PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMO TO: Martha Rogers, Director of Education FROM: Jennifer Passy, Manager of Planning Janice Wright, Superintendent of Finance RE: LEE STREET (STOCKFORD SITE) BOUNDARY REVIEW Report #2 PLN: 12-04 March 20, 2012 File Code #: R02 Report Classification: INFORMATION BACKGROUND On January 24, 2012, Trustees approved Lee Street (Stockford) Boundary Review Report #1 which initiated the boundary review process for the new Lee Street elementary school. ISSUE In accordance with the School Boundary Review Procedures Manual (320-A), Report #2 is to provide: a) Alternative scenarios to address the accommodation issues; b) Staff analysis of the alternative scenarios developed; c) A list of recommended options including justification for the recommendations; d) The proposed timeline for implementation of the Boundary changes; and e) A communication plan. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. THAT memo PLN: 12-04 entitled “Lee Street (Stockford Site) Boundary Review - Report #2” be received for information. RATIONALE See the attached report “Lee Street (Stockford Site) Boundary Review – Report #2. Page 1 LEE STREET (STOCKFORD SITE) BOUNDARY REVIEW REPORT #2 Presented to the Business Operations Committee Upper Grand District School Board March 20, 2012 Lee Street Boundary Review – Report #2 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background The Lee Street (Stockford Site) Boundary Review Report #1 was brought to Trustees at the Business Operations Committee on January 17, 2012 and approved by the Board on January 24, 2012. Report #1 outlined the proposed process, timeline, communications plan and the composition of the Staff Boundary Review Committee (Staff Committee). The Staff Committee has followed the goals, objectives and constraints of the review which were contained in Report #1and discussed several possible attendance area scenarios. The Staff Committee has also had regard for correspondence received to date via the Board’s website. Table 1 - Goals, Objectives and Constraints GOALS 1. 2. 1.2 To create a sustainable program at the new Lee Street school. To maintain a sustainable JK-8 RT program at Ken Danby P.S. OBJECTIVES 1. 2. To create a balanced enrolment between Ken Danby P.S. and the Lee Street school. CONSTRAINTS 1. The Ken Danby P.S. building size is not adequate to accommodate the projected number of students in the future. 2. The attendance area boundary needs to be established to allow time to communicate the boundary changes to families prior to kindergarten registration and to allow for staffing for the 2014/2015 school year. 3. Consideration to be given to an interim accommodation plan for some students at King George during construction of Lee Street and limiting disruption/moves for this group. Develop an attendance area boundary that will create a sustainable program at the new Lee Street school. 3. To maximize the number of students within a safe walking distance to school. 4. To minimize the impact on students where transitions are proposed. Purpose of this Report In accordance with the School Boundary Review Procedures Manual (320-A), Report #2 is to provide: a) b) c) d) e) Alternative scenarios to address the accommodation issues; Staff analysis of the alternative scenarios developed; A list of recommended options including justification for the recommendations; The proposed timeline for implementation of the Boundary changes; and A communication plan. ~1~ Lee Street Boundary Review – Report #2 2.0 ENROLMENT BACKGROUND The current capacity of Ken Danby PS is 506 pupil places. The capital plan capacity is 576 pupil places, which recognizes interior renovations and a two (2) classroom addition to accommodate Full Day Kindergarten (FDK). Currently there are five (5) portables on site. The enrolment at Ken Danby PS has increased steadily since its opening in 2008, due primarily to the pace of residential growth occurring in East Guelph. Chart 1 illustrates the pace of historic enrolment at Ken Danby PS between 2008 and 2011 and the forecasted enrolment from within the current attendance area of Ken Danby PS. For reference, Map 1 in Appendix I shows the current Ken Danby PS attendance area. Chart 1 - Ken Danby PS Enrolment Projection 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 2008 2009 2010 Historic Enrolment 3.0 2011 2012 2013 Projected Enrolment 2014 2017 2021 Capacity DEVELOPMENT AREAS A Development Area (DA) is a geographically distinct