HARFORD COMMUNITY COLLEGE ECONOMIC IMPACT Overview Fact Sheet Harford Community College plays a significant role in the local economy and is a sound investment from multiple perspectives. Students benefit from improved lifestyles and increased earnings. Taxpayers benefit from a larger economy and lower social costs. Finally, the community as a whole benefits from increased job and investment opportunities, higher business revenues, greater availability of public funds, and an eased tax burden. INVESTMENT ANALYSIS Student Perspective • HCC served 22,168 students in the 2011-12 reporting year. ECONOMIC GROWTH ANALYSIS College Operations Effect • The Harford County economy annually receives $26.6 million in income due to HCC operations. • Education increases lifetime income. The average income at the career midpoint of someone with an associate’s degree in Harford County is $47,300. Students enjoy a 20.3% rate of return on their investment in HCC. • The average HCC student’s income increases by $5.90 for every dollar invested in HCC. Added income attributable to the accumulation of HCC skills amounts to $325.8 million each year. Student Spending Effect • HCC estimates that approximately 13% of its students come from outside the county. • The expenditures of HCC‘s non-local students generate roughly $706,400 in added income in Harford County each year. • Students enjoy an attractive 20.3% average rate of return on their HCC educational investment, Productivity Effect recovering all costs in 7.3 years. • The Harford County economy embodies an estimated Social Perspective 2.1 million credits that have accumulated over the • Higher earnings of HCC students and associated past 30-year period as thousands of former HCC increases in state income expand the tax base in students enter the workforce. Maryland by about $48.7 million each year. • HCC credits translate to higher earnings for students • Maryland will see avoided social costs amounting to and increased output of businesses. The added income $1.7 million per year due to improved health, reduced attributable to the accumulation of HCC credits in crime, and reduced welfare and unemployment. the workforce amounts to around $325.8 million each year. Taxpayer Perspective • State and local governments allocated approximately Total Effect $44.4 million in support of HCC in FY 2011-12. • Total annual impacts on Harford County sum to $353.1 million. • For every dollar of this support, taxpayers see a return of $2.00 (in the form of higher tax receipts and • The total impact represents 4.3% of the total county avoided costs). economy and roughly 6,900 average wage jobs. • State and local governments see an annual rate of return of 7.7% on their support for HCC. J A N U A R Y 2013 W W W. E C O N O M I C M O D E L I N G . C O M | 8 6 6 . 9 9 9.3674 Executive Summary The Economic Contribution of Harford Community College State of Maryland Economic Growth Analysis Investment Analysis January 2013 Socioeconomic Impact Study STUDY HIGHLIGHTS INVESTMENT ANALYSIS • For every dollar students invest in HCC, they receive a cumulative $5.90 in higher future income (discounted) over the course of their working careers. • Maryland benefits from improved health and reduced welfare, unemployment, and crime, saving the public some $1.7 million per year. • Taxpayers see a rate of return of 7.7% on their investment in HCC. ECONOMIC GROWTH ANALYSIS • The net added income generated by HCC operations ($26.6 million) and the spending of non-local students ($706,400) contributes a total of $27.3 million in income to the Harford County economy each year. • The accumulated credits achieved by former HCC students over the past 30 years translate to $325.8 million in added county income each year due to the higher earnings of students and increased output of businesses. HARFORD COUNTY MAP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Economic Contribution of Harford Community College Executive Summary INTRODUCTION How do the Harford County economy and the state of Maryland benefit from the presence of Harford Community College (HCC)? In this study, EMSI applies a comprehensive model designed to quantify the economic benefits of community and technical colleges and translate these into common sense benefit/cost and investment terms. The study includes two major analyses: 1. Investment Analysis: Treats education funding as an investment, calculating all measurable returns and comparing them to costs, from the perspectives of students, taxpayers, and society as a whole. 2. Economic Growth Analysis: Measures added income in the county due to college operations, student spending, and the accumulated skills of past and present students still in the workforce. The economic impact model has been field-tested to generate more than 900 studies for community, technical, and further education colleges in the US, Canada, the UK, and Australia. To see the full documentation of the study, please contact the college. THE RESULTS Investment Analysis Student Perspective Benefits of higher education are most obvious from the student perspective: students sacrifice current earnings (as well as money to pay for tuition) in return for a lifetime of higher income. Compared to someone with a high school diploma, associate’s degree graduates earn $12,300 more per year, on average, over the course of a working lifetime (undiscounted). From an investment standpoint, HCC students enjoy a 20.3% rate of return on their investments of time and money. This compares favorably with returns on other investments, e.g., long-term return on stocks and bonds. $120,000 $100,000 $80,000 $60,000 $40,000 $20,000 $0 at e D octor Master's r's Bachelo te's As socia HS economic modeling specialists, intl. $140,000 < HS The corresponding benefit/cost ratio is 5.9, i.e., for every dollar students invest in HCC education, they receive a cumulative of $5.90 in higher future income over their working careers. This is a real return that accounts for any discounting that occurs during the entire period. The payback period is 7.3 years. Average Earnings by Education Level in Harford County January 2013 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Economic Contribution of Harford Community College HCC INVESTMENT ANALYSIS AT A GLANCE