Laurelwoods Elementary School Newsletter April 2016 PRINCIPAL NEWS With the arrival of spring, hopefully, we will start to see the arrival of the warmer weather. However, as the temperature increases our school yard becomes soggier. Please ensure that students have appropriate clothing for outside. Some students may need a fresh pair of socks in their backpacks if they tend to get wet feet. The creative playground is not yet open and the slow start to spring has set the opening date back. I will inform all students once it is open, which I am hoping will be very soon. As we are progressing through the school year, we know May will arrive quickly. This is a reminder to parents that our grade 3 and 6 students will be writing their EQAO tests beginning May 25 to May 30th, 2016. Information has been sent home to all grade 3 and 6 students. If at all possible, please do not book appointments for students during this time window. Your co-operation is greatly appreciated. A reminder that there is a PA day on April 25th. The school will be closed to students. Staff members will be completing health and safety training in the morning. In the afternoon, teachers and ECE’s will be working on our school improvement initiatives around providing effective feedback to students. Our EA’s will be meeting for professional development at a central location. Thank you for your continued support. Sincerely, Darren Hale Fire Safety Riding Bicycles to School During the next three months we will be practicing fire safety procedures. During these drills, anyone in the school is asked to follow the same procedures as students and staff. A reminder that permission from parents must be granted before riding bicycles to school. These forms are available in the main office at the school. Students are expected to wear mandatory head gear. Bicycles are to be parked in the bicycle racks located at the front of the school. At the end of the day, students who ride bicycles are dismissed after the last bus has departed from the school. Junior & Senior Kindergarten Registration for September 2016 If you have not already registered your child for full day every day Kindergarten in September 2016, please drop into the office and complete the necessary forms. Eligible students for the JK program must be four years of age on or before December 31, 2016. On Tuesday, May 3rd there will be a “Meet and Greet” for all the newly registered JK and SK students. Invitations to follow. Safety on the Playground With the warmer weather approaching, our students are anxiously waiting for our playground structure to reopen. This is a good time to remind everyone - students, parents, staff and yard supervisors of the rules on the playground and play structures that help make break times fun and safe. On the playground........ Remember: • play in the designated boundaries • play safe, fair and appropriately • use appropriate language • avoid any physical contact games, rough play, or play fighting • eating or drinking on the playground or play structures is not permitted • share playground equipment • respect playground equipment • leave stones/rocks on the ground • ask for permission to use the washroom or enter the school • enter/exit through the appropriate door with permission • respect the environment • refrain from use of personal sports equipment (i.e. roller blades, skateboards, scooters) We know how much the children enjoy our play structures and are looking forward to the spring weather so they can use them again. We make safety at play our primary concern, and will be reminding our students and staff on a regular basis about playground rules. We hope that you will reinforce them at home with your child. Music Monday On Monday, May 2nd, we will be having “Music Monday”, our annual celebration of music that is celebrated across Canada. We are pleased to have Mrs. Padgette, her band members and guitar students from Westside Secondary School entertain us. Parents and family members are welcome to join us during the morning festivities. The time of the event will be announced at a later date. Grand Valley Minor Soccer 2016 Registration If you would like to register for Grand Valley Minor Soccer, registration will take place on Wednesday, April 13th from 5:00 to 7:00 pm at the Grand Valley Community Centre. (Under 4 - $60.00 & Under 5 to Under 12 - $80.00). If you have any questions, please contact Chimes Choir Our Chimes Choirs will be performing at various Retirement Residences during the month of April as well as preparing for the Dufferin Arts Festival which takes place on April 28, 2016. Many thanks to all the Chime Choir members who practice every Thursday under the direction of Mrs. Moritz. Update from the Eco Crew We are waiting for some green to finally show so that we can do our yard cleanup on April 