Adv. Geom. 4 (2004), 241–261 Advances in Geometry ( de Gruyter 2004 Association schemes of a‰ne type over finite rings Hajime Tanaka* (Communicated by E. Bannai) Abstract. Kwok [10] studied the association schemes obtained by the action of the semidirect products of the orthogonal groups over the finite fields and the underlying vector spaces. They are called the assiciation schemes of a‰ne type. In this paper, we define the association schemes of a‰ne type over the finite ring Zq ¼ Z=qZ where q is a prime power in the same manner, and calculate their character tables explicitly, using the method in Medrano et al. [13] and DeDeo [8]. In particular, it turns out that the character tables are described in terms of the Kloosterman sums. We also show that these association schemes are self-dual. Introduction The purpose of the present paper is to study a certain kind of association schemes related to the orthogonal groups over the finite ring Zq ¼ Z=qZ, where q ¼ p r is a prime power. Let f : Fqn ! Fq be a non-degenerate quadratic form over the finite field Fq and OðFqn ; f Þ its orthogonal group. Since id is contained in OðFqn ; f Þ, the action of the semidirect product OðFqn ; f Þ y Fqn on Fqn defines a symmetric association scheme XðOðFqn ; f Þ; Fqn Þ. Kwok [10] called this association scheme an association scheme of a‰ne type, and calculated its character table completely (see also [12], [5]). We define the association schemes of a‰ne type over the finite rings Zk ¼ Z= kZ ðk A NÞ in the same manner. However, by the Chinese remainder theorem, it is enough to consider the case where k is a prime power ([1, p. 59]). It seems that these association schemes had not been studied, but some related results can be found in Medrano et al. [13] and DeDeo [8]. Namely, in [13], [8], the finite Euclidean graph n Xq ðn; aÞ over Zq with a A Z q ¼ Zq n pZq is defined as the graph with the vertex set Zq , and the edge set E ¼ fðx; yÞ A Zqn Zqn j dðx; yÞ ¼ ag; * The author is supported in part by a grant from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. 242 Hajime Tanaka where dðx; yÞ A Zq is the ‘‘distance’’ defined by dðx; yÞ ¼ ðx1 y1 Þ 2 þ ðx2 y2 Þ 2 þ þ ðxn yn Þ 2 : We will show that if q is an odd prime power, then in our language these graphs are part of the relations of XðOðZqn ; dð ; 0ÞÞ; Zqn Þ, the association scheme of a‰ne type with respect to the non-degenerate quadratic form dðx; 0Þ ¼ x12 þ x22 þ þ xn2 (dð ; 0Þ is degenerate if q is even). In this paper, we determine the character table of the symmetric association scheme XðOðZqn ; f Þ; Zqn Þ explicitly for all non-degenerate quadratic forms on Zqn (for both odd q and even q). These results are given in Theorem 2.10, Theorem 2.12 and Theorem 2.15. In particular, we will be able to see a phenomenon similar to the Ennola type dualities observed in [4]. Also, as an immediate consequence of these calculations, we verify that these association schemes are self-dual. The outline of the paper is as follows. In Section 1, we review some basic notions on commutative association schemes, and classify the non-degenerate quadratic forms on Zqn completely. In Section 2, the character tables are calculated explicitly. The discussion in this section is almost parallel to those in [13], [8]. We will find that the method of computing the eigenvalues of the graphs Xq ðn; aÞ used successfully in [13], [8] also works in our case. (It seems possible to obtain the results in [10], by the method in [12], [13], [8].) In particular, the character tables are described in terms of the Kloosterman sums over Zq . Acknowledgement. The author would like to thank Mr. Makoto Tagami for some useful discussions. 1 Preliminaries and the classification of the non-degenerate quadratic forms over Zq 1.1 Preliminaries on commutative association schemes. Here, we recall some basic notions on commutative association schemes. We refer the reader to [3], [7], [2] for the background in the theory of these objects. Let X ¼ ðX ; fRi g0cicd Þ be a commutative association scheme with the adjacency matrices A0 ¼ I ; A1 ; . . . ; Ad , where I is the identity matrix of degree jxj. The algebra A of dimension d þ 1, generated by A0 ; . . . ; Ad over the complex number field C, is called the Bose–Mesner algebra of X. If we consider the action of A on the vector space V ¼ CjX j indexed by the elements of X , then V is decomposed into the direct sum of the maximal common