The Proceedingsof the on Gonference FirstAustralasian ComputerScienceEducation bYthe SPonsored ACMSPecialInterestGrouPon ComputerScienceEducation Australia of SYdneY' UniversitY JulY3'5' 1996 SymPosiumChair:AlanFekete Universityof SYdneY ProgramChair:John Rosenberg of SYdneY UniversitY Editedby: John Rosenberg UniversitYof SYdneY laboratories' DataStructureswlth Ada Package.s' Ee$.rt L,EoPeCo[.ec' Sont!4 I\dI' W.[ify L B.df, UDfn6ity oflllhoi!' Cbrmp.tgD'UrbrE Lifc Ir$rl{[cc Chcri J. Bondcr, hdi$rfots tra Animations @csdusGdr TN D.rrick P.Brcwn,gopc CoLg." Houtr4 I'tr' IndactioD Thc ahtastrcunEs aoursci5 onc of tbc oldrst rnd Bost st'_ blc colrsasitr thc computcrscicnccctltdc{lue. It hasbccn DEscntin aI modcl clfticuls lnd curicuhm llcommcrda_ lLonsfton 196?on, snd its cortc hrs r.mrin d rcE{l_ $ly ltablc. over thc hillory of thp drt! sFrcturcs coursq lDtry lools ltd aFpolcbas hrvc b€.n inEodu.ld sod cfi.rtivcly cEploycd.This paPr dBcribcs a courscth'l was&suncd usins r cmbitrldon of tlElr suchtools: tbc Adr Prograrn' -ini f"ogurgo,ag*i L vislralit tion atrdsimatio& snd *itl o,poi..Dtd algoritbE !ntly3i!. Th. tools t"t*"*i* d4Elop.d .!d ur.d uE d6scribcdh &t!il Th. Ar|r Progr.E oiDg l-srgulg! Thc uacof Ada in tb. dna sEucoltls cousc w's pion'qrd by FsldEr! [3] atrdnoll rcclldy advocsti by Sihlr [6]' Scv€nl r,!ry gooddslAstrucltca tc)(tbook a& basadoo lba Ada bng!.gp hcluditrg FcldmaD[21'Wci$ [9], H lrn t41' endSobbsrd Wcblt [8]. Thc sd\'&tagcsof Ada in a data sEucur&scou$c includc rh. followilg: . Packagcs.ndprirnt. tyPcstllow thc coEPlctcimplemcntalionof absFactdalalyPrs i$ludiry cocapsdario! endlbc scporatioDof 6pcciicationfioe imPldDcnlation. . G€ncricscnablos$ddls to wot at . highcrlcvcl of rtEtrrction whencotstuctilg absEact&ta tyP€s. . Exccptio!ht ling c.n bc iiclud.! wilhin eb6Eact&ta typcsto fidhcrc rtrc! cnc.p$rlation. In rbc coursedqscrib€dhdl, srudcnbw€!€ Providcdwirh a libEry of Ada paclagcswbich lhcy u!€d in lhcir Fogratnning Eojccts atrd l,.boBtory cxcrciscs.This dubled thc studcnbto u5othe datasEuculIls in their own Progltrls |rc|lft.FsorEl d @9yd.I aFtolt{s Pqmi!{rid to iEL.IgldlM 'chgur fiattsh c E b gnLd rilun lt Fw*Ld t'.t coti.4 ditdntag., tE c.fylt|{ mt q ih. td. dbtllr!.d hD.ofit.. o.dl..d o{d€ Fff.dnn 'td ili dd. .p!€at,.d t|dc. b gi|/gl ttr cqFq b bv F€nr&ioiolACI,bc.Tocopyodlrt.'bl€P(n[d\toF06rorle..r's3c ldft FtrilEbtdh..l€a tollditt .bfEr!,nanliFir3t srss6Act08gDl{4$2860007-5150 *ilhout nccdingto iDploocot itlem in d.tail. Thc codr fro6 tbe packagcswasaveibblc fG studcntsto cxEmirc atrdwa5 us.d in dle classto {id in ttlc unde$ttDditrgof datasEucnltl lnd algorithmimplcmcnlation. dat wclc providcdin drc library 3rc: PackaScs . . Rdional nutrlbcls . Unlinitcd prccisior in&gcrs ' Bindy sctrchtrccs . BinarYbclls . Lrfrist hcrps . Linkcd lists . eurucs . . ' Slacks 8-ttcs SPIaYtrcc€ Somcof thcs! packagcswcn edaptcdAom thoscfoud in \l'ciss [9]. AtgorithmVrsu.lizrtioE3 .