Java Class Visualization for Teaching Object-Oriented Concepts Herbert L. Dershem and James Variderhyde Department of Computer Science Hope College Holland, MI 49422-9000 Abstract Visualization is a useful tool in many areasof computerscil enceeducation.This paperdescribesthe useof visualization in the introduction of object-orientedconcepts.A Javaapplication has been developedthat allpws the user’to interact with a visualiza.tionof any Java class through the instantiation of objects, the movement of those objects around the class environment, and the activation of classmethods.The user may also move conveniently between classesin this visualization. This Object Visualizer is useful for classroomdemonstration, individual student use in the laboratory,. and class debuggingand testing. 1. Introduction Studentswho are learning object-orientedprogrammingfrequently have adiicult time understandingthis new paradigm and how it operates.As with any difficult subject, studentsbest learn this topic if a variety of learning modes are used. In particular, visual learning can be effective and the visualization of classes,objects,and methodscan be an important learning tool. Previouswork on the visual approachto learning object-oriented conceptsincludes that of Kijlling and Rosenberg[l] who have created’ a program development environment including a language,debugger,and editor, that usesgraphics for the visualization of classinheritancerelations and the dynamic creations of objects. Another approachis that of Haddad,Curtis, and Brage [2]. They have built a graphical user interface for the visualization of object-orientedconcepts.Jerding and Stasko[3] have developeda tool for visualizing the execution of C-t-+programs with the intent of enhancingprogramunderstanding. Permissionto makedigitaLhrd copiesof all or part of this matcrialfor personalor classroomuseis grantedwithout fee providedthat the copies are not madeor distributedfor profit or commercialadvantage,the copyright notice,the title ofthe publicationandits dateappear,andnoticeis given that copyrightis by permissionof the ACM, Inc. To copy otherwise, to republish,to poston serversor to redistributeto lii requiresspecific permissionand/orfee. The testing of object-orientedprogramsis also a problem for both teachersandstudentsin beginning courses.Sinceteachers focus on the design and implementation of encapsulated classes,studentconstruction of a test program is usually an unwelcome diversion, introducing many details in its user interface that distract the student from the issues of class design and implementation.The actual evaluation of the test can also be difficult due to the encapsulatednature of classes.The useof a symbolic debuggeris less than satisfactory since it operatesbelow the conceptuallevel of the class structure.The relationship betweenvisualization and debugging and testing is well-known and has been explored by Baecker,DiGiano, and Marcus [4]. The applicationsof visualization to object-oriented debugging has been demonstratedby Mukherjea and Stasko[5]. The needfor a visual environmentthat will enhancestudent understandingof object-orientedconceptsand facilitate testing and debugging is therefore desirable. Rosenberg and Kiilling [6] haveprovided suchfacilities within their system. Their work requires the developmentof the system within the Blue environmentwhereasthe presentwork permits the visualization of any Javaclass. This paper describesa tool that can be used by studentsto visualize the interaction of class componentsand assist in debuggingstudent-written classes.This tool is a Java application that acceptsa Javaclassas input and producesa window that contains a visualization of the class’ methods. Objects of this class may be instantiated and manipulated within the environment.In particular, objectsmay be placed as arguments for the invocation of methods, which may result in the instantiation of further objects.This visualization and manipulation of classcomponentsprovides a useful tool for learning object-orientedconcepts. The Object Visualizer We will illustrate the features of the Object Visualizer through the examination of a simple examplefraction class called Frac. The Javaview of this classis found in Figure 1 and the view of this classproducedby the Object Visualizer is shownin Figure 2. SIGSCE 98 Atlanta GA USA Copyright 1998Q-89791-994-7/98/2..S5.00 53 . public synchronized class Frac extmds Each classis representedby a unique color. Thesecolors are difficult to discern in the Figures found in this paper since they are representedby shadesof gray. Each method in the classis representedby a button-box along the left edgeof the window. Eight methods including two constructors are definedin the classFrac. The box containsthe nameof the method and the color of the box is the color associatedwith the return value of the method. For example, the two constructors and functions add, subtract, multiply, and divide all return an object of class Frac and have their function boxescolored with Frac's assignedcolor. Methods that return void, such as reduce, are colored black. The function tostring returns an object of String classand is colored appropriately. java.lang.Qjed I public public public public public public public public public public int NLAG irk Den; Fracb.rLint~; FracO; void reduce0 ; static Frac add(Frac,Frac) i static Frac subtract (Frac,Frac) i static Frac multiply (Frac,Frac) ; static Frac divideErac.Fracl i java.larg.String toString i ’ t At the bottom ofi the left eclge are