.j n:tPv 1, l97t thtu DECEI4BER 3!, 7979 ,!o no?E ccr,;E6E notes Delos) sc!t.E9ijl.!: TEAcnrxG cor36 3t rcs 1 0 0 *cs 1 2 0 z cs 242 *cs 495r' 3 3 MathZl2 ! cs 495 3 y'*cs4 9 5 I 3 E$ FB E; I R usth 212 *cs 100 *cs 120 F cs 383 I 2 3 3 *8 i - s T De.cliFtron Conp, Sci for Lib 2 Alts (120 ard 100 teafl taugh vith J, Nhittle and cohp. & Prog. 0!8. Hardrale I Softwale SY3 (tau8|t rith H. Leland) ht!o. stat Lab Artilicial Intelrigence 3 . l (Taught {ith J, I'lhitt}e Lab fo! Intro Stat conp, sci for Lib. Arts Intlo to conp, scr. Programing Lan$agcs 2 2 3 plrc. .n ..t.!rgx cou4e., PL.{. Fo! t.&r-t.ught oth.! mcib.!. of th. te.b lan d€scllFti.on .nd ll.t cou!!. d.!sr!!!&n. 2 , I! rhls ls th. !i!st !1n. you h!v. llught . Il8t.d A ch.ck (/) b.lole th. couE€ d.6c!!F!ton. ctDEutc ADVISTNC lotal Nusb€! o! Advl36€E v.jo!! zl l7 4 aclrvttY (11.t) tcrioraRrrv .. !9!9ls:U. !99 9g!94sg !r. g!!!rg!. Irlgss. {usE both lroject and 6ou!c. of fundlns) NSt llodutar Coulse develoP ent funded b/ NSF selies Edito! supported bv CoNDUIT CONDUIT panelist suPported bv NSF riSF CAUSE l'lorkshoi-!!esente!, sporsored bv UNHsta!!stics ii"i i"tp"rti'" funded bY NSF 2. g!Is: !.9!9]e4r Eg t6 8 ? 3 (CS100 and 120 team laught {ith J. I'lhittle and lt. Leland) fi l4 g4&!. G€n.:ai. P!o!e551onar' Devolod'lt C o n f e r e n c e 'I o ' a c i t v ' A r t e n d e dN a t i o n a l E d u c a ! i o n a lC o n P u t e ! on cotrPuter scienc ""!y.'pi'1il-;; Group In!er;3t ;',. sPeciat Dayton,0H. Rovie! for Conputing Revie{s Refe&e for Mathenatics I'lagazrne' Pbllications - see attached sheet' 0 9 0 0 0 84 38 D. INTER].IA'J SERVICE 1. Studlent Orlented Supervision of lndeFendent o! lesearch Directlng CAech (y') Activitv Total Nultber of Stude[is x --s- study N{rnbe! oi Students Enrolled Fo! Cledit 9 a play Recita].s 0 Coaching at+har :. {/t...rihal A&dinistlative . (I,ist) chaiman of conPuterScienceDepartnent 3. (Llst) Eoard and comdttee g!rylg Menbeaof Conputer Selection Cornittee Chairrnan,ConPuter Study Comnittee Chairrnan,Softrare Subco nittee of Conputer Selection Cotnnittee 4. PspgIggtEl 39]:1S!!g (Llst) Advisor to ACMStudent Chapter Coachof Progranning Teat! E, (!lst) IUBLIC SERVTCE/CCNSULTDTG T R S - 8 0U s e r r s C ] u b o r g a n i z e r Consultant tol llordel ConPanY Defialce College United Motor Sa1es, Inc' Ottawa Savings and Loa! Association west ottawa Schools ottawa Internediate school District Grand RaPids Christian Schools Trans_Matic Manufacturing Co' !.. OTEER (coulae anal cuEiclrl,ar devel,oFent, lectureship6, senlnars, plesertations to ltigh 3choo1 stldents, etc.) Schools' Inservice plesentations for MaplelroodChristian, Holland Ch:ristian Holland Public Schools. LolSfellot{ Presentatlods for Elenentary Science Night, Elenentaly classes at Presidential college HoPe school' MaPleuood parents at .nJ lapfewooa schools, i"nofui", Conpute! Fai!; in Grand Rapids, and Christian Educatot's Conference in Chicago' in Conducted classes for Quest and Cateway, both prograns for gifted children Holland Publi'c Schools. Publications, 1979 Herbert L. Dershen Published in 1979 'rconputer Exercises for Elenentary Statistics,r' COMPRESS, Inc., Wentworth, NH. rrA Sulvey of CoDputing in Private Liberal Arts Colleges,', The Journal of Data Education,19, 2(Jan., 1979), pp. 7-10. "Recursive Prograrm[ng in BASIC'i,Personal Conputing, 3, 4(Apri1, 1979),pp. 16-18. ItA General GanePlaying PLogtan,,' Personal Conputing, 3, 6(June, 1979), pp. 70-75. rrTowerof Hanoil, Recreational Cornputing,8, 3(Nov-Dec, 1979), pp. 34-35. Written in 1979 "Conputers in Teaching Mathenatics and Statistics: A State of the Art ReDort,'. with D. Snith, published by CoNDUIT,to appear, I'Dirichlet Regions" subrnitted to Pi Mu Epsilon Journal, not accepted for review. I'Using Conputer Canes to Challenge Elehentary School Students,r with J. Whittle, subnitted to National Educational CornputerConference and rejected; subnitted to Conputing Teacher. iRecuf,sive Progranning in BASICi', to appear in Dj.gital Design. 'rA Computer Workshop for glenentary and Secondary Teachers,i lrith J. hrhittle, subnitted to 1980 National Educational ConrputeaConference, rrA Modular Introductory Conputer Science Course,t, subnittle and rejected. to SIGCSEConference 'rconputer Problen Solving,l a nodule fox conputea science instruction, UMAP. submitted to 'rlteration and Conputer Problen Solving,'i a nodule for conputeT science instruction, subnitted to UMAP. "Conputer Laboratory Manual for Introductory Statistics,,i for publication and distribution by CONDUIT. plus software, accepted i , : i ) T. | r,, f iiri; " . i_,i } I E M O DATE; March 5, 1980 TO: David l,larker and the Status FROM: Sheldon Wettack SUBJXCT: 1979 Evaluation Conmittee of Herb Dershem DurinS 1979 Herb Dershen has continued to progress in the manner to which rde have becorne accustomed over the last several years. I will highliSht that progress for you in the followinS paragraphs. TEACHINGEI'Ff,CT]VENESS DurinS the last year we made an administrative change in the chairnanship