National Science Foundation Jessica Robin (GEO) Kathy Covert (MPS) Ben van der Pluijm j (GEO ( 2 In a sustainable world, human needs would be met without chronic harm to the environment and without sacrificing the ability of future generations to meet their needs. Meeting this grand challenge requires i a substantial b t ti l iincrease iin our understanding of the integrated system of society, society the natural world, and the alterations humans bring to Earth. www nsf gov/sees 3 NSF's SEES portfolio aims to address this need through support for interdisciplinary research and education. SEES established in Fiscal Year 2010 Cross-directorate NSF investment Portfolio of existing, new and upcoming programs Encourage E systems-based t b d approaches h Highlights NSF’s unique role 4 Mission: To advance science, engineering, and education to inform the societal actions needed for environmental and economic sustainability and sustainable human well-being. Goals: 1. Building the knowledge base. Support interdisciplinary research and education that can facilitate the move towards global sustainability. 2 Growing 2. future the workforce of the future. Develop a workforce trained in the interdisciplinary scholarship needed to understand and address the complex issues of sustainability. sustainability 3. Forging critical partnerships. Build linkages g among g existing g projects p j and partners p and add new participants in the sustainability research enterprise. 5 Ocean Acidification (NSF 12-500) Climate Change Education (NSF 12-523) 12 523) Decadal and Regional Climate Prediction using Earth System Models (NSF 12-522) 12 522) Dimensions of Biodiversity (NSF 12-528) W t Sustainability Water S t i bilit and d Cli Climate t (NSF 11-551) R h Coordination C di i N k – SEES Research Networks track (NSF 11-531) Dynamics off Coupled C l d Naturall and d Human Systems – SEES track (NSF 10-612) 6 Credit: Rachel Fletcher Goals: To understand geochemistry biochemistryy of ocean acidification; how ocean acidification interacts with biological and physical processes at the organism level; how earth system history informs our understanding of the effects of OA. NSF Directorates: Di t t GEO GEO, BIO BIO, OPP Deadline: January 6, 2012 Saturation State of Aragonite 7 Goal: To increase public understanding of global climate change and prepare the next generation of scientists and educators. Connects: C o o o climate scientists experts in theories on how people learn science formal and informal education experts NSF Directorates: EHR, GEO, BIO, OPP Deadline: March 21, 2012 FY 2009 Ten CCE awards in response to DCL FY 2010 Fifteen CCEP-1 awards (2y, up to $1M) FY 2011 FY 2012 Twelve supplements $250,000 each CCEP-2; 5 year awards Next competition: Implementation of mature strategic plans that serve the p larger goals of the CCE program 8 Goals • Achieve comprehensive, reliable global & regional predictions of decadal climate variability & change • Quantify impacts on ecological ecological, agricultural & other human systems Earth System Modeling • Maximize the utility of data for impact assessments • Translate model results into basis for management decisions Awards: support development of next-generation E th SSystem t d l by b iinterdisciplinary t di i li tteams Earth models Interagency: NSF, DOE, USDA NSF Directorates: Di t t GEO GEO, MPS MPS, SBE SBE, OPP Deadline: May 11, 2012 9 Goal: A 10-year campaign to characterize the dimensions of biodiversityy on Earth Purpose: p to support pp research that characterizes biodiversity on Earth through the use of integrative and innovative approaches to develop an understanding of key dimensions of biodiversity Solicitation targeted areas where three dimensions of biodiversity overlap • NSF Directorates: BIO, GEO, OPP • Additional partners: NASA, China (NSFC), Brazil (FAPESP) • Deadline: April 10, 10 2012 10 Goals: y g , land • How Earth's water system is linked to climate change, use, ecosystems and the built environment • Enable a new interdisciplinary paradigm in water research Synthesis of behavioral and ecohydrologic models for dryland rivers Bryyce Richter IInteragency: NSF NSF, USDA/NIFA NSF Directorates: GEO, ENG, SBE D dli Deadline: O t b 19 October 19, 2011 Scottt Simpson Climate change, land use, and urbanization in a Midwestern agricultural landscape 11 Standing, interdisciplinary NSF program Quantitative, interdisciplinary analyses of human and natural system processes and complex interactions at diverse scales CNH encourages SEES themes; adds support for exploratory & new team awards & research coordination networks NSF Directorates: GEO, BIO, SBE Deadline: November 15, 2011 Credit: J. Brashares Credit: I. Peralta, USFS Credit: S. Perz 12 SEES-RCN track: Advance sustainability science, engineering & education as an integrative systems approach Interdisciplinary teams; encourage diverse stakeholder participation Existing awards focused on: Water Diplomacy Urban Sustainability Women – Developing Countries Up to 5 years at $150k per year NSF Directorates: All Deadline: February 3, 2012 13 SEES Fellows (NSF 11-575) Sustainability Research Networks (SRN) (NSF 11-574) Sustainable Energy Pathways (SEP) (NSF 11-590) SEES focus in Partnerships for International Research and Education (PIRE) solicitation (NSF 11-564) RCN – SEES track continues (NSF 11-531) CNH – SEES track continues (NSF 10-612) Climate Climate-related related (CRI) competitions continue 14 NSF 11-575 Awards 2 - 3 years of fellowship costs over a maximum 4-year period To create the necessary workforce to enable discoveries leading to environmental, energy, and societal sustainability • Cross traditional disciplinary boundaries $88K/year for salary and benefits $20K/year for research expenses y his/her current core • Go beyond disciplinary expertise $10K/year if project includes an international partner • Address issues of sustainability through a systems approach Indirect costs Requirements • Build bridges between academic inquiry, economic growth, and societal needs Grant to institution. PI must: Be US citizen, national, or permanent resident Have received PhD within 4 years of deadline Restrictions Teaching is limited to one course per semester and no more than 2 courses during award period p The Fellow's p proposed research should: Fellows must develop a research partnership in order to broaden the impact/scope of the proposed research Fellows F ll are expected t d tto d devote t ti time tto a professional development activity Due Due Thereafter December 5, 2011 First Monday in December 15 Collaborative Research Multi Multiinstitutional Team SRNs will connect interdisciplinary i t di i li tteams off investigators focused on performing p g cutting-edge g g research and education relating to the challenges of sustainability. sustainability Links scientists, engineers and educators at existing institutions, centers and networks, and develop new nodes of research 2 - 3 awards; 4 - 5 years Up to $12 million each Frontier S t i bilit Sustainability Theme Interdisciplinary Approach 16 Each SRN will focus on a SEES theme Examples: Energy and Materials Issues in Sustainability Urban Sustainability Large-Scale Energy Production and Consumption Dynamics Coastal System y Vulnerabilityy and Resilience Altered Biogeochemistry of Earth Systems Sustainability of Freshwater Supplies Food Security and Land Use Change NSF Directorates: ENG, BIO, CISE, EHR, GEO, MPS,, SBE,, OISE,, OPP Deadlines: Pre-proposal -- Dec. 1, 2011 Full Proposal -- April 1, 2012 17 Energy Resource Assessment & Harvesting Energy Conversion, Transmission, Storage, & Consumption Environmental, Economic & Societal Impacts Key components: Sustainability - from resource to realization Interdisciplinary and system approach Addresses science and engineering Challenges, informed by the environmental, societal, and economic aspects NSF Directorates: MPS, ENG, CISE, SBE, GEO, BIO, OISE, EHR Deadline: February 1, 2012 18 Build strong research & education partnerships with domestic and foreign collaborators that enable research excellence • Fosters internationalization of US institutions in science & engineering • Provides strong well-mentored international research experiences for US students 2012 PIRE competition focused f d exclusively l l on SEES Co-funding opportunities possible EPA USAID • Domestic : US EPA, • International : UK(EPSCR & ESRC); Japan(JST), Russia(MES), IAI NSF Directorates: OISE (coordinating office) for all directorates D dli Deadlines: • Pre-proposals: October 19, 2011 • Full proposals: May 15, 2012 19 Arctic Regions (NSF 12-553) Coastal Regions - Vulnerability, cultural V l bilit resilience, ili lt l iimpacts t Chemistry, Materials, Engineering • Renewable, Renewable non-toxic non toxic materials, materials process improvements Hazards and Disasters • Science, Science engineering engineering, risk assessment assessment, decision-making decision making Information Science and Engineering • Energy consumption, clean computing issues 20 Sustainability requires long-term perspectives, emphasizing: Integrated approaches across disciplines Developing systems-level models Realizing data-enabled science Linking observational networks Exploring linkages between technological solutions and environmental effects Communicating research findings to decision-makers and the public 22 Topical themes: • • • • • Natural Systems Human Systems Built Systems Energy & Materials Ad t ti & R Adaptation Resilience ili Functional characteristics: • • • • • Systems-Thinking Partnerships & Networks Education & Learning Workforce Development Information Systems Target Audiences: • • • • • Early-Career Researchers Interdisciplinary Research Teams Educators and Education/Learning Researchers Institutional Networks International Collaborators 23 RESPONSIVENESS LEVERAGE LEADERSHIP O OneNSF S priorities: Cyber-enabled Materials, Manufacturing, and Smart Systems (CEMMSS) Cyberinfrastructure Framework for 21st Century Science and Engineering (CIF21) Expeditions in Education (E2) Innovation Corps (I-Corps) Integrated NSF Support Promoting Interdisciplinary Research and Ed Education ti (INSPIRE) Science, Engineering, and Education for Sustainability (SEES) Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace (SaTC) 24 25