eigenspaces: V ¼ V0 ? V1 ? ? Vd ; where V0 is the one-dimensional subspace spanned by the all-one vector. Let Ei : V ! Vi be the orthogonal projection ð0 c i c dÞ. Then the set fE0 ; E1 ; . . . ; Ed g forms another basis of A, and the base change matrix P ¼ ðpi ð jÞÞ is called the character table or the first eigenmatrix of X: Association schemes of a‰ne type over finite rings Ai ¼ d X pi ð jÞEj 243 ð0 c i c dÞ j¼0 (the ð j; iÞ-entry of P is pi ð jÞ). In particular, ki ¼ pi ð0Þ is the valency of the regular graph ðX ; Ri Þ. The second eigenmatrix Q ¼ ðqi ð jÞÞ of X is defined by Q ¼ jX jP1 , that is, jX jEi ¼ d X qi ð jÞAj ð0 c i c dÞ: j¼0 The numbers mi ¼ qi ð0Þ ¼ dim Vi ð0 c i c dÞ are called the multiplicities of X. Notice that the first eigenmatrix P, together with the multiplicities of X, gives complete information of the spectra of the graphs ðX ; Ri Þ ð1 c i c dÞ. Now, assume that X is symmetric and that the underlying set X has the structure of an abelian group. We call X a translation association scheme if for 0 c i c d and z A X we have ðx; yÞ A Ri ) ðx þ z; y þ zÞ A Ri : For such an association scheme, there is a natural way to define the dual scheme X ¼ ðX ; fRi g0cicd Þ, where X denotes the character group of X . Namely, we define the relation Ri by ðm; nÞ A Ri , nm1 A Vi (considered as a vector of V ). Then, X ¼ ðX ; fRi g0cicd Þ becomes a translation association scheme with the eigenmatrices P ¼ Q and Q ¼ P (see e.g. [7, §2.10B] or [3, §2.6]). The translation association scheme X is called self-dual if it is isomorphic to its dual X . In particular, if X is self-dual, then clearly we have P ¼ Q. 1.2 The classification of the non-degenerate quadratic forms over Zq . Let q ¼ p r with p prime. If a is a unit in Zq ¼ Z=qZ, we denote its multiplicative inverse in Zq by a½1 . Sometimes we identify the ring Zq with the set f0; 1; . . . ; q 1g, and regard Zpnl ðl < rÞ as a subset of Zqn . For a nonzero element a of Zq , we denote the largest integer l such that p l divides ðrÞ a by ordðrÞ p ðaÞ. Conventionally, ordp ð0Þ is defined to be r. Also, if x ¼ ðx1 ; x2 ; . . . ; xn Þ n is an element of Zq , then we define ordðrÞ p ðxÞ by ðrÞ ordðrÞ p ðxÞ ¼ min ordp ðxi Þ: 1cicn The reduction of x modulo pZqn is denoted by x A Zpn . If ordðrÞ p ðxÞ > 0, then there exists a unique element y of Zpnr1 such that x ¼ py, and we write y ¼ 1p x. For later use, we prove the following lemma. 244 Hajime Tanaka Lemma 1.1. Let W be a submodule of Zqn . Then W is a direct summand of Zqn if and only if it is free. Proof. First, suppose that W is a direct summand of Zqn so that W is projective. Then since Zq is local with the maximal ideal pZq , W is free (see e.g. [11, p. 9, Theorem 2.5]). Conversely, suppose that W is free. Let f f1 ; f2 ; . . . ; fk g be a basis of W . Then it follows that f 1 ; f 2 ; . . . ; f k A Zpn are linearly independent over Zp . In fact, assume that a1 f 1 þ a2 f 2 þ þ ak f k ¼ 0 holds for some a1 ; a2 ; . . . ; ak A Zq . Then we have f ¼ X ai fi A pZqn : paai This implies f ¼ 0, since otherwise p r1 f does not vanish, which is a contradiction. Thus, we have ai ¼ 0 for all i, as desired. Now, take fkþ1 ; . . . ; fn A Zqn so that f f 1 ; f 2 ; . . . ; f n g forms a basis of Zpn . Then by the well-known NakayamaPlemma (see n e.g. [11, p. 8, Theorem 2.2]), f1 ; f2 ; . . . ; fn span Zqn . Finally, since j i¼1 Z q fi j ¼ jZqn j ¼ q n , f1 ; f2 ; . . . ; fn must be linearly independent over Zq . This completes the proof of Lemma 1.1. r Corollary 1.2. Let x be an element of Zqn . Then Zq x is a direct summand of Zqn if and only if ordðrÞ p ðxÞ ¼ 0. Let B : Zqn Zqn ! Zq be a symmetric bilinear form. For a subset U of Zqn , we define the orthogonal complement U ? of U by U ? ¼ fx A Zqn j Bðx; yÞ ¼ 0 for all y A Ug: The symmetric bilinear form B is said to be non-degenerate if detðBðei ; ej ÞÞ A Z q ¼ Zq n pZq , where fe1 ; e2 ; . . . ; en g is the standard basis of Zqn , that is, ei is the element of Zqn with 1 in the i-th component and zero elsewhere. Clearly, this condition is equivalent to saying that the map x A Zqn 7! Bðx; Þ A HomZq ðZqn ; Zq Þ gives an isomorphism between Zqn and HomZq ðZqn ; Zq Þ. A quadratic form on Zqn is a map f : Zqn ! Zq satisfying f ðaxÞ ¼ a 2 f ðxÞ; f ðx þ yÞ ¼ f ðxÞ þ f ð yÞ þ Bf ðx; yÞ; for any a A Zq and x; y A Zqn , where Bf is a symmetric bilinear form on Zqn . Sometimes we call the pair ðZqn ; f Þ a quadratic module over Zq . Let ðZqm ; f 0 Þ be another quadratic module over Zq . An isometry s : ðZqn ; f Þ ! ðZqm ; f 0 Þ is an injective Zq -linear map such that f ðxÞ ¼ f 0 ðsðxÞÞ for all x A Zqn and sðZqn Þ is a direct summand of Zqm . If in addition the isometry s is a linear isomor- Association schemes of a‰ne type over finite rings 245 phism, then we say that the two quadratic modules ðZqn ; f Þ and ðZqm ; f 0 Þ are isomorphic, and write ðZqn ; f Þ G ðZqm ; f 0 Þ. The quadratic form f is said to be non-degenerate if Bf is non-degenerate. We define the reductions f : Zpn ! Zp and Bf : Zp Zp ! Zp of f and Bf modulo pZq , in an obvious manner. The orthogonal group OðZqn ; f Þ is the group of all linear transformations on Zqn that fix f , that is, OðZqn ; f Þ ¼ fs A GLðZqn Þ j f ðsðxÞÞ ¼ f ðxÞ for all x A Zqn g: Now we classify all non-degenerate quadratic forms on Zqn using the classification of those on Zpn . First of all, we prepare two propositions. Proposition 1.3 (cf. [1, p. 10, Proposition 3.2]). Let f be a quadratic form on Zqn . If W is a direct summand of Zqn such that the restriction f jW of f to W is non-degenerate, then we have Zqn ¼ W ? W ? . Proof. For an element x of Zqn , define a Zq -linear map jx : W ! Zq by jx ðyÞ ¼ Bf ðx; yÞ for y A W . Since Bf jW is non-degenerate, there exists a unique element z of W such that jx ð yÞ ¼ Bf ðz; yÞ for all y A W , so that we have x ¼ z þ ðx zÞ A W þ W ? . Since clearly W V W ? ¼ 0, we obtain the desired result. r Proposition 1.4 (cf. [1, p. 11, Corollary 3.3]). Let f be a quadratic form on Zqn . Then, for any orthogonal decomposition Zpn ¼ W 1 ? W 2 with respect to f such that the restriction f jW1 is non-degenerate, there exists an orthogonal decomposition Zqn ¼ W1 ? W2 such that f jW1 is non-degenerate and Wi G Wi =pWi ði ¼ 1; 2Þ. Proof. Let y1 ; y2 ; . . . ; yn be a basis of Zpn such that y1 ; y2 ; . . . ; yl span W1 . For each yi ¼ ðyi1 ; yi2 ; . . . ; yin Þ ð1 c i c nÞ, take an element xi ¼ ðxi1 ; xi2 ; . . . ; xin Þ of Zqn such that yi ¼ xi . Since detð yij Þ1ci; jcn 0 0, we have detðxij Þ1ci; jcn A Z q so that x1 ; x2 ; . . . ; xn form a basis of Zqn . Put W1 ¼ Zq x1 l Zq x2 l l Zq xl : Since f jW1 is non-degenerate, we have detðBf ðyi ; yj ÞÞ1ci; jcl 0 0, from which it follows that detðBf ðxi ; xj ÞÞ1ci; jcl A Z q , that is, f jW1 is non-degenerate. Thus, we have Zqn ¼ W1 ? W2 by Proposition 1.3 where W2 ¼ W1? and clearly, Wi G Wi =pWi ði ¼ 1; 2Þ, as desired. r It is well-known that the non-degenerate quadratic forms over Zp are classified as follows: Theorem 1.5 (cf. [14]). (i) Suppose n ¼ 2m is even. If p is odd, then there are two inequivalent non-degenerate quadratic forms f1þ and f1 : 246 Hajime Tanaka f1þ ðxÞ ¼ x1 x2 þ þ x2m1 x2m ; 2 2 ex2m f1 ðxÞ ¼ x1 x2 þ þ x2m3 x2m2 þ x2m1 for x ¼ ðx1 ; x2 ; . . . ; x2m Þ A Zp2m , where e is a non-square element of Zp . If p ¼ 2, then there are also two inequivalent non-degenerate quadratic forms f1þ and f1 : f1þ ðxÞ ¼ x1 x2 þ þ x2m1 x2m ; 2 2 þ x2m1 x2m þ x2m f1 ðxÞ ¼ x1 x2 þ þ x2m3 x2m2 þ x2m1 for x ¼ ðx1 ; x2 ; . . . ; x2m Þ A Z22m . (ii) Suppose n ¼ 2m þ 1 is odd. If p is odd, then there are two inequivalent nondegenerate quadratic forms f1 and f10 : 2 f1 ðxÞ ¼ x1 x2 þ þ x2m1 x2m þ x2mþ1 ; 2 f10 ðxÞ ¼ x1 x2 þ þ x2m1 x2m þ ex2mþ1 for x ¼ ðx1 ; x2 ; . . . ; x2mþ1 Þ A Zp2mþ1 , where e is a non-square element of Zp , but their orthogonal groups OðZp2mþ1 ; f1 Þ and OðZp2mþ1 ; f10 Þ are isomorphic. If p ¼ 2, then there is no non-degenerate quadratic form on Z22mþ1 . Remark 1.6. The definition of non-degeneracy of a quadratic form in this paper is slightly stronger than that in [14]. Namely, if we define the radical Rad f of a quadratic form f on Zpn by Rad f ¼ f 1 ð0Þ V ðZpn Þ? ; then using the terminology in [14], f is said to be non-degenerate if Rad f ¼ 0. Our definition agrees with this unless p ¼ 2 and n is odd. If one adopts the definition in [14], then it turns out that there exists exactly one inequivalent non-degenerate quadratic form f1 on Z22mþ1 : 2 f1 ðxÞ ¼ x1 x2 þ þ x2m1 x2m þ x2mþ1 ; for x ¼ ðx1 ; x2 ; . . . ; x2mþ1 Þ A Z22mþ1 , which is clearly degenerate in our sense. For the convenience of the discussion, we call the (free) quadratic module ðZq e1 l Zq e2 ; f Þ of rank two with a distinguished basis fe1 ; e2 g such that f ðe1 Þ ¼ a, f ðe2 Þ ¼ b and Bf ðe1 ; e2 Þ ¼ 1, the quadratic module of type ½a; b. Similarly, we call the quadratic module ðZq e; f Þ of rank one