A DVANCES IN S WITCHING N ETWORKS D.-Z. Du and H.Q. Ngo (Eds.) pp. 307 - 357 c 2000 Kluwer Academic Publishers Notes on the Complexity of Switching Networks Hung Quang Ngo Department of Computer Science and Engineering University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455 E-mail: hngo@cs.umn.edu Ding-Zhu Du Department of Computer Science and Engineering University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455 E-mail: dzd@cs.umn.edu Contents 1 Introduction 308 1.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308 1.2 Basic models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309 1.3 A historical perspective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310 2 The complexity of checking whether a graph is a superconcentrator or concentrator 313 3 Expanders 3.1 Algebraic graph theory . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 The eigenvalue characterization of expansion panders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 On the second eigenvalue of a graph . . . . . 3.4 Explicit Constructions of Expanders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rate for regular . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . strong ex. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316 316 318 326 328 4 Concentrators and Superconcentrators 329 4.1 Linear Concentrators and Superconcentrators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329 4.2 Superconcentrators with a given depth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333 4.3 Explicit Constructions and other results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336 307 5 Connectors 5.1 Rearrangeable connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.2 Non-blocking connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3 Generalized connectors and generalized concentrators 5.4 Explicit Constructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338 340 344 349 351 351 References 1 Introduction 1.1 Overview There are various complexity measures for switching networks and communication networks in general. These measures include, but not limited to, the number of switching components, the delay time of signal propagating through the network, the complexity of path selection algorithms, and the complexity of physically designing the network. This chapter surveys the study of the first measure, and partially the second measure. It is conceivable that the number of switching components, or the “size” of a network, affects directly the third and fourth measures. The most common and most intuitively obvious way to study a particular type of switching networks is to model the network by a graph. It is customary to use a directed acyclic graph with a degsinated set of vertices called inputs and another disjoint set of vertices called outputs. Depending on the functionality of the network under consideration, this graph has to satisfy certain conditions. Our job is then to determine the minimum number of edges of graphs satisfying these conditions, and construct an optimal one if possible. For example, a typical functionality of a network is rearrangeability. The corresponding graph model is the connectors, also referred to as rearrangeable networks. For different types of networks and their desired functionalities, the reader is referred to [16, 72, 40]. This chapter assumes that the reader is familiar with concepts such as rearrangeability, strictly nonblockingness or wide sense nonblockingness of multistage interconnection networks. There have been several articles and books discussing aspects of switching network complexity or their associated graphical models. For example, the articles by Pippenger (1990, [72]), and Bien (1989, [17]); the classic book by Beneš (1965, [16]), a book by Hui (1990, [39]), and a recent book by Hwang (1998, [40]). We 308 shall see that this chapter’s material, although has some small overlaps with the articles and books above, have been collected in one place for the first time. Many open questions shall also be presented along the way. We shall attempt to make this chapter as self-contained as possible, requiring mostly elementary background on probability and linear algebra. This objective will certainly affect our choice of which results to be covered. Moreover, we shall also try to select results that are more intuitive, which might not be the best results known on the problems under discussion. Pointers to more advanced results shall be given as needed. 1.2 Basic models We now give definitions of several important graphs and their components arising in studying the complexity of switching networks, settling down the main terminologies for the rest of the chapters. , where and are the biparti , !"#$ , and for every %'& % )(*,+.64 587 4,5:9 % % % /0 132 <;=; % % where /> is the set of neighbors of all vertices , !? denotes the maximum degree of vertices in , is called the density, and is called the expansion rate of the expander . It is a strong -expander if the above inequality holds % @ . A family of linear expanders of density and expansion is a5 for all sequence ABDCFEHCJG I,K , where DC is an LCMN -expander and LC,OQP , LCJR,KS+HLC,O as TUOVP . Definition 1.2. An XWY -network is an directed acyclic graph (DAG) with distinguished vertices called inputs and a disjoint set of W distinguished vertices called outputs. When Z[W , we call it an -network for short. The size of a Definition 1.1. A bipartite graph -expander if tions, is called an such that , we have network is its number of edges. The depth of a network is the maximum length of a path from an input to an output. W XWY An -network is our main model for a switching network with inputs and outputs. With respect to physical switching networks, the vertices of our DAG represent links between switching components of the underlying physical networks, and there is an edge between two links if these two links are an input and an output link of some switch. Moreover, the depth of the DAG implicitly represent the delay of signal propagating from inputs to outputs. 309 A classical objective of studying switching networks of various types was to design these networks with as few switching components as possible. The main hope was that reducing this number also reduces several other complexity measures. Hence, one of our objectives is to find the minimum size -network (or -network for that matter) satisfying certain properties, and construct one with as small a size as possible. We shall see that this objective is usually a trade-off with another objective which is to have a network with small depth, which presumably has small signal propagation delay. Determining this trade-off in some precise manner is thus another research topic. XWY XWY ] W XWY W X, _ LCM3 \2*W Definition 1.3. An -concentrator is an -network where , such that for any subset of inputs there exists a set of vertex disjoint paths -concentrator. An connecting to the outputs. An -concentrator is an -concentrator is an -concentrator with at most edges. An concentrator is an -concentrator. A family of linear concentrators of density is a sequence such that each is an -concentrator, where as . ] XW^) XWY ) X) AB`CFE CJG I,K DC LCLOQP TUOVP Definition 1.4. An -superconcentrator is an -network with inputs and outputs such that for any ] K @ and ]La @ with ] K )<]a_3b , there exist a set of vertex disjoint paths connecting ]cK to ] a . An Sd -superconcentrator is an superconcentrator with at most d) edges. A family of linear superconcentrators of density d is a sequence ABDCFEHCJG I,K such that each DC is an 6CMSd -superconcentrator, where LCLOQP as TUOVP . Concentrators and superconcentrators are models for various communication networks and parallel architectures [72, 39]. For example, we can think of concentrators as a model for switching networks in which a set of processors communicate with a set of identical memories. While if a set of processors can request a particular set of memories, we need superconcentrators. The graphs we just introduced are only part of the set of models we shall discuss. They were defined here to facilitate the history discussion in the next section. Other models shall be defined in associated sections. 