United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service Forest Management Service Center Fort Collins, CO 2008 Southeast Alaska and Coastal British Columbia (AK) Variant Overview Forest Vegetation Simulator Revised: March 30, 2016 Sitka Ranger District, AK (Thomas Witherspoon, FS-R10) ii Southeast Alaska and Coastal British Columbia (AK) Variant Overview Forest Vegetation Simulator Compiled By: Chad E. Keyser USDA Forest Service Forest Management Service Center 2150 Centre Ave., Bldg A, Ste 341a Fort Collins, CO 80526 Authors and Contributors: The FVS staff has maintained model documentation for this variant in the form of a variant overview since its release in 1985. The original authors were Gary Dixon, Ralph Johnson, and Dan Schroeder. In 2008, the previous document was replaced with this updated variant overview. Gary Dixon, Christopher Dixon, Robert Havis, Chad Keyser, Stephanie Rebain, Erin Smith-Mateja, and Don Vandendriesche were involved with this update. Erin Smith-Mateja cross-checked information contained in this variant overview with the FVS source code. Current maintenance is provided by Chad Keyser. Keyser, Chad E. comp. 2008 (revised March 30, 2016). Southeast Alaska and Coastal British Columbia (AK) Variant Overview – Forest Vegetation Simulator. Internal Rep. Fort Collins, CO: U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Management Service Center. 40p. iii Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction................................................................................................................................ 1 2.0 Geographic Range ....................................................................................................................... 2 3.0 Control Variables ........................................................................................................................ 4 3.1 Location Codes ..................................................................................................................................................................4 3.2 Species Codes ....................................................................................................................................................................4 3.3 Habitat Type, Plant Association, and Ecological Unit Codes .............................................................................................5 3.4 Site Index ...........................................................................................................................................................................5 3.5 Maximum Density .............................................................................................................................................................6 4.0 Growth Relationships.................................................................................................................. 8 4.1 Height-Diameter Relationships .........................................................................................................................................8 4.2 Bark Ratio Relationships..................................................................................................................................................10 4.3 Crown Ratio Relationships ..............................................................................................................................................11 4.3.1 Crown Ratio Dubbing...............................................................................................................................................11 4.3.2 Crown Ratio Change ................................................................................................................................................13 4.3.3 Crown Ratio for Newly Established Trees ...............................................................................................................13 4.4 Crown Width Relationships .............................................................................................................................................14 4.5 Crown Competition Factor ..............................................................................................................................................15 4.6 Small Tree Growth Relationships ....................................................................................................................................16 4.6.1 Small Tree Height Growth .......................................................................................................................................16 4.6.2 Small Tree Diameter Growth ...................................................................................................................................18 4.7 Large Tree Growth Relationships ....................................................................................................................................18 4.7.1 Large Tree Diameter Growth ...................................................................................................................................19 4.7.2 Large Tree Height Growth .......................................................................................................................................22 5.0 Mortality Model ....................................................................................................................... 26 6.0 Regeneration ............................................................................................................................ 28 7.0 Volume ..................................................................................................................................... 30 8.0 Fire and Fuels Extension (FFE-FVS)............................................................................................. 32 9.0 Insect and Disease Extensions ................................................................................................... 33 10.0 Literature Cited ....................................................................................................................... 34 11.0 Appendices ............................................................................................................................. 37 11.1 Appendix A: Site Index Conversion Information ...........................................................................................................37 iv Quick Guide to Default Settings Parameter or Attribute Default Setting Number of Projection Cycles 1 (10 if using Suppose) Projection Cycle Length 10 years Location Code (National Forest) 1005 – Tongass National Forest: Ketchikan Area Slope 5 percent Aspect 0 (no meaningful aspect) Elevation 10 (100 feet) Latitude / Longitude Latitude Longitude All location codes 56 132 Site Species WH Site Index 80 feet (breast height age; 50 years) Maximum Stand Density Index Species specific Maximum Basal Area Based on maximum stand density index Volume Equations National Volume Estimator Library Merchantable Cubic Foot Volume Specifications: Minimum DBH / Top Diameter Hardwoods Softwoods All location codes 11.0 / 8.0 inches 9.0 / 6.0 inches Stump Height 1.0 foot 1.0 foot Merchantable Board Foot Volume Specifications: Minimum DBH / Top Diameter LP All other species All location codes 8.0 / 6.0 inches 9.0 / 6.0 inches Stump Height 1.0 foot 1.0 foot Sampling Design: Basal Area Factor 62.5 BAF Small-Tree Fixed Area Plot 1/300th Acre Breakpoint DBH 5.0 inches v 1.0 Introduction The Forest Vegetation Simulator (FVS) is an individual tree, distance independent growth and yield model with linkable modules called extensions, which simulate various insect and pathogen impacts, fire effects, fuel loading, snag dynamics, and development of understory tree vegetation. FVS can simulate a wide variety of forest types, stand structures, and pure or mixed species stands. New “variants” of the FVS model are created by imbedding new tree growth, mortality, and volume equations for a particular geographic area in the FVS framework. Geographic variants of FVS have been developed for most of the forested lands in the United States. In 1984, the Alaska Region, Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture requested a variant be developed for the western hemlock-Sitka spruce forest type in southeast Alaska. The Alaska Region, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Forest Inventory and Analysis (Anchorage), and the British Columbia Ministry of Forests decided to include all National Forest and Crown land falling in this vegetative type regardless of state or country boundaries. This variant became known as the “AK” variant, covering Southeast Alaska and Coastal British Columbia. The AK variant is sometimes referred to as the “SEAPROG” variant, referring to the geographic area for which it was calibrated (South East Alaska) and the model structure on which it was originally based (PROGnosis) (Stage 1973). Since the variant’s development in 1984, virtually all of the functions have been adjusted and improved as more data has become available, and as model technology has improved. To fully understand how to use this variant, users should also consult the following publication: • Essential FVS: A User’s Guide to the Forest Vegetation Simulator (Dixon 2002) This publication can be downloaded from the Forest Management Service Center (FMSC), Forest Service website or obtained in hard copy by contacting any FMSC FVS staff member. Other FVS publications may be needed if one is using an extension that simulates the effects of fire, insects, or diseases. 