JAnDAev 7. 7953 Xhn DECEUBER37, t9A3 Ileg4! E!g]S g !9!q 99Eg!9 IPI,EASE TYPEIRITEI N@ i. SCHED!'IED TEACHINC - CoreeE (s€. Cou$e rcreE Herbert L. Dershenr bsl@) DercltDtlon tl sl I e a c h i n gf o r B o s t o nU n i v € r s i t C o m pS c i C o n pS c i C o n pS c j C o m pS c l No!.., Introductjonto Comp Sc 120 295 383 491 Progr.mmlng Ldnguages Internshjpln CS 2 3 t l8 3I 1. !o! r.&-t.!gh! pI..!. coG..., (.) b.!o!. th. eoutr. Dt.c. s a.t.!1.t il..cllprlon .nit li,Bt och.! !.!b.rr o! th. r.e lri!.iu.r.ty !rit.! ltr 6u;s. it..crtptj,on. 2. Il tl 3 !r rlr€ lhsr you tjjD !.v. t'lugbr . li.!.d cou.., 9!€u. et.c. A check (|/1 b.!o!. tlE su.. d..cliprLor. 3. cr.ely d.€19n.r. 3e!q.r...ctj.on. o! th..@ @8... ts. ACADEIIICADVISING tot.l nunhe! of !dvi,.... nAJo!t 2! --26-- ar€lh. /So!,h, c. scHor,ARl! Acalvrty '. (!t.t) ::tl:,*! rNce o! :::I.::F**.d llmrng) 4 9$1gs lIgllq {rl't bot! eroj.cr d.E.'i.rtlor uir Conducted 3 Pascali{orkshops for U.S.Httttary p;ofe3ston.ts tn Gerany. SerlesEditor, Statistlcs, C0DIJIT I ' I Vislting RufuaFoundatlon'P.ofessor, RtponCollege Taught2 graduatecourcesfor Centrrl tttchtg.n Untve|stty 2. othd Revier€r Scholallv rlolk of 2 drticles and/d c€n6!!r llolesEto..I p€vetolm.i SERVICE Cleck (yt rctlvltt Stuaent clliented 1. s!4eFision 2. addnlslrattve o! lril€lEnit.nt - .tuily' ./ 'o! ,- Stuitents 3 ll,lst) Deptrtn€nt chairinan 3. lgiIg 3!g 9991!,!:s (L13t) kslqmnt3 Ch.irman of the ComputerSeivlces Comnlttee 4. !!r!499!!!1 !g4gg!!!! 1 l!1*) $iin iiir: 1Lil; iiu.llt puBLrc slRvtct/coNsutrrNc (lt.t) l { l l l e . , H o l l . n d - P u b l l cs c h o o l s cons!ltant to llunlchlnternatlonal Hlsh school, H€nn.n irl,:;i t ' . ' fri:..''t i i.4i:;rl F. cn'EEr(co$.. .d cuEt.ulq d.wloF.rt, ro hlqh .chool .tud.nt!, .!c.) l.otq.ld9., .41tE. ' 9!...nt ltorr, 5 ! € a k e r t o h l g h S c h o o lc l a s s a t l 4 u n l c hl n t e r n a t l o n ' l . S c h o o l . trainlns at l4uni ch-A'IErican lllsh school . r *i"*i iiii,lliArcrlcrnElen€ntaryrschool ". !t l4unlch pres€ntation a.v ' . cl"!-iii.." contest at Lampen c^u" tatr on Plsaal GaveScienceDaYTalk orrice bv DeveroPn€nt ;;; ;;ii ;i PaientsProsransponsored Lollege Rlpon at 5 lectures Presented cavetalk to HopeCollegeAcllchapter : _i i:. l .,r *f,,*t).l , ' 1983 Seif-EYaluation Herbert L. Dprshefi Teachins: l'lg biggeEt probleD in tpachirg uas at the upper level rdhere I had a difficult ti&e edjusti.g to the level of the Hope student. The students I taught lrhile t}n l€ave uere outh less Eapable than the Hope Computer gcience &ajor' so I had to uork to nake the class chatlengins enough. I uas r.apps rE get an opportunitg ts teech the introductorg course agai, after 6 gears absence. )19 student evaluations !,ere almost identical to those I received during the 19gl-2 gearr differing b9 no oore than ,04 ih arg cet?gsrg. l,lg overell pating over ell courses |,as 3.96 (on e 4.0 bssis) uith everg cetegorg rated above J.g except for Etinulation of intere5t &hich l,Bs 3.67. Schol.efship: I u,e5 invited to servp as e fundEd visiting progeBsor bg the l'lathe.naticE and Conputer Science Departm€nt et Ripsn Coltege, Durins the three dags I spent otl canpus at Riponr I consulted &ith fEEultg, adfiinistratorsr and Etudentsr gave one public lecture, oDe departr,ental colloquiuor a senror seBinerr and tu,o leEtureE aithin claEses. This iE the onlg scholarhip activits I have beeR able to ca]"rg out in the four nonth5 tiBe. I plan to activelg pursue consulting and uriting pro.'ects in the