three boxes that are included by the Object Visualizer in every class. The first Figure 1. Frac classmethods definedin Java WL directory http://www.cs.hope :lass name hC Figure 2. ObjectVisualizer view of Frac class 54 two enablearrays of the classto be.instantiatedand assigned values.The third is a Waste box whereobjectsareplacedto removethem from the environment. To the right of each method box, ‘a prototype -- of .that method’s invocation is found. Within that prototype, container boxes represent method arguments and, for each object method, a container box of the defining class repre sentsthe invoking instance.Once again, all boxes are colorcoded to the class or type that is represented.For example, the top constructorhas two arguments,both of int type, so the boxes are of int’s color. All other boxes in the class methodsof Figure 2 are of classFrac. FTXC Figure 4. Instantiation of Frac 517 The “517” Frac object can now be draggedto any location in the &me. Figure 5 shows the result of clicking function add after the two Fkacs shown have been draggedto the argumentholders. a The right frame of the window in Figure 2 contains initializer buttonsfor the Javaprimitive datatypesandfor the class String. This frame remains the samefor any class being visualized. Each of thesebuttons permits the creation of an object of the correspondingtype when a value is typed into the adjacenttext field and the button is clicked. ‘Figure 5. Activation of add function Object methodssuch as reduce may modify the contents of the invoking object. Figure 6 shows a before and after view ‘ofI, a reduce methodinvocation. , The directory and class text fields at the bottom of the right frame are used to specify the location of the class that is being visualized. These can be changed at any time, and pressingthe “Read Class” button resultsin the loading of the new classinto the viewer. ‘., J mlpgll.r*w 0; Figure 6a. Before activation of reduce Object Manipulation We will now work through some manipulations of objects within the class visualization shown in Figure 2. This will illustrate someimportant featuresof the ObjectVisualizer. Figure 6b. After activation of reduce The text that appearsin the object box is the result of the tostring ( 1 method applied to the object. To view the data componentsof an object, the user must meta-click the mousebutton on the’objectasshownin Figure 7. y IIEm Figure 3. Instantiation of 5 In order to instantiate an object of classFrac, we must first instantiate some &r&s. Figure 3 illustrates the instantiation of the integer 5. The user first types 5 in the text field next to the int button. A mouseclick on that button then results in the appearanceof an object to the left of the button and inside the left frame of the window. This objecthasthe value 5 displayed within it and is colored with the color of inc. Like all other objects, this object may be dragged via ‘the mouse to any location within the left frame. In particular, Figure 4 showsit located within the left argumentcontainer of the Frac constructor. It also shows an int object containing 7 in the right argument container and ‘the Frac object “5/7” that appearswhen the Frac constructorbutton on the left edge is clicked with the ints in ‘the argument ‘, containersas shown. Figure 7. View of object components Other Features of the object Visualker The ObjectVisualizer window presentsthe‘view of one class at a time. The class being ,viewed,may be changed at any time, however,by specifying a new classat the bottom of the right frame and clicking on the “Read Class” button. The 55 specified class will have its methodsappearin place of the methodsof the original class.The objectsthat are in the window persist, however, until they are eliminated by placing them in the “Waste” receptacle. This feature permits the user to move easily from one class to, another within the Visualizer. Objects can be createdin one class and then usedin methodsof another.It is particularly easyto move from the currently viewed classto its parent class by selecting “Move to Parent” from the “Class” pull-down menu at the top of the window. The “History” menu facilitates returning to a view of classesthat were viewed previously. objectin question.You then usethis Class object to get the members of the class using ’ getDeclaredFields ( 1, getDeclaredConstructors0, and getDeclaredMethods ( 1. Theseeachreturn an array of a class from the java . lang . ref lect package. You call newInstance ( ) on a Constructor and invoke ( ) on a Method. Each of thesetwo methodstakes an array of Objects asa parameterto passto the function being called. A class that has not appearid in the Visualizer during the current execution is representedby the color black until it is loaded into the Visualizer for the first time. At this time, a color is assignedto that classandits future appearancein the Visu&zer within other. classes.’will inclyde that newlyassignedcolor. Colors chosento representclassesand@rimitive types are arbitrarily chosen’b) the system wilh two exceptions.White is usedfor j ava . lang . Object class. Arrays arerepresentedby a lighter shadeof their baseclass. If method argument containersdo not contain an object of the correct type,or classat the time,the methodis invoked by a button click, an “Illegal Argument” window appears. Larger classescan be conveniently viewed by using the horizontal and vertical scroll bars in the viewing frame. This is particularly helpful when viewing built-in Javaclassessuch asjava.awt.Componentasshownin