Internat. J. Math & Math. Sci. (1986) 29-37 29 Vol. 9 No. AN EXTENSION OF A RESULT OF CSlSZAR P. B. CERRITO Department University Tan. of Mathemat its South Floricl Flor Ida 33620 o (Received July 22, 1985) ge extend the results ABSTRACT. topological semigroup S. o a sup llm sup K compact n-e0 xS zero or one. S such that o Cszszar (Z. 5(1966) 279-295) to a Wahr. Let p be a measure defined on S. Hn(Kx-1). We consider the value First. we show that the value of a is either 1. we show that there exists a sequence of elements I a pn converges vaguely to a probability measure where (an) In denotes n point mss. In psrtcular, we apply the results to inverse and matrix semlgroups. KEY UORDS AHD PHRASES. PRIMARY CLASSIFICATIOH. 1. Topological semtgroup. Infinite convolutions. 60F17 INTRODUCTION. Cslszar [1] proved the following result concerning a regular probability measure p on a locally compact, second countable, l-lausdorff sup --/Jn(Kx-1) O as n for al] convolution of p. or there exzsts a sequence o converges vaguely to a probability measure where elements a group G: pn denotes compact sets K. where (an) Either the n-fold such that pn 5a n denotes point mass at a n n We will extend this result to probability measures defined on certain tlpes of locally compact, second countable. Hausdorff semzgroups which satisfy condition -1 If A and B are compact then so are AB and where A-1B (c): AB -1 (y: there exzsts z e B such that yz A). 30 P. B. CERRITO We will also conszder m x m mtrlces. Wn(Kx -1) p is defined on a semzgroup s when of A matrix semigroup does not necessarilg satisfg condltion (c). To each regular probability measure /# on a semigroup S we associate the value a a sup O O then /# 0 we 0 Kx-l). WE first show that any sequence O vaguely for 6an (an) f,nd sup /#n, IIm K cog)act n such that /#n of elements O or O (an) In S. 1. If If converges to a probbilit measure 6 a O n PRELIMIHARY RESULTS. 2. In order to show the main results, we need the following tentma. proof s,nce t Is qute smtlar to an argument of Cslszar [1]. Assume S LE]L 1. such that set 2 sup /#l(kx (d:endng on /#2 (KX /#1 an(K Def,ne a for a cx)npact set K c S. /#l) such that for -1 -< sup /# (Kx-1). /#k ly-1 a- n an be a probablit9 measure Then there exists a compact other prbiltN sure on S. -/J2(K2 x (/2(1 /#1 -1 )). n. Then if k x n Therefore {an(K)} and sup aO Let (c). satsf,es condition -t We omit is a nonincreas,ng sequence. Define a(K) lim an(K a(K). K compact THEOREN 1. PROOF. 0 Suppose 0 < a(l+a)/z sup a pk(Zx-) for some K If S satisfies condition a. a 1. then either a 0 a n-k /# p K2x-1 n( Kx 0 1. For any compect set K there exists a k(K) such that a/2(1 suff,cientl large. 0 or a Then there exists an a such that to W /#1 k and 2 n-k /# 2 sup But then 1. 0 Appll,ng Le /#n(Kx-1) If n is cx (c) pn-k(Z2x-1 )). pn-k K2x- a(Z2) _( a 0 0w.(z-a) a for all x since a. ( lields the fact that AN EXTENSION OF A RESULT OF CSISZAR Therefore ((K) <_ (x(i+)12. conclude that 0 or (0 (x Since K 31 arbitrarg we have a contradiction. is We !. 0 QED Beore proceed,rig we present an example. Define multiplication bg r-s topolc. subset of S. Let S [0.) Let K max(r.s). w,th the usual [O.n] be a Kx-I O= { 0K xx _< nn and /jn(Kx-1 { W{K) n Therefore I p has compact support then I. 0 x n x _< n. Otherwise. 0 O. MATRIX SEMIGROUPS 3. Let S be the set of all m x m matrlces wlth probabilltg measure S such that the support of p generates a subsemigroup S Deflne G the usual topology. subgroup of S. O. S (X We consider the case where O sl: that a 0 O or If locall ct. then we need defined on We assume S has Then O forms a of O generated Therefore we assume O 1. aO ls p(O) of S. X is nonsingular). S We want to consider the subgroup O topologlca! subgrOllp of S. " ccct Then Then O onl appl 1. M(G) b the set becomes a Csiszar [1] to Define a measure on O such that p(B F G)/p(G) or B H’(B) Then ; (p’)2(B) p’(BX S. p’(dX) S o P(Bx- o o)/p(o) ’(dx) O p(BX-1 1/p(O) Ho Bx -1) = F O)/p(O) p(dx) Therefore. -1 (p.)2(B) If x (G then (B (p,)2(B) I/p(O) O)x -I 2 O. I/p(O) #2((B F G)x Thereore 2 p((B n s (B n o)(o, Bg an induction argument. (w,)n(B) (dx). (B n G)//J(G) n. (dx) 32 P. B. CERRITO DeF;ne the following notation: sup l=m sup KcO n xC-.G sup sup lzm n KeG sup 0 or a g [sup /jn(Kx-1)]//J(G)n. xeS n Since a (/2’)n(Kx -1 xeS lim n Kc-G (’)n(Kx-t) g BI Csiszar’s result It For groups, either However. 