coning gear. These have beeh interrupted bg the discontinuitg of n9 leave. Service. I hBve served eE chair of the neu,lg forhed Conrputer Services Corftmittee and in that role taken the respongibilitg for the sBooth inplenentation of policies t ith the Beu conputer Esstenr, In additioh, I have given numerous talks to carnpusand off-car*p|-ls gt"oups as outlined on the .Facultg Sefvice to Hope Col lege' forn. ChairnranshiF: The ma.jor chellengeg of the chaifnanEhip htsve beeni (l) breaking in e ne!, staff nenber; (2) constructing profegsional developnent plans ui,th trro staff |t|e$berE; (3) adapting the cufriculutr to tle VAX cohputer EgEtefts; {4) revising the Eurt iculuh and degree requireBents; {S) ettempting to recruit in a aliEDel narketr and (6) constructing a neu, brochure to be used for gtudent rec.ui tin9, l Lr t ';.n,cor chairpt:r!,., t'.e ttLttTn Ltt Ar*-Q*, E v al u a t o r DaLe In evaluating your chairpersoc, please circle the nu.,nberwhich bcsL ,oescrrbes your sunmary evaluation of each iten. I,eeI free to add com.Tents where_youbelieve they i,rould explain your evaluation o. tn"y be helpful to the chairperson. The comnents "tu." U" urra"oufa shared aoonyrously unless you specify otherwise. "iff ""*".iJ.j The guideliDes for your evaluation are as foIIoRs: 5 = This aspect of the job expectations is beinS perforned well 4 = This aspect of the job that it normally is is being perforned belter beyond my than I expect 3 = This aspect of the job beiag performed aalequately There are sone ninor difficuLties oith the way this aspect of the job is being performed There definitely lhe J ob needs to be inproveme4t in this aspect of 0 = f ao not able to evaluate I, 5 LXADERSHIP A8ILIfi 4 3 2 I 0 A. Efficielcy 1. 2. 3. 4. 41.K3 rl,o 5 4 PlaDnitrg aDd corductinS departmental rDeetings. PlaEltitrg and conducriDg deparrrnenral business. Delegation of respoDsibilir-y. RecoSnition of, aod proErptactioE oa, problems shen tbey arise. 3 2 1 0 B . PIadDinS for the future 5 4 3 2 7 o c. S L i m u l a t i o o a r d e n c o u r a B e n e n to f p r o f e s s i o a a . L grosth of sraff {.66 s 4 3 2 1 0 D. fairtress 4.o s 4 3 2 1 0 E. Iornulation 4 3 2 1 0 f. Periodic J 4 3 2 t G. IateSration of departnetrt objectives and curriculum of the ColIeSe 3.66 s 4 3 2 H. EffectiveDess e ?? f btr Comnent: 0 l"\tr lDeanby IreLru;Jrv t. of the departmetrt and inpartiality and articulation of departnetrt objectives reassessneDt and revisioa in communication $ith of objeccives sith purposes the staff :ttj,. - ]I. SUPEIIVISORY 5(IIIS 8.33 5 4 3 2 3,o 5 4 3 21o 1 O A. TrainitrS of inexpe.ienced staff B. E v a l u a t i o no f s t a f f ConuDetrt: III. CREATINCANDMAINTAININGESPRIT DE CORPS j.33 5 4 3 2 7 O A. Se!.sitivj.ty 4,33 5 4 3 2 1 O B. Establisb.nelt aoalllailtena!.ce of atnosobere of t.rust, confide4ce, mulual rerpect anil iooperatioa {,33 5 4 3 2 1 O C. Denocratic iDvolveneot of staff 10 A. Effective liaisoo betweendeparrmeatald adninisrratioa 1 .O B, Effective liaisotr wilh orhe! deparuretrtsaEd faculty ar Ia!ge to aeeits a4al feelitrSs of staff i! alepart'|ea! ilecisiotrs Co!l'neDt: IV. IIAISON ROIE al ,t( S 4 3 j,LL 5 4,D S + 3 2 L o c. Affecrive liaisoq eith studeats t/ ,33 S + 3 2 1 0 D. Effective a{,O S z, 3 2 1 0 E. Xffective lialsoo lrith off-caEpus orgaqj.zatiotrs t{.O 5 I0 tr. Effective liaisor elth alulnri 4 2 3 2 4 3 2 liaisod eirh coruruoiry Codnent: V. 3,5 3.66 3,LL AI}MINISITATIVERESPONSIBII,ITIES 5 4 ) rr 3 2 5 4 2 3 3 21 o