City of Cape Town – 2011 Census – Ward 055 January 2013 Compiled by Strategic Development Information and GIS Department, City of Cape Town 2011 and 2001 Census data supplied by Statistics South Africa (Based on information available at the time of compilation as released by Statistics South Africa) Ward Overview, Demographic Profile, Economic Profile, Household Services Profile Ward Description Ward 055 includes the areas of Brooklyn, Century City, Marconi Beam, Milnerton South, Paarden Eiland, Rugby, Salt River, Sanddrift, Tygerhof, Woodstock and Ysterplaat. 1 Ward 055 Overview – 2011 Census Change 2001 to 2011 Number % Population 23 568 35 535 11 967 50.8% Households 7 257 11 475 4 218 58.1% Average Household Size 3.25 3.10 Ward 055 2001 2011 In 2011 the population of Ward 055 was 35 535, an increase of 51% since 2001, and the number of households was 11 475, an increase of 58% since 2001. The average household size has declined from 3.25 to 3.10 in the 10 years. A household is defined as a group of persons who live together, and provide themselves jointly with food or other essentials for living, or a single person who lives alone (Statistics South Africa). The population and household numbers above are to be used and quoted as the official numbers for this Ward for 2011. Key results for Ward 055: The population is predominantly White (37%), Coloured (30%) and Black African (25%). 62% of those aged 20 years and older have completed Grade 12 or higher. 86% of the labour force (aged 15 to 64) is employed. 30% of households have a monthly income of R3 200 or less. 98% of households live in formal dwellings. 99% of households have access to piped water in their dwelling or inside their yard. 99% of households have access to a flush toilet connected to the public sewer system. 99% of households have their refuse removed at least once a week. 99% of households use electricity for lighting in their dwelling. Note: There are small variations in the total population and the number of households in the profile tables which follow. These occur as Statistics South Africa had to calculate the true population to correct omissions and double counts in the enumeration process. These variations are not significant. Go to top of document 2 Demographic Profile – 2011 Census Male Ward 055 Population Num Female % Num Total % Num % Black African 4 857 13.7% 4 172 11.7% 9 029 25.4% Coloured 4 914 13.8% 5 609 15.8% 10 523 29.6% Asian 610 1.7% 616 White 6 458 18.2% 6 832 Other 881 2.5% 586 Total 17 720 49.9% 17 815 Male % 1 226 3.5% 19.2% 13 290 1.7% 37.4% 1.6% 1 467 4.1% 50.1% 35 535 100.0% Female % Age in years 85+ 80 - 84 75 - 79 70 - 74 65 - 69 60 - 64 55 - 59 50 - 54 45 - 49 40 - 44 35 - 39 30 - 34 25 - 29 20 - 24 15 - 19 10 - 14 05 - 09 00 - 04 6 5 Ward 055 Age 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 % of Population Black