ARCHIVUM MATHEMATICUM (BRNO) Tomus 45 (2009), 47–58 SEVERAL q-SERIES IDENTITIES FROM THE EULER 1 EXPANSIONS OF (a; q)∞ AND (a;q) ∞ Zhizheng Zhang1,2 and Jizhen Yang1 Abstract. In this paper, we first give several operator identities which extend the results of Chen and Liu, then make use of them to two q-series 1 identities obtained by the Euler expansions of (a; q)∞ and (a;q) . Several ∞ q-series identities are obtained involving a q-series identity in Ramanujan’s Lost Notebook. 1. Introduction Throughout this paper, assume that 0 < q < 1 and adopt the customary notation in [6] for q-series. Let (a; q)∞ = (1) ∞ Y (1 − aq k ) . k=0 For any integer n, the q-shifted factorial (a; q)n is given by (a; q)n = (2) (a; q)∞ . (aq n ; q)∞ The q-binomial coefficient is defined by n (q; q)n . (3) = k (q; q)k (q; q)n−k We will also use frequently the following equations: (4) −n ) (q a; q)∞ (a; q)∞ n+1 2 (q/a; q)n = (−a)−n q ( or (5) n+1 2 (q −n a; q)∞ = (−a)n q −( ) (q/a; q) (a; q) . n ∞ For convenience, we employ the following notation for multiple q-shifted factorial: (a1 , a2 , . . . , am ; q)n = (a1 ; q)n (a2 ; q)n . . . (am ; q)n , where n is an integer or ∞. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: primary 05A30; secondary 33D15, 33D60. Key words and phrases: exponential operator, operator identity, q-series identity. Received March 16, 2008. Editor O. Došlý. 48 Z. ZHANG AND J. YANG The q-differential operator Dq and the q-shifted operator are defined by 1 Dq {f (a)} = (f (a) − f (aq)) a and η{f (a)} = f (aq) , respectively. These two operators have been introduced in [9, 10, 11] due to Rogers, who applied them for proving Roger-Ramanujan identities. Built on the Dq and η, the operator appeared in the work of Roman [12] and will be denoted by θ = η −1 Dq . Two operators introduced in the papers [4] and [5] by Chen and Liu are the exponential operators constructed from Dq and θ: T (bDq ) = ∞ X (bDq )n (q; q)n n=0 and E(bθ) = n ∞ X (bθ)n q ( 2 ) . (q; q)n n=0 Then the following operator identities were obtained. Theorem 1.1 (Chen and Liu, [4] and [5]). Let T (bDq ) and E(bθ) be respectively defined as above. Then n o 1 1 T (bDq ) (6) = , (at; q)∞ (at, bt; q)∞ o n (abst; q)∞ 1 (7) = , T (bDq ) (as, at; q)∞ (as, at, bs, bt; q)∞ (8) E(bθ) (at; q)∞ = (at, bt; q)∞ , (9) (as, at, bs, bt; q)∞ . E(bθ) (as, at; q)∞ = (abst/q; q)∞ By these operator identities, in [4, 5, 7, 8, 13], a lot of q-series identities can be derived. In [14], Theorem 1.1 was extended. Applying generalized operator identities to some terminating basic hypergeometric series and q-integrals, we obtain some summation formulas involving 3 φ2 summation and some q-integrals involving 3 φ2 summation which extend some famous q-integrals, such as the Ismail-Stanton-Viennot integral, Gasper integral formula. In this paper, we first give several