot size, is used to ablate a debris plasma. Differentially wound magnetic flux (“bdot”) probes29 measure the ^z component of the magnetic field up to 60 cm from the target along x^. Additional bdot probes measure all three components of the magnetic field up to 10 m from the target along ^ z . The probe signals are sent through custom-built 150 MHz differential amplifiers and coupled to fast (1.25 GHz) 10-bit digitizers. A second frequency-doubled (532 nm, 10 J) beam from the Phoenix laser, delayed arbitrarily relative to the Raptor beam, is used for Thomson scattering. The beam is focused either along x^ or slightly offset (z ¼ 2.5 cm) along y^ up to x ¼ 30 cm from the target with a 1.5 m focal length lens through baffled input and output windows. A custom-built This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 19:20:39 056312-4 Schaeffer et al. Phys. Plasmas 21, 056312 (2014) fiber probe at z ¼ 30 cm images light at a 90 scattering angle through a 75 mm focal length lens onto a linear array of 40 100 lm UV-grade glass fibers. The fibers are coupled to a 1=4-m Acton spectrometer and Princeton Instruments (PI) MAX 4 intensified charge-coupled device (ICCD) camera with a 3 ns gate width. A second set of fiber probes with a 20 200 lm linear fiber array collects line-integrated light emitted from the debris or ambient plasma for spectroscopy. The light is coupled to a 3=4-m SPEX spectrometer and PIMAX 2 ICCD camera. IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A. Debris characterization Characterizing the debris plasma is important for deriving the initial conditions used by both shock formation criteria (see Sec. II) and simulations. To that end, a carbon debris plasma, generated by ablating a graphite target with a 100 J Raptor beam (2 1011 W/cm2), was studied as it expanded into a He ambient plasma (na 2 8 1012 cm3 ) in a 200 or 300 G background magnetic field (see Table I: Run 2-3). Spectroscopic measurements were made of debris ion states between CII and CV (Cþ1 and Cþ4, respectively. See Fig. 3(c)). The spectra were spatially integrated along the blowoff (^ x ) and time-integrated from 200–250 ns after ablation. After computing the Doppler shifts (relative to a NIST standard) and widths of each ion species, a clear separation of velocity distribution by ion species is seen, with higher charge states corresponding to faster velocities (see Fig. 3(a)). This implies that the debris ions are ablated in distinct shells by charge state, with the overlap between shells resulting from a velocity spread in the ablated ions. Electron density and temperature measurements were taken with Thomson scattering. The Thomson scattered light was imaged such that the spatial dimension centered 4 cm from the target was aligned along the blowoff axis, and spatially resolved Thomson spectra were collected between 250–1000 ns after ablation. Because the background magnetic field was small, the Thomson scattered spectrum was fit with the full non-magnetic spectral density function30 convolved with the instrument function using a LevenbergMarquardt best-fit algorithm. At 250 ns (comparable to the time spectroscopic measurements were taken), the Thomson scattered light was collective (a ¼ 0.8), yielding an electron and temperature density ne ¼ 8:061:5 1016 cm3 Te ¼ 7.5 6 0.5 eV at 2.5 6 0.4 cm from the target. If the number of debris ions were comparable in different species shells, multiple density peaks would be expected over time at a given location in the Thomson signal. In fact, only one primary density peak is seen (see Fig. 3(b)), suggesting that the dominant charge state is the one associated with this peak (by at least an order of magnitude from the sensitivity of the Thomson diagnostic). The plasma region associated with the density peak was modeled using synthetic non localthermodynamic-equilibrium (non-LTE), time-dependent spectra generated by the collisional-radiative code PrismSPECT.31 The resulting spectrum at the Thomson-derived parameters yielded a mean charge state Z ¼ 4:1, implying CV is the dominant charge state (see Fig. 3(c)). Note that since the spectroscopic measurements were line-of-sight integrated, the measured spectra will be brighter for lower ionization stages TABLE I. Experimental parameters for four different experimental runs. Three ambient density values are listed for Run 4, corresponding to