PRESIDENTIAT UPDATT, Sping 2004 To Hopc CollegeAlumDi, Parentsand Friends: Dcan of the Chapcl Mrny of you havc beeneagefo learnwho (hc nex( deanof the chapcI will bc al Hope College. Our serrchbas ondcd.and I am very plcascd10sharcwith you that lhc Rcv.Trygvc D. Johnsonwill begjn his appoinhcDt al Hope in Januify 2(X)5. in the intcriln.Trygve will be working towardthc conrpletionofhis doctoratcin lhcology wilh (prcaching) cmphasis oDhonriletics rnd imtLgintltion rt St.AndrcwsUniversityin ScotlaDd. The scarchcoomrittee,which I chrircd. cngrgcd in { (hoft}u8hDationalscarchand recomnrended thlJhiing ol thc Rev.Johnson. I acccplcdthis .ecomnrcndation rnLl solght lhe rpprcval of our Truslccs,who enthusiastically endoNedhis appoinlmcDl. Intercslingly, I huvcbccDserchingfin a dcanol lhc ch pel sincc1999. My llrsl scrrchlcd lo the hiinliTrygvc as chLrplain rt No(hwcslclnCollctle.Hc wasnry laslappoin0nent belbrclcavingNo(hwcslcrD 1()lssurnc(hc prcsidcncy.rt Hopc. ln I scDso.I havc hircd llygvc (wicc but havc yct {o work a singlc Lhy wilh hinrl I In cagcf l Trygvc is a p(xluct ol thc ltclbnllcd Chu|ch in Anrcficr, luviDg gfown op in F-irstltclbrmcd Churchol Oak Hitfbof, W sh.,glirdualcd Mrslcr ol Divinily al WcslcmThcologicalSenrinary.Hc hrs hckl iDlcrnshipsrt'l'hifd Rclbnrcd ClhurchiD Hollllllcl, Mich.,BcfkshireMcdioalCcntcrin Pittslield.Mass..rnd thc chtplaiD's olliceal HopeCollcgc.Hc wrs chaplainirDd adjunctpn)lessofal Nofthwcstcmli)r thfeeyeatsbefinc cmba iDg on bis doct(nl sfudicsrt Sl. Andrcws. Thc comnittcc w|s lookinli lbr r pcrsoDwith the mind ol I scholar.lhc hc rl ol a pastot.ilnd thc couragcol a lcadcr I rnr conlidcnl thirt we havefbund sucha pcNoD. Try8vc s wilc, alsocomplc(irg her doc(nill sludiesin thcologya{ St. Andrewsllnivel.sity. Wc wclconc both ofthcm to our comDuni(y. Library Award Last ycar Hope receiveda very prcstigiousraDkingin the a/.S Nenr anr./tyor.LlR?.rrl collegeguide for having rhc tbunh bcsl undergradurteprogramin researchimd crertive activity.bchindonly the Universityof Michigan,Mll and Stanfod. An awrfd of similar signilicancewas bestowedthis pastmonth on rhe Goldolt lrndMargarefVan Wylen Library al Hope. The AssociationofCollege irndReseafchLibraricsselectedHope as the recipientofits 20M "Excellenccin AcademicLibrariesAward." The ACRL honorsone collcgelibrary,one comrnunitycollegelibrary, and one univcrsilylibftry erch year Thrcc of the llrst live recipientsof fhc collegeawardhilve beenfrom the Greaf LakesCollegesAssocialion,an acrdemicconsordumof 12 prcstigiousliberal artscollegesoi which Hope is a This is a specialnationalfribule 1()longtimeHope library directorDavid Jensenand his staff for theh seNice(o studenls,laculty,staff,and thc local commurity. Each P€rson is Cift€d On a vcry cold Sundayeveningin January,Marlie and I were walking to the cathering when we noticedsteamrising ftom the basementof GravesHal1. Therewas little doubtthat this was not llolmal. As T ran to reDonthe Droblem.I noticedthat Dave DuBois of our physicalplan1slafTwas alreadythere. Hc had beenalefteJ hy our computersystem that all was not well in the boiler room at Gmves. I watchedhim c efully open the basementdoor dnd walk into the boiler room, only to retreatbecauseofthe extremeheal. He simply said on his way out, "I know what thc ploblem is. l'11have it fixed soon." I had no clue what was the matter.but Dave did. And, he had it fixed plomptly. This incidenlwas a good reminderfor me that Cod hascreatcdall ofus with differcnt gifts and abilities. I could neverdo whal Drve does. Nor, in [ac1.could I do whal mosl peopledo on campus. Each student,faculty,and staff memberhrs