Student Teaching Calendar - Spring Semester 2016 GENERAL EDUCATION & SPECIAL ED-SECONDARY 16-Week Placement Seminar Time & Location Seminar Topic January 11-15 MONDAY, th January 11 Orientation Meetings 9:30-11:30-Seminar-Maas Conf. 1:30-EDUStaff Trng. Winants Aud nd 2:00-Speds (2 Sem.)-VZ 247 4:00-College Supervisors-TBA th Placements begin January 12 January 18-22 Weds., Jan. 20 Week of: th 5:00-6:30 p.m. 2nd floor Van Zoeren th January 25-29 Mon., Jan. 25 5:00-7:00 p.m. Maas Auditorium Weds., Jan. 27th February 1-5 February 8-12 Weds., Feb. 3 th Weds., Feb. 17 Locations TBA February 22-26 Weds., Feb. 24 March 7-11 th *Jan. 18 -Overall Daily/Weekly plan for semester *Weekly Reflection *Lesson Plans *Weekly Reflection *Lesson Plans *Weekly Reflection *Lesson Plans Draft of portfolio *Weekly Reflection *Lesson Plans *Read “Small Group #2” from coursepack *Weekly Reflection *Lesson Plans *Weekly Reflection *Lesson Plans *Lesson Plans *Mar. 4th-CT Midterm eval. *Read Student Teaching Handbook *Read “Small Group #1” from coursepack *Arrive 4:45 p.m. *Have picture taken at Maas Auditorium. th 5:00-6:30 p.m. VDW 102/VDW 104 Portfolio Preparation Student Technology Team Small Group Discussion #2 “Behavior Management & Interviews” *Feb. 17th-Submit “senior” resume to Jobstop th 5:00-6:30 p.m. 2nd floor Van Zoeren Weds., Mar. 2 *Weekly Reflection Preparing for the Job Search Dale Austin Director, Career Devel. Center 5:00-6:30 p.m. VDW 102 February 15-19 February 29March 4 Student Teaching Dinner Keynote-Dr. Tim Travis Principal, Saugatuck MS/HS Meet w/College Supervisors (No ST Seminar) nd 5:00-6:30 p.m. 2nd floor Van Zoeren Portfolio Presentations *Professional Portfolio *Weekly Reflection th FIRE-UP CONFERENCE GVSU-Allendale Campus (No ST Seminar) *Out-of-State Job Fair following FIRE-UP Conference at GVSU *3/16-FIRE-UP Summary *Read “Small Group #3” from coursepack th *March 25 InterviewStream Interview *Weekly Reflection th *Mar. 8 -Midterm Self-Eval. *Weekly Reflection th *March 18 -Video Evaluation MON., March 7 Due to Coop. Tchr. (No ST Seminar) rd Weds., Feb. 10 Small Group Discussion #1 “Beginnings” Due in Seminar Due to College Supervisor 8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Weds., March 9 th th March 14-18 Weds., March 16 March 21-25 Weds., March 23 March 28April 1 April 4-8 April 11-15 Weds., March 30 6:30-8:30 p.m. Maas Auditorium April 18-22 Weds., April 20 April 25-29 Weds., April 27 May 2-6 Weds., May 4 5:00-6:30 p.m. 2 floor Van Zoeren nd rd Locations TBA Small Group Discussion #3 “Interviewing/Parapros” Meet with College Supervisors *Lesson Plans *Lesson Plans *Weekly Reflection *Lesson Plans *Weekly Reflection st *April 1 –Intvw. principal or HR Dir. *Lesson Plans *5:00 p.m.-ECE STs meet Coll. Supv. (No ST Seminar for other STs) *Weekly Reflection *Lesson Plans Special Education & the Referral Process *Weekly Reflection *Lesson Plans *Weekly Reflection *Lesson Plans *Weekly Reflection nd *May 2 -Unit Plan *Final Conference w/ Coll. Supv. *May 6 Review final eval. w/ C.T. th Interviews *Interview Preparation SPRING BREAK - ENJOY! th Weds., April 13 th 5:00-6:30 p.m. VDW 102 th 5:00-6:30 p.m. VDW 102 th 5:00-6:30 p.m. 2nd floor Van Zoeren Teacher Certification Cher Schairer Director of Certification Final Seminar Wrap Up & Celebration! *Coursepack-final sections *Survey Verifications (2) th *May 6 -Unit Reflection th st SPECIAL EDUCATION MAJORS in the 1 Placement Must attend dark, shaded sessions Student Teaching Calendar Spring Semester 2016 Seminar Time & Location Seminar Topic January 11-15 MONDAY, th January 11 Orientation Meetings 9:30-11:30-Seminar-Maas Conf. 1:30-EDUStaff Trng. Winants Aud nd 2:00-Speds (2 Sem.)