1.3 A historical perspective In this section, we briefly summarize the study of superconcentrators, concentrators and expanders. An objective is to give the reader a feel of why certain results were mentioned or covered in this chapter. Another reason for discussing these graphs’ history is that they have rich and deep connections to many other areas of Computer Science and Mathematics, motivating many beautiful and difficult 310 problems. Other complexity models, although shall be discussed later on in the chapter, will not be mentioned here. We shall briefly summarize their development in the corresponding section. Concentrators were first introduced by Pinsker (1973 [65]) in the context of telephone switching networks. The notion of a superconcentrator, according to Pippenger (1996, [73]), was first introduced by Aho, Hopcroft and Ullman (1975, [1]), who attributed it to conversations with W. Floyd. They wanted to use superconcentrator as a tool to establish non-linear lower bounds for the complexity of circuits computing Boolean functions. Valiant (1975, [85, 84]) constructed linear size superconcentrators using Pinsker’s concentrators, thus negating the intention of Aho, Hopcroft and Ullman. Paul, Tarjan and Celoni, continuing the theme, applied superconcentrators to demonstrate the optimality of certain algorithms (1977, [63, 64]). In 1973, Pippenger [66] also independently obtained some initial results on concentrators. From 1977 to 1979, Pippenger [69, 68, 67] and Fan Chung [24] studied the size bounds of minimum sized superconcentrators and concentrators. The concepts of connectors, generalizers, generalized connectors were also introduced by Pippenger in these papers as models for different switching networks. Pinsker, Valiant, Pippenger and Chung works were roughly based on the same line of reasoning: the probabilistic method. Their proofs of the existence of good concentrators and superconcentrators were based on the existence of good bounded concentrators. The proofs were not constructive and thus of little practical value, although certainly very interesting. In 1973, Margulis [53] gave the first explicit construction of a family of expanders. As we shall see, expanders can be used to construct bounded concentrators; hence, Margulis construction yields an explicit construction of superconcentrators. Margulis construction was fairly technical using deep results from the Representation Theory of finite groups. He showed that such that for , each graph of his there exists a constant constructed family of graphs is an -expander. Extending this work, Gabber and Galil (1981, [35]) showed that works. Their proof was a bit less technical, involving relatively elementary analysis. Moreover, they specified -expanders (larger density). They also a way to construct a family of specify how to use linear expanders to construct linear bounded concentrators and then to use the later to construct linear superconcentrators. dYegf h iW a XWkj\l Sp)Sd avuxw y dqrdts? z {tS-|d}sB om n As we can see, the explicit constructions were too specialized to the given parameters, and thus not entirely satisfactory. Ron Rivest and S. Bhatt suggested another method which reuse earlier results on probabilistic construction: randomly choose a graph in a clever way, then check to see if the graph is a concentrator or superconcentrator. The main question is obviously that how hard the checking procedure is. Blum, Karp, Vornberger, Papadimitriou and Yannakakis (1981, [19]) 311 gave a negative answer: the check(s) is coNP-complete. In the meantime, researchers keep working on bounding the best possible size of the graphs. They also limit attention to graphs with a fixed depth. We will discuss more on this later. In 1983, so much excitement were ignited when expanders were used to explicitly construct a “parallel sorting network” which sorts numbers in time using parallel processors. The work was done by M. Ajtai, J. Komlós, and E. Szemerédi [3], settling a long standing unsolved problem. This problem looked so impossible that, in fact, Knuth [48] in his previous edition of “The Art of Computer Programming” Vol. 3, stated it as a exercise to show that constructing such a sorting network is impossible. In 1984, an important idea comes into place as Tanner [83] used association schemes (see [21]), in particular certain class of distance regular graphs arising from finite geometry, to construct better expanders. The basic idea is to characterize the expansion rate using the graph’s eigenvalue. Immediately after that, Noga Alon and partially Milman took the idea to its peak by a series of papers ([9, 5, 6, 7, 8]). Alon characterized the expansion rate using the second smallest of the Laplacian of a graph . Basically, as gets larger eigenvalue the expansion rate is larger. As eigenvalues of real symmetric matrices (as the case with a graph’s Laplacian) can be computed easily in polynomial time, we now have another way to “check” if a graph has certain expansion rate. The suggestion by Rivest and Bhatt can now be used. Alon did just that. He showed how to randomly generate expanders. Notice that since the problem is coNP-complete, quite a bit of information is lost in the characterization. (See [46], for example, for a sample research on this loss.) However, this method is fairly practical in certain applications. Obviously a very natural question to ask is: “how large can be?”. Alon and Boppana (mentioned in [7]) proved that for any fixed and for any infinite family of graphs with maximum degree , ~|8, p.f 8!" 8!? 8!" 9 95 ~J *08!"0( -t 95 an upper bound that does not have any hidden Nilli (from Israel, 1991,9 [61]) got - is still5 dominating. It is obviously interesting to constant, but the term 95 of expanders construct families which achieve this eigenvalue bound. The special case when is a prime congruent to modulo was done by Lubotzky, Phillips 95 (1988, [53]). They conand Sarnak (1988, [51]), and independently by Margulis structed a family of -regular graphs with (- , where ,!" is the second largest eigenvalue of . Formally, we define 95 -regular graph with vertices 9 is called 95 a Ramanujan graph Definition 1.5. A - .) if ,!"0(- . (Or equivalently 8!?02 312 Ramanujan graphs are optimal in the sense of the eigenvalue bound. Why were the graphs named after Ramanujan ? Basically, the construction was the Cayley graph of certain group, where the generators were chosen to be the solutions to certain representation of integers in quaternary quadratic form. The general formula is unknown, but Ramanujan had a conjecture in 1916 about the formula (well, obviously these kinds of conjectures can only come from Ramanujan), which was proved in several special cases by Eichler (1954, [30]) and Igusa (1959, [43]). From this point on, a lot more research papers were published on various aspects of these graphs, several of which will be discussed in later section. One big open problem (mentioned in [34]) is Open Problem 1.6. Find an elementary (e.g. purely combinatorial) proof that certain family of graphs is expanders. For example the ones constructed in [34] or in [51]. Solving this problem would lead to an entirely new wave of research on expanders. The spectral characterization of expansion rate loses a lot of information. The proofs of known explicit constructions were either too complicated, or used the spectral characterization which already reduces the power of the graphs. Calculating eigenvalues, although gives the quantitative measure, sheds no light as to why certain set of graphs are good expanders. A combinatorial proof would be much more satisfactory and would certainly lead to new development in the area. It is worth mentioning that these graphs also play important roles in areas other than switching networks. To mention a few, for example, Noga Alon (1986, [7]) used geometric expanders (expanders constructed from finite geometry) to deduce a certain strengthening of a theorem of de Bruijn and Erdős on the number of lines determined by a set of points in a finite projective plane. He also obtained some results on Hadamard matrices and constructed some graphs relevant to Ramsey theory. Sipser and Spielman (1996, [81] – see also [82]) constructed asymptotically good linear codes from expanders. 2 The complexity of checking whether a graph is a superconcentrator or concentrator As we have mentioned in the introduction, if it is possible to check in polynomial time if a graph is a (super)concentrator, then it might be possible to devise a randomized algorithm to generate these graphs. The results in this section are from [19], which says that the checks are both coNP-complete. a tb-BW W ] 6K ! K a. such that Definition 2.1. A matcher is a bipartite graph and that for any -subset of , there exists a matching from 313 K L ] into a . We shall show that deciding whether a bipartite graph is a matcher is coNPcomplete, and then deduce as corollaries that checking whether a graph is a concentrator or superconcentrator is also coNP-complete. In this section and throughout the chapter, we will use to denote the set of integers from to , and to denote the degree of a vertex in some graph. 5 t13 Theorem 2.2 (Blum et al., 1981 [19]). Deciding whether a bipartite graph ! K Na. is a matcher is coNP-complete. Proof. We will reduce the complement of the following NP-complete problem to an instance of the matcher problem. Big-clique. Given a graph ( for nodes and for arcs), with , does is have a clique of size ? , since otherwise the answer is clearly NO. Given We can assume , we construct a bipartite graph as follows. YD -|d d 82QFa ¡D ¢r! K a. £ K ¤¦¥§-|dt . £ Na¨¤*©¡Aª K 1«1«1«HXª,¬ ­c¬®E0©¯ A nK 1«1«1«X ²´n ³ n.µ E , where |,¶·-|d 9 )¸, . n}°|± £ To get , each vertex XT¹=jº6K , where ºjh and T¨j-|dt , is connected to the following vertices in a : – All arcs ».