SYSTEM TEAM COMPOSITION FOR A COMPLEX SYSTEM TO ENABLE SYSTEM INTEGRATION AND ATTRIBUTE MANAGEMENT by Ram Krishnaswami M.S. (Engineering Mechanics) University of Kentucky, 1991 Submitted to the System Design and Management Program, in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Engineering and Management at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Maty'2604 @ Ram Krishnaswami, All rights reserved The author hereby grants to MIT permission to reproduce and to distribute publicly paper and electronic copies of this thesis document in whole or in part. Signature of Author............................................. Krishnaswami System Design and Management Program May 2004 C e rtified by ............................. ........................ Daniel Whitney Thesis Supervisor Sr. Research Scientist, Center for Technology, Policy and Industrial Development May 2004 Accepted by .................................. ..................... Thomas J. Allen Co-Director, LFM/SDM Howard W. Johnson Professor of Management A ccepted by ......................... ....................................... David Simchi-Levi Co-Director, LFM/SDM Professor of Engineering Systems MASSACHUSETTS INSTR~lff OF TECHNOLOGY SEP 0 1 2004 LIBRARIES BARKER SYSTEM TEAM COMPOSITION FOR A COMPLEX SYSTEM TO ENABLE SYSTEM INTEGRATION AND ATTRIBUTE MANAGEMENT by Ram Krishnaswami Submitted to the System Design and Management Program on May 2004, in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Engineering and Management at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ABSTRACT The automatic transmission is a very complex system in a modern automobile with several hundred components performing mechanical, hydraulic and electronic functions. System integration and attribute management are key challenges in the design and development of an automatic transmission. The system and sub system team structure can play a key part in the success of this development. A properly structured team can enhance the communication between the engineers designing the individual components, ensure that all interfaces between the components are properly managed and appropriate design actions are in place for best in class attributes. This thesis analyzes the current team structure and composition that is in place in the Automatic Transmission Division at Ford Motor Company and offers recommendations to improve the composition to better align the sub system teams with the actual workings of the transmission. The main tool that is used to enable this work is the Design Structure Matrix (DSM). Communication between individual team members is compared to components that physically touch or exchange energy through hydraulic means, or exchange electrical signals and preferred team compositions for effectively engineering these sub systems are proposed. The efficacy of these teams to manage attributes like noise and shift quality is also discussed. 3 This page intentionally left blank 4 Author Biography Ram Krishnaswami Mr. Krishnaswami is the Manager for the 6F Transmission Program at Ford Motor Company. This is a brand new, fuel efficient, state of the art, front wheel drive transmission for passenger cars and sports utility vehicles that is being jointly developed by Ford and General Motors. Prior to this, Mr. Krishnaswami was a Supervisor in Park Systems and Sensors, a Technical Specialist in Noise and Vibration, a System Engineer, and a Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) Analyst in the Automatic Transmission Division at Ford Motor Company. He is also a certified Six Sigma Blackbelt. He has also worked as a CAE Consultant in the automotive industry with EASi Engineering, a contract designer for Texas Instruments, and helped commission a heat treatment line for TVS-Suzuki Motorcycles in India. Mr. Krishnaswami has a Bachelor's in Mechanical Engineering from Delhi College of Engineering, Delhi University, India and a Masters of Science in Engineering Mechanics from the University of Kentucky in Lexington. He lives in Farmington, Michigan with his wife Vandana, daughter Dipika, son Druva and dog, Rani. 5 This page intentionally left blank 6 Acknowledgements I would like to thank Ford Motor Company and my Management for sponsoring me and providing me with an opportunity to pursue the SDM program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. I would like to thank my thesis advisor, Dr. Dan Whitney for his guidance before and during the thesis process. The long conversations we had provided the ideas that formed the basis for this work. I am also thankful to the SDM Program faculty for a wonderful academic experience (especially Profs. Thomas Roemer and Olie deWeck for exposing me to DSMs in their courses) and the helpful folks at the SDM Program office (Denny Mahoney, Ted Hoppe, Bill Foley amongst others) who made it easy for me to get through this program from a distance. Finally, I am extremely grateful to my lovely wife Vandana, and my two wonderful children, Dipika and Druva for their incredible support and patience for the last two and a half years while I have pursued this program. Without their love, understanding, and encouragement, this would not have been possible. 7 This page intentionally left blank 8 Table of Contents SYSTEM TEAM COMPOSITION FOR A COMPLEX SYSTEM TO ENABLE SYSTEM AG EE ............................................................... INTEGRATIO N AND ATTRIBUTE 1 ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................... 3 AUTHOR BIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................. 5 ACKNOW LEDGEM ENTS .................................................................................................... 7 TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................................... 9 LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................................... 12 CHAPTER 1 ............................................................................................................................. 15 Introduction.............................................................................................................................15 15 Overview and Problem Description ..................................................................................... Objective................................................................................................................................16 17 Methodology and Scope .................................................................................................... Thesis Structure.....................................................................................................................20 21 S u m m a ry ............................................................................................................................... CHAPTER 2 ............................................................................................................................. 23 23 The Product and the Organizational Structure ................................................................. ................... 23 Introduction.................... ..... ....... ...................... 23 Automatic Transmission Overview ..................................................................................... Torque Converter...................................................................................................................26 Planetary Geartrain................................................................................................................27 Friction Elements...................................................................................................................29 30 Hydraulic Control Module................................................................................................... 30 P u m p ..................................................................................................................................... 31 Transmission Controller ......................................................................................................... 32 Park System .......................................................................................................................... 32 S tru ctu res .............................................................................................................................. Transfer, Final Drive and Differentials.................................................................................33 The Automatic Transmission Organization........................................................................ 34 The CPMT Structure..............................................................................................................42 44 S u m m a ry ............................................................................................................................... CHAPTER 3 ............................................................................................................................. 46 The "Team Based" Design Structure Matrix ......................................................................... 46 9 In tro d u ctio n ............................................................................................................................ 4 6 DSM Formulation ................................................................................................................... 46 Interviews and DSM Construction .......................................................................................... 49 Sorting and Reordering the DSM ........................................................................................... 54 Analyzing the Grouping .......................................................................................................... 56 S u m m a ry ............................................................................................................................... 5 9 CHAPTER 4 ............................................................................................................................. 61 Overlay of the Internal Workings of the Transaxle ...............................................................61 Intro d u ctio n ............................................................................................................................ 6 1 Physically Touching Interactions ............................................................................................ 61 Electro-Hydraulic Interactions ................................................................................................ 66 S u m m a ry ............................................................................................................................... 7 2 CHAPTER 5 ............................................................................................................................. 75 Attribute management using the DSM ................................................................................... 75 In trod u ctio n ............................................................................................................................ 7 5 Transmission Noise ............................................................................................................... 75 DSM for Noise PAT ............................................................................................................... 77 S h ift Q u a lity ........................................................................................................................... 7 9 S u m m a ry ............................................................................................................................... 8 1 CHAPTER 6 ............................................................................................................................. 83 Recommendations and Conclusions .................................................................................... 83 Intro d u ctio n ............................................................................................................................ 8 3 Recommendations ................................................................................................................. 83 Conclusions and Summary .................................................................................................... 85 REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................... 89 10 This page intentionally left blank 11 List of Figures Fig. 2.1: Form of a typical Automatic Transaxle with the highest level of decomposition. ..... 24 Fig. 2.2: Architectural concepts of automatic transmissions through intent and process zooming ........................................................................................................................................... 25 Fig. 2.3: Cross Section of a 4 Speed Automatic Transaxle that is currently in production with some major sub assemblies identified @ Ford Motor Company .................................... 28 Fig. 2.4: High level Organization Chart at ATEO ................................................................. 35 Fig. 2.5: Typical Organization structure of a Systems Department ...................................... 38 Fig. 2.6: Typical structure of the Mechanical & Structural Components Department ............ 39 Fig. 2.7: Typical structure of the Electro-Hydraulics Component Department at ATEO ...... 41 Fig. 2.8: Structure of the Torque Converter Department at ATEO ........................................ 42 Fig. 2.9: Distribution of components into CPMTs................................................................. 43 Fig. 3.1: Initial blank 29x29 DSM ......................................................................................... 