: :
Ages 3 months to 21 years some with DD
Diagnosis and some siblings of these childrens.
-Get experience, volunteer hours and learn something new by
YROXQWHHULQJDWRQHRIWKHIROORZLQJHYHQWV,WLVIXQDQGEHQHÀWV you and the community. All volunteers need to sign up ahead of time (our volunteer numbers determine our children numbers).
Hang out with kids 1:1 for 4-5 hours to give thier parents some relief. Laugh and have a good time while you eat pizza.
Friday Sept. 19, 2014 5-9PM at Goodwill Possibilities
Saturday Oct 4, 2014 12-5PM at Family Development Center at UCCS
*MUST obtain a background check before volunteering. This can be through school or done online ($6.85).
Well worth it!
Friday Oct 17, 2014 5-9PM at Goodwill Possibilities
1-3 Supervisors
1 Nurse
1 Behavior Support
Saturday Nov 1, 2014 12-5PM at Family Development Center at UCCS
Saturday Nov 8, 2014 12-5PM at Family Development Center at UCCS
Friday Dec 5, 2014 5-9PM at Goodwill Possibilities
September 2014
Bethan Keith
Break Time Respite
Coordinator bkeith@tre.org
: :
On Tuesday, August 19th Beth-El nursing students assisted Freshmen and their families at the Timberline dorms. Erin Schipper,
Ami O’Leary, Allyson Grimme, Courtney
James, Natalie Grathead, Sam Heldt, and
Megan Budge (not pictured) were onsite to carry boxes, furniture, clothes, etc. into the dorm rooms for the new freshman. All staff, students, and family were thrilled to have the extra helping hands.
Visit local high schools as part of BSNA!!!
cate local teens on
what it means to be a nurse
and a student at Beth El!!!!
Get more info at the monthly
%61$PHHWLQJVDQGÀQG out how you can difference in the make a lives of future nurses.
This ad is sponsored
and approved by
Aaron Dial Image
of Nursing Director
Beth El
Love to play board games and hang out with you peers?
Come join us for Game Night on September 19th at 7 pm in room 141! It’s a fun way to get to know your fellow students and have a good time playing the board games you love. Look forward to seeing you there!
September 2014
: :
What : Fall 2014 CSNA (Colorado Student Nurses Association) Convention
Where : The University of Northern Colorado (we will work on a carpool)
When : October 11th, 2014
Time : TBD
Why : As an organization representing nursing students throughout Colorado,
CSNA believes it is important to facilitate communication between nursing students conventions provide an excellent opportunity for students to network with nurses from across the state and help make the transition from a student to a professional nurse. Students have the chance to engage in discussions about current issues nurses face, explore career and leadership opportunities, as well as the privilege to network with nurses and companies looking to hire new graduates from across the state.
So, save the dates for the 2014 CSNA conventions.
We hope to see you there!
Price : $35 for members and $45 for non-members.
If you are a member of NSNA, you are also a member of CSNA!!
How to get involved : Please email lkirk@uccs.edu for more information or sign up on the email list at the BSNA meeting on September 8th!!
September 2014
Beth-El College of
Nursing & Health Sciences
Orders Due: Sept. 11th at 12p.m.
Cost: $32 each (XS - XL) and $35 each (2XL - 3XL)
Emails will be sent out when orders are ready for pickup
How To Order
1. Fill out an order form.
2. Prepare your payment: $32. We accept cash, and checks made out to “BSNA”
3. Please place your order form and payment into the black BSNA mailbox outside
(hanging on the wall on the right of room 109).
4. Please send and email to kdavis4@uccs.edu saying you have placed and order.
If you have any questions please contact the BSNA Fundraising Director: Katie
Davidson at kdavis4@uccs.edu.
Please see last page of this newsletter for orderform.
September 2014
First of all, I’d like to say welcome to another school year – It’s bound to be a good one! It is no big secret that technology can make everyone’s life a little easier. It does seem to be a secret as
Skyscape: To begin, for those of you who have been used to using Skyscape, and are struggling with Omnio (or just plain don’t like it), the old skyscape has been re-released, for those of you who don’t know!
