File Code: Route To: Subject: 5100 Date: July 25, 2003 Releaseof FSH 5109.17(Fire and Aviation ManagementQualifications Handbook) To: Regional Foresters, Station Directors, Area Director, IITF Director, Job Corps, and WO Staff The Fire and Aviation ManagementQualificationsHandbook(FSH5109.17)hasbeenrevised andwill be issuedwith an effectivedateof July 8, 2003. This handbookservesasthe primary position qualificationrequirementsguide for ForestServiceemployees.FSH 5109.17 supplementsthe Wildland andPrescribedFire QualificationSystemGuide,PMS 310-1. PMS 310-1 providesnationalminimum incidentmanagement andprescribedfire requirementsfor personnel.The FSH 5109.17describesmore specificskill levelsandlists additionaltraining to meetagencyspecificrequirements. FSH 5109.17 is designed to establish a single qualification standard for the Forest Service. Regional Foresters can supplement fire and aviation managementqualifications requirements only to comply with State or local law. This amendmentidentifies additional required National Wildfire and Coordinating Group and equivalent courses for some positions. Individuals who have initiated task books for those positions shall be required to complete the training prior to certification for the position. Bill Terry, Branch Chief for Fire Training, Fire and Aviation Management Staff, Washington Office has established an FSH 5109.17 ad hoc committee with memberswho serve as: contacts representing the Branch Chief for Fire Training; and subject matter experts in the functional areasof the Incident Command System positions, including the technical specialist. A listing of the ad hoc committee representativesand contact phone numbers, along with the functional areas they represent, can be found on the National Training Information Communications System (TICS) world wide web/lnternet: htt. ://www.nationaliretrainin .net -~ The handbook is available electronically on the Forest Service Web site at htt!):// 09.17/ and to other agenciesand the public on the World Wide Web at htm:// 09.17/.Please review the document in its entirety and implement it on your units. /s/ Robin L. Thompson(for) JOELD. HOLTROP DeputyChief StateandPrivateForestry To open this document in the Records database, click on this link ->~ Table of Contents 02 03 04 05 06 07 ! -OBJECTIVE -POLICY -RESPONSIBILITY -DEFINITIONS -REFERENCES -REVIEW AND REVISION 4 4 4 4 6 7 02 -OBJECTIVE To establishpositions,qualifications,and certificationrequirementsin fire and aviation managementto ensureForestServicepersonnelhavethe organization,training, and qualificationsto carry out fire and aviationmanagement policies andprogramsin a safe,costefficient manner,consistentwith land andresourcemanagementobjectives. 03-POLICY 1. Comply with the qualificationsrequirementsfor the skills andknowledgeuniqueto fire and aviationmanagement and the IncidentCommandSystem(ICS) as establishedby the National Wildfire CoordinatingGroup (NWCG) in the Wildland and PrescribedFire Qualification SystemGuide,PMS 310-1 (sec. 12 and FSM 5108). Comply with anyadditional ForestServicerequirementsfor additionaltraining andqualificationsas set forth in sections25.1 through 25.3 of this Handbook,FSH 5109.17,which is the controlling documentwith respectto all fire and aviationmanagement qualifications for ForestServiceemployees. 2. Accept personnel from State agencies or other non-Federal cooperators hired as Administratively Determined (AD) personnel participating in cooperative fire management efforts, provided they meet the minimum position requirements as specified in the NWCG Wildland and Prescribed Fire Qualifications Systems Guide, PMS 310-1 (sec. 12 and FSM 5108). 04 -RESPONSIBILITY 1. The WashingtonOffice Staff Directors,RegionalForesters,StationDirectors,Area Director, ForestSupervisors,and District Rangersareresponsiblefor assessingthe training developmentneedsof employeesin their units andproviding appropriatetraining opportunities. 2. Employeesare ultimately responsiblefor their own developmentand shouldrespond to training opportunitiesthatwill improve their performance. 3. Managersandemployeeshavethe responsibilityto review directionand propose necessaryrevisionsaspart of the annualreview and revisionprocessfor this Handbook(sec. 07). 