with a distinguished basis feg such that f ðeÞ ¼ z, the quadratic module of type ½z. In order to find the isomorphisms among these quadratic modules, we need the following lemma. Association schemes of a‰ne type over finite rings 247 Lemma 1.7. (i) If p is odd, then for any u A pZq , there exists a unique element a A Zq such that a 1 1 mod p and a 2 a 1 u mod q. (ii) If p ¼ 2, then for any odd t and even u in Zq , there exist unique even a and odd b in Zq such that a 2 þ ta 1 b 2 þ tb 1 u mod q. Proof. (i) Let a and b be elements of 1 þ pZq . Then we have a 2 a 1 b 2 b mod q if and only if ða bÞða þ b 1Þ 1 0 mod q. Since a þ b 1 1 1 mod p, this implies a 1 b mod q. Therefore a 2 a takes all u A pZq as a runs through 1 þ pZq . (ii) The proof is similar to that of (i), hence omitted. r Using Lemma 1.7, we obtain the following. Proposition 1.8. (i) For any a and b in pZq , the quadratic modules of type ½a; b and ½0; 0 are isomorphic. (ii) If p ¼ 2, then the quadratic modules of type ½g; d and ½1; 1 are isomorphic for any g and d in Z q. (iii) Suppose p is odd, and let e be a non-square element of Zp . Then for each z A Z q, the quadratic module of type ½z is isomorphic to that of type [1] or ½e, depending on whether z is a square or not. Proof. (i) Let fe1 ; e2 g be the distinguished basis of the quadratic module of type ½0; 0. By Proposition 1.7 (i) and (ii), there exists unique a A Zq such that a 1 1 mod p and a 2 a 1 ab mod q. Put e10 ¼ ae1 þ a½1 ae2 and e20 ¼ be1 þ e2 : Then since det a a½1 a b 1 ¼ a a½1 ab 1 1 mod p; fe10 ; e20 g therefore forms another basis. Clearly, we have f ðe10 Þ ¼ a, f ðe20 Þ ¼ b and Bf ðe10 ; e20 Þ ¼ 1. (ii) Let fe1 ; e2 g be the distinguished basis of the quadratic module of type ½1; 1. Then it follows from Proposition 1.7 (ii) that there exist a and unique even b in Zq such that a 2 þ a 1 g 1 mod q and 3gb 2 3b 1 ð2a þ 1Þ 2 d 1 mod q. Put e10 ¼ ae1 þ e2 and e20 ¼ ð2a þ 1Þ½1 ð1 ab 2bÞe1 þ be2 : Since b is even, a det 1 ð2a þ 1Þ½1 ð1 ab 2bÞ b ! 248 Hajime Tanaka is odd, so that fe10 ; e20 g is a basis. First, we have f ðe10 Þ ¼ a 2 þ a þ 1 1 g mod q. Also, since ð2a þ 1ÞBf ðe10 ; e20 Þ ¼ 2að1 ab 2bÞ þ ð2a þ 1Þab þ ð1 ab 2bÞ þ 2ð2a þ 1Þb ¼ 2a þ 1; we have Bf ðe10 ; e20 Þ ¼ 1. Finally, it follows that ð2a þ 1Þ 2 f ðe20 Þ ¼ ð1 ab 2bÞ 2 þ ð2a þ 1Þð1 ab 2bÞb þ ð2a þ 1Þ 2 b 2 ¼ 3ða 2 þ a þ 1Þb 2 3b þ 1 1 3gb 2 3b þ 1 mod q 1 ð2a þ 1Þ 2 d mod q; so that f ðe20 Þ ¼ d. (iii) This is trivial, since Z q is a cyclic group if p is odd. r Combining Theorem 1.5, Proposition 1.4 and Proposition 1.8, we conclude that: Theorem 1.9. (i) Suppose n ¼ 2m is even. If p is odd, then there are two inequivalent non-degenerate quadratic forms frþ and fr on Zq2m : frþ ðxÞ ¼ x1 x2 þ þ x2m1 x2m ; 2 2 ex2m fr ðxÞ ¼ x1 x2 þ þ x2m3 x2m2 þ x2m1 for x ¼ ðx1 ; x2 ; . . . ; x2m Þ A Zq2m , where e is a non-square element of Zp . If p ¼ 2, then there are also two inequivalent non-degenerate quadratic forms frþ and fr on Zq2m : frþ ðxÞ ¼ x1 x2 þ þ x2m1 x2m ; 2 2 þ x2m1 x2m þ x2m fr ðxÞ ¼ x1 x2 þ þ x2m3 x2m2 þ x2m1 for x ¼ ðx1 ; x2 ; . . . ; x2m Þ A Zq2m . (ii) Suppose n ¼ 2m þ 1 is odd. If p is odd, then there are two inequivalent nondegenerate quadratic forms fr and fr0 on Zq2mþ1 : 2 ; fr ðxÞ ¼ x1 x2 þ þ x2m1 x2m þ x2mþ1 2 fr0 ðxÞ ¼ x1 x2 þ þ x2m1 x2m þ ex2mþ1 for x ¼ ðx1 ; x2 ; . . . ; x2mþ1 Þ A Zq2mþ1 , where e is a non-square element of Zp . If p ¼ 2, then there is no non-degenerate quadratic form on Zq2mþ1 . Association schemes of a‰ne type over finite rings 249 In what follows, we denote the orthogonal groups of frþ , fr and fr by GOþ 2m ðZq Þ, GO ðZ Þ and GO ðZ Þ, respectively. It is easy to see that the orthogonal group q 2mþ1 q 2m 2mþ1 0 ; fr Þ is isomorphic to GO2mþ1 ðZq Þ. OðZq 2 The character tables 2.1 The relations of f ), Znq ). As in the introduction, let XðOðZqn ; f Þ; Zqn Þ denote the symmetric association scheme obtained from the action of OðZqn ; f Þ y Zqn on Zqn . That is, the relations of XðOðZqn ; f Þ; Zqn Þ are the orbits of OðZqn ; f Þ y Zqn in its natural action on Zqn Zqn . Since the stabilizer of an element of Zqn in OðZqn ; f Þ y Zqn is isomorphic to OðZqn ; f Þ, the relations of XðOðZqn ; f Þ; Zqn Þ are in one-to-one correspondence with the orbits of OðZqn ; f Þ on Zqn . For quadratic modules over fields, there is a very famous theorem known as Witt’s extension theorem (see e.g. [14]). Knebusch [9] proved that a similar result also holds for quadratic