Why do Tanganyikan gastropods have patchy distributions? Abundance, Diversity, and Species Distribution in relation to Abiotic and Biotic Parameters Students: Meredith Barrett, Alexis Bashonga Bishobibiri , Joseph Catron Mentor: Dr. Ellinor Michel Introduction Lake Tanganyika is recognized as a biodiversity “hotspot” due to the large abundance and diversity of organismsAmong the ostracods, cichilid fish, and thiarid gastropods, the majority of these species are endemic (Coulter, 1991). The lake is geologically old, tectonically active and the shoreline has diverse substrate types, which may have contributed to the distribution and evolutionof the endemic species. Our study aimed to test whether the gastropod assemblages, which are known to be patchy in the rocky littoral zone, correlate with physical variables. The deepest of Tanganyika’s three basins reaches 1500 meters making it the second deepest lake in the world. The tropical location minimizes seasonality and allows the waters to remain stratified, resulting in anoxic waters below about 100m depth. The benthic fauna, such as the rock-dwelling gastropods we focus on in this study, are limited to a narrow littoral zone, and cannot disperse across the open lake. Abiotic and biotic factors such as substrate, shoreline lithology, and productivity may affect distribution patterns. Some species display unpredictable patchy distribution patterns, which exhibit irregular and inconsistent patterns of residence in various habitats. The understanding of these patterns, especially those of allopatry and sympatry, illuminates essential evolutionary processes and interactions that have occurred throughout the history of the lake. Past studies indicated that many species of Lavigeria, which comprise a species flock that dominates the rocky benthos in diversity and abundance, have highly patchy distributions, This is particularly evident in the Kigoma region (Michel et al., 2003), where the shoreline has been relatively well sampled. However, previous research on distributions provided qualitative data but was quantitative at a limited number of sites (e.g. France & McIntyre, 1998; Sekandende, 2000; Zorich, 1999). This study examined patchiness with more complete spatial distribution data at regular intervals on the rocky substrates along the coast from the southern limit at Mzungu Beach (7 km south of Kigoma) to Mwamgongo, north of Gombe Stream National Park (30 km from Kigoma). We collected qualitative data of gastropod species presence and absence, as well as quantitative data on abundance. This provided site species richness and biomass information. In addition, we assessed several other physical parameters such as algal biomass, site lithology, substrate composition, site aspect, and site bathymetry to test for possible correlates with the observed patchiness. The null hypothesis states that these parameters do not correlate with gastropod distributions. Previous studies suggest that the patchy distribution may indicate metapopulation dynamics among the endemic gastropods (Michel, personal communication, 2003; Powers, 2000). Ultimately, these data could lead to a greater understanding of the evolutionary processes that generated the endemic diversity within the Lavigeria species flock. Objectives Our objectives were too expand spatial distribution data on presence/absence, abundance, and diversity of gastropods in the Kigoma region of Lake Tanganyika, and to determine the effects of several physical parameters at sites along the shore of the Kigoma region on species abundance, diversity, distribution, and biomass of littoral gastropods. Methods Survey Site Selection We sampled twelve sites in the Kigoma region. We recorded the GPS latitude longitude coordinates at each site; from south to north these were Mzungu Beach (S 04 55.044’ E 029 35.855’), Jakobsen’s Beach (not recorded) , Pundamilia (no recorded) , Katabe North (S 04 53.397’ E 029 36.725’), Hilltop (S 04 53.241’ E 029 36.842’), Luansa (S 04 52.522, E 029 37.217’) , Kalalangabo 3 (S 04 55.044’ E 029 36.255’), Kalalangabo 1 (S 04 50.289’ E 029 36.635’), Lemba (S 04 49.635’ E 029 36.255’), Katongwe (S 04 49.635 E 029 36.083), Mitumba (S04 37.977’ E 029 37.898’) , and Mwangango (S 04 36.960’ E 029 38.290’) (Fig. 1). We selected survey sites based on shoreline aspect and substrate type at each location. Shoreline aspects of southwest, northeast, and west-facing sites were chosen between Mzungu Beach and the northern limit of Gombe Stream National Park by examining a map of the lake shoreline. The study attempted to sample equidistant sites along the shoreline and to search for noticeable areas of transition. Natural boundaries delimit this biogeographic region by the Luiche River in the south and the long sandy shoreline extending past Ujiji to the Malagarasi and the sandy littoral regions north of Mwammgongo (north of Gombe Stream National Park). This region will be referred to as the Kigoma region. We ensured that we collected data for sites that replicated the variables in question. For example, for shoreline aspect we made sure we had several sites that were southwest-facing, as strong wave action from the direction of the prevailing winds and potential upwelling are likely physical variables that affect gastropod distribution. Moreover, the sites at Mzungu Beach, Kalalangabo 1, Jakobsen’s Beach, and Mwangongo provided quantifiable replication of previous data collected by McIntyre and France (1998). After this selection, the