Maths Works! PROVISIONAL PROGRAMME Day 1: Mathematics in the world of work

Maths Works!
Day 1: Mathematics in the world of work
Registration and refreshments
10.00 Introductions
 The team
 Aims and outline of the series
 The Mascil project
10.45 How maths is used in the world of work (1)
 Presentations from employers about the maths they use
 Specific examples of maths tasks from the workplace
11.30 Break and refreshments
11.45 How maths is used in the world of work (2)
 Research background and examples
(Tool WA1)
12.45 Lunch
Mascil resources for teachers
 Introduction to Mascil toolkit
 Ways of working with the toolkit
(Tool PDA1/2)
 Planning teacher activity between sessions
How maths is used in the world of work (3)
 Further presentations from employers about the maths they use
 Specific examples of maths tasks from the workplace
Tasks and tools to make connections to the world of work
 Examples of tasks that make connections (various sources)
 Making connections
(Tool WE1)
Questions, discussion, feedback and next steps
Maths Works!
The programmes for Day 2 and Day 3 will reflect feedback and issues arising
from Day 1. The provisional content for these days is indicated below.
Day 2: Developing relevant skills in the classroom
Presentations from employers about how problem-solving and inquiry
feature in the workplace
Examples from employers about maths problems that occur in the
Further exploration of sample tasks that bring the world of work into the
classroom and how this is achieved
Ways of developing inquiry-based learning in the classroom.
Day 3: Planning lessons that make connections
Practical issues in lesson planning and using resources
Ways of using tasks in the classroom to make connections to the world
of work
Designing lessons and classroom tasks that promote inquiry and
connections to the world of work.