-VZ 247 4:00-College Supervisors-TBA th Placements begin January 12 January 18-22 Weds., Jan. 20 Week of: th 5:00-6:30 p.m. 2nd floor Van Zoeren th January 25-29 Mon., Jan. 25 5:00-7:00 p.m. Maas Auditorium February 8-12 *Read Student Teaching Handbook *Read “Small Group #1” from coursepack *Arrive 4:45 p.m. *Have picture taken at Maas Auditorium. th *Jan. 18 -Overall Daily/Weekly plan for semester *Weekly Reflection *Lesson Plans *Weekly Reflection *Lesson Plans Preparing for the Job Search Dale Austin Director, Career Devel. Center *Weekly Reflection *Lesson Plans Portfolio Preparation Student Technology Team *Weekly Reflection *Lesson Plans *Weekly Reflection *Lesson Plans *Weekly Reflection *Lesson Plans *Weekly Reflection *Lesson Plans *Mar. 4th-CT Midterm eval. *Weekly Reflection th *Mar. 8 -Midterm Self-Eval. *Lesson Plans *Weekly Reflection th *March 18 -Video Evaluation *Lesson Plans 5:00-6:30 p.m. VDW 102 Weds., Feb. 10 th 5:00-6:30 p.m. VDW 102/VDW 104 th Weds., Feb. 17 Locations TBA February 22-26 Weds., Feb. 24 Small Group Discussion #2 “Behavior Management & Interviews” *Read “Small Group #2” from coursepack *Feb. 17th-Submit “senior” resume to Jobstop th 5:00-6:30 p.m. 2 floor Van Zoeren nd Meet w/College Supervisors (No ST Seminar) nd 5:00-6:30 p.m. 2nd floor Van Zoeren Portfolio Presentations *Professional Portfolio th FIRE-UP CONFERENCE GVSU-Allendale Campus *Out-of-State Job Fair following FIREUP Conference at GVSU *3/16-FIRE-UP Summ. *Read “Small Group #3” from coursepack MON., March 7 March 7-11 *Weekly Reflection (No ST Seminar) Weds., Feb. 3 Weds., Mar. 2 Due to Coop. Tchr. rd February 15-19 February 29March 4 Student Teaching Dinner Keynote-Dr. Tim Travis Principal, Saugatuck MS/HS Due to College Supervisor th Weds., Jan. 27 February 1-5 Small Group Discussion #1 “Beginnings” Due in Seminar 8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Weds., March 9 th (No ST Seminar) th March 14-18 Weds., March 16 March 21-25 March 28April 1 April 4-8 April 11-15 Weds., March 23 April 18-22 Weds., April 20 April 25-29 Weds., April 27 May 2-6 Weds., May 4 5:00-6:30 p.m. 2nd floor Van Zoeren rd Locations TBA Small Group Discussion #3 “Interviewing/Parapros” Meet with College Supervisors (No ST Seminar) *Weekly Reflection *Lesson Plans Interviews *Interview Preparation *Weekly Reflection st *April 1 –Intvw. principal or HR Dir. *Lesson Plans (No ST Seminar) *Weekly Reflection *Lesson Plans Special Education & the Referral Process *Weekly Reflection *Lesson Plans *Weekly Reflection *Lesson Plans *Weekly Reflection nd *May 2 -Unit Plan *Final Conference w/ Coll. Supv. *May 6 Review final eval. w/ C.T. th Weds., March 30 6:30-8:30 p.m. Maas Auditorium SPRING BREAK - ENJOY! th Weds., April 13 th 5:00-6:30 p.m. VDW 102 th 5:00-6:30 p.m. VDW 102 th 5:00-6:30 p.m. 2nd floor Van Zoeren Teacher Certification Cher Schairer Director of Certification Final Seminar Wrap Up & Celebration! *Coursepack-final sections th *May 6 -Unit Reflection th nd Student Teaching Calendar Spring Semester 2016 SPECIAL EDUCATION MAJORS in the 2 Placement Must attend dark, shaded sessions Seminar Time & Location Seminar Topic January 11-15 MONDAY, th January 11 Orientation Meetings 9:30-11:30-Seminar-Maas Conf. 1:30-EDUStaff Trng. Winants Aud nd 2:00-Speds (2 Sem.)