Generalizing speed-of-light limitations to arbitrary passive linear media Aaron Welters Department of Mathematics1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Joint work with Steven G. Johnson1 and Yehuda Avniel1 A. Welters (MIT) Speed Limitations in Passive Media October 4, 2013 1 / 20 Main Reference A. Welters, S. G. Johnson, and Y. Avniel, Speed-of-light limitations in passive linear media, In progress. A. Welters (MIT) Speed Limitations in Passive Media October 4, 2013 2 / 20 Motivation (Relativistic Causality) Relativity implies information (signal) cannot travel faster than c, the speed of light in vacuum. Controversies over superliminal (i.e., > c) propagation of light in dissipative and dispersive media especially related to the group velocity and energy velocity. A. Welters (MIT) Speed Limitations in Passive Media October 4, 2013 3 / 20 Motivation (Relativistic Causality) Relativity implies information (signal) cannot travel faster than c, the speed of light in vacuum. Controversies over superliminal (i.e., > c) propagation of light in dissipative and dispersive media especially related to the group velocity and energy velocity. Obscurity of conditions which guarantee the speed-of-light restriction on electromagnetic energy velocity ve . A. Welters (MIT) Speed Limitations in Passive Media October 4, 2013 3 / 20 Motivation (Relativistic Causality) Relativity implies information (signal) cannot travel faster than c, the speed of light in vacuum. Controversies over superliminal (i.e., > c) propagation of light in dissipative and dispersive media especially related to the group velocity and energy velocity. Obscurity of conditions which guarantee the speed-of-light restriction on electromagnetic energy velocity ve . The broad range of material properties including anisotropy, bianisotropy, nonlocality, dispersion, periodicity and even delta functions or similar generalized functions. A. Welters (MIT) Speed Limitations in Passive Media October 4, 2013 3 / 20 Motivation (Relativistic Causality) Relativity implies information (signal) cannot travel faster than c, the speed of light in vacuum. Controversies over superliminal (i.e., > c) propagation of light in dissipative and dispersive media especially related to the group velocity and energy velocity. Obscurity of conditions which guarantee the speed-of-light restriction on electromagnetic energy velocity ve . The broad range of material properties including anisotropy, bianisotropy, nonlocality, dispersion, periodicity and even delta functions or similar generalized functions. Problem: What is the broadest range of linear materials and weakest conditions which guarantee the speed-of-light restriction ||ve || ≤ c? A. Welters (MIT) Speed Limitations in Passive Media October 4, 2013 3 / 20 Why is the EM energy velocity ≤ c? Why is the EM energy velocity ≤ c? A. Welters (MIT) Speed Limitations in Passive Media October 4, 2013 4 / 20 Why is the EM energy velocity ≤ c? Why is the EM energy velocity ≤ c? very long history lots of results still open questions boil down to minimal mathematical conditions A. Welters (MIT) Speed Limitations in Passive Media October 4, 2013 4 / 20 Why is the EM energy velocity ≤ c? Why is the EM energy velocity ≤ c? very long history lots of results still open questions boil down to minimal mathematical conditions A. Welters (MIT) Speed Limitations in Passive Media October 4, 2013 4 / 20 What is EM “information”/energy velocity? Not