¼`j¡ which are incident to . – All the u-nodes ª½K1Xª a 5 1«1«1«¾Xª À¿ÁM u K . n – All nodes ¼ for  1«1«1«¾|, . Our proof is complete if we can show that Yo does not have a clique of size d iff is a matcher. Notice that 7 a 9Zà a _·- À-|d n}°|± )¸,>}d a rLKBÄ« & K H]Æ)( Moreover, by Hall’s theorem is a matcher iff />!]8132Å]Æ for all ] K KB}·-|d a . Thus, it suffices to prove the following claim. aClaim. & LK such a There exists ] that ]Æx(g-|d and />!]¶1NÇ$]Æ iff ¡D has a clique of size d . !È* . We first make some observation as follows. Let É bA^j¡'tXT¹0jq] for some TE_« 314 5 ^Ê Ë É and ÌÍ®A¾»Yj§ZB»Ë K X6a for some K X6aj É E) . Notice that (*Êq(-|d , and that 7 É />!]¶1< ®4 A¾»Îj¡9b5>¾7 » is incident to some \j E) d - ;É 9·Ã -|d6 n}°|Ï t¸, 4 d 95>7 9 -; -|d)Ê Ì 9i5 Now, />!]81¶Ç]Æ8(Í-|d)Ê implies ÌeV a Ì is exactly the 7 9 making ÌÎ.( However, (*Êq(-|d . number of edges of a graph with9ÒÊ 5¶vertices, . Hence, À Ð 5Moreover, if Ê¡ed then as av -|d)Ê Ðav is a strictlya¸ increasingdÑfunction in S-|dt , we get a contradiction: a-|d 2Å]Æ3e 4 d 9587 -|d)Ê 9$4 Ê 2 5>7Í4 d 9587 -|d a 94 d ·-|d a -; -; -; -; É Consequently, Ê·d . This implies ÌÓÍ a , so that is a d -clique. !Ô* . Let É be a clique of size d . Let ]§ É ¥§-|dt , then 4 d 95>7 a 9 4 d />!]¶1_ - ; -|d - ; ÇÅ]Æ Let It is easy to see that the problems of determining if a graph is a “concentrator” or “superconcentrator” are in coNP. To prove in polynomial time that a graph is not a concentrator, we only need to present a vertex cut which separates a set of more than inputs to the outputs. Menger’s Theorem ensures that this cut must exists. The proof that a graph is not a super concentrator is similar. Consequently, to show that they are coNP-complete, we can just reduce them to the “matcher” problem. É É Corollary 2.3. Deciding whether a graph !LK a CÆQ-BW a y W y is a concentrator is coNP-complete 6K Proof. We reduce “matcher” to “concentrator”. Given a bipartite graph with , we construct by orienting all edges from to , add a set of vertices, and then connect all vertices of to all vertices of . Clearly is a matcher iff is a concentrator. 315 a Corollary 2.4. Deciding whether a graph is a superconcentrator is coNP-complete. y to be -BW . Corollary 2.5. Deciding whether a graph is an Nf} -expander is coNPProof. In the previous proof, change the size of complete. 3 Expanders The main objective of this section is to present several results on the eigenvalue characterization of the expansion rate of expanders. Moreover, we shall give a partial answer to the question: “how large can the second smallest eigenvalue of the Laplacian of a graph be?”, and give some pointers to results on direct constructions of expanders. 3.1 Algebraic graph theory We first fix notations and terminologies from algebraic graph theory needed for the rest of the section. The reader is referred to the standard books by Biggs (1993, [18]), Godsil (1993, [36]), Cvetković, Doob, and Sachs (1995, [27]), and Chung (1997, [25]) for more information. be a simple graph with vertices, we will always assume Let the eigenvalues of are . Those are the eigenvalues of the adjacency matrix of . Moreover, will be used to denote . Let be the diagonal matrix indexed by vertices of with ; then, the matrix is called the Laplacian matrix of . We shall use to denote the eigenvalues of . In contrast to the ’s, we use to denote . The reason for this is that when is -regular then . Let be the incident matrix of any orientation of . Let ( ) be the space of real valued functions on ( ), with the usual inner product and the usual norm . Note that is isomorphic to and the Rayleigh quotient for is . Also note that ÕÖ!¶ LK^2¦ a 2Õ×1×1×`2' n ,!" a Ø ¥Y Ø 9 Ø ´ÙSÙÎ$t¸3 Ú$ÛÄ UK2 9 a 2Ü×1×1×02 n Ú 8!? ntu K C ¤ Lntu CR,K Ý Ó!¶ Ú a ! aÚ a áß>á?ãâ ÞÀßSß6à Ú ! ä n ÞÀß´3à ì ì ß å ­ Àß6æèç3é é¸ê é¾Á ë ÞÚ>ßSß6àí Þ î½Ã \ßSß6àU¢Þ\9 ßqß6aà ³Äï Ù µ°Bð ³òñ µ ÀߪL ß3X Ãê 9 a ïHó Ù ÀߪL ß3X 316 ªhôZ Ú n ª½XDjõ ½C,2f36öxT f ntu K>¤f n}u K a Proposition 3.1. Let ßqjYÚ !? such that ÷ Ù ß3·f , then à 9 a Àßà ª ß3X B ï ó Þ > Ú ß S 6 ß à Ù 8!?>( áß>á ßÙ a 3 Here is used in lieu of for convenience. The previous equation implies that is non-negative definite, thus . Moreover, it is not hard to see that is always and that iff is not connected. The following bounds on will be used quite often. In fact, a stronger statement holds 8!"·Óé}Iù Jøs ÞÚ>áßß>Sá ß6à with the Jø runs over all ß satisfying ÷ Ù ß38f . à 9 a Note. ïHó Ù ÀߪL ß3X is sometime called the Dirichlet sum of . Proof. Let ª n Zú)+ be a unit n -eigenvector of Ú , then the variational characterization of the eigenvalues (see [37], e.g.) gives Ln}u K s Iù Óé J°Bï ø ûHü å ç Àß6 s Iù Óé °Hø û.ü ÞÚ0áßß>Sá ß6à éý ü éýcþ ï ߪ¤f . The condition ß ÿZú is the same as ÷ 9 j^Ú R a ! is a 8!a " -eigenvector. Proposition 3.2. Suppose is connected, and ß^ R u Let ÛÄ$A¡j$.ß#egf)E and ÛÄ¢ . Let ¡j§Ú ! be defined by jq R 8 fß3 ifotherwise. Then, we have à 9 a à ª 3X H ï ó Ù ^2 Ù a 3 317 is connected, ¤f , making ߤf . Hence, R . By Ú>ß6¸¶½ßÃ3¹ö jq . Thus, Ú>ß6¸´ß3 Ù ° Y Ã ß a 3 Ù ° à a à a Ù ° ß 3¶ Ù ° 3 Proof. Note that since definition, we have But, and, à à 9 à a Ù ° Ú>ß6¸´ß3 Ù ° à x´ß 39 ï ° ³ Ù7 µ ß´ßà ª 9 a ï Ù °.ð ³ µ ÀߪL ß3X ï Ù °.ð ³ 3µ ߪ¸ÀߪL ß3X à 9 a ê 2 ïHó Ù ª 3X which completes our proof. 3.2 The eigenvalue characterization of expansion rate for regular strong expanders The results in this section are from Tanner (1984, [83]), Alon and Milman (1985, [9]), and Alon (1986, [6]). As the title of the section indicated, our goal is to show that the larger the expansion rate of a regular strong expander is, the larger has to be, and vice versa. We again need to define several types of graphs closely related to expanders: enlargers, magnifiers, and bounded concentrators. 8!" N -enlarger is a graph on vertices with maximum ntu K¾!">2 . 9 !% ¶ on% vertices, !? Definition 3.4. An N -magnifier is a graph g¢ % & % % and for every with 0(Ë,+.- , /> >2Ü_ holds. The extended double cover of a graph ã!¶ with ' is the bipartite graph Ý on the sets of inputs % <AÊ K 1«1«1«XÊNnxE and outputs Í$AÌ K 1«1«1«¾XÌ|nNE so that ÊNC´X̾¼¾0jY Ý^ iff TUÒ or TSFÂt:jY !" . Definition 3.3. An degree and 318 5 is a bipartite graph > -bounded strong concentrator Ö % @ % inputs,5 _ outputs,% ·Ç ,% and at most _ edges, such #(, , then /> 1#2[_ . An -bounded > -bounded strong concentrator. For the purpose of this section, enlargers were introduced just to shorten the sentence: “let be a graph with maximum degree and 8!" large enough.” Definition 3.5. An with that if with concentrator is an On the other hand, we need magnifiers because their extended double covers are expanders. Magnifiers are, in a sense, the non-bipartite version of expanders. It is intuitively clear, and will be made precise later, that bounded concentrators are closely related to expanders. The proof of the following lemma is straightforward, hence omitted. Lemma 3.6. The double cover of an 75 N1 -magnifier is an -expander. The following theorem, which is an improved version of Theorem 3.4 in [6], makes our goal precise. 9 be a -regular bipartite graph, where = í | Y8!? (· ,!" ). The following hold: ²Á (i) If is an strong expander then ^2 u z! ² R a ² Á . a#"$F" u%Á $ Á . (ii) If ^2 , then is an -expander, where ¨ We shall prove this theorem using a sequence of lemmas, with the following plan in mind. To show T´ , we will show is a strong expander OV is a magnifier OV is an enlarger (i.e. 8!? is large) Similarly, to prove T!T¹ we shall show the reverse sequence is an enlarger OQ is a strong expander Theorem 3.7. Let and Let us now proceed to show that a strong expander is a magnifier. be an N1 -strong-expander. ² À-BN K avu ² % & satisfies Proof. Be definition, every K 465>7 5 9 % K % % /> Kv1)2 | ; KBÄ« Lemma 3.8. Let -magnifier. 319 Then is a (1) In particular, (2) /> % K 1)2Z % K % % @ , setting When 9 K Ʀ,+.- , (1) implies (¦- . Moreover, for every a % K0¤ /> % a in (2) yields /0 % a :2Å % a . % & "©\ with size at most , it must be the We are to show that for every case that 9 % 5 9 % % /> 32 - % %'& and % aD %'& . The intuition is that when % K is very small Let K % 9 there will be a lot of neighbors of % a lying outside of % K comparing to a , then % % large. On the other hand, when % KB is relatively large in , making /0 % % % comparing to a , then there will be “many” neighbors of K not in a . We now 5Æ9 ² rigor. turn this intuition into mathematical % % , we have5 9 When KB)(Å a ò % )( - ( % a}Ä« 9% 9 % % 9 % % 5 9 % % % /> 3 2Å /> a 1 KBt2Å a KBt2 ( a t2 - Ä« 59 ² % n % >ÇÅ K )( a ,5 we get 5 9 When a}ò % )Ç 4 587 5 9 ² % KB_ ( - 9 % KBÄ« ; This relation, the fact that #(- , and (1) yield 9% 9 % % % /> Ü2 />5> 7 Kv1 9 5Æ 9 5 a % 2 9 - ² 1 K 9 - ( 9 % KB e - 5 - 9 % 2 5 - 9 % Hence, 320 % K )2 na it follows that 9% 9 % 5>7 9 % 5 9 % % % /> )2Å /0 Kv1 a )2b - - - ^2 50732 5¨- 9 Ä« | nÐ XMÊ is Here, we use the fact that (i- and that the function ßÊL:Ë increasing when ^2- . Next, to complete part T¹ of Theorem 3.7 we show that every magnifier has “large” . Lemma 3.9. Let !Á be an -magnifier, then is an N ² enlarger where 0 a R a ³ò² R,K µ Á . Proof. We apply and use notations of Proposition 3.2. Since we have to show that ^20 a R a ³è² ² Á R,K µ Á , it suffices to show that à 9 a ïBó Ù Ã ª X 2 7 a 7·5 a - - Ù a 3 This is done by using the maxflow-mincut theorem. Consider a network with R *Y*\A-,SE , where ) is the source, , is the sink, and * denotes vertex set A)_E+* the disjoint union. The edges and their capacities are defined as follows. 