ARCHIVUM MATHEMATICUM (BRNO) Tomus 47 (2011), 119–131 A NEW CHARACTERIZATION OF r-STABLE HYPERSURFACES IN SPACE FORMS H. F. de Lima∗ and M. A. Velásquez Abstract. In this paper we study the r-stability of closed hypersurfaces with constant r-th mean curvature in Riemannian manifolds of constant sectional curvature. In this setting, we obtain a characterization of the r-stable ones through of the analysis of the first eigenvalue of an operator naturally attached to the r-th mean curvature. 1. Introduction The notion of stability concerning hypersurfaces of constant mean curvature of Riemannian ambient spaces was first studied by Barbosa and do Carmo in [3], and Barbosa, do Carmo and Eschenburg in [4], where they proved that spheres are the only stable critical points of the area functional for volume-preserving variations. In [1], Alencar, do Carmo and Colares extended to hypersurfaces with constant scalar curvature the above stability result on constant mean curvature. In order to do that, they assumed that the Riemannian ambient space had positive constant sectional curvature. The natural generalization of mean and scalar curvatures for an n-dimensional hypersurface are the r-th mean curvatures Hr , for r = 1, . . . , n. In fact, H1 is just the mean curvature and H2 defines a geometric quantity which is related to the scalar curvature. In [2], Barbosa and Colares studied closed hypersurfaces immersed in space forms with constant r-th mean curvature. The authors showed that such hypersurfaces are r-stable if and only if they are geodesic spheres, thus generalizing the previous results on constant mean curvature hypersurfaces. More recently, Yijun He and Haizhong Li [9] treated the case of compact hypersurfaces without boundary Hr+1 immersed in space forms with constant. They proved that such hypersurfaces H1 are r-stable if and only if they are totally umbilical. Motivated by these works, here we consider closed hypersurfaces with constant r-th mean curvature in a space form in order to obtain a relation between r-stability 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: primary 53C42; secondary 53B30, 53C50, 53Z05, 83C99. Key words and phrases: space forms, r-th mean curvatures, r-stability. ∗ Corresponding author. Received December 17, 2010, revised December 2010. Editor O. Kowalski. 120 H. F. DE LIMA AND M. A. VELÁSQUEZ and the spectrum of a certain elliptic operator naturally attached to such r-th mean curvature of the hypersurfaces. Our approach is based on the use of the Newton transformations Pr and the associated second order linear differential operators Lr (cf. Section 2). More precisely, we will prove the following characterization of r-stable hypersurfaces (cf. Theorem 3.5): n+1 Let M c be either the Euclidean space Rn+1 (c = 0), an open hemisphere of n+1 the sphere S (c = 1), or the hyperbolic space Hn+1 (c = −1). Let r be an integer n+1 satisfying the inequality 0 ≤ r ≤ n−2, and x : M n → M c be a closed hypersurface with positive constant (r + 1)-th mean curvature Hr+1 . Suppose that n n n λ = c(n − r) Hr + nH1 Hr+1 − (r + 2) Hr+2 r r+1 r+2 is constant. Then x is r-stable if and only if λ is the first eigenvalue of Lr on M n . 