Identifying, Protecting, & Enhancing Climate Refugia for Salmonids Dan Isaak & Mike Young US Forest Service Research The New Reality… 1880-2014 Global Air Temperature Trend 2014 Set a New Record Timing Shift Average change +2.3 days/decade No Change 100s of Studies Show Phenology Shifts in Many Plants & Animals Parmesan and Yohe. 2003. Nature 421:37-42. Species Distributions are Shifting Towards Cooler Areas Elevation Average distribution shift 6.1 km/decade poleward OR 6.1 m/decade higher elevation Time 2 Stream Distance Parmesan and Yohe. 2003. Nature 421:37-42. Summer Air Temp Trends (1968–2011) ~0.21ºC/decade Weather Stations OWSC Climate Tool map River Temp Trends (1968-2011) 245 sites with >10 year monitoring records +0.11°C/decade 98.5% sites are warming Isaak et al. In Prep. Fish are Trying to Follow Climate Flow (m3/s) x Advance rate = 1.5 days/decade July Temp (˚C) Median Passage date Sockeye Migrations Happening Earlier… Crozier et al. 2011. A Case Study of a Year Shift toward Earlier Migration Date in Sockeye Salmon. The American Naturalist 178:755-773. PDO Index Climate Cycles (PDO & ENSO) Jack is Back The Blob Ate Last Year’s Snow Record Low Snow… 2015 Was a “Perfect storm” Lots of Fish, Lots of Mortalities Climate change is tilting the odds towards more perfect storms How Much Warmer & When? The Future is Uncertain… CMIP5? AR4? The Specifics are an “Unknowable Unknown” A Wetter or Drier Future? Total Precip % Change Predictions are less certain 0 Total Annual flow BUT…Total Annual Flow & Low Flows Have Been Decreasing (1948-2006) (Luce and Holden 2009) Decreasing Wind Speeds & Total Precipitation at High Elevations ≠ C -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 Future wind speed Historic wind speed c) Annual Precipitation (1950-2009) mm Year -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 Identifying & Protecting Climate Refuge Habitats Hedges Against Uncertainty Strategic Context for Investment Planning I’m going to invest here… …not here Resolving Refugia Requires High-Resolution Climate Scenarios Where Fish Live Climate model (air temp & precip) Regional patterns Stream temperatures & flow Stream reach patterns VIC Resolving Refugia Requires High-Resolution Climate Scenarios Where Fish Live Climate model (air temp & precip) Regional patterns Stream temperatures & flow Stream reach patterns VIC Lots of Stream Temp Data in the PNW >150,000,000 hourly records >15,000 unique stream sites >100 resource agencies High-Resolution Stream Scenarios • R2 = 0.91 • RMSE = 1.0ºC 1-km resolution Website Distributes Scenarios & Data in User-Friendly Formats 1) GIS shapefiles of stream temperature scenarios 3) Temperature data summaries 2) GIS shapefiles of stream temperature model prediction precision + = Thermograph = Prediction SE Google “NorWeST” or go here… Stream Scenarios Enable Accurate Fish BIG FISH DATA Distribution Models 13,000 sample sites Isaak et al. 2015. The cold-water climate shield: Delineating refugia for preserving native trout through the 21st Century. Global Change Biology 21:2540-2553. Bull Trout Climate Probability Map 1980s Stream scale predictions Population Occurrence 5,332 >0.1 habitats 1,325 >0.5 habitats 348 >0.9 habitats Bull Trout Climate Probability Map 2040s Population Occurrence 3,304 >0.1 habitats 641 >0.5 habitats 130 >0.9 habitats Bull Trout Climate Probability Map 2080s North Cascades Flathead Walla Walla Metolius Central Idaho Population Occurrence Worst case scenario! 2,712 >0.1 habitats 460 >0.5 habitats 62 >0.9 habitats Website Distributes Precise Digital Climate Habitat Maps… Climate Shield website: Presentations & Publications Digital Maps & ArcGIS Shapefiles Fish Data Sources Distribution Monitoring File formats: 15 Scenarios: • ArcGIS files • pdf files • 3 climate periods • 5 Brook invasion levels Many Conservation Investment Options Once we Know “Where” •Maintaining/restoring flow… •Maintaining/restoring riparian… •Restoring channel form/function… •Prescribed burns limit wildfire risks… •Non-native species control… •Improve/impede fish passage… I’m going to invest here… …not here Refuge Concept for Big Fish in Big Rivers 25,000 kilometers 222,000 kilometers • Abundant high elevation refuges • Body size not limiting • Life cycle includes small areas An Application with Salmon Spatial variation in pre-spawn mortality Bowerman, Keefer, & Caudill (U. Idaho) An Application with Salmon Spatial variation in pre-spawn mortality Bowerman, Keefer, & Caudill (U. Idaho) Small & Medium Size Rivers Cooling Shading is THE most important factor… Heating Riparian Vegetation Restoration Can Help Webb et al. 2008 Month of the Year More Summer Water Keeps Streams Cooler Many Straws in the Drink… Diversion sites Modernize Water Systems for Efficiency… Purchase Water Rights Some Cool Salmon Rivers Blocked Cool Warm Cold Micro-refugia are Important Migration Waypoints Why Not Map Them all in PNW Rivers? Technology exists & becoming cheaper… Drone mounted cameras Torgersen et al. 1999; 2012 Some Rivers Already Have Thermal Imagery Website & User-Friendly Digital Formats Needed to Provide Access… Fullerton et al. 2015 Protecting Something Requires Knowing Where it Is… Options for Cooling Largest Rivers are Limited… Icebergs Artificial Icebergs Lower Clearwater 20 18 16 14 Deep reservoir needed for cold water creation 12 10 1979 1989 1999 2009 Accelerate Evolution? Hatchery selection of migration timing Trait Heat tolerance Disease resistance Upstream migration timing Spawning date Emergence date Juvenile growth Downstream migration timing Ocean residence Evolutionary Potential Low Low to moderate High High Low Low ? ? Crozier et al. 2008 Extinction not happening % Escapement Biocomplexity Will Buffer Future Changes …But some species (or runs) will experience long-term declines in abundance Summer runs Fall/winter runs Integrate Salmon Life Cycle Models & Stream Climate Scenarios Spatially explicit predictions for investment planning… A Different Mindset is Required… We can’t save everything Sorry Charlie Inter-Disciplinary, Inter-Agency Spirit will Be Needed… PNW is a World Leader Collaborative solutions Inter-Generational Commitment This can be our Finest Century The End Identifying, protecting, and enhancing climate refugia for salmonids Dan Isaak and Mike Young, US Forest Service Climate change in the PNW has been gradually warming rivers and reducing snowpacks and runoff for several decades. Those trends are likely to continue for the next several decades and maybe longer depending on the evolution of human energy economies and future greenhouse gas emissions. Climate cycles associated with the Pacific Decadal Oscillation and El Nino will periodically dampen or exacerbate environmental trends, but populations of salmon and trout that require cold water to survive will be subject to increasing amounts of thermal stress for the foreseeable future. Many populations of resident salmonid species like bull trout or cutthroat trout that live in steep, cold headwater streams can persist simply by shifting their distributions towards higher elevation refuge habitats. But adaptation is more challenging for populations of anadromous fish that migrate through large rivers during warm periods. Warming trends of those rivers are difficult or impossible to stop so shifts in migration timing by natural and hatchery selection are needed. Near spawning grounds, habitat restoration strategies that maximize riparian vegetation shade or instream flows may be beneficial. Facilitating access of anadromous fish to cooler river habitats that are blocked by dams or natural barriers could also be a viable