CHJ:],llSTRY LIBRARY h'\,'NUAL REPORI' July I, 1984 - June 30, 1985 ~lementation of Last Year's Priorities A. :F'BR 1. The entire staff has been trained to use FER and they in turn are able to provide instruction and assistance to patrons using the system. 2. By ~g the card catalog of sets of cards for lost, wi thdrawn, or transferred materials as ~ll as c:rDSS references which led no vmere, ~ ~e able to eliminate a 30 drav.-er section fran the' Chemistry card catalog. B. Original Cataloging 1. The professional staff of the library attended a two ....l(Xk training session given by Nancy Rc::nero and Arnold \\aje..lburg in February. We have not done much in the way of either training sUpfXJrt staff to with original cataloging or actually doing cataloging. We have been short of saTe of the major tools necessary for this pro­ cess and direct patron service is still given top prior­ ity. 2. We have done as much reorganization of our VvDrking areas as space penni ts. HCM'ever, the space ,~ have for our sUP,P8rt staff definitely is inadequate. We need ITDre space to allow them to put sare distance be~ them­ selves and space ....' 1ere they can get away fran the public to ....D rk ~ithout inter~rytions. c. Bibliographic Instruction 1. We have continuc<l to offer instruction in the use of library tools a'1d online searching for e.,Jd users. Ho.v-­ ever, this past year it has bc~ on a one to one basis or STall groups. D. 1. It ....a s late r-~y before we were informed that ~ could transfer ffi3terials fran Chemistry Library to the r-~in Library stacks. By Ju.'1e 30 ~ transferred 3,207 vol~s, ",ruch is about one-third of the total number of ~ plan to transfer. Chc.rn.islry M:Jst Important AC£C11lPlishrrents of last Year A. A truthful response to this question is "none". 1. With the beginning of the fall SCi1l2ster we had a 100% turn over of the support staff. A large PJrtion of the year was spent training new staff. 2. This year, it has been necessary for the staff to put ITDst of its energies into solving ao:p.risitions and binding problans. 3. The quality and quanity of reference and online search services have regressed this year. One person can not handle the dEmand for these services in the Chemistry Library. B. Shelving. 1. Thanks to an increase in the student wage budget, our ability to hire College Work Study students, and the assignment of a high percentage of student hour to shelv­ ing this year, 'V.'e 'V.'ere able to keep even. However, placing a high priority on shelving did not pennit the use of many hours of student time for circulation or special projects. C. Half-time LTA I 1. .The one bright spot of the year has been the addition of a half-tin:e LTA I to be resp:msible for the library fran 5-9 p.m. M:Jnday through Friday. The use of the library during those evening hours has grown to an average of 43 individuals per hour. The LTA is able to help patrons in locating infonnation, does a superb job of supervising students who v.urk those hours and with the help of the students keeps a steady flCM of materials going to the Bindery. Priorities of the Coming Year A. Revitalizing reference and online search services. B. l-bre enphasis on bibliographic instruction. 2 STATISTICAL SUMMARY t. GRO~TH OF THE COLLECTION . ADO SUBTHACT w w i'51J) Vl ---~,.-~ TYPE LAST YEAR'S TOTAL 0' ......TERIAL IJ) w2 w i-<~ ut~ ~-~ ~W_ CATALOGED WLtJMES t VOLUMES 52,850 750 63 56 279 5 ~ - ~ f5 u.. IJ) z m ~ 950 19 z -< !;:t ~ ~ -w Vl z ~ 352 ~~ IJ) TOTAL AS OF JUNE 30 0 t:; --~ 3,207 1840 51,010 119 PAA'.PHLETS2 MI CROFILM' xx. I CROCAROsh )rxx MI CROPR I NTh xxx If, HI 0\ or I cm;l..l 160 -­ 124 160 1,426 805 662 )O(x xxx xxx xxx xxx 662 365 xx. xxx xxx Xl()( xxx 365 TOTAL SER IAL 6 1,030 TITLES xxx xxx xxx )( xx xxx 1,030 S 2,231 - . P[RIOQICAL 6. TITLES CONII NUATlmp TITLES I. 2. l: s. 6. --.­ --- -- --. ----- -._-­ -- Ne t ure 0 f I t e~s 1 nc/vded as unce t eloged vo rume5. Catalcx;Jing and online Ver t Ice I file It~,. seardwl9' UXJls-.­ Report the number of r~er~. Report th. nvmb~ of Indtvtduo' cerd~. V&C~~t BpaCC! .rc for el!de~, fLL,~lripe, nspe, disks, etc. Refer" to tltle8 currently checkec in, inc1udir.C duplicatce. Chemistry II. Library Other Information A. B. C. D. Seating capacity 1. Seats at tables 51 2. Carrel seats 33 3. Lounge chairs 6 Physical facilities 1. Total square feet in library 6260.5 2. Linear feet of shelving 7920 Number of hours open 'Weekly - , 1. Fall 106 2. Spring 106 3. Surn::ner 106 Personnel (exclude those not hired by .the Library) 1. . Number F. T. E. Professionals:." 2 ---- 2. - -0 - - Number F.T.E. Graduate Assistants' ," 3.5 3 •. Number F. T. E. Nonacademics :.:" 4. ' Average weekly "hours 'ofstudent help·::-" 5. s. Fall b. Spring ;C~_ 90 ..,J " 5 II " " c. Summer 75 ( " 1 It II 11 ~.~. 