2. Preliminaries n+1 Mc Let be an orientable simply connected Riemannian manifold with constant sectional curvature c, Riemannian metric g = h , i, volume element dM and Levi-Civita connection ∇. In this context, we consider hypersurfaces x : M n → n+1 M c , namely, isometric immersions from a connected, n−dimensional orientable n+1 Riemannian manifold M n into M c . We also let ∇ denote the Levi-Civita connection of M n . Since M n is orientable, one can choose a globally defined unit normal vector field N on M n . Let A denote the shape operator with respect to N , so that, at each p ∈ M n , A restricts to a self-adjoint linear map Ap : Tp M → Tp M . For 1 ≤ r ≤ n, if we let Sr (p) denote the r-th elementary symmetric function on the eigenvalues of Ap , we get n smooth functions Sr : M n → R such that det(tI − A) = n X (−1)k Sk tn−k , k=0 n where S0 = 1 by definition. If p ∈ M and {e1 , . . . , en } is an orthonormal basis of Tp M formed by eigenvectors of Ap , with corresponding eigenvalues λ1 , . . . , λn , one immediately sees that Sr = σr (λ1 , . . . , λn ) , where σr ∈ R[X1 , . . . , Xn ] is the r-th elementary symmetric polynomial on the indeterminates X1 , . . . , Xn . For 1 ≤ r ≤ n, one defines the r-th mean curvature Hr of x by n Hr = Sr (λ1 , . . . , λn ) . r In particular, for r = 1, n H1 = 1X λk = H n k=1 A NEW CHARACTERIZATION OF r-STABLE HYPERSURFACES IN SPACE FORMS 121 is the mean curvature of M n , which is the main extrinsic curvature of the hypersurface. When r = 2, H2 defines a geometric quantity which is related to the (intrinsic) normalized scalar curvature R of the hypersurface. More precisely, it follows from the Gauss equation that R = c + H2 . (2.1) On the other hand, with a straightforward computation we verify that (2.2) |A|2 = n2 H 2 − n(n − 1)H2 , where |A|2 denotes the squared norm of the shape operator of M n . We also define, for 0 ≤ r ≤ n, the r-th Newton transformation Pr on M n by setting P0 = I (the identity operator) and, for 1 ≤ r ≤ n, via the recurrence relation Pr = Sr I − APr−1 . (2.3) A trivial induction shows that Pr = (Sr I − Sr−1 A + Sr−2 A2 − · · · + rAr ) , so that Cayley-Hamilton theorem gives Pn = 0. Moreover, since Pr is a polynomial in A for every r, it is also self-adjoint and commutes with A. Therefore, all bases of Tp M diagonalizing A at p ∈ M n also diagonalize all of the Pr at p. Let {e1 , . . . , en } be such a basis. Denoting by Ai the restriction of A to hei i⊥ ⊂ Tp Σ, it is easy to see that n−1 X det(tI − Ai ) = (−1)k Sk (Ai )tn−1−k , k=0 where Sk (Ai ) = X λj1 · · · λjk . 1≤j1 <...<jk ≤n j1 ,...,jk 6=i With the above notations, it is also immediate to check that Pr ei = Sr (Ai )ei , and hence (cf. Lemma 2.1 of [2]) tr(Pr ) = (−1)r (n − r)Sr = br Hr ; (2.4) tr(APr ) = (−1)r (r + 1)Sr+1 = −br Hr+1 ; tr(A2 Pr ) = (−1)r (S1 Sr+1 − (r + 2)Sr+2 ) , where br = (n − r) nr . Associated to each Newton transformation Pr one has the second order linear differential operator Lr : C ∞ (M ) → C ∞ (M ), given by Lr (f ) = tr(Pr Hess f ) . Note that L0 = ∆, the Laplacian operator on M . n+1 According to [11], Pr is a divergence-free whenever M c is of constant sectional curvature; consequently, Lr (f ) = div(Pr ∇f ) . 