|ld ADid.tiols Alcoritbm visuslizadonrnd ani$ation b.s bcon us.d suc*inrlu in dua strucnr." cou$csfor somctinc. Exanplcs r!. found in Bmwr [U and Naps [t. Tools ha€ bcor darcribcdwhich facilitat dle drvclopEcnr of 6csc aliba' dons. The tool choscDfor usc in &c prcscnt Foj.ri is Xrango[?l. I[ th. prlsala datasEuclrIEscours€,visualizatio$ rld raimatioasare us€dfor both clsssrooodcmo$talior ind lab_ oratorycxcrcbcs.Th€ adtrtatiols ars itrtctdcd to clhdcc sludentund.nrandingof algorithEs,p.nicukly sioccthc *ud.nts do not writ. codc !o imPlcmcntthe algoritbmsir rDost cases. Mrny animatiols ilbsFate tbe algolitld ihroughan aninalioDtharis vicw€dsinullao.ously wiih th. Ada codcwhichimplcmcntsthe algoEithD.Ada statancnb i! thc codc dis?lay arc bighlighted as lhoir acliotr is adMany admalions are provided with the distribution of for use Xfa.go. Somcof thesew€r€foundto bc approPdate h the data stucnms cotrse. oft€tr *itb mimr modifca_ tions.In additioo,otheraoimatiotrswcre d€v€lop€dasa part of thecoursedevclopmmtFoject Thoscdcvclopcdw€re: . Unk€d listswith serch 32 In atrils€rt, aDcxtemalPoinrcr6odsthc trodeto be inscdcd sfte(, and a newnod€ is dravn and addedto the list In a d.Lt€, ar crtcmsl pointcr fsds boih ihe lode to be delet4d ,trd thc no& immcdiatcly before it pdor to deletrngthe rode.Ir 6 faq s compadsoris animatedbct*€'[ cachclcmcft of tlc list a[d tlle dtrd valu€.The 6trdr€lue apP.{rsin thc lowcl lcft comerof thc dis?layatea,,!d a! eachelcEent is visite4 lhe fitrdlaluc Erovcsrcxt to the valueof the !ode. If |hc valucsnalch, the imagasflash.If they do no! marcb thefind valucrctumsto its Pta., in the corn€r. . hfx to Posdx exprassi":**.'Y:". . Binrry s€€rchd€e rtrscluotranooclcuon . AvL E€rins€ftron . spbyaa rotaoon . B-nEansctfron Eir3mpl€A.ninatioDj tnimarion Ad*4siotr i5 lhc name givcn to tbc algorilbm Ada projccl Adavision coobiDcs sysen dcvclopcdfor this tool for as a &achhg !o sclt€ l-"s"t Joa. *it ayou-i" tbc algoritbm Usitrg tAtlght in Ada" d$. saucturccoutscs lrirFriotr paEkagc)Clmgo, ardmationsarc cfiatcd so stu_ dcn6 may vicw thc conncctionbchl€c! Ada co'la tnd lhc acdonof ilgorilbms on drta and darastuctu€'s. Thc Ada codcasso.iatcdwith .3ch algoti$m appcalsir lhc dis?lay !rca of lc!a[go. In sonc cascs'Proccducswhich all no[ cxplicitlydisdaycdalr us.i in ord.r to simplfy th' codc- by divid.d rEctnglcs.Tbelcft half of NodesarErEpE6€ntcd contsins thc \Eluc of thc node,whilc the dght rcctangle thc hslf holdsapoi .rto tbc rcxt nodc.Any ext mal pohtcrs' suchas thos€us.d to 6trd a ccrtainnodein the lisl, sPpea! andmovcalongthe botoo of lhc list image.The codccor_ rrspondingto c€chopcralionapp€$ at lho top of thc anidation windoq and aft.r an oPcrdion is comPlctc4 ir is cEscd.The originsl list consistsof a poincr nam€dHEAD rhatpointsto adurDmyhc!d.r, th{t is, an cEpty [ode whosc pointcr fictd poirts lo NULL. As lists bccomclong, thcy wil movc off ttle display llta b thc righL Thc inagcs can still bc vio*cd by using thc anov,bunonson thc lcft sid. of thc Xfango *indow Thc stucluls and datainvolvcd in a! algodlhmarc rlPrcs.ncd by inagcs. ThcsciEDg6 movcasthc rrsult of intcrcsdneavcnts,such as thc inscnion of a dodc into a Elc or rlr iovcncnt of a liak in a rclation. At lhc bcgihningof cschariroarion,lhc fnt linc of Ada cod. is trigblighudby a r!.tangulrl inagc, Succc.dinglincs of codcrtE highliShtd as ihey arc cxccuicd,Th. uscl observcsthc imagcmovc_ mcrt taling placcin corjunctionl'ith lhc codchighlightirg. Tlvo