Document 10512908

Chapters 1-­‐4 Possible Theory-­‐esque Ques7ons ** All contained material comes 100% from the lecture notes •  Difference between conserved and invariant •  How do you know you’re in an iner7al frame •  Describe the experimental setup of the Michelson-­‐Morley experiment •  What are the 4 postulates of special rela7vity •  What is the rela7vity of simultaneity •  When is non-­‐rela7vis7c good enough –  5 reasons, covered in ch 2 lectures, not the 3 reasons from ch 1 lectures •  What are the 3 (or 4) rela7vis7c par7cles •  How does PET work? Describe in words and through the calcula7on of the physical process that is involved •  What is the principle of equivalence •  5 predic7ons of general rela7vity •  What are the features of kine7c theory that were observed, thus proving existence of atoms •  What were the 6 history making papers of Einstein, published in 1905, and which one is the most cited •  What is a cathode tube and how does it work? Why is this relevant to what we’ve learned? •  What experiment did Millikan perform, describe the experimental setup, and its relevance •  What is a black body •  Name and describe some industries that make use of black body and thermal radia7on •  Describe the experiment used to create/study the photo-­‐electric effect •  How are x-­‐rays produced •  How do solar cells work •  What are the steps involved in Rutherford’s deriva7on of expected deflec7ons observed at a detector (don’t need to work out the physics, just describe in words) •  What are the 4 predic7ons of the Rutherford equa7on •  What underlying assump7on is built into the Rutherford calcula7on •  What is the correspondence principle Chapters 1-­‐4 Possible Deriva7ons ** All contained material comes 100% from the lecture notes •  Time and length contrac7ons •  Lorentz transforma7on equa7ons •  Draw a space7me diagram with S and S’ (not an explicit deriva7on but need to know how to find the slopes of ct’ and x’ as seen by S) •  Velocity transforma7ons •  Invariant mass equa7on •  Prove invariant rest E of system ≠ sum of rest energy of par7cles in system if par7cles move rela7ve to each other •  In very general terms (no in depth deriva7ons required) explain the steps required to derive the Rayleigh-­‐Jeans predic7on for radiated energy density as a func7on of wavelength •  Star7ng from the equa7on for the impact parameter, derive the number of alphas sca`ered through an angle θ to θ+dθ (step 2 of Rutherford’s deriva7on, impact param eqn is something you would have to know/
program in to your graphulator) 