United States Department of Agriculture FOREST HEALTH PROTECTION TASK BOOK FOR THE POSITION OF Forest Service Forest Health Protection Fort Collins, Colorado FIXED-WING FLIGHT MANAGER – SPECIAL USE AERIAL SURVEY OBSERVER March 2010 FHTET-03-10 TASK BOOK ASSIGNED TO: __________________________________________________________________________ Individual’s name, duty station, and phone number SUPERVISED BY: __________________________________________________________________________ Name, title, duty station, and phone number ________________________________________________________________________________ TASK BOOK INITIATED BY (if different from above): __________________________________________________________________________ Official’s name, title, duty station, and phone number The material contained in this book accurately defines the performance expected of the position for which it was developed. This task book is approved for use as a position qualification document in accordance with the instructions contained herein. Additional copies of this publication may be ordered from: Forest Health Technology Enterprise Team ATTN: Jeff Mai 2150 Centre Ave., Bldg. A, Suite 331 Ft. Collins, CO 80526-1891 2 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ CERTIFYING OFFICIAL’S NAME, TITLE, DUTY STATION, AND PHONE NUMBER _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ CERTIFYING OFFICIAL’S SIGNATURE AND DATE has met all requirements for qualification in this position and that such qualification has been issued. I certify that__________________________________________________________________________ AGENCY CERTIFICATION ______________________________________________________________________________________________ EVALUATOR’S PRINTED NAME, TITLE, DUTY STATION, AND PHONE NUMBER ______________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ FINAL EVALUATOR’S SIGNATURE AND DATE has performed as a trainee and should therefore be considered for certification in this position. I also verify that________________________________________________________________________ I verify that all tasks have been performed and are documented with appropriate initials. FINAL EVALUATOR’S VERIFICATION ______________________________________________________________________________________________ FOR THE POSITION OF VERIFICATION / CERTIFICATION OF COMPLETED TASK BOOK DO NOT COMPLETE THIS UNLESS YOU ARE RECOMMENDING THE TRAINEE FOR CERTIFICATION EVALUATOR FOREST HEALTH PROTECTION FIXED-WING MANAGER – SPECIAL USE AERIAL SURVEY OBSERVER POSITION TASK BOOK INTRODUCTION In the Forest Service all aircraft users, other than point-to-point use, are required to complete training and a set of on the job experiences. The National Interagency Incident Management System (NIIMS) Coordinating Group insures personnel are qualified for various aviation positions through the use of both formal training and the task book system. Forest Health Protection (FHP) feels that this system is a valuable method to insure FHP personnel are qualified to conduct safe, quality aerial sketchmap surveys and aerial photography missions. Though typically not required of state personnel and certain other federal cooperators, the position task book (PTB) is recommended as a training tool to these entities. The following PTB lists the performance requirements (tasks) for the specific position of Fixed-Wing Manager – Special Use, Aerial Survey Observer, Forest Health Protection (FHP) in a format that allows a trainee to be evaluated against written guidelines. Successful performance of all tasks, as observed and recorded by an evaluator, will result in a recommendation to the FHP Aviation Safety Manager that the trainee be certified in this specific position. Evaluation and confirmation of the trainee’s performance of all tasks may involve more than one evaluator and can occur on mission flights, classroom simulation and in other work situations. It is important that performance be critically evaluated and accurately recorded by each evaluator. All tasks must be evaluated before recommending certification. All alpha and numeric task statements must be demonstrated before that task can be signed off. Bullet items are intended to be examples of what should be covered in the larger tasks. It is understood that there are many common tasks associated with conducting an aerial survey, no matter the part of the country. And there are some tasks that are more specific to Regional programs, such as disturbance signatures, host type and special methods. Thus there are both National and Regional tasks. The first section fulfills the National FHP requirements. The Regional requirements are in Appendix A. It is understood that most FHP Regions have one aerial survey program, but the Northeastern Area has three programs. So the individual programs are referred to in this document as Program/Region. A more detailed description of this process and responsibilities are listed below. 