48 Fig. 3.2: Expanded and populated 32x32 DSM showing levels of communication between com ponent engineers ......................................................................................................... 52 Fig. 3.3: DSM with currently defined CPMT grouping overlaid............................................. 53 Fig. 3.4: Sorted and rearranged DSM with some natural clusters highlighted.......................55 Fig. 3.5: Sorted and rearranged DSM with the proposed team distribution along with a System Inte g rato r ............................................................................................................................ 56 Fig. 4.1: DSM showing physical contact between parts in the system .................................. 62 Fig. 4.2: Populated DSM with the recommended team structure overlaid............................ 63 Fig. 4.3: Rearranged DSM taking into account physically contacting interfaces ................... 65 Fig. 4.4: DSM showing Electro-Hydraulic interfaces with the current CPMT team structure o v e rla id ............................................................................................................................... 12 67 Fig. 4.5: DSM showing Electro-Hydraulic interfaces rearranged with the recommended g ro u p in g ............................................................................................................................. 68 Fig. 4.6: DSM rearranged to cluster all Electro-Hydraulic Interfaces..................................... 69 Fig. 4.7: Modified DSM to show the rearrangement to better manage the Electro-Hydraulic In te rfa c e s ............................................................................................................................ 70 Fig. 4.8: Rearranged DSM showing the Physical Contact interfaces .................................... 71 Fig. 4.9: Rearranged DSM showing the levels of communication between the respective component engineers .................................................................................................... 72 Fig. 5.1: DSM showing the interfaces that are part of the "path-receiver" for managing attributes like Noise. The source categories are highlighted in yellow while the receivers are in green ........................................................................................................................................... 78 Fig. 5.2: Rearranged DSM with the recommended team structure showing the interfaces to manage the Noise attribute..............................................................................................79 Fig. 5.3: DSM showing the interfaces for managing Shift Quality with the recommended team structu re ove rla id ................................................................................................................ 13 81 This page intentionally left blank 14 Chapter 1 Introduction Overview and Problem Description An automatic transmission is a complex system comprising of several hundred parts performing mechanical, hydraulic and electrical functions. Modern transmissions have increased in complexity over the years due to the introduction of electronic and computer controls utilizing sophisticated software and strategies for managing its functions. As automatic transmissions have increased in complexity, there are fewer and fewer engineers who understand all aspects of designing one. This has resulted in specialists for each major function or sub system within the transmission. Keeping track of interfaces between these major sub systems has also become difficult. Over the last decade there have been occasions where new products have had less than stellar launches with initial quality issues and inadequate system level attribute management. This manifested itself in poor initial shift quality or noise and vibration problems that resulted in a loss of customer satisfaction in the marketplace. Advances in System Engineering and the use of state of the art tools to design and develop complex systems over the last few years have simplified ways to address these types of issues. This is even more relevant in the current industry where product development times are reducing and means to make the whole process shorter and more cost effective are encouraged. While engineering and design of most of the components in an automatic transmission is a relatively mature field, system and sub system integration and attribute management is not very structured. Traditional design 15 and test methods which work on more of a trial and error basis to develop the system is no longer a cost effective solution given the number of expensive prototypes that are required. This also results in a proliferation of system design levels with limited number of samples for each level. A lack of robustness to the design is the outcome. To address this lack of robustness, various Quality and Engineering Disciplines have been rolled out to the engineering community in Ford and is now being used extensively. However, the underlying organizational structure within the automatic transmission division may not be best suited to effectively utilize these state of the art tools. The automatic transmission organization in Ford Motor Company has a traditional structure to it. Program and functional groups are separated and the Program groups typically draw from a centralized pool of engineers for component design. Sub system teams or Component Program Module Teams (CPMT) comprising of a set of components are typically formed using "natural" groupings defined by similar components or proximity of components to one another within the transmission system. While this worked adequately with simpler architectures and limited functions, current advances in technology and increased product complexity has identified flaws in this traditional organizational structure like improper management of interfaces or inadequate communication between the specific component engineers required to properly manage system attributes. This can result in a less than perfect harmony between the internal couplings of the transmission and the internal couplings of the organization. Objective 16 This thesis studies the aspects of team composition to assist in managing interfaces within a complex system and offers concrete recommendations on improving the process to enable the teams to elegantly address all the major system engineering functions and to manage system level attributes. The objective is not to propose a complete overhaul of the process that is currently being used. I feel that the product development process that is being used at Ford is a good one that has evolved well over time. The Quality and Engineering Disciplines that are part of the modern Ford engineer's skillset are state of the art and when followed will ensure a robust product. This work intends to come up with recommendations that augment and enable the proper use of these tools and methods at the working level by structuring the organization in a way to set the engineers up for success. Methodology and Scope The main tool that was used in this work was the Design Structure Matrix (DSM). The thesis used a new 6 Speed automatic transmission project as the basis of this work. Assumptions for the teams and the functions of the various sub systems were based on this transmission and its architecture. Ford Motor Company and General Motors are jointly developing this transmission to be launched into volume production in a few years. However, all the results and conclusions presented here are general and are applicable to any development activity of an automatic transaxle (and with some deletions, a rear drive automatic transmission). An example of the hardware that is presented in this document represents a 4 speed transaxle that is currently in 17 production and the conclusions here would apply for the most part to that system too. The thesis will also not describe the framework for this type of an arrangement or go into the details of the working arrangements at GM. The work will be focused from the standpoint of Ford Motor Company and its team composition alone. The relevant organizational structure of the Ford team will be detailed and will serve as the basis for the research study. One of the biggest challenges for this type of a development is to integrate the working level teams between the two companies. The integrated team structure that is currently in place was studied as a baseline. Ford has 9 CPMTs (Component Program Module Teams) that are each composed of product and manufacturing engineers, buyers, quality analysts, supplier representatives, etc. Using a team based DSM approach, the composition of these teams was analyzed, and an optimum composition was identified. This was then compared with the current Ford CPMT composition. The base DSM above was populated based on communication levels between the individual Ford engineers that made up the whole product development team. This, in effect captured the internal couplings if the organization. Using the same DSM categories as a base, the internal couplings of the transmission was captured with two new DSMs that were populated based on physical interactions between the respective components and with information transfer between the components. Overlays of these DSMs with the team communication DSM were analyzed. This yielded recommendations and modifications to the recommended team structure for system teams to ensure best communication within the different CPMTs and to have the most effective system integration efforts during the development phase. 18 A further study was focused on the effective management of system level attributes. Very often system level attributes are emergent properties of the system and are not managed effectively. This can often result in objectionable behavior and hence become a source of customer dissatisfaction. One such system level attribute for an automatic transmission is Noise and Vibration. This attribute was discussed briefly and the relationship to the individual components of the transmission was analyzed. Using the same basic framework as the DSM discussed above, these relationships were captured and the attribute management team was defined to best manage this issue. This also identified the specific engineers that would be part of this team, the components and the specific interfaces that were involved. A similar study was performed for Shift Quality. Significant amount of work has been done in the use of Design Structure Matrices as a powerful System Engineering tool in the last few decades with quite a few applications in the automotive industry. A search of the contemporary literature does not show too many examples of DSM usage in the area of automatic transmissions. There are examples in the area of engines however. Eppinger writes about ideal team composition in General Motors Powertrain division [2] based on communication between different Product Development Teams (PDT). While there has been a lot of research in coupling product architecture and organizational structure [3] and in Powertrain attribute development [4], there has been some work in the application of a DSM to couple the internal workings of the product to the internal workings of the teams of engineers who design it [1]. Besides the engineering of the system by these teams, one of the critical areas is to manage the emergent properties like attributes in an 19 efficient and elegant manner to ensure that these are not objectionable to the customer. This work attempts to do all of the above on a complex system - the modern automatic transmission in an automobile. Thesis Structure The thesis is laid out as follows: Chapter 1: This chapter defines the issues involved in developing a complex system like an automatic transmission, the incompatibility between the product and the organizational structure, and the objective and scope of this work. Chapter 2: A brief overview of the workings of an automatic transmission is presented in this chapter. In addition, the current organizational structure is discussed briefly. Chapter 3: The construction of the base DSM is detailed in this chapter. The composition of the current CPMT structure is overlaid and the optimum team structure based on communication between engineers is also presented. Chapter 4: The optimum team structure identified in the previous chapter is overlaid with the DSM that captures the internal workings of the transmission based on physical contact and information exchange between individual components. 20 Chapter 5: Ideal team composition to manage attributes like Noise and Vibration and Shift Quality are identified here and overlaid with the based DSM. Chapter 6: This is a summary of the findings and recommendations to modify the organization to best design and develop a complex system like an automatic transmission. Opportunities for future work are also discussed in this chapter. Summary In this first chapter, we briefly discussed a high level view of the current state of the product development activity at Ford Motor Company's Automatic Transmission division, its limitations and the need for this investigation. The objective and scope of this work was defined, and the outline and content of the various chapters in the thesis was presented. 