-FREE for iPhone and Android
Pocket Lab Values: This app features many of the lab values that we all run across in
- $2.99 for iPhone and Android
NCLEX RN Mastery: This is a personal favorite of mine, as it boasts thousands of practice questions, and the ability to test in many different subjects. This is available in a lite version, which is available to test if you like their format. They also host a Facebook page, with
NCLEX questions of the day.
- $29.99 (Full Version with Money Back Guarantee) for iPhone & Android
Micromedex: This drug guide is found in EPIC charting systems, and can offer more useful information about drugs that you will give. Available is the Free Drug Reference, IV
Compatibility, and Drug Interaction guide.
- FREE for iPhone and Android
Helpful Websites
* NANDA Nursing Dx List – Great to save on your phone!
• http://faculty.mu.edu.sa/public/uploads/1380604673.6151NANDA%202012.pdf
* Brainsheet Source – This and many other websites are out there with brain sheets that are avail-
• http://brains.nursemind.com/
,I\RXKDYHDQ\TXHVWLRQVUHJDUGLQJZHEVLWHVDSSVRUKDYHRWKHUWHFKQLFDOGLIÀFXOWLHVRUZRXOG like to suggest things, please feel free to contact me. I am more than happy to help in any way that I can.
Brittney Hamilton bhamilto@uccs.edu
September 2014
Important Dates Coming Up
Monday September 8, 2014: First
BSNA Meeting
Thursday Septemember 11, 2014
Polo Orders are Due
Friday September 19, 2014
Game Night!!!!
Saturday October 11, 2014
CSNA Convention
Wednesday October 27, 2014
NCLEX Merch. Preview
Monday November 3, 2014
Kaplan NCLEX Review
Beth-El encourages you to join NSNA—National Student Nurse Association! http://www.nsna.org/
Visit the BSNA Website http://www.uccs.edu/~bsna/
Friend us on Facebook!
Follow us on twitter! twitter@UCCS_BSNA
Beth-El Student Nurses Association welcomes you! It is our intention to contribute to your nursing education, provide programs representative of current interests and concerns to nurs-ing students, guide the development of the whole person in their professional role and to enhance the positive image of nursing. We hope you join us!
President: Diana Kempton dkempton@uccs.edu
Vice President: Cassy Berndt cberndt@uccs.edu
Volunteer Coordinator: Courtney James cjames2@uccs.edu
Fundraising Director: Katie Davidson kdavids4@uccs.edu
Treasurer: Erin Schipper eschippe@uccs.edu
Image of Nursing: Aaron Dial adial@uccs.edu
Student to Faculty Liaison: Emilia Cintora ecintora@uccs.edu
Secretary: Carly Marsh cmarsh@uccs.edu
Membership Director: Lauren Kirk lkirk@uccs.edu
Faculty Advisor: Susan Davis sdavis4@uccs.edu
September 2014
Name: ____________________ Date:___________________
Email:_____________________ Phone:__________________
Clinical Polo (Men’s) XS-XL
Clinical Polo (Women’s) XS-XL $
Clinical Polo (Women’s) 2XL-3XL
Size Color
N/A Clinical Polo (Men’s) 2XL-3XL
**Hoodie sales are by pre-order only, held about twice a semester. Please contact BSNA
***Pre-ordering a clinical polo, please contact the BSNA rep well in advance of the date needed to allow time for your order to process if there are not any in stock.
Subtotal: $____________
Final Total: $____________
Please place an order form and payment in an envelope and place in the black BSNA mailbox
'DYLGVRQDWNGDYLGV#XFFVHGX<RXZLOOEHFRQWDFWHGZKHQ\RXURUGHULVUHDG\DVWRKRZ and when to pick up your order. Refunds or exchanges will be available for unavailable items.
Please make checks payable to BSNA. We cannot accept credit cards at this time. If you have any questions or concerns please contact kdavids4@uccs.edu.
September 2014