1 2.0 Geographic Range The AK variant was fit to data representing southeast Alaska coastal forest types, namely the hemlockSitka spruce forest type. Data used in initial model development came from the Juneau forest inventory, Stikine forest inventory, Sitka forest inventory, young growth stand exams (from throughout the area), young growth surveys (questionnaires), growing stock studies (Bill Farr, PNW), Makah Indian Reservation, Queen Charlotte Islands Forest Inventory, and Prince of Wales Forest Inventory. Distribution of data samples for species fit from this data are shown in table 2.0.1. Table 2.0.1 The distribution of original growth sample trees by species for the AK variant. Species white spruce western redcedar Pacific silver fir mountain hemlock western hemlock Alaska cedar lodgepole pine Sitka spruce subalpine fir hardwoods Total Number of Observations 0 402 98 908 5581 880 78 3017 1 69 The AK variant covers the southeast Alaska coastal forest types. This includes all or part of the Chatham, Ketchikan, and Stikine areas of the Tongass National Forest, corresponding Industry lands, coastal British Columbia, the Queen Charlotte Islands / Haida Gwaii, and the extreme northwestern tip of the Olympic Peninsula. The AK variant was not fit to other forest types in Alaska, but it is currently the best available variant for those areas. The suggested geographic range of use for the AK variant is shown in figure 2.0.1. 2 Figure 2.0.1 Suggested geographic range of use for the AK variant. 3 3.0 Control Variables FVS users need to specify certain variables used by the AK variant to control a simulation. These are entered in parameter fields on various FVS keywords usually brought into the simulation through the SUPPOSE interface data files or they are read from an auxiliary database using the Database Extension. 3.1 Location Codes The location code is a 3- or 4-digit code where, in general, the first two digits of the code represents the Forest Service Alaska Region Number, and the last two digits represent the Forest Number/management area within that region. In some cases, a location code beginning with a “7” or “8” is used to indicate an administrative boundary that doesn’t use a Forest Service Region number (for example, Indian Reservations, Industry Lands, or other lands). If the location code is missing or incorrect in the AK variant, a default forest code of 1005 (Tongass National Forest: Ketchikan Area) will be used. A complete list of location codes recognized in the AK variant is shown in table 3.1.1. Table 3.1.1 Location codes used in the AK variant. Location Code 701 1002 1003 1004 1005 Location British Columbia / Makah Indian Reservation Tongass National Forest: Stikine Area Tongass National Forest: Chatham Area Chugach National Forest Tongass National Forest: Ketchikan Area 3.2 Species Codes The AK variant recognizes 13 species. You may use FVS species alpha codes, Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) species codes, or USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service PLANTS symbols to represent these species in FVS input data. Any valid western species codes identifying species not recognized by the variant will be mapped to the most similar species in the variant. The species mapping crosswalk is available on the variant documentation webpage of the FVS website. Any nonvalid species code will default to the “other softwoods” category. Either the FVS sequence number or alpha code must be used to specify a species in FVS keywords and Event Monitor functions. FIA codes or PLANTS symbols are only recognized during data input, and may not be used in FVS keywords. Table 3.2.1 shows the complete list of species codes recognized by the AK variant. Table 3.2.1 Species codes used in the AK variant. Species Number 1 2 Species Code WS RC Common Name white spruce western redcedar FIA Code 094 242 4 PLANTS Symbol PIGL THPL Scientific Name Picea glauca Thuja plicata Species Number 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Species Code SF MH WH YC LP SS AF RA CW OH OS Common Name Pacific silver fir mountain hemlock western hemlock Alaska cedar lodgepole pine Sitka spruce subalpine fir red alder black cottonwood other hardwoods other softwoods FIA Code 011 264 263 042 108 098 019 351 747 998 298 PLANTS Symbol ABAM TSME TSHE CANO9 PICO PISI ABLA ALRU2 POBAT 2TD 2TE Scientific Name Abies amabilis Tsuga mertensiana Tsuga heterophylla Callitropsis nootkatensis Pinus contorta Picea sitchensis Abies lasiocarpa Alnus rubra Populus trichocarpa 3.3 Habitat Type, Plant Association, and Ecological Unit Codes Habitat type, plant association, and ecological unit codes are not used in the AK variant. 3.4 Site Index Site index is used in the AK variant and is an input variable for some of the growth equations. Farr (1984) western hemlock and Sitka spruce (50 year base; breast height age) equations are the FVS referenced equations for site index. Site index taken using a site curve other than Farr (1984) for western hemlock or Sitka spruce, will need to be converted to one of these two referenced curves. Users can enter site index values for any, or all, species. FVS will estimate site index values using the site index of the designated site species for any species for which the users do not provide a value as shown in table 3.4.1. Table 3.4.1 Site Index Conversions for all species in the AK variant. Species Code WS RC SF MH WH YC LP SS AF RA CW OH Conversion from Farr's WH to another species = SI(WH) = SI(WH) = SI(WH) = SI(WH) = SI(WH) = SI(WH) = -28.97 + 1.187*SI(WH) = -6.62+1.152*SI(WH) = -28.97 + 1.187*SI(WH) = -5.8812+0.5294*SI(WH) = 18.3112+1.2692*SI(WH) = SI(WH) Conversion from Farr's SS to another species = 24.41+0.674*SI(SS) = 24.41+0.674*SI(SS) = 24.41+0.674*SI(SS) = 24.41+0.674*SI(SS) = 24.41+0.674*SI(SS) = 24.41+0.674*SI(SS) = 0.8*SI(SS) = SI(SS) = 0.8 * SI(SS) = 7.0388 + 0.3568*SI(SS) = 49.2797 + 0.8554*SI(SS) = 24.41+0.674*SI(SS) 5 Species Code OS Conversion from Farr's WH to another species = SI(WH) Conversion from Farr's SS to another species = 24.41+0.674*SI(SS) Data sets used to build the AK variant came from a variety of sources that referenced different site quality techniques. These sources included Hegyi et al (1981) site curves, Stephen et al (1969) site curves, Taylor (1934) site curves, Farr (1984) site curves, and soil series data for southeast Alaska and British Columbia. Information on how these curves were originally converted to Farr (1984) site index values can be found in Appendix A. 3.5 Maximum Density Maximum stand density index (SDI) and maximum basal area (BA) are important variables in determining density related mortality and crown ratio change. Maximum basal area is a stand level metric that can be set using the BAMAX or SETSITE keywords. If not set by the user, a default value is calculated from maximum stand SDI each projection cycle. Maximum stand density index can be set for each species using the SDIMAX or SETSITE keywords. If not set by the user, a default value is assigned as discussed below. Maximum stand density index at the stand level is a weighted average, by basal area proportion, of the individual species SDI maximums. The default maximum SDI is set by species or a user specified basal area maximum. If a user specified basal area maximum is present, the maximum SDI for all species is computed using equation {3.5.1}; otherwise, species SDI maximums are assigned from the SDI maximums shown in table 3.5.1. {3.5.1} SDIMAXi = BAMAX / (0.5454154 * SDIU) where: SDIMAXi BAMAX SDIU is the species-specific SDI maximum is the user-specified stand basal area maximum is the proportion of theoretical maximum density at which the stand reaches actual maximum density (default 0.85, changed with the SDIMAX keyword) Table 3.5.1 Stand density index maximums by species in the AK variant. Species Code WS RC SF MH WH YC LP SS AF RA CW SDI Maximum 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 6 Species Code OH OS SDI Maximum 750 750 7 4.0 Growth Relationships This chapter describes the functional relationships used to fill in missing tree data and calculate incremental growth. In FVS, trees are grown in either the small tree sub-model or the large tree submodel depending on the diameter. 