21 This page intentionally left blank 22 Chapter 2 The Product and the Organizational Structure Introduction Understanding the workings of an automatic transmission is necessary in order to fully appreciate the complexity of the system and the inherent challenges in designing and developing one. This chapter briefly describes the constituent sub systems that make up the modern automatic transmission and the way they function. In addition, the current organizational structure at the Automatic Transmission Engineering Organization (ATEO) at Ford Motor Company is described. This will serve as good background for the information presented in subsequent chapters. Automatic Transmission Overview The functions of an automatic transmission are: " Match engine speed and torque to the driver's needs " Move the vehicle (forward or backward) or Park it on operator command (transfer torque from the engine to the driveshaft(s) of the automobile, provide a reaction point for the vehicle's inertia when parked in different inclines and terrains, and provide engine braking in manually selected gears). 23 The form of the automatic transmission is mainly decided by whether it is to be used on a Front Wheel Drive (FWD) or Rear Wheel Drive (RWD) configuration in the vehicle and it is sized depending on the torque capacity. The FWD version of the transmission is also referred to as a transaxle since it integrates an axle into the unit so as to supply torque to the vehicle halfshafts. For the most part, since this study was conducted on a transaxle, both terms (transmission and transaxle) are utilized interchangeably unless specified otherwise. The form of a typical automatic transaxle with the highest level decomposition is shown in Fig. 2.1. AUTOMATIC TRANSAXLE Friction Elements Transmissio Controller Hydraulic Controls Torque Converter Pump Epicyclic Geartrain Structures Park System Final Drive and Differential Fig. 2.1: Form of a typical Automatic Transaxle with the highest level of decomposition. There have been many designs over the years that provided these functions in an efficient manner. Some of them have been "stepped" transmissions with multiple speeds (the number of speeds have increased over the years in order to provide better 24 performance and fuel economy), while others have been continuously variable transmissions (CVT) or automatic shifted manuals (ASM - predominantly in Europe). Looking at automatic transmission architecture using a tool like zooming and defining intent and process, one can see that various combinations of hardware are possible to arrive at a solution that meets the required functions. Fig. 2.2 shows a limited number of concepts relating to the intent and process. + ro Intent + P rocess2 s Transport vehicle from one location to another ITo bnmuftipleng and es and torque of the engine To change the spee transferring the torque of the engine .A............ Sim ple Planetary Geartset Sim pson's Planetary Arrangem ent S U .... H ydraulically controlled 'I Clutches H yd raulically controlled . B ands and D rum s I : BB______ Electronic Shift Schedulin Electronic Shift Control Strategy holddered the vehicle the location by keeping it in place ________ ....... Manual locking '1 Pavd and Park Gear Electronically lactivated P ark actvte Parking R.avigneauxGe aret_ _ Brake L ayshaft(Parallel Axds) G.e.ars (Autom.ated Shifting Manual -ASM) Manually activated 4P arking Brake Belt.dr.venC.ontinuosly .: : ::.:.:......... Variable Transmission......................... .... 4 ovaiial CVT Fig. 2.2: Architectural concepts of automatic transmissions through intent and process zooming In this chart, various combinations of these intents and processes can be used to define the form of the automatic transmission. The first column of intent and processes labeled as "Intent + Process 1" shows the various geartrain configurations that provide torque multiplication and define the direction of motion of the vehicle. The second 25 column labeled "Intent + Process 2" shows the means of controlling the transmission smoothly and efficiently while the third column shows the concepts for the Park function. As an example, {A1 + BA1 + BA2 + C1} could define a possible concept for a simple + three speed automatic transmission. Another set could be {A1 + A3 + BA1 + BA2 BB1 + BB2 + C2}. This shows a combination of a simple planetary and a compound planetary (Ravigneaux) gearset yielding the famous Lepelletier arrangement. This architecture could be capable of six forward speeds and could be a state of the art transmission. Adding other required sub systems like a pump, torque converter, structural members, and a final drive and differential assembly if it is a transaxle, the design can be completed. Each of these additional sub systems has its own architecture but the complete intent and process chart is not shown here for the sake of brevity. The point to make is that this is a complex system with many sub systems and hundreds of constituent parts. A cross section of a 4-speed transmission that is currently in production is shown in Fig. 2.3 to illustrate this point. A brief description of the various sub systems follows [6]: Torque Converter The torque converter assembly is primarily made up of the impeller, the turbine, the cover, the reactor (stator) and the converter clutch. It serves four main functions: * It couples the engine to the geartrain as a fluid coupling when it is open * It multiplies torque until the reactor clutch freewheels at the converter coupling point 26 It damps the transient torsionals created by engine firing before it acts on the drivetrain It directly couples the engine to the drivetrain through the converter clutch Planetary Geartrain Planetary gears are an efficient means of transmitting and multiplying torque in automatic transmissions. In its simplest form, the planetary gearset comprises of a sun gear, a number of pinion gears and a ring gear. The ring gear is an internal gear. The pinions are mounted on shafts and bearings to a structural member called a planetary carrier. The pinions can revolve about their own axis or about the sun gear if the carrier is free to rotate. The gears are always in mesh unlike a manual transmission with a parallel axis. This gearset can increase speed or torque, reverse the direction of operation or perform as a coupling device in direct drive. A complex planetary like a Ravigneaux arrangement may have two layers of pinion gears meshing with a common ring gear and possibly two sun gears. Typically, one of the elements (ring, carrier or sun) is held, while another one is driven and the output comes out of the third element. By varying these, different ratios may be achieved. Driving two of the elements simultaneously yields a direct drive. Various combinations of simple and complex planetaries may be used to create the required speeds and ratios. Two simple planetary gearsets sharing a common sun is called a Simpson arrangement while a combination of a simple and a Ravigneaux is called a Lepelletier arrangement. Once the architecture and the number of teeth in these gears are chosen, the various gear ratios are fixed for the transmission. 27 Converter Turbine Housing PlantarySpeed Sensor Case Gearset Torque ~~Converter Clutchpack ]t Pump End Cover TransferGears Tapered Roller Bearings Final Drive Gears Differential Fig. 2.3: Cross Section of a 4 Speed Automatic Transaxle that is currently in production with some major sub assemblies identified @ Ford Motor Company 28 These cannot change without changing the constituent hardware. What can change during operation is when the specific speed or gear is commanded and how smooth the shift occurs. Friction Elements The two main types of automatic transmission clutches are the multi-plate wet clutch and the one-way clutch (OWC). The plate clutch typically consists of a number of drive and driven clutch plates housed in a case. This can be used to hold a component stationary in both directions by grounding it to the case or to connect two rotating planetary members. The clutch assembly typically consists of a drum, clutch piston, drive (steel) and driven (friction) clutch plates, pressure plate, snap ring, clutch hub, ball check valve and balance dams. The OWC is a mechanical unit that operates automatically to hold a component stationary in one direction while allowing it to freewheel in the other direction. This device does not need a hydraulic or mechanical linkage means to activate it. The OWC assembly typically consists of an inner and outer race, and some form of rollers or sprags to provide the wedging action to lock the clutch up. Other friction elements that are present in automatic transmissions are band brakes. A band is used to hold a planetary member stationary by acting on a drum that is attached to the member. The flexible steel band is typically attached to the case using a reaction strut and has a friction lining that wraps around the drum. The band is activated using a servo attached to the apply strut. 29 Hydraulic Control Module This sub system consists of valve bodies which are essentially machined die cast aluminum parts with bores for various valves and cast fluid passages (worm trails) to route the fluid under pressure. Various valves are present in the hydraulic control valve body like a main regulator valve that regulates line pressure, a manual valve that pressurizes the various circuits to get forward, reverse or no motion, shift valves that enable a specific shift event (prevalent in older designs), bypass clutch control valve that controls the torque converter clutch, solenoid pressure regulator valves that regulates the pressure to the shift solenoids, etc. To achieve good shift quality, the oncoming clutch needs to be precisely controlled. Older systems used accumulator to do this while more modern systems use electronic control by directly controlling the shift solenoids. The solenoid module can be attached to the valve bodies making an integrated hydraulic control module. Pump The pump can be an internal gear or gerotor design or a vane type design. These are typically positive displacement pumps and are coupled to the engine either directly on axis or through an off-axis chain drive. As long as the engine is rotating, and fluid is supplied to the inlet, the pump delivers fluid. The volume of fluid delivered is proportional to the drive speed and this is designed to be typically more than the needs of the transmission. In a typical gear pump, the meshing of the gears in the pump causes a vacuum that houses the inlet to the sump. Atmospheric pressure in the sump 30 forces the fluid into the inlet. The gears are closely fitted to a crescent in the pump housing and the gaps between the crescent and the gear teeth form chambers, which trap the fluid as the gear rotates and is then forced out through the outlet port. In the case of a vane pump, oil pressure is created as the vanes revolve inside the pump bore ring. This design is also coupled to the engine like the gear pump and pressure is available as long as the engine is running. The main regulator valve in the hydraulic control module regulates line pressure at the outlet. Transmission Controller Some transmissions have a stand-alone transmission controller while others have an integrated powertrain control module that controls both the engine and the transmission. This computer chip controls the operation of the transmission. The module receives information about the transmission operation including the rotational speeds of various elements from sensors mounted on the transmission, manually commanded range selected by the user (PRNDL), transmission fluid temperature, etc. Other non transmission inputs that are utilized include the throttle position, mass air flow, intake air temperature, engine rpm, brake on/off switch, etc. The controller then processes this information, utilizes the software strategy in its memory and sends commands that operate the various solenoids which could be variable force, variable bleed or on/off type. These command the shift events that occur. Systems that utilize this type of electronic controls do not require dedicated shift valves in the hydraulic control module. 31 Park System The Park System is typically a mechanical linkage system that operates a pawl into the space between gear teeth of a spur gear that is coupled with the output. This serves as a mechanical stop and provides a reaction point for the inertia of the automobile that is parked in a grade. The movement of the pawl is controlled linkage that is attached to the shifter by a cable and is commanded by the operator moving the shift lever into Park. The same system also is attached to the manual valve in the valve body that commands the forward, backward or no motion depending on the gear state chosen by the driver. In addition, a transmission range sensor or mode switch is present that provides an electrical signal to the transmission controller detailing the state that has been commanded by the driver. Structures The whole transmission is enclosed in a machined die cast housing or case. This may be a one piece structure or a two piece structure. FWD transaxles typically have two pieces - a converter housing and a case that are bolted together. RWD transaxles typically can have a one piece or a two piece case that is bolted to an extension housing. They serve as grounding and reaction points for the elements that require it in the transmission. There may also be assorted covers or oil pans depending on the form of the design. Gaskets of some type assist in sealing the various structural components. Internally, there are typically one or more supports that hold the shafts 32 supporting the geartrain. The external structures like the case are typically optimized for package, powertrain stiffness and for noise radiation characteristics. Transfer, Final Drive and Differentials Unlike RWD transmissions that are inline in a North - South configuration within a vehicle, FWD transaxles are in an East - West configuration in the engine compartment and typically need a method to transmit the torque to the front wheels. This results in a transmission with multiple axes: the main axis that is inline with the engine crankshaft and one or two additional axes depending on whether a chain drive or a transfer gear drive architecture