Seminary Degree Options Master of Divinity (M.Div.) The M.Div. program is the foundational professional degree for ministry. It is designed to prepare students for a variety of ministries such as parish ministry, various types of chaplaincy, mission work at home and abroad, and other forms of church vocation. The M.Div. program is also designed to prepare students for graduate study in theology and related disciplines. 1. Calvin offers a. 2. Duke offers: a. 3. Fuller offers: a. b. Areas of focus: i. Ancient Context of the Old Testament ii. Anglican Studies iii. Children at Risk iv. Christian Ethics v. Church in Contemporary Culture vi. De Pree Emphasis in Leadership vii. Islamic Studies viii. Recovery Ministry ix. Theology and the Arts x. US Military Chaplaincy xi. Worship Music Ministry xii. Worship, Theology, and the Arts xiii. Youth, Family, and Culture 4. Gordon-Conwell offers: a. 5. Princeton offers: a. aspx?menu_id=142&id=1679&admpg=4715 6. Western offers: a. Joint M.Div. and Master in Social Work Program The M.Div.-MSW Dual track degree program can prepare you for professional ministry where Christian theology and faith meet the pain and struggle of human life. You will learn to integrate the theory, knowledge, and skills required of pastors and social workers as they seek to be instruments of grace and peace. 1. Princeton offers: a. aspx?menu_id=142&id=1679&admpg=4715 2. Western offers: a. Master of Theological Studies (M.T.S.) The Master of Theological Studies (M.T.S.) is an academic program that is designed either for those who intend to go on for further academic studies or for those who desire a strong theological education for various vocational goals. Possible vocations include teaching, theological research, and editing. 1. Calvin offers: a. 2. Duke offers: a. Master of Theology (Th.M) The Master of Theology (Th.M.) is a post-M.Div./M.T.S. degree program designed for advanced study and academic research in a specialized area of the theological curriculum. It gives seminary graduates the opportunity to extend their education in a particular field or to prepare for doctoral-level work. 1. Calvin offers a. b. Areas of specialization i. Old Testament ii. Ancient Near Eastern Languages and Literature iii. New Testament iv. History of Christianity v. Systematic Theology vi. Philosophical and Moral Theology vii. Pastoral Care viii. Pastoral Leadership ix. Preaching x. Worship xi. Evangelism xii. Educational Ministry 2. Duke offers: a. 3. Fuller offers: a. b. Areas of Focus: i. Ancient Context of the Old Testament ii. Ancient Near Eastern Studies iii. Anglican Studies iv. Biblical Studies v. Children at Risk vi. Christian Ethics vii. Church in Contemporary Culture viii. De Pree Emphasis in Leadership ix. International Development and Urban Studies x. Islamic Studies xi. Recovery Ministry xii. Theology and the Arts xiii. Worship Music Ministry xiv. Worship, Theology, and the Arts xv. Youth, Family, and Culture 4. Gordon-Conwell offers: a. b. Areas of Focus: i. Division of Biblical Studies ii. Division of Christian Thought iii. Division of Practical Theology 5. Princeton offers: a. x.aspx?menu_id=142&id=1679&admpg=4715 6. Western offers: a. Master of Arts (M.A.) The Academic Master of Arts degrees are intended for students who desire knowledge in a particular field and are not planning to enter into pastoral ministry. Typically, individuals enrolled in these programs plan to pursue university doctoral studies, or to serve as teachers or Christian leaders in other professions. The Professional Master of Arts degrees are intended for individuals who desire to prepare themselves for professional ministry in church or para-church contexts. 1. Calvin offers: a. b. Areas of Focus: i. Evangelism & Missions ii. Educational Ministries iii. Worship iv. Pastoral Care v. Youth & Family Ministries vi. Bible & Theology 2. Duke offers: a. M.A. in Christian Studies (M.A.C.S.) i. b. M.A. in Christian Practice (M.A.C.P.) i. 3. Fuller offers: a. M.A. in Family Studies (M.A.F.S.) i. b. M.A. in Theology (MAT) i. c. M.A. in Theology and Ministry (M.A.T.M.) i. d. M.A. in Martial and Family Therapy (M.S.M.F.T.) i. e. M.A. in Intercultural Studies (M.A.I.C.S.) i. f. Korean Language MA in Intercultural Studies i. g. M.A. in Global Leadership (M.A.G.L.) i. 4. Gordon-Conwell offers: a. M.A. in Old Testament (M.A.O.T.) i. b. M.A. in New Testament (M.A.N.T) i. c. M.A. in Biblical Languages (M.A.B.L.) i. d. M.A. in Church History(M.A.C.H.) i. e. M.A. in Theology (M.A.T.H.) i. f. M.A. in Ethics and Society (M.A.E.T.) i. g. M.A. in Biblical Studies (M.A.B.S.) i. h. M.A. in Christian Thought (M.A.C.T.) i. i. M.A. in Spiritual Formation (M.A.S.F.) i. j. M.A. in Christian Leadership (M.A.C.L.) i. k. Master of Arts in Urban Ministry Leadership (M.A.U.M.L.) i. l. M.A. in Educational Ministries (M.A.E.M.) i. m. M.A. in World Missions and Evangelism (M.A.M.E.) i. n. M.A. in Counseling (M.A.C.O.) i. o. M.A. in Christian Counseling (M.A.C.C.) i. p. M.A. in Religion (M.A.R.) i. q. M.A. in Religion—Workplace Theology, Ethics and Leadership (M.A.R.-W.T.E.L.) i. r. M.A. in Religion (Hispanic Ministries Program) i. s. M.A. in Christian Ministries (MACM) i. t. Online M.A. in Christian Ministries i. 5. Princeton offers: i. ndex.aspx?menu_id=142&id=1679&admpg=4715 Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) The Doctor of Philosophy degree equips scholars for teaching and research in colleges, theological seminaries and universities, as well as for general church leadership. 