4.1 Height-Diameter Relationships Height-diameter relationships in FVS are primarily used to estimate tree heights missing in input data, and occasionally to estimate diameter growth on trees smaller than a given threshold diameter. For white spruce, western redcedar, Pacific silver fir, mountain hemlock, Alaska cedar, lodgepole pine, subalpine fir, other hardwoods and other softwoods in the AK variant, height-diameter relationships are a logistic functional form as shown in equation {4.1.1} (Wykoff, et.al 1982). Coefficients for the equation are shown in tables 4.1.1 and 4.1.2 by crown ratio class values. Red alder and black cottonwood use equation {4.1.1} for trees greater than or equal to 5 inches DBH and equation {4.1.2} for trees less than 5 inches DBH when calibration of the height-diameter function is turned on. Western hemlock and Sitka spruce use equation {4.1.1} when the height prediction from Johnson’s SBB Distribution is less than or equal to 0. {4.1.1} HT = 4.5 + exp(B1 + B2 / (DBH + 1.0)) {4.1.2} HT = 0.0994 +4.9767*DBH where: HT DBH B1 - B2 is tree height is tree diameter at breast height are species-specific coefficients determined by crown ratio class shown in tables 4.1.1 and 4.1.2, respectively When heights are given in the input data for 3 or more trees of a given species, the value of B1 in equation {4.1.1} for that species is recalculated from the input data and replaces the default value shown in table 4.1.1. In the event that the calculated value is less than zero, the default is used. For red alder and black cottonwood, this calibration process is turned off by default and FVS will not automatically use equation {4.1.1} even if you have enough height values in the input data. To override this default, the user must use the NOHTDREG keyword and change field 2 to a 1. Table 4.1.1 Default B1 coefficients for the logistic Wykoff equation {4.1.1} in the AK variant. Species Code WS RC SF MH WH YC Crown Ratio Class 4 5 6 1 2 3 7 8 9 4.8945 4.8945 4.8945 4.9727 4.9727 4.9727 4.8753 4.8753 4.8753 4.606 4.606 4.606 4.606 4.606 4.606 4.606 4.606 4.606 4.8945 4.8945 4.8945 4.7407 4.7407 4.7407 4.9727 4.9727 4.9727 4.8753 4.8753 4.8753 4.7666 4.7666 4.7666 4.7666 4.7666 4.7666 4.8933 4.8933 4.8933 4.9013 4.9013 4.9013 4.8043 4.8043 4.8043 4.8028 4.8028 4.8028 4.8028 4.8028 4.8028 4.8028 4.8028 4.8028 8 Species Code LP SS AF RA CW OH OS Crown Ratio Class 4 5 6 1 2 3 7 8 9 4.615 4.615 4.615 4.615 4.615 4.615 4.615 4.615 4.615 4.8945 4.8945 4.8945 4.9727 4.9727 4.9727 4.8753 4.8753 4.8753 4.8945 4.8945 4.8945 4.9727 4.9727 4.9727 4.8753 4.8753 4.8753 4.875 4.875 5.152 5.152 4.875 4.875 4.875 4.875 4.875 4.875 4.875 5.152 5.152 5.152 5.152 5.152 5.152 5.152 4.8028 4.8028 4.8028 4.8028 4.8028 4.8028 4.8028 4.8028 4.8028 4.8945 4.8945 4.8945 4.9727 4.9727 4.9727 4.8753 4.8753 4.8753 Table 4.1.2 B2 coefficients for the logistic Wykoff equation {4.1.1} in the AK variant. Species Code WS RC SF MH WH YC LP SS AF RA CW OH OS Crown Ratio Class 4 5 6 1 2 3 -6.8703 -6.8703 -6.8703 -8.9697 -8.9697 -7.6276 -7.6276 -7.6276 -7.6276 -7.6276 7 8 9 -8.9697 -10.4921 -10.4921 -10.4921 -7.6276 -7.6276 -7.6276 -7.6276 -6.8703 -6.8703 -6.8703 -8.9697 -8.9697 -8.9697 -10.4921 -10.4921 -10.4921 -12.0745 -12.0745 -12.0745 -11.8502 -11.8502 -11.8502 -11.8502 -11.8502 -11.8502 -8.7008 -8.7008 -8.7008 -8.9024 -8.9024 -8.9024 -9.4649 -9.4649 -9.4649 -11.2306 -11.2306 -11.2306 -11.2306 -11.2306 -11.2306 -11.2306 -11.2306 -11.2306 -10.4718 -10.4718 -10.4718 -10.4718 -10.4718 -10.4718 -10.4718 -10.4718 -10.4718 -6.8703 -6.8703 -6.8703 -8.9697 -8.9697 -8.9697 -10.4921 -10.4921 -10.4921 -6.8703 -6.8703 -6.8703 -8.9697 -8.9697 -8.9697 -10.4921 -10.4921 -10.4921 -8.639 -8.639 -8.639 -8.639 -8.639 -8.639 -8.639 -8.639 -8.639 -13.576 -13.576 -13.576 -13.576 -13.576 -13.576 -13.576 -13.576 -13.576 -11.2306 -11.2306 -11.2306 -11.2306 -11.2306 -11.2306 -11.2306 -11.2306 -11.2306 -6.8703 -6.8703 -6.8703 -8.9697 -8.9697 -8.9697 -10.4921 -10.4921 -10.4921 By default, red alder and black cottonwood in the AK variant will use the Curtis-Arney functional form as shown in equation {4.1.3} to compute height (Curtis 1967, Arney 1985). Coefficients for these equations are shown in table 4.1.3. {4.1.3} Curtis-Arney functional form DBH > 3.0”: HT = 4.5 + P2 * exp[-P3 * DBH ^ P4 ] DBH < 3.0”: HT = [(4.5 + P2 * exp[-P3 * 3.0 ^ P4 ] – 4.51) * (DBH – 0.3) / 2.7] + 4.51 where: HT DBH P2 - P4 is tree height is tree diameter at breast height are species and location specific coefficients shown in table 4.1.3 9 Table 4.1.3 Red alder (RA) and black cottonwood (CW) coefficients used in height-diameter equations {4.1.3} and {4.1.4} in the AK variant. Species Code P2 P3 P4 RA 139.4551 4.6989 -0.7682 CW 178.6441 4.5852 -0.6746 Western hemlock and Sitka spruce use equations {4.1.5} and {4.1.6} to compute height. Coefficients for this equation are shown in table 4.1.4. {4.1.5} PSI = C8 *((DBH-0.1)/(0.1+C1 -DBH))^C9 {4.1.6} HT= ((PSI/(1.0+PSI))*C2 +4.5 where: PSI DBH HT C8, C1, C9, C2 is an intermediate variable is tree diameter at breast height is tree height are coefficients based on species shown in table 4.1.4 Table 4.1.4 Western hemlock and Sitka spruce coefficients used in height-diameter equations {4.1.5} and {4.1.6} in the AK variant. Species Code C8 WH 1.67853 SS 1.27598 C1 70 70 C9 0.95008 0.91893 C2 200 220 4.2 Bark Ratio Relationships Bark ratio estimates are used to convert between diameter outside bark and diameter inside bark in various parts of the model. In the AK variant, all species except red alder and black cottonwood use equation {4.2.1} to calculate bark ratio. Red alder and black cottonwood use equation {4.2.2} to calculate bark ratio. {4.2.1} BRATIO = (DBH – DBT) / DBH {4.2.2} BRATIO = (0.075256 + (0.94373 * DBH)) / DBH where: BRATIO DBH DBT is species-specific bark ratio is tree diameter at breast height is double bark thickness (DBT = 0.186 * DBH^0.45417) 10 4.3 Crown Ratio Relationships Crown ratio equations are used for three purposes in FVS: (1) to estimate tree crown ratios missing from the input data for both live and dead trees; (2) to estimate change in crown ratio from cycle to cycle for live trees; and (3) to estimate initial crown ratios for regenerating trees established during a simulation. 4.3.1 Crown Ratio Dubbing In the AK variant, crown ratios missing in the input data are predicted using different equations depending on tree species and size. Live red alder and black cottonwood trees less than 1.0” in diameter and dead trees of all species and sizes use equation {} and one of the equations listed below, {} - {}, to compute crown ratio. Red alder and black cottonwood use equations {} and {}, where all other dead trees use equations {} and {}. Equation coefficients are found in table {} X = R1 + R2 * DBH + R3 * HT + R4 * BA + R5 * PCCF + R6 * HTAvg/HT + R7 * HTAvg + R8 * BA * PCCF + R9 * MAI + N(0,SD) {} CR = 1 / (1 + exp(X)) {} CR = ((X - 1) * 10 + 1) / 100 where: CR DBH HT BA PCCF HTAvg MAI N(0,SD) R1 – R9 is crown ratio expressed as a proportion (bounded to 0.05 < CR < 0.95) is tree diameter at breast height is tree height is total stand basal area is crown competition factor on the inventory point where the tree is established is average height of the 40 largest diameter trees in the stand is stand mean annual increment is a random increment from normal distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation of SD are species-specific coefficients shown in table Table Coefficients for the crown ratio equation {} in the AK variant. Coefficient R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 WS, RC -1.66949 -0.209765 0 0.003359 0.011032 0 0.017727 -0.000053 0.014098 SF, MH, WH, SS, AF -0.426688 -0.093105 0.022409 0.002633 0 -0.045532 0 0.000022 -0.013115 Species Code YC -0.426688 -0.093105 0.022409 0.002633 0 -0.045532 0 0.000022 -0.013115 LP -1.66949 -0.209765 0 0.003359 0.011032 0 0.017727 -0.000053 0.014098 11 RA, CW 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OH -1.66949 -0.209765 0 0.003359 0.011032 0 0.017727 -0.000053 0.014098 OS -2.19723 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Coefficient SD WS, RC 0.5 SF, MH, WH, SS, AF 0.6957 Species Code YC 0.931 LP 0.6124 RA, CW 0.5 OH 0.4942 OS 0.2 A Weibull-based crown model developed by Dixon (1985) as described in Dixon (2002) is used to predict crown ratio for all live trees 1.0” in diameter or larger. To estimate crown ratio using this methodology, the average stand crown ratio is estimated from stand density index using equation {}. Weibull parameters are then estimated from the average stand crown ratio using equations in equation set {}. Individual tree crown ratio is then set from the Weibull distribution, equation {} based on a tree’s relative position in the diameter distribution and multiplied by a scale factor, shown in either equation {} or {}, which accounts for stand density. Crowns estimated from the Weibull distribution are bounded to be between the 5 and 95 percentile points of the specified Weibull distribution. Equation coefficients for each species for these equations are shown in table {} ACR = d0 + d1 * (SDIstand / SDImax ) * 100.0 {} Weibull parameters A, B, and C are estimated from average crown ratio A = a0 B = b0 + b1 * ACR (B > 3 for RA and CW; B > 1 for all other species) C = c0 + c1 * ACR (C > 2) {} Y = 1-exp(-((X-A)/B)^C) {} Used for red alder (RA) and black cottonwood (CW) SCALE = 1 – 0.00167 * (CCF – 100) {} Used for all other species SCALE = 1.5 – RELSDI where: ACR SDIstand SDImax A, B, C X Y is predicted average stand crown ratio for the species is stand density index of the stand is maximum stand density index are parameters of the Weibull crown ratio distribution is a tree’s crown ratio expressed as a percent / 10 is a trees rank in the diameter distribution (1 = smallest; ITRN = largest) divided by the total number of trees (ITRN) multiplied by SCALE SCALE is a density dependent scaling factor (bounded to 0.3 < SCALE < 1.0) CCF is stand crown competition factor RELSDI is the relative site density index (Stand SDI / Maximum SDI) a0 , b0-1 , c0-1 , and d0-1 are species-specific coefficients shown in table 4.3.2 12 Table Coefficients for the Weibull parameter equations {} and {} in the AK variant. Species Code WS RC SF MH WH YC LP SS AF RA CW OH OS a0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 b0 0.15716 0.09466 0.15716 -0.0154 0.51379 0.2589 0.09499 0.15716 0.15716 0.035786 -0.238295 0.2589 0.15716 Model Coefficients b1 c0 c1 d0 1.08293 0.82252 0.51383 5.75349 1.09576 3.042 0 4.54 1.08293 0.82252 0.51383 5.75349 1.12736 2.737 0 5.13162 1.0049 -3.13907 1.36446 6.09225 1.06314 -0.01906 0.58428 5.66144 1.10021 2.477 0 5.92905 1.08293 0.82252 0.51383 5.75349 1.08293 0.82252 0.51383 5.75349 1.121389 2.0408 0 4.656659 1.180163 3.044134 0 4.625125 1.06314 -0.01906 0.58428 5.66144 1.08293 0.82252 0.51383 5.75349 d1 -0.02508 0 -0.02508 -0.01422 -0.02772 -0.02779 -0.05757 -0.02508 -0.02508 -0.022612 -0.016042 -0.02779 -0.02508 4.3.2 Crown Ratio Change Crown ratio change is estimated after growth, mortality and regeneration are estimated during a projection cycle. Crown ratio change is the difference between the crown ratio at the beginning of the cycle and the predicted crown ratio at the end of the cycle. Crown ratio predicted at the end of the projection cycle is estimated for live tree records using the Weibull distribution, equations {}{}, for all species. Crown change is checked to make sure it doesn’t exceed the change possible if all height growth produces new crown. Crown change is further bounded to 1% per year for the length of the cycle to avoid drastic changes in crown ratio. Equations {} – {} are not used when estimating crown ratio change. 4.3.3 Crown Ratio for Newly Established Trees Crown ratios for newly established trees during regeneration are estimated using equation {}. A random component is added in equation {} to ensure that not all newly established trees are assigned exactly the same crown ratio. {} CR = 0.89722 – 0.0000461 * PCCF + RAN where: CR PCCF RAN is crown ratio expressed as a proportion (bounded to 0.2 < CR < 0.9) is crown competition factor on the inventory point where the tree is established is a small random component 13 4.4 Crown Width Relationships The AK variant calculates the maximum crown width for each individual tree based on individual tree and stand attributes. Crown width for each tree is reported in the tree list output table and used for percent cover (PCC) calculations in the model. Crown width is calculated using equations {4.4.1} – {4.4.3}, and coefficients for these equations are shown in table 4.4.1. The minimum diameter and bounds for certain data values are given in table 4.4.2. Equation numbers in table 4.4.1 are given with the first three digits representing the FIA species code, and the last two digits representing the equation source. {4.4.1} Crookston (2003); Equation 03 DBH > MinD: CW = [a1 * exp[a2 + (a3 * ln(CL)) + (a4 * ln(DBH)) + (a5 * ln(HT)) + (a6 * ln(BA))]] DBH < MinD: CW = [a1 * exp[a2 + (a3 * ln(CL)) + (a4 * ln(MinD)) + (a5 * ln(HT)) + (a6 * ln(BA))]] * (DBH / MinD) {4.4.2} Crookston (2005); Equation 05 DBH > MinD: CW = (a1 * BF) * DBH^a2 * HT^a3 * CL^a4 * (BA + 1.0)^a5 * (exp(EL) )^a6 DBH < MinD: CW = [(a1 * BF) * MinD^a2 * HT^a3 * CL^a4 * (BA + 1.0)^a5 * (exp(EL ))^a6 ] * (DBH / MinD) {4.4.3} Donnelly (1996); Equation 06 DBH > MinD: CW = a1 * DBH^a2 DBH < MinD: CW = [a1 * MinD^a2 ] * (DBH / MinD) where: BF CW CL DBH HT BA EL MinD a1 – a6 is a species-specific coefficient based on forest code (BF = 1.0 in the AK variant) is tree maximum crown width is tree crown length is tree diameter at breast height is tree height is total stand basal area is stand elevation in hundreds of feet is the minimum diameter are species-specific coefficients shown in table 4.4.1 Table 4.4.1 Coefficients for crown width equations {4.4.1} – {4.4.3} in the AK variant. Species Code WS RC SF MH WH YC Equation Number* 09305 24205 01105 26403 26305 04205 a1 6.7575 6.2382 4.4799 6.90396 6.0384 3.3756 a2 0.55048 0.29517 0.45976 0.55645 0.51581 0.45445 a3 -0.25204 -0.10673 -0.10425 -0.28509 -0.21349 -0.11523 14 a4 0.19002 0.23219 0.11866 0.20430 0.17468 0.22547 a5 0 0.05341 0.06762 0 0.06143 0.08756 a6 -0.00313 -0.00787 -0.00715 0 -0.00571 -0.00894 Species Equation Code Number* a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 LP 10805 6.6941 0.81980 -0.36992 0.17722 -0.01202 -0.00882 SS 09805 8.48 0.70692 -0.38812 0.17127 0 0 AF 01905 5.8827 0.51479 -0.21501 0.17916 0.03277 -0.00828 RA 35106 7.0806 0.4771 0 0 0 0 CW 74705 4.4327 0.41505 -0.23264 0.41477 0 0 OH 74705 4.4327 0.41505 -0.23264 0.41477 0 0 OS 09305 6.7575 0.55048 -0.25204 0.19002 0 -0.00313 *Equation number is a combination of the species FIA code (###) and source (##). Table 4.4.2 MinD values and data bounds for equations {4.4.1}-{4.4.3} in the AK variant. Species Code WS RC SF MH WH YC LP SS AF RA CW OH OS Equation Number* 09305 24205 01105 26403 26305 04205 10805 09805 01905 35106 74705 74705 09305 MinD 1.0 1.0 1.0 n/a 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 EL min 1 1 4 n/a 1 16 1 n/a 10 n/a n/a n/a 1 EL max 85 72 72 n/a 72 62 79 n/a 85 n/a n/a n/a 85 CW max 40 45 33 45 54 59 40 50 30 35 56 56 40 4.5 Crown Competition Factor The AK variant uses crown competition factor (CCF) as a predictor variable in some growth relationships. Crown competition factor (Krajicek and others 1961) is a relative measurement of stand density that is based on tree diameters. Individual tree CCFt values estimate the percentage of an acre that would be covered by the tree’s crown if the tree were open-grown. Stand CCF is the summation of individual tree (CCFt) values. A stand CCF value of 100 theoretically indicates that tree crowns will just touch in an unthinned, evenly spaced stand. Crown competition factor for an individual tree is calculated using equation {4.5.1} for most species, while equation {4.5.2} is used for red alder and black cottonwood. If diameter is less than 0.1”, the equation for all species is used to reset CCF for all species. All species coefficients are shown in table 4.5.1. {4.5.1} All species DBH > 0.1”: CCFt = R1 + (R2 * DBH^0.87) + (R3 * DBH^1.74) DBH < 0.1”: CCFt = 0.001 15 {4.5.2} Red alder and black cottonwood 0.1 <DBH < 1.0”: CCFt = (R1 + R2 + R3 ) * DBH DBH > 1.0”: CCFt = R1 + (R2 * DBH) + (R3 * DBH^2) where: CCFt DBH R1 – R3 is crown competition factor for an individual tree is tree diameter at breast height are species-specific coefficients shown in table 4.5.1 Table 4.5.1 Coefficients for the CCF equations {4.5.1} – {4.5.2} in the AK variant. Species Code WS RC SF MH WH YC LP SS AF RA CW OH OS Model Coefficients R1 R2 R3 0.02987 0.02928 0.00717 0.02987 0.02928 0.00717 0.02987 0.02928 0.00717 0.02987 0.02928 0.00717 0.02987 0.02928 0.00717 0.02987 0.02928 0.00717 0.02987 0.02928 0.00717 0.02987 0.02928 0.00717 0.02987 0.02928 0.00717 0.115396 0.0441381 0.0042207 0.000450757 0.0029209 0.00473186 0.02987 0.02928 0.00717 0.02987 0.02928 0.00717 4.6 Small Tree Growth Relationships Trees are considered “small trees” for FVS modeling purposes when they are smaller than some threshold diameter. The threshold diameter is set to 3.0” for all species in the AK variant. The small tree model is height-growth driven, meaning height growth is estimated first and diameter growth is estimated from height growth. These relationships are discussed in the following sections. 