study conducted a survey of the area by snorkel to determine location of suitable gastropod habitat. The study focused on “hard and stable” substrates at five meters due to previous findings that species density and diversity measure highest on cobbles and boulders at this depth (Powers, 2000, Michel 1994). Site endpoints were established based on aspect and substrate changes, and GPS points were recorded for future reference. Physical Variables We recorded the following qualitative observations at each site: shoreline lithology, wind and wave direction, shoreline aspect, and benthic characteristics. Shoreline lithology was characterized by the type of dominant rock outcroppings and grain size (boulder/ cobble/ pebble). Compass bearings perpendicular to the shoreline determined aspect as a degree west or east of North. Nathan Stewart snorkel-surveyed every site and recorded qualitative depth and substrate transitions. He compiled this data into complete shoreline and benthic maps (Appendix A). The study also conducted a depth survey from the shore extending outward along a transect line of 50 meters. Depth readings given by a hand-held depth sounder provided depth profile data at 10-meter increments from shore. Three readings were recorded, averaged, and later translated into a graphic depth profile representation. Species Presence/Absence We determined the presence of gastropod species with linear depth “sweeps” or searches from 20 meters to 1 meter, and horizontal sweeps at 5 meters by SCUBA. Search time was standardized, with approximately 45 minutes spent on each sweep. Each pair of divers attempted to collect representatives every gastropod species present along the transects by searching in all substrate types, including on the sides of boulders and cobbles, underneath cobbles, and within sand and fine sediments. Observational notes of substrate transitions from 20 meters to 1-meter depths were recorded, as well as species’ habitat and depth preferences. The sampled representatives from these thorough searches were identified later with the aid of hand lenses, binocular microscopes and literature (Brown, 1996; West et al. 2003; Michel et al. 2003; Michel & Todd in prep.). For species that have been identified as new, or requiring further taxonomic work, we have used the open nomenclature of Michel & Todd, in prep and West et al., 2003. . Gastropod Abundance We quantified gastropod abundance by collecting all individuals within each of five 1m2 quadrats at each site. Quadrats were constructed of rope and sand bags. Each quadrat maintained a consistent 1m2 area because of careful, taut placement over rocky substrate. Replicated quadrats were placed at 5 meters depth, approximately 10 meters apart. All gastropods visible with careful searching from above were collected and preserved for later counting and measuring. This search did not permit overturning of rocks or sifting of sand, as this would create variable sampled areas. Each sampler drew a quadrat sketch and recorded substrate percent composition. The percentage of fine sediments, sand, pebbles, cobbles, and boulders was estimated for each quadrat based on the Wentworth Scale (Table 1). These estimates were later combined to achieve an average substrate composition description for each site. Gastropod Sizes, Predation and Site Biomass In the laboratory, each snail from the quadrat samples was identified, measured for height, width, and shell lip thickness in millimeters (Socci, 2001). We also recorded the number of shell scars on each individual as an indication of survived predation attempts. All shells from the quadrats and sweeps were cleaned by maceration and dried for museum collections. Total gastropod biomass was calculated for each site in grams/meter2. Average biomass/shell was calculated from the formula 0.2208e0.996 x shell height (mm) (from Socci 2001) and the values were summed by number of individuals/site. Algal Biomass, Total Organic Sediments, and Total Inorganic Sediments The study measured chlorophyll a concentrations for a comparative algal biomass proxy, as well as the total organic and inorganic sediments from cobbles near the quadrat sites. Collectors chose cobbles of approximately 50 to 100 millimeters with flat, upward-facing surfaces. A standard Nalgene sample bottle cap was placed over cobbles at 5 meters depth by snorkeling. Cobbles were then carefully carried to the surface by the snorkeler, who held the cap tightly to the cobble. At the surface, cobbles were scrubbed around the bottle cap using wire brushes and rinsed to remove both attached and non-attached substances from the cobble. The collector then removed the cap and rinsed non-attached algae and sediments into a collection tub using lake water. The sample was then brought to a known volume in a graduated cylinder. The remaining attached substances on the rock were scrubbed with wire brushes and collected by rinsing the algae from the rock into a graduated cylinder. The sample was then brought to a known volume. The study conducted 8 replicated samples at each site. Collected samples were kept cool and shaded in an icebox. In the laboratory the samples were filtered on 47 millimeter Pall-Gelman filters for chlorophyll a and ash-free dry mass analysis. Chlorophyll a was extracted over twenty-four hours in 90% ethanol. Ashfree dry mass was determined by combustion of the filter for 3 hours at 550 degrees Celsius. The combined ash weight from non-attached and attached sediments was calculated