modules over any local ring. In our case, this result is stated as follows. X(O(Znq , Theorem 2.1 ([9, Satz 5.1]). Let f be a non-degenerate quadratic form on Zqn . Suppose that W is a direct summand of Zqn and t : W ! Zqn is an isometry. Then there exists an extension s A OðZqn ; f Þ of t, i.e. sjW ¼ t. We use Theorem 2.1 to determine the relations of XðOðZqn ; f Þ; Zqn Þ. Lemma 2.2. Let f be a non-degenerate quadratic form on Zqn . Then for any element x n of Zqn such that ordðrÞ p ðxÞ ¼ 0 and a A Zp l ð0 c l < rÞ, there exists an element y of Zq rl n rl such that x 1 y mod p Zq and f ðyÞ ¼ f ðxÞ þ p a. Proof. Since Bf is non-degenerate and x 0 0, there exists an element z A Zqn such that Bf ðx; zÞ 0 0, or equivalently, Bf ðx; zÞ A Z q . Notice that for any b; c A Zp l we have bBf ðx; zÞ þ p rl b 2 f ðzÞ 1 cBf ðx; zÞ þ p rl c 2 f ðzÞ mod p l if and only if ðb cÞfBf ðx; zÞ þ p rl ðb þ cÞf ðzÞg 1 0 mod p l : Since Bf ðx; zÞ þ p rl ðb þ cÞ f ðzÞ D 0 mod p, this implies b ¼ c. Therefore, there exists a unique element c of Zp l such that cBf ðx; zÞ þ p rl c 2 f ðzÞ 1 a mod p l . Clearly, y ¼ x þ p rl cz A Zqn is a desired element. r Remark 2.3. In fact, with the notation of Lemma 2.2, the above proof shows the existence of an element z A Zqn such that for all v A Zqn with v 1 x mod p rl Zqn , f ðv þ p rl czÞ ðc A Zp l Þ are distinct and f f ðv þ p rl czÞ j c A Zp l g ¼ f ðxÞ þ p rl Zq : 250 Hajime Tanaka Proposition 2.4. Let f be a non-degenerate quadratic form on Zqn . Then for two nonn zero elements x and y of Zqn , there exists an automorphism s A OðZ q ; f Þ such that ðrÞ 1 1 rl sðxÞ ¼ y if and only if ordðrÞ where p ðxÞ ¼ ordp ðyÞ and f p l x 1 f p l y mod p ðrÞ l ¼ ordp ðxÞ. ðrÞ ðrÞ Proof. The ‘‘only if ’’ part is obvious. Assume l ¼ ordp ðxÞ ¼ ordp ð yÞ ð< rÞ and n f p1l x 1 f p1l y mod p rl . Then by Lemma 2.2, there exists an element u of Zq such that u 1 p1l x mod p rl Zpnl and f ðuÞ ¼ f p1l y . Since Zq u and Zq p1l y are direct summands of Zqn by Corollary 1.2, it follows from Theorem 2.1 that there exists s A OðZqn ; f Þ such that sðuÞ ¼ p1l y. Then we have sðxÞ ¼ p l sðuÞ ¼ y. r 2m In the next subsection, we calculate the character table of XðGO 2m ðZq Þ; Zq Þ. The discussions are almost parallel to those in Medrano et al. [13] and DeDeo [8]. In §2.3 2m 2mþ1 and §2.4, the results for XðGOþ Þ are stated 2m ðZq Þ; Zq Þ and XðGO2mþ1 ðZq Þ; Zq without detailed proofs. 2m 2.2 The character table of X(GOC 2m (Zq ), Zq ). By Proposition 2.4, the relations of 2m XðGO2m ðZq Þ; Zq Þ are given as follows. ðrÞ ðx; yÞ A R 0 , x ¼ y; ðrÞ ðrÞ ðx; yÞ A Rl; a , x y A Ll; a ðrÞ 2m for 0 c l < r and a A Zp rl , where Ll; a is an orbit of GO 2m ðZq Þ on Zq defined by ðrÞ Ll; a ¼ xA Zq2m j ordðrÞ p ðxÞ ¼ l; fr 1 rl x 1 a mod p pl ðrlÞ ¼ fp l u j u A L 0; a g: ðrÞ ðrÞ 2m Notice that the kl; a ¼ jLl; a j are the valencies of XðGO 2m ðZq Þ; Zq Þ. Proposition 2.5. For 0 c l < r and a A Zp rl , we have ðrÞ ðrÞ kl; a ¼ jLl; a j ¼ pðrl1Þð2m1Þ p m1 ð p m þ 1Þ; if paa; pðrl1Þð2m1Þ ðp m1 1Þð p m þ 1Þ; if pja: 2m In particular, XðGO 2m ðZq Þ; Zq Þ is a symmetric association scheme of class p r þ p r1 þ þ p ¼ if m > 1, and of class pðp r 1Þ p1 Association schemes of a‰ne type over finite rings 251 ðp r p r1 Þ þ ð p r1 p r2 Þ þ þ ðp 1Þ ¼ p r 1 if m ¼ 1. ðrÞ ðrlÞ Proof. Since jLl; a j ¼ jL 0; a j, we only have to prove the equality when l ¼ 0. If r ¼ 1, then it is easy to see that the assertion is true (cf. [10, §3.3]). Now, suppose r > 1. Then for an element x of Zq2m , we have ordðrÞ p ðxÞ ¼ 0 if and only if x 0 0, from which it follows that jfx A Zq2m j ordðrÞ p ðxÞ ¼ 0; fr ðxÞ 1 a mod pgj ðr1Þ2m m1 m p p ðp þ 1Þ; if paa; ¼ pðr1Þ2m ðp m1 1Þð p m þ 1Þ; if pja. ð1Þ ðrÞ By Remark 2.3, jL 0; a j is obtained by dividing the right-hand side of (1) by p r1 . r Medrano et al. [13] and DeDeo [8] determined the graph spectra of the graphs ðrÞ ðR 0; a ; Zq2m Þ ða A Z q Þ completely for many cases. We apply this method in the calcu2m lation of the character table of XðGO 2m ðZq Þ; Zq Þ. ðrÞ Let V be the complex vector space of the functions j : Zq2m ! C. For each ðrÞ 0 c l < r and a A Zp rl , we define the adjacency operator Al; a on V ðrÞ by ðrÞ Al; a jðxÞ ¼ X jðyÞ ðrÞ xy A Ll; a for all j A V ðrÞ . We will decompose V ðrÞ into the direct sum of the maximal common ðrÞ eigenspaces of the Al; a ’s. For brevity, we denote the associated bilinear form Bfr of fr simply by B r . Also, we use the notation pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi eðrÞ ðaÞ ¼ expð2p 1a=p r Þ ðrÞ for a A Zq . For each u A Zq2m , define a linear character eu : Zq2m ! C by ðrÞ eðrÞ u ðxÞ ¼ e ðBr ðu; xÞÞ ðrÞ for x A Zq2m . Then, since B r is non-degenerate, the eu ’s are distinct and they form an orthonormal basis of V ðrÞ with respect to the inner product ðj; cÞ ¼ 1 X jðxÞcðxÞ q 2m 2m x A Zq on V ðrÞ . 