area designated by the Board which is not part of a school attendance area. Students from these areas are assigned 'temporary' accommodation at 'holding schools' that have spaces available. In some cases, students from these DAs may continue to be assigned temporary accommodation until a new school is built in the community. In other cases, all or a portion of a DA may be incorporated into an existing school's attendance area. Until one of these situations is realized, the Board strives to keep the same holding school assigned to a particular DA for as long as possible. ~2~ Lee Street Boundary Review – Report #2 The 2011/2012 Development Area School Assignments Report (PLN: 11-07) identified three (3) DAs in or adjacent to the current Ken Danby PS attendance area. Map 2 shows the existing and proposed Development Areas in East Guelph. In 2011/2012 the following DAs were identified in East Guelph: 1. The Starwood DA was expanded to include future development land either side of Starwood Drive at Watson Parkway N. due to concerns with Ken Danby PS being overcapacity, 2. The North Eastview DA located on the north side of Eastview Road immediately west of the former landfill site, and 3. The Morning Crest DA located in the northeast quadrant of the intersection of Eastview Road and Watson Parkway N. These DAs are currently assigned as follows: Table 2 - Current DA Assignments Development Area Grades Program School Assignment JK-6 English Tytler PS JK-6 French King George PS* Starwood 7/8 English Waverley Drive PS** 7/8 French John McCrae PS 9-12 English/French J.F. Ross CVI JK-6 English Ottawa Cresc. PS JK-6 French Edward Johnson PS North Eastview 7/8 English Waverley Drive PS** 7/8 French John McCrae PS 9-12 English/French J.F. Ross CVI JK-6 English Brant Ave PS JK-6 French Edward Johnson PS Morning Crest 7/8 English Waverley Drive PS 7/8 French John McCrae PS 9-12 English/French J.F. Ross CVI *Starwood DA area French Immersion enrolment was assigned to King George PS as a result of Edward Johnson FI Boundary Review (January 24, 2012). **Assigned to Waverley Drive PS for one year (2011/2012) during King George PS reconstruction and at King George PS in 2012/2013 during the Laurine Ave PS reconstruction. The Watson Road East DA was originally created to handle new subdivisions east of Watson Road to the City limit, between Eastview Road and York Road. In March 2008, this DA was determined not to be necessary, as students would attend Ken Danby PS. However, standard warning clauses in the subdivision and purchase and sale agreements, as well as site signage remained subsequent to March 2008, which would allow the area to be re-established as a DA without affecting existing homeowners/students. The following table is provided to show enrolment projections for the Starwood West and Starwood East DAs and the remaining area of the Watson Road East DA. ~3~ Lee Street Boundary Review – Report #2 Table 3 - Development Area Projections Development Area Starwood West DA Starwood East DA Watson Road East DA Total 2014 JK/SK 1-6 7/8 Total 1 2 6 9 4 7 16 27 1 3 5 9 2017 2021 JK/SK 1-6 7/8 Total JK/SK 1-6 7/8 Total 6 12 27 45 13 10 10 33 40 33 32 105 14 12 9 35 67 55 53 175 24 13 12 49 74 43 35 152 25 15 11 51 123 71 58 252 Staff suggest that the 2012/13 Development Area School Assignments report reflect the division of the Starwood DA into two sections: Starwood West and Starwood East. This division will allow the Board to independently assign these areas to separate attendance areas or holding schools. The report should also address the assignment of each of these DAs for the 2012/13 school year in accordance with historical practice. As such, for the purposes of this report, DAs are not assigned. 3.1 New Development Area The Guelph Innovation District (GID) is an area currently under study by the City of Guelph, and generally encompasses the block within the Ken Danby PS attendance area bound by York Road, Watson Parkway S., Stone Road E., and Victoria Road S. The GID is being envisioned as an economic cluster focused on green-economy and innovation sector jobs. A multiple-residential component of the plan has been identified south of the Eramosa River but the size has not been specifically quantified at this time. The 2012/2013 Development Area School Assignments report will address the designation of this area as a DA and its assignment. 