C HEM 1ST R Y LIB R A R Y ANNUAL REPORT JULY 1, 1989 - JUNE 30, 1990 198)/90 was a productive year for the Chemis L staff, vlth m.;ILY g,)a :,? met.. f.'ro-)cct:~; for year were designed to irrrprove serv and facilitate (:~el.l'=ction use. '"[\..',' Li='''..v ;::;t ff nk,mber::;; W13-re hired "IJjt] trainer], and a A:3::.~istaDt oj iLe~·I. (,1..11.' :3 taf f t ) prov evenirJg aLd \"e'~kend ';::'e f,":'<ren(:'e and oill searching ;:;ervlces. '1'he DlJ.rnbel' ( ) f ·')nline search":,,s per ormed inereasel by 2ij·<;"~ '.,ver rrev yc, ,"1 r . Es.3en.t L.11 ;:,<upr;[~;rt. from S 1 ,-,f cal Science3 and i t.s facul ty incl the purcha~e and install of an online workstation. funds to complete the re·r elf t.he j ':;1..l'r n.':l 1 5 I'oom, and a cont. i.nning ,~~ooperat. sp it on all fronts. Inventory of try Library monograph and ot was st.ed. AL nt.,)ry sU.mm.."ry report 14,3.:::' ' .... ri1:t.8n (:\..;T 1. res1JIts and inventory procpdures; feur percent of materia sing or lost. Staff continue to wo (")[) l~eCt_illC~ j_l i)1\,lPI1t.C}]"'''l r(':> s t~s wi t.he L<l,S -- g~?nerf::{t.e(j Pl.'" irj'tC)ll to, of the Chemistry L shelf list (5ee "Goa13!!1. A. :::;(3r col .3 B. A t~hird 1 ,:,f -, -;. i.. :'-ni lllf) , online C',3t.a.log "super terminal" \"1.:15 3cion('8:', for 1:".1'1e Chemi3t.ry Libr,3ry .1<3 mul t i-purpose, 33 for structure search also serve !3.S ~he:3 for 1 cally mounted C:hc;rnic~al e seaI'ch C. Nun'erOU[i collect. ion rna proj pcts were and. in,:l uded: moving out. a cancell I dupl i,~at.e copy of "-'':::-='c::'=''''=:'''':,-==-' :::.;hi :i.ng ent,ire co11e'.>1::io[1 1.:0 Cl"e,=~te tv10 years monographs. it index tnble volumes and u~dating stack aigns. I) . (~rlemi s fac::i1 i t.ie::; cont,il1ued t.) improve with t.b::' compl,,,,·tioD of '(.he journals room ro 3h A new ceil ro(,m ~,'a;:.: wi t.h n(~w and ir;lpx.'oved lighting was in~talled. rrl-~e E:: c i1 r )() ~L Ci pa for the first time in over t.went.y ye;~jT2.. Scieracs funded this project. E. Due t.o the h evening and weekend rererence restored to Chemi of a Graduate Assistant, searching SPYV1CeS were Inv~ntory completej WdS n (;,f tLe ~ W(.rk cr:.nt inues to invent0ry '=i f resul~s nl!)rlclg~'<~3.1)11 hl:': 1 :3 Project '::~nt.ire ;;;:t~i.ff. ,-"j th iD 5 l rl tJl~·? 1.::.ttion De:;:;}:: are,Cl ',.v:::lC:; B. The reorg3ni2a~i0n of t.he C f t-';"lO completed ~na luded L'~;S/FBR termina.ls and the a~dltion at a third. 