of lhc adFations, Unktd List and AvL Trc. Rola_ dons,at! dcsdibcdbclow PR-!dI := frid ilnPul-v!1u.,u; lap :: nd liod.'fi. Pr.vJ.II.X.xr)l tiEm LiDt d List I Thc list animationdcmonstrateshow inscrts,dclctcs' and 6trdssrc doneon a linkcd list with a dummy hcadcrnode. Inscrtsay bc donc at .ry Poinrwiddn dle lisr dclctewill r€movcall occurrcnc.sof a pafticular valuc fton thc list, sndfind will scarchfor thc fun occuEncc of a vslucio thc lisL 'run anlXlango's animationwindowapPea$,andaftc! lhc mation' butron is click€4 a[ int r3 tion with thc user occursin th. shell window.A mcnu is displaycdth€re,giving thc us€rthe optionsof insenioga rcde, delctinga nodc, findinga node.or quiaing the applic-ation n 9 T@ Figure l. lnscrtirg a nodest the st!fi of r linlcd list If lbc uscr choosesto i[scn a node,Jhe wi be prompted fd the value to b€ ins€rtc4 and thcn promptcdfor the desiredplaceto inscn the node:citber at the $art of dle Ist' node.If dlc thccndof lhc list, or aftcr anotheruser-specificd userdesiEslo deletea noale,s/hewill be prompt€dfor the valuero be deleted anditrJormcdlhat all nodescontAin-ing the valuewil be deleted ff the userchoosesto 6nd a value in the tist, s/hewill be promPtedfor dD rdue to find, and iDforEredthatonly the 6$t occu.renccof thc valuewill be founrLAftcr all inJorrrationfor a panicular opqation has bccnsatleredftom lh€ user,the aninarion begms- AVL Tr€€ Rot rion singlc anddoublerota_ Adavision's 'avlrotat' denoDstrates rionsof ar AVL Eee upor the irucdion of an clement The user Inay view any of four rotarioN as matry times as dcsircdby choosingan option numbs id a shel window 'Run Arimation' button. afterclicking XTango's In the singleleft rotation,rhereexist rcdes A andB. where A is thc originalroot of rheE€€andB, As left child, is the root which resoltsftom the rotation.The Eeeis flled in by 'n'. Tbe tblee hiangleswb.icbrepresentsubtreesof depth 33 Ite Iaboletori€s doublc lcft .oulion coosistsof lhl!. nodc ieag€s: A' the origiDalmoq B, As Ieft child; and C, wtrich is B's dght cbild ald lhe Bcwroot. Itr this casc,tb€ tre is fll.d by two tiaryd.r subtrcs of &pth l\ ad tflo liarguld srbtcas of dsp& 'n+1'. Thc nodct in €och rotdtion a! conMied to 'linlis,' which scrvcaspoiDicrsto nodcs subllrs by way of i[ lhe tec. Th€ siryle rigbt atrd aloubleight rctadonsale mifior imagesof thc lcft rctations. Th.[€ arc cight laboratorycrcrciseswdner for this cous.. Sonc of rl€sc rcquire6c studd*s to !5c a Pack gc calcd THREADS Cf€sl l{arncss for dlc Rcpcatd Ex.clrtion of Ada on D.ia Sa{ctues). THRBADS is d.s$ib.d h thc followings.ctioDTrtlcs and bicf descriptionsof the labontories srE g l'n Thc clcnont is rqrus€nt€d by a s[nl, orang€Eiarglc which f$t apF{rs in dle top riSht'btnd corncr of thc X$trgo wirdow. After wor*ing its way down (hc trcc itr stadrrd binarys.3rcbte! fashion,lhc clemod aalche's'or inscrts,itsclf to thc botlom of a subtcc' potlntially causing tbc E c to bccomeunbalarccd Thc clemcntis ins€rt€dinto thc lcft-mostsubEe of th! pivot fo! thc singlc lcfl mlation' thc righ-most subdt€ for lhc singledght rctatioD'thc right subEccof thc lcft child of lhc Pivot for thc doublc left rota_ tio!, andtbc Icft subElc of tbc right child of lhc pivot for tbc doublcdght rotation. 