(C.I.M.E.) SOLVABILITY OF INVARIANT DIFFERENTIAL OPERATORS ON HOMONOGEOUS MANIFOLDS S. Helgason Varenna. August 25 /September 2, 1975 -282S. Helgason SOLVABILITY OF INVARIANT DIFFERENTIAL OPERATORS ON HOMOGENEOUS MANIFOLDS Sigurdur Helgason MIT Cambridge Mass . §1 . Introduction and summary . Over a 100 years ago S . Lie [18] raised the following question: Given a differential equation, how can knowledge about its invariance group be utilized towards its solution? Special case . ~ = (*) dx in the plane, group Consider the differential equation cj>t Y(x,y) X(x,y) It is called stable under a one- parameter (t E ffi) the integral curves of diffeomorphisms if each <Pt permutes (all concepts are here local) . Example . The left hand side represents the tangent of the angle between the radius vector and the integral curve . Thus the equation shows that the integral curves intersect each circle x 2 + y 2 = r 2 under a fixed angle . Hence the group -283S. Helgason of rotations around the origin permutes the integral curves, i.e., leaves the equation, stable. For a one-parameter group in the plane let Up = U denote the induced vector field [·d ~ t • P)J a = ~(p)~x C dt Theorem (Lie). t=O o + a n(p)~Y o Equation(*) is stable under Z = x-l ax + y_l ay only - if the vector field [U,Z] = t..Z In this case equation of transformations (~t) (Xn - Y~)-l (>.. p ~ JR 2 • (~t) if and satisfies a function) is an integrating factor for the Xdy - Ydx = 0. Thus knowing a stability group for a differential equation provides a way to solve it. For the example above the equation is stable under the group $t(x,y) = (x cos t - y sin t, x sin t + y cos t) for which u = - a a Yax + xay and the theorem gives the solution In spite of extensions of this theorem to higher order partial differential equations these methods have had -284S. Helgason a limited influence on the general theory of differential equations. Nevertheless, Lie ' s question has been of enormous importance in mathematics, in fact leading to the theory of Lie groups. Aiming for less generality we can pose a few problems in Lie's spirit. Let being a closed subgroup of ~ G/H be a coset space, Lie group differential operator on the manifold invariant under G D(f for all g T(g):xH ~ origin eH A. c T(g)) = (Df) o of of G/H G/H . T(g) o T(g) T o Is Let on G/H which is f 00 i C (G/H) o denote the D D, i.e., a such that o, locally solvable, i.e., is for some neighborhood Is be a We can then ask the following questions. denoting the delta-distribution at D D denoting the translation onto itself. DT = C. G/H Does there exist a fundamental solution for dist~ibution B. and let in the sense that G, the mapping gxH G H V of o? globally solvable, i.e., is DC""(G/H) = c""(G/H) ? o on G/H? -285S . Helgason Let D(G/H) denote the algebra of all G- invariant differential operators o~ G/H. group of translations of Rn For example, if and H = {0} G then is the D(G/H) consists of all differential operators with constantv coefficients; by results of Ehrenpreis and Malgrange, questions A) case . E) and C) have positive answers in this We shall see however that in general the answers depend on the space G/H . We shall now survey - in chronological order - some of the principal results which have been obtained for the questions above. First if X = G/K is a symmetric space of the noncompact type (i.e . , G noncompact, connected semisimple with finite center and K a maximal compact subgroup) then as proved in [11] each D E D(G/K) has a fundamental solu- tion, and consequently, by convolution, solvable . Since in solving the equation by the K-invariance of B and o, assume D is locally DT = T o we may, to be K-invariant, the problem can be handled within Fourier analysis of K- invariant functions on X. solvability discussed later does not see~ The global to be accessible by this method . It was proved in Peetre [19] (cf . also Hormander [15] , p. 170) that a differential operator of constant strength is necessarily locally solvable . . Without entering into the precise definition, a differential operator of constant strength is in a certain sense a bounded perturba- -286- S. Helgason tion of a constant coefficient operator. One might wonder whether an invariant differential operator is not necessarily of constant strength. This can not be so because then it would be