different parts of the ambient density profile in the LAPD. Elaser is the average ontarget laser energy, Ilaser is the on-target laser intensity, B0 is the background magnetic field, Z is the average debris charge state, and 2RC is the magnetic cavity size. Xci is the ambient ion cyclotron frequency, na is the ambient ion density, vA is the Alfven speed, and c=xpi(c=xpe) is the ambient ion(electron) inertial length. Parameter Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 2 RC (J) 90 6 3 (1011 W/cm2) 1.4 6 0.3 (G) 200 H2 4.1a (cm) 50 6 1 100 6 5 1.6 6 0.4 200 He 4.1a 40 6 1 100 6 5 1.8 6 0.4 300 He 4.1 33 6 1 180 6 10 11 6 5 300 H2 4.0b > 55 X1 ci na vA c=xpi c=xpe (ls) (1012 cm3) (km/s) (cm) (cm) 13.1 361 120 25.8 0.30 8.7 461 150 20.3 0.24 2.2 12 6 1 190 6.6 0.15 Elaser Ilaser B0 Gas Z a Run 1 3.3 261 280 14.7 0.34 661 270 9.3 0.22 261 460 16.1 0.38 Value inferred from another run in similar conditions. Value estimated from spectroscopy, which showed CV as the most intense line. b FIG. 3. (a) Velocity distributions derived from Doppler spectroscopic measurements of CII-CV. A distinct separation in charge state is seen, indicating that the debris ions are coming off the target in shells. (b) Electron density vs. time 2.5 cm from the target, measured at multiple times (3 ns resolution) with spatially resolved imaging Thomson scattering. A single strong density peak at 250 ns implies that most of the debris ions belong to one charge state shell. (c) Measured spectra (solid) line-integrated along the blowoff axis and time-integrated from 200–250 ns after ablation. PrismSPECT synthetic spectra (dashed) generated at the plasma conditions given by Thomson scattering at 250 ns after ablation agree well with several observed spectral lines and show that the dominant charge state is CV. Discrepancies between the synthetic and measured spectra are due to contributions from other charge state shells. This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 19:20:39 056312-5 Schaeffer et al. (due to contributions from other debris shells) compared to the synthetic spectra. Using the time-of-flight of the density peak in the Thomson spectra, the speed of the CV debris shell was estimated to be vd ¼ 100 6 30 km/s, while using the electron temperature profile (not shown), for which more spatial data are available, the speed was estimated to be vd ¼ 130 6 80 km/s. This is consistent with the velocity distributions in Fig. 3(a). A smaller density peak at 800 ns (ne ¼ 1:360:3 1016 cm3 ; Te ¼ 1:5þ0:4 0:3 eV) appears to correspond to a slower CII debris shell using the same analysis. Previous experiments18 have shown that the debris expansion is roughly spherical, so that the number of ablated CV ions Nd can be estimated from the Thomson-measured electron density in a corresponding sphere. Using the derived mean charge state, the result Nd ¼ 1.6 6 0.5 1017 is in good agreement with the number of ablated ions 2.0 6 0.2 1017 derived using an empirical mass ablation rate32 and the above laser parameters. B. Piston-ambient coupling Since the diamagnetic cavity size can yield information about how effectively the piston is coupling to the ambient plasma, measurements of the cavity size in a variety of plasma conditions were made with magnetic flux probes. In Fig. 4(a)), a plot has been constructed such that points that lie along the dashed line are consistent with all laser energy being used to expel the background field, and no energy FIG. 4. (a) Plot of magnetic cavity size vs. magnetic stopping radius RB ¼ ð6Elaser =B20 Þ1=3 . The dashed line is generated by assuming all available laser energy is used to expel background magnetic field, i.e., RC / RB . Experiments at low energy or with sub-Alfvenic pistons in various plasma conditions fall on the dashed line. Only high-energy, super-Alfvenic parameters yield cavity sizes consistent with energy being coupled to the ambient plasma. (b) Measured Heþ1 (468.6 nm) spectra (with instrumental broadening) in the ambient plasma, showing additional broadening due to ion heating and electric fields with a debris plasma (solid) compared to without (dashed), as well as intensification compared to without (dotted-dashed). (c) Inset: Fourier decomposition of the Heþ1 spectrum with a debris plasma, showing a strong component at the modulation spacing (dashed). Phys. Plasmas 21, 056312 (2014) being used to move