4.0 BOUNDARY SCENARIOS The Staff Committee has met on several occasions resulting in the development of approximately seven (7) alternative attendance area scenarios. Each scenario was developed and evaluated within the framework of the goals, objectives and constraints as noted in Section 1.1. Of these seven scenarios, two (2) were shortlisted as accomplishing the goals and objectives while best addressing the current and future needs of students and the affected schools ability to accommodate forecasted enrolment. These shortlisted scenarios are presented as A and B. In each scenario, the 2017 enrolment forecast is highlighted. Comparison of alternative scenarios was mainly confined to this projection horizon. It is acknowledged that there are enrolment pressures in East Guelph beyond 2017 which are not wholly reconciled by the construction of the Lee Street school. Accordingly, this review focuses on addressing enrolment needs to 2017 and staff will initiate a further review of boundaries when appropriate, to accommodate enrolment beyond 2017. 4.1 Scenario A – Staff’s Preferred Scenario The Lee Street school attendance area for Scenario A is shown on Map 3. The attendance area includes: • Existing residential development generally south-west of Starwood Drive north of Grange Road, except the future development west of Raspberry Lane to east of Auden Road, ~4~ Lee Street Boundary Review – Report #2 This new subdivision (Creekside) between Raspberry Lane and Auden Road will form part of the Ottawa Cresc. boundary, consistent with other residences on the north Side of Grange Road including Auden Road and Domo Drive. Existing development on either side of Starwood Drive south of Grange Road. The community between the rail line and York Road. o • • Ken Danby PS receives the remainder of existing communities generally north-east of Starwood Drive, out to Jones Baseline either side of Highway 7. Future students from that area assigned to Ottawa Cresc. PS would attend Ottawa Cresc. PS for grades JK-6, and Laurine Ave PS for 7/8. The projected enrolment impact of these boundaries is as follows: Table 4 - Scenario A Projections Scenario A Planned Capacity 2014 1-6 7/8 274 60 Total 481 JK/SK 139 2017 1-6 7/8 373 81 Total 600 JK/SK 136 398 2021 1-6 7/8 425 137 Total 708 94 292 458 94 295 489 Ken Danby PS 576 JK/SK 137 Lee St 501 94 239 3 9 12 7 20 27 8 23 31 74 77 225 234 299 311 77 84 239 259 316 343 81 89 248 271 329 360 Creekside (JK-6) Ottawa Cresc. PS Total Creekside (7/8) Laurine Ave PS Total 340 400 56 56 164 164 65 3 3 123 126 343 346 59 59 179 179 72 6 6 128 134 366 372 60 60 183 183 99 7 7 153 160 396 403 Scenario A creates a balanced enrolment between Ken Danby PS and the Lee Street school by 2017. The attendance area creates a sustainable program at the new Lee Street school in the short and long term. The number of students within a safe walking distance to school is maximized. The enrolments at Ottawa Cresc. PS and Laurine Ave PS would be acceptable. The move of the Creekside subdivision would only affect future students, not students already enrolled at Ken Danby PS. Further, this Scenario maintains DAs to ensure flexibility and avoid more significant overcrowding at either school. 4.2 Scenario B The Scenario B boundary is shown in Map 4. The Scenario B attendance area for the Lee Street school includes: ~5~ Lee Street Boundary Review – Report #2 • • • Communities either side of Starwood Drive north of Chesterton Lane, South of Chesterton Lane homes on the west side of Starwood Drive, save and except future development west of Raspberry Lane to east of Auden Road, o This new subdivision (Creekside) between Raspberry Lane and Auden Road will form part of the Ottawa Cresc. boundary, consistent with other residences on the north Side of Grange Road including Auden Road and Domo Drive. The community between the rail line and York Road. Ken Danby PS receives the remainder of area, being those communities north and south of Grange Road, east of Starwood Drive and Watson Parkway South out to Jones Baseline. Future students from that area assigned to Ottawa Cresc. PS would attend Ottawa Cresc. PS for grades JK-6, and Laurine Ave PS for 7/8. Table 5 - Scenario B Projections Scenario B Planned Capacity 2014 1-6 7/8 258 57 Total 452 JK/SK 127 2017 1-6 7/8 352 72 Total 560 JK/SK 124 427 2021 1-6 7/8 391 125 Total 652 106 312 499 106 329 546 Ken Danby PS 576 JK/SK 127 Lee St 501 103 255 3 9 12 7 20 27 8 23 31 74 77 225 234 299 311 77 84 239 259 316 343 81 89 248 271 329 360 Creekside (JK-6) Ottawa Cresc. PS Total Creekside (7/8) Laurine Ave PS Total 340 400 56 56 