Distance Sampling for Estimating Deer Abundance October 21-24, 2002 SUNY-ESF Syracuse, New York

Distance Sampling for Estimating Deer Abundance
Distance Sampling for Estimating Deer Abundance
October 21-24, 2002
Syracuse, New York
Sponsored by—
State University of New York
College of Environmental Science and Forestry
Faculty of Environmental and Forest Biology and
ESF Continuing Education
Co-sponsored by—
US Geological Survey
This workshop is designed to introduce users to the Distance Sampling method for estimating the abundance of animal
populations. Through a series of lectures, in-the-field data collection, and computer instruction, users will learn the
fundamentals of the method and its applications. Emphasis is on estimating abundance of white-tailed deer along
transects, though other applications and extensions of the method will be discussed.
Who Should Attend: Resource managers in state, county and federal land units who have an interest and need to
collect high quality data on the abundance of white-tailed deer. There is no other workshop of its kind east of the
Mississippi River!
Instructor: Dr. H. Brian Underwood, USGS Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, has over seven years experience with
designing, collecting, analyzing and interpreting distance data for deer herd abundance estimation. He has overseen the
conduct of hundreds of surveys for deer on areas as large as 18,000 acres to as small as 500 acres. He and his
students have adapted the method for night spotlighting of deer, and applied it throughout the country. Users include
the National Park Service, Long Island State Parks Commission and the Cleveland-Metro Parks Commission.
Dates: October 21-24, 2002
file:///Volumes/Web/WWW/ce/workshop/deer_basic.htm[4/20/11 10:34:32 AM]
Distance Sampling Workshop
Distance Sampling
file:///Volumes/Web/WWW/ce/workshop/deer_frame.htm[4/20/11 10:34:33 AM]
Distance Sampling for Estimating Deer Abundance- Preliminary Program
Distance Sampling for Estimating Deer Abundance
October 21-24, 2002
Syracuse, New York
Preliminary Program
Monday, October 21
12:30 pm
Session 1(Moon Conference Room)
Introduction to Abundance Estimation
a) Welcome and Workshop Background
b) Traditional and conventional methods and associated problems
c) Brief overview of distance sampling history
d) Applications of distance sampling
e) Collecting distance data
f) Assumptions
g) Data sheets
h) Equipment needs
5:00 pm
Tuesday, October 22
8:00 am
Session 2
Density Estimation Field Exercise
Lunch (provided)
1-5 pm
Session 3
Data Entry and Program Distance
a) Introduction to Program Distance Version 3.5
b) Project set-up
c) Data entry using Data Browser
d) Data entry by importation using Import Wizard
e) The Analysis Browser
f) The Detection Function
g) ESW statistics
e) Density summary
Wednesday, May 23
8:00 am
Session 4
Putting the Puzzle Together
a) The density estimator in detail
b) Components of uncertainty
c) Definitions
d) A focus on effective strip width
e) Missed animals and the detection process
Lunch (on your own)
1-5 pm
Session 5
Analysis Made Easy
f) Crews analyze data
g) Troubleshooting quirky distance data
file:///Volumes/Web/WWW/ce/workshop/deer_program.htm[4/20/11 10:34:33 AM]
Distance Sampling for Estimating Deer Abundance- Preliminary Program
Thursday, May 24
8:00 am
Session 6
A Short Statistics Lesson
a) Accuracy (and Bias)
b) Precision
c) Construction of confidence intervals around density
e) Comparing density estimates
f) Planning surveys
g) Spotlighting protocols
h) Equipment embellishments
i) Constraints
Conclusion and evaluation
file:///Volumes/Web/WWW/ce/workshop/deer_program.htm[4/20/11 10:34:33 AM]
Distance Sampling for Estimating Deer Abundance- Registration Information
Distance Sampling for Estimating Deer Abundance
October 21-24, 2002
Syracuse, New York
To Register: Register early! Simply fill out and mail the registration form with your registration fee. To tentatively
reserve a space, call ESF Continuing Education at (315) 470-6891; or fax to (315) 470-6890. Registration is limited to
24 participants.
Registration Deadline: Registrations and payment must be received by October 9, 2002.
Workshop fee: $595 discounted early registration fee before October 9, $695 if received after October 9. Includes course
sessions, materials, breaks and field trip lunch. Agency purchase orders accepted. Checks payable to SUNY-ESF. VISA
or MasterCard also accepted.
Refunds: Participants who wish to withdraw must give written notice by October 9, 2002 to receive a full refund. A $50
cancellation fee will be retained after that, however, no refunds will be granted if notice is received the day of the
workshop or after. Substitutions are permissible at any time. SUNY-ESF reserves the right to cancel any program in
the event of insufficient registrations; full refunds will be made in such a case.
file:///Volumes/Web/WWW/ce/workshop/deer_reg.htm[4/20/11 10:34:33 AM]
Distance Sampling for Estimating Deer Abundance- Registration Form
Distance Sampling for Estimating Deer Abundance
October 21-24, 2002
Syracuse, New York
Registration Form
Print and Mail or Fax to ESF Continuing Education
Name _______________________________________________________________
Title _______________________________________________________________
Address _____________________________________________________________
City ________________________________ State _________ Zip ______________
Phone ( _____ ) _______________ Fax ( _____ ) __________________
email ______________________________________________________
Dietary or Other Special needs: ________________________________________________________
o Register me for the DistanceSampling Workshop. Enclosed, payable to SUNY-ESF is:
o $595 early registration fee by October 9, 2002.
o $695 if received after October 9, 2002.
Make checks payable to SUNY-ESF.
Credit card payment: o VISA o MasterCard
Account #: __________________________________________
Expires: _________ Signature:_______________________________
Mail or fax form with payment to:
ESF Continuing Education
SUNY College of Environmental Science & Forestry
1 Forestry Drive, Syracuse, NY 13210-2784
FAX: 315-470-6890
file:///Volumes/Web/WWW/ce/workshop/deer_regform.htm[4/20/11 10:34:34 AM]