4.6.1 Small Tree Height Growth The small-tree height growth model predicts 10-year height increment for small trees based on site index, crown ratio, and basal area. Height increment is then adjusted for cycle length. Potential height growth for all species except red alder and black cottonwood is estimated using equation {}. Height growth for red alder and black cottonwood is estimated using equation {}. {} Used for all species except red alder and black cottonwood POTHTG = -4.0166 + 0.451 * CR - 0.00611 * BAL + 0.09426 * SI {} Used for red alder and black cottonwood 16 POTHTG = 10.20 – (0.03 * PCCF) where: POTHTG CR BAL SI PCCF is potential height growth in ten-year interval is a tree’s live crown ratio (compacted) expressed as a proportion is total basal area in trees larger than the subject tree is species site index (bounded to SI > 40) is crown competition factor on the inventory point where the tree is established For all species, a small random error is then added to the height growth estimate. The estimated height growth is then adjusted to account for cycle length, user defined small-tree height growth adjustments, and adjustments due to small tree height increment calibration from input data. Height growth estimates from the small-tree model are weighted with the height growth estimates from the large tree model over a range of diameters (Xmin and Xmax) in order to smooth the transition between the two models. For example, the closer a tree’s DBH value is to the minimum diameter (Xmin), the more the growth estimate will be weighted towards the small-tree growth model. The closer a tree’s DBH value is to the maximum diameter (Xmax), the more the growth estimate will be weighted towards the large-tree growth model. If a tree’s DBH value falls outside of the range given by Xmin and Xmax, then the model will use only the small-tree or large-tree growth model in the growth estimate. The weight applied to the growth estimate is calculated using equation {}, and applied as shown in equation {}. The range of diameters for each species is shown in table {} DBH < Xmin : XWT = 0 Xmin < DBH < Xmax : XWT = (DBH - Xmin ) / (Xmax - Xmin ) DBH > Xmax : XWT = 1 {} Estimated growth = [(1 - XWT) * STGE] + [XWT * LTGE] where: XWT DBH Xmax Xmin STGE LTGE is the weight applied to the growth estimates is tree diameter at breast height is the maximum DBH is the diameter range is the minimum DBH in the diameter range is the growth estimate obtained using the small-tree growth model is the growth estimate obtained using the large-tree growth model Table Diameter bounds by species in the AK variant. Species Code WS RC SF MH WH Xmin Xmax 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 17 Species Code YC LP SS AF RA CW OH OS Xmin Xmax 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 4.6.2 Small Tree Diameter Growth As stated previously, for trees being projected with the small tree equations, height growth is predicted first, and then diameter growth. So both height at the beginning of the cycle and height at the end of the cycle are known when predicting diameter growth. In the AK variant, diameter is estimated using equation {} for all species except Sitka spruce, red alder, and black cottonwood. Sitka spruce uses equation {}. Red alder and black cottonwood use the equation set {}. Diameter growth is found by subtracting the diameter at the beginning of the projection cycle from that at the end of cycle while adjusting for bark thickness. {} Used for all species except Sitka spruce, red alder, and black cottonwood DBH = (-6.39362/(Ln(HT-4.5)-4.2976))-1.0 {} Used for Sitka spruce DBH = (-5.09974/(Ln(HT-4.5)-4.21391))-1.0 {} Used for red alder and black cottonwood If calibration occurs: DBH= 3.102 + 0.021*HT If calibration does not occur and HT > HAT3: DBH = exp(Ln((Ln(HT-4.5)-Ln(P2 ))/(-1.*P3 )) * 1./P4 ) If calibration does not occur and HT < HAT3HT > HAT3: DBH = (((HT-4.51)*2.7)/(4.5+P2 *exp(1.*P3 *(3.^P4 ))-4.51))+0.3 where: DBH HT HAT3 P2 - P4 is tree diameter at breast height is tree height is tree height of a tree with a 3” DBH. HAT3 = 4.5 + P2 * exp((-1.*P3 *3.0^P4 )) are species and location specific coefficients shown in table 4.1.3 4.7 Large Tree Growth Relationships Trees are considered “large trees” for FVS modeling purposes when they are equal to, or larger than, some threshold diameter. This threshold diameter is set to 3.0” for all species in the AK variant. The large-tree model is driven by diameter growth meaning diameter growth is estimated first, and then height growth is estimated from diameter growth and other variables. These relationships are discussed in the following sections. 18 4.7.1 Large Tree Diameter Growth The large tree diameter growth model used in most FVS variants is described in section 7.2.1 in Dixon (2002). For most variants, instead of predicting diameter increment directly, the natural log of the periodic change in squared inside-bark diameter (ln(DDS)) is predicted (Dixon 2002; Wykoff 1990; Stage 1973; and Cole and Stage 1972). For variants predicting diameter increment directly, diameter increment is converted to the DDS scale to keep the FVS system consistent across all variants. The AK variant uses two different equations to predict large-tree diameter growth for all species except red alder. Equation {} is used to predict diameter growth for Sitka spruce and western hemlock greater than or equal to 7.0” DBH, and trees of all sizes for all other species except red alder. Coefficients for this equation are shown in tables – For western hemlock and Sitka spruce equation {} predicts diameter growth for trees with a DBH less than 10.0”. Coefficients for this equation are given in tables – The two diameter growth estimates for western hemlock and Sitka spruce are weighted together for trees between 7” and 10” DBH. The “other hardwoods” species category uses the same coefficients as lodgepole pine, and “other softwoods” uses the same coefficients as Pacific silver fir. Diameter growth for red alder in the AK variant is shown later in this section. {} Used for large trees with DBH > 10.0” ln(DDS) = b1 + (b2 * EL) + (b3 * EL^2) + (b4 * ln(SI)) + (b5 * sin(ASP)) + (b6 * cos(ASP)) + (b7 * SL) + (b8 * SL^2) + (b9 * ln(DBH)) + (b10 * ln(BA)) + (b11 * CR) + (b12 * CR^2) + (b13 * DBH^2) + (b14 * BAL / (ln(DBH + 1.0))) + (b15 * BAL) + (b16 * BA) + (b17 * RELHT) {} Used for large trees with DBH < 10.0” ln(DDS) = b1 + (b2 * EL) + (b3 * EL^2) + (b4 * ln(SI)) + (b5 * sin(ASP)) + (b6 * cos(ASP)) + (b7 * SL) + (b8 * SL^2) + (b9 * ln(DBH)) + (b10 * ln(BA)) + (b11 * CR) + (b12 * CR^2) + (b13 * DBH^2) + (b14 * BAL / (ln(DBH + 1.0))) where: DDS EL SI ASP SL CR DBH BA BAL RELHT b1 b2 - b17 is the predicted periodic change in squared inside-bark diameter is stand elevation (in hundreds of feet) is species site index is stand aspect in radians is stand slope expressed as a ratio (percent / 100) is crown ratio expressed as a proportion is tree diameter at breast height is total stand basal area is total basal area in trees larger than the subject tree is the total height of the tree divided by the top height of the stand is a location-specific coefficient shown in tables and are species-specific coefficients shown in tables and 19 Table Location class by species and location code for equation {} in the AK variant. Location Code 701 - British Columbia / Makah Indian Reservation 1002 - Tongass National Forest: Stikine Area 1003 - Tongass National Forest: Chatham Area, and 1004 - Chugach National Forest 1005 - Tongass National Forest: Ketchikan Area Species Code RC SF,OS MH WH YC LP,OH SS AF CW 4 2 4 4 1 3 3 1 4 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 WS Table b1 values by location class and species for equation {} in the AK variant. Location Class 1 2 3 4 Species Code WS RC SF, OS MH WH YC LP, OH SS AF CW -3.46832 1.10897 -3.46832 -1.86637 -2.23801 -0.79657 -0.79657 -3.14889 -3.46832 -0.107648 -3.48281 1.52503 -3.48281 -1.71679 -2.09016 -1.14325 -1.14325 -3.20919 -3.48281 0 -3.23448 0 -3.23448 -1.56184 -1.94542 -0.41948 -0.41948 -2.96203 -3.23448 0 -3.61663 0 -3.61663 -1.99657 0 0 0 0 -3.61663 0 Table Coefficients (b2 - b17) for equation in the AK variant. Species Code Coefficient WS RC SF, OS MH b2 0.00039 -0.01052 0.00039 0.00224 b3 -0.000009 0.000104 -0.000009 -0.000009 b4 1.12514 0.00573 1.12514 0.74079 b5 -0.19185 0.0167 -0.19185 -0.10205 b6 -0.18793 0.00794 -0.18793 0.04097 b7 -1.42938 0.02871 -1.42938 -1.35921 b8 1.09399 0.03586 1.09399 1.15906 b9 0.56846 1.07184 0.56846 0.38233 b10 0 -0.44018 0 0 b11 4.60641 2.46701 4.60641 3.28729 b12 -3.33043 -1.86814 -3.33043 -2.36796 b13 -0.000165* -0.0002390 -0.000165* 0 b14 -0.02759 -0.00128 -0.02759 -0.02029 b15 0.0084 0.00198 0.0084 0.00608 b16 -0.00215 0 -0.00215 -0.00137 b17 0 0.2975 0 0 20 WH YC 0.00438 -0.01272 -0.000019 0.000046 0.83695 0.20346 -0.07308 -0.18677 -0.03751 0.09184 -1.56867 1.27878 1.23542 -1.02205 0.62381 0.99465 -0.14942 -0.20534 3.06852 2.39021 -2.07432 -1.60504 -0.000124 -0.000003 -0.00638 -0.00646 0 0.00402 0 0 0 -0.10963 Species Code Coefficient LP, OH SS AF CW b2 -0.01272 0.00047 0.00039 -0.075986 b3 0.000046 -0.000008 -0.000009 0.001193 b4 0.20346 1.27029 1.12514 0.227307 b5 -0.18677 -0.1379 -0.19185 -0.86398 b6 0.09184 -0.23642 -0.18793 0.085958 b7 1.27878 -0.86127 -1.42938 0 b8 -1.02205 0.54058 1.09399 0 b9 0.99465 0.68136 0.56846 0.889596 b10 -0.20534 -0.26754 0 0 b11 2.39021 3.08338 4.60641 1.732535 b12 -1.60504 -1.86516 -3.33043 0 b13 -0.000003 -0.000703 -0.000165* 0 b14 -0.00646 -0.00881 -0.02759 -0.001265 b15 0.00402 0 0.0084 0 b16 0 0 -0.00215 -0.000981 b17 -0.10963 0 0 0 *The b13 value for WS, SF, OS, or AF is –0.000042 if the location code is “1003 – Tongass National Forest: Ketchikan Area” Table b1 values by location code and species for equation {} in the AK variant. Species Code WH SS 2.125668 1.165812 2.177696 1.165812 Location Code 701 - British Columbia / Makah Indian Reservation 1002 - Tongass National Forest: Stikine Area 1003 - Tongass National Forest: Chatham Area 1004 - Chugach National Forest 1005 - Tongass National Forest: Ketchikan Area 2.125668 2.071918 1.165812 1.32146 Table Coefficients (B2 – B14) for equation {} in the AK variant. Coefficient b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 b9 b10 Species Code WH SS 0.000884 0.000682 -0.000001 -0.000001 0.000972 0.001258 0.157749 0.493114 0.104729 0.024501 -1.100789 -1.817615 2.114845 4.122238 1.52525 1.780276 -0.583329 -0.595877 21 Coefficient b11 b12 b13 b14 Species Code WH SS 1.50764 4.428345 0 -2.518086 -0.000792 -0.000866 -0.005402 -0.006182 Large-tree diameter growth for red alder is predicted from equations used in the PN variant identified in equation set {}. While not shown here, this diameter growth estimate is eventually converted to the DDS scale. {} Used for red alder trees < 18” DBH: DG = CONST - 0.166496*DBH + 0.004618*DBH^2 trees > 18” DBH: DG = CONST - (CONST/10.)