specialgills thal togelhermake a placelike Hope function so well. The oldcr (and hopefullywiser) I get, thc more I realizehow importanlarc the contributionsmadeby all ofus in Cod's kingdom. Intercollegiate Sport After the winter sport season.Hope once again leadsthe Colnmissioner''s Cup mce fbr spoftssupremrcyilr the Michig:ln IntercollegiateAthletic Associrtion. Hope haswon chanpionshipsthis year in fbotball. goll, men s and womeD''s and wonren'sswimmiDg.and meD'sb.rskelb1l. The nren'sHope-Calvinbasketballganreshavebeentelecastin wesleD MichigaDfin many ye rs. Iror thc last livc yean, therc hrve beensatellitebrn?dcasts throughoutthe country whereHope and Calvin dumni grther logcthcr Thisyuu:it was Hope s turn to presentthe lelevisionhalllime show.which I was g ehrl to hosl. lntcrspcncdwith Iny conrmcntswcrc campLrs sccncs showingstLrdcnts in laboratodes,classfoonrs. and othef carnpus?rctivities.The tcxt of nry halliinrc talk is as follows: Thisis NveryexcitingtiDreLobert Hote. Mrnie rnd I ieel$ pililegedto be$1c to seNcourd/r tut?t (l!ti^A with$ n ny hlcnlcdcollcnSucs. thisimportant timcin hcrhistory.T()parlncr {[rnnri.rnd liicndsin thiscndc!'vor is vctyspcci{1. llofc s Drlssnnr is 10(lclivcltu cxccfli(nHlcducrrlonNl crpcicncein x.Nring.Chrislirncnvnunncrl.NlypcNonrl p|ssi(nr. $uredhy n) n) ibr Flopeto bcrr thcsarne tinrecxccptnnrNl rcrdenricrlly rnd vihnntlyChristiur.Ay (n s grrccrnd diligcn(elli)( wc dr rblcto rchicvcthis. sl!dcn( is ltrilyourslmding.$kcdJcrcmylliclc. ourSlrdcnlCongrcss prrsi(lcnr, whalhc likcdbcnrboul l k)pc.Wilhoulhcsilrli(nr hc rplic(l. l k)vcl lopcbccrtrsc l nrsfr ndc(lhy y) Inrfy l|lonlcrl oflc whobuikl nrc ' uprtrd|lrrkcnrcbcrrcrrhrnI orheNisewouldbc. 'lb p('spc.rivoslidctrls,l crn sry wirbcxecllcnec in wilh itrrclfily il youwnnrlo b. pol ol r gnnd{radilnD, r&|cnlics.$1Pcn'i1yinc()cudc!LN|rclivilics.rndcxeePti(nu|ilyinchris1ianl:lilhanchII!clcldcvcl)pI]cnl con)cto lk)pe. llopc Collcgc I placeto lcrDr,a f[cc l()g(,w. r phcc k) lo!c. a phcc to bcconrcrll lhrt Cod i t n e r ( l sl b f y o u r o b e . H o p cs i l l I ' o s i r i v e l yi n l l u c n eyeo u rl i t c t i r rr i n r ed l ( l e r c m i r y . Thrnk yo!. nn, lbr hcingr il'ntci l plrtrcr $ilh lhc .rtlcgc rhruuh your atnurl, canrprign.ttndcstatcphn gilis. Our cumnr crpirrl crmprigi, Lerutie!: A Viln,t d I|t)p., is ncrri'rgns conrplclnr witl cvcry iftlicNlionth|l sc will excecdour goNlof{i105nriuioD.Mrjor initialivcs inclrdeendowmenrlbrsludcnlscholarships, thc ncw Science Ce reroccupiedrhis pr( i rll. canrpusdevelopnrer includingespec ially rheMdrrhi Miller Centertbr Global rbr iitercollegiatcspon. We b!'ild brildi gs so thatstudenhandticulty Cornunicatiotr.anddle DevosFieldhouse ! r e a b l er , )p e r l i n r n! r r h cv e r yh i g h c \ L 1e!ch. Thc scicnccfuciliry.ib. exrDple,will cmblc Hopclo ns lcry lotiy reptrration in nnde+ftdurtcscicncc.Lrst ycar HopcwNsrukcd tbnnh in thc nationamongdlcollcgcs od unilcrsiticstbf lhc qnrliry ofits oticDrcplicNled colhbotutilc progumsin undcryrrdurtcrcsedchrnd crc{live rctivily. Hisloricdly.HopcrcccivcsmorcNltiondl ScienceFoundrriongutrls rhln any orherlibcrulds collegein Lhecounrry.Likewisc.rheDevosFieklhousewill be buili io thatHopewill never,everlosero Calvinagainll Firdly, I wrrt Io thark you tbr uplifiinglhe collegein your pmyeN.The challergeslbr privatebighefeducationd e rcal. But, wc arc coDiidc.tof tbc fulurc bccauscofcod s blcssingsin the pan Nndthc wondcdirlsupponrcceiled iron rhosewho love Hope. A brief wod rbonl the gaDre.HopeCalvir baskerballisoneof the e€at rivahiesinall of intercolleliatespof. I hopcllut by now wc arcfd ahead,but cvcna singlcpointat