locally solvable and the operator which is essentially the non-locally solvable Levi-operator is (cf. [4]) a left invariant differential operator on the Heisenberg group x,y,zE,lR. Thus we see that answer. B has in general a negative In view of this, one can modify the problem and ask: For what Lie groups L are all left invariant differential operators (i.e., all members of solvable. D(L) = D(L/{e}) locally Using Hormander's necessary condition for the local solvability of a differential operator [15], p. 157, he, and independently order that each C~rezo-Rouvi~re D ( D(L) [4], proved that in should be locally solvable it is necessary and sufficient that the Lie algebra of L be either abelian or isomorphic to the algebra of n x n matrices where each row except the first is (and thus has 0 an abelian ideal of codimension 1). The contrast between this negative result for and the positive result for the symmetric space G/K L -287S. Helgason disappears when we view spaces. A coset space L in the context of symmetric ~lc ~·Lie (B group, C a closed subgroup) is called a symmetric coset space if there exists an involutive automorphism C. The spaces cr of B with fixed point set G/K considered above have this property. L as a homogeneous space under left and Now we consider right translations simultaneously, i.e., we let the product group L L x act on L by g The subgroup leaving e E L. fixed is the diagonal L* - L so we have the coset space representation L = (L Then the algebra the algebra L Z(L) X D(L x L/L*) L)/L*. is canonically isomorphic to of hi-invariant differential operators on and the natural problem becomes: locally (globally) solvable on Given DE Z(L), is it L? This problem was considered by Rals for simply connected nilpotent Lie groups D E Z(L) L. He proved that each has a fundamental solution and hence is locally solvable . The method is based on harmonic analysis on L. Shortly afterwards [13] I proved local solvability for each D E Z(L) for the case when L is semisimple. an easy consequence of a structure theorem of for the operators in analysis on L. Z(L) The proof was Harish~Chandra but did not require any harmonic -288 S . Helgason At about the same time I proved global solvability, 00 00 DC (G/K) = C (G/K) D for each invariant differential operator on the symmetric space G/K . The proof [13] is based on a characterization of the image of transform on C~(G/K) under the Radon G/K . What about global solvability on L? A remarkable example of Cerezo-Rouviere [5] shows that for any complex semisimple Lie group L there exists an element which is not globally solvable . This w w € Z(L) can be taken as the imaginary part of the complex Casimir operator on L L. viewed as a real Lie group has a Casimir operator which they showed, using harmonic analysis on solvable . But C L, is globally This global solvability was more recently proved by Rauch- Wigner [21], for all non compact real semisimple Lie groups methods . L, with finite center, using entirely different The main step in their proof is verifying that no null bicharacteristic of C lies over a compact subset of G. The case of a solvable Lie group left out . found by has so far been Rais' method for the nilpotent case was extended by Duflo - Rals [7] to solvable D € Z(L) L i s locally solvable . Rouvi~re L and they proved that each An alternative proof was [22], modifying in an interesting manner methods which Hormander had introduced for constant coefficient operators . His method, being local, does not give the supplementary result of [7] that if exponential solvable Lie group then D L is an has a fundamental -289S . Helgason solution . The results I have quoted on the Lie groups on the symmetric space G/K L and suggest the following more general question. Let B/C be a symmetric coset space and B- invariant differential operator on it . Is D D a necessarily locally solvable? §2 . Solvability results. Indications of proofs. We shall now indicate the proofs of the principal results already stated. We emphasize that the proofs of Theorems 1 - 5 are quite independent and socan be read in any order. We have already mentioned the fact that a leftinvariant differential operator on the Heisenberg group is not necessarily locally solvable . In order to describe the proof of Rais ' positive result for nilpotent groups I