operator identities which extend the results of Chen and Liu. Then making use of them to two q-series identities obtained by 1 the Euler expansions of (a; q)∞ and (a;q) , several q-series identities are obtained ∞ involving a q-series identity in Ramanujan’s Lost Notebook. Throughout this paper, n and k are two nonnegative integers. SEVERAL q-SERIES IDENTITIES 49 2. Several operator identities First of all, by induction we give a result which is to be used later. Lemma 2.1. We have (10) (11) (12) (13) ( 0, θn {ak } = (−1)n q n (q −k ; q)n ak−n , ( 0, if n k Dq {a } = (q k−n+1 ; q)n ak−n , if if if n > k, n ≤ k, n > k, n ≤ k, θn {a−k } = (−q)n (q k ; q)n a−(k+n) , n Dqn {a−k } = q −( 2 )−kn (q k ; q)n a−(k+n) . In [13], we obtained the following operator identity. E(dθ) ak (at, as; q)∞ (14) k (as, at, ds, dt; q)∞ =a (adst/q)∞ 3 φ2 q −k , q/as, 0, q/at ; q, q q 2 /adst . This identity can be rewritten by (at, as, dt, ds; q)∞ E(dθ) ak (at, as; q)∞ = ak (adst/q; q)∞ k X k (q/at, q/as; q)j (j+1 × (−1)j q 2 )−kj . 2 /adst; q) (q j j j=0 (15) Next we give three operator identities which are extensions of Theorem 1.1. They specialize to Theorem 1.1 by setting k = 0. Theorem 2.2. We have (16) n T (dDq ) k o X ak (adst; q)∞ k (at, as; q)j d j k =a . (at, as; q)∞ (at, as, dt, ds; q)∞ j=0 j (adst; q)j a E(dθ) a−k (at, as; q)∞ (17) = a−k n ∞ (at, as, dtq k , dsq k ; q)∞ X (q k , adstq k−1 ; q)n (n+1 d 2 ) q − (adstq k−1 ; q)∞ (q, dtq k , dsq k ; q)n a n=0 = a−k ∞ d n (at, as, dt, ds; q)∞ X (q k ; q)n (adst/q; q)n+k (n+1 q 2 ) − (adst/q; q)∞ n=0 (q; q)n (dt, ds; q)n+k a 50 Z. ZHANG AND J. YANG where |d/a| < 1, and n T (dDq ) o a−k (at, as; q)∞ = a−k (18) = − ∞ X (adtsq −k ; q)∞ (q k , q 1+k /adst; q)n (−1)n qn −k −k (at, as, dtq , dsq ; q)∞ n=0 (q, q 1+k /dt, q 1+k /ds; q)n ∞ X (adts; q)∞ 1 k (k+1 (q k ; q)n (q/adst; q)n+k q 2 ) (−q)n . d (at, as, dt, ds; q)∞ n=0 (q; q)n (q/dt, q/ds; q)n+k Proof. We note that the rule of Leibniz for Dqn (see [4]) n X n k(k−n) n (19) Dq {f (a)g(a)} = q Dk {f (a)}Dqn−k {g(aq k )} . k q k=0 Therefore, we have ∞ o X o n ak dn ak = Dqn (at, as; q)∞ (q; q)n (at, as; q)∞ n=0 ∞ n o X dn X j(j−n) n j k n−j n 1 = q Dq {a }Dq (q; q)n j=0 j (atq j , asq j ; q)∞ n=0 n ∞ o X dn X j(j−n) n (q; q)k k−j n−j n 1 q = a Dq (q; q)n j=0 j (q; q)k−j (atq j , asq j ; q)∞ n=0 ∞ ∞ X o X dn j(j−n) n (q; q)k k−j n−j n 1 = q a Dq (q; q)n (atq j , asq j ; q)∞ j (q; q)k−j j=0 n=j n T (dDq ) = ∞ X j=0 ∞ o X dn −nj n n 1 dj (q; q)k ak−j q Dq (q; q)j (q; q)k−j (q; q)n (atq j , asq j ; q)∞ n=0 k j X ∞ o X (dq −j Dq )n n 1 k d =a j a n=0 (q; q)n (atq j , asq j ; q)∞ j=0 k = ak k j X k d j=0 = ak a k j X k d j=0 = ak j j a · T (dq −j Dq n o 1 (atq j , asq j ; q)∞ (adstq j ; q)∞ j (atq , asq j , dt, ds; q)∞ k X k (at, as; q)j d j (adst; q)∞ . (at, as, dt, ds; q)∞ j=0 j (adst; q)j a We obtain (16). (17) and (18) can be proved