*( DBH -18.) where: DG CONST DBH BA is tree diameter growth is equal to: 3.250531 - 0.003029*BA is tree diameter at breast height is total stand basal area 4.7.2 Large Tree Height Growth In the AK variant, equations {} to {} are used to estimate large tree height growth for all species except red alder and black cottonwood. {} Used for all species except red alder and black cottonwood POTHTG = exp[b0 + (b1 * ln(DG)) + (b2 * HT^2) + (b3 * SI) + (X90 ) + (b4 * ln(DBH)) + (b5 * ln(HT))] {} TERM1 = (1 – exp(-0.03563 * CR)^ 0.907878) {} TERM2 For western red cedar and Alaska cedar: TERM2 = 0.84875 – (0.03039 * DBH) + (0.00076 * DBH^2) + (0.00313 * SI) All other species: TERM2 = 1 {} MOD 40.1 < DBH <90: MOD = 3.01 – (0.06 * DBH) + (0.00033 * DBH^2) DBH < 40.1 or DBH > 90: MOD = 1 {} HTG = POTHTG * TERM1 * TERM2 * MOD where: POTHTG DG DBH SI is potential height growth is diameter growth for the cycle is tree diameter at breast height is species site index 22 HT X90 CR HTG b0 – b5 is tree height is 0.91607, if Western hemlock X90 =0 is crown ratio expressed as a proportion is estimated height growth for the cycle (bounded HTG < PH) are species-specific coefficients shown in table {} PH = 4.5 + (c0 * (SI ^ c1) + c2 * ((HT – 4.5) ^ c3)) ^ (1 / c3) – (HT – 4.5) c0 = (1 – e(-10 * d2)) * (d0 ^ (1 / d3)) c1 = d1 / d3 c2 = e ^ (-10 * d2) c3 = 1 / d3 d3 = e1 * (SI ^ e2) where: PH SI HT d0 – d2 e1 – e2 is potential height growth is species site index is total tree height are coefficients shown in table are coefficients shown in table Table Coefficients (b0 – b5 , d0 – d2 , e1 – e2 ) for height-growth equations in the AK variant. Coefficient b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 d0 d1 d2 e1 e2 WS, RC, SF, MH, YC, LP, SS, AF, OH, OS 1.5163 0.1429 -0.0000604687 0.0103 0.44146 -0.3662 3.380276 0.8683028 0.01630621 2.744017 -0.2095425 Species Code WH 2.18643 0.2059 -0.0000784117 0.0096528 0.54334 -0.35425 6.421396 0.7642128 0.01046931 3.316557 -0.2930032 RA 59.5864 0.7953 0.00194 -0.0007403 0.9198 0 0 0 0 0 0 CW 0.6192 -5.3394 240.29 3368.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 For red alder and black cottonwood, height increment is obtained by subtracting estimated current height from estimated future height, then adjusting the difference according to tree’s crown ratio and height relative to other trees in the stand (equations – Estimated current height (ECH) and estimated future height (H10) are both obtained using the equations shown below. Estimated current height is obtained using estimated tree age at the start of the projection cycle and site index. Estimated future height is obtained using estimated tree age at the start of the projection cycle plus 23 10-years and site index. If the estimated tree age at the start of the projection cycle is greater than 200 years then POTHTG is set to 0.1 foot. {} Used for red alder H = SI + (b0 + (b1 * SI)) * (1 – exp(b2 + (b3 * SI) * A))^b4 – (b0 + (b1 * SI)) * (1 – exp (b2 + (b3 * SI) * 20))^b4 {} Used for black cottonwood H = (Z / (b0 + (b1 / Z)) + (b2 + (b3 / Z)) * A^-1.4) + 4.5 Z = (SI – 4.5) {} POTHTG = H10 – ECH {} MOD = 1.117148*(1.0-exp(-4.26558*CR))*(exp(2.54119 * ((HT/AVH)^0.250537-1))) {} HTG = POTHTG * MOD where: POTHTG SI A H DG H10 ECH DBH CR AVH b0 – b4 is estimated height growth for the cycle is species site index is estimated age of the tree is estimated tree height is diameter growth for the cycle is estimated tree height 10 years in the future is estimated tree height at the start of the projection period is tree diameter at breast height is crown ratio expressed as a percent average height are species-specific coefficients shown in table Lastly for all species, the ratio of the tree’s height to diameter is checked as shown in equation {} or {}. If the height-diameter ratio is too high, then the height growth is computed using equation {}. {} Used for all species except red alder and black cottonwood MAXHT = 27.572 * (DBH + DG)^ 0.544 {} For red alder and black cottonwood MAXHT = 59.3370816 + 3.9033821* (DBH + DG) If MAXHT < (HT + HTG), then equation {} is used to reduce the height growth to a normal rate. {} HTG = MAXHT –HT where: MAXHT DBH DG is the maximum height is tree diameter at breast height is diameter growth for the cycle 24 HT HTG is tree height is estimated height growth for the cycle 25 5.0 Mortality Model The AK variant uses an SDI-based mortality model as described in Section 7.3.2 of Essential FVS: A User’s Guide to the Forest Vegetation Simulator (Dixon 2002, referred to as EFVS). This SDI-based mortality model is comprised of two steps: 1) determining the amount of stand mortality (section of EFVS) and 2) dispersing stand mortality to individual tree records (section7.3.2.2 of EFVS). In determining the amount of stand mortality, the summation of individual tree background mortality rates is used when stand density is below the minimum level for density dependent mortality (default is 55% of maximum SDI), while stand level density-related mortality rates are used when stands are above this minimum level. The equation used to calculate individual tree background mortality rates for all species is shown in equation {5.0.1}, and this is then adjusted to the length of the cycle by using a compound interest formula as shown in equation {5.0.2}. Coefficients for these equations are shown in table 5.0.1. The overall amount of mortality calculated for the stand is the summation of the final mortality rate (RIP) across all live tree records. {5.0.1} RI = [1 / (1 + exp(p0 + p1 * DBH))] * 0.5 {5.0.2} RIP = 1 – (1 – RI)^Y where: RI RIP DBH Y p0 and p1 is the proportion of the tree record attributed to mortality is the final mortality rate adjusted to the length of the cycle is tree diameter at breast height is length of the current projection cycle in years are species-specific coefficients shown in table 5.1.1 Table 5.0.1 Coefficients used in the background mortality equation {5.0.1} in the AK variant. Species Code WS RC SF MH WH YC LP SS AF RA CW OH OS p0 6.5112 6.5112 7.2985 5.1677 9.6943 5.1677 5.9617 9.6943 5.1677 5.5877 5.5877 5.5877 5.1677 p1 -0.0052485 -0.0052485 -0.0129121 -0.0077681 -0.0127328 -0.0077681 -0.0340128 -0.0127328 -0.0077681 -0.005348 -0.005348 -0.005348 -0.0077681 26 When stand density-related mortality is in effect, the total amount of stand mortality is determined based on the trajectory developed from the relationship between stand SDI and the maximum SDI for the stand. This is explained in section of EFVS. Once the amount of stand mortality is determined based on either the summation of background mortality rates or density-related mortality rates, mortality is dispersed to individual tree records in relation to a tree’s percentile in the basal area distribution of the stand (PCT) using equation {5.0.3}. This value is then adjusted by a species-specific mortality modifier shown in equation {5.0.4}. The mortality model makes multiple passes through the tree records multiplying a record’s trees-peracre value times the final mortality rate (MORT), accumulating the results, and reducing the trees-peracre representation until the desired mortality level has been reached. If the stand still exceeds the basal area maximum sustainable on the site the mortality rates are proportionally adjusted to reduce the stand to the specified basal area maximum. {5.0.3} MR = 0.84525 – (0.01074 * PCT) + (0.0000002 * PCT^3) {5.0.4} MORT = MR * (1 – MWT) * 0.1 where: MR PCT MORT MWT is the proportion of the tree record attributed to mortality (bounded: 0.01 < MR < 1) is the subject tree’s percentile in the basal area distribution of the stand is the final mortality rate of the tree record is a mortality weight value shown in Table 5.0.2 Table 5.0.2 MWT values for the mortality equation {5.0.4} in the AK variant. Speci es Code WS RC SF MH WH YC LP SS AF RA CW OH OS MWT 0.5 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.3 0.7 0.3 0.1 0.5 0.9 0.5 0.7 27 6.0 Regeneration The AK variant contains a full establishment model which is explained in section 5.4.2 of the Essential FVS Users Guide (Dixon 2002). In short, the full establishment model automatically adds regeneration following significant stand disturbances and adds ingrowth periodically during the simulation. For the AK variant, automatic ingrowth is added to the simulation every 50 years, not 20 years as stated in the Essential FVS Users Guide (Dixon 2002). Users may also input regeneration and ingrowth into simulations manually through the establishment model keywords as explained in section 5.4.3 of the Essential FVS Users Guide (Dixon 2002). The following description applies to how sprouting occurs and entering regeneration and ingrowth through keywords. The regeneration model is used to simulate stand establishment from bare ground, or to bring seedlings and sprouts into a simulation with existing trees. Sprouts are automatically added to the simulation following harvest or burning of known sprout species (see table 6.0.1 for sprouting species). Table 6.0.1 Regeneration parameters by species in the AK variant. Species Code WS RC SF MH WH YC LP SS AF RA CW OH OS Sprouting Species No No No No No No No No No Yes Yes No No Minimum Bud Width (in) 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 Minimum Tree Height (ft) 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.5 Maximum Tree Height (ft) 27.0 31.0 25.0 25.0 26.0 24.0 28.0 20.0 20.0 50.0 20.0 18.0 26.0 One sprout record is created for red alder and logic rule {6.0.1} is used to determine the number of sprout records for black cottonwood. The trees-per-acre represented by each sprout record is determined using general sprouting probability equation {6.0.2}. See table 6.0.2 for species-specific sprouting probabilities, number of sprout records created, and reference information. Users wanting to modify or turn off automatic sprouting can do so with the SPROUT or NOSPROUT keywords, respectively. Sprouts are not subject to maximum and minimum tree heights found in table 6.0.1 and do not need to be grown to the end of the cycle because estimated heights and diameters are end of cycle values. {6.0.1} For black cottonwood: DSTMPi ≤ 5: NUMSPRC = 1 5 < DSTMPi ≤ 10: NUMSPRC = NINT(-1.0 + 0.4 * DSTMPi) 28 DSTMPi > 10: NUMSPRC = 3 {6.0.2} TPAs = TPAi * PS {6.0.3} For red alder: PS = ((99.9 - 3.8462 * DSTMPi) / 100) where: DSTMPi NUMSPRC NINT TPAs TPAi PS is the diameter at breast height of the parent tree is the number of sprout tree records rounds the value to the nearest integer is the trees per acre represented by each sprout record is the trees per acre removed/killed represented by the parent tree is a sprouting probability (see table 6.0.2) Table 6.0.2 Sprouting algorithm parameters for sprouting species in the AK variant. Species Code Sprouting Probability Number of Sprout Records RA {6.0.3} 1 CW 0.9 {6.0.1} Source Harrington 1984 Uchytil 1989 Gom and Rood 2000 Steinberg 2001 Regeneration of seedlings may be specified by using PLANT or NATURAL keywords. Height of the seedlings is estimated in two steps. First, the height is estimated when a tree is 5 years old (or the end of the cycle – whichever comes first) by using the small-tree height growth equations found in section 4.6.1. Users may override this value by entering a height in field 6 of the PLANT or NATURAL keyword; however the height entered in field 6 is not subject to minimum height restrictions and seedlings as small as 0.05 feet may be established. The second step also uses the equations in section 4.6.1, which grow the trees in height from the point five years after establishment to the end of the cycle. Seedlings and sprouts are passed to the main FVS model at the end of the growth cycle in which regeneration is established. Unless noted above, seedlings being passed are subject to minimum and maximum height constraints and a minimum budwidth constraint shown in table 6.0.1. After seedling height is estimated, diameter growth is estimated using equations described in section 4.6.2. Crown ratios on newly established trees are estimated as described in section 4.3.1. Regenerated trees and sprouts can be identified in the treelist output file with tree identification numbers beginning with the letters “ES”. 29 7.0 Volume In the AK variant, volume is calculated for three merchantability standards: total stem cubic feet, merchantable stem cubic feet, and merchantable stem board feet (Scribner Decimal C). Volume estimation is based on methods contained in the National Volume Estimator Library maintained by the Forest Products Measurements group in the Forest Management Service Center (Volume Estimator Library Equations 2009). The default merchantability standards and equation numbers for the AK variant are shown in tables 7.0.1 – 7.0.3. Table 7.0.1 Volume merchantability standards for the AK variant. Merchantable Cubic Foot Volume Specifications: Minimum DBH / Top Diameter All location codes Stump Height Merchantable Board Foot Volume Specifications: Minimum DBH / Top Diameter All location codes Stump Height Hardwoods 11.0 / 8.0 inches 1.0 foot Softwoods 9.0 / 6.0 inches 1.0 foot Lodgepole Pine 8.0 / 6.0 inches 1.0 foot All other species 9.0 / 6.0 inches 1.0 foot Table 7.0.2 Volume equation defaults for each species, at specific location codes, with model name. Common Name white spruce western redcedar western redcedar Pacific silver fir Pacific silver fir mountain hemlock mountain hemlock western hemlock Alaska cedar Alaska cedar lodgepole pine lodgepole pine Sitka spruce subalpine fir subalpine fir red alder black cottonwood black cottonwood other hardwoods other hardwoods other softwoods Location Code ALL 701, 1002, 1003, 1005 1004 701, 1002, 1003, 1005 1004 701, 1002, 1003, 1005 1004 ALL 701, 1002, 1003, 1005 1004 701, 1002, 1003, 1005 1004 All 701, 1002, 1003, 1005 1004 All 701, 1002, 1003, 1005 1004 701, 1002, 1003, 1005 1004 701, 1002, 1003, 1005 Equation Number A00DVEW094 A00F32W242 A01DEMW000 A00F32W260 A01DEMW000 A00F32W260 A01DEMW000 A00F32W260 A00F32W042 A00DVEW094 A00F32W260 A01DEMW000 A00F32W098 A00F32W260 A01DEMW000 A32CURW351 A00F32W260 A00DVEW747 A00F32W260 A16DEMW098 A00F32W260 30 Model Name Larson Volume Equation Flewelling Profile-32ft Log Rule Demars Profile Model Flewelling Profile-32ft Log Rule Demars Profile Model Flewelling Profile-32ft Log Rule Demars Profile Model Flewelling Profile-32ft Log Rule Flewelling Profile-32ft Log Rule Larson Volume Equation Flewelling Profile-32ft Log Rule Demars Profile Model Flewelling Profile-32ft Log Rule Flewelling Profile-32ft Log Rule Demars Profile Model Curtis Profile Model-32ft Log Rule Flewelling Profile-32ft Log Rule Larson Volume Equation Flewelling Profile-32ft Log Rule Demars Profile Model Flewelling Profile-32ft Log Rule Common Name other softwoods Location Code 1004 Equation Number A16DEMW098 Model Name Demars Profile Model Table 7.0.3 Citations by Volume Model Model Name Curtis Profile Model-32ft Log Rule Demars Profile Model Flewelling Profile-32ft Log Rule Larson Volume Equation Citation Curtis, Robert O, David Bruce, and Caryanne VanCoevering. 1968. Volume and Taper Tables for Red Alder. Pacifc Northwest Forest and Range Exp. Sta. Research Paper PNW-56. Bruce, D., 1984. Volume estimators for Sitka spruce and western hemlock in coastal Alaska. In Inventorying forest and other vegetation of the high latitude and high altitude regions. SAF pub 84-11. Bethesada, MD. pp. 96-102. Unpublished. Based on work presented by Flewelling and Raynes. 1993. Variableshape stem-profile predictions for western hemlock. Canadian Journal of Forest Research Vol 23. Part I and Part II. Larson, Frederic R. and Kenneth C Winterberger. 1988. Tables and Equations for Estimating Volumes of trees in the Susitna River Basin, Alaska. Pacific Northwest Research Station Research Note PNW-478. 31 8.0 Fire and Fuels Extension (FFE-FVS) The Fire and Fuels Extension to the Forest Vegetation Simulator (FFE-FVS) (Reinhardt and Crookston 2003) integrates FVS with models of fire behavior, fire effects, and fuel and snag dynamics. This allows users to simulate various management scenarios and compare their effect on potential fire hazard, surface fuel loading, snag levels, and stored carbon over time. Users can also simulate prescribed burns and wildfires and get estimates of the associated fire effects such as tree mortality, fuel consumption, and smoke production, as well as see their effect on future stand characteristics. FFEFVS, like FVS, is run on individual stands, but it can be used to provide estimates of stand characteristics such as canopy base height and canopy bulk density when needed for landscape-level fire models. For more information on FFE-FVS and how it is calibrated for the AK variant, refer to the updated FFEFVS model documentation (Rebain, comp. 2010) available on the FVS website. 