generally phase velocity vph = (speed of ripples) Hamilton, 1839 & Rayleigh, 1881 group velocity (wave packet) vg = dω dk = energy velocity = if loss is negligible ω k energy flux energy density = ve non-negligible loss/gain ”superluminal group velocity”6= information velocity (Sommerfeld, 1907...Milonni, 2005) A. Welters (MIT) Speed Limitations in Passive Media October 4, 2013 5 / 20 What is EM “information”/energy velocity? Not generally phase velocity vph = (speed of ripples) Hamilton, 1839 & Rayleigh, 1881 group velocity (wave packet) vg = dω dk = energy velocity = if loss is negligible ω k energy flux energy density = ve non-negligible loss/gain ”superluminal group velocity”6= information velocity (Sommerfeld, 1907...Milonni, 2005) A. Welters (MIT) Speed Limitations in Passive Media October 4, 2013 5 / 20 When is ||ve || ≤ c? Brillouin (1914): true for homogeneous isotropic linear medium with single Lorentzian resonance in (ω) Landau & Lifshitz (1960): true for homogeneous isotropic linear medium, assuming causality, positivity of dispersive energy, some regularity of , µ Yaghjian (2007): homogeneous isotropic passive linear medium, assuming some regularity of , µ Joannopoulos et al. (2008), (others?): periodic, isotropic, dispersionless, linear medium, assuming real , µ ≥ 1 A. Welters (MIT) Speed Limitations in Passive Media October 4, 2013 6 / 20 When is ||ve || ≤ c? Brillouin (1914): true for homogeneous isotropic linear medium with single Lorentzian resonance in (ω) Landau & Lifshitz (1960): true for homogeneous isotropic linear medium, assuming causality, positivity of dispersive energy, some regularity of , µ Yaghjian (2007): homogeneous isotropic passive linear medium, assuming some regularity of , µ Joannopoulos et al. (2008), (others?): periodic, isotropic, dispersionless, linear medium, assuming real , µ ≥ 1 Today: passive linear medium including homogeneous or periodic and anisotropic or bianisotropic. passivity =⇒ causality, positivity, other analytic properties with transparency window =⇒ vg = ve and ||ve || ≤ c A. Welters (MIT) Speed Limitations in Passive Media October 4, 2013 6 / 20 Passive linear time-invariant media Macroscopic Maxwell’s equations without sources: 1 ∂B ∇·B=0 ∇×E+ =0 c ∂t 1 ∂D =0 ∇·D=0 ∇×H− c ∂t Electric and magnetic polarizations P, M with linear constitutive relations D = E + 4πP and B = H + 4πM via susceptibility χ: Z ∞ P E E(t − t 0 ) 0 =χ∗ = χ(t ) dt 0 M H H(t − t 0 ) −∞ A homogeneous medium is passive if Z t ∂M ∂P E† 0 + H† 0 dt 0 ≥ 0 Re ∂t ∂t −∞ (1) (2) for every t ∈ R and every [E, H]T ∈ D (H) – test functions from R into Hilbert space H = C6 . A. Welters (MIT) Speed Limitations in Passive Media October 4, 2013 7 / 20 Passive linear time-invariant media Macroscopic Maxwell’s equations without sources: 1 ∂B ∇·B=0 ∇×E+ =0 c ∂t 1 ∂D =0 ∇·D=0 ∇×H− c ∂t Electric and magnetic polarizations P, M with linear constitutive relations D = E + 4πP and B = H + 4πM via susceptibility χ: Z ∞ E E(t − t 0 ) P 0 =χ∗ = χ(t 0 ) 0 ) dt M H H(t − t −∞ A periodic medium is passive in the unit cell V if Z t Z ∂P ∂M E† 0 + H† 0 drdt 0 ≥ 0 Re ∂t ∂t −∞ V (1) (2) for every t ∈ R and every [E, H]T ∈ D (H) – test functions from R 6 into Hilbert space H = L2 (V ) . A. Welters (MIT) Speed Limitations in Passive Media October 4, 2013 7 / 20 Consequences of passivity Theorem 1 (Welters et al., 2013) For a passive linear medium with susceptibility χ the following statements are true: 1 2 3 (causality) Polarizations only depend on fields in the past, i.e., χ(t) = 0 for t < 0. b(ω), is analytic for (analyticity) Fourier transform of dχ dt , i.e., −iω χ Im ω > 0 in the norm topology on L(H) – bounded linear operators. (positivity) The function h(ω) = ω χ b(ω) satisfies Im h(ω) ≥ 0 for Im ω > 0. Proof (Sketch). Linearity and passivity means dχ dt ∗ is a “passive” convolution operator on D (H). Deep results from linear response theory (Zemanian, 1972) on such operators implies these results. A. Welters (MIT) Speed Limitations in Passive Media October 4, 2013 8 / 20 Consequences of passivity Theorem 1 (Welters et al., 2013) For a passive linear medium with susceptibility χ the following statements are true: 1 2 3 (causality) Polarizations only depend on fields in the past, i.e., χ(t) = 0 for t < 0. (analyticity) Fourier transform of dχ b(ω), is analytic for dt , i.e., −iω χ Im ω > 0 in the norm topology on L(H) – bounded linear operators. (positivity) The function h(ω) = ω χ b(ω) satisfies Im h(ω) ≥ 0 for Im ω > 0. Definition (Herglotz function) Let H be a Hilbert space. A bounded-operator-valued Herglotz function is analytic function from C+ (open complex upper half-plane) into L(H) (bounded linear operators) whose values have positive semidefinite imaginary part [e.g., h(ω) or (A − ωI)−1 with A self-adjoint]. A. Welters (MIT) Speed Limitations in Passive Media October 4, 2013 8 / 20 Consequences of passivity Example: Homogeneous isotropic media with integrable χ(t). Time-harmonic fields E(t) = Ee −iωt , H(t) = He −iωt . Linear constitutive relations are D(t) = De −iωt , B(t) = Be −iωt , where D = (ω)E, B = µ(ω)H. Elec. & magnetic polarizations are P(t) = Pe −iωt , M(t) = Me −iωt , where (ω) − 1 µ(ω) − 1 P= E, B = H. 4π 4π Scalar-valued permittivity (ω) and permeability µ(ω) related to susceptibility via χ b(ω) = (4π)−1 diag{((ω) − 1)I, (µ(ω) − 1)I}. The function h(ω) = ω χ b(ω) and for ω ∈ R, Im h(ω) = (4π)−1 ω diag{Im (ω)I, Im µ(ω)I}. A. Welters (MIT) Speed Limitations in Passive Media October 4, 2013 9 / 20 EM losses and transparency windows Transparency window - frequency interval (ω1 , ω2 ) ⊆ R where losses are negligible (Landau & Lifshitz, 1960). Electromagnetic losses (transfer of EM energy into matter by absorption) ↔ boundary-values as Im ω ↓ 0 of Im h(ω). Typically [e.g., integrable χ(t)], (ω1 , ω2 ) is a transparency window if Im h(ω) = 0 for all ω ∈ (ω1 , ω2 ). A. Welters (MIT) Speed Limitations in Passive Media October 4, 2013 10 / 20 EM losses and transparency windows Example: Homogeneous isotropic media with integrable χ(t). Scalar-valued permittivity (ω) and permeability µ(ω) related to susceptibility via χ b(ω) = (4π)−1 diag{((ω) − 1)I, (µ(ω) − 1)I}. Time-harmonic fields E(t) = Ee −iωt , H(t) = He −iωt : Time-average of the power dissipated per unit time is Z 0 1 T d Re P(t 0 ) 0 † d Re M(t ) + Re H(t ) dt 0 Re E(t 0 )† T 0 dt 0 dt 0 † 1 E E = Im h(ω) H 2 H ω = [Im (ω)||E||2 + Im µ(ω)||H||2 ], 8π where T = 2π/ω. Well-known expression for EM losses in a dispersive isotropic medium for monochromatic EM fields (Landau & Lifshitz, 1960). A. Welters (MIT) Speed Limitations in Passive Media October 4, 2013 11 / 20 EM losses and transparency windows Example: Homogeneous isotropic media with integrable χ(t). Scalar-valued permittivity (ω) and permeability µ(ω) related to susceptibility via χ b(ω) = (4π)−1 diag{((ω) − 1)I, (µ(ω) − 1)I}. Square-integrable fields E(t), H(t) with integrable dχ dt (t): Total energy dissipated by such fields is Z ∞ 0 dP(t 0 ) 0 † dM(t ) Re E(t 0 )† + H(t ) dt 0 0 0 dt dt −∞ #† " # Z ∞" b b dω E(ω) E(ω) = Im h(ω) b b H(ω) H(ω) 2π −∞ Z ∞ h i 1 2 2 dω b b ω Im (ω)||E(ω)|| + Im µ(ω)||H(ω)|| = . 