recall the main results from harmonic analysis on nilpotent Lie groups [17] . Let ~ be a simply connected nilpotent Lie group , its Lie algebra ; sentati6~ ~· G G acts on and by duality on To each fE representation ~* rrf OJ-*, ~ via the adjoint repre - the dual vector space to is associated a unitary irreducible as follows : Let H be a closed connected subgroup with the property that its Lie algebra -290- S. Helgason ·"9 f( [~ ,~]) satisfies = 0. with these properties. of xf(exp X) nf = e 2nlf(X) , nf ·f 1 , f 2 E ·Of*, nf "" G, and then nf Xr · H; are unitarily 2 fl G actin.g on '}* . identified with of G induced by is independent of · the choice of equivalent if and only. if orbit· of T by denote the representation of It is known that moreover if H of maximum 'dime!"lsion Then we can define a homomorphism into the circle group H and let Ass.ume f Thus the orbit space 0}*/G the· dual spac·e of is a distribution on are in the same 2 G The character G. is Tf (Dixmier [6]) which is given by the formula (1) where denotes the Euciidean Fourier transform and a G-invariant measure on the orbit Plancherel formula: G• f. there exists a measure on tJ* IG ( 2) 0 ~ o denoting the orbit G•f , Using (2) and (1) for exp = ·ll' . we get for a Haar measure is Finally there is a such that f ~ df on OJ* -291S. Helgason 1~ .(f)df =I~*Ia ri.a •f•<f')dp(f'))dA(fo) . (3) a For s g;eneral Lie algebra S(~) of the symmetric algebra enveloping algebra s( tn) = tn . (m a action of onto th~ U(,). U(Uj) E U(,); s z+, X~ Of). OJ there is a bijection onto the universal is determined by the property Also s commutes with the so maps the ring of a-invariants ring of a-invariants in I(CJ} C S(Oj) U(Oj), the center Z(Oj> of Recall now that in terms of differential operators, = D(a) and Z("J) = Z(a). eigend1str1but1on of each The character' Tf is an Z E Z(a) (4) and the eigenvalue evaluated at Z(f) is just the polynomial s- 1 (Z) f. Let us also recall the following general fact ([2], [3], [20]): En. <P + Let Then if Re s > 0, 1Plfl.n 8 (x)Hx)dx P > 0 P8 be a positive polynomial on defines a distribution on Rn, the mapping meromorphic function on s + ps extends to a c with values in the space s I (E~) of tempered distribution on lRn' and the poles occur among the numbers on (5) P). -1/N, -2/N, ... Moreover (N being an integer depending -292- S. Helgason This can be used to construct a fundamental solution for a constant coefficient differential operator Taking Fourier transform f + f we have D on mn: (Df)- = Pf where P is a polynomial, which we may assume positive, replacing D by DD 1 if necessary (*=adjoint). The tempered distribution then satisfies s = -1. we get T1 * Ts = Ts+l Expanding Ts which is holomorphic near in a Laurent series near this point Ts Iak(s+l)k where each ak is a distribution. -r The relation above then gives T 1 a = o and up to a 0 1 is a fundamental solution for D. factor, We can now prove the following result (cf. [20]). Theorem l. Each bi-invariant differential operator nilpotent Lie group G We may assume notation above. Z on a is locally solvable. G Replacing simply connected and use the Z by ZZ we may assume the A polynomial P = Z(f) the distribution ~ + in (4) to be positive. (Z•~)(e) (• =adjoint). Let ~ denote Then by (2) - ( 4) ( 6) In analogy with Ts above we define ~s for Re s > 0 by -293- S. Helgason By the result about P quoted, s extends to a s meromorphic d i stribution-valued function on C and by (5) ~ ~ and ( 6), ~l = ~ . Moreover , by (l) and (3), ( 7) whence b 0 z~s = ~s+l' i.e ., in the Laurent series ~ ~s * ~s = ~s+l " 00 Again the term L bk(s+l) k gives a -r fundamental solution for .. Z. Duflo and Rais [7] extepded this argument to solvable groups giving . Theorem 2 . A hi-invariant differential operator D on a solvable Lie group is locally solyable. A completely different proof was found by We sketch his argument below . [22] . x1 , Let and let l < j by Rouvi~re < n . . . , Xn be a bas i s of any Lie algebra denote the derived algebra let aj [~, '}] . denote the endomorphism of '1' For any U(~) j1 given -294- S. Helgason ( 8) Lemma 1 . Assume and Xj ~ DOf· is a derivation of Then aJ z<<J ) c z cop . In fact the restriction of on IR and extends to a derivation T(~) . Since d d([1,qJ) = 0 induces a derivation of immediately by induction, so X€ OJ , Z E. Z(Op and