1. Calvin offers a. 2. Duke offers: a. 3. Princeton offers: a. aspx?menu_id=142&id=1679&admpg=4715 b. Areas of Focus: i. Biblical Studies 1. Old Testament ii. iii. iv. v. 2. New Testament History and Ecumenics 1. Church History and History of Doctrine Mission 2. Mission, Ecumenics, and History of Religions Theology 1. Systematic Theology 2. Philosophy and Theology 3. Christian Ethics 4. History of Doctrine Religion and Society Practical Theology 1. Christian Education 2. Pastoral Theology 3. Homiletics Doctor of Ministry (D.Min) Strengthen your practice of ministry by developing your capacity in critical biblical and theological reflection, reliable social research and cultural discernment, and missional vision and practice in ministry. 1. Fuller offers: a. 2. Gordon-Conwell offers: a. 3. Western offers: a. Doctor of Theology (Th.D) The PhD is the foundational degree program for teaching at a seminary, college or university. The PhD in Theology prepares students for a vocation in theological teaching and scholarship by equipping them with the essential tools for high-level scholarship, guiding them in a major research project in the area of their major concentration, and supporting the development of teaching skills. 1. Fuller offers: a. b. Areas of Concentration: i. Christian Ethics ii. Church History/Historical Theology iii. New Testament iv. Old Testament v. Philosophy/Philosophical Theology vi. Practical Theology vii. Theology (Systematic Theology) viii. Theology and Culture 2. Gordon-Conwell offers: a. 3. Princeton offers: a. aspx?menu_id=142&id=1679&admpg=4715 Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.) 1. Fuller offers: a. Clinical Psychology f_Psychology/ Certificates Certificate Programs provide an opportunity for church staff, volunteer ministry staff and other interested people to enhance their understanding and training. These are not degree programs, but courses of study intended for ministry and personal enrichment. The courses being offered in Certificate Programs are graduate level. 1. Calvin offers: a. Certificate in Ministry b. Certificate in Church Planting c. Certificate in Youth Ministry d. Certificate in Worship e. Certificate in Missions & Evangelism f. Certificate in Educational Ministries g. Certificate in Pastoral Care h. Certificate in Theology i. Certificate in English Bible 2. Duke offers: a. Certificate in Anglican Studies b. Certificate in Baptist Studies c. Certificate in Gender, Theology, and Ministry d. Certificate in Prison Studies 3. Fuller offers: a. Certificate in Anglican Studies b. Certificate of Christian Studies (SIS) c. Certificate of Christian Studies (SOT) d. e. f. g. h. i. j. Certificate in Recovery Ministry Certificate in Theology and the Arts Certificate of Youth Ministry Certificate of Youth Ministry: Young Life Concentration Certificate in Marriage and Family Enrichment Certificate of Christian Studies Certificate in Urban Youth Ministry i. ii. 4. Gordon-Conwell offers: a. Certificate in Christian Studies i. b. Urban Christian Streetworkers Certificate Program i. 5. Western offers: a. Urban Pastoral Ministry i. Diploma Programs Designed for lay people seeking to serve in Christian ministry, the Diploma Program provides a basic overview of theological education for holistic ministry in an urban context. The program provides the student with a basic overview of theological education for ministry and consists of nine (9) required courses and one (1) elective. The Diploma in Foundational Christian Studies may be applied toward coursework in one of the M.A. degrees or the M.Div. degree once a student is accepted to one of those degrees. 1. Calvin offers: a. Diploma in Ministry i. 2. Gordon-Conwell offers: a. Diploma in Christian Studies b. Diploma in Urban Ministry c. Life and Ministry Diploma i. ii. Other Degrees: Dallas Baptist University – Doctorate in Christian Leadership The Ph.D. in Leadership Studies is a minimum 60-hour research doctorate program. Students attend three monthly weekend seminars per semester and one summer institute per year. The institutes are 714 days and rotate from Dallas; Washington, DC; and Oxford, England. The program develops and enhances essential 21st century servant leadership competencies, including a broader global and cultural perspective as well as an emphasis on professional development as a leader. Concentrations are available in Business, Higher Education, Ministry, or General Leadership. The experienced faculty at the Gary Cook School of Leadership incorporates your particular interests and life experience to guide you to the next level of excellence in your chosen field. Gary Cook School of Leadership at Dallas Baptist University - Duke- Concentration in Christian Education The Concentration in Christian Education benefits persons seeking to practice as church educators, teachers, college chaplains, youth workers, or health care workers. Since educational ministry is rightly understood as organic to the church’s ministries of outreach, worship, mission, and nurture, persons called to parish ministry will find the concentration equally beneficial in preparing them for congregational leadership. In addition, the Master of Divinity degree with a concentration in Christian Education will satisfy ordination requirements for deacons and elders in the United Methodist Church AND qualify them for “certification” in areas of Christian Education. Students in the M.Div. program interested in the Concentration in Christian Education should declare that interest to the Office of Academic Formation and Programs (108 Gray). Fuller- The Master of Science in Marital and Family Therapy (MSMFT) provides Christian individuals with the professional training and clinical skills necessary for licensure or certification as a marital and family therapist. Students are challenged to integrate their therapeutic practice into a faith-filled theological vision of wholeness in human relationships.