3 RESPONSIBILITIES: 1. The Home Unit (Program/Region) is responsible for: • Selecting trainees based on the needs of the Program/Region. • Ensuring that the trainee meets the training and experience requirements. • Initiating the PTB to document task performance. • Explaining to the trainee the purpose and processes of the PTB as well as the trainee’s responsibilities. • Providing opportunities for evaluation and/or making the trainee available for evaluation. • Providing an evaluator for local assignments. • Tracking progress of trainee. • Confirming PTB completion. • Determining certification per Program/Regional requirements. • Issuing proof of certification (via signing off PTB). 2. The Trainee is responsible for: • • • • Reviewing and understanding instructions in the PTB. Identifying desired objectives/goals. Providing background information to the evaluator. Satisfactorily demonstrating completion of all tasks for the assigned position within three years. • Assuring the Evaluation Record (PTB) is complete. • Keeping the original PTB in personal records. 3. The Evaluator is responsible for: • Understanding the PTB system. • Being qualified and proficient in the position being evaluated. • Meeting with the trainee and determining past experience, current qualifications, and desired objectives/goals. • Reviewing the tasks with the trainee. • Explaining to the trainee the evaluation procedures that will be utilized and which objectives may be attained. • Identifying tasks to be performed during the evaluation period. • Accurately evaluating and recording demonstrated performance of tasks. Satisfactory performance shall be documented by dating and initialing completion of the task in the book. • Completing the Evaluation Record found at the end of this PTB. 4 4. The Final Evaluator is responsible for: • Signing the verification statement inside the front cover of this PTB when all tasks have been initialed and the trainee is recommended for certification. • Sending the completed PTB to the FHP Aviation Safety Manager for processing. 5. The FHP Aviation Safety Manager is responsible for: • Signing the trainee’s PTB, copying it and entering the information into the FHP Aviation Qualifications Data Base. • Returning the PTB to the trainee for their records through the Final Evaluator. FHP Aerial Photographers: Aerial Photographers will complete all National tasks except for the “Sketchmapping” tasks. They, like all FHP Aerial Observers, must take all required training for “Fixed-Wing Manager – Special Use”. TRAINING REQUIREMENTS: For a trainee to begin the PTB process, they must have completed the requirements for Aircrew Member (see FHP Qualifications Matrix and Supplement). In addition to the PTB it is understood that all trainees must have taken all required training for “Fixed-Wing Flight Manager – Special Use” before their PTB can be signed-off. This required training can be completed by attending Aerial Survey Aviation Safety and Management (AS2M) held annually by FHP, attending Aviation Conference and Education (ACE) to attend required modules or taking the limited number of modules on-line at the Interagency Aviation Training website. AS2M is designed specifically for aerial survey mission specialists and should be taken at least once. To maintain the three-year currency requirements, the qualified fixed-wing flight manager – special use employee can choose among the various training venues. 5 POSITION TASK BOOK FIXED-WING FLIGHT MANAGER – SPECIAL USE FOREST HEALTH PROTECTION AERIAL OBSERVER Interagency Aviation Training Definition: Government representative who works jointly with the pilot-in-command and air crewmembers to ensure safe, efficient flight management of missions other than point-to-point flying, i.e., reconnaissance, infrared, aerial photo, and other missions requiring special training and/or equipment. Additional FHP Information: The FHP Aerial Observer conducts aerial sketchmap surveys, aerial photography or videography. The intent is to provide a task book of requirements for a FHP aerial sketchmap observer. Aerial photographers and videographers will complete the same task book, except for the sketchmapping and flight pattern sections. The Forest Health Protection (FHP) Aerial Observer is considered a Fixed-Wing Flight Manager – Special Use aviation specialist in the “Interagency Aviation Training” Qualifications Guide. This position should complete all required training and Forest Service Policy specified additional requirements. Currency is 3 years. The following tasks are national FHP requirements. More Program/Regional specific tasks will be included in this document as Appendix A. 6 QUALIFICATION RECORD Continuation Sheet POSITION: Code*: A B C D FIXED-WING FLIGHT MANAGER – SPECIAL USE Forest Health Protection Aerial Observer = = = = Task can be completed in any situation (classroom, simulation, during actual mission, etc.). Task must be performed during, prior to, or after an actual aerial survey mission. Task must be performed during an actual aerial survey mission. All of the above. *C O D E TASK National FHP Requirements I. TRAINING A. Aircrew Member – All new trainees must complete Aircrew Member training prior to participating in the Aerial Observer training program if they have not completed required training for Fixed-Wing Flight Manager – Special Use. B. By Task Book completion all trainees must have completed the Fixed-Wing Flight Manager – Special Use required training (see appendix A) or have attended FHP’s Aerial Survey Aviation Safety and Management (AS2M). Additional Fixed-Wing Fight Manager – Special Use requirements may also be identified as necessary. A A II. FOREST SERVICE AVIATION SAFETY AND POLICY A. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the National Aviation Management Plan. B. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the Regional Aviation Management Plan. C. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the Regional Aviation Mishap Prevention Plan (if available). D. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the Program/Region FHP Aerial Survey Program Operation Plan or Aviation Management Plan and current Project Aviation Safety Plan (PASP). A A A A 7 EVALUATION RECORD # EVALUATOR: Initial & date upon completion of task QUALIFICATION RECORD Continuation Sheet POSITION: FIXED-WING FLIGHT MANAGER – SPECIAL USE Forest Health Protection Aerial Observer TASK E. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of Safety Management Systems (SMS) and its four components: Safety Policy, Safety Assurance, Safety Promotion, Safety Risk Management. F. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of hazards influencing operational risk and identification of mitigations to reduce risk to acceptable level (participate in risk assessment). G. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the current aerial observer Job Hazard Analysis. H. Demonstrate knowledge of how to complete the SAFECOM reporting process. *C O D E A A A III. MISSION PLANNING A. Demonstrate knowledge of overall planning process. A • Understand the Regional/Area program and its goals and objectives. B. Demonstrate the ability to plan a daily mission. A • Airspace coordination (NOTAMs, FTAs, TFRs, MTRs, MOAs, wild fires, etc) • Demonstrate knowledge of basic meteorological principles. • Flying weather (go/no go). • Efficient layout of daily survey area. C. Demonstrate the ability to brief dispatch. B • Appropriate flight following centers. D. Demonstrate the ability to brief pilot. B • On the day’s flight plan, aerial hazards and operations. E. Demonstrate the ability to brief flight crewmembers. B • Ability to coordinate with other observers. F. Demonstrate proper map preparation by selecting a suitable map base. A 8 EVALUATION RECORD # EVALUATOR: Initial & date upon completion of task QUALIFICATION RECORD Continuation Sheet POSITION: FIXED-WING FLIGHT MANAGER – SPECIAL USE Forest Health Protection Aerial Observer *C O D E TASK • Paper base map for sketchmapping. • Digital base maps, including creating a comprehensive Project File. G. Demonstrate the ability to obtain and assemble materials and equipment needed for mission. A IV. CONDUCTING THE AERIAL SURVEY A. Demonstrate the ability to conduct pre-flight and post-flight aircraft walk around. B. Radio Flight Following B B • Demonstrate the ability to obtain appropriate FM frequencies for flight following. – This includes telephone numbers, call signs and names. • Demonstrate the ability to program agency FM radio. – Demonstrate the ability to select proper frequencies. • Demonstrate the ability to make precise position check calls. C. Demonstrate the knowledge that safety is the highest priority, not the mission. D. Demonstrate the knowledge and ability to check aircraft and pilot qualifications. E. Demonstrate the ability to evaluate pilot performance and correct as needed. A A C V. SKETCHMAPPING A. Demonstrate the ability to accurately locate aircraft position (track) on map. C • Map reading; continue to know the location and heading of the aircraft at all times so sketchmapping can be done accurately. 9 EVALUATION RECORD # EVALUATOR: Initial & date upon completion of task QUALIFICATION RECORD Continuation Sheet POSITION: FIXED-WING FLIGHT MANAGER – SPECIAL USE Forest Health Protection Aerial Observer *C O D E C TASK B. Demonstrate the ability to see and recognize local tree damage signatures. • Detect, observe and identify faded trees, defoliation, wind throw, fire and other important signatures and host when applicable. C. Demonstrate the ability to delineate affected area by drawing points and/or polygons on a map, which accurately represents the affected area on the ground. C • Place point correctly on map and/or draw polygons that look like the area of damaged trees, according to shape and size. D. Demonstrate the ability to properly attribute drawn points and/or polygons. C • The attribute is the label that