1. Writing 3nAda progr.m Thc sordrnbar€itrtoduccd to lhe Ade larguagcby wit_ itrg a progtaD!o computcthc nth powcl of2 lsitrg integcrs atrd flosts. Tbcy arc abo .quirld ro \tritc a progra$ which uscsNcwton's mclhod to calculatcthe squarcroo! of 2 Studcntsobscrv. thc limitarions of sizc andaclulrcl wih Ada's buih-in tum.ric tyPcs. 2. UsingAdr Packag€s Studcnb usc a packagccallcd Big-In&gcr to obbin rcsulB for larycr powcrsof 2. Thcy also usc a rational numbctpsck gc to oboin moa! acorata rcsuhsfor thc squaFrool of 2. Eachrorarionalsobrs its own disPlayof Ada codc.As.ach linc of codcis bighlightt4 thc apPropriat!lint movcmcntis pcrformrd- Oncc all links arc in Position' thc rcation iDageat cachnodcDovosto ils DcwPositiodin tle balaNcdt€c andthc linls arc r€drawnaccordinSly. 8.!!i[-ji-lu 3. UsingCcncricPackages Studcntsulc a gcncdctationsl packagcalld instantiat it for Big-Integcr to incrcasethe accun f of thc squlrl root of 2 calcul|riod, 4. Big Oh Sarnpling Fiv. algoritbmsatEprovidcdio Ada programswith v8i_ oua Big Oh wluls. Studcnts rur| thc'sc lbrough THREADSl,oobscrvothcir timing bchaviorboth in tabular andgraphicdform. i!!!J 5. Big Oh Dctcrminarion Sbdentswork wilh l0 algoritbmswhos. big Oh bchaviors $ey mlst rnelyrc rnd observe. Figur 2. Thc repositioningof lid(s duc to tbe ilscrtioo of str clcncnii o a subt€e. ' --.-/-^----...- SEcksandQueucs S0rdedsrun arimatiots in Xfango to observear|danalyzc the bchaviorof a stack(Inix to Posdx convcrsion) anda queue(PostOfrcc QucucSieulation). 1. comparisonofAvl ard Binary searchTr!€6 stud€ s ule packagesfor AvL E !s and Biray search tces to obscn€ rnd comparcthci! bcbaviorsin terEs of timcs atrd avcragcdcpth of atr clemcnt scarch/inscrtiotr in rhetec. THREADSis usedto performthe analysison A A A / \ 7' ll 1l "'\ 8. SonComparisons THREADSis usedto comparerhe behador of five differenrson algorithns overvariousdaladistributiors. TEREA.DS:I Data Shucrt[6 Lal,oratory ThstEaress Figore 3. A balanced AVL tr€€ following the perfornance of a double dght rotation. Mary cip€rimentsthar 3re perforned h the laborarori€s iftolve runningtestson algorithmsthat have b€€n inpleThesetests produc€dresuhs nented using Ada package.s. 34 Sa$olc Distibudon: The statisticalFobability disEiburionuscdto g.[etat€d thc llndom alatasetSanolc ordcE Tb€ o(cnt of ordldng impocedo! clo_ DeG in tbed@ sc! ftc dcfadt scttitrgsarefor a rm clcnclq canPlctcly ulsorcd dat scr g'Eiatld lan' domly ftom a nnifoEr randomdisditr.don' workhg inrbe lab gives firr canb. m€a$ftd andamlyzld in dcir ffiJts oc ctt-* o t" more diretty itrrolv'd of informltioo thcv rctlitt' ifiirg, io"t"a.iog ttrc "tount b€-wril@nby &c s[rdtnts soEr. of d|c Ada packageswill ',#""i"o, t tt tit" * ptovidcdbv lhc instucror' h this !o mol! datasulctufts and .*a"no .* Hi[ "*p"t"a secirg andcxPci-JUtU". Stoa.os *itt tPeodthcir time of .r *g"itbns instoad actualv codits u. li.i"i "n "r. ard conrsPonding datr stuctutt's Thjs iil-J,i*,t-" their ability to analyz' thc cffcctivcnass LorA-it*."" ro r problcm' I-aroi otacnty of aif.tcot approachls ExperimcnlsoD THREADS Ctcst Halness for Rcpctitiv' to n.tnicsts uscd bc car pao thal SrucoFs) is a ool -eaa ro tht uscr ba'k rcponing uoaagodthms' oia"ru .r*t""t 'lhc Ests atl t€sl. thc of romc typc of lbc mc5suEmcnt '[""1 ii1' ercgram thar at' itnPlcmc 'd scparattly'and rtbrwiaird i"v U" *dl ioa *o ."Prat'ly as wcll A! foUows drsual for TIiREADS Thr basicidra bcbiDdTSREADS is i[usE!r'-d bv d|c follor,ilg chrn Fisur. 