05 -DEFINITIO,.,IS For additionaldefinitions oftenns relatedto the IncidentCommandSystem(ICS), refer to FSM 5105 andthe Glossaryof Tenns for the Fireline Handbook,NWCG 410-1 (FSH 5109.32a, sec.05). Certification. The process in which a managerconfirms that an individual has met all minimum qualifications and is qualified to perform in a specified position based on performance. The certification is documented on a data managementsystemprogram and with the issuanceof Form PMS 310-3, Qualification Card Incident Command System, to the qualified individual. CurrencyR~uirement. The requirementto haveperformedsatisfactorilyin a specified position within the last 5 years(or last 3 yearsin aviationand dispatchpositions)to maintain qualification for thatposition. (Seealso "Other PositionsMeeting CurrencyRequirements.") De-certification. The processof removingor reducingan individual's fire suppression, fire use, and/orprescribedfire managementposition(s)qualification(s). Evaluator. A personwho is certified in the positionin which the traineeis being evaluatedand who is assignedto evaluatea trainee'sperformance.Prior to evaluatinga trainee's performance,the Evaluatormusthaveservedin a minimumof two assignments as fully qualified in the position. Ex~erience.Documented,satisfactoryperfonnancein specifiedICS positionsthat is neededto qualify for another(usuallyhigher level) position; in the caseof a trainee,satisfactory perfonnancein the position for which the traineeis to qualify. Grandfathering. Linking ~nrecognized or uncertified position experience and/or training together to establish a qualification. There is no "grandfathering" allowed for any position contained in this Handbook, FSH 5109.17. IncidentCommandSystem(lCS). The combinationof facilities, equipment,personnel, procedures,and communicationsoperatingwithin a commonorganizationalstructure,with responsibilityfor the managementof assignedresourcesto effectively accomplishstated objectivespertainingto an incident. Other PositionsMeetin1!CurrencyReauirements.Positionsin anotherfunction, or at an equivalentor lower level in the samefunction, that meetthe currencyrequirementsfor the positionunder which they arelisted. Position Performance Assignment. An assignment in which an individual is being evaluated for tasks found in the position task books. Exceptions for the Single Resource Boss and Strike Team Leader positions are found on page A-13 of the NWCG Wildland and Prescribed Fire Qualification System Guide, PMS 310-1. Qualified Individual. An individual whoseagencyhasdocumentedthat the individual has successfullycompletedall requirementsfor training, experience,andphysical fitness for a specific ICS position. Re-certification. ReissuanceofFonn PMS 310-3, QualificationCard IncidentCommand System,certifying that an individual hasregainedqualificationfor an ICS position. SatisfactoryPerfonnance.Perfonnanceby an individual that meetsor exceedsthe written standardsfor a specific ICS positionasevaluatedby the individual's incident or agency supervtsor. Skill Position. A position that requires specific skills and knowledge to perfonn on a wildland fire incident. Examples include Firefighter, Fire Behavior Analyst, Single Resource Boss, Prescribed Fire Bum Boss, or Ignition Specialist. Subject Matter Exnert. A person who has a thorough technical knowledge and recent field experience in perfOnIling and/or supervising the task in question. A person generally recognized among working associatesas being very competent at perfonIling thetask(s). TechnicalSRecialist.A personhavinguniqueskills perfonnedin an everydayjob that are neededto supportan incidentoperation. ExamplesincludeContractingOfficer, Environmental Specialist,Electrician,andMeteorologist. Trainee. An agency-approved individual who is preparingto qualify for a position through completionof training coursesand on-the-jobtraining. Also, a personwho is attempting to demonstratetask evaluationor positionperformanceof requiredjob tasksunderthe direct supervisionof an evaluatorwho is qualified in the position. Trainer/Coach. A qualified individual who providesinstructionto a trainee in the classroom,on thejob, or on an incident. A Trainer/Coachmustbe currentlyqualified in the position being observedand musthave successfullyperformedin a minimum of two assignments in the position for which the Trainer/Coachis training others. Training Snecialist. A personwho identifies incidentevaluationopportunitiesfor traineesand ensuresthat the assignmentis properlydocumented.On initial attackand extended attackincidentsthe Training Specialist'sdutieswould be perfonnedby unit personnel. 06-REFERENCES For additional directionand infonnation, consultthe referenceslisted in FSM 5108 andthe following references: 1. ForestServiceWorld Wide Web/IntemetFire website: 2. InteragencyHelicopter OperationsGuide,NFES 1885(FSM 5716.03). 3. InteragencyAir Tactical GroupSupervisorGuide,NFES 1393(FSM 5716.03). 4. InteragencyIncidentBusinessManagementHandbook,PMS901-1 (FSH 5109.34). 5. Fireline Handbook,PMS 410-1 (FSM 5109.32a). 6. InteragencyAerial Ignition GuideNFES 1080(FSM 5142.2). 7. InteragencySingleEngine Air TankerOperationsGuide,NFES 1844(FSM 5716.03). 8. InteragencyRappelGuide (FSM 5711.11). 9. Standardsfor Fire and Aviation Operations(FSM 5108). 07 -REVIEW AND REVISION To maintain the currency ofFSH 5109.17, Fire and Aviation Management Qualifications Handbook, the Director, Fire and Aviation Management Staff, Washington Office, has established a process for annual review and revision of the direction in this Handbook. 