Justification for CAS Patron Services Manager position Nature of the position’s duties: Responsible for overall supervision and management of all Central Access Services patron services operations including assisting with patron activities in ILL/DD and potentially the Oak Street Library Facility. Patron services functions in Central Circulation includes overseeing the circulation desk, library telephone center, call slip and mail option, discharging, billing, courtesy borrower services, carrel services and reserves. Number of FTE in each of the other staff categories in the unit (indicating which are funded with permanent dollars and which are on temporary funding): LOAs (2), SLS (1), LS (7.25), LA (5.5) This represents a decrease from previous staffing levels of 2 SLS, and 2 LAs in the past 2 years with an increase in responsibilities. This unit has consistently high numbers of patron transactions as the largest and busiest circulation unit and is the only circulation unit with library wide and consortium wide troubleshooting responsibilities. General scope of responsibility of those positions: LOAs responsible for day to day patron services functions which still includes hands on patron responsibilities limiting the amount of management activity assumed. 1 LOA oversees billing, discharging, courtesy cards, and carrels, but must still handle daily billing issues and troubleshooting. 1 LOA oversees the circulation desk, call slip, mail option, library telephone center and reserves and is the only supervisor in the busy LTC. This person must handle numerous daily patron transactions and troubleshooting functions which severely limits the management activities that can be assumed. SLS oversees discharging unit LS positions responsible for hands on daily supervisory work at the circulation desk, call slip, mail option, reserves, billing, courtesy cards, and carrels functions. LA positions assist patrons at the circulation desk, call slip, mail option, reserves, billing, and courtesy cards functions. Relation of the proposed position to the academic, administrative, and service programs of the campus. Goal: Strengthen our services to meet the changing library needs of today’s and tomorrow’s faculty and students. (Strengthen traditional programs, develop new programs, and divest ourselves of programs of declining value to students and faculty) CAS has responsibility for the busiest service areas in the UIUC Library system and consistent professional leadership focused on these activities in Central Circulation is essential to providing excellent service to our patrons, as well as implementing new service initiatives. Please indicate whether this is a new position or a replacement resulting from a retirement or resignation. Essentially a replacement for the position previously held by Stephanie Atkins. Describe the impact on the Library of not filling this position indefinitely or delaying it for some months. No one available to oversee patron services activities and continue to move forward with larger initiatives and big picture planning. This will eventually cause a decrease in the amount and quality of services provided especially when the current Head of CAS position expires. Finally, note what opportunities exist for obtaining external funding for the position. Unknown