of mathenatics and computer science and Eltiot Tanis took over the detailed adninistrative responsibilities for both departnents. A main idea behind this nove ira6 to Sive Herb more time to spend with natterB relating to the teachinS program in computer science. He has done exactly this durinS the fall semester and feels quite good about the results. He pointed out to me that student evaluations of bis teaching nere higher than ever before. Since his evaluations have ahrays been hi8h, I feel extremely confortable with statinS that Herb is clearly one of the better teachers on campus. SCHOI.ARLY ACTIVITY Althouah He(b has a tendency to believe that 1979 lras not as successful a year for hin iq the area of scholarly activity as it vras in the area of teachitrg, I have a strong tendency to disaSree with him. HiF reason for such a conclusion is that he had several specific papers in nind as goals at the start of the 1979 year. However, only one of those papers was writ.tetr duriD8 1979 and it l,as rejected. At the same time, horeever, he did erite six other papers or other topics. Of tho6e six, four papers were published and a book lras also published during the year. Tno other papers will be published duf,ing 1980, and several others have bee4 subnitted for publicatior as can be seen from his laculty Service to Hope College fo-rm. I believe the net conclusion one can draw from this activity is that Herb was certainly not inactive during 1979. In the area of scholarship he lras also involved in a significantty nelt endeavor for ttre College $hich I believe merils special mention. He has trot pointed it out or his laculty Service to fiope College form, but he lras iotimately irvolved in the preparation of the proposal to NSF which has aIlo$'ed_us to establish a cooputer science laboralory at the College. The proposaf $as aclually lrriLten by Etliot Taais but IIe;b,s idvolv;netrt in the ,oeweropmeotot tne proposal vas extrenely va1uab1e. As I have irdicated on Elfiotrs evaluation form, I believe that rhe coatributions i"i tti" laboratory !ril1 make over the next several years eiu "t substantial. be very ro rhis gradt activity llerb cooptered his work or ar --^_ _Ir_addition NSF-IoCI Sraot which has allolred llope lo the nodular approach to the beSirEiag com?utex scietrce course. ""utft"n This cou!6e is aE extrene inprovenent over what had beea dooe previously at. the College and llerb is to be conmendeil for the work involved. SERVICE Herb's service durira the pasr year has included providinS a , . or areaE oear coxoputer science expertise to maoy locaI Sroups atrd organizatioos and to the CoIleSe canpus. IIe conLiaues to be drar*,n ufoo lerson with kaowledSe to spare in the area of microconputers "" " and ie are fortunate to have him at the coll-ege for that reason. "*'tr.r"ry The workshops r^,hich he has conducted for area teachers are a noalel of how the college can serve clientele other than its aormal fu1l-time stualeats. ST]M}IARY IE sufinary it is clear in by mitrd that Herb Dershem has had a very fine year at llope CoLlege in aII three area6 of evaluation and. for this reaaon, I am reconmendiag a subEtantial Derit iucrease for him. S$r/kva : DD2f Self Evaluation and Goals 1979 Herbert L. Dershem I believe that ny teaching has inploved over the last year because, uith relief fron chairnan's duties, I have had nore tine to devote to classroom work' I have been involved in the planning and developnent of two new courses and been able to work on the inprovenent of existing ones. Student evaluations of tny teaching has been higher than ever before. In scholarship, rny year was not as successful. Of the five papers that I proposed to write in ny goals of last year, only one was r,fritten, and that one was rejected, However, I did write six papers, although the topics were not those I proposed a year ago. In addition, four papters and one book of mine weie published in 1979. I produced tvo nodules for introductory corlrputer science which are currently being and a 1ab nanual/software package for statistics considered for publication. Service to the conununity has taken the forn of working with 1oca1 school systems on the use of collputers, Siving presentations to local groups, and consulting with various Local businesses. In addition, I have taken the leadership ln the fornation of a 1oca1 cornputer users group which notrrcontains over fifty Service to the college has been in {ork on netnbers fron the 1oca1 connunity. the selection of a new conputer systen. Goals for 1980 1. I will study the use of rnicroconputers in snall. business and begin consulting work in this area, 2. I will publish papers on ny current areas of interest and research. 3, I will convert and adapt all aspects of the conputer science progran to the new Hope College cornPutersysten, 4, I will develop a ne{' introductoxy statistics laboratory using the nicroconputefs. 5, I will seek funding fo! a progran to incxease use of conputers in elenentary and secondary schools,