Document 10512913

Chapters 9, 11, 12 Concepts covered •  Need pertuba6ons in Schrodingers eqn to allow for inter-­‐atomic transi6ons (covered in ch 9, relevant for ch 7 material) •  Spontaneous emission and zero-­‐point vacuum fluctua6on field •  Atomic selec6on rules •  S6mulated emission and lasers •  Ionic bonds and different components of energy: ioniza6on E, replusion E, coulomb aLrac6on E, disassocia6on E •  Covalent bonds: combining separate wavefunc6ons to create molecular orbitals, construc6ve and destruc6ve interference, this determines how atoms/ions combine to form molecules. Direc6onal proper6es of the bonds •  Excited states of molecules due to electronic, vibra6onal, rota6onal energy state changes •  Equa6ons for Evib, Erot, characteris6c rota6onal E •  Molecular spectra due to transi6ons between 3 types of E states Binding E of nucleons in a nucleus Nuclear radii and how to find E levels of nuclei Radia6on types: alpha, beta, gamma Equa6ons for the Q value or E of decay of beta decay, for e+ and e-­‐ emission •  Full descrip6on of alpha decay as a QM tunneling phenomeon •  Exponen6al decay law, differences between TAU (mean life) and T1/2 (half life) •  Conserva6on laws in nuclear reac6ons • 
•  Shell model for electrons and nuclei/nucleons •  Leptons, hadrons, fermions, bosons •  Standard model: types of elementary par6cles, families, an6par6cles •  Quarks: how discovered existence of, quantum numbers (aka conserved quan66es) •  Conserved quan66es in par6cle interac6ons, including color •  Force carriers and virtual par6cles •  Weak force, CKM mixing matrix of quarks, only force to allow genera6onal mixing, only interac6on type that allows S viola6on •  EM force, doesn’t act on neutrinos •  Strong force, color neutrality, how pi+ and pi-­‐ are produced when you pull quarks in nucleons apart Chapters 9, 11, 12 Examples done in class •  ALrac6on of ions in molecules, dissocia6on energy, energy of repulsion •  Power at a distance from a laser •  Electronic, vibra6onal, and rota6onal state transi6ons, moment of iner6a, frequencies •  E needed to remove a n from various atoms •  Calculate rates of par6cle produc6on from the interac6on of a beam of par6cles with a target •  Decay equa6ons for 3 types of beta decay •  List of 10 par6cle interac6ons, are they allowed based on conserva6on of Q, B, S, L#s, E •  Draw a Feynman diagram of a par6cle interac6on •  Name interac6ons responsible in various interac6ons (12.9) •  Given an interac6on, determine quantum #s, quark content of decay products (12.35) Chapters 9, 11, 12 Suggested problems from book •  Binding energy, dissocia6on energy, repulsion energy of molecules •  Iden6fying molecular composi6on and bonding types •  Rota6onal energy and separa6on of nuclei in molecules, transi6ons between rota6onal E levels •  Separa6on between E levels in molecules •  Photons per pulse for lasers •  Vibra6onal energy, moment of iner6a, equilibrium separa6on of atoms in molecules •  Uncertainty principle in beta decays •  Radii of nuclei •  Radioac6vity: half-­‐life, decay constant, coun6ng rates, ac6vity, atoms in samples •  E of par6cles par6cipa6ng in alpha, beta decays •  Compare strength of forces, mass of force carrying par6cles •  Closed neutron and proton shells of nuclei •  Reac6ons using cross sec6on, beam and target informa6on •  Q and total E produced in fusion reac6ons •  Range of alpha par6cles, decay constant/half life in alpha decays •  Threshold for photodisintegra6on •  E of decay products in beta decay without a neutrino being produced •  Conserva6on of quan66es in annihila6on reac6ons •  Iden6fying forces that allow interac6ons to proceed, allowed & forbidden interac6ons under these forces •  Conserved quan66es in par6cle reac6ons •  Combina6on of isospin •  Given a quark combina6on, calculate the various quantum numbers of the par6cle •  Given an interac6on, determine the quantum numbers and quark content of the final product •  Pi0 decay in flight, angle of emission of photons •  Total E of decay products in par6cle interac6ons •  Time of travel for neutrinos 