122 H. F. DE LIMA AND M. A. VELÁSQUEZ For future use, we recall Lemma 2.6 of [6]: if (aij ) denotes the matrix of A with respect to a certain orthonormal basis β = {e1 , . . . , en } of Tp M , then the matrix (arij ) of Pr with respect to the same basis is given by arij (2.5) n 1 X j1 ...jr j = aj i . . . ajr ir , r! i ,j =1 i1 i 1 1 k k where ...jr ji11...i r = sgn(σ) , 0, n+1 For x : M n → M c if the ik are pairwise distinct and σ = (jk ) is a permutation of them; else . as above, a variation of it is a smooth mapping n+1 X : M n × (−, ) → M c satisfying the following conditions: n+1 (1) For t ∈ (−, ), the map Xt : M n → M c immersion such that X0 = x. (2) Xt = x , for all t ∈ (−, ). ∂M given by Xt (p) = X(t, p) is an ∂M In all that follows, we let dMt denote the volume element of the metric induced on M by Xt and Nt the unit normal vector field along Xt . The variational field associated to the variation X is the vector field ∂X . ∂t t=0 Letting f = h ∂X ∂t , Nt i, we get ∂X > ∂X = f Nt + , ∂t ∂t where > stands for tangential components. The balance of volume of the variation X is the function V : (−, ) → R given by Z V(t) = X ∗ (dM ) , (2.6) M ×[0,t] and we say X is volume-preserving if V is constant. n+1 From now on, we will consider only closed hypersurfaces x : M n → M c . The following lemma is enough known and can be found in (cf. [12]). n+1 Lemma 2.1. Let M c be an orientable simply connected Riemannian manifold n+1 with constant sectional curvatures c and x : M n → M c a closed hypersurface. If n+1 X : M n × (−, ) → M c is a variation of x, then Z dV = f dMt . dt M R In particular, X is volume-preserving if and only if M f dMt = 0 for all t. A NEW CHARACTERIZATION OF r-STABLE HYPERSURFACES IN SPACE FORMS 123 We remark R that Lemma 2.2 of [4] shows that if f0 : M → R is a smooth function such that M f0 dM = 0, then there exists a volume-preserving variation of M whose variational field is f0 N . Following [2], we define the r-area functional Ar : (−, ) → R associated to the variation X be given by Z Ar (t) = Fr (S1 , S2 , . . . , Sr )dMt , M where Sr = Sr (t) and Fr is recursively defined by setting F0 = 1, F1 = S1 and, for 2 ≤ r ≤ n − 1, Fr = Sr + c(n − r + 1) Fr−2 . r−1 We notice that if r = 0, the functional A0 is the classical area functional. The following result follows from Proposition 4.1 of [2]. Since it seems to us that their proof only works on a neighborhood free of umbilics, and in order to keep this work self-contained, we present an alternative one here. n+1 be a closed hypersurface of the orientable Lemma 2.2. Let x : M n → M c n+1 simply connected Riemannian manifold M c with constant curvature c, and let n+1 n X : M × (−, ) → M c be a variation of x. Then, (2.7) D ∂X > E ∂Sr+1 = Lr f + ctr(Pr )f + tr(A2 Pr )f + , ∇Sr+1 . ∂t ∂t Proof. Formula (2.5) gives (r + 1)Sr+1 = tr(APr ) = X aji arij = i,j 1 X j1 ...jr j aj i . . . ajr ir aji , r! i,j,i ,j i1 i 1 1 k k where the functions Sr+1 are seen as functions of t. Hence, differentiation with respect to t gives 0 (r + 1)Sr+1 = 1 X j1 ...jr j 0 [a . . . ajr ir aji + · · · + aj1 i1 . . . ajr ir a0ji ] r! i,j,i ,j i1 i j1 i1 k k (r + 1) X j1 ...jr j 0 = a aj i . . . ajr ir r! i,j,i ,j i1 i ji 1 1 k k X = (r + 1) a0ji arij i,j = (r + 1)tr ∂A ∂t Pr . 