5. THREADSWindolv Frgut! 4. Conigurationsfor TSREADS THREADSgmctaresa daiasc( bascdon inforDadongiven bv thc us.r. This datasct is uscdby a blackbox to ru! onc cxocrimcnuUoon fte black box's conplction, i! rEtMs to TIiIREA-DS6c s'Inpl. sizc of rhc darasct and an integ'r mcasursrcntof tllc tesr'Th. mcrsurmcnt will bc i$lud'd in a tablcthal tc€ps trackof eachexpaincnt tllc usd ns' Rrltrd.ocIHREADS briogsuP thc int'rhcc showr in Fig' urE5- il informadonnc.ded for fic dau setis irput ir the apfrofEialcpla.!'s by tlle user.The panmctersthc uscrmay dcsrgBrtasrc asfollows: Mcthod:The black box to usefor thc cxPctiment 'Write to File: The lamed fil€ where tbe dala set is stored-If no file is designare4a bv thc M!1h94. Thc black box proccss is sp'wncd a black cxccuus THREA.DS pto".tt. whcn ffips gcnorattd by dal6 sct a box givcs thc black box, ir wbcn to rrlurn box black for lhc writs drcn TIS€ADS. It ihc black bot rrtrrns, THREADSt k s thc dateandwdtcs i! to thc Tbblc of Mctsurmcnb. Thc black box rEtums2 'Ihs frrs1is $e sizt of thc datas€tsnddlc sccondis in&gcrs. thcmcasulmontfiat the blackboxrltufns. leomed by lhe blecl box Th?mcaningof thc mcasurEmclrt wi vsry d.Pcldbg oo which black box is bcing run ln som.cascsthc mcasulEm.nrmay bc thc numbcrof cogrPa!_ isotrsthal welrPerfofircd inasortroutinc ln lhc cas' ofthc binaryseaEhdcc cxFtiments' tbc lrcasurcmcntrcllE6dm th! avcragcdcptbofa nod€in de Etc ln 'll csscs'howcver' intcgcr uscful in rhc neasurcrrerr will bc a non_negative a c€rtaio data of amtvzinq thc cff€cdvercsso! eficiefty sel Thc measlltepsnicui5I data structfe-or algorithrofor a cln thcn be com_ exPcri$erts nentsF$rmcd ftoE diffcrent a!aly$s' the user's aid pa€d agailst elch othcr to !.mporarydefault6lc will be us'd' grilelqElel The text field labeled"wrire to Fitc:" takesa ranr asinput I{ a oameis specific4 the gcrcrateddataset vil bc saved!o a frle wilh tbat nameitr ihe dfieclory specr'Writ€ Parh" lext ficld- If no ntse is sPccified fied h the thedatas.t will besav€dto a t€nporary6lc' write Path:The palh to the di.ecrorywheret dataand 61eswill be written. Usc File: Th€ Paft atrdnameof a dataset!o be usedin placeof a filc generat€dbv THREADS' write lhth. The 'Write Pa$:" iext 6eld t &esa parhstsilg as input- THREADSwill not op€rateuntil a valid paih is SrmpleSize:The numberof clemenisitr tle ileras€L 35 iT 1 uscrh,s sivetr.Tbc aad sEi.ngnc€dsto bea path wherEthc writ€s ard rsds pcrnissioos' THREADS ["4 -a ";tite it wil data' c/dtc its ar|a nf"". ft i ot"ot r€d and i-" bhcl box a 'o ruD o*1r* o.o".ty. It u. u""t dEdPts win aPpc{r pronpt oipiog'ut *i . palb' a loticc approPn",iuo,t andoorify thc ustr o supply TIIREADS wrir &€ Ekes.a sEirg ss inpul' lJrqEilgi Tbc {sc FilcJ' tcxt 6€ld oas' of rhe d"o* to $er!D!r-.lQs!!IiThc sanple order ref€rs 9" "t !o be sct dlc dara in lpr€N"tcd' Uke ffi Oe u"cruotla nnchs fron -l0O to lO0. A sePlc ordct of 100meanslbat t io incrEasingsorEdods- A $D' r& if &c a"ia "'itl -lm lhar 10096of tbc d6tais in dlcrtssmca[s Dlc 'ineord.r of odcr of zem mcaDsthu $! d'r' A samplc sonedorder. -lm tad isin pe*ecrfyraldon odcr' Any v6luc b'$ecn 50%of ftst ioo ii *".p,itr". .q *"t* of 50 meatrsthd |be (emabdcr is ir ,fle a"r" i.'io i""."""iog .oned ordcr' thc Bndon o[(lcr. coo,io tlr cntircparhand ffifr.oiog.