4π −∞ 2π Well-known expression for EM losses in a dispersive isotropic medium for non-monochromatic EM fields (Landau & Lifshitz, 1984). A. Welters (MIT) Speed Limitations in Passive Media October 4, 2013 11 / 20 EM losses and transparency windows Theorem 2 (Welters et al., 2013) For a passive linear medium with susceptibility χ, EM losses in any bounded frequency interval (ω1 , ω2 ) ⊆ R can be quantified by a nonnegative bounded-operator-valued measure Ω(·) on the bounded Borel subsets of R via the limits (in the strong operator topology): Z ω2 −δ Ω((ω1 , ω2 )) = lim lim δ↓0 η↓0 ω1 +δ 1 Im h(ω + iη) dω. π (3) Proof (Sketch). The total energy dissipated by a field F (t) = [E(t), H(t)] ∈ D (H) is the integral (2) with t = ∞. Welters et al. (2013) show using linear response theory (Zemanian, 1972) that this time integral is given in terms of a frequency integral involving only the measure Ω(·) and Fb (ω). The Stieltjes inversion formula for Ω(·) from the theory of Herglotz functions (Gesztesy et al., 2000, 2001) implies existence of the limits and equality (3). A. Welters (MIT) Speed Limitations in Passive Media October 4, 2013 12 / 20 EM losses and transparency windows Theorem 2 (Welters et al., 2013) For a passive linear medium with susceptibility χ, EM losses in any bounded frequency interval (ω1 , ω2 ) ⊆ R can be quantified by a nonnegative bounded-operator-valued measure Ω(·) on the bounded Borel subsets of R via the limits (in the strong operator topology): Z ω2 −δ Ω((ω1 , ω2 )) = lim lim δ↓0 η↓0 ω1 +δ 1 Im h(ω + iη) dω. π (3) Definition (Transparency window) For a passive linear medium with susceptibility χ, a transparency window is a bounded frequency interval (ω1 , ω2 ) ⊆ R in which Ω((ω1 , ω2 )) = 0. A. Welters (MIT) Speed Limitations in Passive Media (4) October 4, 2013 12 / 20 EM losses and transparency windows Example: Homogeneous isotropic media with integrable χ(t). Scalar-valued permittivity (ω) and permeability µ(ω) related to susceptibility via χ b(ω) = (4π)−1 diag{((ω) − 1)I, (µ(ω) − 1)I}. b(ω). Measure is dΩω = π1 Im h(ω)dω, where h(ω) = ω χ Transparency window is Ω((ω1 , ω2 )) = 0 ⇔ Im h(ω) = 0 for all ω ∈ (ω1 , ω2 ). Follows from positivity Im h(ω) ≥ 0 and Z ω2 −δ 1 Ω((ω1 , ω2 )) = lim lim Im h(ω + iη) dω δ↓0 η↓0 ω1 +δ π Z ω2 −δ 1 lim Im h(ω + iη) dω = lim δ↓0 ω1 +δ π η↓0 Z ω2 1 = Im h(ω) dω. ω1 π A. Welters (MIT) Speed Limitations in Passive Media October 4, 2013 13 / 20 Consequences of transparency windows Theorem 3 (Welters et al., 2013) For a passive linear medium with susceptibility χ and a transparency window (ω1 , ω2 ) ⊆ R, i.e., Ω((ω1 , ω2 )) = 0, the following statements are true: 1 (analytic continuation) The function h(ω) = ω χ b(ω) can be analytic continued through (ω1 , ω2 ). 2 (self-adjointness & monotonicity) For all ω ∈ (ω1 , ω2 ), Im h(ω) = 0 and h0 (ω) ≥ 0. Proof (Sketch). Theory of Herglotz functions (Gesztesy et al., 2000, 2001) implies Z 1 λ h (ω) = h0 + h1 ω + dΩλ − , Im ω > 0. λ − ω 1 + λ2 R where Im h0 = 0, h1 ≥ 0 and (1 + λ2 )−1 is integrable w.r.t. Ω(·). A. Welters (MIT) Speed Limitations in Passive Media October 4, 2013 14 / 20 Consequences of transparency windows Theorem 3 (Welters et al., 2013) For a passive linear medium with susceptibility χ and a transparency window (ω1 , ω2 ) ⊆ R, i.e., Ω((ω1 , ω2 )) = 0, the following statements are true: 1 (analytic continuation) The function h(ω) = ω χ b(ω) can be analytic continued through (ω1 , ω2 ). 