to determine the total organic and inorganic sediments. Collectors ran all samples through the spectrometer at wavelengths of 665 and 750 nanometers, and acidified the samples using 0.1 M HCl. The total chlorophyll a concentration was calculated by combining the spectrometer values of the non-attached and attached samples. Results Species Presence/Absence At the twelve sampled sites we catalogued a total of twenty species, nine of which were Lavigeria (Table 2). Most Lavigeria species and other gastropods exhibited a patchy distribution. L. cornata, L. sp AA, L. sp m, L. sp A*, and Reymondia minor were found at only a few sites, while Vinundu westae, Lavigeria grandis, Lavigeria nassa and Reymondia horei were widespread (Table 2). Based on qualitative data collection, the relative abundance and habitat preference of each species was determined (Table 2). In support of Powers (2000), most species did prefer hard substrates such as boulder and cobble. Only L. sp A*, L sp. AA, Anceya giraudi, Paramelania damoni, Paramelania“minor”, and Syrnolopsis were found on sand or fine sediment. N.B. – later analyses of our designated “L. sp A” suggests that it is actually a population of small L. sp. W or a new species, but not L. sp. A as in Michel et al. 2003. We will refer to it here as L. sp. A* to be concordant with our field notes and keep its identity clear. Gastropod Abundance Abundance varied significantly between sites in the Kigoma region (Figure 2). Hilltop exhibited the greatest snail abundance with almost double the number of individuals of the next most abundant site, Kalalangabo 1. Luansa had the third greatest number of individual snails (Figure 2). When the data was subset to include only Lavigeria species Katabe North was the site of greatest abundance, followed by Hilltop and Kalalangabo 1 (Figures 3 & 4). Lavigeria species abundances alone is are shown in Figure 4, and can be interpreted by subclade membership. The Lavigeria nassa/grandis/coronata clade has at least one, sometimes all three, representatives at every site in the region. The Lavigeria sp W/J/A* clade occurred more patchily, appearing at scattered sites throughout the region. The Lavigeria sp L/AA/M clade occurred narrowly only in the central section of the region (although other representatives are known from around the lake, Michel et al.2003). Gastropod Diversity From the quadrat sampling, gastropod abundances and species richness data was compiled for each site. We used Simpson’s D and Fisher’s Alpha diversity indices to compare diversity between sites in the Kigoma region (Figure 5). Both of these indices incorporate abundance, thus producing a measure of evenness, but they compensate for sample sizes differently. Both indices show large differences in diversity among sites (Figure 5). Simpson’s D indicated Kalalangabo 3 to be most diverse, with Jakobsen’s and Kalalangabo 1 to be the second and third most diverse, respectively (Table 4). According to this index, the highest diversity occurs in the central section of the Kigoma region (north of Kigoma Bay). Mzungu Beach, Luansa, and Pundamilia were the least diverse sites. Eveness did not vary highly between sites (Table 4). According to Fisher’s Alpha, Jakobsen’s Beach is the most diverse site, followed closely by Kalangabo 3 (Table 4). The least diverse sites include Luansa, Mzungu Beach, and Mwangongo. According to this metric diversity varies between sites – there is no clinal increase, rather sites contrast in their diversity. Furthermore, the two indices provide different assessments of diversity. Between Pundamilia and Hilltop diversity increases according to the Simpson’s D and decreases according to Fisher’s Alpha. Both drop in diversity between Kalalangabo 3 and 1. Diversity increases slightly between Lemba and Katangwe with the Simpson’s D, yet decreases with the Fisher’s Alpha. In general, Fisher’s Alpha diversity decreases from Lemba to Mwangongo. With one small increase at Katangwe, the Simpson’s D also follows a similarly decreasing trend in diversity after Kalalangabo 3 when heading north in the Kigoma region. Gastropod Biomass The trend in total gastropod biomass at each site paralleled the abundance and diversity patterns, with clear differences between sites (Figure 6). Sites with the greatest abundance also showed the highest biomass. Physical Parameters: Shoreline Aspect, Substrate Composition, Algae, and Sediment At all twelve sites, we collected data on physical variables (Table 3). Spatial data included underwater site maps and depth profile plots. The shoreline aspect, shoreline lithology, and average percent substrate composition at each site were compared with species richness, density, and diversity indices (Table 3). Each site is ranked relative to each other in terms of these quantitative values (Table 4). All sites exhibited one of the following shoreline lithologies: Kigoma quartzite, conglomerate, or Manyovu Red Beds, all of which are characteristic rock formations in the Kigoma region. Beach rock was also found at numerous sites. The grain size did differ between sites from monolithic rock cliffs to boulders or cobbles. Shoreline Aspect We determined compass bearing perpendicular to the major trend of the shoreline, providing facing direction for each site. For this analysis we simplified these data into general directions (southwest, northeast, west) to test for trends. These aspect groupings were compared with both abundance and diversity indices to determine if aspect