Impact of deforestation on benthic macroinvertebrate communities in tributaries of Lake Tanganyika, East Africa Student: Robert F. Swarthout Mentor: Catherine O’Reilly Abstract Benthic macroinvertebrate communities of Lake Tanganyika tributaries in pristine, forested, and impacted, deforested, watersheds were examined. Samples were collected using a Surber-sampler, and identified under a dissecting microscope. Family biotic indices (FBI), percent of Ephemeroptera/Plecoptera/Trichoptera (%EPT), relative Chironomid abundance (RCA), and taxa richness of five impacted streams in western Tanzania were compared, using paired t-test and single factor ANOVA, to five pristine streams located within the boundaries of Gombe Stream National Park during the dry season (July 2003). FBI, %EPT, and RCA were found to be significantly different, while taxa richness was not. Watershed deforestation has influenced the composition of benthic macroinvertebrate communities at the impacted sites. Introduction Lake Tanganyika has long been acclaimed as an evolutionary marvel. Endemic species flocks of cichlid and non-cichlid fish are a protein staple of the rapidly expanding populations of its international shoreline. In spite of the many reasons for the preservation of water quality in Lake Tanganyika and its tributaries, increases in deforestation of surrounding watersheds to meet the energy and spatial needs of this growing population have resulted in accelerated anthropogenic pollution. The ubiquitous nature of benthic lotic macroinvertebrates makes them ideal indicators of changes in water chemistry, sedimentation and other environmental factors (Rosenburg and Resh, 1993). The long life span of these organisms allows for a view of stream conditions integrated over a longer time period than the snapshot provided by traditional methods involving water chemistry analysis. Benthic invertebrate communities have long been used as tools to assess the effects of anthropogenic stressors on water quality in the temperate regions of the northern hemisphere. Environmental tolerances of many invertebrate taxa have been evaluated in Europe and North America (Hilsenhoff, 1988). Certain taxa, such as chironomid larvae, have demonstrated an increased capacity to withstand siltation (Buss, 2002). Species of Coleoptera relying on a bubble or plastron for breathing, on the other hand, have been shown to be sensitive to slight increases in sediment pollution (Hauer and Resh, 1996). Changes in soilderived nutrients may also affect lotic invertebrate assemblages (Buss, 2002). In addition, homogenization of benthic habitats has been shown to reduce species diversity of lentic benthic invertebrates, and will likely have a similar effect on lotic organisms (Cohen et al., 1993). However, data on African tropical lotic system invertebrate assemblages is scarce (See Dobson et. al., 2002, and Eggermont, 2003). Applicability of temperate region tolerance values for similar tropical taxa remains questionable. The apparant dearth of traditional shredding detritivore species is a testament to lack of information about the roles existing species may play in tropical streams (Dobson et al., 2002). Any study conducted on tropical streams will provide valuable additions to the sparse current knowledge of these systems. Methods Site Description Locations and descriptions of the ten sampled streams were those described by Caruso (2002). Sampling occurred between the dates of July 18 and July 27, 2003. Field Collection Physical habitat assessments of each stream were conducted using the key provided in Hauer and Lamberti (1996). Three one-ft2 sites were sampled from each of the ten streams using a 500 µm mesh Surber sampler to collect benthic macroinvertebrates from a 10 m stream reach. All sites were riffles with substrata composed of small cobbles and coarse to fine sediments. Cobbles within the sample area were gently scrubbed with a toothbrush, and sediments were disturbed by hand, allowing invertebrates to drift into the sampler. The net was then inverted and immersed in a bucket containing stream water and shaken clean. Bucket contents were poured through a 4 mm sieve on top of a 500 µm sieve to remove coarse debris. Large invertebrates were removed from the 4 mm sieve and placed in a 250 ml wide-mouthed Nalgene bottle. Contents of the 500 µm sieve were rinsed with several buckets of stream water, and sediments and invertebrates were washed into the sample bottle using a squirt bottle containing 70% ethanol as a preservative. Laboratory Sorting Sites were sub-sampled by weight due to time constraints, and were