is chosen respectively. There is also a final drive gearset that offers a further torque multiplication and also turns the differential case which houses the differential side gears and pinions that enable turning of the vehicle by slowing one wheel with respect to the other. These are the main type of subsystems within the transmission. In addition there are components like bearings, bushings, shafts, seals, drums, shells, sensors, transmission fluid, etc which work in tandem with these sub systems. In general these subsystems have mechanical, hydraulic, and electronic functions that have all got to work together to enable a flawless gearbox. These systems and functions have to be integrated together and calibrated and this is not a trivial task. In fact it can take 2+ years of system integration and calibration before a newly developed transmission is ready to hit the market. This brief description of the major subsystems is provided in this work to set the stage for the work outlined in the next couple of chapters. This is not even close to 33 being comprehensive. There are many books and resources available that treat the operation of an automatic transmission in greater depth and a couple of these are listed in the references [6, 9]. The Automatic Transmission Organization The Automatic Transmission Engineering Organization (ATEO) at Ford Motor Company is headed by a Chief Engineer. Reporting to him are two Executive Engineers for Current Model and Future Model Programs. Under each of these Executives, different System Departments reside, each responsible for a major transmission program and its variants. In addition, all of the component engineering is centrally located into three departments whose Managers report directly to the Chief Engineer. These departments are classified as Electro-Hydraulic Components, Mechanical & Structural Components, and Torque Converter. Fig. 2.4 shows the structure of the high level organization chart at ATEO. Support groups like CAD, CAE, report to the New Programs Executive Engineer. Transmission Electronics, Testing, Manufacturing Engineering, Prototype Manufacturing, Purchasing, etc. are all separate organizations and are dotted lined to the Engineering Organization - these structures are outside the scope of the research and will not be discussed here in detail. 34 Chief Engineer ATEO Executive Engineer CurrentPrograms Manager Strategy& Business Manager Mech Manager Program P Manager Program A Manager Program B jManagerj Manager ProgramC Manager Program R Manager CAD/CAE Manager Program S / Executive Engineer New Programs I Struct Components _____ Program0 Manager 1-Prototypel Production Manager Testin - Manager Electro Hydraulic Components Manager Finant] S Manager ProgramT & U Manager Transmission Electronics Manager Advanced Pre-Program & Manager -Special ProgramsA Manager Torque Converter Manager Human Resources Fig. 2.4: High level Organization Chart at ATEO The System Departments that are in charge of the various programs are for the most part independent satellites that address all program related issues. Typically, these departments have multiple sections that have between 5 and 10 engineers or administrative personnel and are managed by a Section Supervisor. These sections and their roles and responsibilities are: 35 " Program Control Section: This section is responsible for all aspects of project management and program timing, checkpoint deliverable process, change control process, engineering budget and staffing projections, internal customer and powertrain system interface, maintaining Bill of Materials for different prototype build levels, hardware procurement and build coordination, etc. " Transmission and Vehicle Systems Section: This can be one big Section or split into two smaller ones depending on the program. Typically, this section is in charge of system and sub-system targets, transmission packaging in the vehicle, fuel economy, transmission efficiency, cooling, powertrain interface management (with engine and driveline), system and sub system engineering, Noise and Vibration, hydraulic characterization, quality documents, lubrication, etc. * Transmission System Development Section: This section may sometimes be combined with one of the Systems Sections from above. This group is responsible for all the verification and validation of the sub systems and the transmission system in a dynamometer, test rig and / or a vehicle. * Transmission Calibration Section: This group works with the hardware, the System Engineers, Engine calibrators, and the Transmission Electronics engineers and calibrates and integrates the transmission hardware, the software and strategy, and the vehicle. They are responsible for the delivery of good shift quality from the transmission. 36 * Component Engineering: Most new programs have a dedicated Component Supervisor and they draw the component engineers from the centralized departments. These engineers are based in their home departments but are dotted line reports to the Systems department. This is because many of them may support more than one program. If any of these engineers are dedicated to a single program, they report directly to the System department. Typically a handful of engineers are dedicated while the rest split their time between programs. The structure of the component engineering sub system teams will be discussed in greater detail in the following pages. The typical organizational structure for a Systems Department is shown in Fig. 2.5. In addition to the Supervisors, there are typically one or more individual contributors like Technical Specialists that report to the Manager. In addition, the Manufacturing Engineering and Purchasing organizations are represented through a dotted line arrangement to the department. Support organizations like CAD, CAE, Transmission Electronics, Prototype Manufacturing, Testing, etc. have a dotted line reporting arrangement to the department Manager. 37 Transmission Systems Department Calibration Supervisor Program tro Engg. Staf Supervisor Transmission & Vehicle Systems Engg. -(Mech Systems) Coordina for Staff .Staff Supervisor Transmission Supervisor Calibration -Engg. (Efficiency, Quaffity) Engg. (NVH) Supervisor Manufactunring Supervisor Component Shared iith other Systems Programs Development Engg. (Dyno Test) Engg. (Vehicle En Engg. (6Sigma Engg (PuEgg (Pump) egg. Calibrator (Gears) Engg. E g ) Engg. Supervisor Purchasing 1 _ - - -. Manager _ Tech Specialst Engg. I- Engg. F- Engg. (Park) Calibrato (Structure Calibrator Case Engg. (Clutches) I Lg F_ Engg. Engg.e(Sensors) Technici an Calibrator Engg. I (Systems)I ec nca (E-H Control) Engg. (Torque Conv.) Engg. L (Bearing & OWC) Engg. (Carriers Sl I I.. Dedicated to Program Full Time tEngg. ~ (Support) Engg. (VB Cover LAssy) Fig. 2.5: Typical Organization structure of a Systems Department The Component Departments are organized into Sections that group similar components together. The main function of these departments / sections is to perform component engineering, design and release the components and perform any component level verification and validation that is required. The Mechanical and 38 Structural Components Department (Fig. 2.6) has a Structures Section, a Gears and Planetaries Section, a Park System Section, a Shifter Section, and a couple of Mechanical Components Sections that have drums, OWCs, seals, shafts, differentials, etc. I I Shafts, Seals Bearings OWC Hubs Engg. (Prog. A) & Diff. Shaft Engg. (Prog. A) & Gear Engg. - (Prog. C P) Chain - Diff Engg. (Prog. B Engg. (Prog. C Carrier Engg. (Prog. B - & Engg. (Prog. B P) Brg. Shell Engg. (Prog. B & Shaft Engg. Case Engg. (Prog. C 0) Engg. - (Prog. C Engg(Prog. T Support Hsg. Engg. (Prog R T) Engg(Prog. S U) & & Engg. (Prog. U A) Engg. - (Prog. B P) & 0) Engg. (Prog. R) Engg. (Prog. S U) - Engg. (Prog. T U) & & - U) Engg. (Prog. A U) Engg_ (Prog. R T) J & (Prog. R) & & Engg. (Prog. T U) (Prog. C 0) Chain, Diff -& Engg. (Prog. B P) & Engg. (ProgR OWC - Brg. Engg. & - & Engg(Prog. R) Engg. - (Prog. A & 0) 0) Supervisor Shifters (Extemal Controls) & & & 0) P) Engg. (Prog. C & & P) Engg. (Prog. A) & & - & _ Gear Engg. (Prog. A) & Engg. (Prog. A) Supervisor Extemal/ internal Structures & Assemblies Supervisor OWC / Hubs Shells & Chains, Diffs, & Supervisor Planetary / Supervisor I / Supervisor Park Systems I & I Engg. (Prog. A U) & Engg. Seals .Engg. Fasteners Fig. 2.6: Typical structure of the Mechanical & Structural Components Department 39 Similarly, the Electro-Hydraulic Department (Fig. 2.7) has a Friction element section, a couple of Main Control sections (valve bodies, solenoid modules, etc.), a fluid and lubrication section, a Pump section and a cooler lines section. The Torque Converter Department (Fig. 2.8) is organized a little differently. There are three sections that divide up the torque converters for all the programs in an equitable manner and there is a separate section that handles the clutch and damper. This hybrid approach allows the major part of the torque converter organization to be more program focused while centralizing the expertise in one department. This type of organizational structure was introduced into ATEO about 10 years ago since it helped improve functional expertise. Before that, there was a decentralized functional organization with each System Department having their own component engineers. That type of arrangement did not enable sharing of best practices or commonality of designs and hence the centralized functional group structure was introduced. While it has helped in these areas, it has also resulted in a relative decoupling from the program department. 40 Manager Electro - Hydraulic Components Supervisor Clutches, Bands Servos A Servos B - Engg. (Prog. T) P) Engg. (Prog. A) Engg. (Prog. B Clutch Clutch - Engg. (Prog. A) - Clutch - P) Engg. (Prog. B Engg. (Prog. C) Clutch - Engg (Prog. T) & Engg. (Prog. C) & Engg. (Prog. B _ & Engg. (Prog. A) Bands & & Vents Supervisor Cooler Lines Dipsticks & Supervisor Clutches, Engg. (Prog. A) Engg. (Prog. B P) & Supervisor Pumps, Filters & Supervisor Control B Supervisor Controls A P) & Engg. Engg. (Sp Prog) (Prog. R) Engg. (Prog. B) Bands Servos Engg. (Prog. R) Engg. (Prog. T U) Engg. -j(Prog. U) Engg- Engg. (Prog. C Engg. (Sp Prog) Engg. (Prog. R) Bands Engg. (Prog. T Servos Engg (Prog. B) & Bands Engg. (Prog. S) 0) U) Vents Engg. (Prog. A U) & & Engg. - (Prog. A U) S _ & Engg (Prog. S U) _ & Engg. (Prog. R) - & (Prog. S) (Prog. 0) Bands Servos Engg. (Prog. 0) & Engg. (Prog. C & Engg. & - & Engg. Engg. Fluids Engg. Filters Fig. 2.7: Typical structure of the Electro-Hydraulics Component Department at ATEO 41 Manager Torque Converter I I I Supervisor Supervisor Prog. C, R, S Clutch Damper Engg. _ (Prog. A) Engg. (Prog. A) Engg. (Prog. B P) & _ Engg. Engg. (Prog. T) Engg. & Engg. Supervisor Prog. T, U (Prog. U) Engg. Engg. (Prog. C & Engg. Engg. (Prog. C) - (Prog. R C) Engg. (Prog. B & P) & Supervisor Prog. A, B, P (Prog. P) Engg. (Prog. B) (Prog. S) . (Sp Prog.) Engg. Engg. (Prog. R) (Prog. R) Engg. & (Prog. T U) Fig. 2.8: Structure of the Torque Converter Department at ATEO The CPMT Structure One or more component engineers along with their Manufacturing Engineering counterpart, a Purchasing representative, a supplier quality representative or plant quality representative as appropriate (depending on whether the part(s) is purchased or 42 made in a Ford plant) form sub system teams called Component Program Module Teams (CPMT). These are led by one of the Product component engineers. The presence of the Manufacturing Engineer and the quality representatives enable concurrent engineering while the Buyer ensures a well thought out sourcing strategy and decision. In a typical Ford program, there are 9 different CPMTs. The CPMT structure is shown in Fig. 2.9. CPMT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Components Case, Converter Housing, End Cover, Valve Body Cover, Support, Dipstick, Vent, Seals, Fasteners Planetary Gears (Speed gears), Carriers, Shells, Transfer & FD Gears, Differential Bushings, Bearings, Hubs, Shafts Park System, Internal Mode Switch (IMS) Clutches and One-Way-Clutch (OWC) Pump, Sprocket, Chain, Filter Valve Body, Transmission Hydraulic Control Module (THCM), Sensors Torque Converter final Assembly and Final Test Fig. 2.9: Distribution of components into CPMTs The CPMTs report to the Program department and are responsible for the overall quality, weight, cost and function of the components under it while fitting the framework of the overall program, which is monitored by the Transmission Program Module Team (TPMT). Again, these component engineers are drawn from their home departments and the whole CPMT structure is a layer that parallels the organizational structure. Some of the component engineers may be dedicated full time to the transmission 43 program but most of them are not and very often have to support CPMTs for different transmission programs. The purpose of these CPMTs is to form sub systems within the transmission and the method of dividing up the transmission system into CPMTs was based on grouping similar components or components that are at a close proximity to each other. This "natural" grouping has been used for many years at Ford Motor Company. Summary In this chapter, a brief overview of the automatic transmission was presented with a focus on the sub systems and components that are part of it. In addition, the organization at Ford Motor Company's ATEO was described. This background information sets the stage for the upcoming analysis that looks into effectively addressing the internal couplings of the product and the organization and helps align them for more effective system design and integration. 