The 13th Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium April 1-3, 2001

NERR Call for Papers
Call for Papers and Presentations
The 13th Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium
April 1-3, 2001
Held at the historic island resort, The Sagamore, the Northeastern Recreation Research (NERR) Symposium
offers you an unparalleled opportunity to exchange information with other recreation, tourism, and resource
managers, planners and researchers.
The purpose of the NERR Symposium is to provide a regional forum for individuals representing the
governmental, educational and private sectors to share scientific knowledge and positively influence the
recreation profession.
NERR Symposium Website
There are four types of presentation formats: paper and poster presentations, management presentations, and
roundtable discussions. Paper and poster presentations are considered equal in terms of expected scholarly quality. At
their core, management and roundtable discussions should have a focus on application.
Research paper presentation: A 15-minute presentation followed by 5 minutes of discussion.
A 60-minute session during which time authors must be available for questions and
Poster presentation:
Management presentation:
A 90-minute session focusing on current recreation management issues.
A 60 to 90-minute informal session that initiates discussion of timely and controversial
Roundtable discussion:
The following are examples of topical areas. However, we welcome and encourage presentations on other areas of
recreation research and management.
· Natural resource management
· Emerging and existing trends
· Travel and tourism
· Human dimensions · Historical/cultural resource management
· Measurement and forecasting
· Sustainable tourism
· Policy development and planning
Submit to:
November 17, 2000
One page abstract and cover sheet must be received by this date.
No late submissions will be accepted.
January 19, 2001
Notification of acceptance
January 26, 2001
Preliminary schedule available at
Sharon L. Todd, Chair, NERR 2001 Phone: (607) 753-4952
Dept. pf Recreation & Leisure Studies Fax: (607) 753-5982
SUNY Cortland
P.O. Box 2000
Cortland, NY 13045
file:///Volumes/Web/WWW/outreach/pd/2001/nerrcall2001.htm[4/19/11 10:17:36 AM]
NERR Letter
Sharon L. Todd, Ph.D. Assistant Professor
Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies
(607) 753-4952(607) 753-5982 (fax)
State University of New York College at Cortland
DATE: October 5, 2000
TO: Previous NERR Attendees
FROM: Sharon L. Todd, Chair, NERR 2001
RE: Call for Papers and Presentations
As a previous attendee at the Northeastem Recreation Research Symposium (NERR), you are well aware of the
unparalleled opportunity the Symposium offers for exchanging information with other recreation, tourism, and resource
managers, planners, and researchers. Our 13th Annual Symposium will be held April 1-3, 2001, at the historic island
resort, The Sagamore, on Lake George in Bolton Landing, New York.
The Symposium provides you with a chance to be exposed to interdisciplinary perspectives on a variety of resource
management issues, to offer insight into some of the latest issues in recreation-based research, and to interact with
individuals experiencing similar situations and dilemmas. As noted in the enclosed Call for Papers and Presentations,
we are seeking both research presentations and timely issues for discussion in resource management roundtable
If you haven't been to a NERR Symposium in a few years, we still work hard to maintain a relaxed atmosphere that is
conducive to idea exchange and non-threatening peer review of research in progress. NERR continues to be an
excellent forum for graduate student presentations. The U.S. Forest Service also provides a convenient publication
outlet by producing an annual proceedings.
We have also strived to keep the conference fees reasonable. Early registration will be $85 for students, $125 for
professionals, with a room rate of $81 for up to four persons. To encourage family participation, spouses are invited to
attend all events (including the luncheon banquet) for a reduced rate of only $50. Please note that both conference
registration and room reservation forms will be mailed by early January, 2001.
I sincerely hope you will submit an abstract for consideration in this year's program. Remember to check the
preliminary schedule, available January 26, 2001, at our website (, and
make plans to join us in April 2001 as we continue to wrestle with contemporary issues of recreation, leisure, and
natural resource management.
Accredited by the National Recreation and Park Association and the American Association for Leisure and Recreation.
P.O. Box2000 Cortland, New York 13045-0900
file:///Volumes/Web/WWW/outreach/pd/2001/nerrletter2001.htm[4/19/11 10:17:37 AM]
NERR Cover Sheet
Cover Sheet for Abstract Submission
The 13th Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium
Due: November 17, 2000
Title of proposed
Keywords (3):
First author* or
session coordinator: Name:___________________________________________________________
Title/ Affiliation: __________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________
City:____________________________State: ____________ Zip:___________
Phone: (___)_________ Fax: (___)_________ E-mail:_____________________
Other author(s) or
Prefered format:
_____ Research paper presentation
_____ Poster presentation
_____ Management presentation
_____ Roundtable discussion
*Individuals may be the first author on only one research paper, but may be co-author on others.
Please attach this cover sheet to your one-page abstract and submit it to:
Sharon L. Todd, Chair, NERR 2001
Dept. of Recreation & Leisure Studies
SUNY Cortland
P.O. Box 2000
Cortland, NY 13045
file:///Volumes/Web/WWW/outreach/pd/2001/nerrsubm2001.htm[4/19/11 10:17:38 AM]