sorted under an Olympus binocular dissecting microscope. Macroinvertebrates were enumerated and identified to the lowest possible taxonomic level, family for insects and order for other invertebrates, using keys provided in Thorp and Covich (1991) and Hauer and Lamberti (1996). Sorted sub-samples were placed in 20 ml glass vials containing fresh 70% ethanol for long-term storage and future species identification. Statistics FBI, percent EPT, taxa richness, and relative Chironomid abundance from impacted and non-impacted sites were compared by paired t-test and single factor ANOVA. Results Significant differences were found between the FBI (ANOVA: p=0.00038, df=29; t-test: p=0.0023, df=14), percent EPT (ANOVA: p=0.00005, df=9; t-test: p=0.0004, df=4), and relative Chironomid abundance (ANOVA: p=0.007, df=9; t-test: p=0.014, df=4) between impacted and non-impacted sites. Taxa richness was not significantly different between streams in deforested and forested watersheds (ANOVA: p=0.117, df=9; t-test: p=0.074, df=4). Figure 1 illustrates the inverse correlation between FBI score and relative Chironomid abundance, and physical habitat assessment score. Positive correlation between percent EPT and physical habitat assessment score is shown in Figure 2. Discussion Benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages have undergone a significant change in the abundance of numerous taxa in accordance with the rapid deforestation of the surrounding watershed, as is adequately illustrated by the significant difference between the FBI scores, relative Chironomid abundances, and EPT percentages of the two watershed types. EPT percentages may prove good indicators of increased anthropogenic waste run-off as many families of Ephemeroptera, such as Heptageniidae, and Plecoptera, such as Perlidae, are known to be sensitive to low dissolved oxygen concentrations (Thorp and Covich, 1991). However, it may not be an effective indicator of sediment pollution because some net spinning Trichopterans, such as Hydropsychidae, and Ephemeropterans, such as Caenidae, thrive in heavily sedimented streams (Thorp and Covich, 1991). Also, as these stressors often occur simultaneously, EPT percentage may not be the best measure of water quality. The inverse relationship between FBI and physical habitat quality shown in Figure 1 supports the stated hypothesis. Temperate region tolerance values reported in Hauer and Lamberti (1996) appear to be adequately applicable to this region of the tropics for determining family biotic indices as the scores are inversely related to physical habitat quality. While the FBI scores determined above show that different macroinvertebrate assemblages exist within impacted and non-impacted watersheds, further studies should are needed to assess the tolerances of tropical taxa to specific stressors. Midge larvae were encountered at all sites, and in significantly different abundances. The universal nature of chironomids suggests that relative abundances of the larvae may be a useful measure of water quality in this region. Chironomidae larvae may be more effective indicators of increased siltation, as they have been shown to become dominantly abundant under these circumstances (Eggemont and Vershuren, 2003). Blood-red chironomids, found in abundance at impacted sites, are able to withstand low levels of dissolved oxygen due to their use high affinity hemoglobin, and thus are indicative of high levels of organic pollution (Thorp and Covich, 1991). Accordingly, a plethora of fecal matter was observed in the riparian zone of the deforested watersheds. The complete absence of perlid stoneflies and potomonautid crabs from deforested watersheds nominates them as indicators of good water and habitat quality. Absence of crabs is most likely due to a lack of habitat complexity and thus increased predation. Perlid absence is probably due to high organic input, and thus low dissolved oxygen concentrations due to bacterial respiration (Wetzel, 2001). Hirudinidae, on the other hand are obvious indicators of poor water quality, as they were found only in the impacted streams. This is possibly only a result of an ample supply of human hosts, but is still an indicator of anthropogenic impact. Lower abundances of individual macroinvertebrates observed at all non-impacted streams are in accordance with the concept that as stream canopy cover increases primary production decreases, and can thus support fewer invertebrates than a stream that is not light limited (Hauer and Lamberti 1996). Taxa accumulation was not as is typical of pristine streams at non-impacted sites in this