Lynn Catlin Mechanical & Biomedical Engineering

Lynn Catlin
Mechanical & Biomedical Engineering
We're only half‐way through fall semester, but
registra on for Spring 2016 opens in just a
month! Do you know what classes to take? Are
you sure of your current progress? Have you
missed a class you need? Are you coun ng on
transfer credits? What about an internship? Are
you sure you’re ready to graduate?
Now is the me to make sure everything is set
for your forward progress. Join Lynn Catlin as he
shares the tools, ps and tricks for staying on
track, planning ahead, incorpora ng those extras,
and gradua ng on me!
Lynn Catlin is a Senior Design Coordinator for the
Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering program
at Boise State University. In addiƟon, he has been
working as the advising coordinator for the department,
including work with the recently adopted enrollment
management system. Lynn brings industry experience
and perspecƟve that informs his advice to students in
how they choose their courses, plus understands the
campus systems for course planning, elecƟves,
transfer courses, and graduaƟon.
NOON—1:15 PM
MEC 106