18.086, Spring 2016 Introduction Syllabus, Psets etc. • Course website: http://math.mit.edu/~stoopn/ 18.086/ • 3 PSets (50% grade) • Computational project & presentation (50% grade) • Office hours: TBA Schedule • Check updated detailed schedule on the course website • Rough schedule: February Finite differences, stability/accuracy, conservation laws March Conservation laws, finite volume, levelset methods April Solving large linear (and maybe nonlinear) systems, Newton-Krylov methods etc., Optimization May Optimization/minimzation problems, N-body problems, project presentations Course book Prerequisites • Calculus: Gradients/Divergence, Volume/Area/Line integrals, Stokes/Gauss-Theorem • Linear Algebra: Matrices/Vectors, Eigenvalues and -vectors • Basic differential equations (ODE/PDE) (18.08) • Programming: C/C++, Matlab, Mathematica, Python… Turbulent mixing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OM0l2YPVMf8 Rayleigh-Bernard convection https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5h6hbCxjz8 Flow in porous media simulation 3D simulation 2D 0 r=1.0 fluid speed r=0.0 umax experiment c energy of a freestandrmations of its central on). Although the Koiully used in computatheir nonlinear tensot beyond linear stabilhat substantial analythen a sti↵ film (Young substrate with Young a Information). Functional variation of the elastic energy with respect to u then yields a nonlinear partial di↵er ential equation for the wrinkled equilibrium state of th film. Assuming overdamped relaxation dynamics, one thus obtains the following GSH equation (Supplementary Information) Surface patterns Film i Air channel e (1 Pattern selection in the b c wrinkling regime ⌃e Here, a 4 denotes the Laplace-Beltrami operator, involv nonlinear process and, therefore, cannot be inferr ing the surface metric tensor of analysis. the sphere and parameter Christofs linear stability Numerical 2 Eq. (1) yield a variety qualitatively fel symbols of the second kind, andof4 is the di↵erent surfac states that can be classified as representativ biharmonic operatorary [33]. The ( , )-terms describe hexagonal phase (Fig.0 1a),2 labyrinth phase (Fig. stress and bending, the (a, b, c)-terms film intermediate coexistencecomprise phase (Fig.local 1b). Qualit R/h=50 R/h=200 to labyrinths can be theR/h=75 transition from hexagons substrate interactions and stretching contributions, and stood through a symmetry argument: The (b, 1 d e f the ( 1 , 2 )-terms account for the higher-order in Eq. (1) break radial reflection stretching invariance o forces. For 1 = 2lutions = 0,under Eq.the(1) reduces to theu.stan transformation u! Sinc Theory , which are described herical geometryR with at film and psubstrate Generalizations to nonp by replacing the metc nuity across the filmations that are domiu (Fig. 2; from now 2 2 3 4 u au bu cu + 2 ⇥ ⇤ 2 Pattern selection 2 u) · (ru) + 2u4u 0 4u ( 1+ Experiment Substrate @t u = D. Terwange et. al., Adv. Mat. 2014 FIG. 2: Notation and experimental system. a, Schematic of a curved thin film adhering a soft umax spheri/h umin/h to u/h are controlled by = h/R (Table I), we ex curvature-induced SB transition at some critica of . Furthermore, recalling that the inclusion of SB terms causes a transition from labyrinths to h nal patterns in the classical SH model [34], it is p to expect a hexagonal phase at large curvatures Increasing e ective radius R/h labyrinths at smaller values of in our system. 1 2D vs. 3D flagellar dynamics of left- and right-turning sperm cells is shown in Fig. S4 (head-on view from the front). Woolley [10] reports characteristic flagelloid curves for mouse sperm in the rolling beat mode. These curves were found for head-fixated sperm pointing towards and being oriented perpendicular towards the coverslip. By focussing at a focal plane ⇠ 15 µm behind the sperm head, Woolley could directly observe the out-of-plane motion of a single point along the flagellum (Fig. S3A). Tracking 3D flagellar beat reconstruction of human sperm cells: optimization! We first evaluate whether the beat pattern is planar constrained to the focal plane, as observed and studin previous high viscosity experiments [6–9]. To this we compare dynamics of the 2D projected tant angle ↵(s⇤ ) at arclength s⇤ ⇠ 15µm, corresponding bout half of the 3D-reconstructed flagellum length . S1A) [6], with the 3D angle between the maFocal • inertia z˜ x 2D microscopy: (hologram) axes of two ellipsoids, of which the first is a) b) plane structed for s 2 [0, s⇤ ], and the second from the z y˜ aining flagellum, s > s⇤ (Fig. S2A). Note that by struction, ↵(s⇤ ) Condenser attains positive and negative values, Aperture eters = 0.505 µ m,For a= µ m, the particle and surrounding θ reas were (s⇤ ) is λ always positive. the0.1 same periodic E0 Condenser al, (s⇤1.55 ) will and thus noscillate at twice the frequency respectively, and the sampling frequency np = m = 1.33 Lens (s As Based expected, are periodic ⇤ ) and (s⇤ ) onboth this↵(ssimulated data, we reconstruct the light s/⇤µ).m. ES field Time (s) 0 0.26 . S2B). However, the ↵-time series exhibits a spurile using the Rayleigh-Sommerfeld scheme. This method has been mode (highlighted gray in Fig. S2B) that disappears ′ ere [11, 12], but briefly, we -signal recover theS2C). electric field at a height −z he power spectrum of the 3D (Fig. Fig. S3: (A) Flagelloid curve for mouse sperm, reproduced c) Sample Propagation of scatteredthat 3D beat re- from [10]. (B) Flagelloid curves for human sperm, obtained s qualitative di↵erence demonstrates gh-Sommerfeld propagator by observing the sperm head-on and tracking the motion of a struction is essential for understanding human sperm field: single point located at s = 15 µm. motion. ′ ′ ′ Objective1 ∂ exp(ikr′ ) LED A B Camera (6) )1/2 . Note the use of primed coordinates to indicate a position in the Wherevolume. to put scatterers to to physical) We can reconstruct the field (and from there, best “fit”layout; observed scattering bove the(a) hologram planeanby theisconvolution Fig. 1. Optical LED placed behind the condenser aperture, which is closed pattern? optimization as far as possible to=> approximate a point source. (b) The scattering geometry. (c) Calculated ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ,problem! y , z )with = Epixel 0) ⊗rescaled h(x , y ,toz ). (7) Es (x s (x, y, RG hologram values the range 0-255. The scale bar indicates 10µ m. 0.3 r′ 0.2 2π ∂ z′ 0.1 0 h(x , y , z ) =