-VZ 247 4:00-College Supervisors-TBA th Placements begin January 12 January 18-22 Weds., Jan. 20 Week of: 25-29 February 1-5 February 8-12 *Weekly Reflection th Small Group Discussion #1 “Beginnings” *Lesson Plans Maas Auditorium Student Teaching Dinner Keynote-Dr. Tim Travis Principal, Saugatuck MS/HS *Arrive 4:45 p.m. *Have picture taken at Maas Auditorium. *Weekly Reflection *Lesson Plans Weds., Jan. 27th (No ST Seminar) Preparing for the Job Search Dale Austin Director, Career Devel. Center *Weekly Reflection *Lesson Plans Portfolio Preparation Student Technology Team *Weekly Reflection *Lesson Plans *Weekly Reflection *Lesson Plans *Weekly Reflection *Lesson Plans 5:00-6:30 p.m. 2nd floor Van Zoeren Mon., Jan. 25 5:00-7:00 p.m. Weds., Feb. 3 rd 5:00-6:30 p.m. VDW 102 Weds., Feb. 10 th 5:00-6:30 p.m. VDW 102/VDW 104 th Weds., Feb. 17 Locations TBA February 22-26 Weds., Feb. 24 March 7-11 Due to Coop. Tchr. *Jan. 18 -Overall Daily/Weekly plan for semester *Weekly Reflection February 15-19 February 29March 4 Due to College Supervisor *Read Student Teaching Handbook *Read “Small Group #1” from coursepack th th January Due in Seminar Small Group Discussion #2 “Behavior Management & Interviews” *Read “Small Group #2” from coursepack *Feb. 17th-Submit “senior” resume to Jobstop th Meet w/College Supervisors (No ST Seminar) 5:00-6:30 p.m. 2 floor Van Zoeren nd 5:00-6:30 p.m. 2nd floor Van Zoeren Portfolio Presentations *Professional Portfolio *Weekly Reflection *Lesson Plans *Mar. 4th-CT Midterm eval. th FIRE-UP CONFERENCE GVSU-Allendale Campus *Out-of-State Job Fair following FIRE-UP Conference at GVSU *Weekly Reflection th *Mar. 7 -Midterm Self-Eval. *Lesson Plans *Read “Small Group #3” from coursepack *Weekly Reflection th *March 18 -Video Evaluation *Lesson Plans *March 25 InterviewStream Interview *Weekly Reflection *Lesson Plans *Interview Preparation *Weekly Reflection st *April 1 –Intvw. principal or HR Dir. *Lesson Plans (No ST Seminar) *Weekly Reflection *Lesson Plans Special Education & the Referral Process *Weekly Reflection *Lesson Plans *Weekly Reflection *Lesson Plans *Weekly Reflection nd *May 2 -Unit Plan *Final Conference w/ Coll. Supv. *May 6 Review final eval. w/ C.T. Weds., Mar. 2 nd MON., March 7 8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Weds., March 9 th (No ST Seminar) th March 14-18 Weds., March 16 March 21-25 Weds., March 23 5:00-6:30 p.m. 2nd floor Van Zoeren Small Group Discussion #3 “Interviewing/Parapros” th rd Locations TBA Meet with College Supervisors th March 28April 1 April 4-8 April 11-15 Weds., March 30 6:30-8:30 p.m. Maas Auditorium Interviews SPRING BREAK - ENJOY! th Weds., April 13 th April 18-22 Weds., April 20 April 25-29 Weds., April 27 May 2-6 Weds., May 4 5:00-6:30 p.m. VDW 102 th 5:00-6:30 p.m. VDW 102 th 5:00-6:30 p.m. 2nd floor Van Zoeren Teacher Certification Cher Schairer Director of Certification Final Seminar Wrap Up & Celebration! *Coursepack-final sections *Survey Verifications (2) th *May 6 -Unit Reflection th Student Teaching Calendar - Spring Semester 2016 K-12 or SPECIAL EDUCATION Two 8-week placements Seminar Time & Location Seminar Topic January 11-15 MONDAY, th January 11 Orientation Meetings 9:30-11:30-Seminar-Maas Conf. 1:30-EDUStaff Trng. Winants Aud nd 2:00-Speds (2 Sem.)