2 (self-adjointness & monotonicity) For all ω ∈ (ω1 , ω2 ), Im h(ω) = 0 and h0 (ω) ≥ 0. Proof (Sketch). The hypothesis Ω((ω1 , ω2 )) = 0 and the integral representation implies these results. Differentiating under the integral sign implies monotonicity: Z 1 0 ≤ h0 (ω) = h1 + dΩλ , for all ω ∈ (ω1 , ω2 ). (λ − ω)2 R\(ω1 ,ω2 ) A. Welters (MIT) Speed Limitations in Passive Media October 4, 2013 14 / 20 Homogeneous media: planewaves & energy velocity Time-harmonic EM planewaves: E(r, t) = Ee i(k·r−ωt) , H(r, t) = He i(k·r−ωt) , with nonzero [E, H]T ∈ C6 and real (k, ω). Dispersion relation & group velocity: ω = ω(k), vg = ∇k ω(k). Energy velocity: ve = energy flux energy density = Re S U , S= c 8π E × H∗ Energy density (in transparency window): 1 † † Dispersionless, iso- or anisotropic: U = 16π E E + H µH . 1 † dωµ(ω) Dispersive, iso- or anisotropic: U = 16π E† dω(ω) dω E + H dω H General form: † 1 d E E U= ω [I + 4π χ b(ω)] H 16π H dω † 1 1 E E 2 2 0 = ||E|| + ||H|| + . (5) h (ω) H 16π 4π H A. Welters (MIT) Speed Limitations in Passive Media October 4, 2013 15 / 20 Homogeneous media: speed-of-light limitation Theorem 4 (Welters et al., 2013) For any homogeneous passive linear medium and for any time-harmonic EM planewave with frequency in a transparency window, the following statements are true: 1 (energy positivity) The energy density is positive, i.e., U > 0. 2 (velocity equivalence) The group and energy velocities are equal, i.e., vg = ve . 3 (speed-of-light limitation) The energy velocity has the limitation ||ve || ≤ c. Proof (Sketch). Energy velocity: ve = Re S U ,S = c 8π E × H∗ . Lagrange’s identity implies ||E × H∗ ||2 = ||E||2 ||H||2 − |ET H|2 ⇒ || Re S|| ≤ A. Welters (MIT) Speed Limitations in Passive Media c ||E||2 + ||H||2 . 16π October 4, 2013 16 / 20 Homogeneous media: speed-of-light limitation Theorem 4 (Welters et al., 2013) For any homogeneous passive linear medium and for any time-harmonic EM planewave with frequency in a transparency window, the following statements are true: 1 (energy positivity) The energy density is positive, i.e., U > 0. 2 (velocity equivalence) The group and energy velocities are equal, i.e., vg = ve . 3 (speed-of-light limitation) The energy velocity has the limitation ||ve || ≤ c. Proof (Sketch). Transparency window implies monotonicity h0 (ω) ≥ 0 implies by (5), cU ≥ A. Welters (MIT) c ||E||2 + ||H||2 ≥ || Re S||. 16π Speed Limitations in Passive Media October 4, 2013 16 / 20 Periodic media too! Periodic media too! periodicity ⇒ well-defined Bloch waves, group velocity, & energy velocity (transparency window) Our results works equally well (previous work: only dispersionless) A. Welters (MIT) Speed Limitations in Passive Media October 4, 2013 17 / 20 Periodic media: Bloch waves & energy velocity Time-harmonic EM Bloch waves: E(r, t) = E(r)e i(k·r−ωt) , H(r, t) = H(r)e i(k·r−ωt) , where F (r) = [E(r), H(r)]T is periodic function on the lattice with 6 unit cell V ⊆ R3 , F ∈ L2 (V ) , and real (k, ω). Dispersion relation & group velocity: ω = ω(k), vg = ∇k ω(k). R Energy velocity: ve = V R Re S(r)dr , U(r)dr S(r) = V c 8π E(r) × H(r)∗ Energy density (in transparency window): local media,iso- or anisotropic: 1 † ∂ωµ(r,ω) E(r)† ∂ω(r,ω) E(r) + H(r) H(r) U(r) = 16π ∂ω ∂ω local