the ambient ions (i.e., RC / RB ). Previous experiments20 with a low-energy (20 J) ablator beam in a He or H ambient plasma and 275 or 600 G background field indicated that the cavity size was consistent with the magnetic stopping radius, independent of whether the piston was sub- or super-Alfvenic. Similarly, experiments in an H ambient plasma (see Table I: Run 1) with a higher-energy (100 J) ablator beam but sub-Alfvenic piston also created cavities consistent with field expulsion only. However, under the same conditions but with a superAlfvenic piston (by changing to a He plasma, Table I: Run 2), the cavity sizes shrank, indicating that some of the laser energy did not go into expelling the background field. This behavior is consistent with the coupling criteria detailed in Sec. II. In particular, looking at a super-Alfvenic case (B0 ¼ 300 G) with a magnetic cavity 2RC ¼ 33 6 1 cm, the coupling parameter RM=qd ¼ 1.9 6 0.3 > 0.7, estimated using the derived charge state and blowoff speed in the same plasma conditions from Sec. IV A, suggests that debris-ambient ion coupling should be part of the energy partition. As detailed in Sec. II, laminar electric fields are expected to play a role in the collisionless coupling of piston to ambient ions. Using the fact that the presence of an electric field causes a Stark broadening of spectral lines, measurements were made in He ambient plasmas to look for evidence of laminar electric fields relevant to coupling (see Table I: Run 2). 2D hybrid simulations initialized to the same experimental conditions indicate that the laminar electric field reaches a maximum amplitude of 0.8 6 0.3 kV/cm in the leading edge of the piston. Data from Heþ1 lines (468.6 and 320.3 nm), time integrated 2–3 ls after ablation 30 cm from the target, show a large increase in intensity relative to their background values (I=I0 103, see Fig. 4(b)). This is coincident with the passing of the leading edge of the piston and implies that a hot electron population was deposited into the ambient plasma. Fig. 4(b) shows that the Heþ1 lines are also significantly broadened in the presence of a debris plasma. Without a debris plasma, the Heþ1 line widths are determined only by Doppler broadening due to the ambient ion temperature. Since these Heþ1 lines are actually comprised of several lines that could not be spectrally resolved, the Doppler contribution (after correcting for instrumental broadening) was determined by comparing the measured spectra to synthetic spectra at various temperatures generated by PrismSPECT. The results for both Heþ1 lines were comparable (Ti 1 eV). When the same analysis is undertaken for those lines with a debris plasma, the Doppler contributions are significantly different for each line, suggesting that ion heating is not solely responsible for the increased broadening. Since Stark broadening is the only other dominant broadening mechanism, the relative contribution of Doppler to Stark broadening can be determined self-consistently by comparing the two Heþ1 lines. The results suggest that additional ion heating is negligible, and most of the broadening is due to electric fields. The spectrum in Fig. 4(b) shows regularly spaced modulations atop the main signal, which, in accordance with time- This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 19:20:39 056312-6 Schaeffer et al. Phys. Plasmas 21, 056312 (2014) dependent Stark broadening, indicates the existence of a harmonic electric field. A Fourier decomposition (see Fig. 4(c)) shows a clear component (k ¼ 36 6 1 nm1) at the modulation spacing, corresponding to a frequency x ¼ 2.4 6 0.1 xpe. This frequency and experiments performed elsewhere33 suggest that the electric field corresponds to a beam-plasma instability rather than a more slowly varying laminar electric field. (Note that such high-frequency fields are not modeled by the hybrid simulations due to the assumption of inertial-less, charge-neutralizing electrons.) Using an approximation33 to the time-dependent theory, the associated electric field amplitude is calculated to be 7.9 6 0.3 kV/cm, significantly higher than the peak simulated laminar field magnitudes. While these results do not preclude the presence of laminar electric fields in the piston-ambient ion coupling regime, they indicate that distinguishing between laminar and harmonic components through Stark spectroscopy