1. /#n(Kx -1) ]/p(G) n llm[sup ThzS is only possible if lira assume that K is a sup Wn(Kx -1) 0 For any K c O. HenceForth. we coct set cons]st,ng oF singular matr,ces. We w,ll also -1 exclude the zero matrlx from our d,scusslon since 0 0 S reduces the problem to a triviality and it s obvious that a a 0 sup Im sup KcS n xeS xO We glve an exanple. 1/m. Then n+l (Zx-) p K(Yn..-ytx) where Wlj -1 e K(y n (Zij) I. Hence for any 0 [0.l/m). everl entrtj in X is contained Wll wlm wml Wnn ccct O. K) 0 mn-16n for all mn-ln zij e K set and j. Therefore for . so that as n zij 0 for all set K. /n(Kx-l) 1. ,n the and 0 n By a similar argument, if ever N then a nonnective I P(K(Yn’’’Ylx)-I)/J(cIJI)’’’U(dIn) (zS:ZYn-..ytx llX lim (x consists oF matr,ces wth has mininl value Z and Suppose S / yn-..yl x where (Kx). For any X e S entries such that where 6 n / That is. we define 1. 0 entrN of X S is contained in AN EXTENSION OF A RESULT OF CSISZAR order to state a mre general result, Let notation. zk necessary to it is define some Let ldempotent matrzx of rank K. be the dzagona! Then $ "tln 33 _Wlj n 0 0 n-1 where j(1...-.m and Wjn w We need to conslder the represents the product of n real numbers. zjn dlstrzbution of $ W n ,jn (I where j 2 ..-.m Let F ). be the ,jn J d,str,butzon funct,on of the random variable W 1.2.--..m: ,in j n 1.2,....m .. mag applg the matrices then we array {W,jn )3 n for THEOREM Z. cond,t 6 the Lzndberg-Feller Theorem [2] to the double every Suppose the {W sat,sf defined above jn jn the followng ons for each I. If If we assume ndependence between the entr,es in 1.2.... 2 E(W g2 dF 0 for then a By PROOF: everg j.n. <_ M) ever ,. nl converges . Therefore for n and II for all /(x Ig21 8 for each I. 0 the Lindberg-Feller Theorem. S standard normal for where e 0 as 11 KI, (xij): xj1-..Jnll Therefore [-I.I,,]} J xtjSni _< w (x: 12 xij l" -< K for all j)(1 -e) for in distrlbutlon to the sufflcently large. /(x: az.z J) m )(K.). >_ ( Mote that k" everl n. 0 where the ntegral is taken over the set 0 as n P(JSn, for Var(Wijn) nds onl on the ce o M and K and t on the cice o n. it s clr tt incrse S we g al let k Therefore as K 0 sup im n( It ,s clr that ndtons Var(W jn J M for QED 1. () and M and (w jk (2) be relaxed for all k tt P. B. CERRITO 34 We suppose present an example, Sp x x2 x3 x4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 of the measure support the x R E Then x 0 0 0 0 0 0 Therefore we need onltj be concerned wth the probability dxstrxbuton of the Suppose X.. corner element. xJ I/2) P(Xij Then 0 and E(X J ..x var(Xtjx2j P(Xij wj zxj. 1j2 zx1jx2j’ n. 0 and E(XljX2j..-Xnj j j 2XljX2j..-Xnj. E(WIjn) O AlsO dFljn(g above theorem, aO The Case Jhere a Also for an 9 9. Define Ulj n 4. I/2 for all i. =-I/2) I/4. Var(Xij I/4. nj a random variable such that ts j 1.2.-...4 0 if n s n-1 Then and var(Uljn) sufficientIN BN the larcje. I. 0 If clear that for an sequence ..