Lecture 17 18.086 Krylov Subspaces The linear combinations of b, Ab, . . . , AJplb form the j t h Krylov subspace. This space depends on A and b. Following convention, I will write K j for that subspace and K j for the matrix with those basis vectors in its columns: Krylov subspaces ... Krylov matrix Krylov subspace K j = [ b Ab A2b Aj-lb]. 1Cj = a l l combinations of b, Ab, . . .,Aj-l b. (3) • There ⇢ Kn the =K = Kn+2 =as... is column an integer n such Thus ICj is the space of K j . Wethat wantK toj choose best combination n+1 our improved x,. Various definitions of "best" will give various x,. Here are four • n is the maximum dimension that the Krylov subspaces can have. is the important decision: different approaches to choosing a good x j in &-this • If A is NxN, then n N =b ) Knis orthogonal to ICj (Conjugate Gradients). 1. • Ax The⇤residual r, =xb⇤-2Axj 2. • Krylov: The residual has minimum norm for x, in K jbe ( Gfound M R E Sinand M I N Rj<n ES). Goodr, approximations to Ax=b can spaces Find optimal in j-th Krylov space, then iterativelyGradients). go to 3. • Idea: r, is orthogonal to axdifferent space ICj(AT) (BiConjugate higher Krylov spaces and improve x The error e, has minimum norm in ICj (SYMMLQ). 4. • Optimal x can be defined in terms of residual, e.g. • Optimize x such that • Optimize x such that rk ? K j |rk | (conjugate gradient, A sym., pos. def.) is minimal (GMRES, MINRES algorithm) Arnoldi orthogonalization => Need a good basis of Krylov spaces: 7.4 Krylov Subspaces and Conjugate Gra 1. orthonormal 2. built iteratively see lecture / book Arnoldi's orthogonalization => Arnoldi orthogonalization ql = blllbll; f o r j = 1,..., n - 1 1 t = Aqj; f o r i = 1,. . . , j h23. .= q.2Tt; 2 3 t = t - hijqi; 0 end hj+l,j = Iltll; qj+l = t/hj+l,j; 4 5 end of b, Ab, .. . ,A"-1 b: % Normalize b to 11 ql 11 = 1 % Start computation of qj+l % one matrix multiplication % t is in the space K j + l % hijqi = projection o f t on qi % Subtract that projection % t is orthogonal to ql, . . . , qj % Compute the length of t % Normalize t to llqj+lll = 1 % ql, . . . , qn are orthonormal hll = 512 t = Aqi - (5/ t = [ - 3 -1 h21 = &/2 q2 = [-3 - 1 basis for Kryl CG algorithm • • Basic idea: Iterative method with finds optimal xk at each step k with xk 2 Kk CG: Optimal <=> rk ? Kk rk ? Kk ) rk> ri for i < k • Again: • In particular: rk = ±|rk |qk+1 with q’s an orthonormal basis, Kj = span(q1 , . . . , qj ) • Important requirement: A symmetric, positive definite!