This is a writable pdf file. Mouse-click above blanks to select and/or deselect. Use the tab key to navigate through form, and type in information. Please note that the Commencement Attendance Form is no longer required but, if you intend to graduate, you must contact ICPA-Special Events regarding important Commencement attendance information for your advisor (or the person who will hood you instead of your advisor) approximately 5 weeks before Commencement. COMMENCEMENT ATTENDANCE FORM Name __________________________________________________________________ Psychology School/Department________________________ Semester of Graduation __________ Are you attending graduation? _____ Yes _____ No (enter the name of your advisor here) Thesis advisor ___________________________________________________________ Psychology Department: __________________ Mail Code ___________ Phone #_______________ Will your advisor hood you? _____ Yes _____ No If you checked no, indicate below the name of the person who will hood you. Must be Georgia Tech faculty. Name __________________________________________________________________ Department: __________________ Mail Code ___________ Phone #_______________ 6/99