was correlated with significant variation between sites (Figures 7 and 8). The total abundance of individuals was also calculated cumulatively for the sites in each aspect grouping. Dividing by the number of sites per aspect produced the average value. There were three northeast-facing sites, five southwest-facing sites, and four west-facing sites. When compared, the northeast-facing sites exhibit a greater abundance. However, the p-value test of 0.341095 indicated no significant difference between sites in terms of abundance. Each aspect grouping was also compared using the Simpson’s D and Fisher’s Alpha. Both indices exhibited higher values for the northeast-facing sites. These differences were shown to be significant in their p-value of 0.04795 and a strong trend with a value of 0.05235. Substrate Percent Composition Although the study focused on rocky substrates as suggested by Powers (2002), substrate composition did vary between quadrats and between sites. The substrate compositions of each quadrat were averaged to achieve a single substrate composition for each site (Figure 11). This data was later quantified as habitat richness per site, with each grain size composition of value greater than 10% counting as a significant substrate within each composition. For example, a site with 20% boulder, 30% cobble, 30% pebble, 15% sand, and 5% fine sediments would count as a heterogeneous habitat with a value of 4. The study then compared the differences in these substrate compositions to species density and diversity indices per site. Species abundance increases with increasing habitat richness, but both diversity indices show a decreasing diversity with increasing habitat richness (Figure 9). The R-squared values indicate that these trends may be uncorrelated. Algae and Sediment Chlorophyll a concentration, a proxy for algal biomass, was determined for each site. Total organic and inorganic sediments were also collected and calculated for each site. These data showed some variability between sites (Figure 10). The only site with a large difference in inorganic sedimentation was Mwangongo. Total organic sedimentation was highest at Katabe North and Luansa. The chlorophyll a concentrations were mostly similar between sites, but were slightly lower at Kalalangabo 3 and Hilltop. Gastropod biomass, abundance, and diversity indices (Simpson and Fisher’s Alpha) were correlated to algal biomass, organic sediments, and inorganic sediments using Pearson R correlation (Table 5). None of the correlations showed strong relationships. Scarring Crabs have been shown to prey upon snails (Rosales, 2000). Snails exhibiting scars have survived predation attempts. The number of scars may be a good reflection of predation intensity in a region. The average number of scarred snails at each site was compared to gastropod biomass and diversity (Simpson’s D and Fisher’s Alpha) using a Pearson’s R correlation. No strong correlation trends were observed. Discussion Species Sympatry and Allopatry The Kigoma Region is a good representative of an independent area for gastropod diversity and distribution. Species diversity and abundance decrease on both ends of the region, which may delineate the region from the surrounding shoreline (Figure 5). Northern sampling in the Gombe Stream National Park area exhibited decreased species abundance and diversity. More sampling south of Kitwe Point would further establish the southern extension of the region. Our results support the earlier description of patchy distributions for the endemic gastropods in this region. Several Lavigeria species are patchy or exist at only one site. These species include L sp AA, L. sp L, L. sp. W, L. sp A*, L. sp M, L. sp J, and L. coronata. Based on a molecular phylogeny (Michel, 2000) we examined the distribution patterns of distinct Lavigeria clades. L. coronata shares a clade with L. nassa and L. grandis. These species are largely sympatrically distributed. Using the sympatric occurrence criterion to verify species distinctness in morphologically closely similar species (Genner et al., 2004) we are able to address the differences in the Lavigeria species in the Kigoma region. For example L. coronata,by cooccurring and being readily distinguishable from L. grandis and L. nassa, is verified in its distinct species status (as was indicated by morphology and genetics, Michel 2000). In the L. sp L/M/AA clade, L. sp AA and L. sp M are allopatric, L. sp L and L. sp M are sympatric at one site, and L sp. L and L. sp AA are sympatric at one site (Table 2). These data show that L. sp L and L. sp M are in fact all differentiable through a distributional criterion (as well as morphology), and not allospecies (Genner et al., 2004). L. sp L and L. sp AA are not found sympatrically, however they differ unmistakably in morphology, thus do not present any difficulties for taxonomy. The allopatry of L. sp AA and L.sp M does not conclude definitively that they are separate species, thus these await genetic testing. Identification of the L. sp AA specimen found at Kalalangabo 3 was verified (E. Michel, pers. comm.), showing this species occurs, albeit rarely, at this site. L. sp AA and L. sp A* are allopatric. In the L. sp J/W/A clade, L. sp J and L. sp W are sympatric at two sites, therefore supporting their separate species status. L. sp A* and L. sp W, although difficult to distinguish from one another, were verified to sympatrically occur at one site, Lemba, also indicating that they are distinct