Stakeholder Student perspective Social perspective Taxpayer perspective Rate of Return 20.3% Benefit/Cost 5.9 Payback (Years) 7.3 NA 19.2 NA 7.7% 2.0 14.6 Social Perspective From the perspective of society as a whole, the benefits of education accrue to different publics. For example, HCC students expand the state’s economic base through their higher incomes, while the businesses that employ them also become more productive through the students’ added skills. These benefits, together with the associated ripple effects, contribute an estimated $48.7 million in taxable income to the Maryland economy each year. weigh them against the $44.4 million that state and local taxpayers spent in FY 2011-12 to support the college. Following this procedure, it is estimated that HCC provides a benefit/cost ratio of 19.2, i.e. every dollar of state and local tax money invested in the college today yields a cumulative of $19.20 in benefits that accrue to all Maryland residents, in terms of added taxable income and avoided social costs. As they achieve higher levels of education, HCC students are also less likely to smoke or abuse alcohol, draw welfare or unemployment benefits, or commit crimes. This translates into associated dollar savings (i.e., avoided costs) to the public equal to approximately $1.7 million annually. These are benefits that are incidental to the operations of HCC and accrue for years into the future, for as long as students remain active in the workforce. Taxpayer Perspective Annual Benefits to Maryland Public Due To HCC Students ($ Millions) Added income, Social $48.7 savings, $1.7 To compare benefits to costs, we project benefits into the future, discount them back to the present, and 2 January 2013 Under the taxpayer perspective, only benefits that accrue to state and local governments are counted, namely, increased tax collections and reduced government expenditures. For example, in place of increased income, the taxpayer perspective includes only the increased state and local tax receipts from those higher incomes. Similarly, in place of overall crime, welfare, unemployment and health savings, the taxpayer perspective includes only those that translate to actual reductions in state and local government expenditures. Note here that government often undertakes activities wanted by the public, but which may be unprofitable in the marketplace. This means that positive economic returns are generally not expected from government investments. From the taxpayer perspective, therefore, even a small positive return (a benefit/cost ratio equal to or greater than 1, or a rate of return equal to or greater than the 3% discount rate used in the taxpayer investment analysis) would be a favorable outcome. For HCC, the results indicate positive returns: a rate of return of 7.7% and a benefit/cost ratio of 2.0 (every dollar of state or local tax money invested in HCC today returns $2.00). economic modeling specialists, intl. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Economic Contribution of Harford Community College Economic Growth Analysis HCC affects the local economy in three ways: (1) through its local purchases, including wages paid to faculty and staff; (2) through the spending of students who come from outside the county; and (3) through the increase in the skill base of the local workforce. These effects break down as follows: approximately $706,400 in added income in the Harford County economy each year. Student Productivity Effect Every year students leave HCC and join or rejoin the county workforce. Their added skills translate to higher income and a more robust Harford County economy. College Operations Effect Based on HCC’s historical enrollment and credit proHCC creates income through the earnings of its fac- duction over the past 30-year period, it is estimated ulty and staff, as well as through its own operating and that the accumulated contribution of HCC instruccapital expenditures. Adjusting for taxes and other tion received by former students (both completers and monies withdrawn from the local economy in sup- non-completers) annually adds some $325.8 million port of HCC, it is estimated that the Harford County in income to Harford County. economy receives a net of $26.6 million in added labor and non-labor income due to HCC operations each Total Effect year. Altogether, the average annual added income due to the activities of HCC and its former students equals Student Spending Effect $353.1 million. This is approximately equal to 4.3% Students from outside the county spend money for of the total Harford County economy. room and board, transportation, entertainment, and other miscellaneous personal expenses. These expenditures create jobs and incomes for local businesses. The spending of HCC’s non-local students generates HCC ECONOMIC IMPACT ANALYSIS AT A GLANCE Total Added Income in Harford County Due to HCC ($ Millions) Added Income College operations effect Student spending effect Total spending effect Student productivity effect GRAND TOTAL $26,597,000 $706,000 $27,304,000 $325,789,000 $353,093,000 ProducSpending tivity effect, effect, $27.3 $325.8 CONCLUSION The results of this study demonstrate that HCC is a sound investment from multiple perspectives. The college enriches the lives of students and increases their lifetime incomes. It benefits taxpayers by generating economic modeling specialists, intl. increased tax revenues from an enlarged economy and reducing the demand for taxpayer-supported social services. Finally, it contributes to the vitality of both the local and state economies. January 2013 3 This report summarizes the results from “The Economic Contributions of Harford Community College” detailing the role that the college plays in promoting economic development, enhancing students’ careers, and improving quality of life. Data sources include, but are not limited to, 2011-12 academic and financial reports from the college, industry and employment data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, earnings and demographic data from the U.S. Census Bureau, and a variety of studies and surveys relating education to social behavior. Contact Us: EMSI 1187 Alturas Dr. Moscow, ID 83843 (866) 999-3674 www.economicmodeling.com of education MPACT socioeconomic ABOUT THE STUDY