tells as much about the point/or polygon as possible. • Most attributes will provide host, causal agent, and number of trees or severity. E. Demonstrate the ability to adequately capture the essence of the visible forest change event. C • This relates to the bigger picture, able to document spots or entire outbreak correctly and as appropriate. • To accurately document change events across the landscape. F. Demonstrate ability to finalize paper flight maps and digitally captured data so they are legible and complete for post-processing, after the survey is completed. G. Demonstrate the ability to do ground checks of forest change event observed from the air. • Field experience of driving/hiking near to the affected area, reading the map to get to the area. 10 B B EVALUATION RECORD # EVALUATOR: Initial & date upon completion of task QUALIFICATION RECORD Continuation Sheet POSITION: FIXED-WING FLIGHT MANAGER – SPECIAL USE Forest Health Protection Aerial Observer *C O D E TASK • Comparing what was mapped to what is determined on the ground (causal agent, host, approximate number of trees or intensity). • Utilizing National Ground Check Guidelines for the purposes outlined in those guidelines. H. Demonstrate understanding of map symbols and cartographic principles. B • Ability to read the various maps and use them efficiently both in the air and on the ground. VI. FLIGHT PATTERNS Demonstrate the ability to apply proper flight pattern to achieve survey objectives.* A. Grid (Parallel) – Commonly used in low relief terrain. – Primarily done following lines of latitude or longitude. – Mostly done with two observers, one on each side of aircraft. B B. Contour (Terrain) – B Commonly used in terrain with significant relief. – Drainage pattern directs the flight pattern. C. Flying techniques in “typical terrain” – Added emphasis for mountainous terrain in the western US. – Mountain flying is more dangerous than flat land flying. – Trainee must understand flying hazards such as winds, down drafts, terrain, escape routes, weather changes and density altitude (factors to be considered in any terrain). *Either A and/or B is required 11 B EVALUATION RECORD # EVALUATOR: Initial & date upon completion of task QUALIFICATION RECORD Continuation Sheet POSITION: FIXED-WING FLIGHT MANAGER – SPECIAL USE Forest Health Protection Aerial Observer *C O D E TASK VII. POST-FLIGHT ACTIVITIES A. Demonstrate the ability to debrief pilot. B. Demonstrate the ability to debrief flight crew. C. Demonstrate the ability to make close out calls with flight followers (dispatch) when flight leg is finished. D. Demonstrate the ability to conduct a post-flight walk around. E. Demonstrate the ability to conduct post-flight map processing. F. Demonstrate the ability to fill out a FS 6500-122 Flight Report Form or Aviation Business System (ABS) invoice. B B B B B VIII. GENERAL A. Establish and maintain positive interpersonal and interagency working relationships. B IX. DIGITAL SKETCHMAP SYSTEM A. Demonstrate the ability to properly set up the equipment in the aircraft. B. Demonstrate knowledge of computer startup and operations. C. Demonstrate ability to trouble shoot computer. D. Demonstrate knowledge and ability of mapping process. B E. Demonstrate ability to conduct post-survey processing. F. Demonstrate ability to download geographic coordinates for use with ground-based GPS unit. B B B B B X. PROGRAM/REGIONAL-SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS A. Has met Program/Region-specific requirements (see Program/Region Appendix A) where applicable. 12 D EVALUATION RECORD # EVALUATOR: Initial & date upon completion of task QUALIFICATION RECORD Continuation Sheet POSITION: FIXED-WING FLIGHT MANAGER – SPECIAL USE Forest Health Protection Aerial Observer APPENDIX A: PROGRAM/REGION-SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS Code*: A B C D = = = = Task can be completed in any situation (classroom, simulation, during actual mission, etc.). Task must be performed during, prior to, or after an actual aerial survey mission. Task must be performed during an actual aerial survey mission. All of the above. *C O D E TASK REGION ONE IV. CONDUCTING THE AERIAL SURVEY F. Ability to navigate efficiently across large expanses utilizing GPS and latitude/longitude coordinates. C VI. FLIGHT PATTERNS D. B and C are required. C REGION TWO I. TRAINING C. Complete Pinch Hitter’s course. A VI. FLIGHT PATTERNS E. A, B, and C are required. C REGION THREE VI. FLIGHT PATTERNS E. A, B and C are required. C REGION FOUR III. MISSION PLANNING H. Ability to determine pre-flight MOA accessibility. B 13 EVALUATION RECORD # EVALUATOR: Initial & date upon completion of task QUALIFICATION RECORD Continuation Sheet POSITION: FIXED-WING FLIGHT MANAGER – SPECIAL USE Forest Health Protection Aerial Observer *C O D E TASK IV. CONDUCTING THE AERIAL SURVEY F. Ability to navigate efficiently across large expanses utilizing GPS and latitude/longitude coordinates. C VI. FLIGHT PATTERNS