African Num % 3 Coloured Num % 0 to 4 years 1 012 11.2% 911 8.7% 5 to 14 years 1 120 12.4% 1 664 15.8% 15 to 24 years 1 474 16.3% 1 825 17.3% 25 to 64 years 5 153 57.1% 5 492 52.2% 270 3.0% 632 6.0% 65 years and older Total Ward 055 Adult Education (for all aged 20+) 9 029 100.0% 10 524 100.0% Black African Num % Coloured Num % 4 5 6 Asian Num 99 White % Num 8.1% 611 92 7.5% 174 14.2% 780 80 Other % % Num % 4.6% 104 7.1% 2 737 7.7% 1 040 7.8% 164 11.2% 4 080 11.5% 1 555 11.7% 171 11.7% 5 199 14.6% 63.7% 7 750 58.3% 862 58.8% 20 037 56.4% 6.5% 2 333 17.6% 166 11.3% 1 225 100.0% 13 289 100.0% Asian Num Num Total White % Num Other % 3 481 9.8% 1 467 100.0% 35 534 100.0% Num Total % Num % No schooling 37 0.7% 67 1.0% 13 1.7% 51 0.5% 21 2.6% 189 0.8% Some primary 135 2.5% 474 7.0% 18 2.3% 277 2.6% 36 4.4% 940 3.9% Completed primary 73 1.3% 324 4.8% 14 1.8% 145 1.4% 20 2.5% 576 2.4% Some secondary 1 044 19.2% 2 661 39.6% 136 17.4% 3 224 30.6% 181 22.3% 7 246 29.8% Grade 12 2 484 45.6% 2 185 32.5% 214 27.4% 3 705 35.1% 332 40.9% 8 920 36.7% Higher 1 626 29.8% 990 14.7% 365 46.7% 3 026 28.7% 207 25.5% 6 214 25.6% 50 0.9% 25 0.4% 22 2.8% 120 1.1% 15 1.8% 232 1.0% Other Total 5 449 100.0% 6 726 100.0% 782 100.0% 10 548 100.0% Go to top of document 3 812 100.0% 24 317 100.0% Economic Profile – 2011 Census Ward 055 Labour Force Indicators Black African Coloured Asian White Other Total Population aged 15 to 64 years 6 626 7 316 954 9 306 1 034 25 236 Labour Force 4 407 4 866 597 6 481 540 16 891 Employed Unemployed 3 652 755 4 051 815 554 43 5 890 591 437 103 14 584 2 307 Not Economically Active Discouraged Work-seekers Other not economically active 2 219 80 2 139 2 450 112 2 338 357 0 357 2 825 101 2 724 494 20 474 8 345 313 8 032 17.13% 55.12% 66.51% 16.75% 55.37% 66.51% 7.20% 58.07% 62.58% 9.12% 63.29% 69.64% 19.07% 42.26% 52.22% 13.66% 57.79% 66.93% Rates % Unemployment rate Labour absorption rate Labour Force participation rate Definitions: Unemployment rate is the proportion of the labour force that is unemployed. The labour absorption rate is the proportion of working age (15 to 64 years) population that is employed. The labour force participation rate is the proportion of the working age population that is either employed or unemployed. Ward 055 Monthly Household Income No income Black African Num 367 % Coloured Num % Asian Num White % Num Other % Num Total % Num % 14.1% 235 8.5% 35 9.5% 418 7.7% 39 13.3% 1 094 9.5% R 1 - R 1 600 231 8.9% 366 13.3% 15 4.1% 549 10.1% 50 17.0% 1 211 10.5% R 1 601 - R 3 200 358 13.7% 304 11.0% 17 4.6% 444 8.2% 36 12.2% 1 159 10.1% R 3 201 - R 6 400 482 18.5% 422 15.3% 31 8.4% 683 12.5% 49 16.7% 1 667 14.5% R 6 401 - R 12 800 496 19.0% 500 18.1% 42 11.4% 918 16.9% 49 16.7% 2 005 17.5% R 12 801 - R 25 600 377 14.4% 523 18.9% 76 20.6% 1 082 19.9% 30 10.2% 2 088 18.2% R 25 601 - R 51 200 207 7.9% 301 10.9% 