U(,) . to d or + vanishes IR of the tensor algebra d(X ® Y- Y ®X)= 0 Then (8) follows for d = aj . d Finally, if then so Remark. The proof in [22] is quite different and proceeds by showing that in a suitable neighborhood of e in G, (9) where e. is a suitably chosen function which vanishes at This will be used below . Next we have the general identity for the 12 ~P ' uU 2 = - (P ' u,fPu) + (P*u,f(P ' ) *u) - (P *u,(P") *u) ·+ ([P * ,P']u,fu) norm, -295S. Helgason on an open set differential operator on P' = [P,f], = P" f E c""(u), u E cJ(u) U C G, U with adjoint [P' ,f] . P*, where PE Using this on any P z<op, = fj f in (9) we get easily by Lemma 1 and (9) where C m of P = supjfj I . This implies by induction on the order ( 10) Lemma 2. P $ Let Z(Dr~). r be an integer and +0 Q and a neighborhood II Qu II e 5., II Pu II u E. C~(U) . for all This is proved by induction on comes from (10) and Lemma 1 . = dim ~ - dim Then D~. p nonzero derivative of Then U of such that G ( 11 ) j Z(~), P € Then there exists an operator Q E Z(Dr~) 1\ Z(Dr-l~), in > 1 Q E. z<op and the passage from the analytic group to H The case and we take for Q a of maximal order in r+l so Q E Z(OJ-} A -b r = 1 = DrOJ· yields (11) after some analysis on the factor group G is solvable let For Z(D, . one uses the case C G with Lie algebra Now if the group r = 1 In fact, let j > 1 Q E. U(DOj) r r. r on This G/H. be such -296S. Helgason that DrGf = {O} so Z(Dr~) = c. Then Lemma 2 gives an inequality Jl u II ~ C IIPu II which as well known [14] implies local solvability, i . e., Theorem 2. Next we consider the semisimple case . Here we have by [10]' Theorem 3. Each hi-invariant differential operator semisimple Lie group G is locally solvable . u, For this let of 0 Cf in such that be a connected open neighborhood exp onto an open neighborhood is a diffeomorphism of UG of e assume, as we can (cf . [9]) that u,. that is, for each compact subset cc Cl(Ad(G) • C) C U,. Let D on a n in G. In addition we is completely invarian~ UOJ-' the closure denote the Jacobian of the exponential mapping, i . e . , -ad X 1 n ( x) = det ( - :d x· ) Then according to Harish-Chandra there exists a specific Ad( G) - invariant differential operator Pn on 't with constant coefficients such that (Df) (12) whenever f is a o exp 00 C = n- l/ 2pD (n 112 f function on under inner automorphisms . o exp) UG' locally invariant (This formula is proved in [9] - 297 _:__ S. Helgason by computing the radial parts of the operators D and p0 ; for an analogous global formula for the symmetric space G/K (with G complex) see [11]). Denoting by A the mapping we have by (12), ( 13) If tions on G is compact, the Ad(G)-invariant distr!bu - form in a natural way the dual to the space of Ad(G) - invariant functions in C~(U~) . The adjoint of A is 112 s)exp, the image of the distribution given by A*S (n n1 1 2s under exp, so by (13) if S is an Ad(G) - invariant distribution on U~. Harish- Chandra proved ([8], [9), p .· 477), that (14) is true even i f G is noncompact; since the process of averaging over G is not available, entirely different methods are required. (p 0 *)* take has a fundamental solution on ~ Ad(G) - invariant (cf . the construction of Theorem 1) . on S UG' DT which we may a0 before Using (14) we get a fundamental solution for = o, and Theorem 3 follows by convolution. Global solvability does not in general hold in Theorem 3 as shown by the following example of Cerezo Rouviere [5) . Let Now G be a complex semisimple Lie group, D -298S. Helgason K a maximal compact subgroup and Lie algebras. Then structure of~· OJ = ~ + Let (Ti) OJ, {l J-k. where their respective J is the complex be a basis of~. orthonormal forthe negative of the Killing form, and put w = L (JTi)·Ti· i Then if [T,Ti] =}: cijTJ' where TE-i, (cij) is skew j so [T,w] = L [T,JTi].Ti i + (JTi).