*, ;; il . ; used-r a valid Pathand ranc is sivcn' thc-iofornalion Dda.lsgi Thc detasetfu gcncraltdbsscdotr *ur ,rsclhisdaa sctfd rtc blackboxinstcadof iiieoi siz.. aisitution, ad odcr 6clds Thc cle' THREADSwill uscs sPcci6'd flm uc ".npt o"* a*.t. mcnb aI! Irndomly gcDeratd !o firlill thc uscr's nquitE"iro"tt " " g"n*iog a ncwdrrasct Thcrcforc'if lhc .o 6rot" li. mcnis.A datasct can slso comc ftoD t imPon'd ilatl sct gio..* ot* drd's€t'tbcsting in thc"Usc and icr *lJ*. ;ing thc "Usc Filc:" Ext 6cld bv supPlyioga Pnth " Filc' t xt ficldhust hcdclctcd. namc. s.dlculcr to c er allo 6cld sizc Thc slsplc Smglgsjrc: Thblc of MecruEmcnts:Sincc dala scts mty bc savc<lu to bc i@ludcdin tbedatas'q rlngttr" of iil-il ign*o uy,t" ot".' cxp'dmcn$nay bcrcPcrttd' l0ooo.Thc sanPl' sizcbsv bc ch&gcdbv ;;-t"nr i. "1".*o frofiI 3n cxP'riDcnt scs$onmay Tbc tableof mcasurcEents us-inq thcmousco clickon thcuPdownarrows'orby m!ndata6t a also bc savcd,ao the uscr may comc backto drc is 100 prcvbus Jii"oatiag tn" .it" ioo thc tcit 6cld Tbcdtfrull thc add to or cvc! Iatardlrc !o continucanalysis clcmcDls. ridt thc clictirg by savcd .rocrincnr rccrra" Tattcs rIE 'Filc' mdru thc Fron tlc tvpc lablc .ius" Uunonwhilc on lhc ' SloDl-DirEilstiqDi Sa[tpl€disEibutioniEdicatrsdistrib'Savc as and a sav' window will ttc option iiiiriTaoto.o io *tti"n ttt" di6taclcEcntsarcto bc "ioos" ro chooseftom: a5D!ar.To load in a prcviously sav'd bblc' choosc lhc utca neIE arc six aficrcnt distdbuaions 'Fil€' mcnu' and binogallsu' Poisson' option 'OPm' ftom thc oormal' unifomucxponcntial, 'RuD ExPcridcnl' buuon ts Eial. Run Exrc;m.ti: WhcD thc ."t is g*"t"td snd wrinc! to drc tppropliTo lha righ! of thc SePIc Distibution'th"E is a button ii"t"a.[ior, snd c-rca 'inrib,ltion pu""mcrcts'. clickrd is butlon If rhis at file. Ncrf thc black box Foccss is sPsm'd ul"ta sizc and thc ssmPlc fioishcs, box black cut d. Wh thc windou,pahclwithnumbor6cldswil aPpca!' If ncasurdrlcnt&e writtrn to ttlc tablc of ncrsulctretrts' rhc uscr h.s not provid.d TI{READS wih dlc aPProPna& infoimarion,theuscrwi bc notificd to do 3oard no cxPnuscr mcrt will bc run. If thc black box atois or ctashcs'thc ad boJ( black witt Uonotincathat Octc c/asao enor in tb' no datawil bc wdtt n to thc bble. Figurc6. DistributioDParamctclswitrdow Wlth this disttihxion window Paoel,the usercan modify the disttibudonsby changingthc parancte$ ior €€chdisErbudon. Thes€distibutiols canbc ulcd to evaluatchow lhe disEibuiioD of dia can aficct iliff€tElt dala sEuclrlles For most crses.Unifotm disEibutionis suffciedt. Fuu$cwo* on distribuiom includestbc developmerrof black boxcsthattully udlizelhe SampleDisldbutiod featue of THREADS' gsa.lftl8bi whcn tllc 'vicw Graph' buoonis click'd' lhe -.r"ut r.os curcntlv in thc Eblc wil bc uscd as the fot gopt. Crapt