Google Docs and Google Sites 2014 Presenter: Sara Settles

Google Docs and Google Sites 2014
Presenter: Sara Settles
Instructional Technology Systems Manager
Getting Started
To create and use Google Sites and Google Docs you
will need to create a Google account. Go to and Sign in if you already have an
account, if you do not have an account create an
account. Go to; select Sign in in the
upper right of the web page.
Google Docs
Go to and Sign in if you already have an account, if you do
not have an account create an account. Google docs is a place where
you can upload and share documents with others, creating a
collaborating environment for work or students. Items such as a Word
documents, PowerPoints, and other items can be uploaded, and shared
with specific persons as reviewers. The information can be viewed and
edited by one or many and then the “owner” or originator of the
document can accept or reject the changes.
If you already have an account on Google, login. If you are new to
Google docs, etc. Create an account…
Getting Started:
On the Google account select the Apps Icon >
More > under Home & Office select Docs. Using
the File Picker icon or Create a new document by
selecting the Create New Document icon
To upload an existing document, select the Open
File Picker icon > Upload > Select a file from your
computer. Choose the document to upload.
Center for Innovation in Teaching & Research • Malpass Library 637 • Phone: 309.298.2434
To share documents select the Share icon
. Enter the emails of
the people you want to share the document with. Select the shared
access type. You can share with by a link by selecting Get shareable link.
An email will be sent to the people, they can then open the document
and make any changes, save, and the new document will be posted
back to the Google docs page. The document with the changes will
show at the top of the list with the date and time the changes were
Delete or Rename a Document
To delete a document select the item, right click, select Delete. To
rename a document open the document, click on the title and rename.
Google Sites
Login to your Google account, from the more pulldown menu select Sites.
Choose the Create
1. Select a Template,
2. Enter the Name of the site
3. The URL will automatically fill
4. Choose a theme.
5. More options include; site
description and site sharing
6. Enter the security code
shown, and
7. Use the Create site button.
8. The new Google site is now
Editing Google Sites
Select Edit page
the new Google site.
icon to make changes to the home page of
The html editor will appear, here, changes in text, alignment, and
hyperlinks can be added and edited.
After making changes to the site home page select the Save button.
Center for Innovation in Teaching & Research • Malpass Library 637 • Phone: 309.298.2434
Creating New Pages
Use the New page
to create additional pages to the
Google site.
Select Web Page to create
additional web pages.
Enter a Name for the page.
Select Put page under Home
Page to place the page
under the first page created.
Select Create Page button.
Other Page Types:
File cabinet
: adds a blog page.
: adds a page to upload documents.
: creates a customized list for tracking projects, etc.
The new page will be created and appear in the editing mode. Continue
to make any changes to the page and select Save.
*Notice the new page title appears under the Home page link on the left
Working with Google Sites pages
Using the menu tools in Google sites will allow additional changes and
items to be added such as photos, video, tables, etc. Use these tools to
continue editing the site pages.
Add images
Add images to a page in the
edit mode, from the Insert menu,
select Image. Browse for the
image and upload the image.
The image will be previewed in
the Add an Image window,
select OK.
The image will be loaded to the page and an editing bar will
automatically appear:
Choose the alignment, left, center, or right, the Size of the graphic, and if
there should be text wrapping, by selecting on or off. The Remove link will
delete the graphic from the page.
In the Insert menu there can also be many other items added to the site
such as hyperlinks, videos, and gadgets like calendars, weather, etc.
When all of the changes have been made to the page, select the Save
Editing Layout
Center for Innovation in Teaching & Research • Malpass Library 637 • Phone: 309.298.2434
To make changes to the theme or layout use the More actions
icon, Manage site.
Use the Site appearance settings to change the layout, colors, and
themes. These changes will appear on every existing page or newly
created pages.
The Manage site pulldown menu also allows for site settings such as
sharing and general settings for the site name, description, etc.