252 Hajime Tanaka ðrÞ Proposition 2.6 (cf. [13, Proposition 2.2]). For each element u of Zq2m , the function eu ðrÞ ðrÞ ðrÞ is a common eigenfunction of the Al; a ’s, and the eigenvalue of Al; a corresponding to eu is given by ðrÞ ll; a; u ¼ X eðrÞ u ðzÞ: ð2Þ ðrÞ z A Ll; a Proof. Note that X ðrÞ Al; a eðrÞ u ðxÞ ¼ ðrÞ xy A Ll; a eðrÞ u ðyÞ ¼ X eðrÞ u ðx þ zÞ ¼ X ðrÞ z A Ll; a eðrÞ ðzÞ euðrÞ ðxÞ: u r ðrÞ z A Ll; a ðrÞ Our next problem is to evaluate the eigenvalues ll; a; u . Proposition 2.7 (cf. [13, Theorem 2.3]). (i) For 0 c l < r, a A Zp rl and u A Zq2m , we ðrÞ ðrlÞ have ll; a; u ¼ l0; a; u . (ii) For a A Zq and u A Zq2m , we have 8 <jLðrÞ j; if u ¼ 0; 0; a ðrÞ l0; a; u ¼ : p kð2m1Þ lðrkÞ k ; if u 0 0; 0; a; ð1= p Þu where k ¼ ordðrÞ p ðuÞ. ðrÞ Proof. (i) This is clear from the definition of Ll; a . (ii) The assertion is trivial when k ¼ 0 or k ¼ r (i.e. u ¼ 0) therefore, we assume 1 c k < r, so that r d 2. We write a ¼ a 0 þ p r1 a 00 , with a 0 A Zp r1 and a 00 A Zp . For each z ¼ z 0 þ p r1 z 00 A 2m 00 Zq with z 0 A Zp2m A Zp2m , we have r1 and z 0 00 r fr ðzÞ 1 fr ðz 0 Þ þ p r1 B r ðz ; z Þ mod p ; since r d 2. Now, let ðr1Þ 0 M ¼ fz 0 A Zp2m ðz Þ ¼ 0; fr ðz 0 Þ 1 a 0 mod p r1 g; r1 j ordp and for each z 0 A M let 0 00 00 Nðz 0 Þ ¼ fz 00 A Zp2m j B r ðz ; z Þ 1 a y mod pg where fr ðz 0 Þ ¼ a 0 þ p r1 y with y A Zp . Then since z 0 D 0 mod p and B 1 ¼ Br is 0 2m1 non-degenerate, we have jNðz Þj ¼ p , from which it follows that Association schemes of a‰ne type over finite rings ðrÞ l0; a; u ¼ X X 253 0 r1 00 eðrÞ z Þ u ðz þ p z 0 A M z 00 A Nðz 0 Þ 1 0 r1 00 ¼ e Br p u; z þ p z p z 0 A M z 00 A Nðz 0 Þ X X ðrÞ ðr1Þ ¼ p 2m1 l0; a; ð1=pÞu : By repeating the same argument, we obtain the desired result. r ðrÞ By virtue of Proposition 2.7, we only have to evaluate l0; a; u for u A Zq2m with ordðrÞ p ðuÞ ¼ 0. In the case of fields, the character tables of the association schemes of a‰ne type are described by using the Kloosterman sums ([12], [5]). In the process of studying ðrÞ l0; a; u , we will encounter the Kloosterman sums over rings. Let k be a linear character of the multiplicative group Z q . Then for a; b A Zq , we define the Kloosterman sum K ðrÞ ðk j a; bÞ by K ðrÞ ðk j a; bÞ ¼ X kðgÞeðrÞ ðag þ bg½1 Þ: g A Z q Note that these sums are completely evaluated by Salié [15] when r > 1 and k ¼ 1 (see also [8]). We shall need to evaluate the following exponential sum: X WðrÞ g ¼ eðrÞ ð fr ðvÞgÞ v A Zq2m for g A Z q. r m ðrÞ Proposition 2.8. For any element g of Z q , we have Wg ¼ ð1Þ q . Proof. First of all, it is easy to see that X eðrÞ ðv1 v2 gÞ ¼ q: v1 ; v2 A Zq Therefore, if p is odd, then we have to show that X eðrÞ ððv12 ev22 ÞgÞ ¼ ð1Þ r q; v1 ; v2 A Z q where, as usual, e is a non-square element in Z p . However, this equality directly fol- 254 Hajime Tanaka lows from the evaluation of the Gauss sums (cf. [6, p. 26, Theorem 1.5.2], see also [13, Corollary 2.7]): 8 i pffiffiffi > > > h; if h 1 1 mod 4; < h1 X pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2 h gði; hÞ ¼ expð2p 1 ij =hÞ ¼ > i pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi > j¼0 > h; if h 1 3 mod 4; : h where i and h are any coprime integers with h > 0 and h odd, and symbol. If p ¼ 2, then in this case we have to show that X oðrÞ g ¼ s h ð3Þ is the Jacobi eðrÞ ððv12 þ v1 v2 þ v22 ÞgÞ ¼ ð1Þ r q: ð4Þ v1 ; v2 A Zq Now, let v1 be an odd element of Zq . Then, by Lemma 1.7 (ii) it follows that fv1 v2 þ v22 j v2 : oddg ¼ fv1 v2 þ v22 j v2 : eveng ¼ 2Zq ; so that if r > 1, then we have X X eðrÞ ððv12 þ v1 v2 þ v22 ÞgÞ ¼ eðrÞ ððv12 þ v1 v2 þ v22 ÞgÞ ¼ 0: v2 :even v2 :odd In this way, we obtain oðrÞ g ¼ X eðrÞ ð4ðw12 þ w1 w2 þ w22 ÞgÞ ¼ 4oðr2Þ ; g w1 ; w2 A Z2 r1 if r d 3. Therefore, (4) follows from an easy calculation: oð1Þ g ¼ 2; oð2Þ g ¼ 4: This completes the proof of Proposition 2.8. r Theorem 2.9 (cf. [13, Theorem 2.9]). Let a be an element of Zq . Then for any u A Zq2m with ordðrÞ p ðuÞ ¼ 0, we have the following. (i) If r > 1, then we have ðrÞ l0; a; u ¼ ð1Þ r p rðm1Þ K ðrÞ ð1 j a; fr