-VZ 247 4:00-College Supervisors-TBA th Placements begin January 12 January 18-22 Weds., Jan. 20 Week of: th 5:00-6:30 p.m. 2 floor Van Zoeren nd th January Mon., Jan. 25 5:00-7:00 p.m. 25-29 Maas Auditorium Student Teaching Dinner Keynote-Dr. Tim Travis Principal, Saugatuck MS/HS th Weds., Jan. 27 February 1-5 February 8-12 Weds., Feb. 3 5:00-6:30 p.m. VDW 102/VDW 104 th February 22-26 Weds., Feb. 24 February 29March 4 th *Jan. 18 -Overall Daily/Weekly plan for semester *Weekly Reflection *Lesson Plans *Weekly Reflection *Lesson Plans *Weekly Reflection *Lesson Plans *Feb. 5th -CT Midterm eval. Portfolio Preparation Student Technology Team Small Group Discussion #2 “Behavior Management & Interviews” Draft of portfolio *Weekly Reflection th *Feb. 8 -Midterm Self-Evaluation *Lesson Plans *Read “Small Group #2” from coursepack *Feb. 17th-Submit “senior” resume to Jobstop *Weekly Reflection *Lesson Plans *Weekly Reflection *Lesson Plans *Weekly Reflection *Lesson Plans th *Mar. 4 -Rev. Final CT Eval. th 5:00-6:30 p.m. 2nd floor Van Zoeren Weds., Mar. 2 *Read Student Teaching Handbook *Read “Small Group #1” from coursepack *Arrive 4:45 p.m. *Have picture taken at Maas Auditorium. th Weds., Feb. 17 Locations TBA Meet w/College Supervisors (No ST Seminar) nd 5:00-6:30 p.m. 2nd floor Van Zoeren MON., March 7 Due to Coop. Tchr. *Weekly Reflection Preparing for the Job Search Dale Austin Director, Career Devel. Center 5:00-6:30 p.m. VDW 102 February 15-19 Due to College Supervisor (No ST Seminar) rd Weds., Feb. 10 Small Group Discussion #1 “Beginnings” Due in Seminar th March 7-11 8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. March 14-18 Weds., March 16 March 21-25 March 28April 1 April 4-8 Weds., March 23 Weds., March 9 th Portfolio Presentations st th 1 Placement ends Mar. 4 *Professional Portfolio FIRE-UP CONFERENCE GVSU-Allendale Campus nd th 2 Placement starts Mar. 7 (No ST Seminar) *Out-of-State Job Fair following FIRE-UP Conference at GVSU th 5:00-6:30 p.m. 2nd floor Van Zoeren rd Locations TBA Small Group Discussion #3 “Interviewing/Parapros” Meet with College Supervisors th *3/16-FIRE-UP Summary *Read “Small Group #3” from coursepack th *March 25 InterviewStream Intvw. th Weds., March 30 6:30-8:30 p.m. Maas Auditorium Interviews *Interview Preparation *Mar. 11 -Overall Daily/Weekly plan for placement *Weekly Reflection *Weekly Reflection th *March 18 -Video Evaluation *Lesson Plans *Lesson Plans *Weekly Reflection *Lesson Plans *Weekly Reflection st *Apr. 1 –Intvw. principal or HR Dir. *Lesson Plans st *Apr. 1 -Rev. CT midterm SPRING BREAK - ENJOY! th April 11-15 th Weds., April 13 *Apr. 12 -Midterm Self-Evaluation *Weekly Reflection *Weekly Reflection nd *April 22 -Video Evaluation (No ST Seminar) th April 18-22 Weds., April 20 April 25-29 Weds., April 27 May 2-6 Weds., May 4 5:00-6:30 p.m. VDW 102 th 5:00-6:30 p.m. VDW 102 th 5:00-6:30 p.m. 2nd floor Van Zoeren Special Education & the Referral Process Teacher Certification Cher Schairer *Lesson Plans *Lesson Plans *Weekly Reflection *Lesson Plans *Weekly Reflection nd *May 2 -Unit Plan *Final Conference w/ Coll. Supv. *May 6 Review final eval. w/ C.T. Director of Certification Final Seminar Wrap Up & Celebration! *Coursepack-final sections *Survey Verifications (2) th *May 6 -Unit Reflection th Student Teaching Calendar - Spring Semester 2016 Seminar Time & Location Seminar Topic January 11-15 MONDAY, th January 11 Orientation Meetings 9:30-11:30-Seminar-Maas Conf. 1:30-EDUStaff Trng. Winants Aud nd 2:00-Speds (2 Sem.)