5 are now located ~0gether ir a more organ environmellt. congested Dp~k area AdJitiohal spaco was g~ creating c;3t31c)sS ~ the donation of the t 1"'r,n1 installation of the counter p;:;;" 2 t~~j,~rr~ irl.::Al (~ . OCC8;3S to the colI J.nd t.he by DLS. maintenance pr·jjpct.:·~ impr')ved. ;) con:3 idor.::.bl e allo c:ngc:1in,; we}>:~ r"',muve,j from thcU b:r',:n'Y the journal collection. All ied, weeded ~nd shelf-read c~ ,\ 1..,1 • le·:;t.ion3 l'CCtYv'Eu:-ed frc,m P'\'(=~Vj011S}Y eta and new journa13 were ordered. New beok '.. l ere placed tiT,on requo:::;t.. Al tho'~gh budgets P?C0Vf"re.J., no t:)rmerly 1:.'an,_"c·l.Led j')ln;Tl.Ed t.i-c.le:::-, were re i.n::.t.."tte:i. cleva A. an·j checJ.:lng the Le:3 - gene2>:3.t.eci she1 f clean d,'1t.:::il:'dse. This machine to our local-database ,mple ''::''::~. up-to - date, on1 ina. J~,eY""Jrd sed,r,~ list i3 the goal for 1990/91. .:3 B. Cont. to increi..'tse onlin,;, searching by use f STN 55 an,:! 1::.he aft.er-five disccnmt for Due to ~he eff0rts of t.he Ch(?mis~.ry Li. As istant. onJin8 searching increased hy 2~% in 1990. WOl'.k wi tIl t.he sc::~ L il::..caT'Y t. tn educate and mea:..;ure f at concerning t costs and u~es of 5,UOO .LS annually on this title which has been Jocumentod to receive ul of uses. Online access may be an ffective Gubstitute for subscribing, , further data 1lec:t.:-:lnd f ,;;',.;,_,1 ty edu'-::'at Lon are t~he 6") 19 0/91. D. Install a 3M secur system in Chemistry C:1.nd "t,:Jt.tle-t..3p'.:?" collc:ctinfi, inc ;3ele·:;ted bound and unbound journals. is project. Hill involve rearrangement ,_if the Circulation D8Sk area and relocating both the circulation tel:minal and the cal~d c:at:.al ,:.g. E. Part.ii'ipdte illt.hc- campaign t.o the lOOt.h b of the Chemistry Library (Fall, 1992), the first depart,ment.31 library on campU:3. An endow-ment of approximately $200,000 has been established to provide for future m,3 ter ia 1 s funding. F. ne~l st fit. H. in numerical order to Projc;.::t approved by Libr,::n.'Y Cornmitt.ee. oms ob~ainin~/making proper labels. Label f 1 Conti:1ue ;:::t.af f developn:ent. in comruter e,c1ucation. Two members routinely use the PC in their Hork and would f t.rairl Cnmple-:::e Chemistry Library Brochure describing ,::e:.=, and collections. A map and instxuctions for S·;=~T'\; Lees will Iud Chemistry U' ------~-------- STAXIsnCAL STJMK.AltY I. GROWTH OF THE COLLECTION sue TRACT AOO LAST TYPE Y£,\R'S 01 TOTAL MATERIAL CATALOGED 55,984 ~LUMES UNCATALOGED I VOLUMES z -< en Lt.fiLt.f i-<i -~ ut:~ i fiw_ ;:; 761 1480 !Z f51.1.. ~ ;­ en i 3 8 11'1 ~ en ~ 1125 Lt.f 1I'ILt.f ~.." ~~ -~CI TOTAL AS OF JUNE 30 ~~ +1111 57,095 0 125 +44 175 125 PAMPHLETs! MI CROFI L.-3 131 44 xxx • rCROCARosb ..xx MICR~INT1L XXX HICB.07~ 4,143 +542 542 4,685 S PER I00 ICAt. 6 TITLES 605 xxx xxx xxx XXX xx. +6 611 CONi INUATIotP TITLES 373 xxx xxx xxx .xx xxx +l 374 978 xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx +7 985 TOTAL' SERIAL 6 TITLES I. Natur. of Ite""s 1"cluded as unceteloglfd yoh,"'.5. Online Searching Tools 2. V~rtlca' fll. It~s. '._ Report the numb.... of ro.ls. 4 Report· the numb..,.. 