A. uaaaSeneno t f budget f o 8. Deteloitration of assisDmeats and loads 1 0 C- Provisioa and allocatioa equiptr|eat of facilities, supplies and D. preparation of catalog, c l a s s s c h e d u l e sa n d d c p a r t _ rnental reports 21O E. R e c r u i t m e n ot f n e e f a c u l t y 21o I. Prohpt[ess itr discharSingadministrative responsibilities 3.LL 5 4 3 2 tl,O 5 4 3 !.O 5 4 3 | O Connent: J pDRSoNAr, ATTRTBUTES vr. 5, O 54 3 2 1 0 5,O 5 rl ,33 S 4 (,33 5 4 4,33 S a 3 2 4 3 2 I O B. Depeodabitity 3 2 t o C. Availabitity 3 2 7 0 D. Sincerity and flankaess iq deallEg r{ith staff menbets 1O E. Departmetrtalitrterests abovepersonal iEterests 1 0 tr', AcceptaEceof clit.icien ard suggestions ! C. t'1.33 S + 3 2 \,33 S I A . rn t e8r i r y 3 2 O Commeot; Additional D\t1V ConDents: Ideatificatio! with toals of the colleSe M E M O R A N I J U M Date: February 2?, 1984 To: Chairpersons, Natural Sciences Division From: IrwinJ. Brink -l! p Subject: 1983Perforrnanceevaluationsand salary recommendations Attached are copies of the summary.of yor]r -of perforrnanceevaluationsby your departmental..facully, my personarevaruition your tssi p"it"r"r""". the"saiary redomm-endations for your departmentthat I forwardedto ii,e siitus committee.and anv '11'1-'TAJ| :i:"i,ff#""d""Jfi?:." J;#,f;','1F#:#iTl"f: {*ff{?,'}ii"ti;llj" Committee this tine please contact me im'mediately. Juri i'"or^"nt about the .at ";fitTi","i; ff:ilr, ,"li.i",i"Ji'i,fl11"i:"1""1T':1"#";?1i,1;i, -io *ty*T,"" anotier. departmentnembersvotunt,iiiea gii"-rlp illi. 'partiaUv sararyincrernents .sone so that other menbersof the departnentmight havefiequifies cornDensated. This is. a.noblegestureand.I sirrnpathize ;ith th" ;p;;"-";hl-ui*tt'il{ ;;i;;'";;_ xoentwhich w^asdivided 0.8%foi your departmenta.n'db.rq iJross ttre division was '3il.L"l""ffiiit!; r:J,#:1ii:f."i:il1",."1'o 'l"o fi:;il, i:l:'" if" ,si.t-"', tf" Tl,:: compensatefor inequities. I tried to.help_out a bit with "lftrting tut concentratedon awarding 1983nerit with i4,hatlimited funds ihaa-to inequifies aloi. If you have any questions about any of this please contact me. DBAA M I i M O R A N D U M Datei February 13, 1984 To: Mernbersof the Status Cornmittee From: IrwinJ. Brhk .09 I Subject: 1983PerfornanceEvaluationfor professor Herbert Dershen, Chairman, ConputerScienceDepartnent an dmo st of i;1*T:1"f,Hr:" f iru"fl!: "i;""T"'T'",,1:":fl ff;"u,ii:1"r"vear ",JTI"3T ;::l;1""1'g"jtlJ"U$f jJ,'"1,":"f;f $:""h' "drutru"'"T,""tf*f ffi ffi :ffi ,"*H',i*'i!::ii'i":'^,""i"ili,s'x :il:"" im.:,'il*:iJ#;{:"##",:ks"."-,"ri:+,'"?&li:3, orner categorieshis averaseFcoresare rouchabove J:""i; Ht,+^;;";t ]' t'.i"r"llt"i r#$irTy"":'Tramlir\,"ri $g+,+;w:l+:rffi ; ;;;-e;,;;9"; i,li,i'nl,-,i"li Xl"5,\,fl,'lT.u-.:iJ fli#tr;'"","e *,Hf li'fl,;i r:"I""i":iiT']'i""1,3 x:li*'' *mt;:*m:'{tipi:[Afl r,-ffi '"-is"l"#;**',1x,T,:l;1T.,r","x'f nir"lnl,ilj{i;i:.i:$ EIg!ti!S!g$.". Scholarr Sincemuchof Herb s rimein 1983wa cerned. He continues to serve as a series editor for CONDUIT. field was recog'nizedby his being chosen to .".u"-r. ,flu"i'ufu, His stature in his Proressorat.n"iponcorieje-tiis p,st ra' and he '"TI;.f "*";"0-'r;;t"fr15*:"53?rt;ti** l3l'T,,'J"#""T"1,?"1,T:L'"*x".:"]Tl""i1"";",,1 ,":: good. Flffi-; * i"ffi: Sffitr-,i ,Ho.-,#** T;:o "effif;;fffiH*n least. Hii overa,l 3S*Jl"::"::."?rHHg ";i,*ti.tl':",? :0" :J""Si",1;':,"":,,r" ""e il'',',h;:"tr'ts"1:"-i"rflx:#,t":r,,xlL:.#i-m |""'i:i'" Ti""}:",{"ii ;""T.qFr?",,"1'il:""i"ilti"r:*:,"., '!:T{e# D8Q