Team Resource Inventory Due in Class: Wednesday 9/15/04 The purpose of this inventory is to summarize for the customer the strengths of your team. Your team and the customer should be able to look at this document and immediately understand the background and skills your team brings to solve the selected problem. The team inventory is a summary of the team’s skills. This is also your team’s opportunity to explore each members individual strengths and weaknesses. This should NOT be a person-by-person list but rather a team resume. Honesty is essential, both on this team inventory and with each other. In addition to turning in a team inventory, team members are required to attach their individual resumes. Together, these documents provide the customer with a clear picture of the team and its members. Create a uniform layout for all the documents handed in for this assignment. As a team explore the following skill areas: Note: The inventory should not specifically list answers to each of these questions but should give the customer confidence in your teams technical, writing and team/business experience. I) Technical Skills: What are the technical skills possessed by the team? • What programming languages do team members know? • What graphical skills does the team possess? HTML skills, CGI skills etc • What drawing or software packages do team member’s use? • What other technical skills do team members possess? • As a team you need to accurately know how comfortable team members are with learning new skills. It is just as appropriate for team members to not want to learn new skills as it is to feel comfortable doing so! Honesty is critical! II) Writing skills You should talk about your team’s feelings about writing lots of documentation. There will be a lot to write! Discuss the following and find a way to put the writing skills of your team into your team resume: • What is the longest paper each team member has written? • For what purposes were such papers written? • How do members usually write papers? (ex. Word, LATeX) • How comfortable are team members with written English? III) Business and Team Experiences • Which team members, have had team/group experiences. Have they been CSE work related experience? • Have members had team experiences in school or at work? Use bullets. • Have any team members worked for a CSE related corporation? Have they worked on teams? • Have any team members worked on business related teams but not in a CSE related setting? Note: this is often as important as CSE related teams IV) Personal Information. Find some way to include this critical information on the resume/inventory but also be sure to discuss issues that will impact team members’ availability. • Who is on the team? What are their home phone numbers (and/or cell phone)? What are their login names? (Share with each other what classes you are taking!) • Gather the schedules of team members, including formal TIME commitments other than classes (ex. work, day-care pickup, sports, etc). • Have members any "problems" that are likely to effect the team (ex. commute from far away, family/children issues, job issues, job hunting)? Formally record these and to whom do they belong.