are gEndat'd using thc X_ "o*ainor, " packageXVGR ald nay be cr€st'! al sindoua glzphing sassionE ch gr4h is ptEduc€d -" ooiorin rtto "* inlts own windowwith a uniquctitlc, wbch alows for ctsv compadsonbctw€cngraphs. g.gcr.l3blg The Clcar Tablc' lutloo-alloq's th€ user to clelr thc tablc ar any poi during a THREADS session' This cMblesthc userto $an a newlet of exPcriEcn6at a$y 'ClcarTablc' boton is cliclcd a promptwi dme.Whentb€ arDearaskirg f tbcy want to clcar thctablc ff "Cl$r r:itu' ;s setcrrel" dc cablewiU bc cl€and If canccl is selectrd,thc userwill be retumedto TIIREADS vith no charycs. 36 sdollableare3-This witrdowis siztd so thatit canb€placed trextto theTIIREADS witrdowon the sase s€reetrfol easy refercnccwhetrwotking v/i6 TI{READS. CondusioE The studcnt r€rctioDs!o th€ use of tllc laboratorieswas favonblc.TheyfoundISREADS !o be a very usetrl tool as was well as€3syto use,Tbelr e\€luadonof the laboaalories them udfom y positivc,itrdicatingtllat thc stuilcntsfound intcrc$ing,instuctive, sndchallctrgirg. Thb courscwasoficrcd i! a scnitrgwhcrc &e laborarorics hsd to bc conplctcd outsidc of r.gularly scb.dulcd class timc ard without thc instuctor's supervision.It would have bccnbctterto havcscbedulcdandsupcrviscdlaboratorysessionsfor complciionof thc laboralorycxcrciscs Also' thc scoingu!.d madcthc laborarory.xcrcisesindividualefforis {, tcamcfrort q/ouldbc morc cffcctivc. Figule?. E)qonc sclcctionfor Big Oh cocfficientsuEma'Cocmcicnc' buton is clickrd' r small @l6cigltr: If thc window wilh 6vc buttonswill alpcar (Figu. 7) Thc fivc 'n' buBonsarc log(t), n, nlog(n), n2, and n to sohc pou/er bciry tho saEplc sizc.If one of dpse buttoDsis clickcd, an wirdoi/ ydll .pp.-a! displayingrhc cocfficicntsof th{r Parriculrr Big Oh of tlc datain thc tablc. For cxamPlc,if lhc datr in thc tabk is: 100 Thc animatior! werc lsed in two settr[gs. Thc studcnb wcrc givenistuctions on thcir usc8nd€ncoomg€dto run ad obse c thcm.In lddition, thcy wcrc usedfor irclass A closcdlaboratorysctting would incr.asc domonsEations. thc cfrcctivcncssof thc animationsby pdnidiog an cffcctivc combinationof dcmonsradonand intcractivesMcnt 600 The succcssof the substitutionof animationsfor stualcnt_ writtcn implemcntaliotrsis bci mcasu€dby the ability of thc datashruracs andassociatcd thc studcntsto understand algorittms lnd to apptyth€m in thcir tats work Si[c! all studcntsftom this classhavc now completcda subccqucnl algoritfunscbss, wc canstatethal ltudcnts l€arningin this lnvironsrcntwcreablc to und€rsttnd,apply,ad cxtendtlle conccptsofthis courseaswcll aslhosewho did moreextensiveimplcbentstiooptogsnming. If thc tl2 buson is clickcd, tlr windowwiu apPsr displaying: 100 t f d '-. lt d v .v .ll 6006.0000000008-{D This mcaasthatwith n=loo atldyd0o, sn cxFtssion of the form y=cn2 would tquirc c to b. 6.000q)00E-02.lf lhis cocficicnt rcmainsralatively consta ovcr nratryYalucsof n, thc function rcpr€scntcdis a goodcandida&for thc bi8oh functionofthc blackbox proccss. Thc mostproblcmaiicaspcctof thcscmodificationswasthc us. of theAda prognmhitrg language.Thc strdentrEaction to tbe usc of Ada was uiformly negative.This was not a rcslll of ihe languageits.lf, which thc auihoE still betieve to bc a vcry efrcltive vehiclcfor thc demonstationof dala structur.s,bu rarherduc !o local cotditions. 