Figure S.Implementation -i 4 hplehentation il , I. An overvi- 0; the ir$lementation of thk Object Visualization Applicatidn Aay be of interest.Thk graphical userinterface is actually quite simple. The application hearsmousedown and mouse-drageventsand respondswith a changein location of the “Aniniated Object” (the AnimOb j ec t interface) and a repaint of the visible methods. The Animated Objectsare drawn as a colored rectanglewith a helpful summary of the contents. If the class,has a tostring () method,it is usedasthis summary.Eachprimitive makerhas a default value that is createdwhen the button is hit if the input field is empty. Scrollbarsare usedwith separateScrollpanesto view the class a little at a time. Below the class’ methodsis a Wastemethod that is usedto lose the reference to an object. When this is activated,the draggableobject disappearsand the i&an& itself will be garbage-collected. Figure 8. ObjectVisualizer view of java.awt.Component The Internet classloading is also quite simple. First the program createsa URLConnect$on to a class file and downloads an array of bytes. This can then be turned into a class using the def ineclass ( ) method in the java. lang . ClassLoader class.,ClassLoader is an abstract class, so it is extended to create an InternetClassLoader class. Once a class is defined, it may then usedasmuch asneeded.Unfortunately, only public methods and constructorsmay be used. Educational Visualization 1 The ObjectVisualizer is a valuable tool in courseswhere the object-orientedparadigm and Java are taught. This software is very ffexible and can be usedin a wide variety of settings andfulfill many roles. Th& invocation of- the methods gnd constructorsis a&ohplished through dse of the j ava . lang . Class cl&s and the j atia . l&ng : ref Sect package.To get an instanceof the* Cl&i clasi y6u isimply call getciass ( ) on the 56 Classroomdiscussionof the object-orientedparadigmand of specific classescan benefit from demonstrationswith the Object Visualizer. For example,the Frac class in Figure 1 can be presentedin class as both Java code and in visual form. The visualization of classactions promotesbetter student understandingand gives the instructor an opportunity to point out key activities andrelationships. References [l] Kiilling, M. and Rosenberg,J. An Object-OrientedProgram DevelopmentEnvironment for the First Programming Course.Proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh SIGCSE Techni- Visualizations can also provide useful laboratory activities since studentsare able to manipulateobjectswithin the class and betweenclasses.Since the ObjectVisualizer works with any Java class, student-written classes can interact with instructor-provided classes,resulting in interesting activities that can be feasibly directed and completedwithin the time constraintsof a closedlaboratory period: The ‘Object Visualizer also provides an excellent environment for studentsto test and,debug classesthat they ‘write. This eliminates the necessity of creating elaboratetest harnessesfor every classand allows the studentto test the interaction of classes,This use is particularly helpful in lowerlevel courses that introduce the object-oriented paradigm since it allows the students to concentrateon class design and implementation rather thqn the languageand user-interface details that are needto constructa testprogram. The ability of the Object Visualizer to acceptany Javaclass also makes it an interesting,tool for students in studying external classes.In particular, all classeswithin the JavaAPI are viewable, a useful tool to help studentsunderstandthe role and function of these classes.As studentslearn about the j ava . awt package,for example,they can visually create componentsand place them within cor&ners, seeingthe 1 results of the methodsasthey areinvoked. Finally, studentsfind the ObjectVisualizer to be a useful tool for exploring remote classesthat can be downloadedfrom the web but whose sourcecode is not available.Many interesting approachescan be explored by examining the structure of a class. Availability cal Symjosium on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE Bulletin), 28,l (Mar. 1996), 83-87. [2] Haddad,H., Curtis, E., andBrage,J. Visual Illustration of Object-Orientation: A Tool for Tea&ing Object-Oriented Concepts.l%e Jou’mal of Comeuting in Small Colleges, 12, 2 (Nov. 1996),83-93. , s, ,’ [3] Jerding, D.F. and Stasko, J.T., Using Visualization to Foster Object-OrientedProgramming Understanding. Technical Report GIT-GVU-94-33, Graphics, Visualiz&on, and Usability Center, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, July, 1994. / [4] Baecker,R.;‘DiGiano, C., and Marcus, A. SoftwareVisualization for Debugging. Communications ,ofthe ACM 40,4 (Apr. 1997),44-54. [5] MuFerjea, S. and Stasko,J.T. Toward Visual Debugging: Integrating Algorit@mAnimation Capabilities within a Source Level Debugger.ACM Trayactions on ComputerHuman Znterac@on,1,3 (Sep. 1994),215244. [6] Rosenberg,J. and Kijlling, M. Testing Object-Oriented Programs:, Making it Simple. Proceedings of the Twenty: Eighth SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education (SIGC@ Bulletin, 29,1 (Mar. 1997), 77-81. i’-’ / The Object Visualization class and its Java’source code are availableat http : / /www . cs . hope. edu/-alganim. Acknowledgments The authorswould like to thank PeterBmmmund, who contributed many helpful ideas to this project. This work was partially funded by the National ScienceFoundation, Grant Number CDA-9423943-03. 57