5>7 R (a) For each ªYjq , .)}Xª has capacity ¸»0/c.)_XªL¶ 5 . R ¥Y , v»0/cª,X381 if ªx jY or ª (b) For each pair ª½X:jq f otherwise. 5 (c) For each ÎjY , ¸»-/cx#,X> . 5=7 R É We claim that the min-cut of has capacity 1 . Consider any cut . É % % R x.)}Xªqj + E . As% has magnifying 5#7 % rate and /c±? Let % ©\/2:ÛÄ % A ª·, itj¤is easy 1 . 5NMoreover, to see that / ± 182 É for9 every 7 7 must be at least one edge with capacity one in incident to it. qjõ/ ± % there É % R 7 R thus the capacity of is at leastR ¸ All these edges5Æare 5 / Ʊ 7 % 1,2ÍR disjoint, 1 . Lastly, the cut At.)}Xª#|ªÒj E has capacity exactly 1 , proving the claim. By the maxflow-mincut theorem, there exists an ä orientation 3 of edges in and a function 4¡Û5Z 5 3 O such that f(4½ª,X3:( for all ª,X3 j 3 Lastly, when 321 à 4½ª,X3> f 7Ù 6 ³Äï ê Ù µ°9ð 8 507 à ï 6 ³èï ê Ù µ° ð 8 4,ª½X3 ( 5 ªYjY R if otherwise. for all jq Now, the following is straightforward: à a4 ª,X3 ª 7 3 a ( - à 4 a ª½X3 a ªL 7 a ³Äï ê Ù µ° ð 8 è³Ã ï ê Ù µ° ð 8 4 à 7 à a a a - Ù °: 3 ï 6 ³Äï Ù µ°9ð 8 4 ª½X ï 6 ³ Ù ï µÀ°;ð 8 4 NXªL ; 5>7 5>7 a à ê a ê ( - Ù ° and à 9 a à a 4 à 9 à a ³Äï ê Ù µ°9ð 8 4½ª,X3 ª 3 ï :° à ªL Ù76 ³èï ê Ù µÀ°<ð 8 4½ª½X Ù76 ³ Ù ê ï µÀ°<ð 8 4½NXªL ; 2 Ù °: a Now, combining all inequalities above along with Cauchy-Schwarz inequality we 322 get 2 2 2 2 à 9 a Hï ó Ù Àà ª 3 Ù a à 9 a à a 7 a ïHó Ù Àà ª 3 à ³Äï ê Ù µ° ð 8 4 ª,X3.!7 ª 3 Ù a ³Äï Ù µÀ°+ð 8 4 a ª,X3.!ª 3 a ê 9 4 à a ª a 31 a , 4 ½ ª X 3 1 ; ³èï ê Ù µ50°97 ð 8 7¤5 à - a . Ù ° a a à 9 a a a 5 4,ª½X3¸ ªL 3X 7> 7 7¤5 a = ³èï ê Ù µÀ° ð 8 à a >> - - == Ù : ° 7 a 7¤5 a - - T¹ T!T¹ V ' 5 'W 5 )¸T¹o»N¹öT#j )¸@?_DBA öC?j* D ¥qWÜf W¡CFE TG?ÅjÍ WCFEíf HDID î )K 2 a 2ã×1×1×:21 n ª½KXª a 1«1«1«¾Xª n Ó C ¼ T  T A ÷ ¼ MC ¼o¤»JA¾¹öT ú3+ »JA ¾C à H¹C½Kt1C à x CX|r ¼ ÓMC¼HS¼)t(Å 1CS ¼ ÓMC ¼=¤»JA| 1CS The previous two lemmas trivially imply part of Theorem 3.7. Now we are ready to complete part of Theorem 3.7. We first need a lemma from [83]. Let be a bipartite graph such that , , and that , , . Let be an -matrix whose rows are indexed by and whose columns are indexed by such that if and otherwise. Let , then clearly is real, symmetric, and non-negative definite. As usual, we let be the eigenvalues of and be a set of corresponding orthonormal eigenvectors. Notice that is the number of common neighbors of and , . (Each neighbor of is counted times in the sum.) This hence implies is an eigenvector of with corresponding eigenvalue . Suppose is any eigenvalue of and is a -eigenvector. Let be a coordinate of with highest absolute value, then implies 323 »JA is also the largest eigenvalue of , i.e. K <»JA . We may thus ª½K>Zú3+ . Lemma 3.10. If K eLBa , then is an XWY+H»N>|@UX -bounded strong concentrator, where |@:2 :»JA 9 » a a 7 a % @ with Proof. Let M be a positive number not exceeding . For any % LBM6 , let Ê*jA¾f3 5 E n real % a be ’s characteristic vector. Clearly ÊNÊ î [áÊ8á % M6 . Similarly, let b/> and Ì be% its characteristic vector. As for any ?Ójh , ÊND¢E is the number of vertices in adjacent to ? , the sum of entries in ÊCD is exactly M66» . Hence, à 4 ÷ E °:O ÊND¢E a M a a » a a a (3) áÊCDÍá E °:O ÊND¢ E 2 | Ñ ; 7 7 7 P a ª a 7 ×1×1× P n ª 7 n we7 get Now, write ÊPxKª6K Ê¢QP K K ª K P)a7Bavªxa ×1×1× PtnRHn_ªxnN« Thus, by orthonormality we have 7 a7 7 a a a áÊNDÜá ¢ÊÓMÊ î K}K P K a P a ×1×1× n P n (4) Consequently, assume that Now, PxK0ÊNªNîK ÷ C ÊNC QM Hence, (4) gives 7 Ãn a a a áÊCDÍá _K P K ¼I a ¸¼SP ¼ 7 9 a a a ( »TAUa M 9 a áʶ7 á P K M 8»JA a a M6 Lastly, combining (3) and (5) yield />% % 1 2 9 » a 7 M6 M>»JA Ba Ba As this inequality is true for all M§(V , the proof is completed. 324 (5) T!T¹ of Theorem 3.7 could now be derived as a corollary of this lemma. Corollary 3.11. If Zr is a -regular bipartite graph with t$ ) and Y¤8!" , then (i) is an N -strong expander, where 9 a ¨ -._ a (ii) is an N1 -expander, where 9 a 9 ¨ a -.__ 7 a +.Proof. Let D and be the matrices for as in Lemma 3.10, and let be ’s adjacency matrix. Also let tKÆ2i×1×1×N2Q n be the eigenvalues of and 6K¨2i×1×1×x2 Na´n be the eigenvalues of as usual. Sincea Ó C ¼ ¢@DWD î C¼ counts the number of common neighbors of T and  , while MC ¼ counts the number of length- - paths from T to  , it is obvious that 4 f a f ; ¤ 9 is standard that as is bipartite, whenever 9 is an eigenvalue of , then so is It 9 . Moreover,a LK#¢ and %'a r@ since % is -regular. Thus, tKo¢ a and a ¢ , . Now, for any with ^r +H , applying Lemma 3.10 gives /> % 1Í2 a 9 9 , 9 a a 7 5Æ 9 9 , a % 4½5>7 À9 -._ 9 a ¸ 5ÆU9 % 4 5>7 À-.a _ À9 -.} a 4 5 a 9¸ % U ; % 2 a ;¨; % When 3(*,+.- , we get 9 a 459 % > 5 7 4 /> % 12 a À9 -._} 7 a +.- ;=; % Part 325 3.3 On the second eigenvalue of a graph ntu K As we have seen, the expanding rate of a graph increases as its second smallest Laplacian eigenvalue increases. Thus, it makes sense to study how large can be. Through out this section, we shall consider only -regular graphs and let . Alon and Boppana (mentioned in [7]) proved that for any fixed and for any infinite family of graphs with maximum degree , 9 Y8!"¤ n}u K¾!"8¤ a !" 9 95 ~J *9508!"0( -t 5 The bound is sharp when is a prime congruent to modulo , as shown by the explicit constructions of Lubotzky, Phillips and Sarnak [51], and independently by Margulis [53]. Alon [7] conjectured the following 9 95.9 5 (Alon [7]). As YOQP , the probability that 8!">( - 5Conjecture 3.12 ? goes to . 9 In other95 words, as gets large, with very high probability we have 8!"( - . The conjecture is still open as far as we know. Friedman, Kahn and Szemeédi (1989, [33]) showed that 9 95:9 9 5 8!?>2 - ~|> ? as O P . Nilli (1991, [61]) got an upper bound that does not have any hidden constant: 7 [61]). Let be a graph in which there are two edges Theorem 3.13 (Nilli, 1991 with distance at least -|d degree of . Then, - , and let be the maximum 9 9587 - 97·5:5 95 8!?0( - d 7 Proof. Let ª K Xªxa¾ and YX K #XÆa¾ be two edges with distance at least -|d - . Let 5 Ú be the Laplacian matrix of as usual. Let Z¶s#ÅAª½KXª a E and [\s=¢A-XoK#X a E . For ([T(¦d , let ZcC (resp. [qC ) be the set of vertices of distance T from Z¶s (resp. [\s ). Clearly ZbÛÄg© sS\CY\ Z,C has distance at least - from [ ÛÄi© sS\CY\ [qC , 95 is no edge joining the 9two5 unions. Moreover, it is easy to see that so that there ]Z C t(b 1]Z C u K ä and ^[ C t(b 1^[ C u K . be defined as Let ßqÛt !?O 95 u Cdc a a » 95 u CFc a for jeZcC´f(*T¶(d ߶ _` A. for jf[\CMf(ÒT8(d otherwise. `b f 326 »eÍf AYÇÜf ÷ Ù ß3f . The variational 8!?¶Ln}u K ( ÞÚ>ÞÀßßSSß6ß6à à We also have à a 7 à a ÞÀßSß6àí ï °:g ß ª h °:i ß YXo à a5 7 à a5 * 9 9 » A CJIs 7 ]Z,C C CIs ^[qC C `K ?K where K and K are the first and second sum, respectively. Moreover, as we 9^5 Z 5 and [ ; (b) there are no edges have mentioned: (a) there are9 no edges joining 9^ connecting Z,C or [\C to !? ZY©j[ if T8(d ; and (c) there are at most edges joining a vertex of ZcC ( [qC ) to a vertex of ZcCJR,K ( [qCJR,K ), we have à 9 a ÞÚ0ßSß6àQ ïHó Ù ÀߪL ß3X à 9 a7 à 9 a k ïHó Ù Àߪ ßX k ïHó Ù ÀߪL ß3X ï ê ÙSl m g Ioù n ï ê Ùpl m i Ioù n Ãu K à 9 a 7 à u K à 9 a CIs ïHó Ù ÀߪL ßX CJIs ïHó Ù Àߪ ß3X Ã ï °:iur ê Ù °:iur Jt a 7 ï °qgqr Ãê Ù °:gsr Jt 7a ÀߪLX ÀߪLX B ï ó B ï ó Ù Ù ï °qg ¿ ê Ù °uCgovsi ï °:i ¿ ê Ù °uCgovsi 5 5 95 7 à 9 5 9 7 4 K u a 9 ( » axw CJIs ]Z,CSò 95 Cdc a 95 ³ CR,K µ c a ; ]Z 5 Cy 5 9 5 95 à 9 5 7 4 K u a A axw CIs ^[qCò 95 Cdc a 95 ³ CJR,K µ c a ; ^[ 95 y à ]9ZcC5 9 95 7 95 95 ]9Z 5 7 x a w » CJIs C - À- y aA xw à ^[q9C5 C 9 - 95 7 À- 95 95 ^[ 9 5 y 7 CIs a a where , are real numbers such that characterization yields 327 way. To this end, we are left to show that =a and #a defined 7 in the obvious 95 9*5 9 9 8 5 7 7 a a ( - - 7¤5 Û É K K d É and a +B?K( É instead. Notice that ³ "¸¬ ugsrK ¬ µ r 2 We shall show that a +v"K( ³ "¸¬ ugsrK zµ r t z¬ t , clearly à a 5 a 7¤5 ]9Z 5 9 » `K> CJIs ]Z,C C 2*» Àd hence, 95 9*5 9 9 > 5 7 a ¤ - » a - ^[ 9 5 ( É "K "K a +B"KÆ( É is proved similarly. with Corollary 3.14. Let regular, then , and d be defined as in the previous theorem, If 95 4 5 9 ¤7 5 5 7 ¤7 5 5 a !?>2- d ; d is 3.4 Explicit Constructions of Expanders Many practical applications require explicit constructions of expander graphs. Explicit constructions turn out to be a lot more difficult than showing existence. In 1973, Margulis [52] gave the first explicit construction of (strong) expanders. He for , , explicitly constructed a family of bipartite graphs and show that there is a constant such that for each , , is an -strong expander. This construction was certainly undesirable as the constant was not known. Moreover, his proof used deep results from Representation Theory. Angluin (1979, [12]) pointed out that Margulis’ method could be used to construct -strong expanders but the constant is also not known. Gabber and Galil (1981, [34]) slightly modified Margulis’ construction and used relatively elementary Taylor analysis to show how to construct a family of -strong expanders for each . They also constructed a family of -strong expanders. Let us mention here their first construction. For each , construct an bipartite graph om n Sp)Sd d dÅef {)SdJ| 9 a W Sp)¾À- a {}X+Ht 9 W {t¾À- {_X+.