01 t nd' vi due I cards. 5. Vacant. ap&cea are :tor !.lidse, 1'1l.:natrlpa. maps. disks, ete. 6. Re,!'ers t.c tiUe. currentl7 checked 11'l, inc.lud1ng auplicatea. Chemistry ____________________ II. Other !n£ormation A. Seating capacity l. Seats at tables 33 2. Carrel seats 29 6 3. Lounge chairs B. Physieal fac~ities 6.261 1. Total square feet in library 2. c. 10,464 Linear feet of she.!v1ug Number of hours open weekly Fall 94 2. Spring 94 3. Su:a:z::zler 73 1. D. Perscn:mel (uclude those not hired by the Library) 1 1. Number F.T.!. Prof e5siana.ls 2. Number F.T.!. Graduate Assistants .05 3 3. Number F.T.!. Nonac:adem.ics 4. Average weekly hours of student help &. 5. Fall __1.2___ b. Spring 12 --- c. Summer 8 ---- Names of employees (note inclusive dates of employment) a. Academic 7/6/87­ Grad. Assts. -- - b. No 6/89 - 8/90 8/~- , LTA III LCII LCII 11/10/86 ­ 8/6/89 5/29/90 ­ 1/12/89 4/28/90 Lib t University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign }Iqort Unit : CATALOGING STATISTICS -- REPORT FOR THE PERIOD Titles: Typed copyslips UIUC theses printrd Text (MIcroforms (specify type) Com p ut r files Analytics All other titles ---- TItles: OCLC printouts Analytics -TItles Recata­ loged Library July 1, 1989 - June 30, 1990 Titles process uncata­ loged TItles discard uncata­ loged Items added All other titles llO --------­ 101 * 2 Mss. Music scores Sound Recordings Motion pictures - VIdeo-'::'­ recordings Graphic materials 3 Other"" (specify) TOTALS 211 1. Includes books, broadsides, pamphlets, sheets. 2. Includes floppy disks, cassettes, etc. 3. Includes art originals, charts, filmstrips, flash cards, pictures, slides, technical drawings, transparencies. 4. Incll]des dioramas, games, kits, microscope slides, models, realia, cartographic materials. 200 " -11- 1< 87 REV. Ph.D. Film 8/14/86 CHEMIsm LIBR~RV ONLINE SEAPCH!W; STAllSrICS 5VtfM:l:",1 11~9 ,C'I OF 5' ARCHES PERFORMEU SEPTEMBER OC:OBER NDVEMBE" tiE:° nf venjor ,ne !D.,[('urotl ..... 11 15 15 .... \. bv tyP~ of vennnn m~UARY HA~r.H AP~lL ~AY JU~E H) 20 4 21 10 41 17 ! 19 o !4 1 o ~ .J ,e !7 17 10 13 12 10 I rrTALS o1 171 17 13 Ii I) I) n\J~ber m!JAFY o (Non-tlls(ount} Inp r,.,rE~?LR oI I) ?4 21 42 19 16 13 22 [7 17 o 8 ? 13 m Df 5l?an:r1 1led tn a'pr bv en~-u5pr ............... . rflf nrenre (rn charge- to uSEd ...... . !,r'uyu5P .................... . toLll nu.ner by tiDe Df ,parcn ced,~rled o 6 14 " 4 2 II o o 4 1 o I~ !7 17 10 24 21 11' Ii' I') 18 18 13 1J7 19 13 I bO 1 19 42 ~vr0 fly r:t of uspr .