(an). n p converges vagueIN to 8n Therefore we concentrate on the case where second countable. Hausclorff LEMMA 2. that for any If 0 a ct. semgroup and S is abetan then there exists a 0 zero measure. Let S be a locally i. aO the there exzsts a ct set K such that sequence {x n such __un(KXn-I) a for at! n. PROOF: n. For I/2 there exists $mlarly. for each a n sequence Therefore there exists a (KaXna sO there -I a. $nce must exzst w e a K (Xn} I/2 there exists a {K2x n such that K and a a I/2. the sets -I such that 2 {Zxr K2xn-I -1 ). and sup n @n(K2x-t (K2x n sequence KaXncx I/2 for all I/2 for all (Xncx) n. such that cannot be disjoint Ths ples that AN EXTENSION OF A RESULT OF CSISZAR x K w na y E a K x -I c -I zz" yx n e Z’Xn and Therefore K Ka[Ka(K2xl)] aK-(K2Xn -1)-1 z Also -1 -1 y Then n Ka. Ka yz Ka( K2x n (Ka2)-IK 2K a K and 2 (Za2%,- 1Ka2K2. pn(KaXn-1 y e ((Ka c Ka{Ka( K2x n so there exists z 11 Suppose )] -I -I K (Kzx n a K2Xn-1 Ka2K2" implies there exists z’ (yz)(zz’)(Z’Xn) Therefore 2. -I x ana 35 -1Ka2K2Xn-I ). 2 such that such that Slnce S s abellan. By redeflning K to be a for all n. QED group we can If $ ,s a Uk+l k 6 n x u Uk+2 n-k 6 n 6 H -1 nlng tn a semtgroup and the u "s st sen .(Xn Un an such tt for x n (Zx then )S k u n of )S s k seguence. of th,s n Uo(Ka U Kae o(Zs) Z prov,d such tt 0 an lmit ,ntlt en elnt sets fln in S and s ntain in S. of resct to G. for anN a. [] can n lnt o --(KXn-1 ntained In S. the reactive w,th Le 2 there exists Let AI b alied l %o his s ve k u ((Ka U s an abelan nverse sigro. or an x F provided then we can flne u u $ S there exists a U K n (Za n 6 x e e. Fe Therefore all llmt po,nts unite x" S such p n-1 6 x e IF S ntains a minil with x n ae) Kj) (Xne )-I ’>(Jn-) S Is a A tural orrlng n be Fn on the x’. elents of S: e n x let b srt wzth srt O "s are therefore be nsder a sure on S. x and x’xx’ ,tent e K pn (Kx n n Next nsder the case where itent for the since the t is al clr tt that xx’x )O n other wa N. Then be a prbllt sure and Csiszar ntaned n S and s,group -1 Therefore a Then n (Kx and ever )G. (Zx Uk +I lnt -1 pn((Kx-t)G ). pn((Kx-t)S n c (Kx where the x n Unfortutel 6 x -1 s x n If we write Of O. x to a there exists a g ass tt H Is a sure deflned in G is well fined in O ,f we 6 p -1 x [1] s edble n an abelan group O. Supse We 6 flned In n a p -1 n-1 Then we can apply Cslszar deflned In lem%a 2. n deflne u ;o a, n. of n YR are probabl,ty measures. 0 e. Then P. B. CERRITO 36 If product a $ contains nunC>er of ldempotents, sag e fin,re Therefore Csiszar is minimal in S. ele2.’’en then the 1.e 2.-..,en [I] can be a[:)lied to ang abellan nverse semlgroup with a fnlte number of dempotents. Suppose nstead that S Is an inverse semigroup such that the set of idempotents can be ordered is. suppose s the following manner: in Let x an w-semlgroup. is Gven ang x detlned in lenm%a 4 the b there exists some e > j 6 n /J x n -1 I n n-X u n n 2 n lm gk J J sequence {Xn) e n e J if If n n j x. e. n n u Ow n Bg CsIszar [1] PROOF. n n K. gi That n or for all j such that e Xil .x,2 S sat lsfg,ng the hgpotheses of Cslszar such that for each > is true then S has a m,nimal Idempotent. (a) Uk+l gk n j n-1 THEOREM 3. e x x nn j not. there exists a subsequence x 0 Delne u f2 f! and consider the n such that e. If there exlsts some n for which > ether n x idetent x jj a. f0 0 f0 n is a sequence of pr(X>ab, litg masures on then there exists a [I] sequence (Wn) in S converges vaguelg to a probabil,tg measure as sequence o ,ntegers there exists a such that A k lm k and k n where the limits are defined with . probab, l,tg measure for all k respect to the vague topolog9 and k is Idempotent and k Also k a is k k k k for all K. The H denote the support of is k. a Haar ,asure on H and H Since S s abelan. H is a is a group. Furthermore. Is k ct group The remainder of the proof, dealing with the choice of a suitable {Wn}, Let support of ang idempotent probabltg measure Is con01etelg simple. gute slmlar to the argument in Cslszar [4] sequence and will be cnItted. QED We define a If $ lim n is n gO n x w n n x where embeddable or an inverse n w lim n n a k n 0 Is defined In lemm 2 and semgroup w n s deflned above. with a minimal ioempotent then which is a probabiltg ,L=asure. 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