-_ W j¤l 328 5 a A m n E ¡W Wa S -)1«1«1« $¦W W rj l dJ| Wkjhl W a ¥§W a ~3 } Á ¢ } } where } } i } } ¥ } and each vertex TFÂtÆjY } is connected to p vertices in defined by the following permutations: KTSFÂt TFÂt 7 a TSFÂt TXT 7 Ât 7¤5 y TSFÂt TX7 T  z TSFÂt T 7 Â_F7¤Ât 5 TSFÂt T  FÂ) Here, the additions are done modulo W . As we have mentioned, there is no known elementary proof that this family are expanders with the prescribed expansion rate. This construction was later modified slightly by Jimbo and Maruoka (1987, [44]) and Alon, Galil and Milman (1987, [8]) to obtain better superconcentrators. As we have discussed in the introduction, after the eigenvalue characterization of expansion rate, the main problem was to construct Ramanujan graphs, which are is a prime optimal expanders in the eigenvalue sense. The special case where congruent to modulo was “solved” by Lubotzky, Phillips, and Sarnak (1988, [51]), and independently by Margulis (1988, [53]). Later, in 1994 Morgenstern [58, 57] constructed for every prime power many families of -regular Ramanujan graphs. All these constructions were Cayley graphs of certain groups. Other works and information on expanders could be found in [4, 50, 11, 2, 46, 79, 17, 25]. 5 @ 9^5 7$5 4 Concentrators and Superconcentrators 4.1 Linear Concentrators and Superconcentrators Ó~| a , -:{:B Valiant (1975, [84]) showed that there exists -superconcentrators of size at most and depth . Valiant’s proof was based on a recursive construction using Pinsker’s concentrator (1973, [65]). Pinsker showed that there exist -concentrators with at most edges. A somewhat weaker version of this result was also obtained independently by Pippenger (1973, [66]). In 1977, Pippenger [67] gave a simpler construction of -superconcentrators with size at most , maximum degree , and depth , while Valiant and Pinsker’s graphs did not have degree bound. This was certainly a big improvement. On the same line of reasoning, with finer analysis Fan Chung (1979, [24]) showed that there exists -concentrators of size at most and -superconcentrators of size at most . Bassalygo (1981, [13]) improved the -concentrator bound to and superconcentrator bound to . 5 {:)«®pB Ó 5( -:B {( Ó~|>, -_{H 329 _f. -.f. We present here the results of Pippenger [67] and a small generalization given by Gabber and Galil [34], since although it is not the best result, it is fairly intuitive. (W W ( |W d§(L{BW ] d ]5 d9¢5 ( 5 ( on9·5 . Let Proof. Let , and be any permutation Ä Û Ö ¾ A 3 f 1 1 « 1 « B « { W E 5 obtained from by taking A¾f3 1«1«1«H( W E as inÓ@½ be the5 bipartite9rgraph E as outputs, and Î!"§ÛÄ AtXÊJ WY¾@¶Ê8J puts, A¾f3 1«1«1«.X|W |WYX:1ÊYj 'E . We way that @½ is good if there are no dY({BW , a d -subset of the inputs, @ . We would like to look for a and a d -subset of the outputs such that /0o good graph, which will satisfy our criteria. The existence of good graphs is shown 5 that the probability of @½ being bad (i.e. not good) is strictly less by proving than . ( Any d -subset ( ) of the inputs (outputs) corresponds uniquely to a d -subset @ 9 ( />D iff ¶Êj ( |d -subset) ( ) of (but not vice versa.) Moreover, ( ¨¹öÊ¡j . For fixed and , there are .|d .{ W dU permutations which satisfy this condition. Hence, let } be the probability of @½ being bad, we have à y } 4 ( W 4 |W .|d .{ ( W 9 ( dU } ( I,K dõ; dõ; .{ ( WYU à y } } z } I,K y } Û } 5 What we want to show is } Ç . As } has {BW terms, we first want to bound the largest term. Combinatorially, it’s easy to see that 4 { ( W 4 ( W 4 |W 4 - ( W ( d ; 2 d ; d ; }d ; Hence, à y } à y } } ( I,K a z } I,K Ú where Ú ÛÄ a z } 5 It is not difficult to check that the sequence +BÚ is unimodal, thus the largest Ú is either ÚÆK or Ú y } . Lemma 4.1 (Pippenger, 1977). For every , there is a bipartite graph with inputs and outputs, in which every input has outdegree at most , every output has indegree at most , and, for every and every set of inputs, there exists a matching from into some -subset of the outputs. 330 As {BW Ú K Ç 5 Ú>y } eÚ K , so that } aK ! }} À-_5 {HWYU 5 -BWYU 5 |WYU B{ W Ú y } {BW aK a }} BWYU .BWYU À- ( WYU trivially, we can assume is at most To this end, we use the following two inequalities. The first one is a good version of Stirling’s formula (see Robbins [78]). -, un n (*N( t Á t ü -½ un n and 5 : 5 9 Ð ( Ê 5 Applying these inequalities yields {BW Ú y } Ç for all W 2{ . The cases where W(- are trivial. ( Corollary 4.2. For every W , there is a bipartite graph with |W inputs and W outputs, in which every input has outdegree at most , every output has indegree at ( most , and, for every dÎ({BW and every set ] of d outputs, there exists a matching from ] into some d -subset of the inputs. n Let )t, be the minimum size of an -superconcentrator, and N,DÛÄ$ T . We first obtain a recursive inequality for )), . 5 7 {B )t@x,X . Lemma 4.3. For any , )t,>( n Proof. Let W R , and and | be the graphs of Lemma 4.1 and Corollary 4.2 5 7 respectively. Let ]| be a x, -superconcentrator with ))@N,X edges. Construct an -superconcentrator as shown in Figure 1. Clearly ] has size at most {B ) N, . Now we are ready for the main result: _f. Theorem 4.4 (Pippenger, 1977). We have . 7 )t,>(Q{:B Ó~|>, . In fact, )),>( 95 )) ,>({B8À-~| y 5 it is certainly a superconcentrator. because the Beneš network is rearrangeable, This gives )t,>({:B for ^({ ·- _{ . Proof. The ternary Beneš network (see, e.g. [16]) gives 331 n edges G S’ to be deleted Figure 1: Recursive construction of an superconcentrator G’ -superconcentrator from a N, - s values of , we shall use the previous lemma. Define ,"Ë , R: ,K For7,¨5 larger , R K N@:X,X . Pick , such that qX,DeL{ 2L: , , then apply Lemma times, we get 4.3 , 5 s 7 K 7 7 7 R,K )),>( {@ , , ×1×1× ,X ))@ ,X 7 a , which implies It is easy to show by induction on , that ,>( y_ 7·5 7 )),0({:B f.NY, {_ Moreover, as x,h (##y z z##y !´5 zK , we have { Ç:,§( z#y#!´ zK . Hence, ,\ z ´ ! Ó~|>, because K Ç . Finer analysis on , shows that )),>(*_f. . 5 ( ( Notice that the graph of Lemma 4.1 is nothing but a W^S-_+{) +.-_ bounded concentrator. The above construction can be straightforwardly generalized as follows. a K u%R, K 5 Sd +.-_ Lemma 4.5 (Gabber-Galil, 1981 [34]). A family of -superconcentrator of density can be constructed if for each an bounded concentrator is given. 332 -.f. As we have already mentioned, Bassalygo (1981, [13]) improved this bound further to , however we shall not discuss that result here. One might wonder what is known about the lower bound of . Lev and Valiant (1983, [49]) provided the best known so far, whose proof is omitted here. )t, f f 9 pB ?, Theorem 4.6 (Lev and Valiant, 1983). An -superconcentrator whose inputs have indegree and outputs have outdegree has size at least . The proof of this lower bound is quite involved, and certainly more difficult than the upper bound proof. It is fairly disturbing that the gap between the lower and upper bounds remain quite large. Let us put it as an open problem. Open Problem 4.7. Close the gap of 9 7 pB ?,>()),>(-.f. ?3, . 4.2 Superconcentrators with a given depth The following functions often show up in probabilistic arguments concerning the problem. Definition 4.8. Let .Àß,X denote ß,M E ³ K µ . Definition 4.9. Let 5 ~| ^ÛÄ¤Ó øNA0U2f½~|¨«1p«1¡«~|8 ( E where the logarithms are to base - . By induction on d , define ¤ ¿×1 pT×1 t× ¤ ¤ ¿×1 pR×1 t× ¤ 5 ¤ ×1 p¿×1 × ¤ ~| U¢ ¿ £ ^ÛĤ~| ^ÛĤÓJøA0c2f½~| «1«1p¡«v~| ( E The question of finding the minimum size of an -superconcentrator with a 5 Pippenger given depth d was raised by (1982, [71]). Let us denote this function a by )tSd . Clearly )) hí . In the same paper, Pippenger showed that ¥ `~J|¶,¦)tS-_ `~| a , . Dolev, Dwork, Pippenger and Wigderson (1983, [29]) found that for even depth at least , (6) )tS-|d¶¨§`~| ¢ ¿ Tt £ « Rather surprisingly, Pudlák (1994, [76]) showed that for dÎ2- , it is also true that 7¤5 )tS-|d ¶©§ `~| ¢ ¿ Rt £ « (7) 333 Hence, when the depth is at least the extra “odd” level does not help improve the superconcentrator size. Alon and Pudlák (1994, [10]) filled part of the gap by determining the minimum size for depth , proving { )){_¶©§`~J|¶`~|¶, )tS-_> ¥ 8~|8,«ªÁ - (8) ))Sd They also improved Pippenger’s lower bound for depth superconcentrators to . The only one case left where has not been determined (up to a constant factor) is when , rather weird. One would think that the depth- case would be easier than larger depth cases. Finally, Radhakrishnan and Ta-Shma (2000, [77]) have determined the last value: d b- 4 ` ~| a )tS-_8©§ ~J|8~|8 ; (9) -5 )tS-_ We describe here only the initial results of Pippenger on to get a feel of what is going on. In superconcentrators of depth , every path has length at most . By adding a vertex into every path of length , we increase the size of the superconcentrator by at most a factor of , which is irrelevant for our purposes. Hence, we may assume that the set of vertices of our -superconcentrator can be partitioned into three disjoint subset , where is the set of middle vertices called links. Let be an -superconcentrator of size and depth . Let ( ) be a random set of inputs (outputs) where each ( ) appears independently with probability . Let the random variable (resp. ) denote the cardinality of (resp. ). As is a superconcentrator, there exists a set of vertex disjoint paths joining and . We first get a lower bound for . - ® ® / % b·¬*Z­* Z % - % Yj ¡j % Ê Ì W¤JøAʽXÌxE WÑ 7 Lemma 4.10. With the notations just introduced, we have Î WÑ62*J/ J/ ªÁ 5 Proof. Applying Markov’s inequality, with jõ f3 to be chosen, we get 5:9 5Æ9 WÑÕ2 J/c 5:9 v W2*J/c 5 9 F 59 J/c 5:9 va Ê¡2J/c 5:9 vXÌ 2*J/U F J/c v ÊY2J/c F 334 (10) Ê 59 ÊN6gJ/ and `»R¯ ÊLgJ/c / . 