species. L. sp A* and L. sp J did not occur sympatrically so their separate species status is unverified in this study. In general, however, our detailed sampling revealed a number of cases of sympatric occurrence of readily separable species, supporting the division of Lavigeria into many tighly morphologically differing species. Abundance, Biomass, and Diversity Patterns Patchy species distribution patterns contributed to variable patterns in species abundance, biomass, and biodiversity. Physical parameters of each site could not accurately predict these patterns. Site areas that appeared comparable to other sites varied widely in species composition. For example, Lavigeria cornata was found at rocky outcroppings in the south and was not found in similar habitats until much farther north at Kalalangabo 3. The presence of L. coronata terminates in the middle of a long stretch of seemingly suitable rocky habitat. There appeared to be no habitat or substrate change at the boundary, yet the transition was sharp. Both juvenile and adult L. cornata were found close to the transition area. These patchy patterns of unexplained boundary points could be true for other species as well, and may support the possibility of metapopulations. A species sweep of the entire shoreline could discover other unique patterns in species patchiness. The variation in biomass matched the fluctuations in abundance of sites from south to north. Field observations showed that sites with higher abundance of gastropods tended to exhibit smaller sized individuals. One suggestion proposed that gastropod biomass remains relatively constant across sites— some sites contain small numbers of larger-sized individuals and others show greater numbers of smallersized individuals. The data did not support this proposition, as biomass levels approximately matches species abundance. Those sites with the highest abundance, such as Hilltop, Katabe North, and Kalalangabo 1, also had the greatest biomass. Biomass was not constant between sites of the Kigoma region. Physical Parameters: Shoreline Aspect, Substrate Composition, Algae, and Sediment Our initial hypotheses suggested that the physical variables of a site would affect gastropod diversity, abundance, and distribution. Our correlation tests revealed that of all the variables tested, only shoreline aspect correlated significantly with diversity. Coulter (1991) states that longitudinal north-south waves contribute the most forceful wave energy in Lake Tanganyika. One could predict that sites with southwest-facing aspects would undergo the greatest wave energy (there were no south facing shorelines), and therefore snail abundances or diversity would differ from sites facing west or northeast. The northeast-facing sites remain much more protected from the pounding wave action of intense directional waves from the southwest that occur during the dry season. Westward facing sites undergo wave action, but less than southwest-facing sites. The diversity showed a significant correlation with a northeast facing aspect. Whereas both abundance and diversity values were higher in northeast-facing sites, only diversity proved to be statistically different between aspect-grouped sites. These waves could affect sites in numerous ways, including the transportation of fine sediments to deeper regions. Aspect may also affect light availability, the stability of substrate, and the presence of predators. Comparisons of sites in terms of organic and inorganic sediments, algae abundance, and substrate variability led to no clear explanation for patchy distribution. The data indicated a slight correlation between high abundance of gastropods and low algal biomass.These data might support the proposal that Tanganyikan benthic grazers and algae community are highly co-adapted and a large biomass can be supported by fast regenerating, low-biomass algal producers. None of these variables, with the exception of aspect, independently correlates with gastropod distribution. Different combinations of certain parameters, however, may contribute to these patterns. Multivariate analysis could expose emergent relationships between physical variables related to gastropod species distribution and abundance. The rocky sites we surveyed could be fairly isolated from each other from a gastropod’s perspective, which might influence the distribution patterns we found. . In many cases our rocky habitats were separated by sandy stretches that could act as barriersto the rocky substrate species we assessed. We found few snails in sandy areas, which they would have to cross to disperse as adults. A number of authors have shown that this type of habitat isolation has affected diversification of cichlids in Lake Tanganyika (e.g. references in Coulter 1991), however this idea fails to explain the patchiness of gastropod species. Many species are found in alternating or distant sites, which suggests that either dispersial has occurred in the past with only occasional successful colonization or subsequent extinctions. This pattern suggest that the many of the endemic gastropods exisit in metapopulations. The available habitat area may also influence species diversity and distribution. MacArthur and Wilson (1967) established the population biology theory that larger habitat areas maintain more species. This study chose to focus on rocky substrates because that is where the abundance and diversity of gastropods is highest. Rocky habitats of larger area may then harbor higher