124 H. F. DE LIMA AND M. A. VELÁSQUEZ ∂A ∂t Pr We see from the above that it is enough to compute tr we do next: , and this is what ∂A X D ∂A E 0 Sr+1 = tr Pr = Pr ek , ek ∂t ∂t k X = Sr (Ak ) (∇ ∂X A)ek , ek ∂t k = X Sr (Ak ) h∇ ∂X Aek , ek i − hA∇ ∂X ek , ek i ∂t ∂t k =− X Sr (Ak )h∇ ∂X ∇ek N, ek i − X ∂t Sr (Ak )hA∇ek ∂X/∂t, ek i , k k where we used that [∂X/∂t, ek ] = 0 in the last summand. If R denotes the curvature tensor of M , we have R(ek , ∂X/∂t)N = ∇ ∂X ∇ek N − ∇ek ∇ ∂X N + ∇[ek , ∂X ] N . ∂t ∂t ∂t Thus, by using also (2.6), 0 Sr+1 = − X − X Sr (Ak ) hR(ek , ∂X/∂t)N, ek i + h∇ek ∇ ∂X N, ek i ∂t k Sr (Ak )h∇ek (f N + (∂X/∂t)> ), Aek i . k Since M is of constant sectional curvature, we get hR(X, Y )W, Zi = c{hX, W ihY, Zi − hX, ZihY, W i} . Therefore, 0 Sr+1 =− X Sr (Ak )c {hek , N ih∂X/∂t, ek i − hek , ek ih∂X/∂t, N i} k − X Sr (Ak )h∇ek ∇ ∂X N, ek i − X ∂t − Sr (Ak )hAek , ∇ek f N i k k X Sr (Ak )h∇ek (∂X/∂t)> , Aek i k =c X Sr (Ak )f − k − X + X k k X Sr (Ak )ek h∇ ∂X N, ek i + X ∂t k Sr (Ak )hAek , f ∇ek N i − Sr (Ak )h∇ ∂X N, ∇ek ek i ∂t k X Sr (Ak )ek hAek , (∂X/∂t)> i k Sr (Ak )h∇ek Aek , (∂X/∂t)> i . A NEW CHARACTERIZATION OF r-STABLE HYPERSURFACES IN SPACE FORMS 125 AskingPfurther that ∇ei ej = 0 at p (which is always possible) and writing f N + l αl el , we have X X Sr (Ak )h∇ ∂X N, ∇ek ek i = Sr (Ak )h∇ ∂X N, λk δkk N i ∂t ∂X ∂t = ∂t k k = X Sr (Ak )λk h∇f N +P l k = X αl el N, N i o n X αl hAel , N i Sr (Ak )λk f h∇N N, N i − l k = 0. By now applying expression (2.4) for the trace of Pr , we get X X 0 Sr+1 = ctr(Pr )f + Pr ek hN, ∇ ∂X ek i + f Sr (Ak )hAek , Aek i ∂t k − X k > Pr ek hAek , (∂X/∂t) i + X k Sr (Ak )h∇ek Aek , (∂X/∂t)> i k = ctr(Pr )f + X Pr ek hN, ∇ek ∂X/∂ti + f X hAPr ek , Aek i k k − X Pr ek hAek , ∂X/∂ti + X k h∇Pr ek Aek , (∂X/∂t)> i k = ctr(Pr )f + X Pr ek ek (f ) − Pr ek h∇ek N, ∂X/∂ti k 2 + tr(A Pr )f − X Pr ek hAek , ∂X/∂ti + h X k ∇Pr ek Aek , (∂X/∂t)> i . k Finally, by applying Codazzi’s equation, we arrive at X X ∇Pr ek Aek = (∇ek APr ek + A[Pr ek , ek ]) k k = X ∇ek (Sr+1 I − Pr+1 )ek + k = X X A (∇Pr ek ek − ∇ek Pr ek ) k ek (Sr+1 )ek + k X ∇ek Pr+1 ek − k X A∇ek Pr ek k = ∇Sr+1 + div(Pr+1 ) − A(divPr ) = ∇Sr+1 , since Pr is divergence-free. Hence, 0 Sr+1 = ctr(Pr )f + Lr f + tr(A2 Pr )f + h∇Sr+1 , (∂X/∂t)> i . The previous lemma allows us to compute the first variation of the r-area functional. 