22nd. The lunch helpers are getting involved with the Eco crew by collecting and rinsing plastic bottle caps from the lunch rooms to be used for a future mural. This will be the start of our ongoing bottle cap campaign. In the meantime, we are still collecting batteries. Check your junk drawers and bring in those toxic batteries to be safely recycled. Stay tuned for more news from the Eco Crew! Laurelwoods 2015 – 2016 Hockey Team A big thank you and congratulations goes out to our Intermediate Hockey Team for representing Laurelwoods at our tournament on March 8th with great effort, sportsmanship and a positive attitude. The team had worked hard since January and showed great improvement! We also couldn’t have done it without our coach, and our trainer! Thank you. April Environmental Theme: ECOSYSTEMS In April we celebrate Earth week and Earth Day so it is fitting that the environmental theme is all about what we are really trying to protect. We are working together to save our Ecosystems. An Ecosystem is a group of plants and animals living in their own environment of soil, water, air and sun. Some examples are a garden, or a forest, or a lake, or even a fallen, decomposing log. As humans on planet Earth we have a responsibility to take care of all Ecosystems. We need to have thoughtful, long-range plans on how many forests to cut down and turn into houses or parking lots or factories. We need to think about the long-term effects of turning good farmland into a subdivision. There are more and more people living on this planet every year and we need to make plans on how to give everyone a place to live without destroying our essential Ecosystems. With good planning this can be done. We need to get outside and learn more about all of the many different Ecosystems on planet Earth and do everything we can to protect them. When we pollute, or destroy habitats, the plants and animals can no longer live there and species become endangered or extinct. When we buy too many things we don't need, or don't buy locally, or use the car too often instead of biking or walking, Climate Change speeds up and Ecosystems can't survive the new temperature changes or flooding or drought. So all the suggestions we have been talking about all year - including turning off the lights, or not wasting water when you brush your teeth, using cloth bags instead of plastic, and reducing, reusing and recycling are really very important. Together we can make a difference! Slogan of the month: Go outside and explore an Ecosystem today! Earth Day Moving Earth Day is just around the corner! April 22nd has been recognized as Earth Day since the early 1970’s and was originally created to highlight the need for all of us to be involved with environmental protection. If you know you will be moving and will not be attending Laurelwoods Elementary School in the fall please let the office know. Although many of our communities organize neighbourhood clean-ups and earth friendly activities for us to participate in on Earth Day, more and more schools are trying to make the environment a focus in the day to day lives of students and staff. One way is through the participation in Ontario Eco Schools. Laurelwoods Elementary School is a Silver Certified Eco School. Milk Tokens Milk tokens are now also available online. Please check out School Cash Online for more details. The tokens are sold in bundles of 20 tokens for $17.00. Students can also pay $1.00 cash by putting the coins directly in the milk machine. Graduation Preparations Graduation night is scheduled for Tuesday, June 28, 2016. Any parents of grade 8 students who are interested in helping to decorate for graduation night please contact Mrs. Jordan. Ice Dawgs For April and May, we will be selling Terra Cotta Cookie’s Ice Dawgs for $2.00 each at second break on Tuesdays. These ice cream sandwiches are two cookies filled with vanilla ice cream and still meet the standards of the Food & Beverage Healthy Food Policy. Dufferin Centre for Continuing Education Please note the following Courses available in April and May 2016 offered by UGDSB Continuing Education Dufferin Centre. 