'HelP' button Hdti Hclp may bc foudd both by ctcking thc or thc THREADS window. or by F!.ssing thc hclp key on tbc kcyboad. The btion or thc THREADS windo* will opcn a pop-up witrdow that codains completehclp text. Pushinet|e 'hclp' key on thc kcyboad wi giv€ a shon summrryof helpfor the spoton th€ windowwhffe thc cursoris pointirg. 'Quit' buttor is clickrd, a notic€pronpt will Ogir If the appearand askif thc userrealy wan6 to quit. If c$cel i5 s€I€.ted"the uler will be rcfi.Enedto the loain THREADS 'Quit' is selecred' plogram 'tithout any changes. U TI{READS vill exir and close all witrdows. Also wben THREADSis quit, all tenpordry files will bo deleted$ no unvtantEd files remainin the specifiedwdte PatbdiEctory' There is a snall tutorial Fogram lhat !8EADS-&Ed3L is includti with THREADS. When this prograrnis run a window opeDstbat disPlaysthe compl€tehrto;al text in a Itr all cou$esb thecurriculumprior to lhis collls., the stu_ denlshad'rsedPascal.Ir coursesbcyondthis onc, thcy ar€ either osingC++ or g !n a choice of language.The only that uscsAda heavilyis olhorcou$ein thc local cNlrriculuEl tlte progr.[lnidg laneuagpscouse. As a resull the students foundthc on-the-flytearningof Ada at the begiming of th. burdc!. They data structuescourseto be a[ unnecessary fett tharthis burler cameon top of iheir otherrcsponsibili ties for the classard that thcre waslittte futur€ valucto be dqived ftom lbis cfforl the tutri€ directionof As a resultof the abovcobs€rvations, thi! effon ir to convent!€ dala strucorescoursq it Lbom- 37 torics, and animatims to C++. The local cuniculllm has trowb€cDDodiE d so thr! thr students6lsr pmglm in Ci+ in a courso Fior io this oDq so tha! ni be no tine fiquircd to lcan thc language.In additioa, the pr€vious cou$cs low cEphasizclbc objcct-oricnlcdapproach,rnd this approacbwill bc intcgratcd i$o the dacastuctures co|.|Isoandthelaboratori€saswell. Ihc incoductionof closedlaboratori€sis ano6€rmodifcationthat wi[ bc institrrtcdin fuorc offeringsoftbis course. Acknostdgmc[ts Workon thisprojcc!wassupportd in palt by DARPAgrant lumbcr MDA972-92-J-1030andNaionrl Scicrcc Foundatio! grantoumb€tCDA-9200118- BIBLIOGRAPEY MA, Ul Broqn,M.H.,AtgonrrraArinarion, Cambddgc, MITPrcss,1987 VA, t2lFddn,{'\1"}', DataAbstr*tion rir, Ada,Reston, Conplny,l98t RcstonPubUshilg *ith Ada:an [3] FcldEar,M3., Tcachingalalastructurcs cigbtycarpc$pc.tive,S16CSE Bu erin,22Q):21-29,Itllrc, r990. 8., Introdlr.tio to Absn'actData,p.s Using t4l HjJJam, nda BnSlcwood Oifis, Nt, hcnticc-llall, 1994 in compu&rscicnce [5] Naps,lL. Algoritbd visualizatiotr laboratorics, SICCS' 8lllt .i,r, 22(1):105-110, Fcbruary, 1990. [6] Silvcr, J.L., Using Ada to spclify and c]"luatc project! in adra(asuucNrcscoursc,SICCSEBu\erin,23(l).337-y0, Ma&h l9l. m SE ko, JohnT. TANGO: A framcwork and systemfor algorithmanination, Conputea23(5\t n -38, l99O. [8] St'!bbs, D.F. and N.w. webrc, Ddto S''l'.tures with Abttmct Dota Ttp.s atd Ada, Boston,PWSK€nt, 1993. [9] weiss,Mffk A. Dara Stuctuns and Algorithn Analysb ir Ada, New York Benjanin Curltrrings PublishinsCo. Inc..1993. 38