44 This page intentionally left blank 45 Chapter 3 The "Team Based" Design Structure Matrix Introduction In this chapter the construction of the DSM is discussed and the baseline DSM is presented. On the base DSM, the current composition of the CPMTs was overlaid to analyze how much of the required communication was covered naturally within these teams. Then the DSM was sorted and rearranged to yield an apparently more efficient team structure. This structure was then analyzed to see if the outcome of the matrix made sense. DSM Formulation As we discussed in the previous chapter, an automatic transmission is a very complex system with hundreds of components. Some of these components are static, while others are dynamic and rotate at different speeds with respect to each other. Some parts have a hydraulic function, some have a mechanical function, some have an electronic function and others have two or all three of these functions. So, quite possibly a legitimate DSM could be created that would be a 200 x 200 matrix. This would involve a tremendous amount of effort and would effectively capture all the relationships between the constituent components of the system. But to keep in perspective that this work tries to couple the product to the team structure, and keeping in mind that these 200 odd components are typically designed and released by a 46 handful of engineers, it was decided that a smaller DSM would be more appropriate and provide the detail necessary for some good insights. Besides, it would also not be so unwieldy and be more nimble and easy to understand and incorporate, not to mention the reduced workload in constructing and analyzing it. Due to economic pressures and the state of the industry, there is a premium on getting the work done with the minimum of resources. Over the last few years at Ford Motor Company, the organizations have become very lean and efficient and each engineer has to typically handle many parts. A new automatic transmission with about 200 parts is typically supported by about 20 or so component engineers with half a dozen system engineers. At ATEO, it is also worth noting that among these 20 engineers, maybe 4 or 5 of them are dedicated to the program as full time engineers and the others typically support two or more programs. As an example, a fastener engineer may end up supporting all the programs at ATEO, a differential engineer may support two different transmission programs while a case engineer would be dedicated to a single program. This division of labor is made on a case by case basis and factors such as the complexity of the part or the number of parts that an engineer handles specific to one transmission are taken into account. At the inception of a program, the component engineering and program management sit down and negotiate the number of component engineers that would be available and the amount of time they would spend. It is a highly scientific process that has many parallels to well proven and ageold techniques like horse trading and bartering. To get to a manageable size for the DSM, the components and sub systems were grouped into 29 sets of components based on types of components and the 47 division of labor amongst the engineers who were designing them. The blank matrix is shown in Fig. 3.1. This 29x29 matrix was of the size that was relatively easy to handle and could provide macro level insights. E G Part CPMT 0 L) Of 0 M C Z ) 1L 01 n FO I >I 121. ~__ Ch a Clutches FricCion OWC 5 2 Oears DifferentialAsembl Bus hinnisI S IM L 6earinis Hubs Shaft Pump Drive Srocket Chain Filter Torque Converter 8 VB 7 THCM Sensors Park 4 MS Case TIC Hsa End Cover F aste ners 1 VB Cover Seals Dipstick Support _____Vent Assembly, Fig. 3.1: Initial blank 29x29 DSM There were some interesting categories that came out of this initial exercise. Clutches and Friction were identified separately despite the fact that they were belonging to the same assembly since there was a specialist friction engineer who handled the friction material for multiple programs. The engineer who was responsible for the rest of the parts in the clutch assemblies for the transmission (in the transmission that was studied, there were 5 clutch assemblies) was dedicated to the transmission 48 .n program. The initial classification included a general one under "Gears" that did not have much granularity. This was largely due to the fact that the same engineer released all these parts. This was revised after the interviews with the component engineers. The pump, filter, and chain / sprocket systems were again split up since three different engineers released these parts despite the fact that they were all part of the same functional sub system (the transmission that was analyzed has an off axis pump that is chain driven and the transmission filter is directly mounted to its inlet). The valve body and the Transmission Hydraulic Control Module (THCM) were split up to separate the mainly hydraulic function of the valve body from the more electronic function of the THCM. Also, the THCM utilized a system engineer for some additional characterization studies that involved the transmission controller. In this design, there was an integrated Powertrain controller but the THCM design allowed the flexibility of having its own dedicated controller if so desired. A different engineer who supported other programs besides this one released the sensors. Some clarifications for the acronyms used in the DSM: " T/C Hsg - Torque Converter Housing * IMS - Internal Mode Switch (for transmission range indication) * VB - Valve Body * FD Gears - Final Drive Gears * OWC - One Way Clutch " THCM - Transmission Hydraulic Control Module Interviews and DSM Construction 49 A series of one on one interviews were held with all the component engineers who supported the program. In addition, some of their supervisors and some of the system engineers were also interviewed. This helped provide a sanity check on the information and also got them involved so that if the recommendations were to be implemented in the future, they would have a sense of ownership since they were involved from the outset. The interviews themselves were very informal. I had a conversation with the engineer to start it off and briefly explained the purpose of the questions. Then I went down the list of categories (other than the one assigned to the engineer I was interviewing) and asked the following questions pertaining to that category: * Do you have to communicate with the engineer responsible for designing and releasing this part in order to perform you job? o If no, a value of zero was assigned to the corresponding cell (or the cell was left blank) of the DSM o If yes, and there was a high degree of communication, a value of 2 was assigned to the corresponding cell of the DSM o If yes, and a low degree of communication (infrequent interaction) was present, a value of 1 was assigned to the corresponding cell of the DSM Once all the categories were completed and the row was completely populated, I also asked the engineers if they wished to add anything or highlight any issues they had come upon in their day-to-day work. One of the key points that was raised by a few 50 engineers was that they had to support more than one CPMT and its associated weekly meetings and hence were not as efficient as they could possibly be. Based on the interviews, and the feedback from the gear engineer in particular, it was felt that gears by itself was to wide a category and the components involved were dissimilar enough and located at various parts of the transmission that they interacted with completely different parts. Hence, further granularity was provided to the gears to split them up into * Speed Gears (main axis planetary gears) 0 Carriers (which are typically stampings, powder metal or machined castings and quite a bit different in form than gears in general) * Transfer and Final Drive Gears (which are typically large gears in parallel axes and quite a bit different in form than the speed gears) * Shells (which are typically used to connect one planetary member with another) All told, this yielded a final 32x32 DSM, which is shown in Fig. 3.2 with the cells, populated as it was initially conceived. This initial DSM was defined as part of a project for the course on System and Project Management [5]. It is worth pointing out that this matrix is not symmetric about the diagonal due to the differences in rating between an engineer and his counterpart within the matrix (one engineer may rate the communication level as 1 while the other felt it was closer to a 2). This was color coded such that the cells with 2 were shown in blue, the cells with 1 were shown in green and the blank cells (or null cells) were white. The first thing that jumped out was that there 51 was some grouping along the diagonal, and this showed up naturally without any rearranging of the matrix. L Part 0 . '0 W Clutches 5 2 1 2 21 _ 2 Assembly 2 1 1 _1 _ I II L-1 7-2 2. 2 2 2 2 2j _ -24 1 I Is . ._. 12. 2_ 2 2 1 2 2M2 2 2 __ ___ 2_2_2__ THCM Sensors Park IMS 2--_Z2 Case TIC Hsg End Cover------------------------Fasteners VB COer Seals Dipstick ___ Vent 9 2 Drix Sprocket Chain Filter Torque Con rter Support jJ 2 - __ __2_2 Pump 2422212. 1112 (aW) v. W)0w __1 _ Hubs Shafts 7 %) ______ Bearings 8 - 2_ Carriers Shells Transfer& FO Gears Differenrial Assembly Bushings C) 0 2- 1 Fiiction Speed Gears 2 E C. 01 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 .121 2 _ 2 2 I 2_ 1 2 N22 LW 2 2 I M -2, - 2 2 ME 2 2 2 2 2- t 12 2 1 1 11 2 21 1 2 I 2222t1 2 1 Fig. 3.2: Expanded and populated 32x32 DSM showing levels of communication between component engineers To explore this a bit further, the actual CPMT groupings were overlaid into the DSM and shaded in as shown in Fig. 3.3. The natural grouping of the components that form the CPMT captured many of the component interactions within their teams and this could be ascribed to the logical nature of the groups by similar parts and parts in close proximity. The close proximity of parts or parts related through function would mean that the respective engineers would need to communicate in order to do their job. 52 2 1 2 2 2 2 11T 142 - CPMT 1 GE PWIt IWO CL ~ M ___~2+ CPMT 5 2 1U1111 111 0 __ _ __ _ Componert C Iiches Friction OWC Speed Gears Carriers S hells Transfer &FD Gears Diferential Asse mblyv 7 4 1 1 21 21 2 l 2 1 2 1 __ Filler Torque Converter Jorque Converter . . . TACHs End C over Fasteners VB Cover Seals Diptick 0, 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1j1j1j11 2 2 i 2 I I ~2 I__ 1 11nI111 1 111 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 21 ++2 THCM S ens ors Park IMS M ro 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 12 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 Support 2 2 2 Vent 9 <D - 1t 1 21 21111 1 1 jL 2I~i 11 1ff1 Drive Sprodket 6 GD G- ..- 0 GD 'i _ . . . . 2. . . Bearinem117K Hub Shafts >~ I-- CO ( - a) I IT I II 11111]I I I21 II1I1 I I1if 1 21 1 1 JI R "r h ina;i 3 4V . CPMT G5lG ~ 11 121 I 1 1 1 11 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1| 21 21 2| 21 11 1| 1| Fig. 3.3: DSM with currently defined CPMT grouping overlaid However, there were quite a few off - diagonal cells that were colored and many 2s were outside the bounds of the CPMTs as they are structured currently. All of these represent interactions and communications between engineers that are necessary but does not occur within the framework of their own sub system teams. While a conscientious engineer would probably seek out his peer and address the interface issues, there may be occasions where one or more of these interfaces are not managed properly or adequate communications did not occur. Just one of these miscues discovered late in a program can cause additional expenditure at the very least and could jeopardize the launch or cause a field problem at worst. The more opportunities 53 11 there are for such communication gaps, the more likely that one will occur. Hence it is advisable to have as much of the required communication happen naturally within the sub system team. This will reduce the chances of miscues since the sub system teams meet on a weekly basis to address common issues and there is an already established process for them to follow. Sorting and Reordering the DSM The DSM was sorted and rearranged with the idea of grouping as many of the high level communication interactions (2s) as possible close to the diagonal. Natural clusters that formed were then identified as new sub system teams. This was then compared to the existing structure to highlight the differences. Fig. 3.4 shows the sorted and rearranged DSM. Again, natural clusters were highlighted and it was interesting to see that except for a band in the extreme bottom and extreme right of the DSM, most of the 2s were very close to the diagonal. The method for clustering was manually moving rows and columns using a commercial software - PSM32. 54 0V W CwC 00 1 2 4,.4 1 ~ C 1~ kA OK CeIschre 2 ShOP Hubs 2 E2C 2 Vr 2 Sh ells TH Prod( et21 re FD rive rqueSorn CPha aikin FViter Pump C asr en rs W' 2 10622 Mi2 2 1 -t 1-1- 11 2M 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 r s 2 1hft n 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 2M2 Ih 2 -21 1 2 2 Shaft C ase TX~ Hsg Ass emb bi4 222 2 Support 11 2 2 _ 35istihw psM Vent Seals Transfer - FD Gears2 Ass Ce r 2 D ifferential Arssembly Bearins- 2 1 2 222 vB Cover _1 2_ : 1 IMS 2 W 2 1 22 22 PaCk- 1~ _ 1W 2M D us ngs Sensors T orque Converter _12 2 12 THCM F asteners 2 1 22 2M 1 2 _ 2k'V0- C hinBushin2 Speed Gears 22 211 L)4 2 2 1_ -m2.2rd I 21 _ 22 1 21 h 2 Q2 22 1 1 21 t 2 - 2 1 2 1 2 _14 _ 11#11 22 L'11_2 2 12 2 1 21 2 1 Fig. 3.4: Sorted and rearranged DSM with some natural clusters highlighted Fig. 3.5 shows the proposed groupings of the sub system teams. The groups were identified using letters, A through 1, in the left column, to differentiate from the OPMVT numbering scheme of 1 to 9. This recommended grouping also identified a band for a dedicated System Integrator who would go across the team structure to manage the interfaces that could not be covered within the framework of the sub system teams. 