1. Babysitting Boot camp - $50.00 The Kid proof babysitter’s Training Course is packed full of advice, guides, tips and information based on real life experiences. Each student receives a Babysitter’s handbook and wallet card upon successful completion. Glenbrook E.S. – Library 4:30pm – 8:30 pm - April 18 & 19, 2016 or Orangeville Continuing Ed Centre 8:30am – 4:30pm – June 3rd, 2016 2. Home Alone - $27.00 This Canada Safety Council program is designed to provide skills and knowledge to be safe and responsible when home alone for short periods of time. Your child will learn how to prevent problems, handle real life situations and keep them safe and constructively occupied. The child will receive a certificate upon successfully completing the program. Glenbrook E. S. – Library 4:30 pm – 7:15 pm – May 17, 2016 or Princess Elizabeth P.S. – Library 4:30pm – 7:15 pm – May 16, 2016 or Island Lake P.S. – Library 4:30 pm – 7:15 pm – May 18, 2016 For more information please call 519-941-2661 ex 221. Do you know an Everyday Hero? Please nominate someone in your school community – an individual or a group - whose actions and efforts foster the development of a positive learning and working environment. Deadline for nominations is Thursday April 14, 2016. For more information, visit the board website: aspx?id=3546 Concussions Concussions can have a serious effect on a young, developing brain. Proper recognition and response to concussion can prevent further injury and help with recovery. Children and adolescents are among those at greater risk for concussions due to body trauma at any time. Although falls and motor vehicle accidents are the leading causes of concussion, physical activity and sports can also cause a concussion. To address the risk of concussion and to assist parents and students to identify the signs and symptoms of concussion, the Board is presenting free workshops to increase awareness. Wednesday, April 20th 7-8:30 pm. Westside SS, Library, 300 Alder St, Orangeville 516 will be accepted until May 11, 2016. Persons without internet access may call 519822-4420 ext. 723 to request a printed copy of the draft documents. Grand Valley Minor Softball Registration Registration for 2016 Grand Valley Minor Softball will take place on Sunday April 10th between 3:30 – 5:00 pm at the Grand Valley & District Community Centre. For more information please contact Diamond cleanup day is Saturday, April 23rd at 10:00 am –Boswell Diamond. Volunteers are always welcome to help clean up the diamond. GRAND VALLEY Tuesday, May 10th 7- 8:30pm Norwell DSS, Library, corner of Main and Cumberland St, Palmerston Wednesday, May 11th 7-8:30 pm Centennial CVI, Lecture Room 289 College Ave W, Guelph Feedback welcome on draft policies The Upper Grand District School Board is welcoming public input on draft policies. Currently under review are: • Accommodation Review #305 • School Boundary Review #319 • Community Planning and Partnerships #320 • Equity and Inclusive Education #504 • Alcohol and Drugs #513 • Smoke-Free Environment #208 • Asthma Friendly Schools #516 You are invited to review the draft documents and submit online feedback at The deadline for public input for policies 504 and 513 is April 13, 2016. Input on policies 208, 305, 319, 320 and Win a Dairy Queen Gift Card: After your family has read this newsletter, please sign and detach this coupon. This coupon must be placed in the yellow mailbox in the front hall of the school. A ballot will be drawn each month indicating the winning family for the month. This month’s draw will be held on Friday, April 29, 2016. Family Name: __________________________ Child Name: __________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: _______________ PARENT COUNCIL NEWS Teen Dance: Friday April 8, 7:00-10:00pm Grand Valley preteen video dance party fundraiser. At Grand Valley Community Centre 90 Main Street North, Grand Valley. These monthly events are open to children in grades 3-8 and are chaperoned by adults who are raising money for local youth oriented groups and sports teams! Dances run from 7:00-10:00 pm and admission is $10.00. Snacks are available for purchase on site. Please visit our website for parent information and dance rules. Spring Fling: Spring is in the air – finally! With the arrival of spring it also signals the start of increased activity for Parent Council. YOUR SCHOOL NEEDS YOU – PLEASE GET INVOLVED! KEY DATES WHAT’S HAPPENING It’s time to start preparing the plans for Spring Fling! If you are unable to attend any upcoming meetings, but would like to help out with the preparatory work involved in organizing this very special, highly celebrated event please contact me. New ideas and suggestions for this event are exciting and always welcome. What to expect in May Thurs., June 2 5:00 8:00 pm Spring Fling Flyer A request for items to be included in the themed Classroom Baskets for Spring Fling When working in your garden this spring, kindly keep in mind that we would appreciate any plants for the highly anticipated Spring Fling plant sale. **********Save the DATE************ SPRING FLING Make It Sow Fundraiser: A GREEN WAY TO FUNDRAISE! For the Gardener in Your house - big or small! Add some “Spring” to your garden and help raise funds for the school. 