126 H. F. DE LIMA AND M. A. VELÁSQUEZ Proposition 2.3. Under the hypotheses of Lemma 2.2, if X is a variation of x, then Z 0 (2.8) Ar (t) = −(r + 1) Sr+1 f dMt . M Proof. We make an inductive argument. The case r = 0 is well known, and to the case r = 1 we use the classical formula ∂ dMt = [−S1 f + div(∂X/∂t)> ]dMt ∂t to get A01 Z = ZM = F10 dMt S10 dMt M Z F1 + ZM + ∂ dMt ∂t S1 [−S1 f + div(∂X/∂t)> ]dMt M Z [ncf + ∆f + (S12 − 2S2 )f + h(∂X/∂t)> , ∇S1 i − S12 f + S1 div(∂X/∂t)> ]dMt Z Z Z = nc f dMt − 2 S2 f dMt + h(∂X/∂t)> , ∇S1 idMt M ZM ZM > + div S1 (∂X/∂t) dMt − h(∂X/∂t)> , ∇S1 idMt M M Z = −2 S2 f dMt , = M M where in the last equality we used that M is closed and X is volume-preserving. For r ≥ 2, the induction hypothesis and (2.7) give Z Z ∂ 0 0 Ar = Fr dMt + Fr dMt ∂ t M ZM c(n − r + 1) 0 0 Fr−2 dMt = Sr + r−1 M Z c(n − r + 1) + Sr + Fr−2 −S1 f + div(∂X/∂t)> dMt r−1 Z M Z Z T = Sr0 dMt − S1 Sr f dMt + Sr div (∂X/∂t) dMt M M M Z Z c(n − r + 1) ∂ 0 + Fr−2 dMt + Fr−2 dMt r−1 ∂t M M Z Z Z =c tr(Pr−1 )f dMt + Lr−1 dMt + tr(A2 Pr−1 )f dMt M M M Z Z Z T T + h∇Sr , (∂X/∂t) idMt − S1 Sr f dMt + div Sr (∂X/∂t) dMt M M ZM c(n − r + 1) 0 T − h∇Sr , (∂X/∂t) idMt + Ar−2 r−1 M A NEW CHARACTERIZATION OF r-STABLE HYPERSURFACES IN SPACE FORMS 127 Z Z = c(n − r + 1) Sr−1 f dMt + (S1 Sr − (r + 1)Sr+1 ) f dMt M M Z Z c(n − r + 1) (r − 1)Sr−1 f dMt − S1 Sr f dMt − r−1 M M Z = −(r + 1) Sr+1 f dMt . M Remark 2.4. We want to point out that Lemma 2.2 and the first variation formula (Proposition 2.3) were first proved by R. Reilly in [10]. In order to characterize hypersurfaces of constant (r + 1)−th mean curvature, let λ be a real constant and Jr : (−, ) → R be the Jacobi functional associated to the variation X, i.e., Jr (t) = Ar (t) + λV(t) . As an immediate consequence of (2.8) we get Z 0 Jr (t) = [−br Hr+1 + λ]f dMt , M where br = (r + 1) n r+1 . Therefore, if we choose λ = br H r+1 (0), where Z 1 Hr+1 (0)dM H r+1 (0) = A0 (0) M is the mean of the (r + 1)-th curvature Hr+1 (0) of M , we arrive at Z Jr0 (t) = br [−Hr+1 + H r+1 (0)]f dMt . M Hence, a standard argument (cf. [3]) shows that M n is a critical point of Jr for all variations of x if and only if M n has constant (r + 1)-th mean curvature. n+1 We wish to study spacelike immersions x : M n → M c that minimize Ar for all volume-preserving variations X of x. The above discussion shows that M n must have constant (r + 1)-th mean curvature and, for such an M n , leads us naturally to compute the second variation of Ar . This motivates the following n+1 Definition 2.5. Let M c be an orientable simply connected Riemannian manifold n+1 with constant curvature c, and x : M n → M be a closed hypersurface having constant (r + 1)-th mean curvature. We say that x is r-stable if A00r (0) ≥ 0, for all volume-preserving variation of x. n+1 Let x : M n → M c be a closed hypersurface with constant (r + 1)-th mean curvature and denote by G the set of differentiable functions f : M n → R with R f dMt = 0. Just as [2] we can establish the following criterion of stability: x is M r-stable if and only if Jr00 (0) ≥ 0, for all f ∈ G. The sought formula for the second variation of Jr is another straightforward consequence of Proposition 2.3. 