84 22.8% 895 16.4% 33 11.2% 1 520 13.2% R 51 201 - R 102 400 60 2.3% 81 2.9% 50 13.6% 331 6.1% 7 2.4% 529 4.6% R 102 401 or more 32 1.2% 28 1.0% 19 5.1% 125 2.3% 1 0.3% 205 1.8% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1 0.0% 0 0.0% 1 0.0% Unspecified Total 2 610 100.0% 2 760 100.0% 369 100.0% Go to top of document 4 5 446 100.0% 294 100.0% 11 479 100.0% Household Services Profile – 2011 Census Ward 055 Type of Dwelling Formal Dwelling Black African Num % Coloured Num % Asian Num White % Num Other % Num Total % Num 2 524 96.7% 2 687 97.4% 367 99.5% 5 399 99.2% 288 Informal dwelling / shack in backyard 23 0.9% 29 1.1% 1 0.3% 7 0.1% 0 0.0% 60 0.5% Informal dwelling / shack NOT in backyard 10 0.4% 11 0.4% 0 0.0% 8 0.1% 2 0.7% 31 0.3% Other 53 2.0% 33 1.2% 1 0.3% 29 0.5% 4 1.4% 120 1.0% Total Ward 055 Tenure Status 2 610 100.0% Black African Num % 2 760 100.0% Coloured Num % 369 100.0% Asian Num 5 443 100.0% White % Num 98.0% 11 265 % 294 100.0% 11 476 100.0% Other % 98.2% Num Total % Num % Owned and fully paid off 166 6.4% 456 16.5% 59 16.0% 1 639 30.1% 58 19.7% 2 378 20.7% Owned but not yet paid off 237 9.1% 724 26.2% 110 29.9% 1 420 26.1% 49 16.7% 2 540 22.1% 2 117 81.1% 1 417 51.3% 186 50.5% 2 190 40.2% 177 60.2% 6 087 53.0% 45 1.7% 59 2.1% 9 2.4% 54 1.0% 3 1.0% 170 1.5% 44 1.7% 104 3.8% 4 1.1% 142 2.6% 7 2.4% 301 2.6% Rented Occupied rent-free Other Total Ward 055 Access to Piped Water 2 609 100.0% Black African Num % 2 760 100.0% Coloured Num % 368 100.0% Asian Num 5 445 100.0% White % Num 294 100.0% 11 476 100.0% Other % Num Total % Num % Piped water inside dwelling 2 544 97.5% 2 667 96.6% 364 98.9% 5 381 98.9% 279 Piped water inside yard 50 1.9% 63 2.3% 1 0.3% 42 0.8% 7 2.4% 163 1.4% Piped water outside yard: < 200m 5 0.2% 9 0.3% 1 0.3% 6 0.1% 5 1.7% 26 0.2% Piped water outside yard: > 200m 3 0.1% 6 0.2% 0 0.0% 4 0.1% 1 0.3% 14 0.1% No access to piped water 7 0.3% 15 0.5% 2 0.5% 10 0.2% 1 0.3% 35 0.3% Total Ward 055 Toilet Facility Flush toilet (connected to sewerage system) Flush toilet (with septic tank) Chemical toilet Pit toilet with ventilation (VIP) Pit toilet without ventilation Bucket toilet 2 609 100.0% Black African Num % 2 760 100.0% Coloured Num % 368 100.0% Asian Num 5 443 100.0% White % Num 95.2% 11 235 293 100.0% 11 473 100.0% Other % 97.9% Num Total % Num 98.0% 11 331 % 2 586 99.2% 2 697 97.7% 367 99.7% 5 394 99.1% 287 98.8% 2 0.1% 9 0.3% 0 0.0% 33 0.6% 3 1.0% 47 0.4% 0 0.0% 1 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1 0.0% 2 0.1% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1 0.0% 0 0.0% 3 0.0% 1 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1 0.0% 3 0.1% 24 0.9% 0 0.0% 4 0.1% 1 0.3% 32 0.3% Other 10 0.4% 13 0.5% 0 0.0% 4 0.1% 0 0.0% 27 0.2% None 4 0.2% 16 0.6% 1 0.3% 8 0.1% 2 0.7% 31 0.3% Total 2 608 100.0% 2 760 100.0% 368 100.0% Go to top of document 5 5 444 100.0% 