lhc cnd ofthe gamewill dol We che.ishfte opponunilyto competewith CalvinCollege-an insrirurionwe hol(lin suchvery highesreen This is intercollegiate spona1i1sfinesr-spon wheredisciplinedeftbrl is recognized. skillful play is applauded. sportsnranship is integralto competilior,deftal is buoyedby bope,and victoryis gracedby humility. May itever be so tbr participanhmd spectatoBalikel l'm so pleased that Hope won this gamel! That's What Hope Prof€ssors Do Our only grundson'snameis JoeBultman, the sameas my father's. Joeis now threeyearsold and loves sportsof all kinds,especiallybaseball.Ttwas no su.prisedudng this pastChrishas season,when visiting his matemal grandparents in Iowa, that Joewanted1()go to the local lark to run the baseson a balmy Decemberday When his parenislooked up from watchingJoe'stwo-yearold sister Jenn*^, they discoveredthat Joeh,rdexerciseda headtirst slide into the mud ai home plate- Our sonMatt's initial question1()him was, "What are you doing,Joc?" To which he replied,"That's what ball playeNdol" Hope profcssorsare similarly expectedto do cetain things- And.l am so pleasedwith the commitmentwith which they do them. Our expectalionis that they will teacha11hecutting edgeoftheir disciplineswhile bringing.l Chrislian perspcctiveto their cl:lssrconN.We cxpectthat they will do superbscholarship,oflentimescompetingwith scholars l.rge nnd small acrossthe countrylbr researchdollars involving collaborativcwork with students. of institLrtions we expect thal lhey will carefor students.lrcatingthem as individu?rlswilh gifts to be nu(ured and Finally, dcveloped. This is the heat of whal wc do at Hope. It b.ings purposeand meaniDgto our work l am so pleasedwilh thoscwho tcach,with thosewho lcarn.and with thosewho thcililatcihe citical iiterface bctwccntcachirg and ledmjngCoaching Award Hope CollegealumnusRon Schippcr'52 rcceDtlyreceivcdonc ofthe most pr€stigiousawardsin all ofsport. Coach Schipperw s the fccipicnt of the "Amos Alonzo St.rggAward" for his renark1blecoachingcarcerat CenlralCollcge iD Pe1l4k)wr. Thc awardhonorsthose"whose scrviccshavebeenoulstandingin the advancemenlofthc bcst and was cited lor his iDtercstsof fix)tball." Ron coachedfiDtb ll lor 36 years,woD two nationxlchampionships, ol young mcn who would maketheir mark for good iD l:lmily, church. unw veing commitmcntlo thc devclopDrenl Other rccipientsof this lwarl includeoo ching lcgcndsPilul w. "Bear" Bryant (Alabam.r),woody Httycs(Ohio Slalc).and Bo Schcnbcchlcr(Universityol MichigaD). Cct"linly Ron Schippcrhas.ioincdone ol lhc Dlos!clile gfoupsol coirchcsin the his(r] ol intercollcgialcspoftThis itwardrcmindcdme ol how fbrlunntcthc thfcc RCA al1llirrcdcollcgeshavc beenin what Inosl cctainly would bc lcrncd a goldenefa ol lix)tball li)r thcscinstifutions.The coachingcareersofRon SchipperalCenftll. Ray Smidt al Hopc, and Laffy Korver Northwcslernparallcledeochother For 25 ye^rs,Ray Smith guidedthc football li)1unesof thc HopeCollegeFlying Dutchncn and becanlelhe wi ringestcoachin the hisrcry of thc MIAA. Amcicr's oldestathleticconl-erence.No onc clse is even close. Duing Ihat fime. Ray's teamswon nine conterence chrmpionships. During the salneperiodof time, Larry Koryer compileda recordof 212-77-6whilc coachingthe No hwcstcmCollegeRed Raidersto lwo nationalchampionshipsin Division II ofthe NationalAssociafionof lntcrcollegiateAthlelics. As exceptionalas the recordsofthese threemen havebeen,I suspectthat every playerand coachfiom their teams would saythey are eveDbelterhumanbcings. Theirconcem for the devclopmentofthe whole peNon-mind. body. and spirit nrarkedeachol their caree$. On a rel$ed