-VZ 247 4:00-College Supervisors-TBA th Placements begin January 12 January 18-22 Weds., Jan. 20 Week of: th 5:00-6:30 p.m. 2nd floor Van Zoeren th January 25-29 February 1-5 February 8-12 Maas Auditorium Student Teaching Dinner Keynote-Dr. Tim Travis Principal, Saugatuck MS/HS Weds., Jan. 27th (No ST Seminar) Mon., Jan. 25 5:00-7:00 p.m. Weds., Feb. 3 rd Weds., Feb. 10 th Weds., Feb. 17 Locations TBA February 22-26 Weds., Feb. 24 March 7-11 Small Group Discussion #2 “Behavior Management & Interviews” Draft of portfolio *Read “Small Group #2” from coursepack *Feb. 17th-Submit “senior” resume to Jobstop Meet w/College Supervisors (No ST Seminar) Portfolio Presentations *Professional Portfolio FIRE-UP CONFERENCE GVSU-Allendale Campus (No ST Seminar) Small Group Discussion #3 “Interviewing/Parapros” st 1 Placement Ends 3/18 *Out-of-State Job Fair following FIRE-UP Conference at GVSU 5:00-6:30 p.m. 2 floor Van Zoeren nd MON., March 7 th 8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Weds., March 9 th Weds., March 16 5:00-6:30 p.m. 2nd floor Van Zoeren rd March 21-25 Weds., March 23 March 28April 1 April 4-8 Weds., March 30 6:30-8:30 p.m. Maas Auditorium Locations TBA th *Jan. 18 -Overall Daily/Weekly plan for placement *Weekly Reflection *Lesson Plans *Weekly Reflection *Lesson Plans *Weekly Reflection *Lesson Plans *Weekly Reflection th *Feb. 10 -Intvw. Principal or HR Dir. *Lesson Plans *Feb. 12th-CT Midterm eval. *Weekly Reflection th *Feb. 15 -Midterm Self-Evaluation *Lesson Plans *Weekly Reflection th *Feb. 26 -Video Self-Evaluation *Lesson Plans *Weekly Reflection *Lesson Plans *3/16-FIRE-UP Summary *Read “Small Group #3” from coursepack *Weekly Reflection *Weekly Reflection th *Mar. 18 -Unit Plan *Lesson Plans *Lesson Plans *Mar. 18th-Rev. Final CT Eval. th *March 25 InterviewStream Interview *Mar. 25 -Overall Daily/Weekly plan for semester *Weekly Reflection *Lesson Plans *Interview Preparation *Weekly Reflection *Lesson Plans *5:00 p.m.-ECE STs meet Coll. Supv. (No ST Seminar for other STs) *Weekly Reflection *Lesson Plans *Apr. 15th-CT Midterm eval. 5:00-Special Education & Referral Process *Weekly Reflection th *Apr. 18 -Midterm Self-eval. *Lesson Plans 2 nd Placement Begins 3/21 Meet with College Supervisors th th Interviews SPRING BREAK - ENJOY! April 11-15 Weds., April 13 April 18-22 Weds., April 20 5:00-6:30 p.m. VDW 102 April 25-29 Weds., April 27 5:00-6:30 p.m. VDW 102 th th th May 2-6 Due to Coop. Tchr. nd th March 14-18 Portfolio Preparation Student Technology Team th 5:00-6:30 p.m. 2nd floor Van Zoeren Weds., Mar. 2 *Read Student Teaching Handbook *Read “Small Group #1” from coursepack *Arrive 4:45 p.m. *Have picture taken at Maas Auditorium. th 5:00-6:30 p.m. VDW 102/VDW 104 Due to College Supervisor *Weekly Reflection Preparing for the Job Search Dale Austin Director, Career