32 9.0 Insect and Disease Extensions FVS Insect and Disease models have been developed through the participation and contribution of various organizations led by Forest Health Protection. The models are maintained by the Forest Health Technology Enterprise Team (FHTET) and regional Forest Health Protection specialists. Dwarf Mistletoe is the only I&D model available in the AK variant. The dwarf mistletoe model is available in the base FVS variant available on the FVS website. Additional details regarding the dwarf mistletoe model may be found in chapter 8 of the Essential FVS Users Guide (Dixon 2002); for more detailed information, users can download the individual model guides from the FHTET website. 33 10.0 Literature Cited Arney, J. D. 1985. A modeling strategy for the growth projection of managed stands. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 15(3):511-518. Bechtold, William A. 2004. Largest-Crown-Diameter Prediction Models For 53 Species In The Western United States. Wjaf; 19(4):245-251. Bruce, D., 1984. Volume estimators for Sitka spruce and western hemlock in coastal Alaska. In Inventorying forest and other vegetation of the high latitude and high altitude regions. SAF pub 84-11. Bethesada, MD. pp. 96-102. Cole, D. M.; Stage, A. R. 1972. Estimating future diameters of lodgepole pine. Res. Pap. INT-131. Ogden, UT: U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 20p. Crookston, Nicholas. 2003. Internal Document on File. Moscow, ID: Data provided from region 1. Crookston, Nicholas. 2005. Draft: Allometric Crown Width Equations for 34 Northwest United States Tree Species Estimated Using Generalized Linear Mixed Effect Models. Curtis, Robert O. 1967. Height-diameter and height-diameter-age equations for second-growth Douglas-fir. Forest Science 13(4):365-375. Curtis, Robert O, David Bruce, and Caryanne VanCoevering. 1968. Volume and Taper Tables for Red Alder. Pacifc Northwest Forest and Range Exp. Sta. Research Paper PNW-56. Dixon, G. E. 1985. Crown ratio modeling using stand density index and the Weibull distribution. Internal Rep. Fort Collins, CO: U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Management Service Center. 13p. Dixon, Gary E. comp. 2002 (revised frequently). Essential FVS: A user’s guide to the Forest Vegetation Simulator. Internal Rep. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Management Service Center. Donnelly, Dennis. 1996. Internal Document On File. Fort Collins, CO: Data provided from region 6. Farr, Wilbur A. 1984. Site index and height growth curves for unmanaged even-aged stands of western hemlock and Sitka spruce in southeast Alaska. Res. Pap. PNW-326. Portland, OR: UDSA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Forest and Range Experiment Station. 26p. Unpublished. Based on work presented by Flewelling and Raynes. 1993. Variable-shape stem-profile predictions for western hemlock. Canadian Journal of Forest Research Vol 23. Part I and Part II. Gom, L. A., & Rood, S. B. (2000). Fire induces clonal sprouting of riparian cottonwoods. Canadian Journal of Botany, 77(11), 1604-1616. Harrington, Constance A. 1984. Factors influencing initial sprouting of red alder. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 14: 357-361. 34 Hegyi, F.; Jelink, J.J.; Viszlai, J.; Carpenter, D.B. 1979. Site Index Equations and Curves for the Major Tree Species in British Columbia. Forest Inv. Rep. No. 1. Ministry of Forests Victoria, BC. November 1979, revised September 1981. Johnson, Norman L. and Kotz, Samuel. 1970. Continuous univariate distributions-1. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin company. 300 p. Krajicek, J.; Brinkman, K.; Gingrich, S. 1961. Crown competition – a measure of density. Forest Science. 7(1):35-42 Larson, Frederic R. and Kenneth C Winterberger. 1988. Tables and Equations for Estimating Volumes of trees in the Susitna River Basin, Alaska. Pacific Northwest Research Station Research Note PNW-478. Moeur, Melinda. 1981. Crown Width And Foliage Weight Of Northern Rocky Mountain Conifers. USDA Forest Service, Int-183. Rebain, Stephanie A. comp. 2010 (revised frequently). The Fire and Fuels Extension to the Forest Vegetation Simulator: Updated Model Documentation. Internal Rep. Fort Collins, CO: U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Management Service Center. 379 p. Reinhardt, Elizabeth; Crookston, Nicholas L. (Technical Editors). 2003. The Fire and Fuels Extension to the Forest Vegetation Simulator. Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-116. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 209 p. Stage, A. R. 1973. Prognosis Model for stand development. Res. Paper INT-137. Ogden, UT: U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 32p. Steinberg, Peter D. 2001. Populus balsamifera subsp. trichocarpa. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Stephens, F.R.; Gass C.R.; Billings, R.F. 1969. Soils and site index in southeast Alaska. Report number two of the soil-site index administrative study. Juneau, AK: USDA Forest Service, Alaska Region. 17 p. Taylor, R.F. 1934. Yield of second-growth western hemlock – Sitka spruce stands in southeastern Alaska. Report number two of the soil-site index administrative study. Juneau, AK: USDA Forest Service, Alaska Region. 30 p. Uchytil, Ronald J. 1989. Alnus rubra. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory. -----. 2009(revised frequently). Volume Estimator Library Equations. Internal Rep. Fort Collins, CO: U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Management Service Center. Wykoff, W. R. 1990. A basal area increment model for individual conifers in the northern Rocky Mountains. For. Science 36(4): 1077-1104. 35 Wykoff, William R., Crookston, Nicholas L., and Stage, Albert R. 1982. User’s guide to the Stand Prognosis Model. Gen. Tech. Rep. INT-133. Ogden, UT: Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. 112p. 36 11.0 Appendices 11.1 Appendix A: Site Index Conversion Information Site index curves and soil information from the original data sets used to build the AK variant were all converted to Farr (1984) site curves. These conversions are below. A) Hegyi, et al Site Curves Hegyi, et al (1981), site curves for the major tree species in British Columbia were directly converted to Farr (1981) curves, because the data had height and age. B) Stephens, et al 1969 Stephens, et al (1969) base age 100 curves were converted to Farr (1984) base age 50 curves as seen in table 11.1.1. Table 11.1.1 Conversion of Stephens et al (1969) site index to Farr (1984). SGB 100 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 Farr 50 100 93 85 80 75 65 60 55 45 C) Taylor, R.F. 1934 Equation {11.1.1} converts Taylor 100 to Farr 50 for western hemlock, and equation {11.1.2} converts Taylor 100 to Farr 50 for Sitka spruce. {11.1.1} western hemlock site index = -29.47 - 0.14392 * A + 1.58593* S - 0.0045079 * S^2 {11.1.2} Sitka spruce site index = 21.38 - 0.33969 * A + 0.68586*S + 0.0019147 * S^2 where: S A =Taylor site at 100 years =Total Age. D) Farr 1984 These were used directly or adjusted for species by equations {11.1.3} or {11.2.4}. These relationships were taken directly from Farr’s (1984) publication. {11.1.3} western hemlock site index = 24.41 + 0.674 * Sitka spruce site index {11.1.4} Sitka spruce site index = -6.62 + 1.152 * western hemlock site index 37 E) Soils Information Use of soils information presented some special problems as different areas used different soils classifications and the same soil in different areas might have different productivity. Estimates of Farr site 50 for various soils series are given in table 11.1.2. Table 11.1.2 Farr site index by soil series for southeast Alaska/coastal British Columbia. Soil Series Annahootz Calamity Edgecumbe Farragut Foad Golden Grindall Guguak Gunnuk Helm Hofstad Hollow Hydaburg Isidor Kadashan Kaikli Karheen Karta Kasiana Kasnyku Kina Kogish Kootznahoo Kupreanof Kushneahin Leisnoi Magnetic Maybeso McGilvery Meares Mitkof Mosman Nakwasina Naukati Chatham 100 Ketchikan Stikine 10 85 85 100 10 100 60 60 80 10 70 80 10 65 55 60 50 55 55 65 10 10 55 100 10 80 80 55 100 65 100 30 20 100 100 55 90 38 10 30 20 5 50 65 90 55 80 100 90 50 60 80 Soil Series Partofshikof Peril Remedios Rynda Salt Chuck Sarkar Shakan Shelikof Shinaku Sitka Sloduc Sokolof South Bight South Mountain St. Nicholas Staney (Bog) Sukoi Sunnyhay Taku Tokeen Tolsto Tonowek Traitors Tuxekan Ulloa Verstovia Vixen Wadleigh Waterfall Yakobi Yakutat Chatham 80 80 100 Ketchikan 100 90 65 60 60 100 55 100 100 55 100 100 55 65 80 60 55 10 85 100 90 100 100 100 100 75 100 60 80 80 100 90 100 65 80 85 80 0 10 10 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 80 80 85 39 Stikine 100 100 80 The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, or marital or family status. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (202) 720-5964 (voice or TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. 40