50 percent of the money raised from the orders will go directly to Laurelwoods Elementary School. Make it Sow, a Canadian Company guarantees their seeds 100%. They are #1 certified fresh and non GMO and each packet delivered gives true value (the number of seeds meeting or exceeding the standard number of seeds). Seed catalogues and order forms have been sent home. Please return your order and payment in the collection envelope provided. Please be sure to fill YOUR NAME as the Collector, the group: Laurelwoods Elementary School, that this fundraiser is for and the deadline on the collection envelope which is April 15th, 2016. Any orders placed on your Order form from your friends and family will come home with your child once the seeds have come to the school and have been sorted accordingly. The Master Seed Packet you will receive will contain the individual seed packets of the seeds listed on the outside of the larger envelope. Thank you for Participating in this green fundraiser. Sincerely, Lana Whyte Laurelwoods ES Parent Council Co-Chair What is RESILIENCY? Resilience is the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats, or even significant sources of stress — such as family and relationship problems, serious health problems, or workplace and financial stressors. It means “bouncing back” from difficult experiences. ~ Bonnie Bernard According to The Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) RESILIENCE is, being in good health means more than feeling physically well; it also means feeling mentally well. Today, we are more aware of how our mental and physical health affects each other. Setting aside time to focus on mental health is important – to you and those who care about you. Life is full of change, risks and challenges. Good mental or emotional health helps us find our balance and stay in control, even during turbulent time With the ability to communicate across the world in an instant, and electronic entertainment coming from every direction, life in today’s world is fast-paced and full-on. Anything seems possible, and with so many options and devices at our disposal, parents can be tempted to make their kids’ lives very easy. Want that $2 toy? Okay, you got it. (Better to avoid a meltdown, right?) However if we want our children to stand up to the inevitable challenges they will face in the future and keep going despite disappointment or frustration, we need to help our children develop resilience. This means they need to practice coping skills, and therefore need some challenges to practice these skills with. After all, life is not about figuring out how to turn off a thunderstorm or switch on the sun – no matter how much we would like this to be possible. Our children will learn to be much happier, more resilient people, when they can enjoy the sunshine when it is around and dance in the rain when there is no other choice. The list below is not your typical “do and don’t” list but rather a set of prompts to begin reflecting on ways we can teach children resilience through simple interactions every day. • • • • • • • • Give your child independence to try new things they initiate, such as climbing at the playground or opening a container, even if you think it is “too hard” for them. Encourage your child to serve others or let others go first when sharing food. Give your child the opportunity to wait patiently when it is required (such as in a restaurant or during a car ride); do not always provide entertainment Show your child that it is worth making a good decision for the long run even if it’s not the easiest, such as choosing healthy foods over junk foods even if they take longer to prepare Teach your child the difference between needs and wants Teach your child that they do not need every single material thing they desire (toys, food, designer clothes, technology devices, etc.) even if “everyone else has it.” Enable your child to give toys and clothes away regularly to charity, and teach them that material possessions are simply tools and not answers to happiness. Give your child opportunities to help others younger than them, starting with simple ways such as showing the other child pictures in a book. When we foster resiliency in our children we promote the development of positive mental health because we enable them to develop coping strategies to get through the toughest parts of life, regardless of their social and economic environment they are living in. April 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thurs Fri 1 Sat 2 Pizza Day 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Parent Council mtg. - 6:30 pm Pizza Day Gr. 8 Skills Competition 10 11 Grade 8 Grad retakes - Island Lake P.S. 12 13 14 Scientist in School - 7/8A 18 19 20 21 22 Chimes Choir Trip to Lord Dufferin Centre 24 25 P.A. DAY 26 16 Pizza Day Scientist in School - Gr 1 Make it Sow orders due Maple Sugar Bush - Gr. 1’s 17 15 27Gr 6/7 class to Pizza Day Earth Day 28 Wellington Museum Chimes Choir to Bethsaida 23 29 30 Pizza Day Dufferin Youth Festival of the Arts Grade 7 & 8 Vaccinations