E University Advising & Academic Services Center Fill Out all of

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Extended-Transitional Advising Program
University Advising & Academic Services Center
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this Top Section!
Student completes this portion
Please print the following information
Name_____________________________________________________ ID#____________________________
School address________________________________________________ Cell phone__________________
WIU e-mail __________________________________@wiu.edu DOB_______________________________
E-TAP advisor______________________________________ Desired major___________________________
Previous major______________________________________ Previous advisor_________________________
Advisor completes this portion
Current academic status (H, GS, AW, Pro, Sus, Dis)__________________ Entry GPA____________________
GPA needed__________________ AHE_______________ E-TAP entry date (m/y)_____________________
Adm (O, F, T, C, R)____________ Matric Date_______________ Adm status (GS, AW, PRO)____________
____Participation Agreement signed
____WARD Report and advising hours screen printed
____GPA calculation done
Office use only
Semesters in E-TAP_______
Date info entered________
Applied for graduation___________
Exit major_______________
Record updated_________
Date of graduation______________
Exit GPA________________
Graduation major_______________
Exit date_________________
Updated 5/23/11
Extended-Transitional Advising Program
University Advising and Academic Services Center
Western Illinois University
[Updated 5/23/11]
In order for you to be successful in E-TAP, we require you to do the following:
1. Meet with your E-TAP advisor on a regular basis, the number of times to be
determined by you and your advisor but no less than 3;
2. Consult with your E-TAP advisor before dropping or adding a class;
3. Consult with your intended major advisor via e-mail when possible regarding
major course planning (some majors will not allow this);
4. Develop strategies with your E-TAP advisor to improve your grade point average
so you can return to your major of choice or;
5. Give permission to get an Early Progress Report from each of your instructors
after the first four weeks of class for each semester you are in E-TAP.
all that
In return, you can expect your E-TAP advisor to:
1. Meet the majority of your advising needs until you have achieved the appropriate
GPA to declare a major;
2. Help explore other majors that will meet your career goals;
3. Communicate with your instructors and monitor your attendance;
4. Help you with course selection, scheduling, and registration;
5. Answer questions regarding University requirements and procedures;
6. Know about University resources that can help you with problem areas;
7. Help you explore career plans and alternatives;
8. Be available to help you with longer or more frequent advising sessions.
------------------------------------------------------------I would like to participate in E-TAP. Please change my major and assign an E-TAP
advisor to me. I need the most assistance in the following areas:
_____career exploration
_____study skills
_____major alternatives
_____test taking
_____decision making
_____time management
_____other (specify)
I shall complete the four SWELL Online, Student Workshops for Excellence in
Learning and Life: http://www.wiu.edu/universityadvising/swell/ before my next appt
and bring in the certificates of completion for discussion. Each workshop will take
up to 20 minutes to complete!
Fill Out
_____I realize that I cannot graduate while in the E-TAP program.
_____I realize that being in E-TAP does not protect me from University Sanctions such
as Suspension or Dismissal. These are based on GPA deficits regardless of major.
Name_______________________________ WIU I.D.#________________________
(please print)
Signed_________________________________________ Date_________________
[Make a copy of this page for the student]