128 H. F. DE LIMA AND M. A. VELÁSQUEZ n+1 Proposition 2.6. Let x : M n → M c be a closed hypersurface of orientable simn+1 ply connected Riemannian manifold M c , having constant (r + 1)-mean curvature n+1 Hr+1 . If X : M n × (−, ) → M c is a variation of x, then Jr00 (0) is given by Z (2.9) Jr00 (0)(f ) = −(r + 1) Lr (f ) + {ctr(Pr ) + tr(A2 Pr )}f f dM . M 3. r-Stable Hypersurfaces in Space Forms n+1 As in the previous section, let M c orientable simply connected Riemannian n+1 manifold with constant curvature c. A vector field V on M c is said to be conformal if LV h , i = 2ψh , i (3.1) ∞ for some function ψ ∈ C (M ), where L stands for the Lie derivative of the Riemann metric of M . The function ψ is called the conformal factor of V . Since LV (X) = [V, X] for all X ∈ X(M ), it follows from the tensorial character of LV that V ∈ X(M ) is conformal if and only if h∇X V, Y i + hX, ∇Y V i = 2ψhX, Y i , (3.2) for all X, Y ∈ X(M ). In particular, V is a Killing vector field relatively to g if and only if ψ ≡ 0. The following result was shown in [5]. n+1 be an orientable simply connected Riemannian manifold Lemma 3.1. Let M c with constant curvature c and endowed with a conformal vector field V . Let also n+1 n+1 x: Mn → Mc be a hypersurface of M c and N be a Gauss map on M n . If η = hV, N i, then n 2 Lr (η) = {−tr(A Pr ) − c tr(Pr )}η − (n − r) Hr N (ψ) r n n (3.3) − (r + 1) Hr+1 ψ − hV, ∇Hr+1 i , r+1 r+1 n+1 where ψ : M → R is the conformal factor of V , Hj is the j-th mean curvature of M n and ∇Hj stands for the gradient of Hj on M n . In particular, we obtain the following n+1 Corollary 3.2. Let M c be an orientable simply connected Riemannian manifold with constant curvature c and endowed with a Killing vector field W . Let also n+1 x: Mn → Mc be a hypersurface having constant (r + 1)-th mean curvature Hr+1 , N be a Gauss map on M n and η = hW, N i, then Lr (η) + {c tr(Pr ) + tr(A2 Pr )}η = 0 . n+1 In particular, if x : M n → M c is a closed spacelike hypersurface with constant (r + 1)-th mean curvature such that λ = ctr(Pr ) + tr(A2 Pr ) is constant, then λ is an eigenvalue of the operator Lr in M n with eigenfunction η. A NEW CHARACTERIZATION OF r-STABLE HYPERSURFACES IN SPACE FORMS 129 Although the existence of nontrivial Killing vector fields on Riemannian space forms is a standard fact, we will present an alternative proof of this result by using the ideas of [8]. Lemma 3.3. There exist nontrivial Killing vector fields on Riemannian space forms. Proof. Given any fixed two linearly independent vectors u and v in the the Euclidean space Rn+1 and considering the vector field W = hu, ·iv −hv, ·iu. Observe that hW (p), pi = 0, that is, geometrically, W (p) determines an orthogonal direction to the position vector p on the subspace spanned by u and v. Moreover, we easily verify that h∇X W, Y i + hX, ∇Y W i = 0 , for all tangent vector fields X, Y ∈ X(Rn+1 ). Therefore, W is a Killing vetor field globally defined on the Rn+1 . Since W is orthogonal to the position vector field, then W is also a Killing vector field on the sphere Sn = p ∈ Rn+1 : hp, pi = 1 . Similarly, fixed two linearly independent vectors u and v in the the Lorentz-Minkowski space Ln+1 and considering the vector field W = hu, ·iv − hv, ·iu we get a Killing vector field W globally defined