ðuÞÞ: (ii) If r ¼ 1, then we have Association schemes of a‰ne type over finite rings 255 ð1Þ l0; a; u ¼ p m1 K ð1Þ ð1 j a; f1 ðuÞÞ d0 ðaÞ where db ðaÞ is defined by db ðaÞ ¼ 1 0 if a 1 b mod p; if aDb mod p: ðrÞ Proof. We regard l0; a; u as a function in a, then it has the Fourier expansion with respect to the linear characters feðrÞ ðagÞgg A Zq of Zq : ðrÞ l0; a; u ¼ 1 X ðrÞ C ðuÞeðrÞ ðagÞ q gAZ g q ðrÞ for all a A Zq , where the coe‰cients Cg ðuÞ are given by X CgðrÞ ðuÞ ¼ X ðrÞ l0; b; u eðrÞ ðbgÞ ¼ b A Zq eðrÞ ðB r ðu; zÞ þ fr ðzÞgÞ z A Zq2m ðrÞ ordp ðzÞ¼0 We write ðrÞ l0; a; u ¼ P 1 P þ 1 2 ; q ð5Þ where P 1 ¼ X P CgðrÞ ðuÞeðrÞ ðagÞ; First of all, assume r > 1. We evaluate 1 ¼ X CgðrÞ ðuÞeðrÞ ðagÞ: pag pjg P 2 ¼ X P 1. Setting g ¼ pz with z A Zp r1 , we obtain X eðrÞ u ðzÞ z A Zq2m eðr1Þ ðð fr ðzÞ aÞzÞ z A Zp r1 ðrÞ ordp ðzÞ¼0 ¼ p r1 X eðrÞ u ðzÞ z r1 summed over z A Zq2m such that ordðrÞ . If we let p ðzÞ ¼ 0 and fr ðzÞ 1 a mod p 2m 2m 0 r1 00 00 z ¼ z þ p z with z A Zp r1 and z A Zp , then this sum is equal to p r1 X z0 0 eðrÞ u ðz Þ X z 00 A Zp2m 00 eð1Þ ðB r ðu; z ÞÞ; 256 Hajime Tanaka where the first sum is over z 0 A Zp r1 such that ordðr1Þ ðz 0 Þ ¼ 0 and fr1 ðz 0 Þ 1 p ðrÞ r1 a mod p . Since ordp ðuÞ ¼ 0, this is in turn equal to 0. P ½1 Now, we evaluate uÞg fr ðuÞg½1 if 2 . Since Br ðu; zÞ þ fr ðzÞg ¼ fr ðz þ g p a g, we have P 2 ¼ X X pag e ðrÞ ð fr ðvÞgÞ eðrÞ ðag fr ðuÞg½1 Þ; v where the inner sum on the right is over v A Zq2m such that v D g½1 u mod pZq2m . However, since r > 1, it follows from Remark 2.3 that X eðrÞ ð fr ðvÞgÞ ¼ 0; v where the sum on the left is over v A Zq2m such that v 1 g½1 u mod pZq2m . Hence, we have P 2 ¼ X ðrÞ ½1 WðrÞ Þ ¼ ð1Þ r q m K ðrÞ ð1 j a; fr ðuÞÞ; g e ðag fr ðuÞg pag by Proposition 2.8. ðrÞ By substituting the above evaluations to (5), we conclude that the eigenvalue l0; a; u is written in the desired form. ð1Þ Finally, when r ¼ 1, we can evaluate l0; a; u in exactly the same way, but we omit the details. r To summarize: Theorem 2.10. For 0 c k < r and b A Zp rk , let ðrÞ Vk; b ¼ 0 CeðrÞ u : ðrÞ u A Lk; b ðrÞ ðrÞ Then Vk; b is a maximal common eigenspace of the adjacency operators Al; a ð0 c l < r, a A Zp rl Þ. Moreover, we have the direct sum decomposition: ðrÞ V ðrÞ ¼ V0 l ðrÞ 0 Vk; b ; 0ck<r b A Zp rk ðrÞ ðrÞ where V0 ¼ Ce0 is the trivial maximal common eigenspace. With these parameterðrÞ 2m izations, the ðk; b; l; aÞ-entry pl; a ðk; bÞ of the character table PðGO 2m ðZq Þ; Zq Þ of ðrÞ ðrÞ 2m XðGO 2m ðZq Þ; Zq Þ (i.e. the eigenvalue of Al; a corresponding to Vk; b ) is given by Association schemes of a‰ne type over finite rings 8 > p kð2m1Þ ð1Þ rkl pðrklÞðm1Þ K ðrklÞ ð1 j a; bÞ; > > < kð2m1Þ f p m1 K ð1Þ ð1 j a; bÞ þ d0 ðaÞg; p ðrÞ pl; a ðk; bÞ ¼ > pðrl1Þð2m1Þ p m1 ðp m þ 1Þ; > > : ðrl1Þð2m1Þ ðp m1 1Þð p m þ 1Þ; p if if if if 257 k þ l < r 1; k þ l ¼ r 1; k þ l dr and paa; k þ l dr and pja: 2m In particular, XðGO 2m ðZq Þ; Zq Þ is self-dual. Proof. All but the last statement follow from the above calculations. Obviously, ðrÞ 2m x 7! ex ðx A Zq2m Þ defines an isomorphism between XðGO 2m ðZq Þ; Zq Þ and its dual. r 2m Example 2.11. The character table P ¼ PðGO 2m ðZ4 Þ; Z4 Þ of XðGO2m ðZ4 Þ; 2m Z4 Þ ðm > 1Þ is given by 0 1 B1 B B B1 B P¼B B1 B B1 B @1 1 2 3m2 ð2 m þ 1Þ 2 2m1 0 2m1 2 0 2 3m2 2 3m2 2 2m1 ð2 m1 1Þð2 m þ 1Þ 2 3m2 ð2 m þ 1Þ 0 2 2m1 2m1 2 0 2m1 0 2 2 2m1 0 2m1 m1 3m2 2 ð2 1Þ 2 2 2m1 ð2 m1 þ 1Þ 2 3m2 1 2 2m1 ð2 m1 1Þð2 m þ 1Þ 2 m1 ð2 m þ 1Þ ð2 m1 1Þð2 m þ 1Þ C 2 m1 1 0 2 m1 C C 2m1 m1 m1 C 2 2 1 2 C m1 m1 C; 2 1 0 2 C C 2m1 m1 m1 2 2 1 2 C C 2m1 m1 m1 m m1 m ð2 1Þ 2 ð2 þ 1Þ ð2 1Þð2 þ 1Þ A 2 2 m1 ð2 m þ 1Þ ð2 m1 1Þð2 m þ 1Þ 2 2m1 ð2 m1 þ 1Þ where the row and column indices are ordered as (0), ð0; 1Þ, ð0; 2Þ, ð0; 3Þ, ð0; 0Þ, ð1; 1Þ, ð1; 0Þ. 2m 2.3 The character table of X(GOB 2m (Zq ), Zq ). It follows from Proposition 2.4 that þ 2m the relations of XðGO2m ðZq Þ; Zq Þ are given as follows. ðrÞ ðx; yÞ A R 0 , x ¼ y; ðrÞ ðrÞ ðx; yÞ A Rl; a , x y A Pl; a ðrÞ 2m for 0 c l < r and a A Zp rl , where Pl; a is an orbit of GOþ 2m ðZq Þ on Zq defined by 258 Hajime Tanaka ðrÞ Pl; a ¼ Zq2m xA j ordðrÞ p ðxÞ ¼ l; frþ 1 rl x 1 a mod p pl ðrlÞ ¼ f p l u j u A P0; a g: ðrÞ ðrÞ The valencies kl; a ¼ jPl; a j are given by ðrÞ kl; a ¼ ðrÞ jPl; a j ¼ if paa; pðrl1Þð2m1Þ p m1 ðp m 1Þ; ðrl1Þð2m1Þ m1 m ðp þ 1Þð p 1Þ; if pja; p 2m for 0 c l < r and a A Zp rl . In particular, XðGOþ 2m ðZq Þ; Zq Þ is a symmetric association scheme of class