Internat. J. Math. & Math. Sci. (1986) 517-519 517 Vol. 9 No. 3 A SIMULTANEOUS SOLUTION TO TWO PROBLEMS ON DERIVATIVES F.S. CATER Department of Mathematics Portland State University Portland, Oregon 97207 (Received March 7, 1985) Let A be a nonvoid countable subset of the unit interval [0,I] and let B be an F -subset of [0 17 disjoint from A Then there exists a derivative f on [0 I] such that 0fl, f 0 on A, f>O on B, and such that the extended real valued function i/f ABSTRACT. is also a derivative. KEY WORDS AND PHRASES. Derivative, primitive, Lebesgue summable, knot point. 1980 MATHEMATICS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODE. 26A24 In this note, we construct a derivative f such that I/f is also a derivative, and f and i/f have some curious properties mentioned in [I] and [2]. (By an Fo-set in the real line, we mean the union of countably many closed subsets of R.) THEOREM i. of [0,i] disjoint from A. f We prove Let A be a nonvoid countable subset of [0,I] and let B be an F -subset Then there exists a measurable function f on [0,I] such that 0 on A, f > 0 on B, 0f[ on [0,1] and (I) f is everywhere the derivative of its primitive, (2) i/f is Lebesgue summable on [0,I], I/f is everywhere the derivative of its primitive. (3) Here we let I/0. and A is dense, we will obtain a simple example of a derivative that When m(B) vanishes on a dense set of measure 0. From [2] we infer that there exists a derivative f vanishing on A and positive on B. From [i] we infer that there exists a derivative g infinite on A and finite on B. However, Theorem prove Theorem provides a simultaneous solution to both of these problems. Finally, we use these methods to construct a concrete example of functions g2 To we will employ some of the methods used in [3]. gl and that have finite or infinite derivatives at each point, such that the Dini derivatives of their difference, In all that follows, let gl-g 2, (n(i))i= satisfy certain pathological properties. denote the sequence of integers I, I, 2, I, 2, 3, i, 2, 3, 4, i, 2, 3, 4, 5, Proof of Theorem i. Let (ai)i= be a sequence of points in A such that each point of A occurs at least once in the sequence. that A is a finite set.) (Here we do not exclude the possibility We assume, without loss of generality, that B is nonvoid. F.S. CATER 518 Let BICB2CB3c...cB i be an expanding sequence of closed sets such that B t,i=l Bi" (Here we do not exclude the possibility that B is a closed set.) Let u i denote the -1/2 As in [3] we put (x) (I + Ixl) to the set B distance from the point a n(i) i For each index j, put gj(x) + ’=I (2iul(x-an(i) g(x) + i=l (2iul(x-an(i) ))’ i for which a for aeA, because there are infinitely many indices Then g(a) i/-. Here we let 0 I/g(x). f(x) I/gj(x), f.j(x) ))’ forb e B; note that if b e B k, then On the other hand, g(b) < an(i). (2 k) < 2 (2ku l(b-an(k))) i:k (2iul(b-an(i) 11 -1/2k, i < We infer from Lemma 4 of [3], that g is Lebesgue summable on [0,i]. g(x)-gj(x) and since g>l, gj>l, h- limh+ 0 Take any e>0. gj . g-g-’J it follows that ix+h x > f’-f3 g(x). g(t)dt /x+h x lhl g(t)dt ].x+h gj(t)dt x lh-I /X+hx f’j(t)dt > 0. By Lemma 4 of [3], we have Select an index j so large that are continuous, when lh-i ih-1 > 0, g(x)gj(x)(fj(x)-f(x)) Now choose any x with g(x) < Note also that f.(x)-f(x)<g(x)-gj(x)<e. Since f. and is small enough we have < e, g(x) gj(x) < e, fj(x) < e. For such j and h we obtain h -I x+h x+h I x (g(t)-gj(t))dt < g(xl-gj(x) + g(tldt g(x)[ gj(t)dt gj(x) 3e. fj(x) f(x) f x + From 0 < f o-f lh- lh-lfx x+h g-g. we obtain [h-i fx_x+h f(t)dt- It follows that lim h+O [h-I f(x)[ fx+h x f (t)dt- fj(x) + x+h (f (t)- f(t))dt + h -1 I x h-I /x+h x -1 -<_ 2e + =< -I + h f(t)dt 2e h f(x). fX+hx (fj(t) /X+hx (g(t) f(t))dt gj (t))dt < 5e. 519 TWO PROBLEMS ON DERIVATIVES =. Choose any x with g(x) Since t, gj Take any N>O. gj(x)>N. gj(t) > N. For Select j so large that It-xl < d implies is continuous, there is a d>0 such that -I < d, for It follows that and such lhl f(t)<fj(t)<N g(t)>gj(t)>N -I x+h g(t)dt >N O<h f h-i fx+h x f(t)dt <N X Finally, h-i yx+h x g(t)dt h/0 lim h/0 h-I /x+h x f(t)dt lim g(x). f(x). 0 This completes the proof When m(B) [0,1]\Bas in i, we do not know if our argument can be modified to make f [2] 0 on Perhaps this requires an approach altogether different from ours We say that x is a knot point of the function F if its Dini derivatives satisfy D+F(x) D-F(x) and D+F(x) D_F(x) -. We conclude by presenting a simple and direct example of functions gl and g2 having derivatives (finite or infinite) at every point such that gl-g has knot points in 2 every interval (Consult [4] for analogous examples) Let {ai}i= and {bi}i= be countable dense subsets of (0,I) that are disjoint (c(t-d))dt for c>0, d>0, x>0. Let Z(c,d,x) 2c-l[(l+cd) (l+cd-cx) { 2c-l[(l+cd) Z(c,d,x) =I z(2iu ’an(i for 0<x<l. 2] to the set b 1, x) ai}. Put g2(x) (R) finite on A. B, and g2’ g’ on A and {x: Put g g’ D+g(x) on B. =}, E 2 -} is a dense D_g(x) gl-g2. with x d, if x > d. bi} and let v i denote the i -I v Ai=1 Z(2 i ,b n (i) ,x) By the argument in the proof of Theorem absolutely continuous functions on (0,1) E 1/2] if + (l+cx-cd)- Let u. denote the distance from a n(i) i to the set {a distance from b n(i) gl(x) We integrate to obtain gl we prove that on A g’2 gl and g2 are gl finite on B Then g is absolutely continuous on (0,i), Each of the sets D-g(x) {x: G-subset many open dense subsets of (0,i). =}, E 3 {x: D+g(x) {x: -} and E 4 of (0,i), i.e., is the intersection of countably It follows that EIOE20E3nE4 is also a dense G-subset But each point in this intersection is a knot point of g, even though of (0,1). g2 have derivatives (finite or on gl and infinite) everywhere by the proof of Theorem I. REFERENCES I. 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