Executive Committee

Executive Committee
December 11, 2008
428 Library
Present: Paula Kaufman, Bill Mischo, Michael Norman, Beth Woodard, Greg Youngen,
John Wagstaff, Chris Prom, JoAnn Jacoby, Karen Hogenboom, Kim Matherly
1. 12:00pm-Instructional Resources in the Library – Lisa Hinchliffe
Lisa came to the meeting to discuss ways in which Instructional Resource needs
can be met in the Library with the staff we have.
EC determined it would like a list of expectations from the Services Advisory
Committee in regards to instruction. What are the expectations for all librarians,
when it comes to instruction? What training needs are there?
2. Questions
A personnel issue was discussed.
There is no new budget information to report. Paula will schedule four open
sessions for faculty and staff to attend to discuss the possible budget implications.
What will happen with UGL, since we are unable to hire a new head? Scott Walter
has met with UGL librarians and they have generated some good ideas. Scott will
be invited to attend an EC meeting to discuss viable options.
Is there any new information about the Survey Libraries? Not at this time.
3. Approve November 24 Minutes
Minutes were approved by a motion from Greg, seconded by JoAnn.
4. Full Professor Promotion and Tenure Recommendations-Bill and Karen
Bill Mischo and Karen Hogenboom discussed some of their ideas, asking for
feedback from the committee. They will bring a draft to the next meeting.
5. Communications/LIS NSM Team Interim Report
The Committee discussed the report. They accepted it with the amendment that
the staffing needs of both LIS and Communications be assessed in one year. If the
Communications Library’s staff increases, then the Library’s hours should
increase as well and the schedules of permanent staff should be staggered to
support these expanded hours.
EC suggested that the planning for Communications and LIS could be decoupled
from now on. EC would like to see an implementation report from
Communications as soon as possible and an implementation report from LIS by
late January.
The report was approved (with amendments) with a motion by Beth Woodard,
seconded by Michael Norman.
6. Unit Heads Proposal
This will be discussed at the next meeting.
7. Spousal Hire
A possible spousal hire was discussed. It was determined that this spousal hire
would meet some cataloging needs, which are high on the Libraries priority list. If
the unit decides to hire the faculty member, we will be willing to talk to the
8. Technical Services Coordination and Consolidation Team Report
Some of the recommendations are to:
 Work more on unique backlogs
 More original cataloging
 More things cataloged on receipt
 Physical consolidation – Slavic cataloging into CAM & Acquisitions
 Gov docs physically consolidated
 Virtual reporting lines and coordination—Music, Asian—eventually
physically consolidate of all technical services functions into single space
when possible
 People in CAM and Acquisitions with language skills to work on those
 More effort into e-resources and digital resources
 6-12 months for recommendations to be implemented
Additional discussion with Law Library will continue to better define
coordination between Law and the University Library. Also, History, Philosophy
and Newspaper and Rare Book and Manuscript Library are interested in working
on this to define collaboration between technical services personnel.
EC accepted the report pending a set of recommendations for creating an
infrastructure in Tech Services that will ensure that the recommendations can be
carried out without sole dependency on the heads of Acquisitions and CAM.