5:9 9 ÊqÇ*J/c vF¦( J Ê J/Ut2J/C´ ( "J5»s/C¯v ÊNa ( J/C a (11) a t Combining inequalities (10) and (11), then set >Ü nS° ª gives 5 9 465:9 5 a WÑÕ2 J/c v J/o a ; 5 9 4 5:9 2 J/c v J/o a ; 4 5:9 - t a J/ J/ ª ; 465:9 - t 2 J/ 7 - J/ ª ; J/ L±_J/L ª:Á ² As is the sum of random indicators, Now, Chebyshev’s inequality gives ßï ª ª\j³Z For each , let and respectively. Then clearly ´ ª ï be the number of edges directed into and out of à 7 ï ï Àß ï µã^´ % We say that a link is useful if it is on a path from an input of to an output of . Let be the set of useful links and . The useful links are “useful” in the proof of the following theorem. Theorem 4.11. 7 2 { `~J|8 Ó , 335 5Æ9 5Æ9 % ï/. Proof. The probability that a link ª is connected from is L / · ( ß é ¶ Similarly, the probability that ª is connected to is (Ò ï / . Hence, 5 a 5 7 a a ï ï ªYje´ 6(ÓJøxA Sß / E`(ÓJøA ¾Àß ï ï / +H3E This implies à à 5 7 aa Î µ. ï °:g ªYj·´Æ6( ï °:g JøA ¾Àß ï ï / +H3E As it is trivial that µ.c2 WÑ , we have à 7 5 7 a a Á J/ ¡J/ ª (Î Wѽ(Î µ.,( ï °:g ÓJøxA ¾Àß ï ï / +H3E uC To this end, let d¹¸~|>»º , set5 /g[- , multiply both sides of the above C equation by - , and then sum it over (T¶(d , we get 7 à à 7 a uC C `~|> Ó,0( CJI,K ï Ó øNAH- ¾Àß ï ï - +H3E (12) 7 7 9 5 7 7 ï ï ï ï  , then and ,?Ü~|Àß For a fixed ª·j¨Z , let Âh¼¸~|Àß ½ º v ¼ R K u f(¾,0Ç , and ß ï ï ·- . As the function - - is convex, we get à ¼Ã C 7 à a ¼vR a u C 7 a uC C ï ï CI,K Ó øAH- ¾Àß - +H3E ( CJI,K -7 CJI¼KR,u K - 7 ( Àß ï 7 ï ¸À- - ( {Àß ï ï (13) Consequently, equations (12) and (13) yield à { 7 7 `~|¶ Ó,>( ï - Àß ï ï 8 {- 4.3 Explicit Constructions and other results We have seen how to use bounded concentrators to construct superconcentrators. Moreover, it is possible to construct bounded concentrators from expanders, as the following lemma shows. Consequently, explicit constructions of expanders induce explicit constructions of superconcentrators. 336 5 /ie õ °°R,K § \ j l | @|Sd °|ua K 7 7¤587 À-|d {_¿/ >OÕf 7^5 YOVP 7^5 § 7 5 5 Proof. Firstly, for each divisible by À/ such that J/+3À/ is even, we con +.-_ -bounded concentrator g¢N . 7¢By5 definition, struct an ¾Àd has inputs and | outputs. The inputs are partitioned into a large 9·,5 +3twoÀ/ parts: vertices. part Ú containing | vertices and a small part ] containing X -expander. Each The large part is connected to the output by a @|SdS-_+3À/ b 7 5 5 vertex in ] is connected to exactly / consecutive outputs, so that the neighbors of % & +.-_ vertices in ] are completely disjoint. To show that is an ¾Àd % % bounded concentrator, let be any subset of with 3(Å +.- . Let 6r %& ]Æ . We need to show that /> % 1:2Õ % . When )h2Õ % +/ , Úo] and )qÖ % is connected to at least outputs, so that the inequality holds trivially. When )"ÇÅ % +/ , we must9have 5 c2¾¯"9* °.5 u° K % . Sincea 9 % 5 )(Å +.5 - , we have ¯"ÂÁ / / % Ãh(ÄÁ / -U/ ÃYÂÁ / -U/ a Ú# Ã^( - Úo 9Z5 of Ú with ¯ elements we can now Thus, let å be a subset use the fact that Ú¨ " is an @_SdS-_+3À/ X -expander to get />å"1=2Ö % . The simple details are omitted. Secondly, given any , let7\ 5 | be 5 the smallest integer eÕ such that _ | is even and construct an | ¾Àd +.-_ -bounded9 concentrator as above. Delete5 7 Z 7 5 5 vertices, turning it into an from the small part of this concentrator’s inputs Å| n ¾Àd +.-_ -bounded concentrator, where n ã nÆ n un Ç? . Lemma 4.12 (Gabber-Galil, 1981 [34]). Let be a fixed integer, and . Suppose for each such that is an even integer we can construct an -expander, then we can construct a family of superconcentrators with density , where as . Lemma 4.5 now completes the proof. (5 5 5-_{ «] .f 5 Gabber and Galil used this lemma and their explicitly constructed expanders to construct families of superconcentrators with density . This was improved and later by Buck (1986, [22]) to . Jimbo and Maruoka by Chung to (1987, [44]) and Alon, Galil and Milman (1987, [8]) improved Gabber-Galil expanders slightly to obtained superconcentrators of density . The Ramanujan graphs allow Lubotzky et al. to reduce this to . Pippenger pointed out that density is possible using double covers of -regular Ramanujan graphs, whose explicit constructions could be found in Morgenstern (1994, [57]). Morgenstern (1995, [59]) also explicitly constructed a family of bounded concentrators not using expanders. This construction yields density . All linear superconcentrators constructed above have logarithmic depths. Wigderson and Zuckerman (1999, [88]) constructed a linear-sized superconcentrator with sub-logarithmic depth: . - «®p ( { -|-)«Ä{H (:( ~|8, a c y RoE ³ K µ 337 ( | -.f. Open Problem 4.13. The probabilistic bound of remains quite far apart from the best explicit construction bound of . Thus, an open question is to construct -superconcentrators of size , and as close to as possible. Ç ( | -.f. As for limited depth,7 Meshulam [55]) constructed depth - supercony c a Ó K cK a ,(1984, centrators of size {B while Wigderson and Zuckerman [88] constructed one with size , . Since connectors (defined in the next section) are also superconcentrators, the explicit constructions of -connectors of depths d yield explicit For depth 75 constructions of -superconcentrators of the sameKMR depth. t J t d¢Ö-1 , -connectors were constructed with size Ó £ , and depth ¢ È Á M K R T t d¡Z-1 , ¡2b- with size Ó ª È . More information can be found in the next section. It is worthwhile to mention that there are several variations of concentrators and superconcentrators, which are also models for different types of switching networks. These include self-routing superconcentrators [73], partial concentrators [41, 42, 38], and natural bounded concentrators [59]. 5 Connectors In this section, We discuss the graphical models for rearrangeable, strictly nonblocking and wide-sense nonblocking networks. É T ³ÀËÉ:ÌUÍT¹ T"j É T OÊ? R¼ n|µ R,K  Definition 5.2. An generalized -connector is an -network so that: given any one-to-many correspondence Î between inputs and disjoint sets of outputs, there exists a set of vertex disjoint trees joining T to the set ÎUT¹ for all T with ÎUT¹ defined. Definition 5.3. An generalized -concentrator is an -network satisfying the condition that given any correspondence between inputs a nonnegative integers summing up to at most , there exists a set of vertex disjoint trees that join each input Definition 5.1. An -connector is an -network with inputs and outputs so that for any one-to-one correspondence between and , there exist a set of vertex disjoint paths joining to for each input . When is restricted to those of the form , for some , the -connector is called an -shifter. to the corresponding number of distinct outputs. 5 Generalized concentrators used to be widely referred to as generalizer. Here we adopt this terminology from [31] because it is consistent with our overall use of terminologies. Clearly when each corresponding integer is or , generalized concentrators are concentrators. f 338 The -connectors are the graphical version of a rearrangeable networks, while generalized -connectors are the version for multicast rearrangeable networks. We shall also use the term rearrangeable -connector for -connector, to emphasize the difference of this network with strictly nonblocking connector and widesense nonblocking connector, which are to be defined shortly. Rearrangeable connector used to be called rearrangeable -network. As the names suggested, these connectors are graphical versions of strictly nonblocking networks and widesense nonblocking networks, respectively. 9 9 ATXE A0?tE T=jh ?Îjõ Definition 5.4. A strictly non-blocking -connector (SNB -connector) is an , and a connector with input set and output set , such that for any set of vertex disjoint paths from to , there is a path from to which is vertex disjoint from . Ï Ï T ? To formally define wide-sense nonblockingness (WSNBness), we need to settle several other technical concepts, whose counter parts in switching network are clear from the names. Let be a network with input set and output set . A route in is a directed path from an input to an output. Two routes are compatible if they share only an initial segment, which could be empty. A state of is a set of pairwise compatible routes. The set of all states of could be partially ordered by inclusion. Hence, we can speak of a state being contained in a state . A vertex or an edge in a state is busy if it is in some route of the state, and idle otherwise. in . A connection request is A connection request is an element said to be satisfied by a route if originates from and ends at . A generalized connection assignment (GCA) is a set of connection requests, whose outputs are disjoint. A GCA is realized by a state if each request of the GCA is satisfied by some route of the state. A GCA is -limited if it contains at most requests, of which at most have a common input. A state is -limited if the maximal GCA it realizes is -limited. Often we speak of the maximal GCA realized by a state as the GCA realized by . A connection request is -limited in a state if is idle, and the GCA obtained by adjoining into the GCA realized by is -limited. Now we are ready to place the formal definition of WSNBness. ® ]cK »xSß6 »xSß6 Ð T T?