Assessment of Nutrients and Physical Parameter Distribution as Indicators of the Kandaga Shallow Closed Lake Fluctuations Student: Fatuma Kyando Mentor: Hudson Nkotagu Introduction Lake Kandaga is located at S 29o 52’ and E 4o 58.35’ at elevation of 951m. It is a shallow closed lake with a maximum depth of 3.7 m at its west side. The lake has a total area of approximate 0.4 km2 (Figure 1). The wind stress on the lake causes shear fluctuation. Relaxation of the wind is followed by density redistribution. The lake has direct entrainment effected by turbulent mixing and convective penetration at the surface. The wind stress causes both surface and internal waves that ultimately result in almost total mixing of the lake. Objective and Hypothesis The main objective of this study is to assess the distribution of nutrients and other physical parameters in the Kandaga closed lake. The study hypothesis is that the Kandaga shallow closed lake is a well-mixed water body with little or no stratification. Material & Methods Field methods A two-day sampling campaign was conducted. During the first day, samples were taken from the surface of the lake to the bottom, at regular intervals, at each of eight sites. The second sampling campaign was conducted at two sites, with samples taken from the surface to the lake bottom at each site at three hours intervals, from morning to evening. The following parameters were determined: temperature, dissolved oxygen and conductivity (measured using a Multi Probe); pH (measured using a pH meter); turbidity (measured by HACH Turbidmeter); and transparency (measured with a 20 cm diameter secchi disk). Water samples were kept in a cooler box and taken to the laboratory for nutrient and other physical parameter determinations. Laboratory Methods The colorimeter based HACH Analytical procedures for DR/2010 were used. Total phosphorous from unfiltered water samples was determined after acid digestion, followed by ascorbic acid addition. Alkalinity was determined by using titration with sulfuric acid, after addition of phenolphthalein and bromcresol methyl red indicators. Water samples were filtered before analyzing PO4-3, NH4+, NO3-, NO2- SO4-2, Cl- and Fe+2. Soluble Phosphorus was determined following PhosVer3 method. Nitrite was analyzed using Diazotization method, while Nitrate was analyzed using the Cadmium reduction method. Ammonia was measured with the Nessler method for high range ammonium. Silica was determined following the Silicomolybdate method for high range. Results Water temperature decreased with depth, being high during the afternoon, but ranged between 22.3 to 25.0o C. Electrical Conductivity (EC) values ranged between 185 and 199µs/cm, being high during the afternoons, but decreasing with depth. The average surface EC value is 191.4µs/cm. pH values were recorded between 7.9 and 8.7 averaging at the surface at 8.3. The highest readings were determined during the afternoons and decreased with depth. Dissolved Oxygen (DO) concentrations decrease with depth. The highest dissolved oxygen observed was 122% during afternoon, with the lowest values being recorded in the morning at 80% (see Figures 2 and 3). Turbidity ranged between 5.6 to 5.85 NTU. It fluctuated with time, with the highest turbidity being observed during the evening at the lake bottom and the lowest value observed during the afternoon (see Figure 4). Transparency fluctuated between 0.7 m and 1 m, with the highest transparency depth recorded at Sites 8 and 5 at 1 m depth. In general, alkalinity decreases with depth. The highest values of alkalinity as bicarbonate were recorded during the morning, at 90.0 mg/l with the lowest value recorded at 70.0mg/ (Figure 5). Chlorophyll a recorded its highest value of 24.0 mg/l at the lake bottom and lowest value of 13.0 mg/l at the surface in the afternoon (Figs.3,4,& 6). Nutrients Total phosphate concentrations varied over time. The highest concentration was observed at the surface during the afternoon. Total phosphates ranged between 0.1 mg/L and 4.66 mg/L (Fig. 5). Soluble phosphorus concentration ranged between 0.41mg/L and 0.55mg/L with the highest concentration obtained at the lake bottom during the afternoon (Fig.6.0) Ammonia ranged between 0.02 to 0.18mg/L. the peak concentration was at 1m during the mornings. Nitrate ranged from 0 to 0.04mg/L with peak concentration observed during the afternoon. Nitrite concentration varies from 0.002 to 0.004mg/L. The highest concentrations of nitrite were observed during the morning. (Fig.6.0). However, the concentration values for sulfate are almost constant at 1mg/L over both time and space. Generally silica concentration decreases with depth, fluctuating between 25.6 and 37.1mg/L with the highest concentration recorded during the mornings. (Fig.5). At site 4.0 where measurements were conducted at different times of the day the values ranged from 21.0 to 24.5 mg/l (Fig.6.0). Discussion The range of temperature from the surface to the bottom is small but the diurnal fluctuation is high indicating that the lake is a very shallow well mixed system. The secchi disk results show that the incident sunlight penetrates down to the lake bottom albeit at different intensities. Dissolved oxygen and pH values fluctuate on diurnal bases with the lowest pH and dissolved oxygen observed in the mornings and a subsequent slow rise during the day. This is probably due