55 . 21 2 2_21 1 k4 0 - LW - -LC0- ' 0> . . . . . in A Co .Vu C lutches Friction Z C Hubs Speed Gears Carriers Sh ells Bus hin gs D rive S Pr ocet E F . C-, M L)4 -X 4 0, 0, M C ha in 1IlII[II VB THCM Sensors Toraue Converter 111 -I---E4E4~fl4 I 11 1 ........... I 2 f ~4-I--41 -- lI 2 Cvr 2L....L 1 1 Fasteners VB C over D ipstick _~41 1 _ - f- ISJ.......4.. End G . Iff 21 112 IPUMP D I IE -~ as i IfS IfS IIEE 1 12121 I 1 2 OWC B 4P4 PA t! j . 11 in Tearns . E I l Ve nt Seals Gers Trnfr Tra fer-FDFD Gears DifferentialAssembty I -++ II ............ I 11 1 I I! I i I Sh aft H Be arinns Su DDort . Case Plss embtk 1 1 1 1 21 2tII ZI ZI 11 el ZI 1 1]__11_11_ __11_ 4i -ii 4 Syiem Mtegrator Fig. 3.5: Sorted and rearranged DSM with the proposed team distribution along with a System Integrator Analyzing the Grouping While many of the groups were similar to the original, there were a few overlaps that occurred. Hubs seemed to overlap with Group A and B and the pump overlapped with group C and D. Both of these make sense since these are components that have quite a few functional interfaces with both those groups. To design a hub well, the engineer needs to have a lot of interaction with the clutch engineer and quite a bit with the main axis speed gears and carriers too. Similarly, the pump engineer would need to have a lot of input into the valve body for fluid management while being a key player 56 . . . within her own sub system involving the chain and sprocket drive and the filter which is attached to the inlet of the pump. The most surprising thing was the splitting up of the gears CPMT with the Final Drive and Transfer Gears and the Differential Assembly being grouped with the Structures team as part of Team H. This was quite a bit different than the natural grouping of all the gears in one team, but after some reflection, this offered significant advantages. Since these gears were quite a bit different in construction to the main axis speed gears and they were located in a different part of the transmission, there were other factors that came into play to integrate these gears into the system. The only gear amongst these that was in the main axis was the transfer drive gear and it was not adjacent to the planetary gearsets, but was actually mounted onto the support through a bearing. The transfer driven gear and the final drive pinion gear were in the second axis of the transaxle and the final drive ring gear with the differential assembly was in the third (and output) axis of the transaxle. In addition, the big bearings that supported these shafts were quite complex and also got grouped in this team. One of the main challenges in the system integration of these gearsets in this type of architecture was the fact that either end of the shafts that hold these gears (2 nd and 3 rd axis) were supported by the case and the torque converter housing respectively which were bolted together. This led to quite a long stack path and if the tolerances and stacks were not managed well, these gears could cause some serious noise and durability issues (which have, in the past, cost Ford Motor Company millions of dollars to identify and implement countermeasures after the fact; at least one program had to do some major redesigns after launch due to some of these types of issues). Having these major components 57 together helps the system integration issues naturally and overrides any inherent advantage of similarity that may be gained by grouping all the gears together. In any case, as has already been noted, these gears are much larger and have a significantly different form than the small speed gears. This was a key finding from the rearranged matrix that was not evident or obvious till the DSM was populated and rearranged. The Park Systems and the Torque Converter teams (E & F) remained unchanged, as did the Assembly team (1). The Assembly team has more of a role as a system integrator with input from every other team and would obviously remain unchanged throughout this study. The changes to Team H were discussed above. Team G was made up of the remaining parts from CPMT 1 and some other parts that did not necessarily fit into another grouping. Some of these parts were interdependent with some other parts (dipstick, vent, valve body cover were all integrated together and fastened to the case) or they interfaced with quite a lot of the other parts (like fasteners and seals). This seemed like a logical enough place to group these parts, but could possibly be grouped elsewhere if it offered specific advantages and this is discussed more in Chapter 4. Finally, the band at the bottom and right of the DSM lent itself naturally to a dedicated system integrator who would likely be based out of Team H but would have to interface with most of the other teams. This would cover almost all the outstanding 2s that lie outside the groups and would also serve as a checklist for the system integrator to follow. This is similar in nature to the findings from Eppinger's work with GM Powertrain. 58 Groups A and B are both in the main axis and have some amount of overlap through the hubs. While it may be tempting to make a big sub system team with these two teams combined, it is important to note that Team A is mainly Electro-Hydraulic in function and is staffed from that department, while Team B draws its engineers from the Mechanical and Structural department. However, there does seem to be some value to possibly grouping these two teams together with a common system engineer since functionally, Team B provides the means to get the gear ratios while Team A gets the gear ratios by holding or coupling the appropriate elements in Team B. This idea will be further explored in a subsequent chapter. Summary In this chapter, the construction of the DSM was detailed and the original grouping of CPMTs was compared to the grouping from the sorted and rearranged DSM. The findings were analyzed and the key point to note was that certain valuable insights that were not necessarily intuitive came out from the analysis of the DSM. In fact, without constructing the DSM and rearranging it, it is safe to say that these insights may not have been obvious at all. The DSM provided a holistic and structured method to look at the communication between the individual sub system and component engineers and offered ways to improve it within the context of the overall system. Some key recommendations emerged from this study and areas for further analysis were also identified. 59 This page intentionally left blank 60 Chapter 4 Overlay of the Internal Workings of the Transaxle Introduction In the previous chapter, the DSM representing the structure of the sub system teams was presented based on the amount of communication between each individual engineer. In this chapter, using the same criteria, a DSM that was populated with the cells representing the actual physical interactions between the components of the transmission was overlaid with the previous team grouping structure. This exercise was performed to see how well the team grouping based on communication fitted with the grouping based physical interaction. The physical interaction groupings studied included one that involved components that physically touched each other and one where components exchanged or transferred either hydraulic or electronic signals. Physically Touching Interactions Each cell in the DSM was filled out to represent if the corresponding parts touched each other physically. If they did, the cell was filled with a "P". If they did not touch each other, the cell was left blank. This DSM is shown in Fig. 4.1 with the CPMT groupings, as they are currently constituted, overlaid as a reference. It is also worth noting that this matrix is symmetric about the diagonal unlike the DSM that was populated based on communication. 61 I 0E W CPMT 12 o -E U A ell 5 3 W 1. Bearng~s lkbs Shaft De Srod(et U M r P P- P P P P P P P P P P P I I [I P V P 44 144 Filter Torque Conerter PI LII P I H I 7ITHCe 4 IEIII !pip! P t i . . . . . . . PIIPI PI P P P T/C Housing EdCovr P P P IP IPI P P P P P 1 1 P 13 P P M P Body Coxer Seals Dpstick Support 9 E: 1 1PI P Fasteners WNIm . P MS Case P P P . . . . . , ,F I . . Park~ M (U C03 P IP L _____Sensors 2 In LI P P P E a (U V, P Ch~ain 8 L) P P P I~ P II P1 P P Pump A2 U E' Ae Outches Friction Speed Gears Carriers Shells Transfer and FD Gears 1fferenbial Assembly Bushinas 2 0 M L(U . vi 0 L) tA 1 L4 CD tM s 0 .~0 U) AiU Assembly P P P PIII 1P P 1P P P P 1P IP P P P P 1P 1P 1P P 1PPP P P P P PI P L PP Fig. 4.1: DSM showing physical contact between parts in the system When two parts touch physically, there is a load transfer sometimes. This could be a transfer of torque, a reaction point for a load, a separating force, a tangential force or an axial thrust force between the two components. In other cases there may be relative motion, slip or interference fits. Suffice to say, these are all physical interfaces that need to be managed with some sort of calculation. These calculations could range from a stack or a layout to kinematic calculations to finite element analysis. On looking at the DSM, the first observation that jumps out is the number of Ps that are not within the current CPMT groups. These all reflect interfaces that have to be managed outside the scope of the current sub system teams. Each of these represents 62 an opportunity for an interface to be missed or managed inadequately. These mishaps typically result in "no builds", "difficult to builds", durability or noise issues. These take time and resources to correct and ideally should be avoided. Many of these interfaces get taken care of in the normal course of business, but all it takes is for one missed interface to cause inconvenience that could have been avoided. In an ideal situation, most of these interfaces would be managed within the team and the established process related to the CPMT and tracked by the CPMT lead. Now, if we were to use the team groupings that were proposed in the previous chapter, as is (Teams A through 1) on this matrix, the result looks like Fig. 4.2. Teams Clutches PPP Trq A OWC ;ConL D w Speed Gears D F P P ,P P P Shells P P Bushings Drive Sp ro ck et Chain Fifter Pump Vabre Body THCM C p P P P PIP P P p~l E Torque Converter j2M F Park E Pibp P P P IMS P P P P P P P p Ve nt I P Transfer and FD Gears D iffe rential Ass em bly P IP P F PlP P PP 1P P P - Shafts P P P Bearing I System Integrator I P P 1P P IIP PI / P P P P P P P p P ip II If P P P P P P 7P P P P P p P p P p p P Y Fig. 4.2: Populated DSM with the recommended team structure overlaid 63 V P 1P P P P Support Case T/C Housing Assembl P I P 1P P P El 1P [P P G Dipstick Seals P P P I P P P P P P eamra.r End Cover F aste ne rs Vabre Body Cove r H p P P I Sensors F P p PP P P PP_ B Carriers B P P 1 Hubs P1 p P P 1 P -- PPPP P P P p Here we see that the number of Ps that are outside the bounds of the defined groups have reduced drastically. Without taking into account the Assembly team (which has fully populated interfaces, obviously, and has its own CPMT), the number of Ps outside the group bounds decreased from 90 to 34 (or the number of physical interfaces reduced from 45 to 17). This shows a marked improvement, but there are still quite a few interfaces that are outside the bounds. It is also very interesting to compare this with the populated matrix based on communication (Fig. 3.9). While many of the populated cells are the same, there are still a few interesting differences. Some of the differences could be explained by the fact that there may be other interfaces than contact (we will discuss hydraulic and electrical signals later in this chapter). Some others may be explained due to the subjectivity of the ratings and the fact that some interfaces may be managed within an assembly (e.g., while the friction engineers provides expertise on the selection of the friction material, the whole clutch assembly is released by the clutch engineer) or the fact that an interface may be trivial. However, the biggest difference lies within the cells that comprise of group H. From a communication standpoint, Group H is densely populated, but from a physical contact standpoint there are some empty cells. The key point to note is that the gears (Transfer and Final Drive) are typically mounted on shafts and are attached to the case or housing through bearings. So the physical contact matrix would reflect the contact between the case and the bearing, the bearing and the shaft and the shaft and the gear individually. The gear never touches the case or the housing. However, there would be some amount of communication between the gear engineer and the case engineer due to factors like how well the gear is aligned and the 64 associated stack path (where the greatest contributors would be the bolted together case and housing due to the large number of related dimensions that align the parts). Another interesting exercise is to try to rearrange this DSM to minimize the off diagonal Ps and to band as many as possible into groups - a third grouping arrangement. This grouping is shown in Fig. 4.3. Teams +) V ci W WC A Speed Gears B Carniers C Bushings S rocket0 Chain Shells Lve - E Filter D Pump Drive Body THCM E Torque Con xerter F IMS P R- 1A, s Sensors P P Seals Case T/C HousingII Support Bearings Shats Transfer and FlD Gears Differential Assembiy Assembly P P I I I - VB Cover hc. Di stick + M nt End Cover Fasteners G P II P P P X f P V P P Pf IF P PPPPPPP SystemIntegrator Fig. 4.3: Rearranged DSM taking into account physically contacting interfaces There is no change in the grouping for teams A through F. However, the grouping for teams G and H changed based on physical interfaces. The end cover, fasteners and seals slid into the structures group with an overlap for the valve body 65 0 0 E cover. Since the dipstick, vent, and valve body cover are integrated into one assembly that is not necessarily complex, this pretty much eliminated the need for the old group G, especially given the fact that the vent and dipstick did not have interfaces with any component other than themselves and the cover. These three parts were collapsed into one valve body cover assembly as part of the new group H. Also, the large gears and the differential along with the bearing combined to make a grouping of their own with an overlap with the big structures group. This was named Group G. This grouping emerged since the contact interfaces do not take into account the secondary interfaces that would realistically require communication to resolve even if the parts did not touch each other as discussed earlier. This was deemed a very viable grouping since the dissimilarity of the structural parts from gears was significant and if there was a working overlap between the teams, the communication issue could be resolved. This new grouping increased the coverage of the dedicated system integrator but most of the added parts were seals and fasteners, which in retrospect were the ideal interface components that would benefit from this rearrangement. This new, modified grouping had only 3 interfaces that were outside the boundaries of the teams. I decided to carry this 30x30 arrangement forward from this point in the investigation. Electro-Hydraulic Interactions In this exercise, the blank DSM was populated based on electro-hydraulic interactions. If there was a hydraulic interaction between the two components, an "H" was placed in the corresponding cell while an electrical interaction was marked with an "E". Again, the current CPMT grouping is shown in this chart (Fig. 4.4). The number of 66 interfaces was much fewer than the earlier study involving physical contact. All of them were clustered roughly in the middle of the matrix. There were more interactions outside the defined CPMTs than there were inside, but the ones inside were more critical and natural. 1 CE t U-AV cP~r IA -E C _____ I ~ ~ Outches 5 IA I _ *jWP L L~ ~0 I I U0 00t IM00 0P '~~01 CO0.O H H HH H H M * W 4,11 LE CIUL 1. Friction Sped Gears Carriers Shells Transfer and FD Gears Uffe rerdial Assembly 2 Bushings :3 Bearings 3Hubs 6 8 __H 7 Pump Dive S roket Chai n Filter Torque Conerter H ulv H H Body THCM I H H H H H EE Sensors Park MS H E Case 1 TIC Housina End Cover Fasteners Male Bod Cowr Seals lipstick Support 9 ,Assembly Fig. 4.4: DSM showing Electro-Hydraulic interfaces with the current CPMT team structure overlaid Rearranging the DSM to show the modified grouping of teams (Fig. 4.5) showed an improvement in the placement of interfaces within the teams but did not place all the interactions within the groups. A rearrangement of the DSM yielded a way to cluster all the interactions into groups (Fig. 4.6) but this would violate the requirements of placing 67 $A C0 the parts that were physically in contact or required a lot of communication between them. This rearrangement yielded a major insight that the clutches needed to be in close contact with the hydraulic function in addition to the current overlap with the main axis mechanical components like the geartrain. A further adjustment was necessary to the proposed team structure. In I+ E t Teams C-) 0 0) .2 A 0L C-, z Clutches Fricton OWC Hubs B C Speed Gears Carriers Shells1. Bushing s Drive Sprocket Ch ain I I Filter D Pump H Valve Body H _ _ THCM I____ S ens ors E F H ITorque Converter P aik VBC ove r End Cover in c. Di tick + Ve nt asteners FC Case _ _ _T/C Housing Bearing H Shaft Transfer and FD Gears Differential Ass embl Assemblyf1/ ISystem Integratorr Fig. 4.5: DSM showing Electro-Hydraulic interfaces rearranged with the recommended grouping 68 I -E C , a, 0 Crrrs -0 0 M >, , M-M COGWCc C W arrMierJs.= F rictiSon k Chain F ilter Pad.k H HH Torque Corwerter H Pum Valve Bod Clutches THCM HHH H HHH H HH l H H HH Sensors IMS H EEE E E VB C ove r (Inc. Diostick + Vent End Cover Fasteners Seals C ase TC Housin Su ort Bearings Shafts Transfer and FD Gears Differential Ass emrnb Assembly Fig. 4.6: DSM rearranged to cluster all Electro-H-ydraulic Interfaces The method chosen to address this was to utilize the Clutch team as a double overlap. This team would have an overlap using the hub engineer with the gear team and also use the clutch engineer as the overlap with the valve body team. This arrangement with the Electro-Hydraulic interfaces overlaid is shown in Fig. 4.7. While there still are a couple of interfaces outside the groups, most of them are however captured and this was a significant improvement over the previous version. The interfaces outside the grouping would have to be handled by one of the System Engineers in the department on a separate basis. 69 . ~ u uo Teams c~ GD.! 4P M ~ It~ 0U 0 IVG Speed Gears SCarriers .s She Bushin n 1 -- W Hubs A Friction OWC H Clutches E ValveBo Sensors THCM Pump Drive Sprocket Chain Filter Torque C onverter F P ark D C G IMS Vabre Body Cover End C over Fasteners Seals Case TIC Housina Support Bearings Shaft Transfer and FD Gears I Assembly H H H H- H HH H H H-E HHE H H H H H E Differential Assemb1r Fig. 4.7: Modified DSM to show the rearrangement to better manage the ElectroHydraulic Interfaces The team grouping had evolved over the last few analyses - based on the communication levels, physical contact between the components, and signal exchange between the components. To study the effect of this latest arrangement to the physical interfaces and the communication levels, the DSMs were rearranged and are shown in Fig. 4.8 and 4.9 respectively. It is worth noting that this latest iteration was by far the best one to capture all the interfaces within the team structure. This latest grouping was carried forward for further investigation into attribute management, which is described in the next chapter. 70 VE 0 Teams UD S P PP P pP 8 us hings Hubs D P Pp P P p P rsP p P P P I et P P- p onverter P -p I P 1 p lP P P Support I P lP p ]P P P p P P P P FP P p P P P I P P I P * P P P P P lP I Pp P p I p p p P I P 1P lP pP p P Shafts P, p Tr ansfer and FD Oears Diffte rential Ass emb 1v P P P P PP P P IF Assembly pP P FPP P System Integrator Fig. 4.8: Rearranged DSM showing the Physical Contact interfaces 71 p P R1P7 Case T/C Housing 0 lP P Seals B8earing eP inte P Vahre 9 o yC ove r End Cover Fasteners I p I I Ip WAeItp P IMS H p P p p Park F p p P PP P Syter E.. R r Torue C pP Pp P Sens o p p P P P P P P THC M Pump Drive Sprock lChain C Po nvp I A Fricion A o WC Clutches o Valve B 14 P -I PPP SkeedGears B Carriers he 11s OD -r_ W PP PPPPPPPPP -1 p p p P p p P p p P P p M-P I P MP PP p pP P I P 0 Teams C.) Cs U. C.) ~0 01 B ISpeed Oears Carriers A Bushings Hubs Friction II 2211t1IL~ CA 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 11 2 11 2 20 11 2 t1 11 2 Case T/C Hs a1 2 2 21 2 Sumort GTransfer - FD Gears DifferentialAssembly I 2 2 Seals ShIAs I 1 F asteeners Bearing 14 212121 I I - IMS V1 Cover FD2 End Cover . 1 M I7I F IPark F t i c coplg 1 2 2 0 Clutches VB Sensors THCM Pump Drive Sprocket Chain Filter Torque Converter E H ~I .G OWC C 212 12 Uk JO Shells D sw C-) 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 11 21 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 a2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 t I1 - g1u1 2 2 2 on2 System Integrator Fig. 4.9: Rearranged DSM showing the levels of communication between the respective component engineers Summary In this chapter, the internal contacting couplings of the transmission were presented using a DSM format and compared with two different grouping of teams on a DSM based on the internal couplings of the organization. The currently utilized CPMT format proved inadequate in matching the couplings of the transaxle with the couplings of the team structure. The proposed team structure from the rearranged DSM in Chapter 3 did a much better job of matching the part contact interfaces. Some 72 E modifications were made to the recommended team grouping in order to match the team structure to the physical interfaces and the Electro-Hydraulic interfaces. Finally, the recommended team structure was superior to the currently used one in all aspects of managing communication between the engineers or managing the interfaces between the components in the system. Clear-cut roles and responsibilities also emerged for the System Integrator and these will be summarized in Chapter 6 along with the conclusions and recommendations. 73 This page intentionally left blank 74 Chapter 5 Attribute management using the DSM Introduction In the previous chapter, the engineering and integration of the system with the use of appropriate sub system teams was discussed. In this chapter, managing attributes using a similar team structure is detailed. Coverage of the interfaces that occur when managing an attribute will be contrasted between the existing team structure at Ford Motor Company's ATEO and the recommended team structure. The main attribute that is discussed in this chapter is Noise, something that is almost always objectionable to the customer when emitted by a transmission. Shift quality will also be briefly discussed. Transmission Noise Automatic transaxles can cause a wide variety of noises. Most of them are pure tones, which are easily picked out by the customer, and they are highly objectionable since the frequencies can be pretty high (from 0.5 - 3 kHz). These are mainly caused due to high speed rotation of components that have a miniscule error, often in the order of microns. Typical noises are gear whine, pump noise, valve buzz, park clunk, or chain noise. Most approaches to address gear noise problems use the classic Source - Path - Receiver models in two levels [7]: 75 1. The transmission as the source, the vehicle body and chassis as the paths, and passenger compartment occupant as the receiver. 2. Planetary gear Transmission Error (TE) as the source, internal components and their connectivity's as the path, and the transmission case, mounts and output shafts as the receivers. A similar approach can be utilized for any of the other noises too. Pump noise could be a low speed or idle moan or a high speed cavitation phenomenon governed by Bernoulli's equation. Valve buzz is typically caused by an instability in the valve / spring / fluid system within the valve body. Chain noise is caused by errors in the teeth of the chain and the sprocket. Park engagement or disengagement clunk is caused due to the reaction of high torque and the windup caused by the compliance of components. This study will concentrate only on the management of the attribute inside the transmission. Interfaces outside the transmission can be addressed using a similar approach but is outside the scope of this study. Attributes like Noise are typically managed in what is called a Program Activity Team (PAT) at Ford Motor Company. The key to an effective PAT is to identify the appropriate component engineers so that countermeasures can be identified and incorporated quickly or the design could be adjusted up front to avoid the issue. While addressing the source can be the best way to avoid noise problems, very often that approach is limited. Parts in high volume manufacturing can only be made capably to a certain tolerance level in a cost effective manner. Beyond that, the approach typically 76 involves addressing the path or the receiver. Changing the compliances of the components in the path can often affect the dynamics of the system sufficiently and opportunities to "tune" resonances in order artificially create a dynamic compliance in a specific frequency range can often be an effective means to address these issues [8]. The receiver (in this case, the case) can also be ribbed or cross-hatched to change the sound radiation characteristics to reduce the noise. DSM for Noise PAT To populate the DSM, the source component was highlighted in the list. The key to managing the interfaces for an issue like this was to properly identify the path and then the components that are affected. This was done and the cells of the DSM were populated with an "N" to denote a component that was part of the path or was a receiver (like the case). This DSM is shown in Fig. 5.1. The current CPMT structure is also superimposed on the matrix so that the coverage of these interfaces could be seen. What is obvious is that many of the interfaces fall outside the currently established CPMTs. For effective issue resolution, this structure would require a lot of engineers to participate in the PAT meetings since having one representative from the CPMT would not result in an effective coverage of all the issues. If most of the interfaces were within the CPMT structure, having one representative in the PAT would have been sufficient since that engineer would have been the conduit of information into the CPMT and the issues could then have been resolved within that established forum. Having so many interfaces uncovered offer more opportunities for something not to be addressed in a timely or adequate manner. 77 II ............ ................ E > -0 -E M .0r M E GI In m w E _! 