_ ? » »xSß6 ] ® ]a T?_ c¥0 å å »xSß6 ® ® »xSß6 T?_ »xSß6 T?_ ] ß ] ? ] Definition 5.5. A WSNB -limited generalized connector is a network for which there exists a collection of states called the safe states, such that: (i) The empty state (ii) If Ð is in in . ]jÑÐ , then any state contained in ] 339 Ð is also in . ]jIÐ and any »xSß6 -limited connection request T?_ in ] , there ] |jÐ such that ]|oÒ] and that 5 ] | has a route satisfying T?_ . A WSNB » -limited connector is a WSNB »x -limited generalized connector. A WSBN connector is a P -limited connector. The prefixes “ XWY -” and “ -” could (iii) Given exists be appended with the obvious meaning. 5.1 Rearrangeable connectors As we have mentioned, connectors are models for rearrangeable networks. We put “rearrangeable” in front of “connectors” to emphasize the difference with SNB connectors and WSNB connectors. Let denote the minimum size of an be the minimum size of -connectors with depth . Pipconnector, and penger and Valiant (1976, [74]) showed that |, |Sd d 7 ( {B`~| y ^(|,0( `~| y , 7 ( Pippenger (1980, [70]) improved the lower bound of |, to be |,02 ~| Ó, , and adopted a comment from the referee7 James Shearer of his paper to get (14) .,:2 }{ p `~| , 5 a which is the best lower bound known so far for ., . In the case of connectors with a given depth, it is clear that | > . When dÎb- , de Bruijn, Erdős and Spencer (1974, [28]), while solving a problemÁ of van Lint (1973, [86]), used a probabilistic argument to show |S-_ Z Ó¬ª ~|¶, . Pippenger and Yao (1982, [75]) used an argument from Pippenger and Valiant (1976, [74]) to show |Sd¶ ¥ KMR ¿t and another probabilistic argument to prove |Sd¶g KMR ¿t ~|>, ¿t (15) (16) which implies the results by de Bruijn et al. In this section, we shall present the proofs of the two relations (14) and (15). First, we need a famous result which was conjectured by Minc (1963, [56]) and proved by Brègman (1973, [20]). Let be a -square matrix of order , and the symmetric group of order as usual. The permanent of : per is defined to be f 5 à Õn per · Ó °Ô CJI,K D C Ó ³ C µ ü 340 ]n 5 Theorem, 1973). Let Theorem 5.6 (Brègman-Minc 1«1«1«HX . Then where row T sums to ¯¾C , TU n Ötr Õ per Å( CJI,K Y¯C½Ä be an i¥¤f 5 -matrix 7 } p |,>2 { `~| Ó, Proof. Let Q N ¶ be an -connector with input set T , output set , vertex set and edge set . We can assume each jÅ has indegree at least - and outdegree at least - . Now, if some vertex has two inarcs ª K , ªxa¸ and outarcs RXoK and RX a , then we could delete and add edges ª,KXoK , ª6K#X a , ª a XoK and ª a X a without changing the rearrangeability of the graph and without9 increasing ¨©Î has the number of edges. Consequently, we may assume each vertex in total degree at least p . Let be any one to one correspondence between and . Let | ¢! | | be the graph obtained from by9 gluing together and ¶3 for every Îj¡ , and add a loop to every vertex ÎjY =© . Let J2 be the total degree of vertex in , then 5 à 7 à w Î_ - Ù °×vsO T2 3 Ù:°c ×UvsO R2 y and, 5 à 7 à 7 9 w | - Ù °«×vRO R2 Ùq°:c ×vRO R2:3 - #© y 5 à 5 à 7 à 7 ( - w Ù °«×vRO R2 Ùq°:c ×vRO R2:3 y p Ùq°:c ×vRO R2 3 à 7 à 5 { w ( f Ù °«×vRO T20 Ùq°:c ×vRO R2 3 y p{ Ñ É Let be the set of cycle decompositions of | , then since is rearrangeable, É É each to matching results in a different cycle decomposition in . Hence t2 Theorem 5.7 (Pippenger, 1980 [70]). 341 5 É ï . Clearly, per where ï is the adjacency matrix of | , i.e. Ù iff ª½X:j¡| and f otherwise. Let ¯ be thea sum of row ª of , then ÷ Ù ¯Ùor 5|F . It is easy to see that the function ~J|ÊÅÄX+HÊ over the positive integers is decreasing a if Êr2{ and increasing when Êr({ , namely ~|xÊÅÄX+HÊ gets its maximum at ÊÑ{ . Theorem 5.6 gives à à ~|xY¯ Ù Ä a { | Ù ¯Ù"2 ~J| ( Ù °: Æ ¯Ù à ~| Y¯ÙqÄ Ù ° Æ ¯¾Ù 2 U~J| per o« Thus, ÑÍ2 p{ | 2 }{ p ~J| per D }{ p ~J| É 2 }{ p ~J| Ä 7 2 }{ p `~J| Ó, 7 It should be noted that using the same trick for the case where gives a lower bound for the size of an undirected -connector: 5 is undirected Ñ)2 p ` ~| , Ó , Theorem 5.8 (Pippenger-Yao, 1982 [75]). An -shifter of depth d has at least d) KMR ¿t edges. Proof. Let Ø , be a directed rooted tree with leaves and depth d where all edges directed to the direction of the leaves. Let >K1«1«1«¾ n be the paths from the root to the leaves of Ø , . Let Ãn à ÙØ ,X>ÛÄ ¼vI,K Ù °«Ú ?Bª%,´t13 È 342 ÙØ a ,X02d) KMR ¿t by5 induction on d . As ¡ÙØ K ,X"Ë , the case d§ is trivial. For d2- , supposed the root C has degree 5 , which is connected to subtrees Ø u K LC! , where the tree ØLC has LC KMR ¿ Rt t is convex in Ê , we have leaves, for (*T¶( . Then, since the function Ê We first show that Ù Ø ,Xí } 2 } 2 } 2 } 7 Ã" C C7 ÃI," K Ù9Ø 5 u K LC!X KMR ¿ Tt t À d M C CI,K 7 95 w ÷ C" I,K LC KMR ¿ Tt t Àd ¹ y 7 95 KMR Tt t xÀd Û± ² ¿ « Lastly, straightforward calculus completes the induction: 7 95 KMR Rt t KMR t _ Àd Û± ² ¿ 2 d) ¿ « 5 Now, let be an -shifter. By definition, for each Âh 1«1«1«¾X there are7 g 7 5 5 vertex disjoint paths C¼ joining each input T8j¡ to output ?jq , where ?`T  J, . Fix T , vary  from to and assemble the cC ¼ into a tree, keeping only the initial common segments. Call the resulting tree ؽC , then ØC has leaves KMR ¿t . Let and depth d . We thus have ÙØC!02d) 5 is an arc from a node of cC ¼ 8TFÂ_SHÆÛÄ f ifotherwise then Ã Ã Ü °.ð 8TFÂ|SB 2 Ù °«Ú:r È î rS3 343 along C ¼ got split in Ø C . Consequently, Ãn Ãn à Ãn Ãn à CJI,K ¼vI,K Ü °.ð 8TFÂ|SB 2 ÃCJI,n K ¼I,K Ù °Ú:r È î r 3 CJI,K ÙØ C 2 d) a R ¿t with strict inequality when some Lastly, as This implies >K ¼_1«1«1«¾ n ¼ are vertex disjoint. Thus, Ãn 5 CJI,K 8TFÂ_SH:( is rearrangeable, ad) R ¿t ( à n à n à 8TSFÂ|SHÆ( à n à 5 (*> Î C I,K ¼vI,K Ü °Bð ¼v,I K Ü °.ð which completes the proof. Corollary 5.9. |Sd¶ ¥ KMR ¿t Proof. Any -connector is an -shifter 5.2 Non-blocking connectors d XSd ,¸Sd In this section, we discuss results on SNB and WSNB connectors. Let be the minimum size of a SNB -connector of depth . Let be the minimum size of a WSNB -connector of depth . When there is no limitation on the depth, we use and respectively. The multistage Clos network (see [16]) is strictly nonblocking, and thus it gives an upper bound of for and , . In other words, the extended Clos network gives ,1, d X, 95 5 t M K R Ó ¿ 1, S-|d ,1S-|d d2 ,¸Sd¶i Ó KMR,K½c«Ý ¿ JÁßt Þ « 344 (17) ,1Sd"2r.SdD ¥ KMR ¿t d ,1Sd¶ ¥ KMR ¿ Tt t (18) closing the gap when d\-){ . Concerning ,¸, , Pippenger (1978, [69]) showed by a probabilistic argument that ,¸,:(.f.`~| y « (19) : ( ( improving a previous bound of ~|8 by Bassalygo¥ and Pinsker (1973, [14]). `~|8, . The best lower Shannon (1950, [80]) was the first to show that |,¶ bound for ., was shown in Theorem 5.7, which implies 7 } p ,¸, { `~| Ó, (20) ¥ KMR ¿ Rt t and upOpen Problem 5.10. Close the gap between the lower bound KMR,K½c«Ý ¿ zÁ t Þ of ,1Sd when dÑ2 . per bound Ó A SNB network is also a WSNB network, hence X,=(,1, and XSd#( ,1Sd . A WSNB network is rearrangeable, hence X,2$|, and XSd2 |Sd . Thus, we already had (21) XSd¶ ¥ KMR ¿t « Feldman, Friedman, and Pippenger (1988, [31]) showed that a WSNB generalKMR,K½c ~|>, K u K½c , ized connector with a fixed depth d exists, whose size is Ó namely XSd8g KMR ¿t ~J|8, K u ¿t (22) ¥ KMR ¿t and upper Open Problem 5.11. Close the gap between the lower bound KMR ¿t ~|>, K u ¿t of XSd . bound Moreover, a SNB -connector is certainly a rearrangeable -connector, thus the result of Pippenger and Yao mentioned in Corollary 5.9 of the previous section implies that . Friedman (1988, [32]) gave the only other known lower bound on SNB -connector of a given depth : In this section, we give an improved version of the result by Friedman, who showed relation (18). Let be a SNB -connector. Assume that can be partitioned into stages , by adding more edges if necessary, as doing so would not increase the lower bound. For any vertex , let ( ) be the set of vertices in ( ) which are connected to . Also, define and . Let us first gives a lower bound of when . b¢ xs ·LK1«1«1«¾ g NC u K CJR,K Ø ç 31 à 3:ÛÄ Øáà 1 Ñ 345 Îj\ C Ø ç 3 Øáà ç 3¨ÛÄ dÓg- T¶Ã j¡ , 4 ??j\5 , let7 CFE 5 ÛÄ Øáà T¹58 7 &ÑØ5 ç @?_ , then Ù °:7rãâ ç 3 à 3.; 2 5 } Proof. Assume CFEÆbA)K1«1«1«X E . Let and ä be two rearrangements of A 1«1«1«HXW\E such that ç :å t >( ç :å Á 0(g×1×1×( ç å7æ and à ç t >( à ç Á >(g×1×1×x( à ç æ « 5 ç à :å È 0(õ or 7r à 5 ç È 0( We first claim that there is a ÂÓ(W such that 7r either 5 for contradiction that ç å È 2Í or ç È 2Í for all  . Assume ¡ 1«1«1«¾XW . As the request TS?