••.. , ••.•••..•....•..•.•..•.• 1,~IJiI t~ student •....•..•..•....•.••. \ll1dprgradu~t!? ;t,udent ••.........•..•. s ~ iff ................... ) I-h"'lr ••••••••••••••••••••••. !,,: ; "r o II I tv . ..... . nu.ber by type of u'er 5 9 o o a o 2 14 11 15 17 o o p I ~,6 14 I PH o i) 24 42 19 $213.94 1117.94 1672.06 ~'J.OO 12.87 lOY) 9.04 0.22 1224.45 21 26 223 "f ,"RCHES p[RrQRMED hi " 0 of vendor Online 1015[00n\) ... , ........... . Doltne INon-dlScount:' 06 ............................ .. L, J \'t,' [)5t bv tvp~ of vendor of sPJrrh died to uspr f"med ~y end, user .•..... ~ fPf,CP i no charge to :t!'faH UGP t.)\, I cost by type Df sNrch hop of u<pr heult'I,............................. d~u.te ;tude"!......... ............ urrorgraduate s\udent................ .+ •••• , •.•••••• ~, ••••••.•••••. staff "ther .......... , ................... cost by \vpe of user OF 5E~RC~E5 .......... 5EA~CH~S .. .......... ' ......... , OF SEMCH CF [NO-USER SE~PCH S)I,,]9 153.42 1140.15 t21J4.n 187.02 12h.08 Hb.bl In 42 m.M S3'1.25 U4.40 16.19 m. 1~.O(l 1'),00 10.00 lO.flO SO.Of) Sn.72 UIi.43 ~173.76 12('<).01 I[Mi. 1137 .21 $0.,';0 IO.OQ 130. ]1, H'. &6 "h.b! 1,2.69 114.40 $6.19 19 7 .72 1114.43 $173."6 S~2 .36 ~53. 4? $0.00 12.76 10.00 ~29.6') 1'('{,.Oj 11.00 $14.40 i12.63 $0.00 Fl.72 $114.43 10.00 S32.68 IIQ9.6~ IQ2.86 ~f). 0(' S2':'.% ! 7.2'} ~o.oo (1 ~?20.l11 11"°.13 154.68 123.27 155.61 $168.85 10.01; 10.0(' '6.19 $O.or, m.28 127.89 117:1.76 12?!).l)1 118.12 1'14.21 $0.,10 10.00 $'.B~ W·'.I' , " 14 11 1', 17 \'1,72 4U,•. 43 1173.76 122,1.01 II (fn. 16.9B 41('.40 11i.58 112.9. $1.89 " ERR eRR ff:R fRR ERR 131.02 ~322.2b ~O.00 128.S7 W.OO W,~ W.OO W.OO sO.no nul' t351.13 1213.q~ Im.p~ $6B2.28 H'3.65 112.244.67 10.'\(1 I !?2bJl? I~,.~O 1;'5.78 1 '121.~7 10.0;) to.OI) 10.00 t298.5' 1l69.',3 112,592.?6 ShH.~3 121.8] ~31~.3[ 12[11.32 1100.38 1:52.97 40.00 IO.Oj $ ,00 $14.B6 I: ,'.18 19.19 S34.~2 $1' .,2 424.AII:U5 10.00 IG.ilO I) IO.,j( 2.~8 1.ll.02 135:'12 12[3.94 IIJ9.R~ $bR?2R 1297.']9 $1,,\.26 112.156.95 10,." F."i 1 1130.22 24.4f 499. :,~ '•. 6=" 5f ).35 1'" S,\ $0.(10 2,5B 412.87 i?9n,27 li3l.'·' 1H~.28 13.98 1\. Ie 1 1207,(17 ml.ll 4125.)' 111.'i70.4A $3 7 .48 1 $102.69 10.00 SI.IB SO.f;-i)! 11)7.03 402.29 I LBO I t574. 90 $2 0 8.:,6 H69.~3 112,51 2.26 10.00 $142.49 431.:)2 Ilbo.59 (> 40.00 In.OO 10.00 $48.05 131.02 $351.13 [0 24 131.02 $J51.13 11 •. 63 $6.10 tp: E,N 10.0(1 $167.75 IO.I'~ $O,r10 143.'Q $213.Q4 m.~9 i! 42 1139.% S6g? ;?R tl')' 19 110.71. ~lh.24 t.!;.62 ERR t:4."" 11.lt $0.1)0 $21: ,c \ IJ.. . V,, 10.0(' I '55.8' Slb'i.43 112.592.26 21 1213.?~ 129B.JO 415.71 tRP ~1,U3 It2.592.2~ $9.<'1 s;->. 'if:r III 16.85