2 L) U) '>PA U I r 2 MI Bearings Nj t I Hukbs I 6 DiveSprocet Filter __ \&Ke Body~ THCMIT N G GDW M L N N N N M N N N N i l I NNN fl _ 1 I I 14 J _____Sensors 4 N Park MSIif N TiC Htusine tf t- .4 N N N N LI~N1- tII T 4 lllll IEEE E I I~F FNF J N N re N N End Cover Fasteners M Body Cowr N Seals DPstick SuDDort nt _ _ 9 Assembly 'E A 19~CLC~ I Torque Conxerter 7 N I-t 5. N1N N Shafts 8 N 1-1-I1Ff~ __________________ 3 N N 7 12 0, OWC Speed Gears Carriers Shells Transferand FD Gears Dffererdial Assemblv > .5 12 in a Cluftches Friction 5 I C - 12 W r- ~~ 'A 'I 2 kA - 0 4A OU % U0 0. CIP MT N N N N N N I I I I I I I I I Fig. 5.1: DSM showing the interfaces that are part of the "path-receiver" for managing attributes like Noise. The source categories are highlighted in yellow while the receivers are in green Fig. 5.2 shows the same DSM that is rearranged to the recommended team structure. Here we see that almost all of the interfaces are covered within the established groups or the system integrator. This offers much better coverage and design changes that may be required for any of the interface components can be efficiently communicated and acted on promptly. Also, changes in any other interfaces that occur due to changes to a component can also be handled expeditiously. 78 'U04 a> uY >_ 1A Speed ears B Carriers Shells CU2 Bushings ction N . '0 00 (U - 4' Teams M V N__N N 4W N_ NN r _ ,M- N__ Ar Clutches Valve Bon __ D Sensors C TH CM Pum IWMSL Drive Sprodket Chain E F N N N N N N N N N __ Torqrue C onverterN Par d Valve Body CNer End C over Fasteners H Seals Case N N_______N T/C Hosin Support Bearin G I N NeN ____ I ShafN N Transfer and FD &earsN DifferentialAssembN N Assemb NN N N N N N Fig. 5.2: Rearranged DSM with the recommended team structure showing the interfaces to manage the Noise attribute Shift Quality - Shift quality is also an attribute that can be looked at using the Source - Path Receiver analogy. A significant factor to achieving excellent shift quality is the path in the vehicle and this is very dependant on the vehicle architecture and configuration. - Again, this work is going to concentrate only on the transmission part of shift quality the source of the disturbance that is eventually felt by the customer in the seat track. This disturbance is caused by the differences in torque that have to be managed during a shift event. This transient torque fluctuation that is the output from the transmission 79 during a shift event is what causes the feel of a shift. This can be attenuated to a large extant by the path through the mounts to the chassis and thence to the interior of the passenger compartment and hence this is a large part of shift quality. Within the transmission program department, there is a section of engineers who calibrate the transmission to achieve this good shift quality. The parameters they change within the transmission effects the torque transient and the time it takes to complete the event. For the most part, there are very few hardware changes. The gears and the ratios are typically set up well before the actual calibration phase, which is largely after hardware is available. The only changes that a calibrator suggests are changes to orifice dimensions in the valve body separator plates that change the flow and changes in the cushion spring compliances within the clutches. Everything else from a hardware standpoint is pretty much as designed to take the torque in a durable manner. The calibrators use the inputs like speeds and pressures to modify the computer program that the transmission controller utilizes to control the THCM to the valve body to the clutches, torque converter, etc. Hence, the DSM that represents the interfaces for shift quality within the transmission is almost identical to the one showing the Electro-Hydraulic interfaces. These are the only things that are changed or "controlled" to achieve the right attribute level. This is shown in Fig. 5.3. Since the comparison to the original CPMT structure would be redundant, I am only showing the interfaces with the recommended team structure, and the conclusions that were drawn for in Chapter 4 for the Electro-Hydraulic interfaces remain the same here. 80 Teams ',A 0 Fr-M rs C CSe Charier o a> -U B1012 hre S2 THCMM on M S AFrc M 1 W F)P ar :Wrk SFlls D riseo Spoce THCM B Carrs Clucs F -Cn S C/C Hin Valve IH Mi Bod C Fue od FaSenorsS Vaive Bpocoer ear E Chais Suport Fifter SeSrS SSe MS __ SSr I S nere s IS alts En Transer adF er H Differtals Sel Caseml Asm Fig. 5.3: DSM showing the interfaces for managing Shift Quality with the recommended team structure overlaid Summary In this chapter, an effective strategy to address team composition and communication for managing attributes was presented using the DSM. Emergent properties of the system can be managed better if the team structure mirrors the system structure and natural means of communication are utilized. This also precludes any interface from being missed or inadequately engineered thus causing less than desirable results. 81 This page intentionally left blank 82 Chapter 6 Recommendations and Conclusions Introduction In this chapter, concrete recommendations are made to address the issues that were highlighted in the preceding chapters. These recommendations are mainly focused on adjusting the composition of the CPMTs to make it more aligned to the physical nature of the product and better enable the sub system teams to manage interfaces and attributes. These suggestions are also within the framework of the organizational structure of ATEO of System (Program) and Component Departments to minimize disruption. The preferred composition of the CPMTs is presented to address the interfaces of components for mechanical and electro-hydraulic functions, attribute management and the communication structure between the individual engineers. Also, specific roles and responsibilities are submitted for System Engineers as CPMT leaders and a System Integrator to address cross CPMT interfaces. Recommendations The following recommendations are made from the insights gathered at the conclusion of this study: 1. The essential organizational structure of Systems and Components Departments is fine and does not need any modifications. 83 2. The composition of the CPMTs however, could be changed for better alignment between the product and the teams designing it. For the front wheel drive transaxle in question, the team composition shown in Figure 4.9 is recommended. 3. The roles and responsibilities of the System Engineers in the System Department are not very well defined. For the most part, the attributes are divided up amongst them and there are typically a couple of them handling any mechanical issues and one handling the E-H issues as they come up. They don't necessarily participate in the CPMTs and have very few measurable objectives. Their work is not necessarily coordinated with the sub system teams. On the other hand, the component engineers participate actively in the CPMT and the design and release activity. One of them is typically chosen as the CPMT leader and this is almost always an "add on" type of a job. Since they are busy with their own parts, they don't go out of the way to look at the issues of their fellow CPMT members let alone managing the interfaces. They just report out the status of the members of their team without having a sub system view. The recommendation is to have a system engineer be the leader of 2 or 3 CPMTs depending on the size. This engineer will have clear cut deliverables: responsible for Quality, Weight, Cost, Function (QCWF) of the parts in their sub system, managing the interfaces and lead any trouble shooting efforts related to their CPMT. This will typically be an engineer with prior design and release experience for a couple of the 84 constituent parts. One possible proposal would have a System Engineer leading Teams B and A (representing most of the components in the main axis of the transaxle), another leading Teams D & C (Major ElectroHydraulics with a clutch overlap), and a third one leading Teams H &G. Torque Converter and Park Systems could continue with their current arrangement, as would the Assembly CPMT. A dedicated System Integrator would function as the liaison between the CPMTs and manage interfaces between the sub systems. This solution could be done without a net increase in head count and would utilize some consolidation and rearrangement of the current roles and responsibilities since a significant set of tasks would be moved from the component engineer to the sub system engineer (CPMT lead). 4. Key participants in the PAT to address Noise and Vibration would be the CPMT leaders of Teams C, G and the System Integrator along with the NVH Engineer. This would allow sufficient coverage of all critical sub systems in managing this attribute as shown in Figure 5.2. 5. Similarly, one of the Calibrators would team up with the CPMT leaders of Teams A and D to manage Shift Quality as shown in Figure 5.3. Conclusionsand Summary One of the key conclusions that arose from this work was the value of utilizing a tool like the DSM to address system issues. It is a very versatile tool and can be used to look at the interfaces of a system along with the necessary communication between 85 the engineers who design and release the constituent parts of the system. Even a DSM of relatively small size (in this study the DSMs were at most 32x32) can provide significant insights; in fact this size can actually be easier to handle and manipulate than larger DSMs. This thesis utilizes the Design Structure Matrix as a resource allocation and System Engineering tool. For a typical automatic transmission program, Ford typically has 9 CPMTs (Component Program Module Teams) that are each composed of product and manufacturing engineers, buyers, quality analysts, supplier representatives, etc. In essence these are sub system teams that together define the engineering design and release activity for the whole system. Using a team based DSM approach, the composition of these teams was analyzed, and an optimum composition was identified. This was then compared with the current Ford CPMT composition. The base DSM above was populated based on communication levels between the individual Ford engineers that made up the whole product development team. This, in effect captured the internal couplings of the organization. Using the same DSM categories as a base, the internal couplings of the transmission was captured with two new DSMs that were populated based on physical interactions between the respective components and with information transfer between the components. Overlays of these DSMs with the team communication DSM were analyzed. This yielded recommendations and modifications to the recommended team structure for system teams to ensure best communication within the different CPMTs and to have the most effective system integration efforts during the development phase. 86 A further study was focused on the effective management of system level attributes. Very often system level attributes are emergent properties of the system and are not managed effectively. This can often result in objectionable behavior and hence become a source of customer dissatisfaction. One such system level attribute for an automatic transmission is Noise and Vibration. This attribute was discussed briefly and the relationship to the individual components of the transmission was analyzed. Using the same basic framework as the DSM discussed above, these relationships were captured and the proposed team structure was assessed for how effective it would manage the interfaces. A similar study was also performed for Shift Quality of the automatic transmission. In conclusion, there were several recommendations. These recommendations were only for the sub system teams and were within the framework of the inherent organizational structure of the Automatic Transmission Division of System (Program) and Component Departments. The preferred composition of the CPMTs was defined to address the interfaces of components for mechanical and electro-hydraulic functions, attribute management and the communication structure between the individual engineers. In addition, to get a holistic solution, all of the above scenarios had to be considered since most of them had outcomes that modified the recommendation till the final composition was arrived at. Also, specific roles and responsibilities were defined for System Engineers as CPMT leaders and one System Integrator to address cross CPMT interfaces. 87 This page intentionally left blank 88 References 1. T. U. Pimmler, and S. D. Eppinger, "Integration Analysis of Product Decompositions". ASME Conference on Design Theory and Methodology, Minneapolis, MN, 343-351. 2. Steven D. Eppinger, "Innovation at the Speed of Information", Harvard Business Review, vol. 79, no. 1, pp. 149-158, January 2001. 3. Rosaline K. Gulati, and Steven D. Eppinger, "The Coupling of Product Architecture and Organizational Structure Decisions", M.I. T. International Center for Research on the Management of Technology, Cambridge, MA, Working Paper no.151-96, Sloan Working Paper no. 3906, May, 1996. 4. Daniel J. Rinkevich, and Frederick P. Samson, "An Improved Powertrain Attributes Development Process with the Use of Design Structure Matrix", Masters Thesis (SDM), MIT, Cambridge, MA. 5. Ram Krishnaswami, Deepak Seth, and Nisheeth Singh, "A Study of Joint Team Composition for the Joint Development of an Automatic Transmission", Class Project, ESD.32.J, Fall 2003, MIT, Cambridge, MA. 6. Bruce Stapleton, "Automatic Transmission Overview", Class notes from a training class at A TEO, @1993 Ford Motor Company. 7. R. Krishnaswami, S. Kaatz, D. Hildebrand, J. Hiatt, P. Phelan, "Gear Whine Reduction for a New Automatic Transmission", SAE Noise and Vibration Conference, 2001. 8. B. Campbell, W. Stokes, G. Steyer, M. Clapper, R. Krishnaswami, N. Gagnon, "Gear Noise Reduction of an Automatic Transmission through Finite Element Dynamic Simulation", SAE Noise and Vibration Conference, 1997. 9. Karim Nice, "How Automatic Transmissions Work", 89 (cC 7)?