1. The Director of Fire and Aviation Management, Washington Office, shall issue an annual call1etler by September 1 to field units and Washington Office Staffs requesting their review of this Handbook and submission of responses. Comments and proposed revisions are due back by October 1. 2. Field units should submitproposedrevisionsto their respectiveRegionalFire Training Officers. 3. The RegionalFire Training Officers shall consolidateresponsesfor their Regionsand forward them to the BranchChief for Fire Training, Fire and Aviation ManagementStaff, WashingtonOffice or the representativedesignatedin the call letter. 4. The Branch Chief for Fire Training, Fire and Aviation Management Staff, Washington Office, shall annually assemblea working team to review the consolidated comments submitted by field units and Washington Office Staff Units; consult with subject matter experts and Regional Fire Training Officers as appropriate; and determine the need for revision. The working teamshall include a PartnershipCouncil Representative and ForestService REDCARD ProjectLeader,aswell as selectedRegionalFire Training Officers and appropriate subjectmatterexperts(for example,FuelsSpecialists,HelicopterOperationsSpecialists,and so on). 5. An FSH 5109.17ad hoc committeehasbeenestablishedby the BranchChief, Fire Training, Fire and Aviation ManagementStaff, WashingtonOffice, with memberswho serveas: a. Contactsrepresentingthe BranchChief for Fire Training, and b. Subjectmatterexpertsin the functionalareasof the ICS positions,including the technicalspecialist. A listing of the adhoc committeerepresentativesand contact phonenumbers,along with the functionalareasthey represent,canbe found on the National Training InformationCommunicationsSystem(TICS) world wide web/Internet: Table of Contents 11 -NATIONAL INTERAGENCY INCIDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 3 11.1 -Organizational Chartsfor IncidentCommandSystem 12 -WILDLAND AND PRESCRIBED FIRE QUALIFICATION 310-1 12.04 -Responsibility 3 SYSTEM GUIDE, PMS 15 , 15 11 -NATIONAL INTERAGENCY INCIDENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (For further direction, seeFSM 5133 All wildland fire protectionagenciesareorganizedto manageforest,brush,and grassfires within their jurisdictions. They can usuallymanagelarge,complexfires with their own resources.However, additional or substantialoutsideassistancemaybe required at times. To addressthis need,a nationwide multi-agencymanagement systemhasbeenadopted,called the National InteragencyIncident ManagementSystem(NIIMS), which providesthe total systems approachnecessaryfor responsein emergencysituationsinvolving a wide rangeof natural or human-causedincidents. NIIMS consistsof five major subsystems,which togetherprovide a total approachto incident management.The subsystemsand their functionsareasfollows: 1. IncidentCommandSvstemacs). An on-scenestructureof genericmanagementlevel positions suitableto manageanyincident. 2. Training. Development and delivery of training courses, 3. Qualifications and Certification. National standards for qualifications and certification for ICS positions. 4. Publications Management. Development, control, sources,and distribution ofNIIMS publications provided by the National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG). 5. Supporting Technology. Technology and systemsused to support an emergency response, such as orthophoto mapping, National Fire Danger Rating System, remote automatic weather stations, automatic lightning detection systems,infrared technology, and communications. 11.1 -Organizational Charts for Incident Command System Exhibits 01 through 09 display the organization and reporting lines for Incident Command System (ICS) positions for the most complex incidents. Following is the key to the qualification flow charts. The charts in this chapter show the progression of qualifications !!Q! organization charts. . from one position to another within the system. These charts ~ Eachbox within the chartscontainsinfonnationpertainingto prerequisitequalifications, training, and physical fitnessandshouldbe readas shownin the following diagram: IWOAMENDMENT5109.17-2003-2 5109.17_10 EFFECTIVE DATE: 06/25/2003 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. -~ Page 4 of 15 FSH 5109.17 -FIRE AND AVIATION MANAGEMENT QUALIFICATIONS HANDBIOOK CHAPTER 10 -NATIONAL INTERAGENCY INCIDENT' MANAGEMENT SYSTE:M An asterisk (*) indicates that a position perfonnance assignment on a wildland or prescribed fire is needed prior to final qualifications in this position. Jobtitle andmnemonicsidentifier for position. Positions(listed by mnemonics) for which a prerequisite qualificationis required. Training course(s) required for qualificationin this position. Seesections21-25 of this Handbook for a completelist of requiredtraining, knowledge,and skills needed. Required level ofI physical fitness for this position: A -Arduous, M -Moderate, L -Light, N -None. -