[T,T 1 J = = = Similarly w L cij(JTJ)·Ti- L cij(JTJ)•Ti i,j i,j =0 [JT,w] = L Ti(JTi). Thus since w w = 0. can also be written is a hi-invariant differential i operator on G. Since it annihilates all G which are right invariant under C® functions on K it is not globally solvable. Nevertheless we have by [5] for complex [21] for real Theorem 4 . Let G and by G, G be a connected noncompact semisimple Lie group with finite center . Then the Casimir operator C is globally solvable . This follows from general results of Hormander [16] once the following three facts have been established [21]. -299S. Helgason c (I) (II) For any compact set r C G there exists another compact set r' r Int f' C on and if such that C G u e E'(G) (distributions supp(Cu)C r with compact support) with G supp u c f'. then (III) c""(a). c is one-to-one on c No null characteristic of compact subset of lies over a G. The Holmgren uniqueness theorem implies for the C that if a hyper-surface analytic operator non-characteristic at x0 then a solution which vanishes on one side of hood of in S u S in to G is Cu =0 must vanish in a neighbor- This implies (I) and .(II) without G. difficulty because it is easy to determine plenty of noncharacteristic surfaces for C. In order to describe the proof of (III) let us recall a few facts concerning null bicharacteristics. Let If (x 1 , ... ,xn) M be a manifold, its cotangent bundle. is a local coordinate system on is a local coordinate system T*(M). T*M (x 1 , •.. M then ,xn'~l'''''~n) on The two-form n S) = r d~ i " 1 dxi is called the canonical 2-form on T*M. It has the property - 300 -S . Helgason that if ~ is a diffeomorphism of diffeomorphism of T*M Given a 1 - form on on w let X (cf . e . g . [1], p . 97) . denote the vector field w T*M given by rl(• X)= w( • ) (15) ' w w = Eaidxi + Ebjd~j If (16) If n preserves T*M M then the lifted w = df 2Xw = where f • then a a Ebiaxi - Eaja~j 00 EC (T*M) then Xdf Hamiltonian vector field; the function f be constant on the integral curves of Xdf ' (x 1 (t), . .. ,~n(t)) is an integral curve of is called a is easily seen to In fact, if Xdf then by (16), 1 af 2 n-' k so In particular, let symbol of c:T*G ~m be the principal if C, i . e ., metric tensor determined by the Killing form . is the The b i characteristics of c curves in to the Hamiltonian vector field T*G - ( 0) I f the constant value of is are by definition the integral c on an integral curve of xdc ' xdc 0 , this curve is called a null bicharacteristic . By the invariance property of n stated above it -301- S. Helgason n, is clear that Since is hi-invariant on C function on T*G. as a 2-form on . T*G, is hi-invariant. T*G so Xdc G, c is a hi-invariant is a hi-invariant vector field on Using in addition the fact that Xdc is Hamiltonian the authors prove that its integral curves have the form y(t) = (a exp tX, wa exp tX) where w and Now suppose y a left invariant 1-form on G. is a null bicharacteristic for lying over a compact subset of G. C Then the same is true of the curve y (t) = (exp tX, w ) exp tX 0 so group c =0 c(y 0 (t) K of G. and exp tX But then lies in a maximal compact sub- B(X,X) < 0 implies easily that is strictly negative on y , which is a contradiction. 0 Finally, we have by [11] and [13], Theorem 5. Let X compact type, D = G/K be a symmetric space of the non- a G-invariqnt differential operator on X. Then (i) D has a fundamental solution. (ii) D is g~obally solvable. This theorem can be proved either by means of the Fourier transform on on X. X or by means of the Radon transform After (i) is proved, (ii) follows on the basis of general functional analysis methods provided one can prove for each ball B C X: -302- S. Helgason f ( C~(X), (17) supp(Df)~B -1> supp(f)C B. Here risupp" stands for "support". We now sketch how (i) and (17) can be proved by X. means of the Radon transform on Iwasawa decomposition of G where A horocycle in a point in X under a subgroup of A is abelian and N G conjugate to N. The G permutes the horocycles transitively; more precise~O ly, if denotes the horocycle then each horocycle ~ = origin in X) = ka·~o where m in the centralizer M of A in of all horocycles is naturally Thus the space manifold of (o k £ K is unique up to a right multi- plication by an element identified with N•o can be written ~ a£ A is unique and K. be an X is by definition an orbit of nilpotent. group G = KAN Let (K/M) x A. Each horocycle X so inherits a volume element the Radon transform of a function f(~) = f on ~ is a subdcr from X; X is defined by Jr(x)dcr(x), ~ whenever this integral exists. differential operator D on the manifold (Dr)" (18) moreover fl There exists a G-invariant = B? fEC~(X); has the form (19) where such that k E K,a € A), P is a translation-invariant differential operator on the Euclidean space A (cf. [10], §4-5). Thus