abundance and diversity of gastropods. Unfortunately, this study did not directly document the total length of hard substrate available at each site, and there remained unsampled areas between sites. However we did test for a species-area effect, we did attempt a preiliminary test for a species-area effect based on map-based inference of known rocky and sandy sections of shoreline. We measured the lengths of rocky habitat and then compared with the abundance and diversity of species found in that region. We found a strong correlation between area of rocky habitat and diversity (Figure 11). Larger areas exhibited much higher levels of diversity. This result warrents further testing, perhaps with manta board and SCUBA surveys of all substrate and species transitions along the 30 kilometers of shoreline. This alone does not complete the picture for the observed variations in species distributions. The overall richness in the Kigoma region from our surveying indicates a total of 20 species. Our sweeps did not sample deep-water or extremely shallow habitats as effectively as possible. Typhobia and Neothauma taxa were likely missed in deep water, while Stormsia, Syrnolopsis, or Reymondia could have been overlooked in shallow waters. Further sampling would expand the data. Conclusions This project demonstrated a patchy distribution of gastropods, particularly of Lavigeria species, in the Kigoma region of Lake Tanganyika. Physical parameters at each site, such as substrate composition, shoreline lithology, organic and inorganic sediments, and algal biomass failed to correlate with gastropod abundance, diversity, or distribution. Shoreline aspect did, however, correlate with diversity. More protected northeast-facing sites exhibited the highest levels of diversity. Both abundance and diversity values varied widely within the Kigoma region. We found that gastropod biomass does not remain constant within the region, but rather increased as gastropod abundance increased. Gastropod sampling did lead to more concrete distributional data for the narrow range endemic Lavigeria species and allowed us to comment on sympatric criteria for species distinction. Many possibilities exist to expand upon this project in the future. More thorough sampling could determine if a relationship exists between rocky habitat area and species diversity. Multivariate statistical analysis of this project’s data could uncover emergent combinations of physical factors that affect gastropod distribution. The lack of correlations between physical parameters and distribution calls for a further examination of the possibility of metapopulations. L. coronata would present an interesting case study, as its highly patchy distribution and abrupt population boundaries present an unpredictable pattern. Additional shoreline sweeps could also determine if other gastropod species exhibit similarly unexplained population limits. We found extremely large numbers of dead shells at each site. A comparison of present and past species may better help to understand how populations change over time. A study examining juvenile snail presence would also determine if certain habitats create more effective juvenile survivorship locations. The expansion of GIS mapping of the area (e.g Gathogo, 2001) would also aid in understanding the complexities of the region, and provide a more interactive display of present data. Acknowledgements We would like to thank Michelle Olsgard for her muscles, brains, and AMAZING!! perspective of the world, Nate Stewart for his Swahili, his hard work, and daily energetic smiles, and Ellinor Michel for always keeping us thinking. Her inputs to this project were monumental. Thanks to the NSF for making the Nyanza Project happen, and to the MacArthur Foundation and the Field Museum of Natural History for supporting ABB’s participation in the Nyanza Project. We would like to thank the Mercury for her great little 5 horse power motor and the Achilles for not really having a weak spot. Kwaheri na Usiku mwema. References Cohen, A.S. (2000). Linking spatial and temporal change in the diversity structure of ancient lakes: examples from ecology and paleoecology of the Tanganyikan ostracods. Advances in Ecological Research: Vol. 31 Coulter, G.W. (1991). Lake Tanganyika and Its Life. New York: Oxford University Press Gathogo, P.N. (2001) Characterisation of near-shore substrate along the eastern shore of Lake Tanganyika at Kigoma area, western Tanzania. Nyanza Project 2001 annual report. MacArthur, R.H., and Wilson, E.O. (1967). The Theory of Island Biogeography. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press. Michel, E. 2000. Phylogeny of a gastropod species flock: exploring speciation in Lake Tanganyika in a molecular framework. In: A. Rossiter & H. Kwanabe (eds) Ancient Lakes: Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution. Advances in Ecological Research 31:275-302. Michel, E., Todd, T., Cleary, F.R., Kingma, I., Cohen, A., and Genner, M. (2003, In Press) Scales of endemism: Challenges for conservation and incentives for evolutionary studies in a gastropod species flock from Lake Tanganyika. Jourrnal of Conchology Special publication 3: 1-18. Phifer, M., (2000). Scarring and sculptured shells: crab impacts on morphology of Lavigeria. The Nyanza Project 2000 Report. Powers, L. (2002). Substrate preference and microhabitat use among gastropods of Lake Tanganyika. The Nyanza Project 2002 Report. Rosales, A.B., Marijnissen, S. A., and Michel, E. (2003) Snail susceptibility to crab predation: a case study of co-evolution from Lake Tanganyika, Africa. Published abstract, Soc. Integrative and Comparative Biology, ann. Mtg. Toronto CAN. Sekandende, B. (2000). Patchiness in gastropod abundance and diversity at Jakobsen’s Beach: A depth survey using SCUBA. Nyanza Project 2000 annual report. Socci, A.