MINUTES Learning Assessment Committee Harford Community College April 5, 2013 Present: S. Allen, S. King, D. Mack, N. Hoke-Wilson, G. Popiolek, A. Ward, B. Ekey, V. Swain, C. Allen, J. Grimm Action items in BOLD. 1. Approval of March minutes--approved as written 2. Assessment Project newsletter – sharing in divisions - feedback on assessment newsletter from divisions. LAC divisional reps should continue to remind people about newsletter. Expo should be focus of first newsletter; that way faculty will not be creating two things. Faculty to request Expo submissions at next division meetings. 3. Recommendation on Academic Outcomes feedback--3AT group approved. Sheila will contact Annette about next steps. 4. Website update--David gave overview of move to new Webpage and OwlNet. Decision must be whether/what LAC info is public or private (OwlNet). David also presented some questions to help LAC determine what should be on web vs. what should be on OwlNet. Carol gave some details from website redesign steering committee: important to focus on who is audience for web info. What does need to be on web for public audience? Two questions to consider: What is public or private and what needs to be only private? Also, where will LAC be placed--governance with link to academics or elsewhere? Maybe prioritize what is important to have for faculty/staff then decide where other information resides. Carol also outlined some of the navigation of the new website in order to help LAC see what the navigation options are. LAC discussed potential placement of LAC within web. Also discussed overall assessment pages (institutional assessment) and relationship to either Academics or Governance. May be advantageous to keep in Governance in order to have full control over content. May have less control if part of Academics. Some discussion around dual-reporting needs for LAC vis Academics and Governance. LAC members to consider questions posed by David and also institutional assessment (IR) page. 5. Assessment Timeline Review of Subcommittee Work and Update--some minor modifications of timeline proposal. Discussed meta-assessment that is currently occurring on campus. Some discussion about the need for planning and assessment plans. Maybe have divisions submit assessment plans to LAC for review and comment. Possibly review using rubric for plans. LAC has leadership role in assessment. Sheila will contact Steve I. to discuss. Val to share meta-assessment rubrics. 6. Live Text--Sheila had full-day session with LiveText. Rubric based, automatic reporting. Shared some info about webinars sponsor by TK20 and LiveText. Bill has talked with rep from LiveText; cost is $70 per student. TK20 presentations to divisions--well-received; faculty interested in more info prior to any purchase. Need to assure compliance for accessibility. Nicole has some information. Some comments from a division regarding amount of money to be spent on software when there are other needs on campus. 7. Transparency PD session for Fall– discuss/brainstorm Valerie to prepare and present session; seeking a faculty co-presenter. LAC members consider co-presenting or seeking other faculty to do so. 8. REMINDERS: two upcoming webinar opportunities April 10 and 17—contact Valerie if interested; MSCHE Workshop May 10—Valerie and Robyn Smith will register and make arrangements; Assessment Expo—need presenters! Division reps please try and solicit participation from your divisions. Adjourned at 2:40 p.m. Next meeting May 3. Committee Members Carol Allen Bill Ekey Miriam Huddleston David Mack Sheila Allen Rob Frank Chris Jones Gene Popiolek Gina Calia-Lotz Judy Grimm Kenneth Jones Valerie Swain Madelyn Danner Nicole Hoke-Wilson Supawan King Avery Ward