to turbulent mixing and photosynthetic activity. During the daytime photosynthesis process results in increased oxygen as per the following equation CO2 + 2H2O Light CH2O + 2O2. High concentration of Chlorophyll-a at the lake bottom was recorded and may be attributed to nutrients accumulation at the bottom that resulted in a lot of algae biomass attraction. However, the lowest values of dissolved oxygen at the lake bottom are observed probably due to the oxidation of the organic matter and the respiration of the organisms that results in the consumption of oxygen. Alternatively low values of dissolved oxygen may reflect decreased photosynthetic activity due to decreased mixing or light levels. Alkalinity as bicarbonate decreases with depth indicating that a lot of CO2 is consumed at the lake bottom during both photosynthetic and non photosynthetic processes and probably also as a result of Fe reduction processes. The concentration of reactive phosphorus is relatively high (Fig 6), according to Hutchinson (1957) the highest concentration of the reactive phosphorus is due to the fall of the oxygen concentration with subsequent liberation of soluble phosphorus that occurs at low pH. Different parts of the lake show variable nutrient concentrations and other physical parameters this may be attributed to variable exposure of different parts of the lake to the wind intensities due to the lake’s variable physiography (Figs.1, 2 and 5). Wind intensities produce kinetic energy to water thus generating both surface and internal waves that result in variable distribution of nutrients concentrations and other physical parameters. Nutrients show strong variation with time. This might be due to their redistribution through mixing caused by both surface and internal waves generated by variable wind action on the lake (Fg. 6). In addition photosynthesis process may result in production of oxygen that affects the solubility of inorganic nutrients like NO2-, Fe+2 etc. Generally, the highest concentrations of the nutrient are observed at the lake bottom during the mornings and this may probably be attributed to regeneration from the lake sediment and particulate matter found at the bottom. Conclusions The nutrients and other physical parameters data show that the lake is a well mixed water body. In addition, the results also reflect a very strong diurnal lake fluctuation patterns. Furthermore, the results indicate that the lake mixing is highly variable in both time and space and is predominantly caused by wind action. Finally, different parts of the lake have variable nutrient concentrations as well as other parameters. Recommendations 1. Detailed sampling covering many sites and seasons in the lake should be conducted in order to find out seasonal influences on the nutrients concentration as well as other physical parameters. 2. Meteorological data at the lake including wind intensities should be collected on adaily basis in order to evaluate their influence on the hydrodynamics of the nutrients and other physical parameters at the lake. 3. Nutrients and other physical parameters should be determined from sediment interstitial waters in order to evaluate their regeneration influences. Acknowledgements I wish to thank the Nyanza project for financial support of this project. In addition I would like to acknowledge the following: Dr H.H. Nkotagu for his critical suggestions and mentoring this work. W. Mbemba for his support during analytical and fieldwork. K. Chororoka and Christine Gans for field assistance and computer work, Dr. A. Cohen, Dr C. O’Reilly, Dr. E. Michel and Dr. K. Lezzar for their logistical support. All the Nyanza students and staff for lively discussions and exchange of ideas that rekindled my scientific curiosity. References Cohen, A.S. 2003. Paleolimnology: The history and evolution of Lake Systems. Oxford University Press. New York. Ramadhani, S. 2000. Nutrient redistribution in relation to hydrodynamic changes and primary production: a short-term study at Kigoma station. The Nyanza Project 2000 Annual Report. HACH Company. 1992. Water Analysis Handbook (Analytical procedures for DR/2010) 2nd Ed Loveland Colorado USA 831 pp. Hutchinson, G.E., 1957. A Treatise on limnology ,V1 Geography, Physics and chemistry. J. Wiley and Sons, New York. Figure 1: Location of the Lake Kandaga showing the sampling sites. Chlorophyll a and DO% Vs Time 124 Variation of DO% with Depth 25 122 120 114 112 10 110 108 5 106 Surface 0.6-1m 120 1.8-2.4m 2,8-3.5m 110 DO% 15 Chlorophyll a mg/L 116 DO% 130 20 118 100 90 104 102 0 Morning DO % Aftrernoon Time Evening 80 70 Chlorophyll a 0 2 4 6 Sites Figure 2 Figure 3 8 10 Turbidity and Chlorophyll a Vs Time 25 5.9 5.85 5.8 5.75 15 5.7 10 Turbidity Chlorophyll a 20 5.65 5.6 5 5.55 0 5.5 Morning Aftrernoon Time Chlorophyll a Evening Turbidity NTU Figure 4 Nutrients Vs sites in bottom and surface 3.5 2.5 1.5 0.5 -0.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 surface 1 4 6 3 7 5 8 2 Bottom sites T.Phos mg/L Nitrate (mg/L) Figure 5 R.Phos(mg/L) Silicamg/L NH4 (mg/L) alkalinity 0.03 0.50 0.02 0.40 0.02 0.30 0.01 0.20 0.01 0.10 0.00 0.00 Morning Afternoon Evening Time R. PO4-3(mg/L) Nitrite(mg/l) Figure 6 NH3-N(mg/L) NO3-N(mg/L) NO3-N and NH3-N (mg/L) Nutrients (mg/L) 4.5 0.60 R.PO4-3 (mg/L) 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 silica and alkalinity 5.5 Nutrients concetration Vs Time