will be challenging. C. Collisionless shock formation To study quasi-perpendicular collisionless shock formation, an array of five differentially wound magnetic flux coils, spaced 1 cm apart and measuring the ^z -component of magnetic field, were positioned along x^ from 15 to 55 cm from the target. The parameters of the debris and ambient plasmas are listed in Table I: Run 4. At around 280 ns (0:1 X1 ci ) after ablation, a diamagnetic cavity and magnetosonic pulse have formed in the usual way (see Figs. 5(a) and 5(b)). The leading edge of the magnetic pulse moves at MA ¼ 1.5 6 0.1 with a magnetic compression Bz =B0 ¼ 1:660:1. The pulse has a shallow ramp (40 c=xpe) that ends at the cavity edge. However, by 675 ns (0:3 X1 ci ) the pulse shows very different behavior (see Fig. 5(b)). The magnetic compression has increased to Bz =B0 ¼ 2:060:1 and moves at MA ¼ 2.1 6 0.1, consistent with the Rankine-Hugoniot jump conditions,34 which state that the downstream magnetic field scales as MA. Additionally, the ramp of the compression has steepened to a width d ¼ 2067 c=xpe ¼ 0:560:2 c=xpi , similar to the magnetic ramps seen on collisionless space shocks.1 Lastly, the width of the pulse has increased to D ¼ 1:460:2 c=xpi , showing a significant separation of the front of the compression from the cavity edge. This can be further seen in Fig. 5(a), where at t ¼ 675 ns the front of the compression is moving faster than the cavity edge (MA ¼ 2.1 6 0.1 vs MA ¼ 1.6 6 0.1). These features suggest that a low-Mach number quasi-perpendicular collisionless shock has formed and is beginning to separate from the piston (see also Table II). Comparison to shots taken in vacuum (107 Torr) under the same conditions indicates that the above features are tied to the ambient plasma (see Fig. 5(c)). Comparing two temporal profiles taken 37 cm from the target reveals several key differences. The magnetic pulse in vacuum has a much shallower ramp due to the decoupling of faster debris ions that carry some magnetic compression with them. The width of the pulse in vacuum is also much narrower, and appears to be linked to the edge of the cavity (similar to the magnetic pulses seen early in time with an ambient plasma). FIG. 5. (a) Temporal magnetic field profiles at different spatial locations. A magnetosonic pulse tied to the cavity edge is seen early in time, before beginning to separate from the piston and broaden (dashed). Spatial lineouts (dotted-dashed) at three times are plotted in (b). A comparison to early times (dotted-dashed) shows a significantly steeper, broader, more compressed, and faster magnetic pulse (solid) at later times, consistent with a low-Mach number collisionless shock. Late in time (dotted-dotted-dashed) the pulse smears out as the high-density plasma region (gray overlay) ends. (c) Temporal profiles 37 cm from the target show the influence of an ambient plasma (solid) compared to vacuum (dotted-dashed). With an ambient plasma, the resulting magnetic pulse is steeper, broader, faster at its leading edge and slower at the cavity edge. Finally, the cavity moves more slowly with an ambient plasma (350 vs. 390 6 20 km/s), consistent with energy being coupled to the ambient ions, while the leading TABLE II. Necessary conditions to form a collisionless shock using parameters from the first column in Run 4 in Table I. RM=qd and D0=qd are conditions on piston-ambient ion coupling, where RM is the equal mass radius, qd is the debris directed gyroradius, and D0 is the system size. D0=qa,s expresses the condition that the ambient ions are sufficiently magnetized, where qa,s is the downstream ambient ion directed gyroradius. T ¼ D0=vA is the shock transit time and for the downstream ambient ions, (c=xpi,s) is the inertial length, X1 ci;s is the cyclotron period, and kii,s is the ion-ion mean free path. Since the ambient ions are accelerated by the magnetic piston within a gyroperiod (i.e., within a gyroradius from the target) and continue interacting with non-perturbed ambient ions until the edge of magnetic cavity, D0 ¼ 2RC was chosen as the system size. Condition Lab value 2.1 6 0.1 1.4 6 0.3 >2.3 > 7.9 Super-Alfvenic Sufficient coupling Sufficient coupling Magnetized M A>1 RM =qd > 1 D0 =qd > 1 D0 =qa;s > 1 Sufficient space D0 ðc=xpi;s Þ1 > 1 > 12.2 Sufficient time Collisionless T X1 ci;s > 1 kii;s =D0 > 1 > 2.8 1 