Learning Assessment Committee Minutes Harford Community College October 5, 2012 I. Approval of August minutes--approved as submitted II. Prerequisite Pilot Discussion with update from IR --Bill reviewed his research into reading and writing prerequisites: reviewed and updated previously shared information for newly enrolled students, including the percent of students at various accuplacer scores who pass PSY 101; shared new information related to continuing students; shared relationship between each English course and non-English course. Bill also projected numbers of affected students if prereqs were established. Options are to tailor prereqs to each course or have one common standard for all impacted courses. Bill will attend annual statewide English faculty meeting next Friday to present this data. Bill will also share with Drs. Haggray and Cruise. LAC discussed use of this data and other factors such as non-cognitive that weigh into students' performance. What is acceptable level of students who are likely to pass? Perhaps somewhere in the mid 50s? Might be wise to begin with conservative requirements and move up over time. How would these affect certificate only students? May need to look at characteristics of new certificate students (coming in with English requirements met)? Bill would like LAC co-chairs to join him for meetings with 3AT group. LAC concurs that some recommendation is needed from LAC in order to keep project on track for fall 2013 implementation. Phased-in implementation might be wise. Important to use this data in order to help students succeed. Bill will present information to VPAA for deans. Homework for LAC: determine which courses we want pre requisites and what cut off recommendations for each course for pilot. Consensus will be reached at the next meeting and then presented to the Leadership team later in November. Invite Elizabeth Holmes and Jan Brewer to the next meeting to join the discussion. III. Discussion of General Education Outcomes with Chair of Gen Ed – Steve Iwanoski explained that all general education outcomes have been mapped to the general education categories. (Each category is responsible for specific general education goals, so no matter the course within the category taken, the specific general education goals will be addressed.) General education courses will need to use the new forms showing the outcomes. A list of courses will be determined that must be gen ed. A second list will contain courses that need review. Faculty in each division will need to complete a justification form for gen ed to take to the gen ed committee who will review and then send a recommendation to the curriculum work group with one of four recommendations: 1. Okay no changes; 2. Remain gen ed with modification; 3. Not gen ed; 4. Discontinue course. The curriculum work group will then review the justification with the recommendation of the gen ed committee and make the final recommendation. The assessment piece will follow. Faculty representing each category will then meet and determine what is needed for assessment. Common assessments will be needed for the outcomes. LAC can be of assistance with types of projects, particularly with those outcomes that cross disciplines. GH and GB are the areas that cross disciplines. Time line – will be created when the lists are completed for ARTSYS. Goal is for assessment projects to begin in Fall 2013. Possible PD day to determine assessments in Aug. 2013. Possibly assess two goals each year; each course would complete one project at a time. Next gen ed program review is in 2014 and the committee would like to have some data at that time. Recommendation: Fall 2013 PD Day – two LAC members will be paired with each of the six gen ed categories and provide ideas for projects for each of the areas. (Each GI course will be mapped individually to the gen ed goals.) IV. Repository of Student Outcomes – LAC needs to take the responsibility to assemble the outcomes for each course. Each LAC member will be responsible for acquiring the outcomes for each course in the division. Faculty can send syllabi to the administrative secretary who will cut and paste the outcomes for the course into one document that should be sent to cochairs of LAC. These will be posted on the P Drive. V. Assessment of International Education – an assessment of international education is oncoming. The International Education Committee does not have outcomes that align with the national standards. The committee is doing a self study at this time and they would like to create measureable goals. One approach might be to have an LAC subcommittee work with the international education committee on this project. Many colleges have international education working on a top-down model with integration in courses. Goals need to be created that infuse international education throughout the college. Dr. Hallock will be invited to the November meeting to discuss his issue. VI. Adjournment at 1:40 pm Committee Members Sheila Allen Rob Frank Chris Jones Valerie Swain Gina Calia-Lotz Judy Grimm Kenneth Jones Avery Ward Madelyn Danner Nicole Hoke-Wilson Supawan King Bill Ekey Miriam Huddleston Gene Popiolek