p r þ p r1 þ þ p ¼ pð p r 1Þ : p1 2m Theorem 2.12. The association scheme XðGOþ 2m ðZq Þ; Zq Þ is self-dual. For k; l A ðrÞ f0; 1; . . . ; r 1g, a A Zp rl and b A Zp rk , the ðk; b; l; aÞ-entry pl; a ðk; bÞ of the character 2m 2m þ þ table PðGO2m ðZq Þ; Zq Þ of XðGO2m ðZq Þ; Zq Þ is given by 8 p kð2m1Þ pðrklÞðm1Þ K ðrklÞ ð1 j a; bÞ; if k þ l < r 1; > > > < kð2m1Þ f p m1 K ð1Þ ð1 j a; bÞ d0 ðaÞg; if k þ l ¼ r 1; p ðrÞ pl; a ðk; bÞ ¼ > if k þ l d r and paa; pðrl1Þð2m1Þ p m1 ð p m 1Þ; > > : ðrl1Þð2m1Þ ðp m1 þ 1Þð p m 1Þ; if k þ l d r and pja: p 2m 2m þ Example 2.13. The character table P ¼ PðGOþ 2m ðZ4 Þ; Z4 Þ of XðGO2m ðZ4 Þ; Z4 Þ is given by 0 1 2 3m2 ð2 m 1Þ 2 2m1 ð2 m1 þ 1Þð2 m 1Þ 2 3m2 ð2 m 1Þ B1 0 2 2m1 2 2m1 B B 2m1 B1 0 2 0 B 2m1 2m1 P ¼B 0 2 2 B1 B1 0 2 2m1 0 B B 3m2 2m1 m1 3m2 @1 2 ð2 þ 1Þ 2 2 1 2 3m2 2 2m1 ð2 m1 1Þ 2 3m2 1 2 2m1 ð2 m1 þ 1Þð2 m 1Þ 2 m1 ð2 m 1Þ ð2 m1 þ 1Þð2 m 1Þ C 2 m1 1 0 2 m1 C C C 2 m1 2 m1 1 2 2m1 C C; 2 m1 1 0 2 m1 C C 2m1 m1 m1 2 2 1 2 C C 2 m1 ð2 m 1Þ ð2 m1 þ 1Þð2 m 1Þ A 2 2m1 ð2 m1 þ 1Þ 2 2m1 ð2 m1 1Þ 2 m1 ð2 m 1Þ ð2 m1 þ 1Þð2 m 1Þ Association schemes of a‰ne type over finite rings 259 where the row and column indices are ordered as (0), ð0; 1Þ, ð0; 2Þ, ð0; 3Þ, ð0; 0Þ, ð1; 1Þ, ð1; 0Þ. 2m Remark 2.14. We can observe that the character tables of XðGO 2m ðZq Þ; Zq Þ and 2m þ XðGO2m ðZq Þ; Zq Þ are closely related with each other. In the case of fields, the char2m 2m acter table of XðGOþ 2m ðFq Þ; Fq Þ is obtained from that of XðGO2m ðFq Þ; Fq Þ essenm1 m1 tially by the replacement q 7! q (see [10]). In [4], this phenomenon was called an Ennola type duality. The situation is slightly complicated, but it seems possible to regard our examples as a variation of Ennola type duality. 2.4 The character table of X(GO2m+1 (Zq ), Z2m+1 ), with q odd. In this subsection, q we always assume that q ¼ p r is odd. The relations of the association scheme XðGO2mþ1 ðZq Þ; Zq2mþ1 Þ are given as follows. ðrÞ ðx; yÞ A R 0 , x ¼ y; ðrÞ ðrÞ ðx; yÞ A Rl; a , x y A Xl; a ðrÞ for 0 c l < r and a A Zp rl , where Xl; a is an orbit of GO2mþ1 ðZq Þ on Zq2mþ1 defined by ðrÞ Xl; a ¼ xA Zq2mþ1 j ordðrÞ p ðxÞ ¼ l; fr 1 rl x 1 a mod p pl ðrlÞ ¼ fp l u j u A X0; a g: ðrÞ ðrÞ The valencies kl; a ¼ jXl; a j are given by ðrÞ kl; a 8 ðrl1Þ2m > p m ðp m þ 1Þ; if paa and a : square; <p ðrÞ ðrl1Þ2m ¼ jXl; a j ¼ p p m ðp m 1Þ; if paa and a : nonsquare; > : ðrl1Þ2m ð p 2m 1Þ; if pja p ð6Þ for 0 c l < r and a A Zp rl . In particular, XðGO2mþ1 ðZq Þ; Zq2mþ1 Þ is a symmetric association scheme of class p r þ p r1 þ þ p ¼ pð p r 1Þ : p1 Let w be the quadratic character of Z p , that is, wðaÞ ¼ have the following: a p for a A Z p . Then, we Theorem 2.15. The association scheme XðGO2mþ1 ðZq Þ; Zq2mþ1 Þ is self-dual. For k; l A ðrÞ f0; 1; . . . ; r 1g, a A Zp rl and b A Zp rk , the ðk; b; l; aÞ-entry pl; a ðk; bÞ of the character 2mþ1 2mþ1 table PðGO2mþ1 ðZq Þ; Zq Þ of XðGO2mþ1 ðZq Þ; Zq Þ is given as follows. (i) If p 1 1 mod 4, then 260 Hajime Tanaka ðrÞ pl; a ðk; bÞ ¼ 8 2km ðrklÞð2m1Þ=2 ðrklÞ p K ð1 j a; bÞ; p > > > > > > > > < p 2km pðrklÞð2m1Þ=2 K ðrklÞ ðw j a; bÞ; if k þ l < r 1 and r k l : even; > > > 2km > > f pð2m1Þ=2 K ð1Þ ðw j a; bÞ d0 ðaÞg; >p > > : k ðrÞ ; l; a if k þ l ¼ r 1; if k þ l < r 1 and r k l : odd; if k þ l d r; ðrÞ where kl; a is defined in (6). (ii) If p 1 3 mod 4, then 8 2km ðrklÞð2m1Þ=2 ðrklÞ p K ð1 j a; bÞ; p > > > > > > pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi > < p 2km 1pðrklÞð2m1Þ=2 K ðrklÞ ðw j a; bÞ; if k þ l < r 1 and r k l : even; if k þ l < r 1 and ðrÞ pl; a ðk; bÞ ¼ r k l : odd; > > pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð2m1Þ=2 ð1Þ > 2km > > p f 1 p K ðw j a; bÞ þ d ðaÞg; if k þ l ¼ r 1; 0 > > : ðrÞ kl; a ; if k þ l d r: References [1] R. Baeza, Quadratic forms over semilocal rings. Springer 1978. MR 58 #10972 Zbl 0382.10014 [2] E. Bannai, Character tables of commutative association schemes. In: Finite geometries, buildings, and related topics (Pingree Park, CO, 1988), 105–128, Oxford Univ. Press 1990. MR 91k:20010 Zbl 0757.05100 [3] E. Bannai, T. Ito, Algebraic combinatorics. I. Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co. 1984. MR 87m:05001 Zbl 0555.05019 [4] E. Bannai, W. M. Kwok, S.-Y. Song, Ennola type dualities in the character tables of some association schemes. Mem. Fac. Sci. Kyushu Univ. Ser. A 44 (1990), 129–143. MR 92d:05180 Zbl 0808.20011 [5] E. 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