similarly. The proof is completed. Taking s = 0 in Theorem 2.2, we have SEVERAL q-SERIES IDENTITIES 51 Corollary 2.3. (20) n T (dDq ) k d j X 1 ak o k k =a (at; q)j . (at; q)∞ (at, dt; q)∞ j=0 j a E(dθ) a−k (at; q)∞ = a−k (at, dtq k ; q)∞ × (21) ∞ d n X n+1 1 (q k ; q)n q( 2 ) − (q; q)n (dt; q)n+k a n=0 where |d/a| < 1, and n T (dDq ) (22) a−k o 1 1 k (k+1 q 2 ) = − (at; q)∞ adt (at, dt; q)∞ ∞ k X (q ; q)n 1 q n , × − (q; q)n (q/dt; q)n+k at n=0 where |q/at| < 1. Further, setting k = 1 or t = 0 in (21), we get the following results of Chen and Liu. Corollary 2.4 (Chen and Liu, [5]). (23) ∞ X n+1 E(bθ) a−1 = a−1 (−1)n q ( 2 ) bn a−n , n=0 (24) ∞ X m+1 E(bθ) a−1 (−a; q)∞ = a−1 (−a; q)∞ (−b/a)m q ( 2 ) (−bq m+1 ; q)∞ . m=0 3. Several q-series identities from expansion of (a; q)∞ From the Euler expansion of (a; q)∞ (see [3]): n ∞ X (−1)n q ( 2 ) an = (a; q)∞ , (q; q)n n=0 the following identity can be verified. (25) ∞ X n=0 (−aq n+1 ; q)∞ q n = −a−1 + a−1 (−a; q)∞ . 52 Z. ZHANG AND J. YANG Theorem 3.1. We have ∞ k+1 X X (q −(k+1) , −q −n /a, q/at; q)j (−adt; q)n qn qj 1−n /adt; q) (−aq, −dq; q) (q, −q n j n=0 j=0 =−a −1 k (−adt; q)∞ X (q −k , q/at; q)j (dt)j (−aq, −dq; q)∞ j=0 (q; q)j k + a−1 (26) (1 + a)(1 + d) X (q −k , −q/a, q/at; q)j j q . 1 + adt/q j=0 (q, −q 2 /adt; q)j Proof. Multiply both sides in equation (25) by ak+1 (at; q)∞ . Then (27) ∞ X ak+1 (−aq n+1 , at; q)∞ q n = −ak (at; q)∞ + ak (−a, at; q)∞ . n=0 Apply the operator E(dθ) to its both sides with respect to the variable a. Then ∞ X q n E(dθ) ak+1 (−aq n+1 , at; q)∞ = −E(dθ) ak (at; q)∞ n=0 + E(dθ) ak (−a, at; q)∞ . (28) Applying Theorem 2.2 and Corollary 2.3, we have (−aq n+1 , at, −dq n+1 , dt; q)∞ E(dθ) ak+1 (−aq n+1 , at; q)∞ = ak+1 (−adtq n ; q)∞ × k+1 X j=0 (q −(k+1) , −q −n /a, q/at; q)j j q , (q, −q 1−n /adt; q)j k X (q −k , q/at; q)j E(dθ) ak (at; q)∞ = ak (at, dt; q)∞ (dt)j , (q; q) j j=0 k (−a, at, −d, dt; q)∞ X (q −k , −q/a, q/at; q)j j E(dθ) ak (−a, at; q)∞ = ak q . (−adt/q; q)∞ (q, −q 2 /adt; q)j j=0 Substituting these three identities into (27) and then using (4), we obtain (3.1) after simplifying. This completes the proof. Taking k = 0 in Theorem 3.1, we have Corollary 3.2. ∞ ∞ X X (−adt; q)n (−adt; q)n a q n + d(1 − at/q) q n+1 (−aq, −dq; q) (−aq; q) (−dq; q) n n n+1 n=0 n=0 (29) =− (−adt; q)∞ + 1 + a. (−aq, −dq; q)∞ Taking t = 0 in Corollary 3.2 we have SEVERAL q-SERIES IDENTITIES Corollary 3.3. a ∞ X ∞ X 1 1 qn + d q n+1 (−aq, −dq; q) (−aq; q) (−dq; q) n n n+1 n=0 n=0 =− (30) 1 + 1 + a. (−aq, −dq; q)∞ Taking k = 1 in Theorem 3.1, we have Corollary 3.4. a2 q ∞ X ∞ X (−adt; q)n (−adt; q)n q n − ad(1 + q)(at − q) qn (−aq, −dq; q) (−aq; q) (−dq; q) n n n+1 n=0 n=0 + d2 (at − q)(at − q 2 ) (31) = ∞ X (−adt; q)n qn (−aq; q) (−dq; q) n n+2 n=0 (1 + a)(aq + dq + adq 2 − adt) (−adt; q)∞ − (aq + dq − adt) . 