D. B and C are required. C REGION FIVE I. TRAINING C. Complete Pinch Hitter’s course. D. Demonstrate familiarity with current Region Five FHP Aerial Survey Guidelines. A A III. MISSION PLANNING I. Demonstrate ability to understand weight and balance limitations. J. Understand fuel/fuel management, planning and reserve requirements. A A IV. CONDUCTING THE AERIAL SURVEY G. Crew Communication C • Demonstrate the ability to communicate with crew on flight progress and any changes. • Demonstrate the ability to communicate with other observer about what is being sketchmapped. H. Understand Automated Flight Following concepts and limitations and demonstrate coordination with dispatch. A 14 EVALUATION RECORD # EVALUATOR: Initial & date upon completion of task QUALIFICATION RECORD Continuation Sheet POSITION: FIXED-WING FLIGHT MANAGER – SPECIAL USE Forest Health Protection Aerial Observer TASK I. Demonstrate the ability to identify airspace issues and comply with restricted and controlled airspace. *C O D E A V. SKETCHMAPPING I. Demonstrate ability to combine both surveyors’ information to create a master map. J. Review flight maps for completeness and reconcile observer differences. B B VI. FLIGHT PATTERNS D. B and C are required. B REGION SIX III. MISSION PLANNING K. Notification to appropriate land managers. B IV. CONDUCTING THE AERIAL SURVEY G. Crew Communication C • Demonstrate the ability to communicate with crew on flight progress and any changes. • Demonstrate the ability to communicate with other observer about what is being sketchmapped. V. SKETCHMAPPING I. Demonstrate ability to combine both surveyors’ information to create a master map. J. Review flight maps for completeness and reconcile observer differences. 15 B B EVALUATION RECORD # EVALUATOR: Initial & date upon completion of task QUALIFICATION RECORD Continuation Sheet POSITION: FIXED-WING FLIGHT MANAGER – SPECIAL USE Forest Health Protection Aerial Observer *C O D E TASK VI. FLIGHT PATTERNS F. Ridge Top C • This is generally performed off of a grid pattern with two observers in mountainous terrain when major ridgelines are followed and two observers look down on either side of the ridge. XI. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION A. Demonstrate thorough knowledge of aviation contract with aircraft vendors. A B. Demonstrate knowledge of State cooperator agreements. A REGION TEN I. TRAINING C. Complete Pinch Hitter’s course. E. Attend R-10 General Aviation Users Training. F. Complete Helidunk or Personal Emersion Gadget (PIG) training. A A A III. MISSION PLANNING I. Demonstrate ability to understand weight and balance limitations. L. Demonstrate ability to set up flight (order aircraft) through Dispatch. M. Demonstrate ability to properly plan a weeklong mission in a remote environment. • Plan an itinerary incorporating fuel range and refueling options. A A A • Know and follow alternative flight following techniques using a satellite phone. • Demonstrate proper supplies and equipment preparation. 16 EVALUATION RECORD # EVALUATOR: Initial & date upon completion of task QUALIFICATION RECORD Continuation Sheet POSITION: FIXED-WING FLIGHT MANAGER – SPECIAL USE Forest Health Protection Aerial Observer *C O D E TASK VI. FLIGHT PATTERN G. Water Pattern • River and shoreline (interior) C • Inlets and bays (marine) 17 EVALUATION RECORD # EVALUATOR: Initial & date upon completion of task INSTRUCTIONS for EVALUATION RECORD There are four separate blocks allowing evaluations to be made. These evaluations may be made on aerial survey days, simulation in classroom, or in daily duties. This should be sufficient for qualification in the position if the individual is adequately prepared. If additional blocks are needed, a page can be copied from a blank task book and attached. COMPLETE THESE ITEMS AT THE START OF THE EVALUATION PERIOD: Evaluator’s name, incident/office title, and agency: List the name of the evaluator, his/her aerial survey position or office, title, and agency. Evaluator’s home unit address and phone: Self explanatory #: The number in the upper left corner of the experience block identifies a particular experience or group of experiences. This number should be placed in the column labeled “Evaluation Record #” on the Qualification Record for each task performed satisfactorily. Experience Location: Identify the location where the tasks were performed by state and general geographic location (e.g., “Wallowa Mountains, Daniel Boone NF”). Type of Survey: Actual mountain contour survey, grid pattern in flat terrain, etc. COMPLETE THESE ITEMS AT THE END OF THE EVALUATION PERIOD: Approximate Duration: Enter inclusive dates during which the trainee was evaluated. Recommendation: Check as appropriate and/or make comments regarding the future needs for development of this trainee. Date: List the date the record is being completed. Evaluator’s initials: Initial here to authenticate your recommendations and to allow for comparison with initials in the Qualifications Record. Evaluator’s Title: List your certification relevant to the trainee position you supervised (e.g., Program Manager, Unit AVN Officer, etc). 