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AIP content is subject to the terms at: Downloaded to IP: On: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 19:20:39 056312-7 Schaeffer et al. magnetic compression moves more quickly (530 vs. 420 6 10 km/s), consistent with a pulse that is being carried by accelerated ambient ions. At 940 ns after ablation, instead of further separating from the piston, the magnetic pulse has become significantly shallower and less compressed (Bz=B0 ¼ 1.7 6 0.1). This is a result of the inhomogeneous ambient density profile in the LAPD (see Fig. 5(b)). As the magnetic pulse moves out of the high-density region of the ambient plasma, both the Alfven speed and ion inertial length increase, decreasing and smearing out the leading edge of the magnetic compression (see Table I: Run 4). Future experiments will expand the high-density region of the ambient plasma in order to see a clear separation of the shock from the piston. The above results have been compared to 2D hybrid simulations initialized to the same experimental conditions. The simulations use a two-component ambient plasma, with one uniform low-density plasma covering the entire simulation domain, and another high-density Gaussian component centered 4 c=xpi from the initial debris distribution (see Fig. 6(a)). The debris plasma consists of a cloud of Cþ4 ions (see Sec. IV A) that expands out conically at 675 at MA ¼ 2.65. As can be seen in Fig. 6(b), the formation of a low-Mach number collisionless shock is also reproduced in the simulations. In particular, a magnetic and ambient density compression consistent with the jump conditions is seen in Fig. 6(c), while a small population of reflected ambient ions from the shock front is seen in Fig. 6(d). The simulations also show the dissipation of the shock as it leaves the high-density ambient plasma, consistent with experimental observations. V. CONCLUSION We have utilized a unique experimental platform at UCLA to investigate the interaction of a super-Alfvenic, laser-driven magnetic piston with a large, preformed magnetized ambient plasma. In particular, while we are able to create experimental conditions suitable for laboratory studies relevant to magnetized collisionless space shocks, those conditions are marginal enough to allow us to uniquely explore a regime of debris-ambient coupling and collisionless shock formation not readily available to spacecraft. Recent theoretical and computational work has helped clarify mechanisms by which coupling and shock formation can occur, and experiments have seen evidence of collisionless coupling between super-Alfvenic debris ions and an ambient plasma. We have also measured in a quasi-perpendicular geometry a magnetosonic pulse that is consistent with a low-Mach number collisionless shock, though it was not observed to fully separate from the magnetic piston. Two-dimensional hybrid simulations initialized to the same experimental conditions and modeled after measured debris behavior reproduce the basic features seen in experiments, as well as show the formation of a collisionless shock. Future work will optimize the plasma conditions so that there is greater coupling between piston and ambient ions, the magnetic pulse can further separate from the piston, and the resulting shock is Phys. Plasmas 21, 056312 (2014) FIG. 6. (a) Spatial contour plot of Bz at initial time from a 2D hybrid simulation. The ambient density is inhomogenous, with a uniform low-density component over the whole domain (not shown) and a high-density Gaussian core (blue dots) centered at x ¼ 30 cm (4 c=xpi). The debris cloud (red dots) is concentrated at (x,y) ¼ (0,0) in a small disk (1 ¼ 0:25 c=xpi ) with Gaussian intensity. (b) Spatial contour plot of Bz at late time (1 X1 ci ) from the same simulation. 1D profiles at y ¼ 0 (green dashed) are shown in (c). (c) Magnetic (solid), ambient density (dotted-dashed), and debris density (dotted-dotted-dashed) profiles at late time showing the formation of a low-Mach number shock, with magnetic and density compressions consistent with the Rankine-Hugoniot jump conditions. (d) Phase-space plot of ambient ions at late time. A small population of reflected ions at x ¼ 30 cm is consistent with the formation of a shock. supercritical. We will also transition to oblique and quasiparallel geometries. 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