293 100.0% 11 473 100.0% Household Services Profile continued – 2011 Census Black African Num % Coloured Num % 2 592 99.3% 2 732 99.0% 366 99.5% 5 420 99.5% 290 2 0.1% 7 0.3% 0 0.0% 6 0.1% 1 0.3% 16 0.1% 5 0.2% 10 0.4% 1 0.3% 13 0.2% 0 0.0% 29 0.3% Own refuse dump 3 0.1% 4 0.1% 0 0.0% 4 0.1% 0 0.0% 11 0.1% No rubbish disposal 1 0.0% 5 0.2% 0 0.0% 2 0.0% 1 0.3% 9 0.1% 6 0.2% 2 0.1% 1 0.3% 1 0.0% 1 0.3% 11 0.1% Ward 055 Refuse Disposal Removed by local authority/private company at least once a week Removed by local authority/private company less often Communal refuse dump Other Total 2 609 100.0% Ward 055 Energy used for Lighting Electricity Black African Num % 2 760 100.0% Coloured Num % Asian Num % 368 100.0% Asian Num White Num % 5 446 100.0% White % Num Other Num % 99.0% 11 400 Num Total % 2 592 99.3% 2 723 98.7% 367 99.7% 5 422 99.6% 287 2 0.1% 5 0.2% 0 0.0% 5 0.1% 0 0.0% Paraffin 1 0.0% 5 0.2% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 Candles 10 0.4% 20 0.7% 1 0.3% 3 0.1% 6 Solar 1 0.0% 2 0.1% 0 0.0% 4 0.1% None 3 0.1% 5 0.2% 0 0.0% 11 0.2% Gas Total 2 609 100.0% Ward 055 Energy used for Cooking Electricity Black African Num % 2 760 100.0% Coloured Num % 368 100.0% Asian Num 5 445 100.0% White % Num Num 97.6% 11 391 % 99.3% 12 0.1% 0.0% 6 0.1% 2.0% 40 0.3% 0 0.0% 7 0.1% 1 0.3% 20 0.2% 294 100.0% 11 476 100.0% Other % 99.3% 293 100.0% 11 476 100.0% Other % Total Num % Num Total % Num 2 472 94.7% 2 484 90.1% 322 87.7% 4 887 89.8% 253 76 2.9% 206 7.5% 41 11.2% 470 8.6% 31 10.6% 824 7.2% Paraffin 9 0.3% 4 0.1% 0 0.0% 4 0.1% 1 0.3% 18 0.2% Wood 7 0.3% 10 0.4% 0 0.0% 2 0.0% 3 1.0% 22 0.2% Coal 4 0.2% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 2 0.0% 1 0.3% 7 0.1% Animal dung 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1 0.0% 0 0.0% 1 0.0% Solar 4 0.2% 2 0.1% 1 0.3% 8 0.1% 0 0.0% 15 0.1% Other 33 1.3% 48 1.7% 3 0.8% 60 1.1% 4 1.4% 148 1.3% None 5 0.2% 4 0.4% 0 0.0% 11 0.2% 0 0.0% 20 0.2% Gas Total 2 610 100.0% Ward 055 Energy used for Heating Electricity Black African Num % 2 758 100.0% Coloured Num % 367 100.0% Asian Num 5 445 100.0% White % Num 86.3% 10 418 % 293 100.0% 11 473 100.0% Other % 90.8% Num Total % Num % 1 964 75.2% 2 020 73.2% 315 85.6% 4 026 74.0% 190 64.6% 8 515 74.2% Gas 68 2.6% 82 3.0% 17 4.6% 256 4.7% 11 3.7% 434 3.8% Paraffin 21 0.8% 8 0.3% 1 0.3% 5 0.1% 1 0.3% 36 0.3% Wood 13 0.5% 29 1.1% 6 1.6% 79 1.5% 5 1.7% 132 1.2% Coal 1 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 6 0.1% 0 0.0% 7 0.1% Animal dung 2 0.1% 1 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 3 0.0% Solar 5 0.2% 3 0.1% 0 0.0% 26 0.5% 0 0.0% 34 0.3% Other 1 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 1 0.0% 0 0.0% 2 0.0% None 535 20.5% 617 22.4% 29 7.9% 1 044 19.2% 87 29.6% 2 312 20.1% Total 2 610 100.0% 2 760 100.0% 368 100.0% Go to top of document 6 5 443 100.0% 294 100.0% 11 475 100.0%