18 Evaluation Record TRAINEE NAME #1 TRAINEE POSITION Evaluator’s Name: Incident/office Title & Agency: Evaluator’s home unit address & phone: Experience Location (state and general area) Type of Survey Approximate Duration (inclusive dates) Other pertinent Information to Explain Experience to The tasks initialed & dated by me have been performed under my supervision in a satisfactory manner by the above named trainee. I recommend the following for further development of this trainee. ___________ The individual has successfully performed all tasks for the position and should be considered for certification. ___________ The individual was not able to complete certain tasks (comments below) or additional guidance is required. ___________ Not all tasks were evaluated on this assignment and an additional assignment is needed to complete the evaluation. ___________ The individual is severely deficient in the performance of tasks for the position and needs further training (both required & knowledge and skills needed) prior to additional assignment(s) as a trainee. Recommendations: Date ____________________ Evaluators initials _____________ Evaluators title __________________________________________ Evaluation Record TRAINEE NAME #2 TRAINEE POSITION Evaluator’s Name: Incident/office Title & Agency: Evaluator’s home unit address & phone: Experience Location (state and general area) Type of Survey Approximate Duration (inclusive dates) Other pertinent Information to Explain Experience to The tasks initialed & dated by me have been performed under my supervision in a satisfactory manner by the above named trainee. I recommend the following for further development of this trainee. ___________ The individual has successfully performed all tasks for the position and should be considered for certification. ___________ The individual was not able to complete certain tasks (comments below) or additional guidance is required. ___________ Not all tasks were evaluated on this assignment and an additional assignment is needed to complete the evaluation. ___________ The individual is severely deficient in the performance of tasks for the position and needs further training (both required & knowledge and skills needed) prior to additional assignment(s) as a trainee. Recommendations: Date ____________________ Evaluators initials _____________ Evaluators title __________________________________________ Evaluation Record TRAINEE NAME #3 TRAINEE POSITION Evaluator’s Name: Incident/office Title & Agency: Evaluator’s home unit address & phone: Experience Location (state and general area) Type of Survey Approximate Duration (inclusive dates) Other pertinent Information to Explain Experience to The tasks initialed & dated by me have been performed under my supervision in a satisfactory manner by the above named trainee. I recommend the following for further development of this trainee. ___________ The individual has successfully performed all tasks for the position and should be considered for certification. ___________ The individual was not able to complete certain tasks (comments below) or additional guidance is required. ___________ Not all tasks were evaluated on this assignment and an additional assignment is needed to complete the evaluation. ___________ The individual is severely deficient in the performance of tasks for the position and needs further training (both required & knowledge and skills needed) prior to additional assignment(s) as a trainee. Recommendations: Date ____________________ Evaluators initials _____________ Evaluators title __________________________________________ Evaluation Record TRAINEE NAME #4 TRAINEE POSITION Evaluator’s Name: Incident/office Title & Agency: Evaluator’s home unit address & phone: Experience Location (state and general area) Type of Survey Approximate Duration (inclusive dates) Other pertinent Information to Explain Experience to The tasks initialed & dated by me have been performed under my supervision in a satisfactory manner by the above named trainee. I recommend the following for further development of this trainee. ___________ The individual has successfully performed all tasks for the position and should be considered for certification. ___________ The individual was not able to complete certain tasks (comments below) or additional guidance is required. ___________ Not all tasks were evaluated on this assignment and an additional assignment is needed to complete the evaluation. ___________ The individual is severely deficient in the performance of tasks for the position and needs further training (both required & knowledge and skills needed) prior to additional assignment(s) as a trainee. Recommendations: Date ____________________ Evaluators initials _____________ Evaluators title __________________________________________