1 + dq (−aq, −dq; q)∞ Taking t = 0 in Corollary 3.4, we have Corollary 3.5. a2 ∞ X 1 1 q n + ad(1 + q) qn (−aq, −dq; q) (−aq; q) (−dq; q) n n n+1 n=0 n=0 ∞ X + d2 q 2 (32) ∞ X 1 qn (−aq; q) (−dq; q) n n+2 n=0 1 (1 + a)(a + d + adq) − (a + d) . 1 + dq (−aq, −dq; q)∞ = Theorem 3.6. We have (1 − dtq k ) ∞ X ∞ d i X (−adtq k ; q)n (q k , −adtq n+k ; q)i n (i+1 2 ) q q − (−aq, −dq k+1 ; q)n i=0 (q, −dq n+k+1 , dtq k ; q)i a n=0 = − a−1 ∞ d i X (−adtq k ; q)∞ (q k+1 ; q)i (i+1 2 ) q − (−aq, −dq k+1 ; q)∞ i=0 (q, dtq k+1 ; q)i a −1 + (1 + a (33) ) ∞ X i=0 d i (q k+1 , −adtq k ; q)i (i+1 2 ) q − , (q, −dq k+1 , dtq k+1 ; q)i a where |d/a| < 1. Proof. (25) can be rewritten by (34) ∞ X n=0 q n a−k (−aq n+1 , at; q)∞ = −a−(k+1) (at; q)∞ + a−(k+1) (−a, at; q)∞ 53 54 Z. ZHANG AND J. YANG Apply the operator E(dθ) to its both sides with respect to the variable a. Then ∞ X q n E(dθ) a−k (−aq n+1 , at; q)∞ = −E(dθ) a−(k+1) (at; q)∞ n=0 + E(dθ) a−(k+1) (−a, at; q)∞ . By Theorem 2.2 and Corollary 2.3, we have (−aq n+1 , at, −dq n+k+1 , dtq k ; q)∞ E(dθ) a−k (−aq n+1 , at; q)∞ = a−k (−adtq n+k ; q)∞ i ∞ k n+k X (q , −adtq ; q)i d (i+1 2 ) , × q − (q, −dq n+k+1 , dtq k ; q)i a i=0 E(dθ) a−(k+1) (at; q)∞ = a−(k+1) (at, dtq k+1 ; q)∞ i ∞ X (q k+1 ; q)i d (i+1 2 ) × q , − (q, dtq k+1 ; q)i a i=0 (−a, at, −dq k+1 , dtq k+1 ; q)∞ E(dθ) a−(k+1) (−a, at; q)∞ = a−(k+1) (−adtq k ; q)∞ k d i X (q k+1 , −adtq k ; q)i (i+1 2 ) × . q − (q, −dq k+1 , dtq k+1 ; q)i a i=0 Substituting these three identities into (34) and then using (4), we obtain the theorem. Taking k = 0 in Theorem 3.6 we have Corollary 3.7. (1 − dt) ∞ d i i+1 1 (−adt; q)n (−adt; q)∞ X q n = − a−1 q( 2 ) − (−aq, −dq; q)n (−aq, −dq; q)∞ i=0 (dtq; q)i a n=0 ∞ X + (1 + a−1 ) (35) ∞ d i X (−adt; q)i (i+1 q 2) − , (−dq, dtq; q)i a i=0 where |d/a| < 1. Taking t = 0 in Corollary 3.7 we obtain the following Ramanujan’s identity. Corollary 3.8. ∞ X ∞ X n+1 1 1 q n = − a−1 (−1)n q ( 2 ) (d/a)n (−aq, −dq; q)n (−aq, −dq; q)∞ n=0 n=0 (36) where |d/a| < 1. −1 + (1 + a n+1 ∞ X (−1)n q ( 2 ) (d/a)n , ) (−dq; q)n n=0 SEVERAL q-SERIES IDENTITIES 55 Note. This identity is a formula in Ramanujan’s Lost Notebook, and its proofs are given by Andrews [1, 2]. In [5], Chen and Liu gave also a simple proof by using the method of the operator identity. 4. Several q-series identities from expansion of From the Euler expansion of 1 (a;q)∞ 1 (a;q)∞ (see [3]): ∞ X 1 1 an = , (q; q) (a; q)∞ n n=0 the following identity can be verified. ∞ X 1 1 q n = a−1 − a−1 . n ; q) (aq (a; q) ∞ ∞ n=0 (37) From this identity, by the operator T (dDq we can obtain the following results. Theorem 4.1. We have k ∞ k+1 X X X k + 1 k (a, at; q)j d j (a; q)n+j d j = a−1 q n (d; q)n (at; q)j j (adt; q)j a j (adt; q)n+j a n=0 j=0 j=0 (38) − a−1 j k (a, d; q)∞ X k d (at; q)j . (adt; q)∞ j=0 j a Proof. By (37), we have ∞ X ak+1 ak ak n q = − . (aq n , at; q)∞ (a, at; q)∞ (at; q)∞ n=0 (39) Apply the operator T (dDq ) to its both sides with respect to the variable a. Then ∞ o n o n X ak ak+1 = T (dD ) q n · T (dDq ) q (aq n , at; q)∞ (a, at; q)∞ n=0 n ak o (40) − T (dDq ) . (at; q)∞ By Theorem 2.2 and Corollary 2.3, we have n o ak+1 (adtq n ; q)∞ k+1 = a T (dDq ) (aq n , at; q)∞ (aq n , at, dq n , dt; q)∞ k+1 X k + 1 (aq n , at; q)j d j (41) × , j (adtq n ; q)j a j=0 (42) T (dDq ) n k o X (adt; q)∞ ak k (a, at; q)j d j = ak (a, at; q)∞ (a, at, d, dt; q)∞ j=0 j (adt; q)j a 56 Z. ZHANG AND J. YANG and T (dDq ) (43) n k d j X ak o 1 k . = ak (at; q)j (at; q)∞ (at, dt; q)∞ j=0 j a Substituting these three identities into (40) and then using (4), we obtain the theorem. Taking k = 0 in Theorem 4.1 we have Corollary 4.2. ∞ ∞ X X (a, d; q)n n (a; q)n+1 n (a, d; q)∞ (44) a (d; q)n q + d(1 − at) q =1− . (adt; q) (adt; q) (adt; q)∞ n n+1 n=0 n=0 Specially, taking t = 0 we have Corollary 4.3. ∞ ∞ X X (d; q)n (a; q)n+1 q n = 1 − (a, d; q)∞ . (a, d; q)n q n + d (45) a n=0 n=0 Taking k = 1 in Theorem 4.1 we have Corollary 4.4. ∞ ∞ X X (a, d; q)n n (a; q)n+1 (d; q)n n a2 q + ad(1 + q)(1 − at) q (adt; q)n (adt; q)n+1 n=0 n=0 + d2 (1 − at)(1 − atq) = a+d (46) ∞ X (a; q)n+2 (d; q)n n q (adt; q)n+2 n=0 (1 − a)(1 − at) (a, d; q)∞ − (a + d − adt) . 1 − adt (adt; q)∞ Specially, taking t = 0 we have Corollary 4.5. ∞ ∞ ∞ X X X a2 (a, d; q)n q n + ad(1 + q) (a; q)n+1 (d; q)n q n + d2 (a; q)n+2 (d; q)n q n n=0 (47) n=0 n=0 = (a + d)(1 − (a, d; q)∞ ) − ad . Theorem 4.6. We have ∞ ∞ X (a, d; q)n X (q k ; q)j (q 1−n /adt; q)k+j (−q)j qn 1−n /d; q) (adt; q) (q; q) (q/dt, q n j k+j n=0 j=0 =− (48) + ∞ q k+1 X (q k+1 ; q)j (q/adt; q)k+1+j (−q)j d j=0 (q; q)j (q/d, q/dt; q)k+1+j ∞ 1 (a, d; q)∞ X (q k+1 ; q)j (−1)j (q/at)k+1+j , d (adt; q)∞ j=0 (q; q)j (q/dt; q)k+1+j SEVERAL q-SERIES IDENTITIES 57 where |q/at| < 1. Proof. We rewrite (37) into the following form: ∞ X a−(k+1) a−k a−(k+1) n q − . = (aq n , at; q)∞ (a, at; q)∞ (at; q)∞ n=0 (49) Apply the operator T (dDq ) to its both sides with respect to the variable a. Then ∞ X q n · T (dDq ) n=0 (50) o n a−(k+1) o a−k = T (dD ) q (aq n , at; q)∞ (a, at; q)∞ n a−(k+1) o . − T (dDq ) (at; q)∞ n By Theorem 2.2 and Corollary 2.3, we have n o (adtq n ; q)∞ a−k −k (k+1 2 ) T (dDq ) = (−d) q (aq n , at; q)∞ (aq n , at, dq n , dt; q)∞ ∞ X (q k ; q)j (q 1−n /adt; q)k+j j (51) (−q) , × 1−n /d; q) (q; q) (q/dt, q j k+j j=0 (52) n a−(k+1) o (adt; q)∞ −(k+1) (k+2 T (dDq ) = (−d) q 2 ) (a, at; q)∞ (a, at, d, dt; q)∞ ∞ X (q k+1 ; q)j (q/adt; q)k+j+1 j × (−q) (q; q) (q/d, q/dt; q) j k+j+1 j=0 and (53) n a−(k+1) o 1 −(k+1) (k+2 1 T (dDq ) = − q 2 ) (at; q)∞ adt (at, dt; q)∞ ∞ k+1 X (q ; q)j 1 q j × − . (q; q)j (q/dt; q)k+j+1 at j=0 Substituting these three identities into (50) and then using (4), we obtain the theorem. 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