Devel. Center 5:00-6:30 p.m. VDW 102 February 15-19 February 29March 4 Small Group Discussion #1 “Beginnings” Due in Seminar EARLY CHILDHOOD Weds., May 4 th 5:00-6:30 p.m. 2nd floor Van Zoeren Teacher Certification Cher Schairer Director of Certification Final Seminar Wrap Up & Celebration! *Coursepack-final sections *Survey Verifications (2) th *May 6 -Unit Reflections *Weekly Reflection th *April 25 -Video Evaluation *Weekly Reflection nd *May 2 -Unit Plan *Final Conference w/ Coll. Supv. *Lesson Plans th *May 6 Review final eval. w/ C.T. Student Teaching Calendar Spring Semester 2016 Week of: January 11-15 January 18-22 Seminar Time & Location MONDAY, January th 11 Weds., Jan. 20 th 5:00-6:30 p.m. th January 25-29 February 1-5 February 8-12 February 15-19 February 22-26 February 29March 4 March 7-11 Mon., Jan. 25 5:00-7:00 p.m. Maas Auditorium Weds., Feb. 3 rd 5:00-6:30 p.m. VDW 102 Weds., Feb. 10 th Weds., Feb. 17 Locations TBA th Weds., Feb. 24 5:00-6:30 p.m. Orientation Meetings 9:30-11:30-Seminar-Maas Conf. Small Group Discussion #1 “Beginnings” Student Teaching Dinner Keynote-Dr. Tim Travis Principal, Saugatuck MS/HS Preparing for the Job Search Dale Austin Director, Career Development Center Portfolio Preparation Student Technology Team Small Group Discussion #2 “Behavior Management & Interviews” Meet w/College Supervisors (No ST Seminar) nd Portfolio Presentations 5:00-6:30 p.m. MON., March 7 th 8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Weds., March 9 March 14-18 March 21-25 Seminar Topic th 5:00-6:30 p.m. VDW 102/VDW 104 Weds., Mar. 2 Off-Campus Fall ‘16 Students planning to be off-campus F’16 are required to attend the dark, highlighted sessions. Other sessions are suggested but optional. th Weds., March 16 th 5:00-6:30 p.m. Weds., March 23 rd FIRE-UP CONFERENCE GVSU-Allendale Campus *Out-of-State Job Fair following FIRE-UP Conference at GVSU (No ST Seminar) Small Group Discussion #3 “Interviewing/Parapros” Meet with College Supervisors th March 28April 1 Weds., March 30 6:30-8:30 p.m. Maas Auditorium SPRING BREAK - ENJOY! April 4-8 April 11-15 Interviews th Weds., April 13 (No ST Seminar) th April 18-22 Weds., April 20 Special Education & the Referral Process 5:00-6:30 p.m. VDW 102 One additional meeting will be scheduled late in the Spring 2016 semester to finalize details before offcampus student teachers leave campus. th April 25-29 Weds., April 27 May 2-6 Weds., May 4 5:00-6:30 p.m. VDW 102 th Teacher Certification Cher Schairer Director of Certification Final Seminar 5:00-6:30 p.m. Wrap Up & Celebration! NOTE: Though not required, off-campus student teachers may want to attend the sessions on Portfolio Preparation and/or Portfolio Presentation, the FIRE-UP Conference ($30 fee) and the Out-of-State Job Fair (free). Prior to leaving campus in May: Meet with Career Services to set complete Mock Interview. Upload resume to “Optimal Resume” website. Complete Teacher Candidate Credential papers for Director of Certification. Meet with Director of Student Teaching. During the off-campus student teaching placement, send assignments & scored rubrics to the Director of Student Teaching, Education Department, PO Box 9000, Holland, MI 49422-9000. Professional Portfolio with scored rubric Interview with principal or HR Director Videotaped Self-Evaluation of teaching