study, and was most likely an artifact of small sample size in conjunction with only sampling riffles. As sample areas increase, it would be expected that the homogeneity of habitat type in the impacted streams, due to sediment pollution, would lead to slower taxa accumulation, while taxa accumulation would increase in nonimpacted sites with a far more diverse range of habitats. Future studies should sample more area and different habitat types. High FBI scores from Bwavi indicate that there may be some anthropogenic disturbance caused by a nearby park ranger-housing complex. The FBI scores are bolstered by high phosphate concentrations and diatom communities reported by concurrent studies (Lombardozzi, 2003 and Bellinger, 2003). Water quality at this site should be monitored closely in upcoming years. Niches filled by the species of potamonautid crabs found in the non-impacted sites should be further investigated. Reports from other tropical stream studies have suggested that these crabs may contribute to the shredding of large amounts of detrital input, a role currently relegated primarily to bacterial activity (Dobson, 2002). Crayfish, also decapods, have been shown to derive up to two thirds of their carbon from allochthonous sources (Wetzel, 2001). Carbon-13 and Nitrogen-15 stable isotope studies will be conducted over the upcoming year, as these crabs possibly occupy a similar niche to crayfish in temperate regions. Rapid population growth on the shores of Lake Tanganyika has had a significant impact on the quality of the water that the responsible communities are dependent upon for their survival and livelihood. In order to make any improvements in water quality vast efforts must be made toward community education, alternative energy use and waste disposal methods. Until such changes can be made, benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages may prove a useful tool for water quality monitoring. References Buss, D.F., D.F. Baptista, M.P. Silveira, J.L. Nessimian and L.F.M. Dorville (2002). Influence of water chemistry and environmental degradation on macroinvertebrate assemblages in a river basin in south-east Brazil. Hydrobiologia, 481, 125-136. Caruso, B. (2002). A survey comparing streams from forested and deforested watersheds to assess impact of land use change on the northeastern shore of Lake Tanganyika. Nyanza Project Report, 1-4. Dobson, M., A. Magana, J.M. Mathooko and T.N. Ndegwa (2002). Detritivores in Kenyan highland streams: more evidence for the paucity of shredders in the tropics? Freshwater Biology, 47, 909-919. Eggermont, H., and D. Verschuren (2003). Impact of soil erosion in disturbed tributary drainages on the benthic macroinvertebrate fauna of Lake Tanganyika, East Africa. Biological Conservation 113, 99-109. Hauer, F.R., and V.H. Resh (1996). Benthic Macroinvertebrates. In: Hauer and Lamberti (Eds.), Methods in Stream Ecology. Academic Press, 339-365. Resh, V.H., M.J. Meyers and M.J. Hannaford (1996). Macroinvertebrates as indicators of Environmental Quality. In: Hauer and Lamberti (Eds.), Methods in Stream Ecology. Academic Press, 647-663. Thorp, J.H. and A.P. Covich. Eds. Ecology and classification of North American freshwater invertebrates. San Diego, CA: Academic Press, 1991. Wetzel, R.G. Limnology: lake and river ecosystems. San Diego, CA: Academic Press, 2001. Table 1: Stream characteristics and biotic indicators of stream water quality. FBI Taxa Relative Chironomid Habitat Score Site Name score %EPT richness Abundance (individuals/m2) (out of 120) Water Quality Mtanga 5.56 30.9 14 1689 40 Fair Mtanga A 6.17 3.6 12 7641 35 Fairly Poor 73.4 14 100 Fair Bwavi 5.7 340 Mkenke 4.77 61.7 12 261 105 Good Kasakera 4.91 62.3 8 100 110 Good Rutanga 4.49 76.6 16 1302 110 Good 71.9 Mitumba 4.97 12 803 110 Good Mwamgongo 6.01 30.2 17 5050 40 Fairly Poor Bugamba 5.65 24.9 18 3242 85 Fair Kibiza 6.39 11.2 16 3623 50 Fairly Poor Table 1: Water quality descriptions are based on corresponding FBI score ranges from Hauer and Lamberti (1996). Relative Chironomid abundances are scaled up from subsamples. 10000 6.5 8000 6.0 6000 5.5 4000 5.0 2000 4.5 0 4.0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Physical Habitat Assesment Score RCA RCA Regr FBI FBI Regr F ig u re 2 : P e rc e n t E P T a s a fu n c tio n o f p h y s ic a l h a b ita t a s s e s m e n t s c o re 100 80 %EPT 60 40 20 0 20 40 60 80 P h y s ic a l H a b ita t A s s e s m e n t S c o re % EPT % EPT R egr 100 120 FBI score 2 RCA (individuals/m ) Figure 1: Relative Chironomid abundance and family biotic index as a function of physical habitat assesment score