80 (Including 4 College Workstudy stl.ldmts) ) ­ N3l:lCS of employees (note 'inclusive dates of employment) _ s. Academic b. Nonacademic , Aug. 21, half-ti.rre July I, 1984-Jan. 31, 1985 full-t..i.Jre Feb. 1, 1985­ 5/24/83-10/6/84 9/7/83-9/8/84 10/3/84-5/18185 8/20/849/23/84-- 12/19/ 5/30/85­ II. 1 I ., I I i L'I : I I \ ,: •. I\,; ( f' <; UniVp.rBity of lllin~ie pt UrbAna-Champaign III. Titlel5 cotalogc" Printetl 1 Analytical ti tIes cataloged Library CATALOGING STATISTICS Titles recataloged Items cataloged REPORT FOR Items withdrawn ~ PERIOD Chemistry July 1, 1981 - June Source of Clltolor.inp; OCU:; Original non-HAOC lC cataloging cataloging cataloging 'T'fltcriole 6 7 6 HicroforlTls 1 1 1 HSS i f.:lIs1c : ~O. 1285_ NUC cataloging i r.cores I 50unrl recortlings ~'ot ion 'Jicturca rv:i~('o, -P.COf""i nil" JrHp"Iic 2 ~Atcrin18 C'bjccte 3 1 Y.itB '. 'T O'J' AI,c; I 7 --. 8 , 7 I I I --­ 1. 2. ~. I,. books, br09~5i~est pamphlets, serials, sheets. Incl~~cBnrt originnls, chArts, filmstrips, fla6h car"s. pictures, ali"ea. technical drawinge. traneparenci.e. Inc]urles tlioromos, eames, microscope sli~es, models, realia. ~nc1utleB items containing two or more categories of material, no one of which ia identifiable 8a the prenominnnt constituent of the item. Jnclu~eB 2::1,-23-82 Reported by _ _- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ I ( I I I Clrcule 1 10n Stltlstlce 19IU/A, _.... , J,;' 1 '"'' I' Che.'etry Llbrery , , ,, , , ,272' ,AO, 998, '2' 6', 0, '0, 2.1, ", 0' .6', 0, , -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.-----._----.---------------------6" 128' 18, '" 0, I', 295, 28, 0, 0 , ,, ---------------------------------------------------------------------.-------------------------------------------------------­ lCO, '2, I '" 0 ' . '80" , -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, l2A , 16' , '.13 , 232 • "0 , , , , , , , o , " ~" , o ,, ----------------------------------------------------~-----------------------------------~------------------, , 2" , '''22 , 21' , " , °o , , 223 , , ,--------------------------------------------------------------------------------.-------------------------------------------------------------­ , 16' , 950 , 129 , .,8 , o , , I., , '28 , , , , o ,,, -----------------------------------~---------------------------------------------------------------~-------------------------, , 287 , , , , 22 , "I , o , , , , o ,, " ----------------------------------~-~----------~----------------------------------------------------------------------------, , 192 , 69 , o , '9 , 211 , 62 , , H9. , o ,, 286 , • -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, , , , , , 273 , 86 , , , "u , o ,, , ._.-._---------------------------------------------------------------------------------.-------------------------------------. , , Bn , o ,, 2.8 , , 146, 118., 112, ." 0, '8, 2'9 , -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------t loeo, 62' '2' 0, ", 2., , '0" 57' 191', 0 , , --------~~-~--~---------------.~--.-~--~-~-----~----~-------------~---.--~ ... ----.. ---.. --------.--~----------------------, , , , , , , , 83' , eo , o , '8 , 6' • • " , -------------------------------~-----------------------~--~-----------~--~--------~--------------.~------------_._----------, , 1686 , , o ,, , ." , , , , , • -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, '0" I , o ,, , 2168 , "'6 , 60' , 142'8 -----------_._-----------------------------------------------------------------------------.------------------------.--------, o ,, o , , "67, 13", 128'., .2" '6, 31'7 • 2006 , , .82 • 2969 , o ,, , -"0 • -228 , , -,,0 , 626 , 162 , 817 , lB , ,, ------------------------.---------------------------------------.-----------------------------------------, LCS Wonth raculty/Stlff , LCS , "lnulIl Student , LCS C/Cerd , Per""t , Speclel Chergu , RI'. Meter. , "enuel , LCS , Menuel IRR , Manual , LCS , "en"ll , Honp,.. , "'et.,.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 July AUQust ... 2~0' , Sept.~ber.' 110'. 1"6', 46, 6A,0, .,.,. .6" 116 II Oecelllber 227 39 Jlnulry 16' reb"uery 296 166 , '07 10' 23 , I. 62 '66' '0 1886 IU 121' ,~ 1370 283 . ' ~, D8 ,0 27 , ~ 40 . I , 167 , June " , .. 14'0 B . 2.<1 Ap,." Mly 308 .6 106. ~ Mereh 0 200, October /! -/ 76" 9' • i76' 287 21 '017 lUI 2)1 l6 169 I f r TOTAL GRANO TOTAL , , 49'8 DOl6 12.2 ' '89 30.,1 482 2919 14 '" I _________________________________ ~J __ ~ _______ ~ ________ - _______________________________________________ ~ _____ ------------.----­ 27U2 '66' 607 , Le,t Yr. .42 Incr/IOlcr) -320 -----------------------------------------------_.---------------------____ • __ J ____________________ ~ ___ ~ ______ • __ ~ ______ ~ ___ •------------------------------~----------------.------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .... Jllne 198' , , , ,, , Spec la' Chergee , R.s. Jo4eter. --------------------------------------------~--------- -----------_._---------------------------.----------, Mellull , Men"el , LCS , LCS , MenuII , lCS , Nanlla' , "'a----- , LCS .' -1 FeclIl ty/Staff Stlfdent Plr,"lt C/Cerd , IRR