the Radon -303S. Helgason transform converts the operator ent differential operator . al solution for D into a constant coeffici - This principle gives a fundament- D by a method similar to the one used for Theorem 3 (cf . [11]) . In order to use this principle to deduce (17) the following lemma is decisive . Lemma 3. that B. Let f( 0 = 0 Then E f C~(X) and B C X a closed ball. whenever the horoc;Ycle No~ R denote its radius. d(o~ka·~ (18) and (19) and denoting distance . B. B supp(Df) centered at ~ 0 ) ! d(o,a•o) =0 Pa(f(ka · ~ 0 )) d is disjoint from vanishes identically outside f To verify (17) we may assume Let ~ if Assume o. B implies by that d(o,a•o) > R, But the function a -+ f(ka · ~ 0 ) has compact support so by the Lions - Titchmarsh convexity theorem 0 =0 f(ka · ~ ) we conclude that Lemma 3 implies supp(f) if <: BR(Q) d(o,a•o) > R. But then so (17) is verified, proving Theorem 5. Plausible as Lemma 3 looks, its proof (cf. [13]) is too technical to describe here. Instead, I.sketch a prodf of the analogue of Lemma 3 for mn . Here the Radon transform F of a function F(~) is defined by JF(x)dcr(x), £: being an arbitrary hyperplane and dcr (20) ; F(x) element on it. = being the surface -304S. Helgason Lemma 4. 00 Let FE C (Rn) (i) For each integer satisfy the conditions: k > 0, F(x)lxlk is bounded. (ii) There exists a constant F(~) = 0 A d(O,~) > A, for such that d denoting distance. Then Ixi F vanishes identically outside the ball < A. Proof (cf. [12]). function, i.e., Suppose first F(x) = ~(jxj) Then there exists an even function $(d(0,0) = F(O. ~ is a radial ~ E C (R) where A F 00 £ is even. 00 C (R) such that Now (20) takes the form is the area of the unit sphere in 'R n-1 • By a n-1 simple change of variables (21) is transformed into Abel's where A integral equation and is inverted by where c is a constant. -1\ 0 < u < A so· Now by (ii), 1 ~(s- ) lemma for the case when 0 F for for 0 < s < A- 1 , proving the is radial. Consider now the general case. consider the function ~(u- 1 ) = 0 Fix x ~ Rn and -- 305- S. Helgason = J( n F(x+k • y)dk, y € 1R , O(n) where dk group O{n); gx(y) center x is the normalized Haar-measure on the orthogonal is the average of IYI. and radius gx(~) on the sphere with We have F(x+k·~)dk, J = F O(n) x+k·~ where k·~ is the hyperplane translated by x. Clearly d(O,x+k·~) ~ d(O,~) - so if d(O,~) > lxl + A lxl gx(~) = 0. we have is a But radial function so by the first part of the proof, IYI for This means that if S ~ lxl + A. is a sphere with surface element dw then JF ( s ) dw ( s ) (22) = 0 s if S encilioses the solid ball -, radius A), Lemma F E C~(Rn) Let F(x) lxlk is bounded. BA ( 0). BA(O) . (with center 0 and 4 will therefore follow from another lemma. Lemma 5. solid ball BA(O) Assume (22) whenever Then k ~ 0, such that for each F S encloses the vanishes identically outside -306- S. Helgason The idea for proving this is to perturb (22) a bit and ~1fferentiate S in with respect to the parameter of perturbation, thereby obtaining additional relations. S = SR(x) and BR(x) I the corresponding ball, then by (22), F(y)dy = I F(y)dy Rn BR(x) so a! J F(y)dy = o, i BR(x) that is (23) Using the divergence theorem on the vector field V(y) = F(y)ei we obtain from (23) I F(x+s).:i dw(s) = 0. SR(O) Combining this with (22) we deduce I SR(x) By iteration If F(s)sidw(s) = 0. -307- S. Helgason J F(s)p(s)dw(s) = 0 SR(x) if p(s) Remark. is an arbitrary polynomial, so the lemma follows . The funct i on F( z) = k1 (z E C) smoothed out z near the origin satisfies (by Cauchy's theorem) assumption (ii) in Lemma 4 . Similar remark Thus condition (i) cannot be weakened. applies to Lemma 5. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. R. Abraham, Foundations of Mechanics, W.A. Benjamin, New York, 1967 . 2. M. Atiyah , Resolution of singularities and division of distributions, Comm . Pure Appl. Math . 23 (1970) , 145-150. 3. I . N. Bernstein and S.I. Gelfand, .. . The meromorphic function PA. Funkcional Analz . Vol. 3 (1969), 84 - 85 . 4. A. Cerezo and F . Rouviere, R~solubilite locale d'un operateur differential invariant du premier ordre . Ann . Sci . Ecole Norm . Sup . 4 (1971), 21 - 30 . 5. A. Cerezo and R. Rouviere , Operateurs differentiels invariants sur un groupe de Lie . Seminaire -308S. 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