(2001) Interspecific differences in snail susceptibility to crab predation. The Nyanza Project 2001 Report. West, K., E. Michel, J. Todd, D. Brown, J. Clabough. (2003). The Gastropods of Lake Tanganyika: Diagnostic key, classification and notes on the fauna. (International Association of Theoretical and Appliced LimnologOccasional Publication no. 2. 132pp. Zorich, N. (1999) Snail distribution and diversity south of Kigoma Bay, Lake Tanganyika, East Africa. Nyanza Project 1999 annual report. Tables and Figures Substrate Type Grain Size Fine sediments (Silt and clay) .00025-.062 mm Sand .062-2 mm Pebbles 2-64 mm (.08-2.52 in) Cobbles Boulders 64-256 mm (2.52-10 in) 256-4096 mm (10.1-161.3in) Table 1: Substrate classification by grain size. Modified Wentworth Scale, after Lane, et al., 1947, Trans American Geophysical Union, v. 28, p. 936-938 Figure 1: Kigoma region map with all sites labeled Genus Species1 Relative Abundance2 Lavigeria nassa Very abundant and widespread Abundant at proximal sites (KLG3…), absent elsewhere grandis coronata species A Abundant at KLG3, JKB, Absent elsewhere Somewhat abundant at KTG, Habitat Preference3 Boulder and Cobble Boulder Site Occurrence4 All 66.7 Boulder KLG1, KLG3,PUN,LEM,KTG,JKB, MIT, LUA KLG3, JKB Sand/Fine LEM, KTG 16.7 1 Gastropods found in the Kigoma region of Lake Tanganyika during quadrat, depth, and horizontal sweeps. Relative abundance determined from quantitative quadrat data and observation. 3 Habitat Preference compiled from observation and quadrat substrate composition data. 4 Gastropod site occurrence determined during sweep and quadrat data collection. 5 Occurrence frequency= (Number of sites where a species occurred/12) x 100 2 Abundance Key: Very Abundant Abundant Somewhat Abundant Occurrence Frequency5 100 Rare Very Rare Absent Site Key: Kalalangabo 1=KLG1 Lemba=LEM Katangwe=KTG Mitumba=MIT Mzungu=MZU Mwangongo=MWA Jakobsens= JKB Punda Milia=PUN Kalalangabo3=KLG3 Katabe North=KATN Luansa=LUA Hilltop=HTP 16.7 rare elsewhere species J species L species M species W species AA Very Abundant at HTP, Rare to Absent elsewhere Somewhat abundant at KLG13, Rare to absent elsewhere Somewhat abundant at HTP, Rare to absent elsewhere Abundant at KLG1,MZU, Rare to Absent elsewhere Very rare at KLG3, Absent elsewhere Anceya giraudi Somewhat abundant on sand Spekia zonata Vinundu westae Abundant on shallow rock, Rare at 5m Abundant and widespread under rocks guillemei Reymondia horei minor Paramelania damoni “minor” Syrnolopsis Bridouxia Sediment, and Pebble Cobble, Boulder, and Pebble Shallow Cobble, Under Rock Shallow Cobble, Under Rock Cobble Sand/Fine Sediment, and Boulder rarely Sand/Fine Sediment Shallow Boulder MZU, HTP, PUN, JKB,KATN 41.7 KLG1, HTP, KLG3, LEM, MIT, LUA 50 HTP, PUN, KATN, 25 KLG1,MZU, HTP, KLG3, LEM, JKB KLG3 50 66.7 Rare at 5m, Abundant deeper at MWA Abundant on rock, especially deeper Very abundant at HTP under rock, Absent elsewhere Absent at 5m, Somewhat abundant at depth Boulder KLG1, PUN, LEM, KTG, KATN MWA, MIT, LUA KLG1, MZU, LEM, KTG, KATN, LUA KLG1, MZU,HTP, KLG3, PUN, LEM, KTG, JKB, KATN, MWA, MIT, LUA PUN, KTG, JKB, MWA Boulder, Under Rock Under Rock KLG1, HTP, KLG3, PUN, LEM, KTG, JKB, KATN, LUA HTP 75 Deep Sand/Fine Sediment, and Boulder MZU, HTP, KATN, MWA, LUA 41.7 Rare at 5m, Abundant elsewhere Rare at 5m rock, Somewhat abundant in sand Rare, Somewhat Abundant under rocks Sand/Fine Sediment Sand/Fine Sediment Under Rock KLG3, LEM, KTG, JKB, KATN, MIT, LUA MWA, MIT, LUA 58.3 25 HTP, JKB, KATN, MIT, LUA 41.7 Under Rock MIT 8.3 Cobble, Under Rock, Boulder Stormsia Table 2: Species found table NE facing sum abun/sq meter W facing SW facing Figure 2: Site vs. abundance (all species) Mwangongo Mitumba Lemba Punda Melia Site by Aspect Kalalangabo 3 Hilltop Jakobsen's Katangwe Kalalangabo 1 Luansa Katabe North Hilltop Values Divided by Tw o to Enable View ing of Other Sites Mzungu Total Abundance (Total Individuals/m) Total Gastropod Abundance At Different Aspects in the Kigoma Region 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 8 50 100 33.3 8.3 Figure 3: Site vs. abundance of Lavigeria species Lavigeria Species Abundance 60 50 40 2 Indiv/ m 30 20 Sites (South to North) Figure 4: Site vs. abundance of Lavigeria by clade Mwangongo Mitumba Katangwe Lemba Kalalangabo 1 Lwanza Kalalangabo 3 Hilltop Katabe North Jakobsen's Punda Melili 0 Mzungu 10 L. sp A L. sp L L. sp AA L. sp M L sp W L. sp J L. coronata L. grandis L. nassa Gastropod Species Abundance per Site in the Kigoma Region 35 L. nassa L. grandis Raymondia horei L. coronata Vinundu guiellmae L. sp J L. sp W Anceya giradi Vinundu westae L. sp M Bridouxia Paramelania minor L. sp AA L. sp L L. sp A Species Abundance (Individuals/m 30 25 20 15 10 Mwangongo Katangwe Lemba Kalalangabo 1 Kalalangabo 3 Lwanza Hilltop Kalabe North Punda Malia Jakobsen's Mzungu 0 Mitumba 5 Figure 5: Site vs. species abundance L. nassa L. grandis Raymondia horei L. coronata Vinundu guiellmae L. sp J L. sp W Anceya giradi Vinundu westae L. sp M Bridouxia Paramelania minor L. sp AA L. sp L L. sp A Mzungu 1.2 0 0 0 0 0 11.6 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 Jakobsen's 3.2 1.4 1.2 4 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Punda Melili 7.2 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Kalabe North 30.8 0 1 0 0 11 0 0.2 2 9 0 0 0 0 0 Hilltop Lwanza Kalalangabo 3 25.2 24.4 7.2 0 0 3.6 0.8 0 1.4 0 0 2 0 0 0 35.6 0 0 0 0 0.8 0 0 0 8.8 1 3 22 0 0 0.4 0 0 0 0.6 0.8 0 0 0.2 0 0 3.8 0 0 0 Kalalangabo 1 10.6 7.4 1 0 0 0 13 1 1 0 0 0 0 6.6 0 Lemba 7.8 7.4 2.8 0 0 0 0.2 0 0.4 0 0 0.2 0 0 0.2 Katangwe Mitumba 4.4 4.8 1.6 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.2 5.6 0 0 0 0 0.4 0.8 0 0 0 0 3.8 0 Mwangongo 3.