note,while allendingthe NCAA conventionthis p^st Januaryin Nashville.Tenn.,I allendedthe awafds speeches by awardrecipients.As l lhumbedthrough dinner It a very eno{ional eveningfilled with acceptnnce '48 was the program,I notedwith considerablepride the namesof threeHope Collegealums. Dr Donald G. Mulder one ofthe initial five silver anniversaryawardrecipientsin 1973fof his exceptionalmedicalcareerduring the 25 '52 was listedas a yearssincehe slarredin basketballand basebaltat Hope Collegc. Also, Dr. FredrickA. Yonlonan sih,eranniversaryrecipientin 1977for his distinguishedcarecrin the intervening25 yearssincehe starredin fbotball ilr Hope. Fin^lly, Dr KcnnethJ. Weller'48 was the first chair ofthe Division III Presidenls'Council.servingduring his disringuished 22 year career as president of Central College. Ken was an athlete and coacb at Hope, and also servedas Drofessorand chair of the deDanmentofbusinessand economicsnnd assistantto PresidentI'win J. Ltrbbers '1? befori assumingthe presidencyof Centralin 1972. H€r'e We Go Again Michigan Govemor Jennifer Granholm has once again taken aim at the Michigan Tuition Grant-the primary resource for needv studentsattending independent colleges in Michigan-as a cosl cutting measurein these difficult economictimesin the stnte. You will @callthat the MichiganTuition Grantandother aidsfor studentsattending privatecollegeswerealsounderthe lcife just oneyearago. Morc than 1,000Hope studentsarc recipientsof this awardandin total rcceiveapprcximately$1.25million in aid eachyear. You can be surethat we will be fightin8 the eliminalionof this programtfuoughtheAssociationof IndependentCollegesandUniversitiesof Michiganand our friendsin the MichiganLeglslature. WhenGov.Granholmproposedcliminatingthis and otheraidsto pdvatecollcgestudenlsa yearago,I thought perhapsshehadrcceive.dbadadvicefrom her advison. Now I realizcthat sheis philosophicallyopposedto any publjcaidfor students privatecolleges.Michiganstudents privatecolleges, attending attending of cou$e,savethe publiceducation for all stLrdents*needy stateenormous sumsof moneyeachyeiubecause or not-is so heavily going subsidized in piul to stemthe"braindrain"oftheir students by thestate.Statesoffertuitiongrantsto students {o privatecollegesin otherstates, whercthetendency is to remainupongrdduation.Onceagdn we arepreparcdto pouranenornousamountof energyinto si:rving thisprcgramExpecting the Exceptional Thi-lconcluding story I sharcwith pemissio!1.'eadGr ilis year duringa luncheondatewilhRonald '64 andBarb Hartgerik, Barbsharcdwith mea veryDreaningtul slorywhichI suspect wjll touchyou ils muchrs it did me. The experience ledtheirson,Kevin,to saythat,'Thepeopleat Hopebelievedin me longbeforeI believedin myself." Duringhis earlycollegeexperience, Kelin lackedconlidence in himselt,his ability,andhis future.As a concerned mother,BarbcalledKevins'sadvisor,Prolessor HerbDershem, andaskedIbr his assislance. Herb'srcsponsc was, "As I begincachdayof tcaching, I prayfor cachstudcntthatI will tcachthatdayby namc.Now I'll know spccifically whatto prayfor in Kevin'scase."Theslory,oI course.hasa wonderlulending.Kcvin graduated from professional Hopcin 1998andis now a highlysuccessful in thefield of computer science. Joinmc in cxpcclinglhecxccptional at Hopc. Togethcr, by God'sgraccandwith diligcnlcffort,wc canmakca big diflcrcnccl JamesE. Bultman,President 1 0 9 9 - t Z t 6 t I l , { P u eI t o H J0 eu tl ' l l J a q J a H' s J !r ui pr suPB t' 0J 90 uaLlsJa0 €Zi6i 1I9I0- 9rr0l"0V rrrrr;*rr++ ['r"t"t""||""" " "r'r"["t't"l"t"'t'["r'l tNSCtSSHdfHrlO f3HlO 6z16rNVCtHattONVnOH II!C-[S HlZl.tst.t ltt EDST|0Jitd(t{