media, general form: † E(r) E(r) 1 ∂ U(r) = 16π b(r, ω)] ∂ω ω [I + 4π χ H(r) H(r) A. Welters (MIT) Speed Limitations in Passive Media October 4, 2013 18 / 20 Periodic media: Bloch waves & energy velocity Time-harmonic EM Bloch waves: E(r, t) = E(r)e i(k·r−ωt) , H(r, t) = H(r)e i(k·r−ωt) , where F (r) = [E(r), H(r)]T is periodic function on the lattice with 6 unit cell V ⊆ R3 , F ∈ L2 (V ) , and real (k, ω). Dispersion relation & group velocity: ω = ω(k), vg = ∇k ω(k). R Energy velocity: ve = V R Re S(r)dr , V U(r)dr S(r) = c 8π E(r) × H(r)∗ Energy density (in transparency window): 6 General form: Unitary – (T (k)ψ)(r) = e ik·r ψ(r), ψ ∈ L2 (V ) ; † 1 d E E U= T (−k) ω [I + 4π χ b(ω)] T (k) H 16π H dω † 1 1 E E 0 2 2 T (−k)h (ω)T (k) . = ||E|| + ||H|| + H 16π 4π H (6) A. Welters (MIT) Speed Limitations in Passive Media October 4, 2013 18 / 20 Periodic media: speed-of-light limitation Theorem 5 (Welters et al., 2013) For any periodic passive (in a unit cell V ⊆ R3 ) linear medium and for any time-harmonic EM Bloch wave with frequency in a transparency window, the following statements are true: 1 (energy R positivity) The spatially averaged energy density is positive, i.e., V U(r)dr > 0. 2 (velocity equivalence) The group and energy velocities are equal (under certain reservations), i.e., vg = ve . 3 (speed-of-light limitation) The energy velocity has the limitation ||ve || ≤ c. Proof (Sketch). An elementary inequality and Lagrange’s identity implies Z Z Z c Re S(r)dr ≤ kRe S(r)k dr ≤ ||E(r)||2 + ||H(r)||2 dr. 16π V V A. Welters (MIT) V Speed Limitations in Passive Media October 4, 2013 19 / 20 Periodic media: speed-of-light limitation Theorem 5 (Welters et al., 2013) For any periodic passive (in a unit cell V ⊆ R3 ) linear medium and for any time-harmonic EM Bloch wave with frequency in a transparency window, the following statements are true: 1 (energy R positivity) The spatially averaged energy density is positive, i.e., V U(r)dr > 0. 2 (velocity equivalence) The group and energy velocities are equal (under certain reservations), i.e., vg = ve . 3 (speed-of-light limitation) The energy velocity has the limitation ||ve || ≤ c. Proof (Sketch). Transparency window implies monotonicity h0 (ω) ≥ 0 implies by (6), Z Z Z c 2 2 c U(r)dr ≥ ||E(r)|| + ||H(r)|| dr ≥ Re S(r)dr . 16π V V V A. Welters (MIT) Speed Limitations in Passive Media October 4, 2013 19 / 20 What’s left? Now: arbitrary passive linear ⇒ causality, analyticity, positivity, ||ve || ≤ c Open: generalized assumptions for non-negligible loss nonlocal media across unit-cell boundaries (e.g., P at r from E at r0 ) nonlinear, time-varying A. Welters (MIT) Speed Limitations in Passive Media October 4, 2013 20 / 20 Bibliography A. H. Zemanian, Realizability theory for continuous linear systems, Academic Press, New York, 1972. L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz, Electrodynamics of continuous media, 1st & 2nd Ed., Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1960 & 1984. P. W. Milonni, Fast light, slow light, and left-handed light, Series in Optics and Optoelectronics, IOP, 2005. J. D. Joannopoulos, S. G. Johnson, J. N. Winn, and R. D. Meade, Photonic crystals: molding the flow of light, 2nd Ed., Princeton University Press, Princeton, 2008. Sir W. R. Hamilton, Researches respecting vibrations, connected with the theory of light, Proc. Royal Irish Academy, 1, 267, pp. 341–349 (1839). 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