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 4.6 0.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 300 Gastropod Biomass at Sites in Kigoma Region 250 200 Biomass (g/m2) 150 100 50 M Mitumba Katangwe Lemba Kalalangabo 1 Kalalangabo 3 Lwanza Hilltop Kalabe North Punda Melili Jakobsen's Mzungu 0 Figure 6: Biomass per site Average Cumulative Species Abundance of Sites Grouped by Aspect in the Kigoma Region Average Individuals Per Aspect 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 SW NE W SW Figure 7: aspect vs. abundance NE Shoreline Aspect W Diversity by Aspect in the Kigoma Region 5 P value for Difference of Simpsons Index Between Aspects=0.04795 4.5 Average4Species Diversity Indices P value for Difference of Fisher's Index Between Aspects=0.05235 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 Average Simpson's Diversity Index 0 SW NE Average Fisher's Diversity Index W Aspect Figure 8: aspect vs. diversity Gastropod Diversity and Habitat Richness in the Simpson's Diversity Kigoma Region Diversity Indices 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 2 4 Substrate Heterogeneity Figure 9: habitat richness vs. aspect and diversity 6 Species density (Individuals/m2) 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 6 Index Fisher's Alpha Diversity Index Species density Linear (Fisher's Alpha Diversity Index) Linear (Simpson's Diversity Index) Linear (Species R2 = 0.1039 R2 = 0.0657 R2 = 0.0207 Total Non-Ogranic Sediments, Total Organic Sediments, and Benthic Cholorphyll A Concentration on Survey Sites in the Kigoma Region Mwangongo Mitumba Katongwe Lemba Kalalangabo 3 Luansa Hilltop Katabe N Jacobsen's S Pundamilia 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Total Non-Organic (mg/cm^2) Total AFDM (mg/cm^2) TOTAL Chl A (ug/cm^2) Figure 10: site compassions of sediments, algal biomass, and total organics C o m p a r is o n o f R o c k y S u b s tr a te to S p e c ie s D iv e r s ity Fishers Diversity Index 3 R 2 = 0 .8 6 6 8 2 .5 2 1 .5 1 0 .5 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 E s tim a te d R o c k y Ha b ita t D is ta n c e S c a le d to 1 c m Figure 11: Area vs. diversity of sites along the Kigoma region 6 Table 3: Site information table Site Mzungu Jakobsen's Pundamilia Katabe North Hilltop Luansa Kalalangabo 3 Kalalangabo 1 Lemba Katangwe Rich Ness (Spe cies/ 6 Species Density (indiv/m2) Simpson’s Diversity Index (D) Evenness (E) D/# species Fisher’s Alpha Diversity Index 21.67 1.242281682 0.414093894 0.65 80% Boulder 10% Cobble 11 12 4.663212435 0.582901554 2.48 75% Boulder 10% Cobble 8 11.8 1.170900693 0.292725173 1.12 Conglomerate cliff, Kigoma quartzite cobbles 15% Boulder 40% Cobble 10 54 2.52318981 0.420531635 1.09 Kigoma Quartzite Cobbles Conglomerate Cliffs 10 % Boulder 25 % Cobble 10 92.8 3.499129874 0.583188312 SW Kigoma quartzite boulder, beach rock 80% Boulder 5% Cobble 11 26 1.132859633 0.377619878 0.548 NE Kigoma Quartzite Boulders 80 % Boulder 19% Cobble 9 22.6 5.442211055 0.604690117 2.299 SW Manyovu Red Bed Cliffs Kigoma Quartzite Cobbles Kigoma quartzite boulders/cobbles and beach rock 70% Boulder 10% Cobble 8 40.67 4.306712963 0.615244709 .548 90% Boulder 8% Sand 10 19 2.917879082 0.416839869 1.74 SW Kigoma quartzite pebbles, Manoyovu Red Bed Cliff 83% Boulder 2% Pebble 9 11.4 3.423603793 0.684720759 1.32 W Kigoma quartzite cobble and boulder, beach rock 11.4 2.359477124 0.589869281 0.98 W Kigoma Quartzite outcrop, gravel and sand beach 10 85% Boulder 10% Coarse sand with dead shells 6 90% Boulder 9.2 2.335540839 rank:9 0.778513613 rank:1 0.719 rank:9 As pect Lithology Substrate Composition, 5m SW Kigoma Quartzite Cobbles Conglomerate cliffs 30 % Boulder 30 % Cobble NE Kigoma quartzite boulder and cliff W Kigoma quartzite boulders and rock faces SW NE W Mitumba Mwangongo 10% Fine Sediments 0.973 Site 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Simpson’s Diversity Kalalangabo 3 Jakobsen's Kalalangabo 1 Hilltop Katangwe Lemba Katabe North Mitumba Mwangongo Mzungu Punda Malia Luwanza Fisher’s Alpha Evenness Jakobsen's Kalalangabo 3 Lemba Katangwe Punda Malia Katabe North Mitumba Hilltop Mwangongo Mzungu Kalalangabo Luwanza Mwangongo Katangwe Kalalangabo Kalalangabo 3 Mitumba Hilltop Jakobsen's Katabe North Lemba Mzungu Luwanza Punda Malia Table 4: Rankings of sites by diversity indices and evenness Comparisons Inroganic Sediments to Biomasss Chl A Concentration to Biomass Organic Sediment to Biomass Organic Sediment to Abundance Inorganic Sediment to Abundance Chlorophyll A to Abudance Organic Sediment to Fisher's Diversity Inorganic Sediment to Fisher's Diversity Chl A Concentration to Fisher's Diversity Organic Sediment to Simpson's Diversity Inorganic Sediment to Simpon's Diversity Chl A to Simpon's Diversity Pearson r square Correlation 0.243 0.756 0.137 0.073 0.22 0.163 0.117 0.04 0.043 0.125 0.071 0.0032 Table 5: Correlations between various sediment factors and biotic factors