164 164 68 3 3 123 126 343 346 59 59 179 176 81 6 6 128 134 366 372 60 60 183 183 111 7 7 153 160 396 403 Scenario B would create a condition of overcrowding at the Lee Street school by 2021. The enrolments at Ottawa Cresc. PS and Laurine Ave PS would be acceptable in the short and long term. The move of the Creekside subdivision would only affect future students, not students already enrolled at Ken Danby PS. In order to address future enrolment concerns, Scenario B would require a subsequent boundary review to include the Lee Street attendance area. Based on the need to disturb both the Ken Danby PS and the Lee Street attendance areas again and the associated need to move students a second time, this scenario was not identified as the preferred alternative. ~6~ Lee Street Boundary Review – Report #2 4.3 2017 Comparison of Forecasted Enrolment Table 6 provides a side-by-side comparison of the projected enrolment for Ken Danby PS, the Lee Street school, Ottawa Cresc. PS and Laurine Ave. PS in 2017. Table 6 - 2017 Projection Comparison Planned Capacity Ken Danby PS 576 JK/SK 139 Lee St 501 94 292 7 77 84 Creekside (JK-6) Ottawa Cresc. PS Total Creekside (7/8) Laurine Ave PS Total 5.0 Scenario A 2017 1-6 7/8 373 81 340 400 59 59 106 312 20 27 7 20 27 239 259 316 343 77 84 239 259 316 343 6 6 128 134 366 372 59 59 179 179 81 Total 560 458 179 179 72 Total 600 Scenario B 2017 JK/SK 1-6 7/8 127 352 72 499 6 6 128 134 366 372 IMPLEMENTATION TIMELINES The new Lee Street school is planned to open in September 2014. Staff has reviewed the enrolment anticipated at Ken Danby PS for the 2012/2013 school year and it is expected that students can be accommodated in the expanded school, with portables for the upcoming year. There may be a need to temporarily accommodate students during the 2013/2014 school year in the King George PS holding school as contemplated by the East Guelph Full Day Kindergarten Proposed Transition Plan (PLN:11-26). It is suggested that once feedback on staff’s preferred scenario has been received, that the Final Boundary Review Report may address interim accommodation and implementation. However, a subsequent report may be required prior to staffing in February 2013 to provide additional detail on the King George PS move. 6.0 COMMUNICATION PLAN This Communications Plan focuses on giving the public an opportunity to be fully informed of the scenarios, and to continue to provide input to the Staff Committee. • Report #2 will be presented to the Business Operations Committee on March 20, 2012. • A Public Information Session will be held for the community on March 22, 2012. • A letter will be sent home to parents and guardians, informing them of the report and to solicit ~7~ Lee Street Boundary Review – Report #2 attendance at the Public Information Session prior to March Break. • Newspaper ads for the Public Information Session will be developed and booked. • • A media release will be sent to local newspapers, radio and TV stations. A news brief will be sent targeted towards newspapers that serve the East Guelph area. • Report #2 will be posted on the Board’s website on March 16, 2012. • Web pages in the Planning Department section of the Board website will be updated to include the contents of the report, links to Report #1, memos and other documents as required. • Information on delegation opportunities will be included with a link to the web page containing delegation requirements. • The Boundary Review pages will be promoted on the home page of the Board’s website, the Ken Danby PS web page and other school web pages as appropriate, with links to the Planning Department web pages. • The Planning Department web page will include a form that gives community members the opportunity to sign up and receive email alerts when significant new content is added to the site. • The submission form for receiving community input will be included on the website with the response deadline. o This feedback will be shared on the website without attribution. Due to time constraints and staff resources, individual responses cannot be provided. This information will be posted with the form. A PDF version of the comment form which can be printed and dropped off at Ken Danby PS or the Board office will be available. • The Public Information Session will provide another vehicle for communication to the community, and an opportunity for the public to provide comments (comment sheets), discuss the scenarios with staff and meet the trustees in attendance. A new or revised communications Plan will be developed for inclusion in the Final Boundary Review Report. 