| must be routed7Z5through one of K17Z«1«15«¾X } ,} if we could find a state of not involving T and ? which uses all vertices K1«1«1«X , 5 reach a contradiction. As ç :å È 2 or à ç È Ó2r for all then we º9 9 1«1«1«¾XW , it is easy to find a matching from some subset ATå t 1«1«1«XTGå7æ=E of ATXE onto CFE and another matching from NCFE onto some subset A0?:å t 1«1«1«¾?å æ E of A0?}E . The set of paths ¼ÎTGå È O å È Oè?å È use up all vertices in NCéE , contradicting the fact that is SNB. 5 let  be5 a number5 (¢à W such5 that ç :å È ?(i5  or à ç È `(i . Notice Now, that +B .CÀ05 2 à ç 4 7+H and5 +B .CF>24 +H 5 , for7 all T 7 1«1«15 «¾X . Thus, 7 W 9Â7 Ù °7r]â ç à 3 ; 2 4 ç 5 å t 7 ×1×1× 7 ç 5 :å È ; 7 9 à ç t ×1×1× à ç .9 ; W  7  7 -BW È -1  2 :å à 9 ç 50ç 7 Â È 7 -BW -1Â È 2 507 5 (23) 2 Theorem 5.13. Let ¦QN ¶ 7 be a strictly non-blocking -connector of a . Moreover,7 there exists a strictly nondepth - , then has at size at least a . blocking -connector of depth - and size exactly Lemma 5.12. For any 346 Proof. Given the lemma above, the proof of this theorem is straight forward, as shown below. à à 4 5 7 5 4a 587 5 ¡ ; ( C à °× ê E °4 O Ù °:5 7rãâ 7 ç 35 à 3 ; Ù ° 5 3 à 5 .; ®AtTS?| Îjq CFE E) à t4 ç 7 Ù ° 3 à .; ç ¹ à 3 ç t Ñ 7 a We could construct a SNB -connector of depth - and size by setting Ns_}LKB_$ a _· , connecting Ns to LK by a perfect matching using edges, a and connecting every vertex in LK to every vertex in a using more edges. The resulting graph is clearly a SNB -connector. This line of reasoning could be extended to find a lower bound for ,1Sd with dÎ2{ . Lemma 5.14. For any pair T>j¡ and ?jq , let Ï be the set of all paths from T to ? , and let CFE ÛÄ AÎjq K & & YÏ?SE =CFE ÛÄ AÎjq u K YÏ?SE Then, à 5 7 à 5 507 5 Ù ° ­ rãâ ç 3 Ù °êNrãâ à 3 2 « Proof. Let WV CFE and W | ã CFE . Suppose CFE 5 ÍA K 1«1«1«HX } E 5 and CFE Aª½K1«1«1«Xª } Æ E . Let and ä be two permutations onà A 1«1«1«BXW\E and A 1«1«1«HXW| E , respectively, such that the arrays A¾ :å r SE and A¾ ªNç r SE are weakly increasing. ç Similar to Lemma 5.12, we claim that there is either a Â(W such that :å 0( à È Â , or a  | (·W | such that@ 9 ç È Æ =( | . Assume otherwise, then there areç distinct 9 be matched one to one onto CFE , vertices AT K 1«1«1«HXT } E could A}TE which @ A0?tE which could be matched one to and distinct vertices A0?)K1«1«1«¾? Æ E one onto CFE . Now, connect CFE to CFE by a maximal set of vertex disjoint paths ë . Make ë a set of vertex disjoint paths from to by adjoining ATK1«1«1«¾XT } E a7 347 A0? K 1«1«1«¾? ë } Æ E as possible. Clearly, there does not exist a new path from T to ? . Without loss of generality, we assume there is a ÂÎ(W such that ç :5 å È >(õ . We have5 à 4 5 7 7 5 7 WÑ| 7 à ٠° ­ r]â ç 3 ï °êNrãâ à ªL 2 ç :å t 7 ×1×1× ç å È B; 2  :5 å WÑ | 58ç 7 È 2 (24) and disjoint from such that dÎ2{ Theorem 5.15. Let depth , then ¦QN ¶ be a strictly non-blocking -connector of 5 7 Î32 8 -_ ¢ ¿ Tt t £ Proof. Let ÄÛ AÎjqr¾ ç 302 x Ñ E ÛÄ AÎjqr¾ à 302 x Ñ E , and | ÛÄ *©Î à n n Since ÷ Ù 3 [÷ Ù V Ñ , 0( z and :( z , which imply |Àt( na . ç Let Ï be a maximal set of vertex disjoint paths from to such that each path ¢jÏ hits at least9 one member of | . Let Ö 3 ÛÄ' | ©õYÏ? , then the induced subgraph of on 3 : 8 «N3 ; 3 C3 3 is strictly non-blocking because any path from to which is vertex disjoint from Ï does not hit 5| due to the maximality of Ï . Also note that 3 z and 3 each has at least na vertices, and that ç and à of each Ñjì 3 are at most ¬n ð ¬ . We assume 8 and 8 both have size exactly ,+.- , removing some vertices in 3 & and/or 3 if necessary. Let 3 C½gC 3 , and for any pair T8j© 3 and ?j1 3 , let í3 E ÛÄ set of vertices in L3 K which can reach ? #3 CVÛÄ set of vertices in 3 u K reachable from T 348 s 3 E ½(Üx Î+H, u K 3 C ½(Üx Î+H, u K . We also define 3 CFE #3 CFE 5 7 à 5 0 5 7 à à a ± - ² - ( C ° × 8 ê E ° O 8 Ù ° ­ 8 rãâ ç Ù ° ê%8 r]â à 35 à à 7 E ° O 8 Ù ° ­ 8 â # T ’s connected to 3 3 ç 5 à à Cà °C× 8 Ù °9ê%87*r #à ? ’s connected to à 3 E ° O 8 q¬3 E_ C ° × 8 #3 CS ( x Î+H, u K This inequality and dÎ2Q{ imply 545 t 7 5 7 R t Ñ)2 ; ¿ 8 -_ ¿ Tt t 2 8 -_ ¿ Tt t Then, clearly and and in the sense of Lemma 5.14, then by Lemma 5.14 5 Î)2 {|- KMR ¢ ¿ Tt t £ Remark 5.16. The original theorem from Friedman gives There are room for improvement. Firstly the constant in the definition of and might still be optimized. Secondly, we could do something better than just considering the second and the next-to-last stage of . 5.3 Generalized connectors and generalized concentrators t|, s,1, sX, , Sd Let , , and be the minimum sizes of generalized -connectors, generalized SNB -connectors, generalized WSNB -connectors, and generalized -concentrators, respectively. Naturally, we also use , , , and to denote the minimum size of the graphs have depth- . As we have mentioned in the previous section, Pippenger and Valiant (1976, [74]) showed that ).Sd s,1Sd sXSd d 7 ( {B`~| y ^(|,0( `~| y , 349 Y·- , Ofman (1965, [62]) implicitly 5 showed 7 t|,0( f.`~J| a Ó, While if Y{ , Thompson (1977, in 5 a tech report 7 at CMU) showed t|,0( -B`~J| y Ó, Pippenger (1978, [68]) connect the two functions 7 by showing t|,¶·., Ó, 5 -concentrators and showed In this proof, Pippenger needed a bound for generalized | 5 5 that generalized -concentrators with at most -.f. edges exist. Fan Chung [24] improved this bound to )«®pB , more 5|5 precisely 7 (25) ,:( )«®pB ~|¶, Dolev, Dwork, Pippenger and Wigderson (1983, [29]) probabilistically showed t|Sd8g X`~|8, KMR ¿t (26) and constructively proved 9 t|{1 -_¶g KMR È t (27) For Masson and Jordan (1972, [54]), and Nassimi and Sahni (1982, [60]) gave two different constructions which proves t|{_8g ïªî (28) Kirkpatrick, Klawe and Pippenger (1985, [47]) explicitly constructed generalized -connectors to show ).{_0g Áª ~J|8, Át (29) and extended this to 95 t|S-|9Åd 5 ¶g KMR ¿t ~|>, ¿ RÁ t (30) 9* 5 differs very little from that of the best explicit The upper bound for t|À-|d (see next section). construction bound for |S-|d It is easy to see that t|Sd:(ÒsXSd (*s,¸Sd . Feldman, Friedman, and Pippenger (1988, [31]) showed that RXSd0· Ó KMR ¿t ~|8, K u ¿t (31) which in effect gives the best upper bound so far for t|Sd also. There is no known upper bound for s,¸Sd . 350 s,1Sd . Note also that the corresponding lower bounds of |Sd , XSd and ,1Sd Open Problem 5.17. Find an upper bound for yield lower bounds for their generalized versions. 5.4 Explicit Constructions `~|8, Rearrangeable -connectors with size were constructed by Beizer [15], and rediscovered by Beneš (1965, [16]), Joel (1968, [45]) and Waksman (1968, [87]). Pippenger (1978, [69]) slightly generalized these constructions to get the . In the same paper, Pippenger also showed how the clasbound of sical construction by Slepian, Duguid and LeCorre can be used to construct connectors with depth and size . Another construction based on combinatorial designs by Richards and Hwang (1985, []) gives -connectors of depth and size (see also [31]). This construction can be used with the previous construction to construct -connectors of depth and size . Clos (1953, [26]), Cantor (1971, [23]) and Pippenger (1978, [69]) showed that by explicit constructions. That was shown by explicit constructions of Cantor [23] and its generalization by Pippenger [69]. Masson and Jordan (1972, [54]) constructed WSNB generalized -connector of depth and size . Pippenger (1973, [66]) and Nassimi and Sahni (1982, [60]) constructed WSNB generalized connectors with depth and size , implying the results by Masson and Jordan. Note that any construction of SNB network yields also a WSNB network. Dolev, Dwork, Pippenger and Wigderson (1983, [29]) constructed generalized -connectors of depth and size . Kirkpatrick, Klawe and Pippenger (1985, [47]) explicitly constructed generalized -connectors of depth and size , and of depth and size . Feldman, Friedman, and Pippenger (1988, [31]) constructed WSNB generalized -connectors with depth and size , and with depth and size . Wigderson and Zuckerman (1999, []) constructed depth WSNB generalized connectors of size , which is within a factor of to the optimal bound of equation (22)). ( `~| y - 9h5 7g5 Ó c y À-1 ,1S-|d ¶g KMR ¿t { KMR a cÀ¼ Ó KMR È zt t -1Â Ó KMR a c ³ y ¼ u K µ ,1,¶g 8~|¶, a 9a 7  {1 { c y Ó ªÁ ~|>, Át X K ½ K c 9 .{|d -_ - -|d KMR ¿t RoE ³ K µ KMR ¿t Ó 9 5 { MK R ¿t ~|¶, ¿ TÁ t c y { d E ³Kµ 6 Conclusions In this chapter, we have surveyed studies on the complexity of switching networks, mostly on the tradeoff between the size and the depth of various types of switching 351 networks. The graph models of different switching networks were investigated: expanders, concentrators, superconcentrators, expanders, rearrangeable, strictly nonblocking and wide-sense non-blocking connectors, plus their generalizations. Researches on these graphs were thoughroughly collected, with more intuitive results presented. Many open questions were also specified, which hopefully will help practitioners new to this field identify research problems. 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