in Ln+1 that is orthogonal to the position vector field. Then, W is also a Killing vector field on the hyperbolic space Hn = p ∈ Ln+1 : hp, pi = −1 . The following result can be found in [2]. n+1 Lemma 3.4. Let x : M n → M c be a closed orientable hypersurface, where n+1 n+1 Mc represent the Euclidean space R (c = 0), an open hemisphere of the sphere Sn+1 (c = 1) or the hyperbolic space Hn+1 (c = −1). If Hr is positive then, for 1 ≤ j ≤ r, Lj is elliptic. We can now state and prove our main result. n+1 Theorem 3.5. Let M c be either the Euclidean space Rn+1 (c = 0), an open n+1 hemisphere of the sphere S (c = 1), or the hyperbolic space Hn+1 (c = −1). Let n+1 r be an integer satisfying the inequality 0 ≤ r ≤ n − 2, and x : M n → M c be a closed hypersurface with positive constant (r + 1)-th mean curvature Hr+1 . Suppose that n n n λ = c(n − r) Hr + nH1 Hr+1 − (r + 2) Hr+2 r r+1 r+2 is constant. Then x is r-stable if and only if λ is the first eigenvalue of Lr on M n . Proof. First we observe that Lemma 3.3 guarantees the existence of a nontrivial n+1 Killing vector field W on M c . On the other hand, from Lemma 3.4, the operator Lr is elliptic on M . By using the formulas (2.4), it is easy to show that λ = ctr(Pr ) + tr(A2 Pr ). n+1 Therefore, since that λ is constant and W is a Killing field on M c , Corollary 3.2 guarantees that λ is in the spectrum of Lr . 130 H. F. DE LIMA AND M. A. VELÁSQUEZ Let λ1 be the first eigenvalue of Lr on M n . If λ = λ1 , then R − M f Lr (f )dM R λ = min . f ∈G\{0} f 2 dM M It follows that, for any f ∈ G, Z Z Jr00 (0)(f ) = (r + 1) {−f Lr (f ) − λf 2 }dM ≥ (r + 1)(λ − λ) M f 2 dM = 0 , M and hence x is r-stable. Now suppose that x is r−stable. Then Jr00 (0)(f ) ≥ 0, ∀f ∈ G. Let us consider f the eigenfunction associated to the first eigenvalue λ1 of Lr . As it was already observed, there exists a volume-preserving variation of M whose variational field is f N . Consequently, by (2.9), we get Z 0 ≤ Jr00 (0)(f ) = (r + 1)(λ1 − λ) f 2 dM. M Therefore, since λ1 ≤ λ, we conclude that λ1 = λ. Since L0 = ∆ is always elliptic and taking into account formula (2.2), we obtain the following n+1 Corollary 3.6 ([4], Proposition 2.13). Let M c be the Euclidean space Rn+1 (c = n+1 0), the sphere S (c = 1), or the hyperbolic space Hn+1 (c = −1). Let x : M n → n+1 Mc be a closed hypersurface with constant mean curvature. Suppose that λ = cn + |A|2 is constant, where |A|2 denotes the squared norm of the shape operator. Then x is stable if and only if λ is the first eigenvalue of ∆ on M n . Finally, since L1 is just the Yau’s square operator (cf. [7]), by using equation (2.1) we get the following n+1 Corollary 3.7. Let M c be a Euclidean space Rn+1 (c = 0), the sphere Sn+1 (c = n+1 1), or the hyperbolic space Hn+1 (c = −1). Let x : M n → M c be a closed hypersurface, with constant normalized scalar curvature R > c. If n(n − 1)(n − 2) n2 (n − 1) (R − c)H1 − H3 2 2 is constant, then x is 1-stable if and only if λ is the first eigenvalue of L1 on M n . λ = cn(n − 1)H1 + Acknowledgement. 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