7.0 NEXT STEPS • Public Information Session March 22, 2012 Ken Danby PS 7:00pm – 9:00pm • Public Input Deadline April 27, 2012 • Business Operations Committee May 8, 2012 Presentation of Final Boundary Review Report Opportunity for Delegations May 22, 2012 Board Decision related to Final Boundary Review Report Opportunity for Delegations Note: There are additional opportunities for delegating at all Standing Committee and Board meetings. • Board Meeting ~8~ Appendix I Map 1 - Existing Ken Danby PS JK - 8 Attendance Area A OS Legend EASTVIEW RD RD School Location Municipal Boundary Rail Line VICTORIA RD N School Boundary Includes all houses with Watt St addresses east of Auden Rd (98 and above) Only Chesterton Lane addresses 47 and above Ken Danby PS WATSON PKY N AM ER GUELPH Starwood Dr DA GUELPH-ERAMOSA HIGHWAY 7 N SO Y PK STONE RD E UGDSB Planning Dept., Aug/10 TRL SHEEHY CT S VICTORIA RD S COLLEGE AVE E NOTE: This map is for reference purposes only. It is subject to change. IN DIAN JONES BASELINE W AT WATSON RD S YORK RD JONES BASELINE Only north side of Grange Rd addresses 292 and above WATSON RD N ELIZABETH ST STONE RD E PUSLINCH 0 0.25 0.5 1 km Map 2 - Development Area Boundary Map RD Ottawa Cres PS n Laurine Ave PS Ken Danby PS G E Lee St Site ELIZABETH ST HUR AN n AR T W ATSON PKY N ST N G R RD Starwood East DA WATSON RD N Starwood West DA YORK RD WAT SO NP KY COLLEGE AVE E School Location Guelph Innovation District DA STONE RD E Rail Line UGDSB Planning Dept., Mar 2012 L INDIAN TR VICTORIA RD S Existing DA Municipal Boundary HIGHWAY 7 S Legend New DA (or division) Watson Rd East DA WATSON RD S GRANGE ST GUELPH n GUELPHERAMOSA n SHEEHY CT METCALFE ST n DR QUEEN ST D WO O AR R THU AR ST S REGENT ST EASTVIEW RD ST n King George PS EASTVIEW RD JONES BASELINE A VICTORIA RD N DELHI ST OS ¯ AM ER Morning Crest DA North Eastview DA STONE RD E PUSLINCH 0 0.25 0.5 1 km Map 3 - Lee Street Boundary Review - Attendance Areas - Scenario A PETTITT DR Starwood East DA Starwood West DA DR S JONES BASELINE DR MARSHALL DR CITYVIEW DR N Y CT NR HE DAVIS ST WATSON PKY N E DR DG RI RD DE N HADATI RD AU BRADSON DR FLEMING RD CITYVIEW STEVENSO N S T S YORK RD Watson Rd East DA DR WATSON RD N VICTORIA RD N STEVENSON ST N WILLIAM ST QUEEN ST ST S REGENT ST HUR Lee St Site n GUELPHERAMOSA TO N DR SUBURBAN AVE W LA E KS ID ST R N DR SE VE H ST C R EE CEDARVALE AVE ET E NO R FULLER DR LN ZA B E R CR ES Ken Danby PS OR S CHR O AR T ER SK RUN NN ST N D EL I O OC ST LE GRANGE R D SHACKLETON DR n ND LA PL Y MO DR DO GUELPH E IR NE AR R THU AR GRA NGE ST T N KE EST E R CH L ON EASTVIEW RD E DR AV E ST LEACOC K IT OD PALMER ST S UM M WO STAR n Laurine Ave PS WATT ST R n King George PS V IP OND RD DD A OR OS EDWARDS ST N TF ER AM n MAUDE LN EASTVIEW RD U MO METCALFE ST DELHI ST Ottawa Cres PS ¯ Morning Crest DA North Eastview DA HIGHWAY 7 WAT SO KY S School Location COLLEGE AVE E DA Boundaries Guelph Innovation District DA Lee Street PS Ottawa Cres PS Municipal Boundary Rail Line STONE RD E UGDSB Planning Dept., Mar 2012 VICTORIA RD S Ken Danby PS SHEEHY CT n NP Legend WATSON RD S L INDIAN TR STONE RD E PUSLINCH 0 0.25 0.5 1 km Map 4 - Lee Street Boundary Review - Attendance Areas - Scenario B Starwood East DA Starwood West DA DR S JONES BASELINE DR MARSHALL DR CITYVIEW DR N Y CT NR HE DAVIS ST WATSON PKY N E DR DG RI RD DE N HADATI RD AU BRADSON DR FLEMING RD PETTITT DR CITYVIEW STEVENSO N S T S YORK RD Watson Rd East DA DR WATSON RD N VICTORIA RD N STEVENSON ST N WILLIAM ST QUEEN ST ST S REGENT ST HUR Lee St Site n GUELPHERAMOSA TO N DR SUBURBAN AVE W LA E KS ID ST R N DR SE VE H ST C R EE CEDARVALE AVE ET E NO R FULLER DR LN ZA B E R CR ES Ken Danby PS OR S CHR O AR T ER SK RUN NN ST N D EL I O OC ST LE GRANGE R D SHACKLETON DR n ND LA PL Y MO DR DO GUELPH E IR NE AR R THU AR GRA NGE ST T N KE EST E R CH L ON EASTVIEW RD E DR AV E ST LEACOC K IT OD PALMER ST S UM M WO STAR n Laurine Ave PS WATT ST R n King George PS V IP OND RD DD A OR OS EDWARDS ST N TF ER AM n MAUDE LN EASTVIEW RD U MO METCALFE ST DELHI ST Ottawa Cres PS ¯ Morning Crest DA North Eastview DA HIGHWAY 7 WAT SO KY S School Location COLLEGE AVE E DA Boundaries Guelph Innovation District DA Lee Street PS Ottawa Cres PS Municipal Boundary Rail Line STONE RD E UGDSB Planning Dept., Mar 2012 VICTORIA RD S Ken Danby PS SHEEHY CT n NP Legend WATSON RD S L INDIAN TR STONE RD E PUSLINCH 0 0.25 0.5 1 km